Ftyrc&imT j j - I il! 1; j t ft li i Report of ti Gatditioa f the PEOPLES BANK & TKLST CO. the Stace- of Nortel tirn- a:: Trron ns Irrta. a. the close a? Resource Loans and discounts . . . .- -3t1 ' '-3 rvr-r- ' j nnnd JlSi)-. ( -insecured I I20'.43 . -. .. U tinted Scatea Bonds and Liberty Bonds . - -Banking htvus fumitur and rtrtarea 2&U ira,Tr--3 -f A .. ...... 1 " ' Erie from National Ban is . . B F rnpPI AiDt - fcr D-e from State banlw and C BUSFL - - ' Business hUnas 1 Checks rarlWr? Gold oyin TRYO.W NrORTH CAROLINA ir tSw- act of Marsii i, toT pURSES!i Jtut As Soon ! 250. IS 1 2.350. CO' 302SJ37 30-54 130 Subscription. $ 1 .50 per ear OBITUARIES. CARDS OF THAXKJ, wr an suimiamnn fw :a iharri w ir inana SU'r esta, ir.erdir.:? all rn.ir.cr eoi-n emrerjcy. . atl?ial bar. r.fMa and ether U. S. nota l;a taoital attack, paid in. Deposits sirbet v check . .ilOgOOO-OG Tirrj certiflca..te3 225 W-tse tSKai 3trBC Sv Tine Gty. a or ; Cajh'.er J cnecXJ 5.43 IJ52 I34I.50 ! .153.. 12 ! Disc;V7r.ta ar.d -her earning 2-525.34 I f WAR C k response to the GovenimenVs calf for spedally trainevl rnea the UniverHtv is orferiaflL in 011 to its regular courses at ACADEMIC CIVIL. CjftEMICAL. ELECTRKTAL HIGHWAY, AND MINING ENGINEERLNC LA MEDiCLNE AND PKABSjtfACY. ial War Engineering ' - Cctioes arrcf Miliarv Teajcin tacckr u. s army ln Senior division OFFICERS RESERVE TRAINING CORPS Graduates ti i .- 8 be for Consrnssion if' Be Ready Whejii the Call Comes FOR INFORMjATION WRITE University of Worth Carolina CHAPEL ItiUL N. C J. our 13 Li I. Cajhier ",i.e beat ol C-.rrect- W. Y. "Long May It Waye,' 1 afcoe r.A5r.eii hank, to aoierr.rj a-ar thas tie zhtrre 3iarJrr.ent rrae a.V3t; G. H. KcLr.es. a-'-iCac." , i'lk:r... Di :'trnc fihcTihei ir.d jTiirs r, e'f-",rs rr.e :h:a' 3th 4aj cf 131. Go. A. C-i.'.". N."r7 ?".nu'.. My coriur.iaai6?i- xpira Apr. 21). 1313. w. k s- Rport trf th OAiditiAQ nf the BANK OF TKYON a Tryor in the State of "orth Can ;;ta at the cioae of -.(.s-Lr.es.? Jane 23. 13 1 a. Hesoarc HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES are often hard to rind if yti have to go to one place for one thing, and to a dijjerent place for something else. In oar basement ana' on the second floors you -i " T 1 T . T I ! - win ana 01 Lae nece"s rsifities for the kitchen and TBYON WALKABOUTS " , ' L r.iZAfl states rtr.rl. ' . j Li'hertj" jnrta A , f7a rre--;-r ,-2.r.t wf.:o r.ea.-a h r, hcr. ar.' c i i.tcriier a am' o-x ea evey - i nac-rtsraara . . -. . -j . - - rr.or fcped ho paid than hy .i:e h'a o'her e: ' - T. ... . -.Ji.r- i .... iUTir.g. ore o. r.e rr. -.fi is ; r. aho'arers of a .Sar.fia. a c.erTr.ar. rra4 aa frAlrrtn fn-m one of ihe PaAfTrji- "TV Lrrri raineth: let the earth rejoice." fcQouiii ani darkr.esa , are arotix4 about Kim." "Hi 5 I:?ht- riia erligrter. the TtrorT; the arth : ia ar. trr.tbleL" Banking ho'ise r'-irtr fj-;e from at; or.a'. ha.-ic jo.o c?m i .t:r.z i,i ntir.or enin c-i.rency. . N"atmr.ai hank r.otea ar.1 ott-.er L". r.ctea . . . . 3::0 2" ::-..,.. 