flRD AGAINST V LOSSES BY FIRE CE DEPARTMENT CALLS n8uran ATTENTICN TO IMPORTANCE oF PROPER CARE. DISPATCHES FROM RALEIGH and Happenings That Mark of North Carolina Peo- th Progrf st Gathered Around the State pie. Capital. Raleign. Spurred by greater conception of necessity for saving foodstuffs m destruction by fire in these war Ls through the .destruction of a 'rter million dollars worth of food d feedstuffs and other property In . ..An fl ; crra t irtn at TTIHTahoMi ,,T business men and others all trough North Carolina are taking ,ra precautions for preventing any repetition of the "Betsy City" disaster, State Department of Insurance furthering in every possible way this conservation work. Commissioner loung, wno is nre arshal for the State, is directing at tention especially 10 importance or proper storage of foodstuffs In gro cery and feed store stocks, the separa- m of matches, hay and other in- fimmable or combustible materials from the main stock, to the extent of jtUization of separate buildings wher- ,Ter possible, inspectors sent out Dy the commissioner are co-operating with the grocers, miners ana wnoie- ;e dealers in enort to reauce, to a minimum such nre losses in this Constant and adequate precaution bj each individual in tne Mate ls the par sought in tnis conservation movement by the btate insurance De- pirtment. Move to Catch Deserters. News comes through the North Car olina adjutant general's department that there Is "in the making" a con- cirted and country-wide movement with the federal and state military and civil authorities to round up all de- Miters and delinquents for -military I lerrlce, that will assure the appre henslon of practically every man in erery state to take his proper place lor service under the draft laws. It a . a m a. a a I w uC a uauuu-muo ux6uoi. iuk i i aid will have no loopholes of any Erery man of military age or who ippeara about that age will be inveitl- gated wherever he is and required to ihow his status and put In line for drift. In this way wherever in the entire country a man of registration ije for draft may have gone to evade the draft, If he Is on American soil he will be called to account and must ihow his standing. t. ii iv xi-- -in fun imi i iriri wnn iriH ui I mh I ifin hh i to delinquents and deserters in this ''. it is an interesting fact that ttake county Tias 138 in comparison with the 30 or le3s in Ashe county I where such sensational conditions de- reloped the past two weeks, it having ben the blocd shed in connection with attemDts to arrest that nut Ashe lathe limelight. Pushing Bec-Keeplng Work. Mr. C. L. Sams, specialist 'in bee- knpntno- i. v r,-atrlA tr, orf. tee counties of Gaston, Lincoln, Burke McDowell, and will then continue tee trip into the counties of Madison, Buncombe, and. perhaps. Yancey. ' In view of the sugar shortage which f -"- I evidently continue serious for Tears, all beekeepers are advised to manage their hives for highest pro- iaction of honey. anM also to increase tee number of their colonies. At the ne time, consumers are urged to "s honey as a substitute for sugar. careful and conservative calcula- Boa, based on certain known.facts, in- !cates the surprising fact that at fost 2,000 tons of honey, the most healthful sweet kown, went to waste 'a Nortn Carolina in 1917. Poking Over Labor Situation. Dr. George J. Ramsey, of Raleigh, Gently appointed director of the CnitH Rtofac .,r7ina n N'orth Carolina wa in Charlotte inferring with Director V. J. Braw- le? and looking over the labor situa- 'Jn there. Dr. Raansey conferred !h Secretarv E. N. Farris of the camber of rnmmorpo an ntiAr with retard to the labor situation. There the Wright, Raleigh, and the Zin ar three employment bureaus in the zendorf, Winston-Salem. The Fran- and all are reported as doing uch toward remedying labor condl- llns in North Carolina. Nw Director of Cannlna. D. Matthews, of the North Caro- Kna agricultural extension service, has ben placed In charge of the campaign this season in this state for lring excess fruit and reretables rbllt it is not found to be possible to ca as they mature, and the co-oper iv . a. - ciiension service is aevouu6""-w . nnt1 Hal .t..4i . . . j attention will be devoted to the diioiiLion in inii wnrit a.iiu cue- J. ira nn a f m . 