POLK COUNTY' frEWS, TRYON, N. 0 LIBERTIES OF ALL MUST BE SECURE At Tomb of Washington, Pre:! dent Wilson Say: America's Participation in This War Is Fruitage of What Our Fore fathers Planted, HEARTENS STRICKEN RUSSIA. There Can Be But One Issue The Set tlement Must Be Final There Can Be No Compromise These Are the Ends for Which the Associated Peo ple of the World Are Fighting and Which Must Be Conceded Them Be fore There Can Be Peace. Wnshingt on. President Wilson vis ited the tomb of Washington at Mount vernou on ;he Fourth of July and there delivered the following address : Gentlemen of and My Fellow the Diplomatic Corps Citizens I am happy to draw apart with you to this quiet place of old counsel in order to speak a little of the meaning of this day of our nation's independence. The place seems very still and remote. It fs as serene and untouched by the hurry of the world as It was in those great days long ago when General Washington was here and held leisurely conference with the men who were to be associat ed with him in the creation of a na 'tlon. From these gentle slopes they looked out upon the world and saw It wlwle. saw It with the light of the fu ture upon It, saw It with modern eyes that turned away from a past which men of liberated spirits could no long er endure. It is for that reason that we cannot feet, even here. In the im mediate presence of this sacrecTtomb, that this Is a place of death. It was a place of achievement. A great prom ise that was meant for all mankind Was here given plan and reality. The associations by which we are here sur rounded are the inspiriting associa tions of that noble death which Is only a glorious consummation. From this green hillside we also ought to be able to see with comprehending eyes the world that lies about us and should conceive anew the purposes that must set men free. Acting for All Mankind. It Is significant significant of their own character and purpose and of the Influences they were setting afoot that Washington and his associates, like the barons at Runnymede, spoke and acted, not for a class, but for a .people. It has been left for us to see to It that It shall be understood that they spoke and acted, not for a single people only, but for all mankind. They were thinking, not of themselves and of the material interests which center ed in the little groups of landholders and merchants and men of affairs "with whom they were accustomed to act, In Virginia and the colonies to the north r.nd south of her. but of a people which wished to be done with classes and special interests and the authority of men whom they had not themselves chosen to rule over them. They en tertained no private purpose, desired no peculiar privilege. They were con sciously planning that men of, every class should be free and America a place to which men out of every nation mighl resort who wished to share with them the rights and privileges of free ir.cn. And we take our cue from them, do we not? We intend what they In tended. We here in America believe owv participation in this present war to u only the fruitage of what they planted. Our case differs from theirs only in this, that It Is our inestimable privilege to concert with men out of every nation what shall make not only the liKerties of America secure, but the liberties of every other people as well. We are happy in the thought that we are permitted to do what they would have done had they been in our place. There must now be settled once for all what was settled for America In the great age upon whose inspira tion we draw today. This is surely a tilting place from which calmly to look out upon our task, that we may forti fy our spirits for its accomplishment. And this 's the appropriate place from which to avow, alike to the friends who look on and to the friends with whom we have the happiness to be as sociated in action, the faith and pur pose with which we act. Unorganized and Helpless Russia. This, then, is our conception of the preai struggle in which we are engag ed. The plot is written plain upon owry scene and every act of the su preme tragedy. On the one hand stand the peoples of the world, not only the peoples actually engaged, but many others also who Suffer under mastery but cannot act ; peoples of many races and in every part of the world the people of stricken. Russia still, among the rest, though they are for the mo ment unorganized and helpless. Op posed to them, masters of many armies, stand an Isolated, friendless group of governments who speak no common purpose, but only selfish ambitions of r their own by which none can profit but themselves and whose peoples are fuel in their hands; governments which fear their people and yet are for the time their sovereign lords, mak ing every choice for them and dispos ing of their Uvea and fortunes as they will as well as of the lives and f -tunes of every people who fall under thel- power government clothed with I the strange trappings and the primi tive authority of an age that Is alto gether alien and hostile to our own. Tin past and the present are In deadly grapple, and the peoples of the world are being done to death between them. There can be but one Issue. The set tlement must be final. There can be no compromise. No