320 I 2K 5..0.':0 j. -ta: Liahilit III2. SLOJXO.tlO .f'rrprta find io.COO.O) llrArr.fA profit.'. ie3 cir- ?r.t xperea ani tax es paid. I Deposit? auwfect .Heck.. ,4iTiX i ime certificates ji iteposi": ,ar.:er j ir.5 -ec: o';tta.r.fi- Is these jtren-ca riay, iryor srith a irek-a-fei pcatmaater sujgnt aa reH: he a car o-it of sraiWuiie, or ar. ahanrjeti r.via roai ten miles from a hciae. r.la comment from, a Tr onite Li exa?erateT to a7 the least. Ko-Bo r It ma7 hae heer. :nx-te the ovfe h:a assistants'1 i:d not let the -... -s..rr, .r.j!s r....i. . ,rr . . Total Illln.rr I aaTF jsom.etamz' near tr.e stat.on t - r' v-, r--;- the otner day-tnat 3roi.t ma.e a rf;zr. f -,0.,.- r " howL A sraall man, white from heavt ; ' X i.'h. Heater. ca.ih;er of. tne aho-7- in 7, as warki'i? alcr.5 -sith a heavy f ""ai'-i ZT.z sac in eacr. na-.-,c n;s f -..imert tank, to iciernniy awea.r kncrleriar ahi he!:el Irnz alonir br his sito in itter inii:f- ferene apparently, to- his pii arr. This is one of the thirza not in Germany." .orrc" Mawte Tne chap yo-i spke of" "snr.tes a i ryorite, wn orma3 on ra..n r. tin? town his arton has a misrhtj iO'- speeri weather r.-.ac-n;r.e. f havi only to promise my wif at chrmer th other day to water her ower3 hefor at:pper, and - 't.7 three o''cl.v.k .t w J"-;-t ixirin ADAM JAY WXLXZ7L W. S S COMMUXITY CANNERY. At".- J. B. Heate?,. Ga.h.: T. Linto7r T. Baiienr, noose inrnisnmsr. It it is mere trie pnee is LESS Til IHll ARE WORTH on today's market, fori bought early and are sharing the benent withou. 'Make comparisons with other towns and see. WE HAVE A Mip QUANTITY of Overalls, work shirts, dlbss shirts, negligee shirts ginghams, maoras, etc., that we are selling lot less than we can renlace tnem. Tor. Ii you want vonr ths share come for them. .! Tr.e wholesalers are getting more for all these items than we are asking" ypu to pay us. For in stance. Overalls are worthy: wholesale. $2.25. We are selling for $2.00; Ginghams are worth, wholesale 32 cents.re are sellinsr a IHbited anantitv for 25 cts 4-L.A nnH9 f rr rnn , j. CkO I4ib I Ul fill i rebuilt we will reopen with a f,,ii ?'J complete stock of general merclr ill l t rr i "d 1 Lilt; Dcsi uic iiiartvei arrords. ual, our prices will be as low a$ : consistent with the quality of goo4 w ILKINS & CO, o O o OOSCOOOOOOOCOCl A I h rift .Sf mr orivpt vnn fl-i rirrk. i. 1 O stand up when the Star Spangled Banner O o o o o IO 1 O o o o o IS played. An account at this bank classes one of the progressive and citizens of vour community. No time than now to start; that accou Gome in and let's talk it over. SUbt; u . .C. " , The best grade of outingf are worth, wholesale, 25 cents; we Trill sell for th present, at 30 cents. SS hy not bay your fall oatirjjgs not? and save money? r arm Wa gonv, a car load, a today's wholesale price. THE BALLEGER CO. FOR EVERYTHING. BANK OPTRYON j W. T. LIN'DSZT Ptej J. 3. HESTEE CaiirT. CCCOCOCOCOCOSOOCOOOOOOOCOC), arti',-"-; ir.tvi-o iiarutirvor,A m ofore me h;a th ay of Jaly, lCrl. ''en. A. Gastt. .Votar; ;,;; Vfj enrr.missvn expires Apr. 20. :'.:?. W. 3. " -ALE N'mClE, The outlook for a community tan nery for Tryon jrrows hrizhter.. Vi are in receipt of the fo llowinr lettev U.V.'