POLE COUNTY NEWS. THYON. N. 0. ECONOMICAL FEEDS FOR LIVESTOCK 7"h Animal Industry Division Feeds Hundreds of Hogs Each Year to Deter mine the Best and Cheapest Rations. Waste, or Damaged Peanuts, Is Valuable As Hog Feed. A fall seldom passes without bring ing with it some rainy weather just when peanuts are in shock and in condition to be dragged. Some years the loss of peanuts is exceedingly heavy. Other years it is almost noth ing. When farmers do suffer losses of this kind it is well to know that damaged peanuts are, valuable for Ihogs and that they may be substi tuted for vast amounts of corn and 'other concentrates, i In fact, ' damaged peanuts are so valuable that they should be thought of as being in a class with wheat shorts, wheat bran, peanut meal, and soybean meal rather than as damaged foods. It my not be so this year, but lit has often happened that damaged ipeanuts ' realized more as a result of being fed to hogs than they would kave brought had they remained sow ed and been sold as marketable nuts. This test was made upon the Edge combe Branch Station Farm right in the center of the peanut-growing sec tion. One lot of pigs was placed in a small pen and given a ration made tip of two-thirds corn plus one-third wheat shorts. A second lot of similar pigs was fed the same amount of corn ibut damaged peanuts were substituted tor the wheat shorts. The pigs in the first lot, where corn and shorts were fed, gained, during the whole feeding period of 149 days .7 of a pound daily, while those in the lot where damaged peanuts were substituted for the wheat shorts, gained .8 of a pound lally. The peanuts proved to be su perior, too, to the wheat shorts In - economy of gains. When shorts were employed 7.3 bushels of corn plus 204 pounds of shorts were required to produce one hundred pounds of in crease in weight; when damaged pea nuts were fed only 6 bushels of corn plus 141 pounds of peanuts were re quirsd to produce an equal increase In weight. Pound for pound the dam aged peanuts proved to be far su perior to wheat shorts. In fact, these damaged peanuts were so valuable as a feed for hogs that they were sold through the hogs, for $1.36 a bushe when corn was valued at $2.00 bushel and hogs at $16.00 a hundred weight. COTTONSEED MEAL CHEAPENS RATION FOR WORK ANIMALS. Realizing some years ago that the time had come when farmers- Who raise live stock and employ work stock must give some heed tb ' the amount and kind of grain consumed by them the State Agricultural Exper iment Station inaugurated some inve3 tigational work upon the Iredell, ths Edgecombe and the Pender Branch Station Farms to determine just the place of cottonseed meal in the ration of a work animal. Some of the work animals upon these farms are fed upon a ration made up of corn and hays. Their team mates are fed ex actly the same feed except that the corn is reduced some and cottonseed meal substituted. This piece of investigation is not nearly completed; in fact, it is only really begun, but still some valuable and definte facts have come to the surface. It has been found, for in stance, that no little amount of money is being saved by the introduction o cottonseed meal into the ration. When ! corn is valued at $2.00 a bushel, oats at 64 cents a bushel and cottonseed meal at $50.00 a ton the yearly ex pense of the feed bill of each wofk animal upon the Iredell Branch Sta tion Farm was reduced $5.38 as a re sult of using even extremely smal amounts of cottonseed meal in con junction with corn and oats. - When the amounts of cottonseed are increased and the amounts of corn correspondingly decreased and this is to be done soon the annual saving will be still greater. AH of the mules are In good health and have practical ly maintained constant weights. It is noticeable each spring, however, that the animals which have the small al lowance of cottonseed meal "shed off' earlier and more uniformly than do those eating corn as the sole concen ,fi. DAN T. GRAY, Chief, Animal Industry Division. West Raleigh, N. C IS. If n "V nil HEALTH IS WEALTH E Health : STATE BOARD jffGIENE Questions on Heaitfa, Hygiene aund Sanitation of general interest to our readers will b answered in these columns or by mail if addressed to this office or to the :tate