1 a. j u I m. i o-awuu oi community jurying i fl'n-, . . ..... a... 1 - -iui h.b wen as to lnaiviuuai p- ces forthe proper drying and One Hundred Per Cent American" Declaring that North Carolina is 10ft per cent American, Mr. M. L. Ship man, commissioner of labor and prim ing, speaking for this State before the convention of governmental labor offi clals of the United States and Canada in session last wek at. Des Moines, Iowa gave an Interesting review of existing conditions In the State and stated that "every species of slack erlsm is being chased fcway as the dewdropa flee f-om the approach of the morning sun." "Capital and labor in North Caro lina," he said "continue on distinct lvely friendly terms and labor disturb ances are rare occurrences In our commonwealth." In referring to tho labor laws. he. stated that they are not adequate In North Carolina but that there is a hopeful tendency in the State towards the enactment of measures of relief for the wage-earners and a careful nursing of the sen timent at present prevailing will most likely result in more advanced legis- lation favorable to the working classes "The most serious problem with which our people are now confronted is found in the scaclty of farm labor, but vigorous action is being taken to enlist the co-operation of every citi zen of earning capacity in working and harvesting our crops. We are im pressing upon our people that at this crucial moment, when liberty and freedom are In the balance and the enemy ls gambling to enslave man kind; where every ounce of food that can be produced is needed not only for our soldiers, but for the starving women and children of our noble Al lies, when amnle crons are rirfninir in our fields uncut ; when the coming crop 0f corn and cotton is uniworked for iack of labor; when necessary indus- trial and constructive enterprises are hampered for lack of help that idle- neas is a crime, and useless or made- quate employment of able-bodied ner- SOns Is scarcely less so. Lama N C RnlittlAn North Carolina registered 16.248 young men in the class of June 5. 1918, according to final registration figures by counties Riven out recently Questionnaires to most of the new registrants have been mailed and the work of classifying them for military j service will follow when the question naires have been returned Gaston county, with 391, has the largest number of registrants who at tained their twenty-first birthday since June 5, 1917, and prior to the recent registration. The smallest number registered by any local board was 26 In New Hanover, but this number is exclusive of those registered in the city of Wilmington. w.irf countv board number one registred 822 and board number two, the Raleigh board, registered 128. Other New Charters." The secretary of state has issued charters to the following new con- ceraiB to do business in North Caro lina: Central Cigar Stand, Charlotte, to operate cigar and news stand. Cap- ltallzed at 810,000 and authorized to serin business with $300. E. O. An- derson, B. Rush Lee and Joe D. Smith are Incorporators, American Power and Railway Com pany, Charlotte, to operate and main- tain (indefinite) street railway sys- lm, capitalized at 8100,000 and au thorlzed to begin with $1,000. H. M Victor, C. B. Bryant and D. D. Tray wick are the incorporators, Ashevllle Bootery Company, Ashe- vHle, to do a wholesale ana retau shoe business Waiizea uyu ana autnonzea io ueKi A Samuels, S. Sternberg and M. L. Rush are tne incorporators. The Flint Manufacturing Company, the Arlington Cotton Mills Company, and the Parksdale Manufacturing Company, of Concord, tne tnree nav- ... . . a ing an interlocking directorate, me charter amendments that provide an aggregate increase of capital of $1,- 550,000. J. Lee Robinson is president a m a a. J X a 1 at air s4 O I A of the Arlington ana me companies and "L. JenKins, or tne 'Flint Manufacturing Company. The Brevard Manufacturing Com- pftny, of Brevard, is chartered with $100,000 capital auiorlzed and $20,- 000 subscribed by V. Fountaine, and J. O. and C. J. Shanbow, the two lat- ter of Wooosocket, R. I. Hotel Inspection Completed. The " state board of , health has Just rmT)leted the Inspection of hotels in vn.t. farnHna In accordance with a rlol act of the general assembly of 1917 Of the 64 examined and scored there are four which share the honor of being rated at 100 per cent periect. These four are the Phoenix, Winston- Haim- the Wilmington, Wilmington; ces, Winstott-Saiem, ana mo wr ton, Wilmington, are close seconds, with scores of 99 each. New Enterprise Chartered. Charters for two new Charlotte in corporations, which will engaged in the operation of cigar and news stands and amusement places were received at the office of the celrk of the supe rior court from the office of the sec- L.t.OT nf state at Raleigh. Tne new nfif amrlieg are DftMiou mo vw i.r" , u Cigar Standand : uree-1"" Tha oiiMinniRn cuuiiai v f vm tim n v . a - - f. tio.000. Incorporators T" ' . t n, Let named as E. O. Anderson. B. Rush Lea POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON. N. 0. PLANS FOR WHOLE WEEK WILL BE OF IN TEREST TO ALL FARMERS, MEM AND WOMEN. AN INTERESTING PROGRAM Care and Feeding of Animals, Sheep Raiting, Poultry, Cattle, Horses, Pastures, Etc. In making plans for the meeting of farmers nnH fo College on August 28. 