THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N. C. iaclie Gone- Gaineajjny rounas -f about a year I suffered with pal . P 0t,a would be very tired vhen ;n the morning, witn turning sen ir i dropped in weight to 110 poun . Vi one of your advertisement and liWed taking Dr. Kilmer'c Swump Cd gained from 110 vo 160 pounds. 'il L,een feeling good ever since. 1 .utiles of Dr. Kilmer. S.ramp- l. nau". .... . 'together and T highly recommenu r- friends as a good remedy for any jeering as l aid. . N employed in a store and nave to mv faet all the time. I am thirty- years om. r Verv trulv vours. T. II. MORGAN, Elizabeth City, N. C. ftnallv appeared before me this 10th An'ril. 1912. T. H. Morean. who 0; 1.,1 tlip above etatement and mHa ftIjat the same is true in substance tf1 T TTT?JVrXr YTTT CrVNT j . Notary Public. tin.. Cndmn.Oftn Will fWt Fa. V. ifr i npia tn Tr. Kilmer Jt fV, ,Smton, N. Y., for a sample size bot rit will convince anyone. You will I u receive a DooKiet oi vaiuaoie infor Son, telling about the kidneys and blad- PPer- ReSu'ar fifty-cent and one size bottles for . sale at. all drug Coal for Thousands of Years. 6 results of the investigation of uibe international Geographical con- in iyf, nave just Deen pud- ,,.vj1 They snow mat mere, is a re- w . . . j . . of unmmea coai estimatea at ffiSn,wv,vvv oi tons, or wmcn two $s are situated in North jArnerica jmteen the Rocky mountains and the i-alachians. the present annual consumption about 1,300,000,000 tons, there is mnsrh coal in sight to last nearly 0ft years at the , present j rate of cciifDmption, ana it must Del remem jKired that South America anjd Africa are still largely unexplored. DON' MINI PIMPLES Cuticura Soap and Ointment Will Ban ish Them. Trial Free. J These fragrant supercreahiy emol- ients do so much to cleanse, purify lid beautify the skin, scalpj hair and bands that you cannot afford to be without them. Besides they meet pery want in toilet preparations and ce most economical. ' ' Sample each free by mail with Book Aidress postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The Burning Question. Queenie Have you ever kissed a ill! . - ' ' - Osuld Is that an invitation or are jouatherins statistics. Varieties. Ktoer I'm thinking of studying it. Mer Plain, martial, unwritten or fad? TRY THE OLD RELIABLE Chill tonic fwMALARIA cPH&i' tBNE GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC Sal Statistics t H- V. State Board of Health states that 40 ol Seathsof children could be prevented. Brame i SUI cnuaren couia De preveniea. oniu Mentha for Croup and Pneumonia 11 S''n time not only prevents, but cures Croup Jnienmonia, Cold9 and affections of the air pas fl Keep it handy. Price, 2iSc, fiOc. and Wat all dealers or sent Post Paiid on receipt oi sample and interesting booklet sent on re " BRAME MEDICINE COMPANY, ft. VUkeskoro, ft. C . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM i A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Rstorinx Color and Beauty te Gray or Faded Hair too, and l-00 Prngglsta, Furs Have Advanced Ship to Rogers. We eivelibsral grades. l fullvalueincashandquickrtuus. We f st market in America forPurs, t" Vs. etc. j-"MUBiion. write today lor ireence use FUR COMPANY, Dept. XX, sL 1om ECOrVTE POPULAR o h Ji0 lo wl the friendship and lore of HnonoPr"pl, and become the popular fayorlte Cb 8 xnt rieds in Society, Business or at the miiy book "Secrets .f Ponnlarlty" Dr r i Ton bow. Send NOW. Price only 25c . 'U.IJavles.P.O.RoxJm. AlUnttwn.Pa. 1,3 KODAKS & SUPPLIES JU? p e also d highest class of finishing. ntes and Catalogue upon request. - vfMMU Vi lUbMMlVM, I Yi R rifC BTl Mel to learn barber trade 'HlllEy Fevf weelt required hnt prH, . Steady position for com S VV', te.?- Wonderful demand for bar CHvnwn ini,earnin&;fre catalog; write KONDWRBER COLLEGE. Richmond. Va 0E0PSY TRETEH usually ?iyes quic and ihnrt k relef- soon removes swellir i .1 .breath, often rives entire relief i; lDR Thomc Tal treatment sent FRE? w u i HOMAS E. GREEN. Snccessor to D BV I The Reliable Remedy I for lumbago, gout and I 1 rheumatism tt, GETS AT THE JOINTS V FBOSI THE INSIDE i V For sale by all ' , druggists -r S WiHTERSMlTH's i PPEES 1 I 'ee'eeeel on By GEORGE V.HOBART - - (Copyright, by McClure KewsppeTBynmSueT I AY! Did you ever take what little was left and start OUt to hnv friarjfi I . mm-X rll I A wiia a vsiixisimas i token? A quaint pastime, is it not? 