j i iiiHuii niiiimwi' "rrr- r,iTrr-iiTrTr1wJ'"-'""'' - ; . r v :jui4 - Si, i. MM 1 1 '',7 1 -. i ! i- f ... POLK COUNTY NEWS. TRYON, N. C n I t 1 v 1 1 i. il J I" r s J 1,9 VA ! I 5 i .1 i i t M il 'J '! Ji ll 'i I! i i i f i THE PQLK COUNTY NEWS anriTRYQH BEE Consolidated Nov. , 1 91 5 Published every Friday at TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Entered at second-class matter April 28, 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina, un der the act of March 3, 1879 B. F. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $1.50 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Resolutions of Respect,Church or Lodge Notices whtrt an admission fee is charged, or for financial rin. will be charged regular advertising rates of flv cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West S9th Street.' New York City, is ourjsolo and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." As the American army increases in size the chance, for a German victory decreases. H w. s. s. Wonder what the Kaiser thinks of "thatj contemptible little American army" by now? W. S. S. "On to Berlin," is the battle cry oi the allies, and here's hoping nothing will stop them until they enter that accursed city. y g "Our Flag is Still There," and wav ing in all her glory in the front ranks of the allies, and to the dread and fear of the unholy Hun who sees it. w. s. The good work of the allies goes on in France, and up to the hour oi going to press allied armies are still advancing. The resistance of the Germans is stiffening somewhat, but thev are still retreating. W. S. S. The American people have put their trust in the Lord, and He wil not ' deny them victory. "Trust ir i i i i i j i-.ora ana Keep your powuer ury i: still as true today as when utteret during the revolutionary days. w. s. s. A German prisoner captured by th American troops when asked wha the. Germans thought of the Ameri cans said they hadiieard there werf a ' million Americans on the fighting line, but from the way in which thej fought they thought there were full ten millions of them. w. s. s. "While we regret his loss yet his mother and I are glad that he had his chance to show what was in him.' Such is the way in which Theodore Roosevelt and his wife look upon th( loss of their baby, Quentin. Spokei like the true and brave America parents that they are. Their word; should be studied by the parents o all who have children "over 4herer and may we all show the same cour age if compelled to undergo the same trial. w. s. s. Thursday's papers tell us that no a single American army officer is in volved in the recent rain coat scandal As Rev. Griffith remarked in his tall to the departing soldiers at Tryon Wednesday, "The American army i the cleanest lot of fellows under th sun." Commanded by that grat re liglous soldier and humanitarian Pershing backed by the greates Christian nation, on earth, how can ii be otherwise? w. s. s One of the prettiest tributes W( have ever read was the editorial ir the Asheville Citizen a few days ago touching upon the death of Quentin Roosevelt. However we may fail tc agree with Theodore Roosevelt, yet none can doubt his Americanism or loyalty. With four sons in the ser vice and himself a bitterly disap pointed man because he could not go, it stands to reason that his love for America is genuine. w. s. s The marksmanshirj of the Ameri can troops has been the wonder of the lighting, and the British and French look upon their workinamaze ment, while the Germans look upon their work in dread. The idea of 'a soldier beincr able to km an object no larger than a man at a instance ot l,UUU yards seems to be unDelieveable to the British -and trench, as well as -the Germans That is no great feat for boys who have been trained to shoot squirrels in the eyes with an old-fashioned long-barreled rifle. w. s. s. To Col. Theodors Roosevelt Tkr sympathy "of the entire American na tion goes out to you and your noble wife in this, your time of sadness and bereavement. Those who do not un derstand you and do not agree with you have nothing but the deepest re gret and words of sympathy, while those -who do know and admire you, think more of you today than ever