f t THE POLK C OUNT Y NEWS -TRYON. N. C. ' 1 Mil , " i i -3 11 t ' f 5 I 9 i -.'Ij ! H t -I. ! ? i rl Hf ! i u r I X I s - ! i ; J is POLK COUNTY' NEWS AND THE TR YON BEE J Consolidated Nov. 27, 1915. Publisher' Every Friday at TRYON I POLK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ? The Land of the Sky Saiuda Office In Saluda Pharmacy Building- W. F. "LITTLE, Managing Editor Entered as second-class matter April 28, I9i5, atthe post office at Tryon, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. t-" ; 1 ; ' ' SUBSCMPTION BATES Payable in Adiance. One Year... ... ... ... 1.. ...$1.00 We are not responsible for the opin ion p or expressions of our correspondents. VOL XXI NO. 30. FRIDAY DECEMBER, 3, 1915. BEE AND NEWS MERGED 'The merging of The fry on Bee and Polk County News was accom plished last Saturday. The two pa pers will be published as one begin ning with this issue.. The limited field-made it rough sledding for two papers in Polk County and the logi cal thing has come to pass, thanks to Mr George E Morton and th loyal citizens of Polk, who made the merg er possible. ' Mrs Morton has been retained to write the Tryon news as she has done for The Bee for several years. ( Bee subscribers will have their time extended, where they are also subscriber for The News. Exclusive Bee subscribers will have their time extended also pro rate on the basis of One Dollar a year, at which price we will sell .the combined papers. The Dollar a year newspaper is fast passing away for obvious reasons, but we think it the part of wisdom t continue at a dollar, thus increasing our circulation, second to none in Western North , Carolina. Advertisers can readily see the ad vantage of the combined circulation at no advance in price for space over twice the circulation at the same money. We have in mind severa1 improve ments in the paper at an early date of which we will'not go into details, preferring to suprise you. To carry out these plans it was necessary to organize a company which is being done. The annou ce ment of the names of these loyal . citizens will be made later. TRADE AT HOME Every dollar you send out of Polk County stays away. When you spend your money at home a portion of that money stays in the county, and you have a chance of getting it back. i Spend your money at home, build up business. You will get better goods at the same prices, freight and time considered. The mail order liouse has more expense than the home merchant. The cash you in tend to send away, spend at home and you will be better pleased. The News is chock full of ads this week, read' them and trade with the advertisers in y cur home paper. They are your neighbors and friends. The mail order" man cares only for your dollar. Notice North Carolina, Polk County, in the Superior court. E B Cloud, administrator of Mary Hill, deceased. - vs Johnathan Hill, Carson Hill, War dell Hill G B Hill, Angelina Watkins, Wealthy Jackson, Leah Laughter, Wiley Laughter, Grayson LaughUr Eli Laughter, Amanda Jane Stepp, Minerva Jones, Elia Dalton, William Dalton, Zeb Dalton; and Ira Wil liams, heirs at law. The defendants Johnathan Hill and Wealthy Jackson, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been comemnced in the superior court of Polk county to Sell real pro perty to pay , the debts of the above named decedent, situated in Coopers Gap township in said county, and the" said . defendants will f uther take notice that they5 are required to ap pear at the office cf the clerk of superior .court .for Polk county, North Carolina, on the 10th day of 'December, 1915, and answer the pe tition fcf the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in the petition. This M8th day of November, 1915. 28-4t J P Arledge Clerk of the Superior Court. Sale of Land For Taxes Rv virtu of the authority given me as tax collector for the town of Lynn, North Carolina, and for the purpose of satisfying the taxes due ia said town by the following nam ed tax-payers, I will on the 15th day of December 1915, in front of tne T.vnn Post Office in said town, oner for sale at public auction for cash, the following described land situated in said town, the property of eacn rP.RDfictive tax-payer and the amount of taxes due by such tax-payer be- ing set opposite the name of sucn tax-ipayer. Mrs E R Bevins ...... land & H G Cannon ..land.... 6.25 Pt w Canns House and lot.. 1.13 C C Constant.... house and lot 1.50 Clayton Constant House and lot .3 J Lee Fisher house and lot .56 Bob Fisher ....house and lot 1.44 R H Kuykendall land 46 R A Leonard house and lot.. z.i6 J G Newman. .. .house and lot.. 2. 87 Mrs Bell Rhodes ..house and lot LJl Bub Rhodes. land 1-25 John Rhodes.. ..house and lot..i.7& F A Thompson.. house nad lot.. 2.50 This the 10th day of November, 1915. . 27-5t . Tax Collector. 