29 and so t! anthnHtia . ' . Ui luo vouege ana Depart ment or Agriculture are laying their plans for the- largest gathering of its kind which has ever been held. in the state. The whole week will be' of in terest to the farmers of the state, be cause of the fact that the boys' short course will be held at this time, as well as the State-wide conference of county agents and the secretaries of North Carolina credit unions and fair associations Under the direction of Dr. R. Y. Winters, secretary of the convention, and Mr. F. P. Latham, of Belhaven, president, a splendid program has been pepared. .The meeting will be ot interest and value to every man and woman in North Carolina who is interested in the farm. The Animal Industry Division ha prepared a fine program on the care and feeding of farm animals, sheep raising, care of poultry, egg preserva tion, dairy cattle, pastures and other subjects of importance to the eco nomic breeding and rearing of animals on the farm. If yos have problems of this kind, bring them along. Experts on farm crops have pre pared a spiendid program on the pro duction ar.4 storage of food and feed crops, improvement of seed and cul- tural methods u , "T,V' ' r offlcers have a splendid program pre- pared. Some of the best women speak-, ers and community workers of the coun ry are to give taUcs and demon- atratlone. Baptist Seaside Assembly Closed. Wilmington. Closing a day earlier than was contemplated on account of the big patriotic celebration, the fourth annual session of the Baptist Seaside assembly ended with a strong - patriotic address by Dr. Curtis Lee Laws, editor of The Watchman Exam- iner, of New York. He discussed the blessings arising from the war, de claring that one of the most promi nent had been the consciousness aroused in the American people of their selfishness. The sacrifices already made have brought about a spirit of service such as was not thought possible a year ago. Dr. Laws made a Strang addres this morning at the conference of pas tors showing the important field that the religious paper occupies. The sec ular paper too often places little em phasis on its religious department, he stated, assigning this work to .inex perienced reporters, while skilled, men are employed to write sports. He de fined the three functions of a distinct ly denominational paper to be to Im part education, Information and in spiration. 135 New Shriners. Wilmington. The initiation of 135 candidates into the mysteries of Shrinedom, including a number of privates and officers from the various cantonments, and the silent tribute paid the memory of Karl A. Becknell, who met a tragic death one year ago this evening while en route to Hender sonville to attend the Shrine ball, were the principle features of this afternoon's summer ceremonial of Oasis Temple of Charlotte, held in the Academy of Music and attended by fully three hundred Shriners. Anoth er feature was the making of Colonel Archie Miller, stationed at Camp Greene, an honorary member of the Temple. Auto Owners Only Responsible. Winston-Salem. Judge Watson in municipal court ruled that it was nec essary for the state to prove that the defendant himself was running an au- tomobile at the time, In order to con- vict him of speeding and that the owner of the car was not responsible for a violation of law by a servant. The officers claim that it is impossi ble In many Instances to identify the driver of a car, and especially so in the night, or when the curtains are up to the car. Heretofore, the officers have simply been taking the number. Decrease Dogs, Increase Sheep. Charlotte. The need for decreasing the number of dogs in the state and promoting the re-establishing of the sheep industry was impressed at a meeting in Ashevllle of the "Sheep and Dog Association." Mr. Farris au thorized the following statement about the meeting: . "About 60 men from all parts of North Carolina were present at the opening session of the meeting, called by the Ashevllle Board of Trade to promote the re-establishing of the sheep imluitry in the state," FARM ERS MEETING JSE RYE AMD M BEANS grlcultural Department jrges Use of Rye and Soy Bans Is