before. To them your action and words were nothing more than were expected. May God in His wisdom, help you and your noble heroic wife sto bear up under your burden know ing that He does everything for the ANAPPEA L TO ALL PATRIOTIGWOMEN Mrs. Thomas J. Preston, Jr., (Formerly Mrs. Grover Cleve land) Urges' Women of Nation to Stand Firm. MWe can win if America can be held steadfast and unswerving, and the wb 'men of America can hold her stead , fast. Against all 3 i-Amnfnfinno f nfm promise the women of America should stand firm and united," says Mrs. Thomas J. Preston, Jr. (formerly Mrs. Grover Cleveland), in a message to the women of America, made public through the Na tional Security League. Mrs, Preston 18 Mrs. T.J. Piston, J r.Uy League WQrk She was the first woman to become a member of the League's National Ex ecutive Committee, and Is secretary of the League's Committee on Patriotism Through Education. Mrs. Preston's message to the wo men of the country reads in full: "Proclaim Liberty." "'Proclaim Liberty throughout ALL THE LAND unto all the inhabitants thereof.' "These words were written about 1490 years before Christ, as part of the Law of Holiness in the Book of Leviticus. Our fathers Inscribed them upon the Liberty Bell which called our mighty nation into life. "Today 'all the inhabitants' enjoy liberty, the Jew and the Gentile, the rich and the poor, the native and the alien-born, the weak and the strong. The old Liberty Bell is silent, for its voice has been heard 'throughout all the land.' "But Liberty is not safe. It is men aced along the battle fronts of many nations, our own among them, and America requires a new motto for her old Bell: 'Proclaim liberty through out ALL LANDS unto all the inhab itants thereof.' UntU Hberty Is safe in all lands, it can not be safe in our wn. Hence the task to which Amer ica has reverently and unselfishly ded icated herself. "Make Motto Real." "The Fathers of this Republic, men of many races, with a common love of liberty, wrought into law our ancient motto, thus giving liberty a chance to enlighten the world. "Today we, their descendents, are called upon to make real the new motto, and thus to give liberty the undisputed right to bless the world. "This can be done but only after heroic struggle and self-sacrifice. A premature peace would mean failure. ItSvould be only less disastrous than complete defeat. Against all tempta tions to compromise the women of America should stand firm and united. 'Peace and Safety." "Victory means peace and safety for our children; defeat means hu miliation and practical servitude .for them; while a negotiated peace, with the military machine of Prussia un broken, means that everything in their lives must be subordinated to the task of preparing for another .war with Germany. We can wm now if Amer ica can be held steadfast and un swerving, and the women of America can hold her steadfast." QUOTAS FIXED FOR FALLY. M.CAj DRIVE National Goal of $112,000,000 Includes io,uvu,uuu For; War Work Of Y. W. C. A. Southeast Asked For $5,000,000 The quotas for the seven states of tne boutheastern DeDartment. for ih next financial drive of the National War Work Council of the Y. M. r A for $112,000,000, which will take place late in the fall were decided upon last weeii by delegates from each of the states. Seven hundred delegates from tne seven states of the Southeastern Department recently met with the na tion s leading Y. M. C. A. workers ai the Capital City Club of Atlanta. Oa The quotas for the Southeastern states, totaling approximately $5,000, 000, were decided upon as follows: Florida, $577,584: Georeia. J1.043 784; Mississippi, $280,000; North Oaro- 1 una, t8U,z8; south Carolina, $644, 896; Tennessee, $1,095,920; Alabama, ?5U4,000. $15,000,000 to the Y. W. C. A. Of the total amount $15,000 onn w ill be turned over to the Younir Wnmn 3 vam'V'A Christian Association in order that tney may cany on the manv wr ao- tivities that they have undertaken, livery town and community the Southeast was renrsenti of by its leading citizens at the conference. Chief among the international fleur were Dr. John R. Mott, General Secre tary of the National War Worif Prmn. cil, Geo. W. Perkins, former