Board of Health at Raleigh and accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope, diagnosis er treatment of individual cases will be attempted. Candy More than half of the solid matter In a baby's natural food a sample of which is sent along by "old Dr. Nature with each baby consists of the most soluble, the most digestible, the most nourishing and altogether ideal nour ishment in the world) to wit. sugar. Fishwives peddle much lore about the alleged ill effects of sugar in a r' ild's diet. They connect with sugar and sweets many imagined symptoms of "worms" which symptoms, by the way, are really due to most anything but worms nine time out of ten. But no matter. When a fishwife finds a child with an upset of digestion, espe cially when the breath is heavy and "IT'LL GIVE YOU WORMS!" Nonsense! Sugar,-candies and sweets never cause . worms. They are valuable food for the growing child. sweet, the child feverish, the face flushed with white lines, around the "gills," bright eyes, nervous Switch ings, perhaps talking in sleep or de lirium when awake, nausea or vomit ing the old woirian is convinced the child has "worms." These symptoms are commonly produced by intestinal indigestion m children, also by other illnesses, but never by sugar or candy, and rarely indeed by worms: "Chil dren have worms, sometimes; no doc tor denies that. But the strange part of it is that children who actually nave worms, as we knew when worms are passed from ths bowel, or when the eggs of worms are discovered by microscopical examination, there are usually no such symptoms exhibited at all! As a rule the child shows no disturbance of health which a ftshwifg would even suspect as "wormy symp toms." Fact is, that there are no particular symptoms by which a case of worms may be diagnosed other than the passing of worms or than the find ing of the eggs just mentioned. Sugar is recognized as an excellent emergency food for soldiers that U why chocolate is so popular in the trenches. Sugar is a quickly available source of energy for the heart it seems to feed the heart muscle just as well as it feeds the general voluntary nus. cles. That is why children require a very generous allowance of sugar or pure sweets, for their muscles do a tremendous amount of work In a day's play, and the heart muscle of course has to do its bit. Pure candy is advisable in the diet of 'school children. Candy, or sugar in any other acceptable form. The im portant points are that the sugar or candy must be pure, and not adulterat ed with harmful dyes or flavors which may be used in the preparation o! cheap er expensive candies alike. The old time peppermint, lemon, hore hound and einnamon stick candies are still as wholesome and cheap as ever. The child should eat candy or other sweets as dessert, and not at Irregular times. That sugar in Itself does not injure a child's teeth Is pretty well demon strated in the beautiful, white, well preserved teeth of pickaninies who practically live on sugar cane in the ripening season. The popular prejudice againsl sweets for children is based on the old granny notion that whatever a child craved was neeessarily bad for the child, that sugar "makes worms" (an absurd ' superstition, when anybodi knows the rudiments of biology), and that sugar causes indigestion. There is no sound reason why everj young child should not have his nor mal craving for sweets satisfied in a reasonable way. , f WMm zmmt :v G LANIER LIBRARY. 1 ML f-wh''i'm,' T ii Tr 1 - Among the new war books recently added to the Library are "The Glory of the Trenches," by Conningsby Dawson; "All In It" by Ian Hay; and "A Minstrel in France," by Harry Lauder; "Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant," and W. P. Johnston's' "Life of Albert Sidney Johnston," although mot new books are recent additions to our library There are several ex cellent children's books much good !historv and biography besides many of the more recent novels.yj. There is v. demand from the carfiips for text books, especially histories, for the soldiers. The Library js shinninc bo-jk:- to Camp Green and will bo glad of any additions. Vl w. s. s. j SANDY SPRINGS. . Crops ' are looking fine now. Sorhe corn is being laid by. Mr. Jethro McEntyre is home from Camp Sevier for five days. Mr. and Mrs .W. vv. Davidson spent Friday night at the home df Perry Cantrell. The all day singing at Melvin Hill on the third Sunday was well attend ed, and a convention was organized, with several churches asking for membership. The convention mees with the Brooklyn church the thirfl Sunday in July, and at Sandy Spring the third Sunday in August. 