POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N. C IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER IMPOKTANT HAPPENINGS OF THIS AND OTHER NATIONS FOR: SEVEN DAYS GIVEN ' IKE NEWS CF THE SOUTH What Is Takirg Place In The South- land Will Be Found Brief Paragraphs Domestic. The public will be asked soon by the government to broaden its list of war sacrifices to include electric lights and gas as a means of saving fuel. The ftel administration frankly has warned the nation that the visible sup ply of coal will not cover the needs of war industries, householders and pri vate industries. The president is said to have taken the position that while he would have preferred precipitation of the prohibi tion question in separate legislation, he will not, at this time, interfere in the matter, or so long as it does not hold up final enactment of the emerg ency agricultural bill. The country may be prepared to hear that the United States government has declared war on Turkey as a re sult of the Turkish attack on the Amer ican consulate and an American mis sionary hospital at Tabriz, Persia. It is stated that the war department will ask congress to provide facilities for training foreign forces on Amer ican soil. This is given out authori tatively, and it is stated that the sol diers will come from some nations in the western hemisphere. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, in charge of Confederate reunion ar rangements, which, this year, will be held September 24, in Tulsa, Okla., an nounces that a rate of one cent a mile with a thirty-day stop-over has been granted by Director General McAdoo. Thirty-four soldiers were injured, five probably fatally, near Selby, Tex as, about fifteen miles east of Waco, Texas, .when a St. Louis and South western train carrying E and F com panies, 80th field artillery, outward bound from Camp Arthur, was wreck ed while passing over a wooden bridge. Washington. The leading. American ace in the French flying corps, First Lieut. Frank L. Baylies of New Bedford, Mass., is missing after an unequal fight with four German machines. Extension t6v all naval districts of an offer of $1,000 reward for informa tion leading to the location of an en emy submarine base on the Atlantic coast, it is thought, will stimulate vigilance on the part of the people living in the vicinity of unfrequented bays and inlets. Sinking of the American steamer Schurz in collision with the American steamer Florida off the North Caro lina coast is announced by the navy department. One seaman was killed, but .all others" of the crew were saved. A credit of $15,790,000 has been ex tended by the United States govern ment to Greece. Lieutenant Doane, with a private. proceeded through a heavy barrage in the fighting around Xivray to an American strong point, which was vir tnaiiv Biirrnunriori hv th0 cr i - - w V V X. V KfJ - V V 11V iii J . lit - went to the aid of a wounded Ameri can officer being taken across No Man's Land. Together with several privates the Germans were driven off and the officer, Lieutenant Shaw, was rescued. Postal inspectors arrested a number of traveling agents of the Western repcrts serious rioting in Vienna, Aus Union Telegraph company on trains tria- between Boston, New York, Philadel-1 R-ePrts from various neutral coun phia, Baltimore and Washington and ; tries tel1 of bread riots ia Vienna, Aus seized suit cases they were carrying M-1"1' and tel1 of tne cavalry being sent tilled with messages fired for trans-1 mission by telegraph. t -The total allied credits in the United. ..States is $5,970,340,000. j American soldiers are now holding i the fighting line for a distance of 38 miles on the western European front. This mileage H held by "all-American" forces. r A bilLgranting broad powers to Pres- ident Wilson to prescribe charter , rates and freight tariffs for all vessels ! to control the chartering of foreign ! ships and to issue orders for complete government control of the merchant marine as a means of keeping it in war service was passed by the house and has gone to the senate. Joseiph F. Rutherford and seven oth er defendants, followers of the late "Pastor" Russell, were found guilty of conspiring to violate the espionage law by a jury ih the federal court in New York City. No exemption from the army draft will be asked hereafter for clerical employees of the navy department. Provost Marshal General Crowder says three million men will be under arms by August 1. Establishment of an a'r route to Europe from the United States in or der to bring the full force of American effort in the air to bear against Ger many .has been decided upon as a definite project by the British air council. Should congress decide that it is necessary at thistime to extend the draft age limits either below 21 or above 30, or both, no opposition will be offered by the war department. A bill by Senator France of Mary land to extend the draft to men from la to 45 is now before the senate mili tary committee. A passenger ship from a Panama port arrived at "an Atlantic port" af ter being chased by a submarine 180 miles south of New York. There were fifty-seven passengers on board. The U-boat finally disappeared. : The Americans in France squeezed the Germans out