!. v ' , v " ' . , i p n t'j it :;r,mTST.y mw The Only Paper Published n A live, Clean Newspaper for the Home. Polk County. $ AND THE TRYOIM VOL. XXIII j NO. 50 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1918. $1.50 A YEAR GERMANS BUTCHER U. S. SOLDIERS. American Prisoners are Held While Huns Cut Their ThroatsJ ANOTHER reason why you SHOULD BUY LIBERTY BONDS. I ghastly illustration of German hatred of American soldiers is given ;n a Salvation Army letter made pub-i-c in Chicago a few days ago, by Ad iutant Fletcher Agnew.j It was writ ten in France by Adjutant R. C. Star bard, who has charge Of a Salvation Army hut, to Commander Eva Booth, who "turned it over to j Adjutant Ag- ' Their Throats! Cut. "I visited a base hospital recently" savs the letter, "and had this story from a sergeant who j - had passed through one oi the raids. The ser- rt was hornoiy wounaea dv a forts, we don't want anybody to over work. It is, just a great sin and prob ably greater to overwork than to un derwork; what is desirable is for ev eryone to make a cool and deliberate survey of the necessity and "govern himself accordingly." Let all labor be well planned and well executed, and in the fall when the harvest is gathered old Polk will be proud of her affort and the State will say "well done, mv hpi nvorl , Child." SO let US not hp slnMrprc hn sluggers not fakers but farmers. Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, Coxmty Agent. W. S S AGRICULTURAL DATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. FROM OUR FREis m COUNTY rep n "dead. Beicie the ! sergeant -.lost t . . i i ' j ferociousness now ever, ne saw a uuz- Some Items of Geueral Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. On Monday, April . 29th at 2 o'clock p. m., at the residence of Mr. J. W. Shields, at Tryon, Mr. C. L. Sams, specialist in bee keeping, for North Carolina, will hold a meeting for the purpose of . demonstrating the best methods for keeping bees in Polk county; and on Tuesday, April 30th he will hold a similar meeting at the ee yard of Mr. George Brisco. Mill Spring, at 10 o'clock a. m. Bee ceepers from all parts of Polk coun yx are invited to attend these meet ings. Un May 6th. the first Mond av will irwTrtirciT.i V-Qrt A TYl nvi I V n 4-l. 1 ji l en wnuaiis uvci.w.i i mc icguiar mummy meeting oi can boys and cut their; throats from farmers of Polk county. Mr. R. L. ear to ear. - The Sergeant said the Curtis, division of animal industry, murder of the third American was the and Mr. T. E. Browne club agent, most horrible. Four Germans held West Raleigh, have been invited to him while a fifth fairly severed his attend the meeting.. It will be held head from his body." as a patriotic day to especially dis- Kayoneis JLiue nazors, i cuss tne growing of sheeD and other "I have just learned," Continues live stock in Polk "county. Let all the letter, "that this same company rarmers who come to Columbus on of Americans passed through here to- the first Monday in May attend this dav with their bayonets sharpened meeting, at 1 o'clock, p. m. . belect good seed corn; plant in cood and well prepared soil and expect a good crop next fall; provided you do not neglect good cultivation. improve pastures by removing brushes and briars and by stopping gullies, and by enriching thp soil and sowing grass, clover and alfalfa. ihere are 152 girls and Oovs new enrolled as club members in Polk county. Greens Creek leadiner in num- t J !T 1 I i r . giving L-nnsuanuy wmie neanng i oers, uoiumdus close up. Yet other daily reports of Hun atrocities., j schools may outstrip these in good It is the work of the enemy bn- work and reports. Look out Greens gades known as the butchers, that j Creek 'and Columbus, there re other makes our blood boil and makes us 1 husky schools in Polk county. forget' to love our enemies," he says,l Let parents;, throughout; Polk coun- LYNN. The saw and hammer is not heard on the church building, started one year ago. Thrift and War Savings Stapms for sale at the postoftice. W. J. Ballard, of Camp Sevier, is home on a furlough. Jay is hale and hearty. Subscribe for the NEWS and get all the news .of the county. Several of our citizens are summon ed as jurors to attend court this week. Mally Thompson is wearing a broad smile these days. It's a girl. Loyd . Panther re-enlisted in the navy and received notice to report at Columbia, S. C, April 16th. Mrs. Ed Foster who has been sick for several months passed away last Friday morning She had been a long sufferer Her immediate family that now sui Wve r.re her husband, fUTe sons and. s'x daughters. Interment at Tryon cemetery Sunday at 3 p. m. Mrs. Foster was a Newman before