' . v. .. , ' rw -." i . . .... , - - : ' - ' - v , . , --1- :i--?if , J - VOL. XXIV NO. 1 TRYQN, N. C FRIPAY MAY 10, 1918. $1.50 A YEAR - . f - - . - 4- . . : -r . POLK COUNTY WAS 100 FER GENT. Every Township in the County Succeeded in Subscribing Its Entire Allotment. visiting relatives, it is. Mrs. Leo Bris co. . n jvJ,r-Crank Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. G. ks. lhompson and daughter,. Bessie motoredto Camp Sevier, Sunday. Mrs. John Cochram fell from a wa gon, Sunday, and was slightly hurt. xji. iwuty, oi Kutherfordton, was FROr. 1 OUR .FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY Some Items of General Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County SALUDA. orOTA EXCEEDED BY 4 QVER 50 PER CENT. Polk county finished the 'race like a thoroughbred. She would not be satisfied with simply filling her quota, but oversubscribed, more than 50 per cent. The quota was $35,000.00, and the amount of i bonds sold, $58,700.00. County Chairman Little says that even yet subscriptions" are coming in, some people not knowing that the campaign cjosed Saturday night last. Every township in the county has sold its allotment, and is therefore entitled to an Honor Flag, while two townships, . Saluda and Iryon nave called to the bedside pf Mrs. J. H. BRIGHTS CREEK SCHOOL NEWS. Gibbs, last .Thursday. - Columbus Wilson, of Route 1, went (Too late for last week.) to Camp Sevier. Sundav to see his The Briht's fVooL- cai a son, and was knocked er by a car, happy, closing on April 49th. We badly tH' that we have had a short term of Messrs J. H; and B. F. Gibbs mo- rare accomplishments. Go to chS' on business. Those who have, done satisfactory , Go to church, Sunday, at Bethle- work, made good deportment, with an ,vxo.c giaue ux aDove u, or m the Tuti frutti, Punch and Judy, Our soldier boys will do their duty; Don't you worry, don't you fret; Our, boys will get the Kaiser yet. w. S. S COLUMBUS. on Of course Folk countv went "Over the Top." Much Praise is Hue the workers who so successfully managed ford Thompson and Mav Hill. other words, those who are Honor Roll,' are: First Grade Hubbard Thnmnsoh: Holland Walker, Thomas Walker, Kansas Walker sand Ira l,ou Hill. Second Grade Lona Walker and Delia Walker. Third Grade Flovd Walker. . - Fourth Grade Vina Laughter, Han- the campaign. We feel sure our Sixth Grade Valina Constant, May 1 1 I T11 .1 - . . f doubled their allotments, and are en- ooys who may go to France will Belle lhompson and Bertha . agh titled to add a star to their Honor Flag. Polk county will receive its Honor Flag as a county, and we suggest that a big mass meeting be called to meet at Columbus at the raising of that flag, and let's have one grand jollification day. ' There were no slackers this time, everybody seeming willing and glad to do what they could to aid in the campaign. Chairman Little is proud of the results, and he has a right to be, and expresses his. good will to those who helped him so much to put the Loan through to a -successful ending. - ... ' w. s. , POPLAR GROVE. e ' , The people in this section are very busy, trying to get through with their planting. i Quite a crowd of young ' people from here attndea services at Leb anon, Sunday. All had a jolly time. A company of. young people from here motored to Greenville, Wednes day, of last week, to see friends and relatives. Some of the people from this sec tion have been attending patriotic meetings and heard some prominent men talk on the Third Liberty Loan. Let's all do our best! ' Buy Thrift Stamps if you can't do any better. Every little bit will help to win the war. Why not get down to business ? Every person can do something to help win the war. Why not every boy and girl get right down to work and put in an ex tra acre and make something to in vest with Uncle Sam ? . Don't forget the singing conven tion at Rock Springs third Sunday. Oh, how I enjoy the Old Polk News Let's strive to make it more success ful. Luck to all correspondents. W. S. S BURNETT SCHOOL. We were glad to see so many peo ple at Sundav school. Sunday. Mr. Byon Taylor passed through this section. Sunday. Mr. Burerain Ledbetter left for Ore eon. the other da v. Mrs. M. N. Burnett spent Saturday night with Mrs. Ina Burnett. Mrs. C. B. Gibbs visited Mrs. U. S. Gibbs. Saturdav afternoon. U. S. Gibbs visited Mr. M. N. Bur nett, Sunday. Mr. Frank Mills was in this section Sunday. Miss Ina Allen visited Miss Mossie Edwards, last Sunday. Mr. P. D. Williams and Claude Huff made a business trip to Ruther- e i i . www i ioraton, last Wednesday. Mr. Allen's daughter, from Gasto nia, is visiting her parents. Say, Sunnv View. Mr. J. C. White side said it made him feel grand to be called Dr. Mr. P. D. Williams said he appre ciated being called the king, by Sun ny View. Mrs. Ina Burnett visited Mrs. G, Ruff, Sunday afternoon. John and Lucy Taylor visited Wil born and Lola Gibbs, last Wednesday. '-w.