of a salient two-thirds of a mile in depth and the same dis tance in width west of Torcy, six miles to the northwest af Chateau Thierry. Private James A. Donahue, who, was taken prisoner eight days ago, in the Sighting around Chateau Thierry, es caped and joined his command. He declares that a few other American Prisoners are compelled by the Huns to worK in me irunt lines. The Germans operating against the Americans are reported to be burying their dead, twenty in a grave, in cross wise layers. The reclassification of selective ser vice men who have secured deferred classification will bring at least 250,000 additional men to class one, it is esti mated by General Crowder. The provost marshal general has or dered the local boards to discontinue issuing numbers of convenience to men who were late in registering and the national lists will stand as of June 18. The drawing will be made public and probably will be held in the capltol. Plans for extending the scope of the investigation which the department of agriculture is making into conditions surrounding the cotton market were discussed at a conference between rep resentatives of the department and Southern senators and representatives. Charles J. Bland, chief of the bureau of markets, intends to call representa tives of the New York and New Or leans cotton markets before him in an effort to ascertain the reason for the wide difference between the quo tations for middling futures and mid dling spots. Senator Smith of South Carolina had called his attention to the fact that on June 17 there was a difference of about $15 a bale in those quotations, and there was no reason for this apparent disparity. The carefully rehearsed German at tack on the American positions in the village of Xivray was broken up very largely by machine gun and rifle fire. The German attack was made for the purpose of taking prisoners. At a point north of Xivray the Ger mans recently captured an American machine gun after killing or wounding the crew, but five minutes later the gun was recaptured, and, in the subse quent fighting, the Americans took a light machine gun which the enemy had brought up in the attack. , "I am persuaded that this young man will take the restored opportunity of his forfeited life as a challenge to devoted service in the future." With these words, President Wilson par doned Jeff Cook and Forest D. Se bastian, sentenced to death for sleep ing on sentinel post in the face of the enemy. European. The barrier the Italians and their allies have raised along the great bat tle arc from the Asiago plateau to the sea remains almost insuperable to the Austrians. Little fighting of moment is in prog ress in the mountain region of Italy, but all along the Piave battles of great violence are in progress, with the in vaders meeting resistance upon which they had not counted, and being stead ily pressed back toward the western bank of the overflown river. Fresh rains have forced the Piave river well out of its banks and the question of sending Austrian rein- forcements to the western side- has become a critical one. General Seinenoif's force of Cossacks in Siberia has been defeated by the Bolsheviki troops, and are rearing into Chinese territory. An Amsterdam dispatch to London LO esiore oraer Heavily censored private messages received in Stockholm indicate thatH peace demonstrations were recently held in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne and that several workmen were killed and many persons arrested. More than one hundred thousand persons have gone on strike in the -Vulcan arsenal and the Warschalowski airplane works in Vienna. Rioting is reported in Favoriten, Margarethen, Ottakring and Brigitto- nia suburbs ot Vienna. Because Germany cannot aid Austria in her bread shortage, the Germans have been put on short rations. il is stated that the people of Aus tria will have to exist on little more than salads and vegetables for more than six weeks. Austria are reported, and the police are frequently called upon to quell mobs. The transport Santa Anna, proceed ing from Bizeerta for Malta, is report ed to have been torpedoed on the night of May 10-11, and six hundred lives are said to have been lost. The burgomaster of Vienna's re quest for dried vegetables to make up for the lack of bread being refused, he informed the premier that it was impossible for him to preserve order in the capital. river and push back the Italian troops. The Austrian war office claims the capture of thirty thousand Italian pris oners and war munitions galore, but so far the claim has not been con firmed by allied commanders. Captain Persius, a German expert military critic, says the submarine hai been a failure. He says that from the beginning the U-boat wu a mistake : " : T H , Mwrams 1 Battleship in Vladivostok harbor from which the Japanese Arrival at the front In France of a train; with heavy American guns, of a mountain precipice where severe fighting has been going on. x NEWS REV EW OF THE PAST WEEK Austria's Great Offensive in North Italy Proves to Be an Utter Failure. STOPPED WITH HUGE LOSSES Revolt Spreading Fast in the Dual Kingdom Powerful German At tack on Reims Completely Repulsed Draft Age Lim it to Be Extended. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. Austria's record of never winning when she goes into battle unaided by the Germans was magnificently sus tained last week. Stnrting the long heralded offensive with nearly all the forces at his command. Field Marshal von Borevic made a desperate effort to force his way across the Piave and down Into the. Venetian plains, with Trevlso, Bassano and then Veronu as his objectives. His men were given postcard maps with the route and schedule marked, and were urged to do their utmost in order that they might get the plentiful food In the "promised land." Approximately a million Austrian soldiers assailed the Italian lines from Asiago to the Adri atic, but King Victor Emmanuel's splendid army vas everywhere ready to meet them. At the western or mountain end the enemy made no progress at aH, being mowed down In masses that fairly blocked the road ways and passes. All attacks on the Ajlago plateau, which is of great im portance because of Its easy ap proaches from the Austrian, side, were beaten off by the British under Lord Cavan, and the enemy's attempts on Monte Grappa were no more suc cessful. It was between these points, down the Brenta and Frenzela val leys, that the Austrians hoped to push the west point of a pincer's move ment that should flank Trevlso and the entire line to the coast. The high land at Montello was the scene of most sanguinary fighting and the enemy made some headway there for a day or two, but gained little save a shocking casualty list. Further east, at various points, the Austrians were able to force crossings of the Have by means of bridges construct ed under covr of gas and smoke shelling, but after getting across the troops found themselves in traps Troiij which they could not escape with their lives, for the batteries of the allies, on the higher ground had them at their mercy. Only near the extreme eastern end of the line, be tween the Zenson loop and the Adrla atic, did Borevic's forces achieve any thing that resembled success. There they pushed far enough south of the Piave to reach the Fossalta canal, and Vienna claimed this was crossed. Here the enemy was about ten miles from Venice, but the resistance of the Italians was so determined tfint no anxiety was felt for that city's safety. Before the week closed the enemy In that region had been driven back. Most of the pontoon bridges wore swept away by the swollen Piave. In a word, the great Austrian offen sive, up to the close of the week, was an absolute failure and was admitted to be such by captured officers and by some of the Vienna newspapers. Thr Italian army, never in better condillon than now. fought with the utmost gallantry and spirit, and was ably aided by the British and French contingents. Mention must be made, too, of the Americans, for an esca dillle of American aviators, trained In Italy, went to the front and gave notable help In driving the Austrian aviators from the nlr. fci x Defeat In Italy may mean absolute disaster to the Austro-IIungnrian env pir. for Its heterogeneous peoples al ready are beginning to rebel nguinst the rule that has brought them to the verse of starvation, has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousnnds of their men. and has given them noth ing but false promises of victory. In had 3 ma'fry parts of the empire the dis tressed people are rising against the authorities, and in Vienna itself on Wednesday a great and hungry mob looted shops, stoned the residence of the premier and even attacked the Hofburg palace, in protest against the redaction of the bread ration. The foo4 -"controller Is helpless, admitting that'; the empire's wheat Is exhausted and ithat the grain supplies from Rou manja are small and of Inferior qual ity.! In Lemburg, Budapest and Prague also there were serious food riots, and all through the empire signal were plentiful that the people were-, ready to revolt If they were not. Jjiven-a speedy peace and bread. It would appear that the time Is about ripe for the long predicted up rising of the oppressed nationalities of ustro-Hungary the Bohemians, the Southern Slavs and the Poles. The Gerjufnns expect and fear this event, and tof course would step In to sup press, it by force of arms. But even If it were not wholly successful it wouij create a diversion in the midst of "Ilttel Europa" that would do much- to hasten the final victory of the allied nations over Germany. a Onfy one operation of moment took placet on the western front last week. This wns a powerful assault on the allied troops guarding Reims, deliv ered y the army of thet crown prince. . About 40,000 Germans took part in fhe attack, which was preceded by a terrific bombardment. The enemy charged from the village of Vrigny, southwest of Reims, and all around the lcfpp to La Pompelle, the fortified stronghold on the east. The struggle was yjiolent in the extreme, but the Germans were everywhere repulsed with fery heavy losses. Only in the SUlepry wood southeast of the city .did t6e enemy gain a foothold, and prom pi" counter-attacks by the French threw him back from that to his old positions. A great many German prisoners were taken. They said they had been ordered to take Reims at any est. The fact that the attack was n-t renewed by the crown prince