'Well, to make a long story lose its cunning, I clinked a few iron men to- f "gether one morn ing recently and started out to find something new and nifty in the gift line for Peaches. I was breezing for a department store when I ran across Hep Hardy, limping in the direction of a taxicab- stand. up late, aren't you, Hep?" I in quired, glancing at the Waterbury. "I sure am running behind my sched ule this morning, John, Hep wheezed. "Accident." "What's the matter? Fuse blow out and leave you and your favorite bar tender in darkness?" I ventured. "Nix," he answered; "I interpolated a new step in the Tango about five this a. m. and my partner, an impul sive little thing from Spokane, didn't get my signal, with the result that she stepped on me and lost one of her French heels somewhere between my ankle and my instep., I had to wait till a Doctor Shop was open so he could probe for it. The medicine ped dler found it all right and my left wheel is a bit wobbly, but I'll be in the roped arena tonight when the bell rings, clamoring for my favorite rag, you can bet on that, John, old pal." "The dance bug has you for fair, hasn't it, Hep?" I laughed. "Not at all," Hep came back; "but like, a lot of other ginks who have been going through life with stoop shoul ders and plantation feet Ij've suddenly discovered how to be graceful and I have to stay up all night to see if other people notice it. Where are you going?" "I'm going down to see one of those stores and make a fool out of fifty dol lars little Christmas present for Peaches," I answered. ; "Fifty dollars!" Hep sneered. "Say. John, if I had a wife, and we were speaking to each other, fifty dollars wouldn't buy the ribbon around the Dunaie. nity aonarsi lyou make a noise like a pike." "aurei" i snapped oacK. "ir you had a wife you'd take her down to your favorite jewelry store and let the clerks throw diamonds at her till they fell exhausted. But I'm just a regular A Lot of Eager Dames Were Pawing Over Some Chinchilla Ribbon. human being, working for a living, and fiverv time 1 see a hundred dollar bill 1 get red in the face and want a drink of water. You know, Hep, my ratner didn't spend his life wrapping it up in hnndles and throwing it into an iron I -voodshed against the time I became old enough to use it as a torch! ' Say!' rhirned Hen. who hadn't paid the slightest attention to what 1 wu J saying f'why don't you get her an eTerScUce? idea -what? i saw one inc uluci uoj . wi ,u,vivv. Wait a minute! I'll give you a card to the manager. "Give it to the chauffeur,'' 1 said as 1 pushed Hep Into jthe taxi. "By the time he gets you home youll owe him enough to buy emeralds. Then I left him flat and moseyed off for a department store to get su Christmas present for friend wife. j Rf ! did vou ever get tangled up ir i i John Henry f Christmas ! Presents TV it - -l TO s-zti l ml one of those department store mobs and have a crowd of perfect ladies use you for a doormat? I got mine! They certainly taught me the Huer- ta glide, all right! , At the door a nice young man with a pink necktie and a quick forehead bowed to me. 'What do you wish?" he asked Well," I said, I'm down here to get a Christmas present for friend 1 Wile. 1 WOUld like something which wouia afford her great pleasure when 1 i give it to her and which I could use "I am looking for a Christmas pres afterward as a penwiper or a fishing ent for friend wife," he said. "I want Tod." to buv hpr RnmothiTic that will Krfrxr Second floor to the right take tne elevator," said the man Did you ever try to take an eleva tor in a department store and find that 3,943 other American citizens and ciHsprmrf - oa navaion A" I ""u nc aiou tijriUK LU UaiVC . - . me same eievatnr? How sweet it is to mingle in the arms of , utter strangers and to feel tne pressure of a foot we never hope I to meet again! I I was standing by one of the coun- t;ers on the second floor when a shrill voice crept up over a few bales of dry I The Pale Young Woman Fainted. goods and said, "Are you a buyer or a handler? v "I am looking for a Christmas pres ent for friend wife," I answered. "I want to get something that will look swell on the parlor table and may be used later on as a tobacco jar or a trouser stretcher!" "Fourth floor to the left take the elevator!" said the shrill voice, but shriller. With bowed head I walked away. I began to feel sorry for friend wife Nobody seemed to be very much in terested whether she got a Christmas present or not. k un tne rourtn noor I stopped at a counter where a lot- of eager dames were pawing over some chinchilla rib bon and chiffon overskirts. It reminded me of the way an emo tional hen digs up a grub in the gar den. I enjoyed the excitement of the game for about ten minutes and then I said to the clerk behind the counter who was refereeing the match, "Can you tell me where I can buy a ster ling silver Christmas present for friend wife which I could use after ward as a