Sub stitutes for Whelt- Raleigh. Going a step beyond hie request to dealers to refrain, from tur ner purchases of flour frm outside ;he state, state Food Administrator Henry A. Page has called I upon the lotels, restaurants, bakerp? and in itiations of North Carolinfto substi :ute for wheat flour to as Jhy-ge an ex ;ent as possible rye flour a& soy bean aour. County food administrators In at least two Nbrth Carolina cities have declared that the besf bread on their markets at present is rye bread, and the food admlnistratip$ has sent to all bakeries and other large users a list of North Carolina mills: which can supply rye flour. ji Soy bean flour is included in the list of cereal substitutes $hich may be purchased with wheat flur and is being used in large quantities in some sections. One North Carolina mill three weeks ago had shipped 4,000 barrels of soy bean flour tb northern cities for use in bakeries, hotels, and restaurants and had contracted for the delivery of 400 tons mfire. North Carolina produces more Boy beans than any other state in thelfunion,- and should be a pioneer in thy consump tion as well as the production of this product, according to the fjpod admin istration. ' Rye flour and particularly soy bean flour are both produced in;'North Car olina and their use would Relieve the transportation situation to a consider able extent. In addition,! rye flour and particularly soy beaij' flour are considerably cheaper than wheat flour. Rye flour is just a nutritious as wheat flour and soy bean flour con tains more nutriment, Ipound for pound, than whaat or jjsfven beef steak. if 'I Still Fighting Freights Rates. Raleigh. In continuation of the fight by Raleigh shippers for a read justment of the freight raises in North Carolina, the directors of the cham ber of commerce has authorized Se retary Be am an to place thj? matter be fore the officials of the federal rail- will go to Atlanta to subnHit the hip- per8. 8lde of the quegtIon. The a&ltatlon for a reajustmint of the frelght rfttea wa8, 8rted some Ume ago by Raleigh Chamber of V- u in iii dilc ior me put puti)j ui lliii proper rates which wouljj allow the shippers of this State to ia&rket their products in South Caroling and other 1 South Atlantic "ities at jj-ates lelow 1 those from Virginia citiea4o the same points. At the present, fie shippers of North Carolina pay th same rates , as Virginia shippers. Good Month for Examinations. Raleigh. The past moth was the best yet experienced in he work of the medical examination of school children,' according to the,: reports just tabulated by Dr. G. M. CjnPer direc tor of this bureau of theState Board of Health. Despite the i Ifact that in May a great number o the rural schools In the State hve already closed the figures contained In the re ports' from the various counties show the largest number of children exam ined for any month sine? the inaugu ration of this important Work, the to tal beimg 4,452. Of thisj number 211 are reported as having $een treated for defects discovered though the ex aminations, r 4. To Mobilize New Registrants. Raleigh. Orders wevje received from Provost Marshal General Crbvi der by Adjutant General Young to prepare the North Carolina contingent of registrants of June 5 just attain ing their majority, for: mobilization along with the calls for jjhe month of August. No definite datBs in August are specified for the mofiilization but there is already qne general call of first class registrants for August 1. Gastonia. Probably the largest con vention Gastonia has eer entertain ed will be held here August 14, 15 and 16, when the North Carolina Associa tion of County Commissioners will meet in annual session, 'his organiza tion has between 500 and 600 mem bers and the attendance on the con vention may reach considerably more than half that number. I Make Soy Bean Flour. Raleigh. The agronowy division ol the North Carolina Extension Service was notified that cottol oil mills of i Elizabeth City and Farniville are now j making soy tean flour and notice was : at once sent to the U. . agricultural j department, wh'ch replied that it is pleased to know this,' as it is con stantly receiving inquiries as to the sources of this flour inj eastern part of the country. The U. ;3. food admin istration notifies the Extension Serv ice that this commodity! can be used to good advantage by ifakers. ir Y. M. C. A. Secretary Indicted. Wilminton. A true bftl aainst J. B. Huntington, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., charged wi(h slander and against whom civil action is pending, .both cases the outgrowth of the re cent arrest of Miss Jscoba Weyers. aged 17 years old; onj a charge ol statutory vagrancy, has !been leturned y the grand jury and his trial set for September Two hundred dollar bond is to be filed within te next thirty days. Secretary Huntington is now In Key West, Fla doing volunteei Y. il. C. A. work. hi I ' "If. ' . ' . :! 