v;r we solicit ;.n ourforders for flooring., .celling siding I finish, mouldings, framing. We manufACtu.ro this and can av you money. See us for lath, brick, doors iand sash. THE POLK COUNTY HEWS anrl TRYOH BEE V Consolidated Nov - , 1 9 I 5 Published every Friday at TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Jusst As Soom Telephone 99 iTDVfifl LUMBER CO- J I III viv . Entered as second-class matter April 28, 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina, un ci r the act of March 3. 1879 B7 F. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $1.50 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Resolutions of Respect,Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financial ain, will be charged regular advertising rates of five cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West 89th Street, New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." The crreat W. S. S. drive starts next week. Every man, woman and child -in Polk coutny is going to oe asked to buy, and what is more, ev eryone is expected to buy. w. s. s. We , are to be given one week to subscribe our quota in War Savings Stamps, from June 23 to June 5U Let's go over the top with this as we have with everything else. w. s. How much are you going to give to the Polk County Fair, to help defray the expense of it? We need $350.00 Are there not seventy citizens of the county who think enough of the en terprise to donate $5.00 each? Only four have done so yet. Come, let s raise it and get the matter olf our hands. W. S..S Down in Mississippi an old ex-Confederate soldier has mortgaged his home to donate funds to the , Red Cross. If that isn't an example which is worthy of emulation, we miss our guess. This old veteran knows what wonderful feats of char ity and mercy is shown by this organ ization on the battle fields w. s. s The tobacco fund oes not grow very rapidly just now, yet every let tr almost, received from any of our boys from the other side is asking for American tobacco. One Dollar keeps one soldier supplied for one month. Send in your dollar, and make one American boy feel that he is not for gotten by the folks back home. w. s. S- So far the American people have GIVEN but little to help win the war. that is in the way of finance. The money paid out for Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps is not GIVEN, but MERELY LOANED, and that AT GOOD INTEREST. So loosen up and donate enough to hold a fair in Polk .county next October. Who will be the next contributor. W. S. S. By the sinking of vessels bound fo American ports from Cuba, laden with sugar, 24,000,000 pounds of su gar have been sent to the bottom of the Atlantic by the Hun U-boats. This means that we will have to be a little more saving in the use of sugar. But whv should we worry in Western North Carolina so long as we arc able to raise as much sorghum as we do, and the sweetest and best in America ? w. s. s. The last German - offensive has slowed up, apparently having failed to accomplish the object for which it was intended. However we must not congratulate ourselves that the Ger mans will stop at this, for. it is evi dent that they are now preparing for the greatest forward movement yet attemptd by them. But we are pin ning our faith on Gen. Foch, and ful ly believe that he will be able to check any move thev may make. w. s. s. New Orleans has a colored boot black called "Shorty," and for real, pure, undefiled Americanism, "Shor ty" just about fills the bill. One day each month he installs a white nurse from the Red Cross at his cash regis ter, and no one pIso ic n near it but her, and the entire day'sr proceeas go to the Ked Cross. So far it has ranged from $16.00 to $19.00 every month. Don't you think bhorty is doing his best? He has 5een manned fourteen years, and has had' fifteen births in his family in that time, ten of whom are living. He o-i&u nas xnree scars m his service fla&Tr 0n his waI1 hangs this motto: "We are in, this war And win, we must If the white, man can't, The brown skin must." ivery day demonstrates that the xrusT, wmcn the white people have placed in the black man is being ful filled On the other side you con j stantlv read of tho ing and bravery shown by the colored troops. America is the home of the black as well as the white, and of course they are as willing to risk their lives as in ti. . Ill - - e out Knew -it. BEGINS JUNE 23; ENDS JUHE 29. I . OoLF. H. Fries Outlines Plan of Wax Savings Week and mUiL- &ow Drive Can Be Made a Success j rjmm 1' V A. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS CAN STOP THI8. .. . PROGRAM. . , v. Sunday, June 23: War Savings Messages will be delirered in Sunday Schools and Churches. ; - Monday, Jun 24: House-to-house canvass begins. Tuesday, June 25: House-to-house canvass continues. Meeting of workers at night at township schoolhouse to make reports. Wednesday, June 28: House-to-house canvass continues. Thursday, June 27: House-to-house canvass finished. Meeting and report of workers. Friday, June 28: National War Savings Day. Every taxpayer sum moned to meet at school house t secure all additional pledges required to make township's quota. Saturday, June 29: Meeting of township and ward chairmen to tabu late results of drive. Pursuant to the Proclamation of the President of the United States and of the Governor of North Carolina, I, F. H. Fries, North Carolina Director of War Savings, acting under the authority of the United States Treasury Department, have asked the ministers of the Gospel and the superintendents of Sunday Schools to have a, War Savings message presented in every church in North Carolina on Sunday, June 23, have called upon every township or ward War Savings chairman to conduct a house-to-house canvass for War Savings pledges during the week following, and have summoned citizens of North Carolina to meet at their respective schoolhouses on Friday, June 28, 1918, the hour of the meeting to he fixed by the local chairman. Local citizens will be named to conduct the schoolhouse meetings, who will keep a record of the proceedings xnd report the names of all persons present and pledging, and the names of all persons present and refusing or neglecting to pledge, with their reasons for so doing. War Savigs Stamps (which are United States Government Bonds, the tame as Liberty Bonds) can be paid for during any month in the year of 1918, but it is intended that subscriptions for them will be signed during the week beginning June 23, and, if any deficit exists at the end of the house-to-house canvass, at the schoolhouse meeting on June 28. The price of each War Savings Stamp depends upon the month during which it is bought. During June each Stamp will cost $4.17. During July each Stamp will cost $4.18, and so on, om cent mora each month during 1918. On January 1, 1923, the Government of the United States will redeem all War Savings Stamps at $5.00 each, no matter during which month in 1911 they were bought. They cost less during the early months of 1918 than during the later months because the person who buys earlier has loaned his money to the Government for a longer time than the one who buys later. . , By way of illustration, note the following table : " Cost of War Savings Stamps During June, July, and August, 1918. GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE i - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prices.- TRYON, N. C. 4 WALTER JONES. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office up Stairs In 2 v Jno.lt.. Jackson Ce Bld'g. Cost in Cost in Cost in And are worth June July August en Jan. 1, 1924. 1 Stamp 4.17 $ 4.18 $ 4.19 $ 6.00 20 Stamps 83.49 .83.60 82. ) 100.00 50 SUmps 208. SO 209.00 209.69 260.00 100 Stamps 417.00 418.00 419.00 500.00 200 SUmps 834.00 836.00 838.00 1,000.09 The law provides that no person can hold in his own name War Savings Stamps exceeding $1,000.00 maturity value. War Savings Stamps however, may be purchased for other members of the family, including minor children. The money invested in War Savings SUmps Is not a gift or a donation, hut Is a loan to the Government. It will be paid back with 4 per cent com pound Interest. If, because of some serious financial reverses or calamity, it should be necessary to get your money before January 1, 1923, you may do so oy. giving ten aays- notice to any Money order postmaster, In which case you can get what you paid for the Stamps, with interest to date of payment. The Stamps are free from all State and local Uxes; when registered at the postoffice they are insured against loss; they are backed by all the property in the United States; they cannot fall In value below the price you pay; they are as convenient and as well paying investment asihas ever been offered by our Government. . I f 4 ' ' A definite quota of War Savings Stamps, on the basis ef population at 820.00 per capita, has been allotted to each township and to each town of oitr 1,000 population, which will be published in every newspaper in the State before hand and announced at every schoolhouse meeting on June 28. ine uovernment or the united states expects all the, citizens ef "every fown ship and county to subscribe for its quota and to pledge themselves to lare and economize to help win the war. , ' It Is to be hoped that the pledges taken during Warv Savings Week and ti War Savings Day will show 'you and your neighbors to be loyal Americans U whom our Government, in this hour of need, does not call In vain. North Carolina Director of War