marriage. All roads lead week. The Judge's c! irge to. the grand jury should have Leen heard by every citizen in Folk coi nty. SANDY SPRINGS. :o Columbus this like razors, sworn to avenge this aw ful crime against their comrades. What can you say to men bound on such an errand except bid them strike with all their might and harder be cause of the righteousness of our cause and the devilishness of the ene-mv." Adjutant Starbard admits to Com mander itooth that it is oiten very difficult to follow the dictates of for- The recent cold weather is .doing considerable damage to gardens and fruit, it is feared that the fruit crop will be very short. Mr. F. A. Henderson s family have measles, but are getting along nicely. Mr. Ferry Cantrell was thrown froni a wagon, Saturday. He was considerably shaken up, but is thought not to be seriously hurt. Quite a number of our people at tended Mothers day exercises at Hickory Grove, Sunday. They report a fine timer Seth Davis has a discharge from the training camp and is expected home soon. O. C. Smith's family visited Perry CantrelFs, Sunday. W. W. Davidson, who is teaching at Cooley Springs, visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. Miss Idella Lancaster who has been in very poor health for several months, is improving some. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Cantrell visited at John Tipton's, Sunday, and at tended services at Melvln Hill. w w. jvicLriii-i ?.as purchased a new kerosene engine, and is prepar ing to start up his corn mill, which has not been in service for some time. Hurrah for the POLK COUNTY NEWS; it gets better. 8 THiE OLD FRIENDS. "These are picked brutes. uu raiding: ty :y encourage drhiWreninichabl purposes with the purpose oi lnumi- work, and m buying -"Thrift Stamps dating by frightfulnessi" with the money next-fall. Such stories as the above are com- All farmers should begin now to ing to light almost eviery day, and work for the Polk County Fair next show the temper of Germany toward October, 9, 10 and 11. Begin now America and Americans. Didn't the to save samples of clover and grasses Kaiser tell our Ambassador to Ger- that grow on your farms. Those who many even before war jwas declared have sown small demonstration plats against Germany that he would stand should exhibit samples at the fair, no foolishness out of America when And all who have small pieces of al- the war was over? The undaunted falf a should cut and cure samples for courage of American soldiers, the exhibition at the Fair, stubborn resistance of the allies has Buy Thrift Stamps, W. S. S., Lib- made the German militarists furious, erty Bonds, and "Swat" the Kaiser. v and they attempt these! brutal deeds to terrorize and demoralize American soldiers. But well do we know that it will avail them naught. One of the best ways to properly answer the Kaiser for such inhuman treatment of helpless soldiers is to largely over-subscribe the present Liberty Loan. It can be done. Will you help? ' From many Quarters come the cheering information that the quota has already been subscribed, and that they have determined .to double it. i ryon and Saluda have already pass- Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, County Agent. W. S. s. A DENIAL. We are in receipt of a communica tion from Walker, signed by Mary Ann Bradley, Katie Walker and Eva Hill, stating that the letter published in our issue of March 29th was a mistake, and not a single thing chron icled bv the writer happened, we are very sorry that this occurred, and have forwarded the communication to fair to do the same thin?. But a few h.ood ami hPe th&$ theX winJerI thmiimi lio ,to ; v -P tne matter uui, aim --uuuu UUllttlO 3 LC. A i-IX 111 tllC V J will do that, in only two state, sub- fiHing our quota, and we out let's do better. One little town of only 300 inhabi tants in New York subscribed its al iotment six times over, days; Iowa. ' the entire scribed its quota in three days. Ev erywhere the idea is to bee who will increase their quota th most. Let old Polk county get into the game, and not let up until the last day, and see just how much we can do. W. S. S HOW TO HELP WIN THE WAR. mete out the proper punishment to the cowardly cur who perpetrated such a measly r.hpan loke on innocent parties. We always shield a writer from be coming known so long as they are entitled to sucn protection, out wm;n hey violate all laws of honor and de rpnv as in tms case, men we ure rmlv too erlad to let their ideneity be corns known if possible. We are al- wavs' clad to publish real news of a neighborhood, but want no such stuff as the letter above reierred to. ' W. S. S. SILVER CREEK. Mr. Editor: Every