v - POLK 0OU1ITY HEWS. TEYON, N. C. " I ' i r - - - '.'- ) Si est ive atta; "-v u!et virtri UTYl lanir ed&! S WBt np rosl 3. TRYON TED: linoleum. Wire cot, folding Apply at News of- i,ftq Leonard, of Geneva, Wis., n Kmthpr. Mr. James Ti(r H1S 1 P rr .v in hj"- ohio. atid left for her duties ok. , ppk it began to look as it would be hard to tell from which" April showers Vay flowers. I i. uUr Pmss rhur'ch. next Ips at w Holy v-iuiih""111"11! ' school' 10 a. m.; morning and sermon, 11 .a.m. turday afternoon Mrs. Light- ortamea a iew w bpeland, U. S. N., who is vis- j. n -PitI rli rrh i parents uh iuuuu6u. Florence Grant, of Detroit, PA bv MISS inersuuii, ua og- Mich. They are guests, at x-me la' tii1 j-i i. j- : cely a day passes mat pai drive to lucKsnaveu .nu xc remain there longer as guests. view ana iiuubc m vijr ive. Chapman, of Concord, New hire wno nas uecu & Ihurston's a goou part ot the season, leit ior me norm mi: the week. n Hf QtTfiri nrlev Williams leit ior v-mcm- kvednesday, where Mr. Morris liased some ford automoDiies tese gentlemen will drive them Cincinnati to iryon. ices at the Congregational next Sabbath: Sunday school a.m.; pUDUC woiauiy at xl n. 111. prmon bv Kev. Mr. Makepeace. dial invitation to all visitors in is extended by the ciiurcn. L Alcott, of Duluth, Minn., is the nf Miss Mildred- wasnourn. the niece of the late Miss Al- formerly a popular visitor m and in whose memory her rei boueht a life membership ir- Mountain Industries Association. band concert at the s choo! was not very largely attended, to the heavy rains which came st before the time for the con- Hon. Fred Hamnck and Dis- Solicitor Huffman made speeches er, which well repaid those who ded. Proceeds amounted to brOUCrht thf 31lit fr onmnol Viim cnbute the "surplus in dividends in stead of enlarging the plant and low ering the price of cars, as he intend ed doing. The lower court decided in their favor, because the capital of the Ford Co. exceeded the limit placed upon corporation by Michigan law. The Supreme court has not yet ren dered a decision. Mr. Kilpin, after a day's stay in Asheville, left for New York the early-part of last week. He has an nounced his purpose of becoming a citizen of U. S. A. his health has greatly improved during his five months' stay in Trvon. Just before leaving he confessed to great weari ness over hearing, and reading about the back and forthness of the fight ing at the front with no definite re sults. He says there is no real fight ing. The huns have never been taught to fifht. They are driven for ward to slaughter like so many pigs. The moment they as individuals confront bayonet or gun they go all to pieces and surrender. He predicts that when general discouragement prevails they will lose even the pow er of resistance and then British cav alrv charges will cut them up and cut them down, and they will surren der by regiments, divisions and all along the line. w. s. s. TO LET: Furnished, 7-room cot tage, bath, electricity. Inquire Mrs. John F. Wilcox, IWelrose Ave., Tryon vr. s. s. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. TRYON FIRE DEPARTMENT. A meeting was held. Tftsay night at the. City Hall for the) purpose of organized- a' volunteer fire, depart ment. The meeting was called to or der by T. H. Coggey, who stated the object of the meeting. An organiza tion was perfected as follows: James Case, president; TH. Cog gey, Secretary and treasurer; Waddy Wilson, chief, Wallace Langford, as sistant chief; James Berry, Captain; Wm. Davis, first driver; A.4 L. Hill, second driver; Ed Ward Raymond Jackson, Joyner Kelly, Frank Wood, Darling Walters, Jeth Garren, Fred Swan, Frank McFarland, Burley Wil liams, Hoyt Gaines, Chas. Ford, Ralph Newman and Jim , Moore, privates. " W. S. S. TO POLK COUNTY FARMERS AND BEE jvEEPERS Rev. Joseph L. Daniels, Pastor Emeritus. Rev. F. Barrows Makepeace, Min ister. Services: Sunday, 10. a. m.., The Sunday School; 11 a. m., Public wor ship, with sermon. Wednesday, 4-p. ri., mid-week prayer service. Public invited to all services. W. S. S. WAR VEGETABLE GARDENING AND THE HOME STORAGE OF VEGETABLES. their way from Chimney Kock eir home in , Cincinnati, Mrs. iton last week