was ttken to indicate the exhaustion of histroops. f" JBi Military experts in France believe anothejr battle will be begun soon by the GetriTans, possibly on the road to Calais or between Montdidier and Chatoatt Thierry across the Oise and Alsne 0 the 'Marne. If they select the latter sector the Americans will again lie in the thick of the fighting. Those f)bys did not have a great deal to do Hist week, though they carried out sope successful raids and re pulsed .every one made against their lines. From the south side of the Marne fhey sent several patrols across the rivr in boats, in each Instance killing numbers of the enemy and bringing back prisoners. Moreover, not a single German patrol has ever been permitted to cross the Marne to the American side. J? The var departmenFHn Washington was strongly urged last'week to send a forces; of Americans to Italy, not only tohelp In the fighting but espe cially t demonstrate to the Italian armies Ithat America Is ready to aid their country to the limit, thus coun tenictlrijh the extensive anti-American prop:gaf)da carried on of late in Italy. The diplomatic representatives of Italy hejre thought it would be a wise ni ve. and Secretary Paker intimated T!un-sd:iy;that American soldiers would soon be fiahting on the Piave front. Appeals; for an allied army in Si beria are growing louder daily, and crTMi;'b'rts in what once was Russia are becoming steadily more favorable for such action. The bolshevik power is waning, though the .Leninites still control the arms and supplies in most of the centers of population. In west ern Siberia the Czecho-SIovaks have joined forces with the counter revolu tionists ; Tomesk and other towns have been occupied and a government set up. At Kiev a great revolt has bro krfT out 40.000 armed and organized peasants are participating and the movement has spread to the Poltava and Tchi?mlgov districts! There is much street fighting, and the revolu tionists ! have destroyed artillery stores, -f Doctor Ma sr.vkv the Bohemian lead er, conferred with . President Wilson oncemlng the plans for getting out of Siberia the 50,000 Czecho-Slovaks Western Newspaper Union ::.-J just landed a force of marines 2 Italian . soldiers on a road on the - side who wish to join the allies. Most of them are armed and organized. We may yet have the chance to see these sturdy fighters, formerly our foes by compulsion, passing in triumph through the United States on their way to join the other armies of free dom. . The senate committee on military affairs adopted an amendment to the army appropriation bill authorizing the president to raise a volunteer legion of Slavic residents of the 'United States for service in "any field of ac tion." Mr. Wilson approved the amendment. , isa Word was received that the Turks on June 14 occupied and looted Tabriz, the second city of Persia, took possession of ! the American and Brit ish consulates there over the protests of the Spanish consul who was in charge of them, and sacked the-American hospital,! over which the Spanish flag was flying. If the report is veri fied, Turkey has committed an 'act of war against the United States, and a declaration of war by this country against the forte may be the result. Many senators and representatives have favored j such action for a long time and their position Is strengthened by the recent occurrence. Th formal Inclusion of Bulgaria also among, our enemies probably would follow1mme d lately. - Thus would come to an end the incongruous state of affairs which has permitted the Turkish and Bul garian diplomats to remain in this country free to gather such informa tion as; they could and transmits to their allies and our enemies. The well infprmedj have given up the hope that Turkey might be induced to with draw from the war, since she has been given part of the spoils of Rus sia. ; S S3 ' The "submarines operating in the west Atlantic iave sunk several more neutral f e-ssels, but there is reason to believe that one or two of themhave been destroyed in encounters ' with armed steamers. A Venezuelan jour nalist who was driven from taraca admits there are German U-boat bases In Venezuela. The raids' off the American coast are declared by American naval headquarters in 'Eng land to mean that the submarine cam paign is a fajlure, the enemy's only chance of employing the limited rium ber of his U-boats successfully being to concentrate their operations t oc the focal points of allied trade. ; It was stated that today sufficient ton nage is available to meet allied de mands and it is constantly growing larger. f . The Br'tlsh! make the welcome an nouncement tjiat 21 German destroy ers.and a; large nniber of submarines and oilier, craft are penned up In the Bruges canal locks us a result of the recent" blocking operations at Zee brugge. Tliee vessels are constant ly subjected' tjo bombing by the naval aviators. ' The departjmen. of justice uncov ered last week a gigantic conspiracy between nir.njufacturers and contrac tors' agents n solicit government wai orders under (agreements to pay com missions illegally to the agents. Hun drcds of o tilers throughout the coun try were raided and papers seized. The department said the commission agents would all contracts their aid