POLKC0UNTY mDR9. CODiUy BUS OTOBEIR II O, H U AND 12 The Only Paper - Published n Polk County. A Live, Gean, For the Home. AND TUP TRYOIN BEE newspaper ; I VOL. XXIV NO. 7 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1918. $1.50 A YEAR SALUDA. COLUMBUS. Mr Jack Bull has returned to Green ville after a few days' visit to Russell ind Howard Locke. ' Mrs. Richard Myers and child have keen spending some time at Flat Kock are here lor a few weeks. Mrs. Harris and little son, of Spar tanburg have arrived at the Better Baby camp. Mrs. Broeker and daughter, of Co lumbia are guests at Miss Wilcox's. Miss Elizabeth Soloman, of Macon, Ga.. is expected at Holly Hill soon. Mr. Marvin, stationed at the Char leston Navy Yard, visited his mother, Mrs. Marvin and Miss Marvin, last week. Mrs. Frady and son Sherman of Spartanburg, have arrived at the Better Baby Camp. Mr. Kesler,' of Atlanta, Ga., is a guest at Holly Hill. . Miss Williams, of Charleston is a guest at Mrs. H. P. Locke's. Mrs. Harvey Cole,of Charleston, arrived last week to spend some time at Mrs. H. P. Locke's. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cleveland, of spartanburg and family are up for the summer. Mrs. Bessie K. Lawton and Mrs. L. 0. Lawton are at the Fisher cottage. Miss Florence Ferrebe is spending some time here. Mrs. Rickman, of Spartanburg, is at the Better Babies Camp. Miss Jeffries has arrived here to spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Whitner and family, of Havana, Cuba, are guests at Miss Wilcox's some, Holly Hill. Mrs. Alfred Berkely from New Or leans is a guest at Mrs. H. P. Locke's. Mrs. Alice Myers and little daugh ter, Lucile, arrived last week from Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. Julien Ravenel, of Savannah, are occupying a cottage on Columbia heihgts. Miss Fannie Hume has 'returned to Charleston after a two veek3' visit to her brother, Mr. Errington Hume. . Mrs. Sampson and daughter, Vir ginia, of Charlotte ; N. C, are stop Dine at Holly Hill, v - - Miss Julia Dill, of Charleston, S. C, is a guest at Holly Hill. Mr. Howard P. Locke left a few days ago for Washington, D. C, where he has joined his father. Miss Margaret Simmons, of Rock Hill, is the guest of Mrs. H. P. Locke. Mrs. Cole and littile son, Bostice, of Spartanburg, arrived last week to spend several months. Miss Finch, District Nurse of Spar tanburg, spent last week-end in Sa luda. Mr. Robert Jones has returned to Camp Sevier after spending several davs at he Eseola. The Misses Heriot came up from their wintr home in Charleston, S. C, last week and have opened Melrose Inn for the summer season. Mr. Jack Bull, of Greenvhle, S. C, is expected this week ano will be the guest of Messrs. Russell and Howard -Locke. Miss Louise Lane has returned from Charleston, S. C, after spending the winter with Mrs. Bertolet. The firiends of Mrs. M. P. Moore will be glad to learn tha -she has heard from Dr. Moore of his safe ar rival in France. Miss Alice 'Bryson, of Greenville, S. C, has arrived here and will have charge of the ,Better Baby Camp. Mr. Thomas Bailey, of Anderson, S. C, who formerly attended the Sa luda Seminary, visited friends here last week. Mrs. Major and family of Anderson S. C, have taken a house on Green ville street for the summer. Miss Hallie Singleton who has been spending several months at the resi dence of Mrs. J. B. Cullipher has gone to Columbia for a while. Mrs. Ben Pace and Miss Lillie Pace spirit Thursday in Asheville. . Mrs. James, who has been spending some time at Mrs. Leonard's left on Thursday for Whitesville, Va., to be gone for several months. Mrs. Steele has returned here with her mother, Mrs. Aiken, and will spend the summer. Messrs. Russell and Howard Locke have returnd home from Piedmont College, Demorest, Ga. Mrs. Hester and Miss Hester, of Augusta, Ga., are guests of Mrs. Locke's. Mrs. Baker and children, of Spar tanburg, have arrived and will spend some time here. f Sgt. and Mrs. Home and children, came up from Spartanburg and will spend some time here. . Miss Fannie Hume, of Charleston, is visiting her brother, Mr. Errington Hume. w. a. s FISHTOP -?f A fine rain came Monday to relieve the heat and help . the gardens and truck in general. The rattlers are having a tough time this warm weather keeping out of sight. . .. Say, Mr. Lynn correspondent, silks are so common here we forgot when the first showed? but v we will remem ber when the first roasting ears show up, which will be only a few days. ' E. J. Bradley and several of the young people attended the ordination services at Mount Lebanon,-Sunday. This is War Savings Stamp week, and we hope it will be a success for old Polk. E. J. and T. W. Bradley dined