night key or a bath sponge?" "Fifth floorr to the rear take 'the elevator!" said the clerk. On the fifth floor I went over to a table where a young lady was selling "The Life and Libraries of Andrew Carnegie" at four dollars a month and fifty cents a week, and in three years it is yours if you don't lose the re ceipts. She gave me a glad smile and I felt a thrill of encouragement "Excuse me." I said, "but I am look ing for A Christmas present for friend wife wrWh will make all the neigh bors jeaJus, and which I can use aft- terward s an asn receiver or a pocei flflslr" The oung lady cut out the giggles and pointed to the northwest. I (went over there. To mv surprise I found another counter. A pale young woman was behind it. I was just about to ask her the fatal question when a young man wearing a ragtime expression on his face rushed up and said to the pale young lady behind the counter: T am look ing for a suitable present for a young lady friend of mine with golden brown hair. Could you please suggest some- tnmg The pale young woman snowed ner teeth and answered mm in a low, rumbling voice, and the man went away. Then came an old lady wno said, l bought some organdie dress goods ior a shirt waist last Tuesday, and 1 would li.e to exchange them for a music box iui xxj if you please!'' The pale young woman again showed her teeth and the old lady ducked for cover. After about fifty people had rushed iip to the pale young woman and then rushed away again, I went over and spoke to her. i "I am looking, I said, "for a Christ: j mas present for friend wife, i wan; ; to get something that will eive hpr great amount of pleasure and whjch I can use later on as a pipe cleaner or a pair of suspenders ! " The pale young woman fainted, so I moved over. At another counter another young lady said to me: "Have you been waited on?" No," I replied; "I have been stepped on, sat on and walked on, but 1 have not yet been waited on." "What. An vnn wicb? Inquired the young woman. great Joy to her heart, and which I might use afterward as a pair of slip pers or a shaving mug. The young lady caught nfe with her dreamy eyes and held me un aeainst v v I tuo YY ail. I. "Vnn " ey,a cnnn.n a total of 25,493 people who have been in this department store today without knowing what they are doing here, and I refuse to be a human encvloDe- dia for the sake of eight dollars a week. Go on, now; throw yourself in to second speed and climb the hill!" I began to apologize, but she reached down under the counter and pulled out a club. 'This," she said, with a wild look in her side lamps, "this is happy Yule- tide, but, nevertheless, the next guy that leaves his brains at home and tries to make me tell him what is a good Christmas present for his wife will get a bitter wallop across the forehead!" The girl was right, so I went home without a present. I suppose I'll have to take Hep's tip and get those emeralds after all. But first I'll go down to the deli catessen store and see if there's any thing there. THE MYSTERY OF CHRISTMAS One Day of the Year That All. Other Days Are Learning to Envy and Imitate. It seems, to me that always, as the 24th of December commenced to shorten the white, fleecy snow began to fall, says a writer in the Crafts man. When the street lamps flick ered up like candles on an altar, they gazed on a world that was white. The strife of the city was muffled. Carts went by, but you had to peer out through the blinds to know that they were passing they made no sound. An atmosphere of gentleness had de scended Everyone in the house went about with stealth, as though planning some secret kindness. And then the night and the trying to keep awake till Santa Claus should come. And the waking up, with the frost weaving patterns on the panes. Somewhere far away a harp was be ing played, and a cornet was challeng ing the silence. The tune they played was an accompaniment to the. most beautiful legend in the world. At first, dreamily, you tried to remember why for once the darkness was not frightening, and then, "Ah, it's Christ mas i as you turned, your ieet maoe the paper crack, and at the end of the bed you were too content and happy even to look at your presents. Why was it that next day everybody and everything was different? The air was full of bells singing riotously. Every one, for this one day, ceased to think of his own happiness and found hap piness in bringing cheerfulness to others. The stern gulf which is fixed between children and grown-ups had vanished there weren't any grown ups. Somewhere in your childish heart you wondered why every day couldn't be made a day of kindness. And that wonder of a child's heart is the Christmas