-s.s- MILL SPRING. feel that the hon;e folks are doing ter. somemmg too. Columbus High School now has 26 stars on her Service Flag. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Feagan visited Greens Creek, Sunday. ' Mr. Walter Ridings is on the sick use mis weeK. Leona Feagan -visited with Kath- erine and Ollie Shore, Sunday. mr. and Mrs. (J. E. Shore and children motored to Hendersonville, aunaay. Mns. Noah' Daniel and children, of Landrum, spent Saturdav and Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs walker JNewman. Mr. Ray Arledere. from Camn Greenr spent a few days at home. Mr.U. 1 Arledge and Ray Arledge visitea xates Arledge "at Jarnp Jack son, Columbia. : - . Mr. J. M. Shipman, of Henderson ville, county attorney, was in town Monday. Miss Conne and Mr. Arthur Os mond, of King's Mountain, are visit ing their brother, Mr. James Ormond. Mr. and .Mrs. Crawford Green, for- u aw mW--. -J r - 1 . 1 T 1 uier . siuuenwi , oi LoramDUS men bchool, are visiting Mrs. Green's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Constance, Sunday. - Mr. andjMrs. W A.. Cannon -and Mrs. JH. Gw Cannon, were ra Columbus Sunday. Misses Jackson, Messrs. John L, and N. B. Jackson, were in town Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hutcherson and Mr. Glen Clark spent the day at Camp Sevier. Miss Lizzie Dedmond gave a party in honor of Miss Corine and Mr. Ar thur Osmond, Saturday night. Ired Case, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Case, .died Wdnesday after a long illness. The deceased was 15 years of age. Interment was made Thursday at the Baptist cmetery. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb officiated at the funeral. Messrs. Ernest McMurray and De witt Smith, have accepted clerical positions at Spartanburg. I W.,S. S- MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. TBYON ROUTE X. the ?t Mr.r Marvin Edwards spent eek-end with Frank Edwards. rt TTi 1 1 i 1 iviiss uiara Hiawaras returnea nome rom school at Brevard Institute, last Tuesday. m Vr wwr w-v w-w i i i t .- Mrs. w. 15. nidwaros and jennie uo forth, were callers at the home of Mrs. J. B. Dalton, Sunday. Misses Letha Barber, Clara Ed wards and Esther Gibbs, and Messrs. Jrank Edwards, George and Ed Bar ber, spent the day, Sunday at Green ville , at the camp; also at Mr. Walter Barber's, and all had a jovial time. We hope to return soon, f; We are g'.ad to know that little Dawson Edwards is improving. He has been sick fo" th last month, with oneumonia. I AM A CARMAN. v.- 4 o A crowd went to Camp Sevier, Sunday to bid farewell" to-friends and lelatives who will leavo. before long for France. Somo of then got there in time to see Joe Hall leave. The leader and also the president for Christian Endeavor went to Greenville, Sundav, and did not come. uacK m time to have the meeting. But there will be a meetinir next Sun day night at the M. E. church. " The topic is "Conduct in Home and School." Mrs. J. G. Gibbs and her son, Ge ter, of Landrum, visited at Sunny Brook Farm. Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Claude Lewis went to Camp Sevier, last Tusday, to visit his broth er Jessie, and before he arrived there was stricken with aDDendicitis. He was hurried to a hospital, and oper ated upon. He is reported to be do ing nicely. Glad to note that Mrs. J. H Gibbs - is much improved after a short ill ness.