with John Holbert's family, Sunday. We now have a saw mill in the cove, on D. C. Pace's farm, and .we fcope to be -able to get , lumber now. .The canvassers appointed by the. Columbus Townshir. chairman, Mr. C. cj. anore, ior the Thrift Stamp cam paign, are as follows: Mrs. Cnas. Davenport, Lonnie Hutcherson, H. H. Edwards and Misses Minnie Arledge, Leha Denton; Messrs John Carpenter Martin Hall S. B. Edwards, J. W. iaZk' a 9- Brites. R- D. Mclntyre, w AedP? H P Sharpe (colored) W. M. Rankm. C. W. Williams. There was a well filled house at the patriotic meeting at the Baptist church, Sunday. Rev. R. M. Pratt, pastor, opened the service and was followed by Dr. Taft and County Chairman, W. T. Lindsey, who made excellent talks in the interest of the coming Thrift Stamp campaign, to ah appreciative audience. A card from Edgar Wm. Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Newmanl states the fact of his safe arrival! "Over There." j Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Elliott received a letter from their son, Frank, that he sailed May 24th and arrived safe ly "over seas" 29th. He savs it is ;very cold, making it necessary to wear overcoats. Mr. Marion Mills visited his par ents Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Mills, Sun day. Miss Ruth Weaver, who has been visiting Miss Marie Burgess, has left for Macon, Ga., where she intends to enter training as a Red Cross nurse. The following young folks enjoyed supper at Hemlock Shoals, Saturday evening: Misses Ruth Weaver, Odessa ana Ihelma Mills, Mare and. H da Burgess, Oma Reynolds; Messrs John I. bmith and Archie Feagans.. Mrs, F. L. Weaver and children left for Hopewell, Va., to visit her husband, who is in the government employ there. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Arledge and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Arledge and family spent Sunday in Colum bus. Mrs. W. B. Arledere is visiting her parents ; Mr. zAd Mrs. Ben Capps,Jat juast nat,KOcic : - "r ' - Miss Mmnie Arledge is visiting the family of Mr. A. L. Rucker, at Char lotte. Messrs. Bostic Page, Ernest Mc- Murray. DeWitt Smith, Arthur Or mond left for Hopewell, Va., where they have secured positions. Mrs. N. T. Mills, Mrs. C. D. Elliott and Mrs. Frank Burgess were shop ping in Tryon, Saturday. . Services at the Presbyterian church Sunday, 11 a. m., Rev. Kidd, pastor. as quite a lew 01 our ooys in France will be receiving the Polk County News, we ask the people of our community to send in to their lo cal correspondent any news they have as we wish to make the home news interesting to everyone. W. S. s. SANDY SPRINGS. FROM OUR FRIENDS OVER THE GOUHTY Some Items of General Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County f (Too late for last week.) Grain is being harvested now. Far mers say that there is the poorest crop of what we have had for severa years. . Crons are looking; well but are needing: work, we have so much rain that the grass gets plenty of time to grow Grace Arledere, of Silver spent last week with Miss Cantrell. and Mrs. Sunday at. John McMurray D. C. Westbrook's MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. HILLCREST. (Too late for last week.) Miss Love has gone to Statesville or her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen, of Asheville, have returned to their home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Cox, at Cedar Hill Plantation. Mrs. Boyd was called to Greens boro, Tuesday, by the death of her nephew. Some of our Red Crossers, running; out of regular work, pitched in and mended a bad place in the road at White Oak bridere. Mondav. Mr. J. JM. Brian visited relatives in South Carolina. Sundav. The Misses Allen, of Rutherfordton college, who have been visiting Miss es Leta and Louise McDade, have re turned home. CROSS KYS. Rev. Linerr the pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist church, ' preached a very interesting seririon at Greens Creek, Sunday p. m. Little Hazel Pendleton, of Florida, is very sick with malaria fever. Misses Nora Welborn and Violet Toney have gone to Saluda, N. C, where they have accepted positions for the summer. i 1 A delegation of about twelve young ladies from the Qreeii Street Bap tist church, in Spartanburg, came to Greens Creek, Sunday, to organize a Y. W. C. A. 1' The W. 6. W: will 'have the annual picnic at Cros's Keysfthis 4th of July as usual, though we want to make it a patriotic meeting this time, the best we have ever had. We expect to have a numbr of speeches, on "The Duties of the Times;" So don't fail to be there, or you yhay miss some thing worth while. , The Charm of "Old Glory" " M' ' When Freedom was born, 'mid oppression and