citizen qf Polk county should nave a keen desire to help win the war, and here is one way: ; The Irish Potato is rich in starch ancf almost or (iuite as vaulable as human food as wheat and rye, but cannot on account f its bulky, weighty and perishable nature be shipped and used by our boys in the army. So every family, especially while tbev are so cheap. should consume the greatest quantity possible in the house. Bake them, boil them, fry them, roast them, work over the left overs, but 6at potatoes, and feed to stock any potatoes liable to be left on hand to spoil. Don't get scared about low nriced Irish po tatoes and fail to plant a good crop this spring. Plant liberally. There rnay be a shortage next year and the Price very high. Besides everybody should be glad and thankful that at Jeast one article of diet is cheap iow is the time, if ever,, for every an, woman and child in Polk coun ty to do their level best In Texas the sheriffs, with the old fashioned yagrant law have given notice that all loafers and idlers must either go to ork br go to iail. Will lour sheriffs n North Carolina be less patriotic -nan the sheriffs of Texas? Let ev ry magistrate, mavor. sheriff, con stable and towr marshal 1- and Board f Trade be vigilant and see to it that every one in Polk countv who eats T-,L - .. V . anan work. Rpv. J. P. Arledge filled his regu lar appointment at Silver Creek, Sat urday and Sunday. Missps Sue Ledbetter and Lena Green spent Sunday with friends in this section. Mr. and Mrs.. Jesse Splawn visited relatives near here, Sunday. Mr Sams attnded church at Silver Creek, Sunday. Mrs. V. Arledge and children, Hor- acp KUuOipxi aiiu r.im ahio,, cjwh, ' . .,, r i i i.- Sunday with inends on tne route. Mr. Walter Green is spending a few days at Rickshaven. Mr. Roscoe Hall was a pleasant caller in ths secton, Sunday. w. s. S- SUNNY VIEW. The people of this section are dis- appointed m tneir piauuug aa is holding on too long. tv,a mrls were crlad to see their snorts back again. Mr. A. F. Corbin made a good talk at the school house, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson visited N. E. Williams, Sunday. Mr James Nodine visited his father-in-law, Sunday. .Mr J. M. Ledbetter visited G. L. Whiteside, Sunday. Everybody seems to be buying1 Lib- W dSrt want any spasmodic ef- erty Bond, in thi. s.ct.on. 0, the old friends, thejold friends, They were the, best of all; Their memory as bright shadows Across life's pathway fall. They left us in the long ago, . . Life's -mission to fiiill, 'TneyTjlesslaus livtne oldllaysy - That blessing lingers still. Othe old friends, the old friends, Once lovely and fair; We think of them as sweethearts, With roses in their hair, Now drifting with the multitude, Midst life's great busy mart. Their memory is a wellspring That bubbles in the heart. O, the old friends, the old friends, The best we ever knew; Their memories are sweet flowers Kissed by the morning dew, Sweet as the breath of meadows, Where balmy breezes sweep. They were as true as the sky is blue, A million azures deep. O, the old friends, the old friends, Though gone to never return, Their memories as sweet frankincense, Will never cease to burn; They left us in the years agone, Life's mysteries to explore. O, you darling friends of childhood, We'll love you evermore. Jas. W. Heatherly. There was a singing at Sunny View Sunday afternoon, and Mr. A. F. Cor bin made a splendid talk on the .Third Liberty Loan, which was enjoyed by those present. Rev. W. A. Morris filled his recu- lar appointment at Cane Creek Sunday. Mr. Reuben Wilson is home from Spartanburg, S C. Mr. R. B. Brown was fortunate to find a bee tree one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson visited Mr. N. E. Williams, Sunday last. Mr. A. i. Cor bin will have a meet ing at Red Mountain on April 21st. " Mrs. N. hi.' Williams visited Mrp, A. H. Lynch Sunday. Mr. M. H. Gilbert made a business trip to Tryon, Saturday. Messrs. Bnl Jackson and Charlie Brown spent last week in Campobello, S. C. Messrs. P. D. Williams and J. C. Whiteside have been very busy sur veying around Sunny View for the past week. . Let's everybody put in an extra acre for the purpose of buviner Lib erty Bonds and Savings, -Stamps. Mr. J. L. Jackson and W. T. Brown will attend court this week. Mr. C. B. Gibbs has purchased a fine mule. Mr. F. R. Coggins is improving some. Reuben Wilson was a caller at Mr N. L. Whiteside's Sunday. We are glad to see Mr! J. H. Gibbs back on the route again. Wake up, Big Level and come again. WILL MORE THAN RLLOi QUOTA. Polk County Fully Aroused and Libeity Bonds Being RapidlyBought. PATRIOTIC MEETINGS EVERYWHERE. The mountain boys had a nice time at another chicken roast Saturday night. Had music, and the crowd never reached home until after one o'clock. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Corn, a boy, last Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Gilbert vis ited Mrs. Gilbert's father-in-law, J J. Corn, Saturday last. Misses Lena and Olo Lawter. Mr Lola Ownbey and Mr. McKinley Mel ton had a nice time on Mr. Bud Law ter's mountain farm ess hunting:. They found four dozen turkey eggs. It seems they are still enjoying Eas ter. Mr. and I Mrs. J. B. Jackson and Mrs. N. L Whiteside enjoyed a.-nice horse back tide, Sunday. PEA RIDGE. Rev. J. M. Barber filled his regular appointment at Pea Ridge, Sunday afternoon. 4 Mrs. Miles Younge, of Georgia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carswell. Mr. James Melton and family spent Sunday at Mr. Pink Macbees. Mrs. John Reed passed away to the Great Beyond, last Friday night. Funeral service was held at Gray s Chapel church Saturday at 11 o'clock. bhe had many friends and relatives. Mr. J. T. Sweezy, of Cherokee, S. C, motored to Pearidge, Sunday. Mrs. J. 1. Waldrop was the pleas ant caller of Mrs. J. T. Green, Sun day. Mill Spring route 1, those young men didn't make that call Sunday. Guess somebody was disappointed. Miss Mamie Whiteside spent Wed nesday night at Mr. N. D. Moore's. Mr. J. T. Corlew spent Thursday night with Mr. E. G. Thompson. Mr. Arthur Blackwell, of Inman, S. C, was married to Miss Essie May Wortman, last Sunday. Mr. W. J. Wilson and daughter., Mamie, spent Friday night with rela tives m Kutherf ordton. Mr. Grady Edney and wife, from Tryon, spent the week-end with the latter s mother, Mrs. B. Mills. Mr. E. G. Thompson has a very bad foot, caused by loading some logs. Mr:-Sam Gosnell and family, from Spartanburg, visited Mr. M. C. Gos nell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Thompson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor. W. S. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. The third Liberty Loan campaign is well under way in Polk county, with a fine organization behind it. Over one-half of the county apportionment has been subsciuoed with nrc.pects fine for the sum of $35,000X0 to be. reached t by the middle of the cam paign, which will be next week. Tryon has exceeded its quota and the honor flag is on the way. Saluda reports that her quota has been sold, but the reports are lacking to show confirmation. Greens Creek is up ad at them with a good organization pledged to was held in Green Creek, Sunday af ternoon with Rev. Dr. Tr.ft as princi pal speaker followed by Mr. and Mrs. f tt tr-i i - j. -ii vjt. rx, nwixiies, mm county nairman Little. An auxiliary of the Red Cross was oia.-i-vd also at this meeting. An enthusiastic meeting wTas held at Sunny View School, , Sunday, at which Vice Chairman Corbin presided. A report of this meeting will be found alsewhere. The two banks in Tryon and the banks at Saluda are hustling the sales )f the bonds and the results are very rratifying although there is a great deal of work yet to be done. White Oak, Coopers Gap, and Co .umbus townships are showing good :orm and when the roll is called it is a sate bet they will register present on their quotas. The Women's committee, under the lirection of Mrs. J. B. Hester, Chair nan, is doing efficient work and co operating with the county committee. Let every person buy a bond and ell his neighbor a bond. Volunteer :or this great service to your country. Buy a bond and then sell a oond. See ;o it that your neighbor buys a bond. If every person in Polk county does lis duty there will be no question as to the result. ' w. s. s. LIBERTY LOAN MEETING AT SUNNY. VIEW. COLUMBUS. Attorneys Fred Hamrick, R. E. Eaves, J. L. . Spamhour, Sol Caliert, Walter Jones, J. E. Shipman and so licitor Huffman are attending court. Judge E. B. Cline, of Hickory, pre sides. Miss Kennedy is court stenog rapher. Mrs. J. E. Shipman and children, of Hendersonville, are visiting in Colum bus. , Mr. C D. Elliott spent Tuesday at Camp Sevier, visiting his son. Judge Pace, of Hendersonville, was. in town Tuesday. He has been cierK of the court of Henderson county, for 50 years. Mr. O. S. Ingram, of Arden repre senting the Asheville Citizen, was in town this week. Mr. J. L. Spainhour made a very forcible speech -Tuesday, at the noon hour, in the interest of the Third Lib erty Loan.' v Dr. Taft, of Tryon, will; speak in the interest of the Third Liberty Loan after the exercises given by the sen iors, Friday night of commencement. The officers of the agricultural clubs of the Columbus school are as follows : Archie Feagans, president; Ernest McMurray, vice president; Constant.