1 Miss Myrtle Cantrell has gone g Cullowee, N. C, to attend the sum?'' mer school for teachers. i Several from here attended Child ren's Day at Cooly Springs. W. S. S. I A FAIR BOOSTER. Landrum, S. C, June 21, 191$ POLK COUNTY NEWS, I Dear Sir: (i Please find one dollar William en. closd. I haven't had it long enough;' to call it Bill. Send me the NFAV, until the dollar gives -out, and if I amf lucky enough I may have another: if What farmer can beat this: we hadt corn on a plate June 19 and tomatoes" on June 20. I want Polk county to have the best fair this' fall that has ever beei held in the county. Hurrah for Poll county. Let us do all we can to heir make Polk county the best county in the State. Plase find one dollar more to help pay premiums of Fair. PleaseV don't forget me with premium list. v With mv best wishes to POLK COUNTY "NEWS I will close. Yours trulv, J. D. WEAVER. W. S. S FAIR DATES. By mistake the Fair dates were, made to appear October 10, 11 and 12 when they should be October 9, xO md 11, so govern yourself according 'y. This will make the Fair fall on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. ' In this connection it might be well to say that every person in Polk county is invited to uccome a mem ber of the Association, and a mem bership fee of One Dollar will be charged, such money to be devoted to paying off premiums and such other expenses as may be incurteft. Through the efforts of Mr. Geo'. "B. Cobb, almost $100 have been sub scribed by the people In Tryon town hip. Don't wait for your township committeeman to solicit you, but send vour dollar to Dr. H, H. Edwards, Treasurer, at Columbus .and tell him what township your fee is to be cred ited to. W. S. S CLOSE OF WAR SAVINGS WEEK. July toappoint school committeemen for the various districts in the coun ty and to attend to any other business that may come up for consideration. Each district is especially asked to meet the Board at this meeting and make recommendations for the school corriinittee in your district. Teachers are going to be scarce this year and it will be necessary to begin some of our schools in July so that these teachers can take another bchool later in the year. I hope all the committeemen who can do so Vill attend the Teachers Institute one day during the session from June 24th to July 5th and arrange with your teacher to begin your school about the middle of July, and also see something of the work of the insti tute any time during its session. Very sincerely yours, E.-W. S. COBB, County Supt. W. S. S WANTED. tt,. ' cfest As Parti cu White girls to act as waitresses at Highland Lake Ipn this summer. Ad dress MRS. AMANDA D. MARTIN, ' Highland Lake Inn, Flat Rock, N. W. s. s. A celebration of the Fourth . by King's Chapel A. M. E. church, is ad vertised. A Fourth of July celebra tion at or by a 'King's anything is something new. But odd things hap pen in Tryon. Red Cross Training Courses for war service at home, will be held at theed Cross home service institute, Atlanta, Ga., July 1st and 2nd, last ing six weeks. Address Joseph C. Logan, 320 Healy Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., for fuH particulars. FOR SALE or LEASE! RIXHAVEN LODGE On Tryon Mountian Suitable for small first class hotel, or for gentleman's residence. A fine orchard, vineyard, small fruits, as: paragus, etc, Address, RIXHAVEN LODGE Stearns, N. C. ar As Yn -About Tires :er3 cro thrifty, cr,lcu!atinEr viio know tiroup-keepcosta Deucvc err, we'vo locked) into this tire proposition from top to bottom. Toko cur advice and buy Diamonds the cre b-y on the market. The bia i': ':vo LzrsQ cold our customers are rur;n:r:; urll-r, giving less trouble, and costing loss in the end than any other tiros wo kncT. Put a Diamond Tube in a Diamond ca$. VIS and you have the ideal tire equipment C-rsiha. Hardware Co. -0' ' North Carolint NOTICE. Tho War Savings Week campaign