1 W L Underwood, Land Sale Notice is hereby given-that the undersigned, undr and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage executed to him by E S Kibble, in which default has been made, will sell for cash, at the Court house door at Columbus, on Monday, December 6th, 1915, the following land: A tract of land lying and being in Polk County, North Carolina, near Sandy Plains, beginning at a stake Camp's corner, Steadman's line of William Splawn's entry, and running thence with said line south 85 west 98 poles to a stake (in place of chest nut oak), his corner; thence with his line north 30 west 79 poles to a pine stump, his corner; thence with his line north, 76 pols to a stake, (in stead of black oak), his and James Green's corner; thence with Green's line south 67 west 28 poles to a chestnut (down), his and Owens's corner; thence with Owens's line south 15 west 177 poles tea stake, his corner; thence south 83 west 21 and one-half poles to a pine at the road, J F Williams's comer in said line; thence with three of his lines as follows: south 13 west 21 and one- half poles to a pine, south 18 west 2i and one-half poles to a stone, south 10 west 54 poles to a stake in W T Culbreth's line; thence with his line south 86 east 44 and two-thirds poles to a hickory his and Lipscomb' line; thence east 108 poles to a stake, his corner; thence with his line south 7 poles to a stake, Stearn' corner; thence with Stearns line east 62 poles to a stake, his corner in Camp's line; thence with said line north 172 poles to the beginning, con tainlng 255 acres. Sale will be made to satisfy bal xnce due on said mortgage. Sale will be held between 12 m and 2 o'clock1 p m. J A Walker, ' Mortgagee. Eaves and Edwards, Attorneys. Notice of Mortgage' Sale Whereas on the 10th day, of Feb ruary, 1915, William Cooper, M C Lesesne, and G I Lsesne excuted to the undersigned that mortgage which is- of record in4 book 10 at page 267, of the records of mortgages for Polk county, to secure two notes in the sum of $230.00 'and $745 respectively, and whereas default has been made in the payment of the seven hundred and forty five dollar note now, there fore, by virtue of the power contain ed in said mortgage and for the pur pose of satisfying said note, interest, cost and expenses, the. undersigned will on Monday December 6th, 1915, at 11 o'clock a m, at the court house door in Columbus, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the lands conveyed by said mortgage, which are bounded and d scribed as follows, viz: That property in the town of Salu da, Polk county, North Carolina known as the William Cooper proper ty containing three acres and bound ed on the South by road running rom Saluda to Howard's Gap road eading to the Stackhouse property, by the Stackhouse property on the East, the Grover Turner property on the North, and the L B Chase on the West, and being the same land described in deed to Mrs M C -esese on which the said O B, Gar en is now erecting a dwelling house This the 3rd day of November, 915. 26-5t ,iy B Garren Mortgagee. By Smith, Shipman arid Bridges. Attorneys. BUSINESS BUILDERS 0. F. T0NEY Raw and Dressed Lumber Laths and Shingles TRYON, N. C, ROUTE 1 A. L. HILL UNDERTAKING Over Swink-Hudson's. F. K. McFarland, Mgr. TRYON, N. C. WANTED Your orders for flooring, ceiling, We manufacture this and can save you money. See us for lath, brick, loors and sash. ; TRYON LUMBER CO., Tryon, N. C. WALTER JONES ATTO RN EY AT LAW Office up Stairs in Swink-Hudson Building Office Telephone Tryon N. C. Resident Telephone Call Saluda. JOHN P. LOCKHART Tr.yon, N. C. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates Cheerfully Given. PHONE NO. 74. FOR SALE 25 acres of land in Thermal Belt, unimproved. Fine fruit and vineyard land, $20 an acre. I J. LEONARD & CO., Tryon. POCKET BILLIARDS and s BOWLING ALLEY Basement Wilkins Bldg. Tryon, N. C M. C. BUTLER, MANAGER. T. IV. BALLE17 Groceries Fruit, Cigars, Tobacco And Soft Drinks. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. TRYON, N. C, Dr. C B Simmons DENTIST Office Over Drug Store Wednesday and Thursday of each Week. TRYON, N, C, Associated with Dr. J, T. Montgom ery, Spartanburg, S. C. , TIRSHETHA FOR CATARRH, INDIG E S T I O N and STOMACH TROUBLE DIARRHEA and DYSENTERY PRICE 50 Cents E. W. DEDMOND CLINTON, S-. C. PENNY COLUMN Advertisements will he inserted in this column and under this head at one cent a word each insertion. FOR SALE3 Jersey cow with heifer calf. Cheap to quick buyer, Jno C Morgan, Rt 1, Landrum, S C. 29-3t Pd. TURKEYS FOR SALE alive black bronz turkeys, fine and healthy, 7 months old $2, hus or toms, 1 year old, weighing 20 to 25 pounds for $3. Write G Prichard, Route 1, Mil) Springs, Polk County N C. Jan-pd LOST between Tryon and Columbus a pocket book, containing valuable papers. JReward if returned to F M Burgess, Columbus, or to The News, Tryon. 