- Mr. Reacran Bradlev. of Camp Se vier, visited his parents' Saturday and Sunday. We wish to correct an item which appeared in the Mill Spring news of last wek. Instead of ' Mr. Leo Brisco Sunday school at Cooper Gap is improving nicely, with J. M. Gibbs as superintendent, j Mr. and Mrs. ,G. S. Whiteside vis ited Mr. and Mrjs. Fred Gibbs, Sun day. Messrs. Martin Gilbert and Festus Coggins made a flying trip to Tryon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs..T. N. Wilson visited Mrs. S. J. Hilton, Saturday last. Mr. Frank Mills was a caller at Mr. J. L. Jackson's, Sunday. Mr. Pritchard Dimsdale, of Spar tanburg, spent Saturday night at home. Some of the Red Mountain young people were disappointed on their rip to Galtney, last week. People in this section were pleasd o see the editor and his son out mo oring last week, getting the people o buy Liberty Honds. Mr. T. r. Brown has returned to his home, from Montana. Albert Lynch has recovered from whooping cough and was out touring ast week. Messrs. Belton Jackson, Press Own- by and Baxter Jackson made a hying trip to Asheville last week. Mr. T. N: Wilson has gone to camp Sevier to visit his son. Mr. and Mrs. N. l.. Whiteside made a business trip to Spartanburg, last week. Don't forget the all day singing at Rock Springs third Sunday, efs everybody be there. Miss May Jones visited Miss Liihe BelleGibbs, Sunday last. Mr. Bowen laylor visited Ms broth er. Mr. G. L. Taylor Sunday. Mr. Ernest uorn took dinner at Mr. N. E. Williams' Sunday last. Mr. P. D. Williams visited Mr. M IT. Gilbert. Sunday. Mrs. J. L.- and Arkansas Jackson visited Mrs. A. H. Lynch. Sunday. There are men that s working for. TTnde Sam to win the war: then we are all a workin' here. If you'd help us win the war get m doin' sometnin- fnr TTncle Sam. an- when vou eat, use more corn, an' save the wheat. Now wake up, , buy Thrift Stamps, you. Buy a Liberty Bond or two, Help our boys across the sea wm the war for you an me. ! ; "-i'l We wonder why" some rof our old friends at Campobellodtt't write to the .NEWS? Come 'tint ' correspon. dents, let's do our part. At last I cast my mask aside And bare the hate Tiised to hide. Now to myself I can be true And do the deeds I love to do. r I am a German. The stolid, kindly man is dead; A ruthless beast is born instead, The bars are down4the beast is free To roam at will on land and sea. I am a German. I love to send the good ships down, And see the helpless children drown, And when the mothers scream in pain, I latitat sta I am a German. - The poison gas and liquid fire Have satisfied my heart's desire. It's sweet to see men reel and choke And fight against the deadly smoke. I am a German. And sometimes, in a sheltered place, I spy a baby's dimpled face. Ah! then I feel a fiendish joy, And kill it quick if it's a boy. I am a German. - - I poison wells 50 more may die; No pity lives in such as I. The simple homes I burn at night, And in this pillage find delight. I am a German. V - The sick and wounded feel my hand, And when I see a Red Cross band I straightway set upon their track, Because. I know they can't strike back. I am a German. I rape and ravish, rend and tear; r With hideous noises fill the air. The loudest screams of pain and fear Are sweetest music to my ear. I am a German. There is no law of God or man But I will break it if I can. I only live to maim and kill, And while I live I always will. I am a German. Kenneth Graham Duffield. Miss Clara Childs has returned to her home in Columbia. S. C. after a weeks' visit to her aunt, Miss Rosa Box. ' Mrs. H. B. Lane" was the guest of Mrs. J. LamOrte in Hendersonville on Monday. Mr. George Justice, of Henderson ville, was here Tuesday. ; Miss Mary Pomyea, of Washington, D. C, is a guest at the isseola. ' Mrs. H. H. McKee visited relatives in Spartanburg last week-end. i Mrs. Henry Ward has returnd from Asheville very much improved. Misses Mary A. Peck and Margaret Robertson were hostesses to the Sen ior Class of Saluda Seminary, last week. They were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Stevens. The class was entertained in the beautiful pine grove at the race House, by the light 01 a large bon fire. The moon was a late comer and her movements had oeen eagerly watched during the rainydays, but the large bon fire did its work to supply the light. The senior class was supplemented by other young people of the town. De lightful string music was rendered by Miss Alice Blaser and Mr. John T. Coates. All during the evening marshmallows were toasted by the fire. Dlicious refreshments were served during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Goldsboro, N. C, are guests at the Carolina Home. Mrs. J. M. Reed and family have returned to Saluda after spending the winter in' South Carolina and other points. j An all day singing was held at Mt. Page on Sunday, May 5th. This Was well attended by a large number of Saluda