o t .: '., THE POLK CPUffTY NEWS, TRYON, N O. efts I I V MONET WORKS FOR YOU EVERYDAY DEPOSITED IN THE SAYING DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF TRYON TRYON, N. C, 4 PER CENT PER ANN'JM ON CERTIFICATES BETTER BEGIN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT THIS MONTH World's High Trees; . -ah trees in the Australian for- grow to a aeigni 01 leei; Kan to 200 feet Not Hard to Please. "De man dat likea to hear hi-otlt talk," said Uncle Eben "is mos' al ways mighty easy interested." Notice . Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs Louisa E. Kennedy, de ceased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against 'aid es tate) to present them to fhe under signed executor on j or before the 26th day of November, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded, in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. tThis Novjmber 26th, 1915: J W Kennedy Executor Walter Jones, Attorney. 30-4t A HOUSE OF FIVE ROOMS FOR RENT In Try on; fairly furnished; fruit, city water, well. For terms apply to s , REV B M BRADIN, tf Tuxedo, N C. trees - ' , . . - . . . . . - LOOK. OUT FOR OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT t Our big volumn of business and credit rating allows us to buy goods at the very best prices and through our bargain basement we are going to give our customers the advantage of these prices. IN OUR BASEMENT we WilL not charge or deliver goods, but to prompt pay customers wfe will charge on our regular floors a small per cent more for credit and delivery. In Basement we will carry an almost general stock which is too numerous to mention, except in a general way, or to name prices. WE will have at all times more, or less, Outing, Calicoes, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics, Shoes, Clothing, Tin and - Enamel Ware, Furniture, Blankets. Heavy Groceries, also, (Some Fancy Groceries,) Flour and Feed Stuffs. Compare the following prices with those of any neighboring towns large or small. 25pound sack of sugar .$1.70 Sack Shorts..:. . ...... 1.40, C. S. Meal. . ... .7.... 1.90' C. S. Hulls Sacked: .80 Loose Hulls.. 70 Flour, per bbl. ,.. .1 . ... 6.00 Hand packed Toins,- per doz. .. . '. 1. 10 Blue Star Corn per doz. 1.10 Princess Royal Corn per doz 1.40 Lilly Valley, Corn per doz......... 1.65 Soups '(Campbell's) per doz..'....... .... 1.10 Irish Potatoes per bu .90 Snyder's Pork and Beans per poz , 1.10 White Rose Oats per doz. .' 1. 10 Standard L. C. Peaches ........ ... 2.75 Superior L. C. Peaches 3.25 Supreme L. C. Peaches............ 3.85 Salmon.......... ......... 1.10 Salmon . 1.60 Salmon........................... 3.00 Tuna Fish .1.60 Apple Butter '. $1.65 Asstd. Jellies. 1.10 White Rose Jams 3.30 f Aspargus Tips... 3.10 Fish Flakes 1.10 Rumford Baking Powders 3 packages .70 Coffee per lb .20 Coffee per 10 lbs . .27 White Cap Peas per doz .- 2.50 White Cap Stringless Beans 2.25 Tiny Refugee Beans., 2.70 Tiny Green Limas 2 15 L. V. ex. fine S. W. Peas.. 2.40 P.R.Green Limas 1.80 P. R." Little Gem Peas 2.10 P. R. 2 lbs. Beets, per doz.... 1.40 P. R. Cut Beans 2lb. . 1.65 P. R. S. W. Peas 21b 1.70 B. S. Beets 21bs per doz.... . 1.70 31b. Cans Tomatoes per doz 1.10 Flour 24 pounds .75 We will make special prices on all can goods taken in doz. lots. When you figure the freight and delivery in you cannot go on any market and beat our prices and we do not require that you take in such quantities as you would necessarily buy on distant markets and we guarantee safe delivery of every can of goods that we sell. You have no claims to make -on railroads. We name a few prices above t)ut we have so many gods to, offer that it is not pratfcal to go into detail. Fot instance, we have a lot of drummer's samples absolutely perfect goods that we are able to buy at special discount and will offer to the public at strickly wholesale prices. This lot will consist of sweaters, overalls, ties, shirts, underwear, hosiery etc. We will present strong values on our Ten Cent Counter. The enamel ware assortment is even stronger than is offered in the City 10 ct. stores. ' We will be continually offering new goods in all departments and every one should visii our store and see what is offered from day to day. Weexpect to feed our BARGAIN DEPARTMENT with real live values but where ever you find it in our store the quality and price will be right. We will give away every Saturday afternoon, at 3 O'CLOCK a 42 piece Dinner Set This costs the winner absolutely nothing. TIKe r ger Co FOR EVERYTMIING TRYON, N. C. t PUBLIC SERVICE - i AUTO it Tryon, N. C. ! Careful driver. Dav or night trips. j- Call Phone No. 73 L A. JEWELRY REPAIRED Watches, C locks