- secretary; Mr. Yates Arledge spent Sunday with home folks. SALUDA ROUTE 1. Tim rolH weather has done a great Hpni of Hflmao-e in this section, but our fruit is not all killed yet. Sundav school at Mt. Page was re organized Sunday. Herbert E. Pace lefpH superintendent, and W. T, Davis secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fox, of Wea VPTV1 Hp nrp visitine the latter's mother, Mrs. Victoria Staton. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ward visited Mr. and Mrs. John T. Staton, Sun day. Rev. W. W. Womack filled his reg ular appointment at Lebanon, Sunday. We were glad to see Fletcher Ed wards well enough to be out for church, Sunday. Mr. Jira Egerton was a caller at J. T. Edwards', Sunday. Miss Mossi& Edwards spent a few social hours with Mrs. W. E. Elliott, last Thursday. Mr. Melvin Hyder spent Saturday night with his brother, B. V. Hyder. J. T. Edwards made a visit to Spar tanburg last week. Hey, Iryon Route 1. Have you been riding in an auto some? Miss Barbara White was the guest of Misses Mossie and Dorcas Edwards Sunday.. Miss Bessie Lynch and brother, Every seat and chair was occupied it the Liberty Loan rally Sunday evening in Sunny View school. The nothers brought the babies, and all mjoyed the new school building. . Zach Searcy led the singing of pa rotic songs; A. F. Corbin sang the War Savings Stamps song "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning." The school children gave their sa ute to the flag, which was followed by bhe new "American Creed," and the 'Thrift Stamp Speaks." A. P.. Cor bin as vice chairman of the commit tee and the speaker of the day dwelt chiefly on the necessity of -securing a Liberty Bond for each of the one hun Ired homes in Cooper Gap township. 'By this plan we could support our own soldiers." One year's expense for each man, including rifle, clothing, time and provision, was placed at S630.00. The roll of honor on the school blackboard showed the names if Edwards, Wilson, Biddy, Lawter, Whiteside, McMurray and Jacksn, volunteers from Cooper Gap. G. S. Whiteside, the first subscriber in Cooper Gap gets a $100.00 Liberty Bond through the Bank of Tryon. Dthers announced later. Next Sunday the committee announces a meeting at 2 p. m., in the Red Mountain school, when Zach Searcy willlead the singing, and Joe Wilson will be chairman. Plans are under way for a third meeting at Rock Springs. All were much disappointed that the 2hairman and his party failed to ar rive from Tryon W. s. s. FISH TOP. Itis now thought that there " will be some fruit, notwithstanding the 5evere weather past. Robt. Price, of Camp Sevier, came home Saturday on a five days' leave of absence. John Thompson and James Brock, of Saluda, were in this section on -the 3th. Several cases of measles reported in this vicinity. Posey Henderson and Jasper Bish op and wife are attending court this week. There has been a considerable amount of honey taken out this spring. J. B. Bradley attended tobusiness Aft "Rvtr stntnTi and Miss Edna' Sta ton spent Saturday and Sunday with Bob, from near Rutherf ordton, w-ere I matters in the Mill Spring neighbor- their sister Mrs. Win vyiarK, ai r tne gucaw y mm., anu 9 iaoif wcciu J a oo.o , ' Satiirdav W. E. Elliott made a business trip m" Vw ' to Rutherfordton, Thursday. llIfcCllL W I HI iUl. w. -'. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Early Middleton was buried at Mt. Page, Monday, April 15th. The boys were ' surely at home again last Sunday "reading the news' as Big Level writer says, for we nev er saw a single boy the day long. Herbert E- Pace went to Tigerville, j Some were out too late Saturday S. C, Monday. To Discover Onward Things, j The light which we have gained' was given us, not to be ever staring on, but by it to discover onward things more remote from our kuowledge.John Mil ton. night, I guess. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wilson and daughter, Bernice, spent the day, Sunday, at Mr. L..Oden s. . Everything was made for some pur pose, ,i Everything down to a miser;4 " f God Made Wilson, our President,! But who made the Kaiser ? i Robert Price reports that Adger Pace, of Saluda, is the best shot at Camp Sevier; can shoot 16 shots per minute, and hit the bull's eye at a distance of 600 yards 14 times out of the 16. We hope he will get a pop atlhe whole Kaiser family. Lorenzo Cantrell, of 'Fishtop, was the best shot in the whole Philippine army. Mrs; Posey Henderson visited Miss Flora Bradley Sunday. , Joseph' Newman and son, of Bal four, -visited Mr. Newman's:' mother and other relatives ? here, Saturday and Sunday.

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