5- KONENKOP POSTPONE!) STRIKE THREATENED STRIKE OF TELEG RAPHERS POSTPONED BY PRESIDENT OF ORDER. CHEERFULLY GRANT REQUEST Decision Raises Load of Care From Mind of Officials and the Country. Washington. Indefinite postpone ment of the strike cf telegraphers em ployed by the Western Union Tele graph Company was anndunced by Secretary of Labor Wilson, -j Secretary Wilson said that Mr. Konenkamp, who is in Chicago, had given him every assurance that the strike order would not be. put into effect and that any walkout woudl be postponed indefinitely. It was under stood that the union president agreed to this course because Congress now is considering a new resolution au thorizing the President to take over and operate during the war all tele graph, telephone, cable and radio sys tems. In a final effort to avert the strike. Mr. Wilson sent Mr. Konenkamp a tel egram urging delay and later called In Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. Mr. Wilson's telegram to Mr. Konen kamp said: "I earnestly request, in view of the general situation and the Imperative . tne iSSUance- of 15,000,000 special Boy necessity of avoiding interference with Scouts of America red post cards, so the prompt transmission of communi- that the scouts could make an effective cations which may be of vital import- all-year canvass through the co-opera-ance In the prosecution of the war, tion of postmasters and mail carriers that steps to prevent any strike be all over the country without the risk taken until I can have a conference with you and others. The Congress is now dealing with the subject and undoubtedly exact justice will be done all the parties at interest. This re quest Is made in the interest of our country. I feel sure It will be heeded by you." Mr. Gompers' telegram follows: "Secretary Wilson, of the depart ment of labor, invited me to confer with him in regard to the threatened telegraphic situation and he showed me the telegram he sent you. A strike of the telegraphers at this time and while there Is a fair chance of an early, fair and honorable adjust-. iy-flrst birthday here In the hospital, ment, would be most unfortunate, and If you could see him as he lies under generally held to be unjustifiable and the sheets,1 you -would think he was perhaps defeat its very objects. To having the; time of his life, avoid any hindrance to our govern- j "He has the most radiant smile I ment's war program even in the think I have ever seen, but If yon slightest is my warrant to urge you pull back the clothes, your first dis to at once exercise your every power covery would be that he had lost a to postpone the strike for a time." j thumb and the fourth finger. If you S. J. Konenkamp sent the follow- were to pull them back further yet, Ing reply to Secretary of Labor Wil- you would discover that his right leg son: was gone, and If you went still further "Your telegram has been received you would' find his left foot shot and would say that the commercial through the Instep to the other side telegraphers have been most anxious and swollen' abnormally. To wear a at all times to do everything within smile under these circumstances is ... v a A . 0 their nower to avert a strike and your request under the circumstances you have mentioned will be cheerfully room his girl was waiting to see what complied with." was going to happen to him. I said to u him : 'Tom, keep up that spirit, and It YANKEES CAPTURE MORE Is going to win out for you He re- PRISONERS At THIERRY Ped: 'Chaplain, do you know where ; 1 1 got this disposition? It was when Washington.