halfway decision would be tolerable. No half way deci sion Is conceivable. These are the ends for which the associated peoples of the world are fighting and which must be conceded them before there can be peace : The Terms of Peace. L The destruction of every arbitrary power anywhere that can separately, secretly and of Its single choice dis turb the peace of the world, or, If it cannot be presently destioyed, at least its reduction to virtual impotence. II. The settlement of every question, whether of territory, of sovereignty, of economic arrangement or of politi cal relationship, upon the basis or the free acceptance of that settlement by the people Immediately concerned, and not upon the basis of the material in terest or advantage of any other na tion or people which may desire a dif ferent settlement for the sake of its own exterior Influence or mastery. III. The consent of all nations to be governed in their conduct towards each other by the same principles of honor and of respect for the common law of civilized society that govern the indi vidual citizens of all modern states In their relations with one another, to the end that all promises and covenants may be sacredly observed, no private plots or conspiracies hatched, no selfish injuries wrought with Impunity and a mutual trust established upon the handsome foundation of a mutual re spect for right. IV. The establishment of an organi zation of peace which shall make it certain that the combined power of free nations will check every invasion of right and serve to make peace and justice the more secure by affording a definite tribunal of opinion to which all must submit and by which every international readjustment that can not be amicably agreed upon by the pepples directly concerned shall be sanctioned. Great Objects in One Sentence. These great objects can be put Into a single sentence. What we seek Is the reign of law, based upon the con sent of the governed and sustained by tre organized opinion of mankind. ; These great ends cannot be achiev ed by debating and seeking to recon cile and accommodate what stateslnen may wish, with their projects for bal ances of power and of national oppor tunity. They can be realized only by the determination of what the thinking peoples of the world desire, with their longing hope for Justice and for social freedom and opportunity. I can fancy that the air of this place carries the accents of such principles with a peculiar kindness. Here were started forces which the great nation against which they were primarily di rected at first regarded as a revolt against its . rightful authority, but which it has long since seen to have been a step In the liberation of Its own people as well as of the people of the United States, and I stand here now to speak speak proudly and with confi dent hope ot the spread of this re volt, this liberation, to the great stage of the world itself I The blinded rulers of , Prussia ha ve roused forces they knew little of forces which, once aroused, can never be crushed to earth again, for they have at their heart an inspiration and a purpose which are deathless and of the very stuff of tri umph I "HAIL SHIPEUILDERSI" CRIES ARMY AT FRONT ON JULY 4 LAUNCHINGS. Washington. A cablegram received from General Pershing In reply to one sent by Chairman Hurley of the Ship ping Board said : "The launching of 100 ships on the Fourth of July is the most Inspiring news that has come to us. "AH ranks of the army In France send their congratulations and heart felt thanks to their patriotic brothers in the shipyards at home. "No more defiant answer could be given to the enemy's challenge. With such backing we cannot fall to win. All hail American shipbuilders!" Ships in June Break Records. Washington. Ship production In the United Slates in June amounted to 280,400 deadweight tons, making the total 1918 production to date 1,804.670 tons. The June production, which is at the rate of 3,364,800 tons a year, is u new record for the United States and is the greatest output of ocean going tonnage ever completed in any one month by any nation. It comes within 15,000 tons of the world's record for ship building, made by the British ship yards in May, which Included all classes of vessels. Of the month's output steel ships to talled 262,900 tons and wooden ships 17,500 tons. The number of vessels was not announced, as it was discover ed that several had been put Into serv ice so quickly after delivery that In spectors had not made reports on them to the Shipping Board's statistical de partment. Tonnage figures were available from the division of operations. An amazing growth In output was disclosed hy detailed figures foi the four weeks of June. In the first week six ships of 24,430. deadweight tons were delivered, the second week ten more of 64,732 tons were added, and in the third week the average for t month was made one a day bj completion of five ships, totaling c 260 tons. iii- Jr t --- - -'i -I "fill W'l 1- ' -iH FR0NT OF 8 It I h- f! frit ' - ' - if ' j S ip a. ' ' ' ' j Sh ' 'wWv H;SB & JL i ' - l . ' ' . 