- - r r : I ', ft? - t PADRg CLUIVaBUS OfrOBE(Rg 9 to ANip U 1 Only Paper A live," Clean, Newspaper for the Home. ishedln Polk County. AND THE TTRYON BEfi pOLIK CCDOJNTY v 'aaauiu miwiiii n i m i n 1 1 1 n n I null mifi - i rri i n i i i VOL. XXIV NO. 10 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1918. "y , - . t , 1 1 $1.50 A YEAR COLUMBUS. The reappointment of our energetic 3,nd i wiU surely the voice of the ?anl!;V pvorvbodv seems much P P, ;.,;, to have him continue his good 1ST US. Volney Lewis, of X. J., accompanied -b. their (UuiR ' and their niece, uiss Fucker, of Charlotte, av L dormitory for a stay o: FISHTOP. term and dry, one extreme follow 'been received from Roon of J-. P. Arledge, that tnoiit One mi on Mi, ami Mrs. ... ... nvnnivic'k. V" 1 . 1.4..;.. Ai; TlnAnm. T ni lull, iiija vjicaiiui 4Ui- Miss Margaret e occupying r Lowis is. professor of geology at n.t.mr CO If lit-. 4.. w Word ha ijn)iro son .VI"-"'. . 4i T,. OOU hp sailou tor over ineie uune Mr.Kay Arledge is at home qn a th's t'urlougn. of our popular rirgn bcnooi , y 11 i f -drnts. .Mr. tonei uvvens, ui uieens Creek, was visiting friends here this Prof F W. S. Cobb held an exam- lvl' ." 1 1 m 1 mtfion for teacners nere, lusuay. Mn Ellis Walker, of Greens Creek, i Visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Cloud, who has been sick, but is con valescing. . Mrs. A. T. Hart is seriously ill at this writing, having had a stroke of paralysis. Monday. Mr! R. F. McFarland was at home Sunday. He is located at . Asheville at present. Miss Pearl McGuinn has been very ;cfc-the past week, Mrs. Henry Laughter, 17 years of age, and her babe, died at her home Friday", and were buried Saturday at the Williams family burial ground. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb conducted the funeral services. Messrs. Archie Feagan, Edwin Constance and Early Petty have join ed the crowd of Polk county boys at Hopewell, Va., where they have se cured employment. Mr. Iridell Langston ,of Florence, S. C is at Mr. E. W. Dedmond's for an indefinite stay. Mr. A. D. Brown who has been vis iting his family has returned to Wil mington, In. C, where he is at gov ernment work in the ship yards. Mrs. E. C. Shore and daughters, K'atnerine and Ollie, liave TTetuTned ' from an extended visit in .Virginia ad Winston-Salem, N. C. The Betterment Club realized $8.00 from the sale of ice cream sold the Fourth of July. "We hope to have it, for sale frequently if it can be secur ed. w. s. s LYNN. W another. T. W. Bradley and Earnest Laugh ter hauled a load of peaches to Hen dersonville, last week. Lindsey Henderson, of Henderson ville, visited his grandfather, Jasper Henderson, a few days last week. Rattlers are having a tough time keeping out of people's way these hot days, as they have to have water, and when they go in search do not always get back home. Some one is killing a snake almost every day but W. J. Bishop has the prize so far for the largest one and the most rattles (13) killed last week. Mr. Posey Hnderson and son, Mont gomery, visited Miss Florence Brad ley, Sunday. Misses Pearl and. Vina Laughter visited Mrs. N. A. Pronce on day last week. Miss Myrtle and John Pace visited tneir lister, Mrs. Herbert Pace, Saturday, remaining over night. W s. s. HILLCREST. FROM OUR- FRIENDS-OVER THE BOUNTY on Some Items of Gansral Intereat Gathered By Our Correspondents Irom V Sections of Polk County ;'v arious MELVIN HILL. to to fly- (Too late for last week.) Mr Howard Brian has returned Akron, Ohio. Mr. D. M. Abrams wejit back Camp Jackson Thursday, after a ing visit to nis home folks. Miss Myra Sue Houser is visiting relatives and friends near Chimney Rock. Capt. M. Georgian and Miss Eliza Abrams went to Tryon, Sunday and were caught, on their homeward way, in the almost tropical storm that raged about dark that evening. Mr. Thompson, of Asheville. spent the week-end at Cedar Hill planta tion. Rev. Mr. Kidd and Miss Priscilla Camp made a flying trip to Ruther fordton. They were just in time to witness the arrival of Rev F. B. Ran kin and family. Mr. Rankin's family will spendthe summer in Rutherford- ton, but he has gone back to Camp Jackson. Mrs. Marie A. Smalley has gone to .visit her daughter near Mooresboro N.