Savings, appointed and aetias"' nder the authority of the Secretary of the United SUtti: I We Have the Right Prices "; AND Kind of Materials to do your building- Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding, Flooring Ceilingf; Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Moulding, Rough and DressdJiUmber. Carry complete STOtK OF FEEDS Hearon LUMBER CO. ; ? SALUDA, N. C. IsThere An 5 Electric -. Flat Iron In Your Home as the contractor can get our store rebuilt we will reopen with a full and complete stock of general merchan dise. Everything will be new and the best the market affords. As us ual, our prices will be as low as is consistent with the quality of goods. W1LKINS & CO. C0C00000OOOO0O2GOOOOOOQfnfi O mtrae ttm i Q stand up when the Star Spangled Banner 0 q is played O Price $4.50 30 Days Free Trial ' ;-, Guaranteed For f 10 Years IRION ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY 4- NOTICE. Having qualified as Executrix of the estatf of J. W. Kennedy, deceased late of Ilplk county this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate said deceasd to present them -to I the undersigned Executrix for payrvnt on or before the 2nd day of May J.919, or this notice will be pleaded ip bar of their payment.. All persons indebted to said estate will please mjike immediate payment. This 2fd day of May 1918. THEODOSIA JONES KENNEDY. I, - Executrix. Walter Jjjpnes, Atty. 4t O O o o o o o o o o o o o An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now to start that account. Come in and let's talk it over, v . BANK Of TRYON W. .T. LINDSEY Prea ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. B. HESTER Cashier. 0 0 OOOOCO8COCOOOOOOOG000 NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Polk county made in the Special Proceeding en titled, ""Vf. . Scrivens, Administrator of J. T.3VkClure, deceased, vs. Jane McClure;! Floyd McClure, and others," wherein the undersigned was ap pointed commissioner, the said under signed commissioner will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the Post Office in the Town of Tryon, County of Polk and State of North Carolina, on Tuesday the 4th flay of June, 1918, at 11 o'clock arm., the following described land and premises, to wit: A tract or parcel of land situate in the Tewn of Tryon, County of Polk and ; State of North . Carolina, and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a point on the Smith Cleveland line, which bears south 89 deg. 20 min. East from a rock and distant S73 feet therefrom being the northwest corner of the said Smith's 'SflbdivisifiTf f onra TC-ifVi Dm'J Smith-Cleveland line south 89 deg. 2o min Est 300 feet to a stake, the northwest corner o lot No. 5 in said subdiyisioh; thence and with the line of Jot No p south 0 deg. 40 min. west 177 3-10 feet to the northern margin ?L CHveland road as located Oct. 1900; thence, in a southwesterly di rection anM in . northern margin of said roadabout 354 feet to a stake the northeastern corner : of . lot 'No. l' said subdivision: iherm -rfK n 40 mm. east 296 feet to th Kpo- Uing, containing 2 acres; more or f less. ' . - '.flj;', .- , :v . " Being lots Nosy 2, 3, and- 4 in Smith's v Subdivision - to the .Town I of Jfyon an-were conveyed 4jtp.vJ,T. McClure by aeeds from Geo.. A, Smith and Frances L. Smith, all of which are fu)ly preferred to in petition filed in the above entitled proceeding. . This 2nd day of May, 1918. ; ' " w i.W' J SCRIVENS,- Commissionef. Walter Jones, Atty. 4t-pd. Never Say "Enough" An Irishman who was getting the worst of it in a fight was asked if he would say "enough?" He replied: "If I had strength v left to say that, I wouldn't be licked." That's the proper spirit. Never give up. A quitter never gets any where' If hard luck strikes you; brace u p and go on just as .bravely as youcan, How ever, a little sav ings account at the bank has carried many a man through a tight place. Better begin now before hard luck strikes, an dT open a little savings account with us. BANIK of SALUDA Capital $1 0,000.00 Saluda, N. C. HENRY P. CORITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Prcs. PHE2T0N H. MBDf, 04 I COTTAGE FOR RENT. : Eight room Cottage now occupied by Mrs. John Wilcox will be for rent on June first. W. T, LINDSEY, TRYON, N. C. Joccooccoocioccooesoooecoocooocooooo This Bank is for People who Wanto :;rfe-Geir ; rniiahdal. Condition. Will you let us serve vou? A priino- nnunt is most 'COnyement in the payment of bills. , It is the safest receipt. , A bavmgs account is the sure road to an eventual com- - r souch your account. . CAROLINA STAT BANK. t.aNE - - - "s- w . avvjiju rv kTi fin. 1 t . j ri r r. rv 11. President t - : ,yVice Pregidents t . Cabi r

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