29-2t pd The party who took Captain Cawth- ray's cow chain will please come and get the cow. No questions asked.ltpd For rent A furnished flat of four rooms, hall and porch s Address Mrs O S Missildine, Box 273. adv tf. Crestwood is now open for sruests. Well equipped for service and com fort at reasonable rates, j Fine loca tion on Broadway. J O Rogers, Try on, NNC. adv tf. 23V "... - '-l J- Good Pain.t is cheap; and Devoe is not the only good paint; it. is one of-a 'dozen; : and ' vtery likely the only one in, your town there are hundreds of middling and bad. You can see what chance there is of another, good one there: perhaps one in ten at the most. Bad paint is dearest; middling, is dear; cost 2 or 3 times as much as the best." - , No matter about the ccst a gallon; , that Isn't it; the cost a square foor" the cost a job; better yet, the cQsr a year, There's a whole education in paint in this advertisement. DEVOE Gash Hardware Co, Tryon, N C sell it. ' . r Notice of Sale Under Mortgaage. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage executed and delivered to the undersigned by J L Hart and wife, Maggie Hart, dated the 10th, day of September, 1914 and of record in Book No 10 at page No 117, of the Records of Mortgages for Polk Coun ty, to secure an indebtedness there in named, the said J L Hart having been adjudged bankrupt thereby ma turing the said indebtedness and de fault having been made in payment of same, I will, therefore, pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, on Fri day, December the 24th, 1915 at 2 o'clock, p m, at the court house door in Columbus, Polk county, North Car blina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed tract of land, to-wit. Lying and being in Saluda Town ship,- County of Polk and state of North Carolina known and designated as follows: Beginning on a stone at the point where the ford of the branch on the Mountain Page road was, near where the post-office' now is in tbe city of Saluda, and runs thence North 68 degrees East, eight poles and six links to a stone, thence, 6V degrees West eleven poles and five links to a stone, thence soubh 68 degrees', West four teen poles and sixteen links to a stone, thence South 44 degrees East twelve poles to the beginning. Con taining eight-tenths of an acre, more or less. Excepting from this boundary a lot sold off and now owned by Mrs Babb, and also excepting from said boundary a lot sold off to Thompson and Pace. The lot covered and con veyed by this mortgage is the lot upon which the building in wfhich the Saluda Post office was located on date of said mortgage, and the house in which the said J L Hart mercan tile business was then being conduct ed, and the house used as ware room and plumbing shop was then situated This the 23rd day of November, 1915. J A Bishop Mortagee By J F Justice, Attorney. 29-4t l FOR SALE PIGS Tamwcrth, Berkshire and Cross Breed at $3 50 up, ANGORA GOATS Registered, $15 00, Grade Does $4.00, " , .. PIGEONS Carneaux 50 cents. RED POLL BULL Matured $100. Young $75.C0. MUTTON Shoulder 16 cents Leg 20 cents, pork sausage 25 cents pound, dressed chickens 20 cents pound, turkey 25 cents pound, By par cel post, add postage. Delivered in Tryon weekly. RICKSHAVEN FARM SALUDA N..C. ' USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS ELECTRIC FLAT IRON AN ELECTRIC $5,00 Cooks an Entire Meal quickly and Economically. - CALL AND SEE THEM mm mm. srn - COMPANY $3.0Q$3.QQ STOVE JAHES LEONARD '& COMPANY REAL ESTATE BROKERS ' Tryon, North Carolina Property of all" Description Bought and Sold f0 , Cash or on Commission r RENTING, LOANS AND INSURANCE "On The Book Are Charged off One By One" Build a Bank Account with your dollars one by one. The quickest way to independence a4 comfort is a Bank Account. It is easier to start a Bank Account than to earn money and it seems easier to earn money when vou have a Bank Ami Now is the time to start nauon is xne xmei 01 time. WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES Carolina State Bank SALUDA, N. C. Heating Stoves H We have a dandy little Wood Heater. Sale Price $1.25 Larger ones at propor tionate prices. Coal and wood stoves at Bargain Prices. GASH HARDWARE CO. TRYON, N. C. r HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICES FOR US 5 pound Fruit Cake for Christmas sells regulaly at $1.75 Now $1.25 Blake's Faust Blend Coffee Worlds Best 30 and 40 cents lb. Libby's Pure Apple Butter per can - 15 cents Beech Nut Bacon in glass jars - - 30 cents Libby's, Asparagus Tips - - ,. - 25 cents PHONE NO. 90 SwinkHudson Co. XV. K Wilkins, Mgr. TRYON, N. C. v.. OVER! FORDS Two leaders, more for your. money than any other car. NOW ON ODSPLAY Can Make Immediate Delivery. Will be glad to demostrate. Tryom Motor Co. Permanent advertiser m of Time YourDavs this account. "Propm;' e J -ANOS

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