- w -r f . . 'l '-t '"r- r"J Oi- Aut.uS. --ir'"- .m, at 12 oioek M.. at the Owrt i'r T' , . .. i rto'ise- dvr in -vi r. x. r. otewaontt. r.etrtarr. f --.!:.-- ..m By virtue of the pever of .aie ror.- L.rr !T, i ri-.( ..j T.. t ... a.oiet Goi Mimjf Canicarsy v. -tarr-sor. Crook anri John G. D-;iley n tr.e 1 1 4-.(fmher, l ;ii , -t ...... .... ...j..;. :ol, Reistera. or?.-.e of Po'V 'o'iir.tT. j - This Bank is for- People who Want to Improve their financial Condition 1 1st us swerve you? Checking account is most cor.Tenierif in the payment of bill. h is the safest receipt. A Savings accoant is the a ar road to an eventual com petency. We solicit joar accou CAROLINA STATE BANK. t oix f.ocr-t r air Aju.'-.tionT Coi'ir-b C. My Isar Mr. CctaIztA: in tne aneenAfe of Mrs. MrtSCirr.rAOT.. vfho ia avaj on fcer ?'aAtivav I arr oek M.. at the G-ourt l S Folk North j VN"1 the highest biider for ! DAVID C. BARROW W C ROB?! Rt-Of ."O. C. y.sER H. B. LAN Cini r taaa, the fouo-win? Ascribed real' ea- ' 'Injr jo'ir letter t rn. i.f- cr.-- a 2 --one a.t pointers t- itr ertv ci.e ant m . nan, e "A"." : t . rr ... aerons? yoa "rorn thiA otre a mim- J her of esLTcr-'-T.T riK hnyfjt.7-r ! diatHbsted in Poli r.ofir.tj tr thje peop -x?Ko are etuvak interej5te4 tO' wUh to -iAe'them. I am erloain the article rhich Mrs. M.tKinimori Tsnrote n Suar Shortage." Hineerely joura, CARRIE MOSES. Qerk Home Dernor.atrati'ori Work. The srv-id laKea of Tryon and vi r ctci?7 will be notified jaat aa soon as '-are reeev definite iriformation of Mrs, Henley's arrival' here, and a pabHe meeting will be called for the purpo-se of organization. Atf -ri.hinar a eop7 of the above fculletins on eanin can tecire same by making application at the NEWS fre. -W. S. S- TO TTfE REPf'BLICANS OF POLK COUNTY. Harm jr. een nominated by the reg ular Repfablica.ri county convention as a canvfsdate for County Commissioner, after earefcf consldeiratioTi I have de ej'rfi tii iw-thdjra,w as a candidate for .alid ce, as I have other business coniEfectkma rtquirlng more of my tiKie. I therefore want to thank my friends' for the nomination, and rec ommend to them that they select a good, competent man in my place to go on the ticket, and I pledge my hearty support to -whoever may be selected. Respectfully, A. N. KUNKEL. tate to--: Bern? part of Pater. No. ' and ncf-id-ir.? the land feci-wrr .a rv.-.h?- J Sranch M'.lr.e on the pester?! of Paco- Bezin- beiocr r 3E L and rma 'ith Henderson"' Fr e I wrtn 4 tt. est U0 poles to a rock asui pofnter3 J. S. Morris' comer: thence Trith his Line, ' same coirse with 3 de. wert 40 poles to a stone. Morris" comer; thence :h his tine sotith desr east. 12 noV fTrv.