' : -r , ' - " POLK COUNTCffEWS. TBYON, N. 0. SUGAR DEALERS ILL MUST AGT QUICKLY Those Who Do Not Make Statements to Food Administration by July 13 Will Be Cut Off From Sugar Sup plies. Hotels, Boarding Houses and Institutions Arei Included. Special Provision For Wholesalers and Jobbers. Raleigh All sugar dealers and all users of sugar, including whole- Y sale and retail merchants, hotels, hording houses and restaurants hospitals arid other institutions and .bakers will be able to purchase sugai after July 1 only upon certificate! furnished by the Food Administration after the dealers or users have made statements of their requirements to the Food Administration upon blanks which are provided for this purpose. Those who do not make such state ments by July 15 will be refused any certificates at all. - In order' to prevent any interruption to the normal flow of rugar to the : trade, the Food Administration will . i issue certificates to the wholesalers and Jobbers in order to give them 30 idays supply of sugar including the supply they have on hand already. It is important that sugar shall be i available for canning and preserving purposes at this season and it is the desire of the Food Administration that all wholesalers and Jobbers shall inv imediately take steps to secure certi ficates for their 30 days supply of ugar. After they have used these certificates they will purchaS sugar from brokers or refineries upon certi ficates which they will receive from (retailers. Dealers Must Keep Records. All dealers are required henceforth to keep an accurate record of all sales rof sugar, this record to embrace the i name of purchaser, quantity and price. Every wholesaler, as well as retailer, is required to keep these rec ords and every pound of sugar sold must be accounted for. The records are to be held subject to the inspec tion of representatives of the Food Administration, or may be required by county food administrators. ' WOULD INCREA8E THE 8UPPLY OF POULTRY Saving of All Pullets Would Greatly Increase Egg and Meat Supply More Money for Farmers. Raleigh. The Food Administrator Is backing up and encouraging in ev ery manner possible the efforts of the Agricultural "Extension Service in pro moting the poultry industry in the State. It is urging all farmers to save every pullet possible, disposing only of cockerels at this season for broilers and frying chickens. It is pointed out that there are greater possibilities for increasing the meat supply through the raising to maturity of chickens than there is through the increased production of cattle and hogs, the so-called meat animals. At present and prospective prices of poultry and eggs foresighted farmers cannot do - otherwise than raise to maturity every pullet that they can maintain. The pullet which will sell today for 40 cents will pro duce eggs to the value of several times that sum during the winter or spring or can be sold as a matured hen during the winter for two jot three times that sum. ' GRAHAM FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT WILL BE POPULAR Raleigh. The grinding of new crop wheat into graham flour is being en couraged by the Food Administration. In some sections of North Carolina the new wheat Is reaching some of the mills already. Most of the mills refuse to handle the new wheat ex cept in very small quantities on ac count of its poor milling condition. The Food Administration is anxious that no further wheat flour shall be imported into the State and for this reason, and for the additional reaion that mills find it exceedingly difficult to grind new whsat and get the ex traction which they are required to get, is encouraging the grinding of wheat into graham flour. Whole wheat graham flour from the new crop wheat Is sweet and wholesome, having a dis tinctive flavor which makes it ex ceedingly palatable and premises to make it very popular. STATEMENT FROM FOOD ADMINISTRATOR HOOVER "If you could stand in the middle Of Europe today and survey the land to its borders, you would discover its whole population of 400,000,000 human beings short of food. Millions- of peo ple fcs. Poland, Finland, Serbia, Arme nia and Russia are dying of starvation and other millions are suffering from too little food. Our Allies and the neutrals ar livicg on the barest mar gins that will support life and strength. "This, the most appalling and dreadful thing that has come to hi inanity since the dawn, of civilisation. Is to me the outstanding creation el ueraan. militarism." UTMOST SAVING OF T2T: lan-Mnu an i 11 ' "" 1 " "nl1" M t SUGAR NECESSARY Food Administrator-Henry A. Page Announces New Restrict ons in Sales of Sugar and Calls Upon Con sumers to Economize Prese-ving and Canning Not to Be Curtailed. Raleigh. State Food Administrator Henry A. Page has announced new restrictions to govern all sales of sug ar by wholesalers and retailers and at the same time calls upon