leader pr the Bull Moose party, a member or tne executive board of the United states steel Corporation and i chairman of. the Army and Navy now Y. t r t- A. bureau of finance. Others in the party were A, H. Whitford and Chas. S. Ward, directors of the na tional campaign, "and A, M. Cotton of w TCarn-ftnd Give Cwln. fa HEALTH is WEALTH HEALTH;0 WW KM STATE BOARD, OF v L,i, ay. MA WILL ( (WIWMM IN TMMS NWtNC AND N.TAT W NNVUbJMWrtr T AT BAt.M AND AOCOMPANI aobmimib r tmi erricc en to tmctti : oa" or mu Bt.. w... .a AmitrTia OlIMM Y MAIL W AOOMtMIB TO TMI OPFICC ON TO m A OTAMIO. ANRIIIU BNVItOC NO OIAONOSM) OA The Antediluvian Teacher The one thing superintendents, prin cipals and teachers In some schools hate worse than physical education in having parents coming around with grievances or complaints against me dieval methods. The writer is a pa-, rent and a doctor and he recently found it necessary to call on the public, school principal to learn why no re cesses were given the children no outdoor recesses. On the day of this particular visit the weather was ideal, though a bit cold. But the ground was still damp from previous rains. t was Immediately afteY noon inter mission, and all the school children had played about the yard in the noon hour while waiting for the bell to ring. Thfi nrineinal of the school in Ques tion is a tvnical mollycoddle. Alwavi has some slight cough or "cold" and always nursing it. He was a bit flab bergasted at the suddenness and ve hemence of our inquiry. He finally ex plained that there had been no re cesses for some weeks back because of bad weather. "Had we allowed a recess this forenoon, for instance, many of the children would have got. ton their feet wet in the yard and probably their parents would have complained to, us about it." The same parents, you see, would have no pos sible objection to the children getting their feet wet at the noon hour. This was carefully pointed out to the prin cipal. He was also advised that the school board rules called for outdoor recess morning and afternoon when the weather was suitable, and that1 un less this recess was regularly given It would be our painful duty to bring a complaint against the principal, in the Interest of the health of the children. No recesses were given for another WAR In response to the Government's ca for specially trained men the University is offering, in addition to its regular courses in ACADEMIC, CIVIL CHEMICAL. ELECTRICAL, HIGHWAY. AND MINING ENGINEERING, LAW. MEDICINE, AND PHARMACY, Special War Eogikieenng Courses and Military' 'Ilrainine under U. S. ARMY IN SENIOR DIVISION OFFICERS RESERVE RAINING CORPS Graduates Eligible fc Commissions. Be Ready When the Call Comes FOR INFORMATION WRITE University of CHAPEL ' - North Csdron3k t?,te College of Agricultiare anil'- Engineering WH'8T RAL!?IGH Conditions brought about doubt as to the value of tec hnlcal tion in all lines is the denx u, r .X, V H iy himself for useful, productlr dtlwulp. Let him have an oppor tunity to multiply his effici ency in hatever industry be may engage. o I State College offers foury!ar !? Agriculture, Agricul tural Chemistry. Chemical Ei115' CiU fn8:iTne,eri' Mechan ical. Enslneerins. Electrical ncginAeS?ng' Jextile J?dJfstrT' P111 Military Training under U f. Art4X offior Unit of Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Gm6nM eminent gives allowance- to partly pay for uniforms. Julio" ai!S!nior8 recJve W amount ing to over $100.00 per year. TSu,mnfeJ. amp at Pittsburgh, New York, this year attended byJ,uT?tT& ?f cost Graduates who take R. O. T. C. course if called lat "ervice are assured commis sions. , B ) Two hundred and forty sch larsWP fIelding free tuition to needy l)oys ' . i' Young Men's Christian Asi,oc.lat uildiag which cost $40,000. Regular paid general secretary charge. Strong athletic teams. ' Requirements for admlnlo11 " its tenth trade work com pleted. ' vv i Numerous Short Courses. . , if ; , For illustrated circulars, Cllta:Iosw,: and Etranca Blanks, write REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE City and Farm Property Bought an Sold. Fu.nished and un it1 j fr rent ProPrtylken care of and rente eolleeted. Do not waste your time if rid tire yourself out lorldng tor a place. Our auto is at your service free. , JAMES LEONARD! Tryon, IN. C. Polk Coy o5 h or this small sum you get all your CounM News, State and Nat onal U " Stock, Poultryashions. etc..Jesides stories and articles by America t best writes. 