entertained for a Divtwo, Mrs. Ditman, Miss Muth Miss Allen, girlhood friends, only drawback to their visit, was 'act that they didn't come earlier stay longer. This is a com it which frequently attacks visi- almost immediately after they out of the. train. ist week the Asheville Citizen reheaded" Brevard's achievement i oft liberty Loan suoscriptions. But top' p was the first of any .Western ith Carolina town to get a nag ior ling its quota, the Citizen slyly ked it away at the botton oi a r article about what Asheville p't done. Asheville seldom gives Ih time' or-space to advertising Jon for doing anything worth while Florida Blossoms" loner and yellow I which grow only on railroad :ks, appeared in Tryon last week flowered out into a band oi m. no two instruments seemed to n tune with each other or the rest the pieces; and some performing ies which looked as though they ht be persuaded to almost any jformance by holding out the hope good square meal some day rever the show was a success m fting away with some of Tryon's fe change, which was what they re to do. n England there are four irreai Sessions army, navy, church and At the Tryon Liberty Loan eting last week, which in both fi- f ce and oratory was so great a suc- s only the army was unrepresent ed it had had its innings at pre ps meetings. Lieut Copeland stood the Navy. Mr. Newell for the Ni and Mr. Spainhour for the bar ne only legal one in North Caro L In addition, business was rep uted by banker Little, agriculture agent bams, and a woman presid- 15 well and made as crood a speech man could have done. In variety went, at any rate, Boston or JNew rouldn't probably Have done oetter. We,haH graduation of the senior "class of earns High School, at" Columbus, 5t Fridav nierht. The auditorium P veil filled, and the exercises rie not onlv emovable. but hiffhly structive.. The class this vear is Nosed nf fivp Jirnnncr IjiHips. Misses K's Garnette Smith, Clara, Belle rn, Agnes Coline Rippy, Nellie 'Elaine Const.nnrA nnH Ksther Par ana GihVie Pi-nf f!K aTiH Viis co- prers are ..rlnino- creat. things in the Rational line for not only Colum P5 wt all of Polk county, and are to congratulated upon the splendid .""Jts being accomplished by Stearns inline is thp f, stars unon it. showing that the f;aol has done something in -the line lr :Cr- A. C. Angell, Mrs. Angell and srn, and are jruests at Oak Hall I "CV irn,,lJ 1 i;i 1 i i, L... w ""U1 nave iiK.eu w get . "in, mi. rtii irtiii was w aPMcai Ce the Michigan Supreme Court We have just received from the Na ional War Gardening Commission, a mmber of copies of this valuable look for distribution. It has been prepared by experts in every depart nent and should be in every house hold. You will find it of great value in gardening and saving vegetables. :all and get one at our store, 80-84 Patton Ave., or send 2c stamp and we will mail one. T. S. MORRISON & COMPANY Asheville, N. C. W. S. S. LABELS FOR CANS. Don't forget the farmers' monthly meeting on the first Monday in May, at Columbus. We hope to have Mr. R. S. Curtis, beef cattle "and sheep man, from Division of Animal' Indus try, West Raleigh, N. C., .wit)i us. Then don't forget that next Mondav April 29th, at W. J. Shields' bee yard in Tryon,, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and at Mr. George Bnsco's bee yard, at Mill Spring, April 30th, at 10 'o'clock, a. m., Mi. C. L. Sams, specialist in bee keeping will hold meetings fpr dem onstrating the best methods of keep ing Dees. All. farmrs . are invited to attend all of these meetings and take part in them. . , J. R. SAMS, County. Agent. W. S. St .'-Li.