message. Once. a year, by a divine conspiracy, all the ships of our hopes and fears turn back from their voyagings to the harbor of tenderness. They are borne back on the crest of a white tide of mysticism that sweeps round the world. A truce of God is declared to all fightings, and men and women walk as children ftfrough a world that is kind. They commence to give and cease to annex; they act in the belief that God is in his heaven. The spirit is one tremu lous white day of unselfishness a day which gradually some other days in the year are learning to envy and imi- tate Why We Burn Candles. The custom of burning candles on the Christmas tree comes from two sources. The Romans burned candles at the feast of Saturn as a sign of good cheer, while the Jews burned candles during the feast of the Dedication, which happened to fall about the same time as that of Saturn in the Roman calendar. It is quite possible that for this reason there would have been many candles burning all over Pales tine about the time of the birth of Christ, and from this comes the terra "Feast of Lights, which is the name used in the Greek church for Christ mas day. A Christmas Hint. To those who may have become tired of the old-fashioned games usual at Christmas the following may be found suitable: Hunt up a lot of poor people thai a7"VbVitrna dinnei have not got any Christmas dinner d c and be Blayet, by any number of persons. Welcome to Christmas! Christmas, crown 'o the year! Gold en clasp to its round of light an' snadow. Truly the Dells of it shai ring out, "Plague i Danish, peace bring!" Welcome it royally. Spren out for soul ana sense a feast of go , things. Martha M.wUiiama Parents Should Know this Splendid Remedy Simple Laxative Compound Helps to Correct Consti- , pation in Children With all children there are times when the, bowels fail to act naturally and it becomes necessary for the par ents to administer a remedy. Cathar tics and purgatives should never be used as these agents afford only tem porary relief while their violent action shocks the system unduly. Mrs. Eva F. Gaff, 517 10th SU Washington, D. C, says that her little! girl, Marie, had been subject to constipation, and that she found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin the best remedy because of its mild ness, and. now always keeps a bottle of it in the house. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a compound of simple laxative herbs, free from opiates or narcotic drugs of any kind, and is an ideal remedy for children because of its mild action and positive effect. Its use tends to strengthen the Impaired bowel action and restore normal regularity. It is important that parents should know of a dependable remedy with no unpleasant after effects, griping or The Mystery. Once there was a man who was quietly performing a task which aroused the greatest curiosity among the innocent bystanders. None of them had ever seen anything of the kind being done before nor had the slightest comprehension of . what it was nor why it should be. The crowd was constantly augmented by more bomers and the mystification grew to an almost uncontrollable extent. Final ly a sage appeared and to him was put the query, "What is the strange thing that man is doing?" "He is minding his own business," replied the sage, and passed on. Ex change. Used Whenever Quinine is Needed Does Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect LAX ATIVB BROMO QUININE wiU be found better than ordinary Quinine tor any purpose for which Quinine is used. Does not causo ner vousness nor ringing in head. Remember there is only on; "Bromo Quinine." That is Laxa tive Bromo Quinine- Look for signature of K. W. Grove. 25c. As to Carpets. May Carpets are curious things, mamma. Mamma Why so? May Although they are bought by the yard, they are worn out by the feet. WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY RESIN0L STOPS ITCHING " To those who have endured for years the itching torments of eczema or other such skin-eruptions, the relief that the first use of resinol ointment and resinol soap gives is perfectly incredi ble. After all the suffering they went through and all the useless treatments they spent good money for, they cannot believe anything so simple, mild and inexpensive can stop the itohing and burning INSTANTLY! And they find it still more wonderful that the improvement is permanent and that resinol really drives away the eruption completely in a very short time. Perhaps there is a pleas ant surprise like this in store for you. Resinol ointment and resinol soap are sold by all druggists. Adv. Uncongenial. "Mr. Grimm," said one bore, intro ducing another bore to the