will close in Tryon Friday night at a big patriotic meeting to be held in the school auditorium, at 8:30 o'clock p. m. The drive has been a very success ful OnP hilt it i HfC?ViH - ana tha drive close with a regular patriotic love feast, and you are all invited to be present. Capt. W, W. Gray, U. S. Army, and Lieut. J. B. Copeland, U. S. Navy will be present and make talks. Tn addi tion several "home folks" will be call ed on for short talks. It is to be honed evervhodv in Trvon who possibly can will hf thp'r and see the campaign elope in a "hlaze of crlnrv " Rev. R. N. Pratt will cIosp th War Savings Week cammirm hir motino- the citizens of Lynn a talk. If you want to hear a man whose very heart and soul is in the work, go and hear this noble Christian minister. W. S.'S IMPORTANT SCHOOL NOTICE. The Board of Educati at Columbus on the first Mondav in Having qualified as administrator of L. B. McGuinn, deceased, I hereby notify all persons indebted to said L. p. McGuinn to make settlement with me at once. All accounts against said estate must be presented to me within 12 months from this date, or they will be debarred, 'i This, May 25th, 1918. J.' M. McGUINN, Admr, Sole of Land for Taxes. I By virtue of the tax list in my hands for collection for the year 1917, I will on MONDAY, JULY 15th t Lynn, during the legal hours of ale sell to satisfy the taxes and tost, the followine prooertv. ucy Blackwell, house and lot $L G. Cannon house and lot. . W. A. Cannon housp and Int usan Cochran house and lot. fihas. Edwards house and Int S0!" Fisher, house and M, , , , , , liso Bob Usher, house und lot 4.62 llave roster house nd lot Mjnnie Glovel house and lot.... John L. Jackson house and lot.. H- H, Kirkendall house and lot. Tfy A. Leonard house and lot. . . . W1. S. McCall house and lot Mrs. Dock Newman house and lot... t Si G. Newman, house and Vot"" Mrs. Bill Rhodes. Bub Rhodes, house ad lot ' ?5 John Rhodes .houdf and 7.75 w u' X00 d lot,,.. 2.i3 ' P11' house lot.. 5.25 H, tt. inompson, house and lot.. 2.75 Xiray Thompson, house and lot.. 6 83 J. H. Metcalf, Collector. SQUEEPTOfe TIRES EjiB at. . -X-1-:Jj 0 .$3.00 .19.76 . 5.50 . 1.90 o,B0 2.00 3.15 7.50 2.49 6.37 5.12 1.75 8.49 3.81 CDom MaDfls and iW F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C, 9 : An Ambition and a Record j HE needs of the South are identical with the need J i of the Southern Railway t the trrowth aud success of one means i the upbuilding of the other. I 1 ' i i ' The Southern Railway asks no favorr no tpecial jrivilcre nqt ' I accordc4 to others. I ! ''' 1 j The ambition,of the Southern Railway Company It to see .that ! unity of interest that is bora of co-operation between the public and- the railroads; to set perfected that fair and frank p.jlicy in the manage-' ment of railroads which invites the confident of rovelmentaI, ' afenciesj to realize that liberality of treatnentM?iich will enable it' 1 to obtain the additional capital needed for lue acriu&itlon of better and ' enlarred facilities incident to the demand for increased ani better service i and, finally- 4 ' To take its niche in the body politic of theijsouth alongside of other treat industries, with no mo.e. but .with efaai liberue. equU nchts and equal opportunities. i ' ! . " The Southern Serves theJSouth., Kerosene Engines t In Stock from 1 1-2 to 15 Horse Power The celebrated FAIRBANKS-MORSE Engines Water and Light Systems and complete Line of Farm Machinery, Belting, Pul leys and Machinery Supplies. Write us if needing any thing in our line. We can make prompt delivery LUMMUS MACHINERY COMPANY No. 211 Magnolia Street Spartanburg, -. - South Carolina Attention Mr. Farmer! ford Cars and weber wagons Everything made' of wood and iron is gettinS higher in price all the time. We were fortunate enough to place an order about nine months oro for a car load of the celebrated Weber Wagon, all sizes, made by the International Harvester Co. , at old prices, and can today sell you cheaper than we can now buy, even if we could get them at all. We cansave you money while they last, and will sell on easy terms. - We are also getting a few Ford Cars. Every farmer that has lots of hauling should have one of the new Ford Trucks. , ; Call and talk it over with us. THE TRYON MOTO CO,