an d Je wiry of Every Description Kepaired. If you are suffering with bad Vision, Weak Eyes or Headache, "SEE me and you will SEE better" Twenty years of experience puis me in a position to guarantee satisfaction or your money back. Come up and let's get ac quainted. .L . J. H. JOHNSON, Up Stairs Over John Orr & Co. Tryon, N. C. f Anthony Allman & Gaffney Pressing Club OVER POST OFFICE Laides a n d Gentlemen Clothing Cleaned. All work guaranteed first class Hot and Cold Baths We are tyring to take care of Tryon Bring us , Your Work O (IB SCHOOLS E. IV. S. COBB & Polk County Superintendent jjg Compulsory Attendance Law Effec tive In County Dec. 6. It was ordered by the board of education that the Compulsory School Attendance Law should be in effect in this county on Dec. 6th, and ever child of school age in the county is expected to be in school on that da,y and continue in class regularly for a period of four months from that date. The school law makes attendance dui ing that period compulscry upon the children between the ages of seven and fifteen years." Children may be sent to private schools provided that school keep .such records of pupils as required by the State taw. The board has appointed the follow ing attendance officers for the differ ent districts of the county, and the teachers and the members of the school committee are required to co operate with the attendance officers to secure regular and punctual at tendance upon the part of every child in his district. Columbus Township District No. 1 N T Mills, Colum bus N C. , District No 2 H P Sharp, Landru.n S C, R 3. District No3 M Y Hall, Tryon N C R 1. District No 4 J T Waldrop, Lan- drum, S C, K. 4. District No 31 S E Waldrop, andrum, SC. District No 32 O C Bridges, Lan- drum, S? C. ! District No 34 N B Jackson, Try- on, N C Tryon Township- District 5 P N Hood, Lynn N C. District 7 J K Ward Tryon N C District 8 D D Pace Saluda, N C EE! 1 OFf ICE NOW OPEN Miss L. B. Jayne MANICURIST MISSILDINE BUILDING Manicuring and Shampoo ing for Ladies and Gentle men. Expert treatment of the hair. Facial massage. Office Hours 9 to 5, Except Wednesday and Thursdays SPECIAL DEAL! WINE OF URDU $1 a Bottle : AND 1 BLACK DRAUGHT , 25 Cents a Package $1.25 Regular Price For a short time the two for 99 Cents. MISSiLDINE'S PHARMACY THE REX ALL STORE TRYON, N. C. I il How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. "We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and bellev him perfectly honorable in all business transactions ana unanciauy a Die 10 carrj out' any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL, BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. artine dtrectlv unon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per Dottie. toio by all Druggists. Tke Hall's Family PlUs for constlpatloa Notice xrvo is hereby civ en that the Undertaking business heretofore con ducted by the Ballenger Company at Tryon, has been sold to A L Hill and that said Company is no longer con nected in any way with said business This November 28th, 1915. The Ballenger Company By, B L Ballenger, President. 29-4t Provided,-futher, that in case of pro tracted illness of any child whose at tendence is required under this act, or in case of quarantine of the home in which the child resides, upon the . report of the health officer or upon satisfactory' evidence to this effect, the attendance officer shall excuse from attendance such child until he is fully restored to health or un til the t me required by law that he shall stay out of school after quaran tine has been raised. (Penalty 'for Violation of Law.) Sec 4. Any person, guardian or oth er person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and "upon conviction shall be liable to a fine of not less tnan five dollars and upon failure or refusal to pay such fine said parent, guardian, or other person shall be imprisoned not to exceed thirty days in the counl ty jail, provided that the fine for any first offense may, upon the payment of cost be Buspendei and not collect ed until the same party is convicted of a second offense: Provided, futh er, that after the expiration of three days from the service of the notice by the attendance officer each ancK every day a parent, guardian, or oth er person shall willfully and un- awfully keep such child or children- rom shool or allow him to remain out of school, shall constitute a sep arate offense and shall be subject to penalty above prescribed. E W S Cobb County Supt. Notice State of North Carolina, County of oik. In the Superior court before the Clerk. Claud Scruggs Smith Scruggs, Eve- it yn, Jolly, Francis Harris, Jno L Scruggs, Clara Roberts, Molly