- POLK COUNTY RED CROSS. The work rooms for gauze dress ings in Tryon have had to close dawn again for Jack of gauze. We hear from Atlanta that the' supply situa tion is very bad. The Division bu reau of supplies has had no gauze for months. However if gauze; can be obtained from anywhere ' at all the work will be resumed at once. At all events it will be resumed as soon as possible. ' , ; Preparations are gradually being made for the Second Red - Cross War Fund campaign, which legins May 20th. Polk county is forming her committees and teams now. The regular monthly meeting of the executive committee wiltfbe held at. the Peoples Bank, Thursday, May 2nd, at 3 o clock. FOODS TASTE BETTER COOKED TOBACCO TASTES BETTER . TOASTED r We will handle a full line of can labels this year, and 'are in position to make you as good prices on labels as the manufacturer. We will print the name of the contents, together wth the name; of canner and also your farm, at very modest price. ! Come in as soon as possible and look over our samples and make your selections, as it will be impossible to secure anything like the varieties you can by placing your orders now. w. s. s. Typewriter second sheeti 'for sala at the NEWS office at 25c per hun dred. -W. s. s. With representatives of the Army and Navy both preaching "Buy Bonds," is it any wonder that Polk county is going "Over the Top." Since the day of the cavemanTwho liked his meat raw, civilization has learned a lot about the scientific treat ment of the things we eat Naturally none of us would now prefer to have our meat raw, our po tatoes as they come from the ground, our coffee unroasted. And naturally follows the great dis covery recently made by The Ameri can Tobacco Co. that tobacco tastes better TOASTED! ' This wonderful new idea -simple like all great inventions was first used in producing the famous LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette made of toasted Burley tobacco. . Burley has a mellow flavor, entirely different from the tobacco usually used for cigarettes. It is a pipe to bacco and LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes taste like a pipe, ., ' IIBEXTY ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. For PATRIOTISM qns spea Buy SAPOE.IO For ECONOMY louder fharr yvords-Act- Pont Talk-BuyHow SERVICE To WHY PAY TRIBUTE? StocK Insurance fnmnanpc VVIIIUUIIlVlkJ Blach Tre&d Red. Sides c . - - Where Beataty li More Than Skin Deep ' sea WE never saw a motorist who wouldn't admit that the Black Tread and Red Sides combination in Diamond Tires makes the handsomest tire equipment he ever saw. But we're here to tell you that you can't see the real beauty about Diamonds, their husky strength and long mileage. You read about it on your speedometer after thousands of miles. Take our "tip'1 Try one Diamond! It'll cosf you less than the average tire, and before long, you'll want Diamonds "all around". Diamond Tubes don't deteriorate while you carry them as "extras." They hold their life for years. CAROLINA HARDWARE CO. North Carolina vim SOX IVQONTD-OS Owing to the trouble and expense of keeping our mail list straight,, we cannot accept subscriptions for a period of less than 6 months. When vou can protect yourself from loss by fire in thp o n reliaDie wate mumcii 01 nunu vtiuiiiiat av ucx r. case wiiiVK iTifrpst thp Untif icso than smp.K r.nmnanies win wriLe vou ur. ghborhood of Tryon and almost p0n n nr Witfi - , TO other nmmLiT riviriyH Oall on or write tl 2f' : 1... I JPL '--'Ar IT - m tih over It concerns the reduc- Tl,; ne Vnce of the Ford motor. Uodge firothers .another well hrm of motor makers, -former Tryon, N C. prnin and. Mmmnier tst The Voice of the People cries "SUPPRESS THE CRISES" We therefore without hesitation issue the rlUrllt-K Our AmBTBunition is Extra-ordinary Bargains IN CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES MEN'S SUDTS. $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $25 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS. OM Prices,. Old Quality, $1.00 LADIES WHITE SHOES. $2.00 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 - $4.50 MEN'S OXFORDS. $3.50 Correct Styles $4.50 $5.00 $6.50 LADIES' WHITE OXFORD $2.00 $3.00 We have laid in a large stock in Men's, Youth's and Boys' Clothing, and Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. WE DO OUR BIT by offering the merchandise at the lowest prices. YOU DO YOUR BIT by buying where you can save money, investing the difference saved in Bonds and Thrift Stamps. t OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT, our merchandise the best. Please care fully note our prices. W. M. LAMBRIGHT CO., - - LANDRUM, S. C. 'J V 11 i ! i t -4 i ! : i t j 3 - ,; ! cW.. wsinesB with Ford, and still "cr3 Of s.tock in that concern,