-?r, a snoall branch, to a '.viaiti oak his f romer; then'- with hi tine soath 1 'Jejr. west. "7 plec. and -20 Fnks tc a -tone and pointers on the east side of I 'n old road. Wra -if r eornif: ther-e Ttrrth Weaver's line south " dec-' I 7re?t 20 poles to" a stake by a larze I white oak, Weaver s corner; thence j, vsitfa Weaver's line north 7-5 deg-. I vest S3 poles to a stake and pointers thence same course north 75 deg '-vest. 12 coles a-d n Ifnt- , r-'.-, . and pointers in Cornwpll'j lino r fvl o the NEWs readers: ;v - A. Cannon tract; thence with the '.me of said tract north 13 ceg. west ST poles to a post oak; thence with said Cannon tract north. 83 deg. west 47 poles to a stake and pointers in the patent line; thence with said line north 42 dg. east 84 poles to a stake and pointers in Mrs. Purman line; thence with line south 73 deg. east 80 poles to a pine, her cor ner; thence with her line north 3 deg. -ast 9 poles to a stake and pointers, M. A. CornwelPs corner, thence with fiis line north 76 deg. east, 72 poles j ginning, containing One ,."Il'Jred and fifty-six and one-half (lo6Vs) acres. This the first day of July, 1918. Harrison Crook, John G. Dudley, TmUi. Fancy Peaches rt EVIDEMCK or PROSPE Of coarse yoa know how Opportunity a'.- to the prosperous man. Ever notice the EVIDENCES of Prcsper ty If you have, you have observed that an ;r r; dence of Prosperity 15 A Bank Account with a sound bank like the Bank of Saluda. Your ! absolutely sate, and you can zt it at anv tim-r. gladly extend any accommodation consfster.L banKing- to our depositors. W1K! BANK- of SALUDA Capital $10,000.00 Saluda., N. C. BDIRY P. COMB, Pre. lOflS B. ttlSM, V-Pre. PRfST0!i H. mm3 C Bushel I, $2.00 SO Cts W. T. LI.i)sEY, TRYON, t. C. A Price or Two! ! DON'T CALL THEM "KIDS." Washintcn. D. C. .lily 3, 19 IS. In the last issue of the NEWS k noticed in two articles the -slanderous word "kid" was used in reference to j children. It ts neither fatherly,) rastnerty nor manly to address a child as "kid." and children. I know by experience hate to be so addressed therefore let us quit it. If yoa'expect, fathers and mothers, the child to respect you, yoa set the example and respect him first its your duty. And NEWS writers, stand up straight and cat out the word ""kid in your "stuff" when ferring to children. Respectfully, JOHN EARLY TOR SALE or LEASE! I RIXHAVEN LODGE ; On Tryon Mountian Suitable for small first class hotel, or for gentleman's residence. A fine orchard, vineyard, small fruits, as paragus, etc, Address, f RIXHAVEN LODGE fl Stearns, N. C As we carrv nothmcr hnt tfiP Ivt of a ohr line, we will simDlv mote a few Drices that be good for the next two weeks. Better act once asthe prices are good, for only two weeks. 2 cakes Palmolive, 2 cakes Rose Bath Soap for 25 ce OneM'gallofr Fairday Spp for 40 cenns Fine line Sunshine Biscuits For fine Japanese preserv ing plumx tee W. B. Kruse. e carrv the rwf f rtt. wn Get . it i - . rtr o pnucs on au Kieds of Groceries and Lounu g duce. SALUDA, N. C 9 H. PACE & SON, 3 2 "HOIIEST GOODS If THE MOST REASONABLE PRICE-' t II l! i I w - I

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