-'C." ' - ; 4V'-; ' on the 3rd, and all are preparing for hear Gov. Bickett in Rutherfordton on the 3rd,N and all arp reparing for the local celebration on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Camp have been hiotified that one of their sons has been wounded in France. W. S. S. HILLCREST. Farmers are busy laying by their crops. Mr. and Mrs. Lawter visited at the home of Mr. Miller Lawter, of Cooley Springs, Sunday. Miss Ethel Henderson,' of Mill Creek, attended Sunday school here; Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Feagan were in Melvin Hill, Sunday. We were glad to see Mrs. Branscom out again, Sunday, after her recent' illness. After several weeks of illness, Mr. William Watson died at his home, here, last Saturday night. He had been afflicted for some years. Mr. Watson was a good citizen, well re spected and had many friends. He leaves a widow, his second wife, and some four or five sons and daughters, all of whom are married and have families. The funeral was at vireen river church, Monday. Mrs. r.xie Prince has received let ters from her two sons Carl and Her bert i'nnce, to the effect that they naa landed sately in France. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Rev. J. M. Barber filled his regular i appointment at .Lebanon, .bunday. -Misses Mossie and Doreas Edwards Barbara and Eliza White, W. E. El liott "arid A. A. Edwards v?eht to Bill's creek, Sunday. They report a nice time, as it was on the mountain, and the cool breezer made eit. (pleasant. ' A. A. Edwards had the first cotton blossom the 2nd of Julyj J. T. Edwards made a trip to Ruther fordton last Tuesday, t ' s ,Mr. Garner Skipper was in this section, Sunday.1 M We were real , sorry nat the Rock Spring choir was withqut any alto Sunday. Hope they will be able to have better singing for ; the conven tion which is in Octobef.! 1 Miss Sarah Gilbert ?isited at Mr. Henry Lynch's, last week- Miss Alice McCrain Avas a visitor at Mr. Gilbrt's last weck ; Several from this sejbion went to Rutherfordton the thirrf pnd report a nice time. t L , ; " ;. Wanted, an alto singtejh; Who will volunteer to help the Rock Spring choir? They will appreciate your help very. much. . j MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Rev. McCall of Henderson county, delivered a good sermon at Cooper Gap, Sunday. We hope he will come again. Mr. J. L. Jackson has received the giad news that his son, Ralph, has arrived safely "overseas." Mr. John Bradley was a caller in this section, Sunday. Misss Grace, Oma, Lizzie and Mat tie Williams and Annie Wilson were callers at Mr. T. N. Wilson's, Sunday. Mr. George Ruff and others motor ed to Camp Sevier Sunday;, to see friends. Mr. and Mrs. Posie Wilson haVe re turned from Spartanburg, S. C. School begins at Sunny View on the 22nd. We have two teachers this year. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Coggins visited on the route Sunday last. We wonder if Mr. Skippr caught his car Sunday. Hope he "did. When you finish reading the NEVS send it to some Polk county soldier. They will enjoy reading it. Mr. Pink Jackson, from Sandy Plains, is visiting his father, Mr. J. L. Jackson. Everybody is invited to be; at Cane Creek Sunday., W. S. S WALKER. all lines of work in the immediate fu ture, and depends upon its loyal members to cooperate with the bu reau and work! with as much enthus iasm as in the past. We have to. supply . twenty-nine comfort kits to our boys who leave for camp this? jmonth. Anyone wish ing to help make or furnish thest kits can get directions from Mrs. B. F. Copeland, phone 74, Tryon. w. s. S- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I Why Boys Leave the Farnnl. is' Rev: R. X. Pratt will fill his regu lar appointment next Sunday, at 3;30 p. m. The Fourth was exceedingly quiet :n Lynn. No visible signs of any booze. Ladies Aid sold ice cream .and lemonade. The wife and infant of Henry Laughter died last Friday, only a few hours apart. Mother and babe were laid to rest in the same casket. Mrs. Laughter's maiden name was Foster, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Foster. Bryan Cannon, of Spartanburg, ar.d Harrison Cannon, Jr., of Green- 'il!o, spent the day last Sunday with tome folks, returning Sunday even ing. - Howland Ruppe, of Cooper Gap, in our village last Tuesday sell ing some as fine peaches as we have s'?fn. 1 tell you they were some Peaches and some price. Now Row ianri bring us some more peaches, ap Pes and watermelons. The Tryon Hosiery Mfg. Co., did a food work with the children in the wll by buying first and last Thrift stamps on their cards, and by this move several of the children have started to save some money and help J-r'-'!p Sam win the war. . Sidney Carius and family, of Pis FH'i Forest, visited relatives and ''nds here last week-end. )irs. (loo. H. Bradley, of Spartan JutV, S. C, is visiting- relatives in LJ'Jin tfjis week. . Qyiii to geographical conditions trp star and rural mail routes will be a proposition to revise, but if they r;o improved let's go to work. rhe report we made last week on K s. s. pledges read $25.00 n it should have read $2,500.00. ltlP young ladies deserve very much f''enit for their assistance in this . . At this writing Mr. R. H. Metcalf Witf sick. It's to be honed he will better snnn . L. P. Justice, of Beech, N. C, visiting his son, Jake who is some r.at indisposed. Ih" Odd Fellows children , had a -T good house and their exercises vfd they had been carefully and Strained. Our Red Cross girls served ice cream at Hillcrest Institute on the af ternoon of the Fourth, clearing some thing over $12. Mr. Bridges and others of his family went to Greenville, Sunday, to see his son in camp. Miss Mila McKinney and Mr. Clint Blackwell spent the week-end in For est City. A goodly number of our citizens went to Rutherfordton on the third, to hear the Governor speak ,and help Rutherfordton celebrate. Hillcrest Institute will begin its Summer term, July 9th. Mr. C. W. Twitty and Miss Mary !, Diekerson visited relatives in our neighborhood, Sunday. Threshing wheat is now in order, the turn out being better than was expected. w. s. s. PEA RIDGE. h 8. $ 31 . r bo fount (-ovi "'-Ml. ined. H. H. Covil is all smiles on ac- of the arrival rf vmini? Miss 8. Mother and babe doing i No W. S. COOPER S. GAP. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phillips spent Sundav with their son, E. P. Phillips, near Landrum. J. W. Reed and family spent Sun day with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carsweil. Luther Phillips and wife spent Sat urday and Sunday at Mr. D. U. ran naey's. Miss Allie Connor spent Saturday night with Mrs. Annie Liles. " T?ov W W. Womack preached a verv interesting sermon at the Bap tist church, Sunday. Misses Iva Gosnell and Bessie Thompson spent Sunday at Mr. J. R. Philips' . Walter Russell made a flying trip to Asheville, Tuesday last. Russell Newman called to see Gra dy Phillips, Sunday. . Willie Turner spent the Fourth in South, Carolina. Miss Lizzie uaiton spent luesuay last at Mr. E. G. Thompson's, we are sorry to know that Miss uaiton is not improving in health. Mill Soring Route I, are you ac quainted with that little town they call JNOOasvinc ; We are glad to learn that our sol dier boys landed safely in trance three weeks ago.. Mrs. Chap Turner spent Saturday with Mrs. J. B. Dalton. Mr. Bill Giggs'and family spent tne week-end at Mr. Melton's. w. s. s. SUNNY VIEW. Jj-ops in Cooper Gap look fine. 1 he truck farmers here are getting " n. or money out of their early veg- doies and fruits. The Ford trucks fc to market and back in six Hours, N. Dimsdale and entire family stored