sugar con sumers in North Carolina .t6 econo mize and save the utmost ounci of sugar through reduced consumption in the home and through the elimina tion of soft drinks, candy and other less essential or non-essential prod ucts. Beginning today, all dealers are forbidden to sell more than two pounds to a town or city consumer or more than five pounds to a country consumer and not more than 25 lbs. can be sold at one time to individuals for canning and preserving- purposes under the certicate plan announced some weeks ago by the Food Admin istration. If a larger quanity is re quired at one time it may be purchas ed upon the approval of the County Pood Administration. Every dealer is required to keep an absolutely accurate record of all sales of sugar, this record to include the date of sale, name of purchaser, quantity sold and price. These records will be examined periodically by the Food Aministration inspectors who will be put in the field in the imme diate future. Mr. Page states frankly that the sugar situation is serious. "It is ex tremely important that there shall be no curtailment in the quantity of pre serves, jam, and canned fruits manu factured during the present season," declared Mr. Page, "and if sugar is to be plentiful and ample for preserv ing and canning purposes there must be marked conservation not Only by commercial users who produce less essential products such as soft drinks, candy, etc., but also upon the part of the individual consumers. It is the patriotic duty of every American citi zen to consume less of the products of fountains and candy shop's under the present conditions. "It isthe duty of every man. woman and child in the United States to use a minimum of sugar for tea, coffee, cereals, cakes and other edibles. "The individual who uses more sugar than is necesary for any pur pose and who leaves unused sugar in the bottom of their coffee cups or iced tea glasses, is a slacker and a near ally of the Kaiser. . Less Essentials Must Go. , "The American nation is stripping to the waist for this fight and non essential industries must go by the board. It has not been necessarj until this time to curtail our use of sugar to the extent that is now re quested. It is necessary now and our people must realize that, just as in the case of wheat and meat, -they must save until it hurts. The Food Admin istration doesn't want any one to do without creals, coffee, tea, etc., and especially it doesn't want children and invalids deprived of the amount of sugar nececsary in their food for their proper growth and development but it does want and it will expect every patriotic adult to confine their use of sugar to not exceeding three pounds per month at the very most. This is the measure of conservation and these three pounds a month should Include any, candy, soft drinks, etc., that are used." FARMERS ARE URGED TO SAVE ALL WHEAT POSS'BLE Raleigh. State Food Administrator Henry A. Page is urging the farmers of North Carolina to exercise care during the present harvesting season to the end that no wheat shall be left in the fields, around stumps, near ditches and on the edges of the fields where ar binder sometimes leaves a small quantity uncut. It may often happen that such wheat will not finan cially pay the labor require to harvest it but thie wheat is needed to feed hungry men and women and every farmer is urged to use the utmost pre' caution in saving every stalk of wheat possible. ROCKINGHAN CAFE FINED FOR FOOD VIOLATION Rockingham. Because it had re peatedly violated! rules and regula tions of the United States Food Ad ministration, the Busy Bee Cafe of this city, in order to escape more drastic, punishment, has voluntarily closed its door for four days with a sign announcing to its patrons that it is closed for violations of the food regulations and in addition has made a contribution of $100 to the local Chapter of the Red Cross. The owers of the cafe were given a hearing some days ago before Coun-' ty Food Administrator W. N. Everett who communicated with the office of he Food Administration at Raleigh and was authorized to let the estab Ilsnmant off in so far as past offenses are concerned upon the basis men-, We Warifc it On Qfc? This bank is here Mr the purpose of helping out every worthy enterprise in Polk county both old established or contemplated. If you have an enterprise that you want to push come to us and ghS us the data and we will help you with it if it ii feasible. Our success is measured y the prosperity of- our county and we want everything- to go vfth a whoop. If you have any idea for the furthering of your business or for the benefit of Polk county I in generol we would like to hear it and to help push it. PEOPLES BANi & TRUST CO. H. HOLMES President J. T. W-ALDROP Vie!Pre. TRYON, N. C. si i W. F. LITTLE Cashier VI . t I '3 I w To Are f Prepared ! ' '"i'-f : i . ' . - S Carry out MrHooVer's request! Hor ONE MEATLESS AND ONE WHEATLESS DAY each ff jek. and call attention to such articles: S FOR WHEATLESS DAYS :ff Corn. Flakes, Post Toasties, Rolled Oats, Yam Nuts, Yellow Seal, White Meal, Puffed Rice and Corn Starch. pj FOR MEATLESS DAYS: jfikh Flakes, Shredded Codfjsh, Herring Roe, Shad, Crab Meat, Salmon, Tuna Fish, Kippered Herring. i ! I. ' John PhonevlSd.' 