'A string of reading matter a mUe long for $1.50. Sefid us your subscription:. GI ft!- TMCf TATB "v" "' " ;t OIMAMO Witt ATTtlirTia TM'""'T ,N,V,OU,' ek of fine weather. So we took the mltter to the superintendent of scfiools, who, being a fairly human be i Afr. immediately recognized the pro priety of the complaint and censured thl principal in question for his bad stewardship. After that, recess be cpne a living institution in that school. jijUl this trouble is worth while, if a pbent values the health of his chil dren. So-called "colds," sore throat, toftsilitis. adenoids, enlarged tonsils, aslweli as anemia, nervousness, bed witting, chorea (St. Vitus' dance), and mny other conditions of school chil dren are certainly invited by prolong ed .confinement in the warm atmos phere and the strict discipline of the average Schoolroom. It is up to the parents to see that a regular fifteen minutes of recreation, exercise and re lease from restraint so hard for the child's naturally active nervous sys- .1 are lonncommg in every scjuui, ! anil to protest promptly and vigorous- jly when an antediluvian teacher es- s&ifs to repeal this ancient, wife and i4cfispensable provision for the physi cal welfare of the child. Question and Answer. J ii. 9 Dixnlrlnn t?mm v W. R. What is good for per spiring feet? Inswer: Tepid foot bath each midday, attrjl change of stockings, also of shoes if possible, at that time. When feet are dried, apply an alcoholic solution of Baycyolic aoid, one ounce in the pint, or a wier solution of official formaldehyde li quid', one ounce In the pint. Dry. Dust ovj,r with boric acid powder, or talcum povder. . 3 . I Alum In the Biscuits. )r. K. M. Kindly advise me if bak in; powder containing alum is inju riops to health. Jlnswer: If the biscuits are good we eaf them, and we never trouble to in quire ab-p.it the infinitesimal quantity of iihjim they might contain. Wo think that k?Qija,. belongs with the notion that good te or coffee is not healthful. SES! North Carolina HILL' N. C. t??or!? warTshould remove all ed ucation. Increase of produc- E. B. OWEN, Realstrar. 7- IT irity;vN ews Per Year,, mr y t mm sdlav. ii 1 1 I 1 dJa V IMF Am Our Grocery Department will be reopened with a complete stock of staple and fancy groceries at very attractive prices. Date of opening of the other de partments will be announced at an early date. WILI CINS OOOOOOOOOOOOOQSOOOOO09 O Q O A Thrift Stamp gives you the right to M stand up when tne X is played. O O O o o o o o o o o o An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now to start that account. Gome in and let's talk it over. 0 BANK OF TRYON 2 o o W. T. LINDSEY Pres oococooooooo EVIDENCES OF PROSPERITY! Gf course you know how Opportunity always comes to the prosperous man. Ever notice the EVIDENCES of Prosperity? : If you have, you have observed that an unfailing evi dence of Prosperity is A Bank Account with a sound bank like the Bank of Saluda. Your money is absolutely safe, and you can get it at any time. We will gladly extend any accommodation consistent with sound banking to our depositors. BAN IK of SALUDA Capital $10,000.00 Saluda, N. C. HENRY P. CORITH, Pres. JOIiff B. A TTB jTfc- As iwe carry nothine: our line, we will, simply quote a few prices that w - be good for the nqxt two weeks. Better act at once asthe prices are good for only two weeks. 2 cakes Palmolive, 2 cakes Rose Bath Soap for 25 cents One-half gallon Fairday Syrup for 40 cenns Fine Line Sunshine Biscuits j jj We carry the beet line of Coffee in town. Getp"r j 6 prices on all kieds of Groceries and Country rf0' j duce ' i i I 6 'v-r - I H IACE & i "HOtiEST GOODS AT THE CO. star spangled banner 0 0 0 0 0 J. B. HESTER Cashier. 8OOCOOOOOG8C000 CANNON, Y-Pres. -PRESTON Ii. BAILEY, Cash. 322 'TTTr AT! but the best of all items in SON, SALUDA, N. C, MOSf-REASONABl.E PRICE" 9 ' 14 ssscwcccssccsscccoeciioessoeeow

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