1 man offensive alori. .r1 f This is the American hospital ship without protection to test the behaviour Castle the plan has been held' up and NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Most Glorious Independence Day in History of the United, States eclebrated. HUNDRED VESSELS LAUNCHED President Wilson Declares There Can Be No Compromise With the Foe Secretary Baker's Heartening Statement Confusing State of Affairs in Russia. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. With more than a million Americans n France: fighting for the freedom of the world;-with more than another million Americans in training for the same great contest ; with the subma rine menace finally overcome, the "bridge across the Atlantic" completed and Its maintenance assured by the tremendous amount of shipbuilding ac complished and underway ; with quan tity and quality production of airplanes and artillery announced ; with huge crops In prospect, and finally with the nation solidly behind the government in Its plans for the prosecution the war to a victorious finish, the people of the United States very properly made the celebration of the Fourth of July the greatest celebration In the history of the country. No task so great and glorious ever before con fronted them, no more lofty Idealism ever inspired them to perform the task, never was their confidence In their power so absolute. With reason, too, was the national holiday celebrated by the allies of America, and especially gratifying was the fact that tne day was made a na tional holiday by many of the Latin American republics for that indicate that the unreasonable Jealousy and fear of the United States some of them have entertained Is passing away. fe Though last Thursday was not so noisy as the old-time Fourths, there was one most glorious noise that, fig uratively speaking, must have been distinctly heard in Berlin and Vienna. That was the "grand, splash" when about one hundred vessels were launched at the various shipyards of the country. Between sunrise and sunset approximately half a million tons of dead weight shipping was add-: ed to the fleets that are defeating the subjnarine pirates, carrying our armies to France and transporting the food and munitions for them and our al lies. This greatest ship launching In. all history was the most significant feature of the day's celebrations. In the fiscal year just ended 1,622 new ships were numbered by the bu reau of navigation, their gross ton-' nagt. being 1,430,793. This was a rec ord output and one-half of It was com plete!.! in the last four months. In the new fiscal year this record will be ee'llpsv'tl, for many new shipyards are Just getting started. The loyalty and devotion of the shipyard workers were Justly tecognized by the government officials from the president down. Rnd by he people, and the praise for their effoits is shared by the railroad work-, ers, without whose devoted co-operation the achievements of the vessel -builders would not have been possible. --11 Beautifully dovetailing In with all this was the announcement by Sena tor Swanson, chairman of the naval affairs committee, that with the co-operation of the American destroyers the allied naval forces have destroyed 65 per cent of the submarines sent out by Germany, and that they are now de stroying the U-boats faster than they can be replaced. ; -11-Secretary of War Baker's detailed statement to thei house committee on military affairs was made Just In time to giye added lest to the celebration of the Fourth. He said the America Army now consisted of 100,400 officers Comfort wfclch the war department of the Germans. Since the sinking of may be abandoned. fi and 2,010,000 enlisted men and that fon July 1 practically a million of them 4 were In France ; that the death rate Ifor oMsease among all troops in the United States was only 3.16 per thou sand ; that the number of combat planes delivered to June 8 was 286, 'the production for the week ending on fnat day being 80 ; that 5,315 training planes had been delivered to June 8, fnore than 2,000 Liberty engines, and 117,500 machine guns for use on air planes. Between the declaration of Jear and June 1 more than 1,300,000 Rifles were produced and delivered and Enough are now being received to jjqulp a division every three days. Mr. Kaker told many other encouraging fjacts, and enlarged on the wonderful y Qrk of the American eng'neers who Enlarged port facilities and built rail i;pads in France for the landing and rtjovement of American troops. . - fe If the central powers would know tge unwavering determination of the People of the allied nations, they have ,;bt to read President Wilson's Inde plndence day address at the tomb of lashington. In which It was voiced fcypst eloquently. "There can be but etj;e Issue," declared the president. he settlement must be final. There n be no compromise. No halfway Ilcislon would be tolerable. No half wjjjty decision Is conceivable." He thus ptjt Our great objectf in a single sen tee: What we seek is the reign of laj based upon the consent of the gov erned and sustained by the organized opinion of mankind." In less formal language, the Huns must be whipped tojfa frazzle, for until they are their rubers will not accept such a peace as th allies will grant, and the people of Germany and Austria, with too few ex ceptions, are like sheep. In the absence of any great military operations