14 M T FORD Attention Mr. Farmer! CARS AN D WEBER WAGONS Everything made of wood and iron is pntr ingrier in price an cue unit;, vve were fori enough to place an order about nine months tunate s 0 for i r.nr iiih.ii 111 luk ceieuidLKii vv hiiht vv a rrrn n UUi iU1 g made by the International Harvester Co., I , prices, and can today sell you cheaper than'we ; now buy, even if we could get them at all. " an We can save you money while thev last and- i. sen on easy terms. We are also getting a few Ford Cars. farmer that has lots of hauling should have onef the new Ford Trucks. 0 Call and talk it over with us. THE TRYON MOTOR CO, : m 1 a t V 1 H-.i ' Having bought the garage recently owned and operated by C. W. Ballenger, this is to notify the tviAun mat x wm cuiiLiiiue lo ao Dusmess at the same place and respectfully solicit! a continuance of vour patronage. As yo i Know, we. have one of the best mechanics m the st ite, and piices are reasonable. We also sell Goodyear tires an dtiibes and the very best of oils, greases and auto dressing. P. G. MORRli GARAGE. "3 rT.! and ; - ' .vis - An Ambition and 2liReeord 'I'HE needs of the South are identical Ivjth the needs the upbuiidiue of the other. the erowth and' sas'cesa of or- means i I r Tlie Southern Railway asks no favors no ipfcta! ?rivileee not accorded to others. 1 ; The ambition of the Southern Railway Corthmrfr Is to that unity of interest that is hern of co-operation bctveil the public and the railroads; to see perfected that fair and frank ptoNc'rin the raansre- tnent ot railroads which ir.vites t!ic conlider.OBS of j-overnmental arcucic;; to realize that liberality cf trerient TfhScji will enabl: it to obtain the ad'lmonn! capitnl r.edrd for ,jc acai?tien of better and enlarged faciliues incid?nt to the demand for ioeased and better ervice; and. finally . ' ! i To take its niche in the body politic of thefffbuth alongside of other treat industries, with no more, but with qai liberties, equal rights and equal opportunities. ( j ' " The Southern Serves the buth." TunM Kerosene Engines In Stock from 1 1-2 to 15 Horse Power. The celebrated FAIRBANKS-MORSE Enginesfc Water and Light Systems and complete Line of Faibn Machinery, Belting, Pul leys and Machinery Supplies. Write us if needing any thing in our line. We can make prompt delivery. LUMMUS MACHINERY COMPANY w No. 2 1 1 Magnolia Street Spartanburg, - - South Carolina 3S' Registered Jersey Service Boar I "Tryon Prince" I J. F. BLACK, Hillcre.t Vineyard F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. m -1 ! North Ca:rolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering WE ST RALEIGH Conditions brought about by the -world war should remove all doutrt as to the value of technical education. Increase of produc tion in all lines is the demand of 'the times. Let your son equip himself for useful, productir e citizenship. Let him have an oppor tunity to multiply his efficiency in whatever industry lie may engage. Siate College offers four -year courses in Agriculture, Agricul tural Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechan ical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Textile Industry, Dyeing. Military Training under V S. Army officer, 'tttiit of Reserve Officers' Training Corps. General government gives aUowanc to partly pay for uniforms. Juiiiors and Seniors receive pay amount ing to over $100.00 per year. Summer Camp at Plattsburgb, New York, this year attended by Juniors free of cost, Graduates who take R. O. T. C. course if called into service are assured commis sions. . ' Two hundred and forty schc larships yielding free tuition to needy boys. Young Men's Christian Association building which cost $40,000. Regular paid general secretary in charge. ' Strong athletic teams. Requirements for admiFIon, 11 units tenth grade work com pleted. Numerous Short Courses. For illustrated circulars, Catalogues and Entrance Blanks, write E. B. OWEN, Registrar. To WHY PAY TRIBUTE? StocH nsurance Companies, When you can protect yourself from, loss by fire n the old reliable tate Mutua 1 oi North Carolina, at 2d per cent, less than stock companies will write you for. Call on or write I Geo. A. Gash, Agk Tryon, N. C REAL ESTATE, LOANS Al iiST J City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Finished and un furnished houses for rent. Property taken care of and rents collected. Do not waste your time and tire, yourself out -forking for a place. Our auto is at your service free.

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