to Hendersonvflle Saturday, " pleasure trip. M A Sue Jones is visiting.her aunt, -a. uora Lawter. fc IJr. J. M. Gilbert has a lot of fine caches ready for market. ' Mr. Hamp Ruff had the misfortune Mep on a nail a few days ago, and "dS a verv anro 1, f JVV4 O-WV. ?alPh Lawter who has been so "Why did you leave tfarm, my lad? Why did you bolt and quit your dad? Why did you beat it off to town And turn your poor old daddy down? -Thinkerarof-platformrolplt,' press,; Are wallowing in deep distress; They seek to know the hidden cause Why farmer boys desert their paws. Some say you long to' get a taste Of faster life and social waste; Some say you silly little chumps Mistake your suite cards for your trumps. i. In wagering" fresh and germless air , f Against the smoky thoroughfare, f; We' e all agreed the farm's the place, So free your mind and state your case." "Well, stranger, since 'you've been so frank 1 : I'll roll aside the hazy bank, The misty cloud of theories, And show you where the trouble lies. I left my dad, his farm, his plow, Because my calf became his cow. I left my dad, 'twas wrong, of course, . Because my colt became his horse. r ; I left my dad to sow and reap ji; Because my lamb became his sheep. f I dropped my hoe and stuck my fork Because my pig became his pork. The garden truck that I made grow, 'Twas his to sell but mine to hoe. It's not the smoke in the atmosphere, Nor the taste of life that brought me here. Please tell the platform, pulpit, press, ' No fear of toil or love 'of dress, Is driving off the f arrner's lads, But just the methods of their dads . " -J. Edward Tufft. The farmers are having some fine weather for killing weeds.' Kev. W. P. Stepp and son, Clayton Stepp, from South Carolina visited his son, T. R. Stepp, last w-eek. They report good crops in their section. C. C. Jones has been hauling tan bark .for David Morrison. T. R. Stepp attended sineiner at Mt. Lebanon, Sunday. Says he certain ly did enjoy his trip. w. s. s. MILL SPRING. " -8 The farmers of this section are very busy trying to get through with their work. " Miss Letha Barber was ! the guest of Miss Leon Egerton, Sunday. A number from here attended the Fourth- of July celebration at Crairt ney Rock, and heard Governor Bick ett's thrilling address. Everybody reports a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibs and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cocherum were pleas ant callers at the home of Mr. J. G. Gibbs," Sunday. Mr. Wacaster's son Was buried at the Baptist cemetery last Thursday, July 4th. We extend to the bereaved family our very deepest sympathy. Misses Myrtle Pack and Letha Bar ber were guests of Misses Esther and Sue Gibbs, last Thursday night. Mrs. L. C. Gibbs and dauerhter vis ited the former's father, Mr. T. M. Ruppe, of Route 2, Sunday. Mrs. M. J. Higgins died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. NP. Arledge, last Saturday afternoon. Her body was laid to rest in Silver Creek cem etery Sunday. Rev. Mr. McCoin con ducted the funeral services. She was a devoted Christian, and leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. We extend to the bereaved ones our heart-felt sympathy, and point them to the One Who doeth all things well. "She was too gentle and too fair To dwell in this world of toil and care." We are very glad, to note that Mrs. Barber is better. r , Messrs Claude Lewis, IClarence Gibbs and Doctors Aiken and Carpen ter made a flying trip to 'Chimney Rock, Sunday. Messrs. J. M. Lewis, Claude Lewis, W. G. Egerton and son, William, at tended the Fourth of July celebration at Asheville, N. C. Messrs. Ed. and George Barber left Sunday night for Hopewell, Va. Mrs. W. M. Walker and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Arledge Wednesday aftrnoon. Mr. Keagan Bradley, of Camp oe vier, spent the week-end at home. w. s. s. POLK COUNTY RED CROSS." Ralph C. Erfikine, C. P. Rogers and wife to the Melrose Power and Mfg. Co., 4 