Harris, Cliff Scruggs, Robert Scruggs, Rho ma Scruggs, Tiny Scruggs and Fan- Saluda, Township District 9 E B Thompson Saluda, N C. District 10 Lewis Hipp, Saluda, N C. , District 11 John Holbert, Saluda, N C. District 12 T E Pace, Fishtop, N C. ' District 13 T R Stepp, Flat Rock, N C, R F D. - . Greens Creek Township District 14 J C Davis, Campobel o, S C, R 5. District 15 E B Lancaster, Finger- ville, SC. ' District 16 (Special appointment by Committeemen) District 17 J M Briant, Ruther- fordton, N C. District 18 T H Steadman, Campo bello, S C, R 5. District 19 W E Chitwocd, Lan- drum, S C. R 1 G Green, Mill White Oak Townsh District 21 W Springs, N C. District 22 J H Gibbs, Mill Spring N C. District 23 W J Wilson, .Mill Springs, N C. District 24- Springs, N C. Distr'ct 35- N C. -W M Russell, Mill -W H Ledbetter, Uree, Coopers Gap Township r District 25 J C Powell, Mill Spring n c. : District 26 Pink Will ams Mill Spring, N C. District 27 U S Gibbs, Mill Spring N C. District 28 J W Biddy, Mil Sprina:, N C. - D!ctrict 29 M A Jackson, Walker, N C. District 30 R M Constant, Walk er, N C. District 35 F C Jackson, Mill Springs, N C. Extract from the Compulsory Schoo Law. FOR RENT The Doutfeday cottage; furnished; $25.00 par month, apply to tf H. DOUBLEDAY (Shall cause children to attend.) Sec. 3. Every parent, guardian, or other person in the State of North Carolina having charge or control of a child or children between the ages of eight and twere years shall cause said child to attend school as afore said: Provided, that occasional ab sence from such attendance by such child amounting to not more than tvc unexcused absences in fcur consecu t've weeks shall not be unlawful: Provided, futher that the super.n tendent, principal, teacher, in charge of any school may excuse any child for a temporary absence because of unusual storm of bad weather, sick ness or death in the child's family unforeseen or unavoidable accidents and such excuse and reason therefor shall be recorded by said superinten dent, principal, or teacher in charge of school and reported to the atten dence officer as hereinafter provided: ny Padgett. vs Cera Whitesides and hu&band Ay- den - Whitesides, Mossie Wilson and husband Nesbit Wilson, Lizzie Nodin and husband A J Nodin, Mandy Par- ham, and husband, J R Parham, John Jones, Robert Jones, May Jones and Hattie Jones. The defendants above' named to wit: Mandy Parham and husband, R Parham and Robert Jones will AM .A A 9 X . 9 taKe notice mat an action enunea as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Polk county, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtain ing a decree from said court to sell the lands of the late Landrum-Humpr ries for partition, which, said lands are situate in the Township of Coop- r Gap, county of Polk, State of North Carolina, and are bounded by the lands of Joseph Dimsdale and others, and contains 12 acres more or less. And said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the said Clerk of the Superior court of Polk county at his office in the courthouse in Col umbus, N C, on 'the 10th day ot December, 1915, and answer or demu to the complaint of the plaintiffs now on file in the office of said Clerk. This, the 16th day of November, 1915, 28-41 ' . . J P Arledge, Clerk of Superior Court. A Y Arledge, Atty , . Notice of Mortgage Sale By virtue, of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted on the 29 day of March 1913, by Lee Flax to J T Green to secure a note for $100.00, which mortgage is of record in Mortgage Book No page 214 of the records for Polk county, and the said mortgage and note having been assigned to E B Edwards, and default having been made In payment when due, the un dersigned will on Monday the 20th day of December, 1915, about 1 o' clock p m, for the purpose of satis fying said debt, with interest, cost and expenses added, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Polk county the land conveyed by said mortgage lying and being in the state of North Carolina, Eolk county, White Oak township and' described as foU lows: Beginning at a stake in the Specu lation, line and runs thence N 18 poles to a P O Thome corner; thence E 30 poles to a stake; thence N 23 and one-half, W 14 poles to a stone on Bishop's line; thence with same N 74 W 61 poles to a stake in said line; thence S 34 W 51 poles to a stake in a hollow in Thorn's line; thence with it E 61 poles to the be ginning, containing thirteen acres and three-fourths more or, lessl' This 18th "day of f November, 1915. 28-4t j T Green; Mortgagee, . E B Edwards, Assignee. E B Cloud, Atty. The News, your countypaper.

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