strife Her halo was blozon'd in hues of the sky. With stripes for the struggles and duties of life And stars for the light of Jehoval on High. Now, in peace and in war, that fair emblem of yore We salute as "Old Glory," the flag we adore. May that "Star Spang led Banner" in gloryfe'er wave O'er the land of the free arid the home of the brave! Several from this section went to Rock Spring Sunday for the purpose of hearing good singing from the dif ferent choirs. Only one choir, Rock Spring, and everybody enjoyed hear ing them sing very much. Mr. Ancy Womack is on the sick list. Mr. Bill Jackson and Miss Annie Wilson passed through this section, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fonce Edwards and little son, Max San voy made a quick trip to Spartanburg, S C, last Sat urday. Hey Mill Spring, where were you Sunday? Going after ice cream freezers, I presume. Wanted To know . who thought that my cake was so rood nnday as to go to my buggy and eat it. Mr. Claud Lewis, of Mill Spring was over on Broad river, Sunday af-teernoon. Wake up, Sunny View. Let hear from you. W. S. S. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. us II; r:Ifeytfiee"rful fred glow warms' tneT)f66lJT)narave' sires it And sparkles for courage, for ardor and might; Its rippling white stripes glint the light fhjat inspires When Freedom and Duty in service unite; And its heavenly blue, with the stars shining thru, Heralds union and strength for the faithful and true. May that "Star Spangled Banner" for righteousness wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! ' When Washington's men, with great perils to face, Were crudely equip'd and in dire distress The charm of "Old Glory," its oromise and grace, Brought chivalrous aid and insured our success. To old foes and old friends now "Old Glory" extends The support that our Freedom, in power,! defends. May that "Star Spangled Banner" in honor e'er MILL SPRING. 8 Several from here went to Roek Springs, Sunday. All report a nice time. -Rev. C. G. Walker filled his regular appointment at Coopers Gap, Sunday. Mr: T. Searcy was there and had a gooa singing lesson. Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs were the pleasant guests of Miss Macrsrie Jackson Sunday. Mr. Frank Miller visited on the route Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Coggins have gone to bpartanburg to visit his mother, as she is very sick. Mr. Andy McGuinn has received his notice to leave for the training camp June 25th. Mr. Tench Edwards, ,who is "Some wrhere in France" wrote to one of his friends here that he was enjoying life fine and when he - came home would bring with him a French girl. Mr. J. T.. Corle'w,' of. Pea Ridge, is visiting in this section. Mr. A. J. Dimsdale heard from his two sons in Kansas City. They have been called to the colors. They were both engineers on the . Missouri Pa cific railroad. You see what Uncle Sam is doing. "Mr. Wm. Bradley and two daugh ters from Tryon route 1, attended preaching at Coopers Gap Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Noah Lynch and DeWitt Hil ton made a short call at Mr. N. E. Williams' Friday evening. Mr. Tolbert OdeH was a caller at Mr. Burnett's, Sunday. Miss Annie Wilson is visiting her brother, Mr. Bowen Wilson, at this writing. Weddine' bells are Still ringing in this section. Mr. Clyde Wilson and Maude Lvnch were married Saturday evening. We wish them a lone: and - happy life. Good luck to the soldiers. . POPLAR GROVE. We still have a goodly number on the sick list. The Christian Endeavor Society gave a social at the school house Sat urday. A large crowd attended and all report a good time. Mr. J. J. Lambnght died at his home last Friday night, and was bur ied at White Oak Sunday. This com munity has lost one of its best citi zens, one who wras a good church -worker and has has many friends. We extend our sympathy to th be reaved family in their gloomy hours of sorrow. Lionel Brisco returned to Hopewell, Va., last Saturday. Sam Cocheram came home Satur day from Georgia. A number of young: folks gave Claud Lewis a surprise birthday par- " ty last Thursday night. Nora, the little babe of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cocheram, died last Sun day night. Funeral services will be held at White Oak Tuesday p. m.. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. Albert Lynch, of Route 2, is very ill at .present. Horace . Burrough, of Camp Sevier, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of J. M. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Splawn were callers on Route 2 Sunday. Clarence Gibbs is on the sick list -this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibbs visited Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gibbs, Sunday. Rev. J. M. Barber, Mr. Thaddeus Barber, Misses Pearl, Essie and Clara Edwards, Messrs. Frank Ed wards and Reece Arledge attended childrens' day at New Hope Sunday. Leader for Christian Endeavor at Bethlehem next Sunday, Boney Ar-. ledge; subject, "How to have a good , time." wave Miss Creek, Myrtle Mr. sDent home. They have not yet heard from their son, Hoyt, who sailed for France about three weeks ago. Mr. Richardson and Miss Devada Hester called at the home of Perry Cantrell, Sunday. Miss Grace Arledge and Miss Myr tle Cantrell spent Monday at Rev. T. W. Arledge's. Miss Alice Head spent bunctay with Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Cantrell. Miss Cora Westbrook spent Satur day night and Sunday with Miss Belle Wilkie. Misses Mae and Vera Turner re turned home from Brevard Institute, Mae onlv spent a few days visiting home folks and returned to Brevard where she will spend the summer. w. s. s. TO THE FARMERS ' OF POLK UO LIS ix. Wed- Mr. Bailey, representing the divis ion of Agronomy, will address the farmers of Polk county on the im portance of growing clovers, soy beans, cow peas, alfalfa and oth er legume crops in order to preserve and build up farm fertility, at the following times and places: Tryon, Monday, June 24, at 11:30 a. m., public school auditorium. " Columbus,, Monday, June 24, 4 p. m View school house, Coopers Hon frtTmsbin. Tuesdav. June 25, at JCLJ VV " -'--x7 7 - 3:00 p. m. Greens Creek High School, noc-Aaxr Jnn 26. at 3:00 t. m. Mr. Bailey is a strong man in his Ur vf work and farmers who fail to 4-i-, QvnTtae,e of his lectures will kaivc; . 0 , mice Tnlir.Vl. . These lectures are the work of an t out at the expense of the Cfofo otvH General Government, and farmers and business men who desire better conditions in Polk county should' drop all business for a few hours and attend these meetipjrs. , Ladies and boys are especially in vited to be present at . all of these meetings. ; 'Respectfully, ; J. R. SAMS,' County . Agent. O'er a chivalrous land and the home of the brave! .J - Wherever that flag proudly floats in the Haze Of havoc and conflict between Right and Might, Its many new stars and the cheer of their rays . Should brighten the sky for the Allies of Right. May its radiance be shed and, in triumph be spread Over all the valorous service ahead; And the "Star Spangled Banner" forever 'shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the, brave! Repeat (" 'Mid the rockets' red glare, the bombs Bursting in air it May "Old Glory" inspire all the brave "oyer there!"). TRYON ROUTE 1. PEA RIDGK. Mr. J. J. Lambright passed awTay to the Great Beyond. The loss 01 this good farmer is a source of deep sorrow to his many mends. Little Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Searcy, also joined the happy band. May the bereaved par ents look to Him who healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. They also have our sympa thy. A goodly number of this vicintiy enjoyed Children's Day at New Hope, Sunday. Mrs. Shankle and Mull, Lola and Cora, spent Sunday happily together with home folks, at their old home on Lightning Rod ridge. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nance visited relatives on the route while the ther mometer was regstring in the 90's. Also the Hamilton mill pond, where Mrs. Nance wished to take a few swimming lessons. v . . x Three cheers for the air talK in last week's issue of the NEWS. Let's have a great jubilee of a Fair, when the "Sammies" comeCmarching home Mrs. ' T. F. Roland is visiting in Asheville. . V; Miss Dazie Wilson spent Sunday with Miss Alice Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. M;; C. Gosnell spent the week-end with relatives in S. C. Mrs. J. T. Waldiop spent Sunday with Mrs. J. T. Green. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson have received a card announcing the safe arrival over seas of their son, Grover-C. Thompson. . Mr. J. R. Phillips spent Saturday night with Mr. Joe j Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C.J P. Jones were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Johnie lhorapson A r Mr. and "Mrs. John Jones spent Saturday night at Mr. Bill Gibbs'. Mr. F. M: Burgess and wife were the callers at J. B. Dalton's, Sunday afternoon. ' Misses Mamie and ; Alice Wilson spent Saturday night with Miss Iva .Gosnell. - . , i jMr; and Mrs., N D." Moore have .re ceived word ' of N the safe arrival over seas of their on," Albert' Tloore. ; . - The singing convention at Rock spring, Sunday, was a great success., j There was some real good singing, and a big dinner was enjoyed. Messrs. Johnson Davis and Doll Moffet