lots. Consideration, $10.00 and other valuable ! considerations. C. O. Wilsoii ;and wife to Edna Wil son, 24 9-10 I acres. Consideration, $1.00. G. W. Justice, Com., to The Melrose Power & Mfg.: Co., 337 acres. Con sideration, $1.00. Burton F. Clark and wife to Mrs. Etta Clark Miller, 855 acres. Con sideration, $1200.00. i Burton F. Clark to Grant C. Miller, 33 acres. Consideration, $1500.00. W. A. Newell and wife, R. C. Erskine, C. P, Rogers, to the Melrose Power & Mfgj Co., 16 acres. Con sideration, $10-00 and other valuable consideration, i I Ralph C. Erskine, W. A. Newell and wife, C. i Rogers and wife, to The Melrose Power & Mfg. Co., grant Considertion, $10.00 and other valua ble considerations. W. A. Newell and wife, C. P. Rog- res and wife, Ralph C. Erskine to the Melrose Power & Mfg. Co., 98.9 acres. Consideration $10.00 and' oth er valuable considerations. R. C. Erskine, W. A. Newell and wife, C. P. Rogers and wife, to The Melrose Power & Mfg. Co., 98 acres. Consideration, $10.00 and other valu able considerations. W. A. Newell and wife, C P. Rog ers and wife, R. C. Erskine, to The Melrose Power & Mfg. Co., 161 acres. Consideration, $10.0 and other valua ble considerations. W. S. s. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Collins J. Johnson, to W.illie May WEAVER AT IT AGAIN 4- No, not Congressman Weaver, but our own J. D. Weaver ,of Greens Creek township, Polk county. We are in receipt of the following letter, enclosing $2.50. We wish several more of the loyal citizens of Polk countv would turn themselves loose in the same, cause. The incessant calls for tobacco from our boys who are "Over There," make you heart sick when you realize how slow our people are to respond to these ap peals. Wake up and send in your money and let the boys know that our thoughts are of them by sending them plenty of good old U. S. tobacco. Landrum R. 1, July 8 1918. Editor Polk County NEWS. Dear Sir: Enclosed find $2.50 to buy tobac co for our soldier boys in France, to be credited to the names below. Mrs. C. R. Collins, Landrum, S. C. .50 W. M. Hines, Campobello, S. C.,...50 K. N. Hines, Campobello, S. C... .50 J. D. Weaver, Landrum, S. C... 1.00 t. TRYON ROUTE 1. Several of the boys were out Ford ing, Sunday. , 4, Mr- Clarence Gibbs and mother were "in this section, Sunday. Misses Annie Wilson, Lizzie Wil liams, Grace and Oma Gibbs visited Mrs. C. B. Gibbs, Sunday afternoon, and on the way back one had the mis fortune to fall in the creek. Mr. J. Run and son, Gorge, made a flying visit to Greenville, Sunday. I Mr. Noah Lynch visited Mr. Hobert Whiteside, Sunday. ' ' Mr. Bill Jackson made a call at Mrs. Jane Helton's, Sunday after- Mr. G, L. Taylor has gone to Spar-I tanburg for a few days. . While entertaining a good old pal of by gone days we let the mail pass last week without our letter. Mr. Moses, of Raleigh, delivered an interesting talk on War Savings Stamps, Thrift Stamps and pigs, at Fox Mountain school house Friday, the 28th. . . Three cheers for the million Amer ican soldiers 'Over There" and great big one for the few who took the city of Vaux in 25 minutes without th eloss of a single American. Let's buy Thrift Stamps, War Savings Stamps and let them know that the people "back home" are behind them in all heartiness, regardless of iinan cial standing. Mr. Arthur Ruppe has entered the training camp at Camp Jackson. We snent the Fourtn oi jury quiet ly at home, feasting on canned music, consisting of the latest patriotic war songs, , with no big guns save the flae-s fivine in the breeze, hoping the flags of all nations would soon be waving in the breeze of lib erty. ; ' " : ' Mrs. Mamie Mitchell spent Tues day last with Mrs. R. G. Hamilton. $2.50 The Greens Creek Baptist Sunday school has bought one Thrift Stamp out of the treasury. . How many more Sunday schools in Polk county will do that much, or more? Let's all pull together and win this war if it's God's will. The Sunday school has decided to carry out Gov. Bick ett's proclamation to ring church bell at seven o'clock for two minutes and all pray while; the bell rings. And I wish to say let's sing in our hearts, "Where He Leads Me I. Will Follow.' With my best wishes to you and the NEWS, Yours truly, J. D. WEAVER. S. S. TO CLUB MEMBERS OF POLK COUNTY The following quotations from a letter received by Mrs. Holmes as di rector of woman's work for rolk County Chapter, will be of interest to all members. The letters were re ceived from Mrs. Grant, director of the woman's bureau for the southern -if:---- division. ii? 1 i i j. .