-Capture of additional was a boy scout. Our rule was al German prisoners by American pa-j ways to keep smiling and to whistle, trols in the Chateau Thierry region I had that training, sir, when I was a maa nnr, in fieneral Perhln boy, and It stuck by me, and I know communique at the war department In the Woevre a hostile party suc ceeded in entering an American out post position but was driven out. ADJOURNMENT BLOCKED CONGRESS GETS TO WORK Washington. With midsummer re rpaa nlans nnexnectedlv blocked bv the house Congress will buckle down to work with a view to , cleaning up its legislative slate so as to get oc - casional respites of a few days at a time while the senate interstate com - merce committee is holding hearings on the house rosolution providing for government control during the war of telegraph, telephone, cable and radio systems. WILL RATION ALL COAL USED BY HOUSEHOLDERS Washington. Rationing of coal o householders was announced by the fuel administration as among plans designed to prevent a threatened shortage of coal next .winter. Each domestic consumer will be allowed only as much coal' as is found to be scientifically necessary to heat his house to 68 degrees, provided every conservation rule has been obeyed. The allowances for each householder will be sufficient for cpmfoTt. THREE TEUTON ARMIES TO ASSIST AUSTRIAN FORCES Paris (Hava8 Agency) Germany will send three army corps to the aid of Austria, according to. a Rome dis patch to the Temps. These will be put under the direct orders of General Otto von Below, the commander-in-chief on the Italian front and will be assigned to the Alps sectors, it It stated. The Trentlno railway have been !ut under German control and will be ised exclusively for German troops BOY SCOUTS (Conducted by National Council of the Boy Scputs of America.) SCOUTS PILING UP W. S. S. The third Liberty loan is a thing of the past with a credit to the Boy Scouts of America, according to incom plete returns now on file at national headquarters, of 416,139 subscriptions amounting tt $52,222,450. As gleaners after the reapers this is a record every member of the organ ization should be proud of, and tbo government Is proud of the achieve ment, for while the amount of money will not be so large as In the second campaign, the number of individual subscriptions compared with the money value is very much greater, and that is exactly the result the govern ment desired. Gardening activities are again in full swing, and members of the Boy Scouts of America are lending substan tial aid under the slogan "Every Scout to Feed, a Soldier." Their untiring en ergy and patriotic service In this re gard are a big factor In helping Uncle Sam and his allies to win the war. What the results will be from this season's activities are of course yet to be determined, but the indications are that the contributions from scouts to food production and conservation will be enormous, v The secretary . of the treasury, be cause of the efficiency of the scouts In the Liberty loan campaign, authorized and responsibility of handling money. The results already produced are mar velous, and are growing in volume every day. INJURED SOLDIER A SCOUT. This letter has come to St. Louis boy scout headquarters from a former scoutmaster, George Farrand Taylor, now an American chaplain In the Gen eral hospital, France : "There is in the hospital here an English soldier of the name of Tom Bradshaw, j a remarkably handsome boy who has just celebrated his twen- , something neroic, is it noir "At the entrance to the operating it always will.' "If that scout rule can make a char acter which caused the admiration of our doctors hece, and the nurses, why I am sure that It is perhaps one of the most important, when interpreted by Tom Bradshaw, that there can be." SCOUTS TAB CANNON BALLS. Fifteen thousand dollars' worth of old cannon-balls, which have been used ! for decorative purposes at the Presidio in San Frariclsco for many years, are 1 to be utilized by the government In , the manufacture of new oranance Seventy boy scouts made an inven tory of the cannon balls, which adorn the edges of the lawns and roadways In the military reservation. After two hours' work, under the su pervision of regular army officers, the boy scouts counted 5,800 of the old cannon balls. The cannon balls will bring $50 a ton as scrap iron. It Is believed the government can find use for the old ammunition which will make its value still higher. San Francisco boy scouts are now being utilized for many different war activities by the government. The boys have cheerfully responded to every demand made on their time and labors, and are clamoring for more work to "down the Big Pirate." GOOD TURNS BY SCOUTS. Freshmen were met at aU Incoming '.rains by scouts in Ann Arbor and given proper direction. The oddjobs and the difficult tasks In a town; naturally fall to the scouts. In Grand Rapids, Mich'., the scouts car ried sewing machines to the different homes where Red Cross meetings were being1 held. Scouts In Johnstown, Pa., built a mailbox wheel for the convenience of the local mailman. It had about ten boxes on 1L .'ii i f I i ? r v orinr nf .. I olnA JOS V. suutu. v w mui iii .... ill. .

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