on the French and Italian fronts last week attention was largely directed toward Russia. What shall i be fdone to aid that distracted country is ji. problem still unsolved, and It Is mae more difficult by the lack of re liable Information as to what Is going on jhere. The reports of the downfall of ijlie bolshevikl and the re-establish- metK of the monarchy with Grand ) Du;e Nicholas as czar, which came through the always unreliable German sources of news, were given little cre'tt. but It appears to be the truth thati Grand Duke Michael Is co-opera t Ing with the Czecho-Slovak forces in Sllutyia and that they are establishing thei.rule In that country. The Ukrain ian elegraph bureau at Kiev says Mi chael has been proclaimed czar and is marching toward Moscow. I' a Washington received official reports confirming the news that the Czecho slovaks had whipped the bolshevik! Hi a jjbloody battle at Vladivostok and takei over the administration of that port,?!, It may be they will form the nucleus for the gathering of the ele ment! nnt nave revolted against the bolshvikl and before long be recog-nlzed-by the allies as a stable government-Hand given aid. It is now admit ted iI.. Germany that the German and Austin-Hungarian war prisoners in Russia' are fighting oc the side of the bolshvlkl. Up fin the province of Archangel, whichextends across northerly Russia I in Europe, there is new trouble brew ing. t Kola and along the railroad southward from that port are great storesljof war supplies now guarded by American and allied marines and blue jacket!, nnrt raovin2 toward that region Is a layge force of Germans and Finns. Submajrines already are reported to be in theJVhlte sea. It may be the allies will Arid it necessary to senu troops up there. -Delegates from the Murman and Vhlte sea coasts already have asked iem for protection. The f?wedfsh press says the kaiser has ordered the Finnish diet to intro duce nonarchlal rule without delay, threatening that If It does not comply Germany will set up a military dic tatorship. h 11 Havir. discovered extensive move ments cl troops and materials behind the GeriifiiMi lines in the Chateau Thier ry region, Indicating a coming attack, the Americans stationed there took the initiative and. In the most Important opera tioj they had thus far under taken byj themselves, they captured the Intended to send across the .Atlnuiic the Canadian hospital ship Llandover village of Vaux and the Bois de la Roche, advancing their lines on a front of several kilometers and occupying strong strategic positions. Previous to "the attack the American artillery utterly demolished Vaux, and the as sault which followed was equally ef ficient and complete. The enemy lost heavily In killed and wounded and sev eral hundred prisoners and consider able material were taken. All next day the new American positions were subjected to heavy bombardment and then the Huns made a fierce counter attack, but did not regain a foot of the ground they had lost The American machine guns and artillery mowed down the enemy in heaps, and our losses were comparatively slight. A complete American army corps of 220, 000 men under command of Gen Hunt er Liggett now holds the Chateau Thierry sector. 11 The French started off the week with an important advance between Sols sons and Chateau Thierry, capturing a commanding ridge and other jpolnts that the Germans had organized 'as the Jumping off place for their next attack. The British moved their line forward northwest of Albert, but after several counter-attacks they were compelled to withdraw to their former positions. On -Independence day the Austral ians, assisted by some Americans, took the town of Hamel and neighboring woods, and the French cut through the enemy lines near Autreches. Observers at the front believed the Germans were about ready to launch another great blow, perhaps the great est of all. despite their terrific losses since the beginning of the offensive on March 21, estimated at 800,000. The opposing forces there are now nearly or quite equalized by those losses and the arriVal of more Americans, and the allied commanders and troops; have not the' least doubt of the solidity of their lines of defense. fa The Italians continued their bril liant work, last week, and the Austrl ans suffered accordingly. The latter were gathering their forces for new attacks In the mountain region, but Gonenl Diaz struck there first, and in a fierce battle won the formldnHle heights , of Monte del Rosso, Monte di Val Bella and the Col di Chelo. These mountains on the northern edge of the Asiago plateau and just west of the Brenta river, are of great strategic Im portance. Their ennture put the Ital ians in the strongest possible position to meet the expected offensive, in which German troops were expected to take part. The Italians also kept up a continuous series of attacks on the enem.v alon? the Piave, and on Wednesday tfiey forced their way for ward across the partly flooded ground near the mouth of the river. : . A characteristic piece of German brutality; was the torpedoing of the Canadian hospital ship Llancovery ( astle off the Trish coast. About 200 lives were lost, including medical corps meti and nurslnsr sisters. The commander