-a Dr. Newton Clark!;? father and ! "rajamas wnicn you nave sent n mother, were visiting Mx the route have oeen Daoiy neeaea ana usea. we Sunday. U VYXI11' ug.a.u. :":" Mr anH Mrs noarmaS. of Snartan- vuji iirxpi vii ti.e DpJCuuiu burg, were spinning up; bn the route they are doing and we wisn to as- Mr. F. B. Nance has his motner e 'u 7 ""' with him for a few dayfc- appreciate. TX., Mrs. Lola Mull and aby, . Murphy, .in in s connection iurs. . were the pleasant called of Mrs. Ber- wishes to explain tne aeiay m secur- thaNance, Sunday. . r aho V:3.T. Mr. Floyd Toney is Ramping nearp.""" V 4. TdJ T' Columbus so as" to ma two loads of wige 4u-u h Z ' T.,r o WaiT cles of every description are being lumber to Tryon in a ay. . . . Jin3 Misses Elsie EdwaftfS and Bessie " .h Hamilton attended Christian Endea- " UUL A. "tJZ'r 3flnrZp ,r. c,T,r li- . than are at present needed of some vor, fcimaay. !.;. j ic.c s fv. T,Q.c?f ioc are Prayer meeting at Mr. E. B. U,d- turned in Under normal ; conditions wards', next Sunday aTernoon. thig matter cou be easily j settled by Misses Corine and Tfanche Feagan holding the over-plus until (needed were guests of Misses f&lara and An- and calling for more of the -smaller nie Edwards, Sunday. j -( supply. But these arc war . times, Mollie ndf ano mere is a very Qennue u uii tu tne resources Dotn oi materials aiiu transportation. We cannot spend time and money on dozens of articles and department o Raleigh and Wash The State College of Agriculture Agriculture, at ngton, D. C, have Misses Clara Edwacls. Nellie Dalton, visitedj Misses Pearl arM Essie Edwards Suay afternoon. Canning huckle anfe blackberries seemsto be the fad jvfst now. Those who attendeclj;he Fourth at Cross Keys report a niije time. Go to church, Sunday'; at the M. E. church, Mill Spring, that may be not be required lor a year, when there is a crying need for other things which the same time and money might supply immediately.- ' ' -v;T4'- -:':-'-This Chapter expects allotments on worked out a short course of four days at the A; & !. College, at West Raleigh, for club workers in North Carolina. - - The rule by which appointments ar made, is the number" enrolled for club work in each county, and ac cording to enrollment I am informed that Polk county will be. entitled to nve ciuo representatives this year. These may be either boys or girls.' The expense of this short course will be the railroad fare to Raleisrh and return, at reduced rates, and the ac tual table expenses of 25 cents per meal while there. Now if any; j boys or gi rls in Polk county desire to go with me to Raleigh, Aug. 21st to 25th, they must make application to me at once, and first applications w-ill be accepted till the number five is obtained. Re member that; ; only five, including boys and girls,, can be obtained. This is a' great opportunity for boys and girl$ meeting for morning drills, on the State Farm, the Exper iment Station, Stock Barns Orchards, Poultry Plant; Lecture Room and many other things make these short courses of tremendous importance to those who are able to attend. Respectfully, -J. R. SAMS, County Agent P. S. Let every patriotic citizen of Polk county remember the county Fair at Columbus, Oct. 9, 10 and 11, and begin now and help make it I a grand, success. This is something in which every" one can help; . -4 j, . .1 J i Piously sick is better now. . '