people and the surrounding country. SALUDA IIS STAR FOR HONOR FLAG MW ' Doubled Her Quota at Patriotic Rally Held There on Last Saturday Morning. SALUDA'S HONOR FLAG. : Saluda Seminary Commencement. : The Commencement exercises of the Seminary begin on Saturday evening, May 11th, at eight o'clock, dt the Library Hall. ! Grade' entertainment, May 11th, F o'clock. Baccaleaureate sermon, Sunday at 11 o'clock, Rev F. B. Makepeace of the Congregational church at Tryon. : Musical recital Monday evening, h o'clock, Ryder Hall, by the pupils of Miss Helen Chase. Play, "Somewhere in France." bv the Seniors Tuesday evening at a o'clock. ! KecepttoTT atter Halifmmes- day 'evening, eight to ten o'clock; alumni and friends. ! Presentation of Diplomas, Thurs day morning at ten-thirty at Library Hall. Saluda Honor Flag. Saluda was visited by a large and enthusiastic crowd on last Saturday morning to witness the raising of Sa luda's Honor Flag. The meeting was opened by singing "My Country tis Of Thee." The first speaker, Dr. Taft, of Tryon, was introduced by Mr. Preston H. Bailey. He gave an interesting talk on the Third Liberty Loan. Mr. B. F. Copeland, of Try on, spoke of what the people would have to undergo and sacrifice to help win this war. Lieut. J. B. Copeland was next introduced. He told his ex periences with the German subma rines, also how the Navy takes care of the soldiers m convoying the All honor to Saluda in her game light and determination to win the Honor Flag. Deprived of over $10vO subscribed to the Liberty Loah Bonds ' by the railroad boys of that town, and for which the Southern Railway Company demanded the credit, she found herself on last Saturday, the last day, $1400.00 short of doubling her quota and winning a star for her honor, flag. Saturday morning County Chair man W. F. Little, accompanied by Rev. Dr. Taft, J. B. Copeland and B. F. Copeland went to Saluda in order 1 to attend the raising of her honor , flag. 4 . The exercises opened by a prayer by Rev. Mr. J. M. Folger, song, ' America, by choir, led by Mr. Albert Salley; addresses by Rev. Dr. TaftpA short talk, by Mr. B. F. Copeland; ' then speech by Lieut J. B. Copeland, U. S. Navy. At the close of this 'pro gram, county Chairman Little told che crowd that the Tryon delegation had come to aid them in every way possible, to put the star in the flag. He called for1 volunteer donations, and in about three minutes subscrip tions to the amount of about $1600 ere obtained, and thus Saluda, the game little city that she is, had qual ified for the star in her honor flag, making two townships in Polk county tb do that. ) After this came the flag . raising. Township Chairman, P. H. Bailey and Mr. Albert Salley had this part ih charge, and it was carried out vithout a mtch or J'.aw. Mr. P. H. Bailey, Jr., the little son of Mr. P. H. Bailey, clad in his full U. S. regula tion suit of khaki, .pulled the cord :hat hoisted the flags, and while the job was a wee mite heavy for such ittle hands, he stuck manfully by lis task until the flags had reached ;he top. then bv a null of the. cord. Did Glorx above and jtHonorJElag ', , jciuw, unj.urieju, ana tnexe,,was, just mough breeze to make them stand ut straight, and the very appear ince of the flags was enough to lireathe defiance to TCaiser Bill and 'lis murderous gang, and sent a thrill if patriotism and determination bhrough those who witnessed the dvent. Mr. Walker, of Greens Creek had oome to Tryon to purchase Liberty Sonds, and when he arrived here and lound that Mr: Little was in Saluda, $nd what his mission was there, fol bwed, and made a short but patriot ic address. , W. S. S, ; COOPER GAP QUALIFIED. In 'summing up the situation last Friday, County Chairman W. F. Lit tle discovered that every township in , . Polk county had -raised the quota ts&- iignea to -tnem except uooper uap. transports across. He advised all to fe immediately pressed into service buy a Liberty Bond, explaining the necessity for carrying on the war. Walker, of Greens Creek gave an in teresting little talk. Mr. Walker came several miles to invest his last cent in Liberty Bonds for the coun x-sheriff A. L. Hill. .T. "R. f!rvne1and. U. S. Navy, and B. F. Copeland, of the NEWS. This crowd of determin ed men took an automobile and made a house-to-house canvas of that town ship, and when they returned to Try- try. Little Howard Bailey, dressed tt nlght they brought back the as a soldier raised the honor flag herfulrmeisage g?Per Gp preceded by the Stars and Stripes. Pf 2??' and that Polk county tut was a 100 per cent county. s. ,.o;ei fv iinnnn It was not owing to any lack of in a very few minutes so that Saluda J?1 Patriotism tha Cc Hvt "flvpr the Ton" a(rain. The P had failed to qualify, for benediction was proiounceli by Dr. ; f L ZT JFll SUNNY VIEW. The people of this section are get ting along nicely with their planting. 