of the submarine ques tioned officers of the steamship con cerning American flying officers whom he mistakenly supposed to be on board. Berlin sought to evade responsibility for this new outrage by asserting that the ship was sunk by a British mine. It may be that the sinking of the Llandovery Castle will cause our war 1 department to abandon its plan to send the hospital ship Comfort across without convoy or any attempt to avoid the enemy. Tj is difficult to see how Secretary Baker can find any ex cuse for trusting to the decency and humanity of the Huns, for they" have repeatedly proved that they are whol ly lacking, In those qualities. fa Holland has again aroused the Unit ed States and Great Britain, this time by making an agreement to sell 50,000 tons of potatoes to Germany In ex change for the right to purchase 50,000 tons of German coal. In Washington and London it was more than intimat ed that unless Holland canceled thif agreement the breadstuffs promised the Dutch from America will not bf provided. . fa The sultan of Turkey died on July 3 i out tnis is unimportant for he was bu the tool of the Young Turk party. BY A SUDDEN ATtaa.. WAS DRIVEN BAr . MO Win ilSPAT Australians Drive Straighten an Awk ,n Their Lm "ara a 91( Continuing in the fa man rff uiicnsive (don-' uo me French w attacked Soissons r.onn,.),;.. ' . " ,JU,"'we5t . '-'"'HIV tnn UU1U utnz t, . 4.1 i . ' " I. h'rw . . me easiern su e of .i, "(M north of Lonenm t ,v.."J z advanced over V''. renf'h haj mately two miles. !akin n;- rarm and the slopes to the l outh of it. Several h, . un 1 ers were rantnr i,.. 1 a P-soi. 1 their sudden attack. ' m The assault may Vbe n, closely with the rM . tt P erations at St. Pierre AiVi-' the French p n0, ' s .dUQ Bt Lonroont north oc irol r 0 iai as tn limits of AmhlP,. J; . m W4 , a UiSanc most eight milesa. ce of a. Australian troops holding Position, astrme tne Somme river east of Ami- ens and north of Hamel have , UCI a irom nf more than a mile and straightened an awKwara angle held by the g mans. r Italian forces operating on the ei treme left wing of the allied n.. I Albania, have struck hard at Austrian positions along the Voyusa fVojnta) river, which flows into the' AflH.. about 20 miles north of the town of Avlona, one of the most important places in southern Albania. Vienna admits that the Austrian "advanci posts have been withdrawn to thw main positions." This report froa Austrian headquarters probably re fers to the action mentioned in the French official statement on Sunday night. It was said by. the war office at Paris that French and Mai forces had seized heights in western Albania and had held them against counter-attacks. Germany seems on the eve of rele gating the Brest-Lltovsk peace treaty Into the "scrap of paper" category, for there are indications that German troops may be sent to Moscow in the near future. There are large Teutonic forces within 300 miles of Moscow and it is reported that they are being heavily reinforced. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF COTTON PRODUCTS Washington. Prices for cotton products showing reductions of from 20 to 30 per cent as compared wih market prices were . ' approved by President Wilson. The prices were agreed upon at conferences between t-he price-fixing committee of the war industries board and a committee rep resenting cotton goods manufacturer'. The new prices affect chiefly cotroi piece goods of which the government is a heavy purchaser. They app' however, to civilian as weir as gov ernment purchases. The price-fix? committee's action with regard to fin ished cotton is believed to be the forerunner of price-fixing on virtual." all other commodities of which the government is a large purchaser. BELIEVE ARGENTINA WILL SEEK STRONGER ALLIANCE Washington. Ambassador Naon. of Argentina, is returning to resume h post at Washington and a? head the mission to negotiate for improvp financlal and commercial relations with America-. Cable dispatches fro'i Buenos Aires have stated that u? ambassador would seek a loan here oi $40,000,000 and would of or th re sources of Argentina to tV.e 1 n: ' States and the allies in return fore ports of manufactured good?. AMERICA'S PART IN WAR APPRECIATED BY ALU Washington. Warm sentiment? fo. America and appreciation cf forts in the war for world 'rr"H-. expressed in Independence Day ni sages to President Wilson i'rrm pre?i- dent Poincare of France. K"z - 11 of Belgium, King EmmanuM .f King Alexander of Greece Fre: ' Menocal of Cuba and Premier Telos of Greece. The messages the President's replies shave made public. TWO YANKEE AVIATORS ARE KILLED IN FRANC With the American Army in Alan A cV. n rhinovr, a HH' France mber C- . nlrnn nis tne leFayette nying sijaa , - . ith SP-1' been killed in comDai wn His German machines over Soissons. machine when falling was seen to J a. A TXT a rQ Tl T Hobbs. uursi into n&mes. mbr f Worcester, lass., another mem -f the LaFayette flying squadron cilled June 26. Forced to fly. lr, cause of engine trouble n? brought doirn by anti-aircraft lS8UB f ATTE the Pi pie, Cap!' I Spun ie ne (rod d fimea kartei lad e Abe re 1 pity. 1 broug Jxtra Wpe-ti1 S jurtne tonsei i Con marsl 'tentic

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