were there from Old Fort, and Mr. W. G. Egerton and daughters. Misses Leona and Eva, from Mill Spring, and Miss Mamie Johnson, of Union Mills. The little infant daughter of Mrs. Sue Foster passed away to the great beyond, Saturday night, and was bur ied at Rock Spring, Sunday after noon. Messrs. Garner Skipper, Jim Eger- ton, Noah Lynch and Oden Green were in this section Sunday night. Messrs. Garner Skipper and Albert. Edwards made a business trip to Chimney Rock last week. Misses Annie Wilson . and Dorcas Edwards and Mr. Bill 1 Jackson, on their wray back from Rock Spring Sunday afternoon, happened to very bad luck. The iiorse ran away and hurt Mr. Jackson very bad, but we hope he will soon be over his "scare." Misses Mamie Johnson and Eva Clark. Messrs. Claud Lewis and Ralph Edwards w:ere put Fording on the Hickory Nut road; Sunday after noon. A larire crowd of young people from Noodleyille were at Rock Spring Sunday. Everybody seemed to be themselves but Messrs Charlie England and Johnie Hodge. Rev. Wright, the Rock Sprintr pas tor, spent Saturday night -at Mr. W H. Whiteside's. v W. s. s- LYNN. Too late for las wek.) ' Rev. John Langley, of South Caro lina, will begin a series of meetings at Lynn the third; Sundav, Ju-"e ISth, at li a. m. Mr. LargVy is well known -here, and no doubt his ireting will be a success, and it's to be hoped that much good will result of his ef forts. , ' Some early June peaches were, sold in Lynn last week. I hey looked good, tasted good, and sold at good prices. t ' - I : Get- readv for the W. S. . S. and Thrift Stamp campaign next week. ySome " lumber r has recently been placed on the irround. and it has been (Too latex for last week.) Rev. J. M. Barber filled his regular ippointroent at Bethlehem, Sunday. Rev. Roy Lewis left Tuesday for Nebraska, after spending a fewr days .virh his parents. MjianclrsJ.alter;:Barber .oi ' 1 5renville, - Sr C;-isited hisf ather, J. M. Barber, a few days last week; Little Alice, the darling babe of ":Ir. and Mrs. Leo Brisco, -passed iway Sunday. Another angel around he throne of God. The body was ut away to rest in the Baptist cem etery, Tuesday. We extend to the eraved parents our deepest sympa hy. Mrs. 'Lee Cocheram is visiting Mr. L H. Cocheram at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Brisco, of Iopewell, Va., were called to the )edside of their babe last Monday, ut glad to note that little Horace is much better. Reagan Bradley, of Camp Sevier, isited home folks last Saturday and Sunday. Glenn Arledge, Gordon, Hubert and leoio Hibbs and little babes, Thorn is Walker, Nora Cocheram and Hor ice Brisco, are on the sick list this .veek. Rev. Ernest Barber, of Camp Jackson, Columbia, was home last veek, on a furlough. The Christian Endeavorv Society net at Bethlehem, Sunday, and had ts regular meeting. Frank Jackson resigned as secretary, and Bony Ar- 'edge was elected in his place. Lead- r for next Sunday, at White Oak, Edward Barber. umored that work would be resumed n the church, but at this penciling 10 visible evidence of anything being lone. W. A. Cannon has built an open porch on the west side of the P. O mildmg. I he building is now a ombination postoiiice, store anu lwelling; being occupied by the post naster and family. We are hot able to mention all the -oming and going of the people since ur last report. Miss Elizabeth Hooker has gone on m extended visit to her orother W. Jlyde Hooker, at Jellico, Tenn. Miss Emily W. Reese, who has been here tor some few months as the representative of the A. M. A. Society, left( last Monday for Brook lyn. ' . Rev. J. Al Langley, of Dillon, S. C, began a series of meetings at the chapel last Sunday at 11 o'clock, the duration of which depends upoir the interest manifested. The Ladies' Aid Society served ice cream and lemonade last Saturday evening and will serve cake and cream next Saturday. At last, we understand, that the building -committee have let the con tract to Mr. Lindsey Owens, of Tryon to put the roof on the church, and that this will be done this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards, Jr., run up to Flat Rock for a few days' visit last Sunday. Miss Lizzie Hooker is visiting her brother and family, Clyde Hooker, at Jellico, Tenn. f Mrs. Sallie G. Denton, of Spartan burg, S. C, is. visiting in Lynn this week. 'Evidence of bootlegging was no ticeable in Lynn Saturday night and Sunday. Mary Sue Blackwell, of Spartan burg, visited friends here last week end. The Thrift and W. S. S. campaign begins the 23d. Rememler whnn you buy a stamp it's not a donation, itV a !oanto the -government and a saving to yourself , - sayin g f nothing : about your- ratri ctism it's' fi cHtv. ' J ' -