human hy ena, "this is Mr. Droan " "What of it?" snarled old Gaunt N. Grimm, turning away. - Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Poors tVi a - SSZT7 . ST Signature of Lut&Z74UzJUM In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher Castoria And It Talks Back. Little Lemuel Say, paw, what is receiving teller? Paw A phonograph cylinder, son. REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A tTEIX KNOWN WASHINGTON DRUGGIST. Preference to Elixir Babek the r rear rmr for ehillm and fvmr and aU malarial ditma: "Within the last five months I have sold 3,600 bottlesof KHxlrBabek,forMalarla,Chill8and Fever. Our customers speak very well of It, Henry Evans, 922 F St.', N. W., Washington, D.C Elixir Babek 50 cents all drug: grists, or by Parcels Post, prepaid, from Kloczewski Co.. Washington, D. O. Why does the self-made man never suffer from remorse? Write murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago 'or illustrated Book of the Eye Free. The worse a reputation the harder it is to loSe. SUDDEN DEATH Caused by Disease of the Kidneys The close connection which exists between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poi soning occurs, and the person dies and the cause is often given as heart dis ease, or disease of brain or lungs. It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of "Anuric" the latest dis covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a sample of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Ho tel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer froni backache, frequent or scanty irine, rheumatic pains here or there, r that constant tired, worn-out feei ng,! it's time to write Dr. Pierce, d scribe your symptoms and get b V V J MARiE GAFF. j strain. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsi costs only fifty cents a bottle and can be procured at any drug store. To ob tain a trial bottle, free of charge, writ to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Washing ton St, Monticello, I1L Finance. "I'm trying to economize this year but my wife and daughters are deter- mined to go to Florida for the winter." "What are you going to do about it?" r "Well, seeing they've all combined against me, I suppose I have to nego tiate a loan with the allies." There are a good many jokes, but the one on the hungry wolf that kills a sheep is about the best of the lot. It doesn't pay to own things you owe for. Sold Under a Binding Guarantee Money Back It Fail. For Man or Beast HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A LINIMENT For Cuts, Bums, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all External Injuries. Made Since 1846. Sb Pric 25c, 50c and $1.00 All Dealers OR WRITE G. C. Hanford Mfc C SYRACUSE N. Y. - A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of woman's Ufa, such as leucorrhoea and inflammation, ho douches of Paxtine are very efficacious. No woman who has ever used medicated douches will fail to appreciate the clean and healthy condition Paxtine produces and the) prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which follows its use.This is because Paxtine. possesses superior cleansing, disinfect ing ana neaiing properties. For ten years the Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has rec-1 ommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with wo-j men, whieh proves its superi-1 onty. women wno have been relieved say it is " worth its weight in gold." At druggists. 60c. large box or by mail. Sample free The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Curo CARTER S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the liver: Stop' after dinner dis tresscure inr1itrsri rm. improve the complexion, brighten the eyea, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature NO. 49-1915. medical opinion, without charge at solutely free. This "Anuric" of Dr. Pierce's is 37 times more active than lithla, for it dissolves uric acid in the system, as hot water does sugar. Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no imitation. Every package of "Anuric'' Is sure to be Dr. Pierce's, You will find the sig nature on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the ever-famous friend to ailing women. Worry is a frequent cause and sometimes a symptom of kidney dis ease. Thousands have testified to im mediate relief from these symptoms after using Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets for the kidneys and backache. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women - strong, sick women well. No alcohoL Sold in i tablets or liquid. " w w mi S ... - IRADTFOn x r 1 1 lt I Lr -r4 1 1 pill f t 1 i -I i -'I ure Sons, Box X. Clutsworth. i.