wei be prosecuted, and that made by them or with e subject to annulment by the government. I PSS- So insistentjis becoming the demand for a more complete mobilization- of America's map power that extension of the draft ige limits probably will not be postponed until the winter -session of congtss. Provost; Marshal General Crowder urges that the law be amended immediately to take in nil between the ages of eighteen and forty-rive years, and Secretary of War Baker says he will recommend such an amendment if submitted by the senate or house. General ,Crowdei told the military affairs committee that the legislation ts needed at onf if we Intend tb do anything this ycat He not only wants more fighrlnt men. but also he desires to extend the "work or fight" order so that th'er will be virtual conscrintlon of lutwu. for wnr industries. His plans 'Woul;1 paviira fha ' stration of four or flvt qualified for militar million men service. :' - COMPLETE DEFEM WlH AWFUL LIS A SIGNAL DEFEAT 0F Au ON ITAL.AN FRONT ON pJ RIVER INFLICTED, 45,000 PRISONERS ARE TftKEN In AriHitinn tn D w r 1 'toners. I n sses i. Men Kill.aH - "u mounded L und re Enormous The defeat of the Ar;nri w .all Prtv,:. on the western bank of is complete. Admissii the Austrian war offir-f " driver in H made hv that the , ' of Emperor Charles have i,PPn f' ?5 to evacuate the Montello TlH which they had hoped m pre 't'''er way and gain the Venetian pialn, "some sectors' of the positions". attained last week on the bank of t? ucwvYccn cut; piateau and th point where the stream enipt i, the Adriatic. nt0 Bad weather and the rising 0f th Piave under the heavy rainfalls &l assigned as the reasons for the with drawal of the Austrians But the Rome war office asserts that it the impetuous attacks of the Italians that brought about the failure of an operation which was started with the intention of crushing the armies of General Diaz and forcing the Italians like the Russians, to accept a Teu tonic allied peace. ! All along jthe river the Italians have pressed back the invaders of their territory until only small units remain on the western bank, and across the stream Kijg Victor Emmanuel's men are keeping well on the heels of the retreating enemy who is fleeing in disorder. Again the cavalry has been thrown into the fighting and is sorely harassing the enemy, while machine guns from the ground and from air craft, some of the latter operated by American aviators, are working havoc among the fleeing Austrian columns. The losses to the army are describ ed as enormous, both in men killed, wounded and made prisoner. An offi cial statement from Rome to the Ital-, ian embassy in Washington asserts that the Austrians have lost 45.000 men in prisoners alone. The Italian war office communication mentions only 40 000 Austrians as having been captured, , but it is probable that this communication antedated that sent to the embassy and that the captives in the hands of the Italians greatly ex ceed this figure. The probability that this is true is enhanced by the fact that the river was swollen out of bounds and most of the few bridges that had not been carried away by the freshet had been shot to pieces by the Italian guns, compelling the enemy eit-her to sur render or take his chances of being able to swim the turbulent stream. So hurried was the retrograde movement , of the Austrians at seme points that they did not take time even to attempt to save their guns and scores. As yet there has been no sign that the enemy purposes again to renew at an early date another offensive in the mountain region, notwithstanding the fact that reports emanatin? from Switzerland have said that he was bringing up large reinforcements and great quantities of supplies along the front behind the lines from the Swiss iorder to upper reaches of the P:ave. THREE MILLION DOLLARS LOST BY GERMAN PLOTTERS New York. German plots to htf? enemv assets under the1 cloak of Am- ' erican corporations organized or loan ed for the. purpose was revealed here 1 when A. Mitchell Palmer, alien P'Cf : erty custodian, took over three German-owned concerns with nn ecerp ' gate capitalization of $3.f,no.oon ! The, companies in the group taken ' over today .were Dieckcrhoff. pat : & Co., importers and marufactur-? ; notions, at 560 Broadway ; Half'0"' Erbsloh & Co., cordage manufacture--. of the same address, with P 1 Co.. 4 Cuba, and the American Sror of Havana. i AMERICANS IN POSSESSION OF BELLEAU ww- Washimrron. With th forces 'on the Marne. -Arr'p troops on the Marne front i : the western part of BeHeau y Americans cleared this stra?!tI!' m .it -.., n c. rani llfl' icr.n ured T h P prisoners and took ve mach'.iv ? i lie V x l 3 xxv rw v- - V1S sion of the wods. The ucguu Willi a uca; which ' the Americans went over most immediately. MAJ. TH EO ROOSEVELT, JR- CITED FOR GALLANTRY Washinton. With the Amer Army in France. Major Thee Roosevelt, Jr.. has been cited b eneral commanding tne u which his unit is attached tor con- during CmiMirma era 11 a ntrv" in action, fhe operations connected with the -lure and subsequent defense or igny. 0j In addition, 132 other members he First division and two entire .eries of field artillery are cited I1 .

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