1 Misss Anna Wilson and Maggie Jackson spent a few hours with Miss Lizzie Williams, Sunday. Mr. Tolbert Odell was a caller at Mr. U. S. Gibbs, Sunday. 4 Misses Grace ' and Ona Gibbs, Thurcy and Leona Burnett and Messrs. Noah Lynch, Tolbert Odell, Welborn Gibbs and Willie Miller made a call at Miss Ina Burnett's, Sunday afternoon. -jvir. and ivirs. a. n. ijyncn ana ily , visited , Mr. Lebren Lynch, Sun dav. ' Mr! Dewitt Hilton made a call at Mr. Taylor Brown's, Sunday. ' -Mr. G; L. Taylor has returned' from - We w'ould advise everybody to put an" extra ; acre in 'something to -help Uncle Sam with his boys. " Mr. Josh Hoee took dinner with Mr.4 A. H. Lynch, Saturday. W. S, S. PEA RIDGH The friends and relatives of Mr. Jas. Thompson gave him a surprise birthday dinner, last Saturday. He Was 66 years old and in very good health. He received many presents Miss Bessie Thompson and brother, Dexthor. snent the week-end with relatives in Gaffney. S. C. Mr. J. M. Richards and family from Gaffney. S. C. attended the. birthday dinner at Mr. Jas Thompson's. Mrs. W. R. Turner and Mrs. M. C Gosnell visited relatives in .Chesnee S. C las?lv week. -" ' Mr.r E, S. Kibbe spent Saturday nie-bt With Mr. E. G. Thompson. E. G. Thompson and family, visited friends- and relatives in Camp Sevierj Saturday. ; i - : Cooper we of that Tfaft. Dr. R. G. Little served ice !"P rne same aeterminauon to cream and cake, the profits which he wm w we na I01ina 'ne kind y donated to the Red Cross. I 5 It i i. ""f we tell yqu that only three people LYNN. approached m all the day but what bought bonds. Mr. S. F. Fowler, with several W ia me uwiiwuj, inai-suuereu friends, motored to Camp Sevier, ucn"eayy caiamities in j uiy iio, oy Greenville, last. Sunday. ... i" "..Sf Rev. Pratt will preach at the chap-Hxu wub.uu. el next Sunday at 3 p. m., it being L"u were . completely aestroyea, his regular appointment. ?nd, the PP.le left without either The early potatoes, peas and straw- i jw uv UUm berries will help us reach the black-IH110 the country now, and were it berries; then the snap beans and ear- iW MW. wu'1 ly cabbage will help us reach fruits vviK &u piniy nommg and melons; they will bring us over would remain to tell of the devasta- i.: 11 4-1. fViAn mta will all H'flir I tiun. "ijL I Much praise is due the people of ailKe. . . hi,.!. v. - it. t Mr. Herman L. Swan, wife and ba- "tat r"0"1. Aur art eY hiV of Union. S. C. are visitinz r6l- Pyed m tnis campaign. atives m Lynn. Next Sundae is Mothers uay, tne second Sunday in May. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ballard visit- A suggestion of last week has ma terialized. Sam Black will move his family back to Lvnn before' an- A thpir jnn. W.i.Tav. at Canin Sevier. I .? '..IVJiiV 1 " irsrii. other moon. p i Mr L , r ewis Mr- John L- Jackson has purchased Born unto Mr. and Mrs. ... -jewns, R- v. 4.rt,- last Sunday afternoon, a daughter. Buick touring car. See him A . u.iL . ii. KoKa riae. tnis writing both mother and babe are doing well. ! Last Sunday at 2 p. m.. at the res idence of the bride's father. Mr. W- Mrs. Major Hutchinson, of Colum bus, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wil liams this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen Constant are F. Swan. Miss Maude Swanand Chas, ana .Dow 0 t wrHH. Jr.. were married bv Rev.5 recipients, oi anotneraa ni;: Tv, a!n,,u' to tneir lamuy. They now. Z?- t: ioVo have five young Red Cross nurses.. . . rZ; , Mr. Lewis F. -Grant and family, of "tw j Asheyille, are now located iin Lynn. r:n Tiffrii MraA Q feW Mr. Grant is a local life insurance monKo lo East Flai Rock, and J W but ' " 'JF inveH hv tbe Skvland Hoa and. not very active from a iery Co" "has been forced to give up! business point of raw. Vi?o wnrlc on account of his eves. As 1 -TY. o. s owns a home here he will move Typewriter fecond theeti for cala back and take a rest, while having t tbt NEWS eGs at XSe pqr act 0. 'fa t