.11 TYRON - .j r?. wln:-Mountain 1W . 4 fi n. m. 4 in POLK COUNTY NEWS. TRYON. N. C. 1 . : ; -a. Industries, i , . i tiinw , . . ,vturnea nomei Kav0! .' T.,tivos at Washing t day St "to relatives . i :n ' ..vp left tor Asiievme, Miss, - -ere she will spend some me- . , i Miss ' J an extend Mr MoFee left yesterday 1 visit to Asheville Lowcnberjv and family, are among late Hi?'1 W v "c .... tc nf -.. (rt ii u. in " !t r M. H x-- Orlean riV riLlo' Ford, assistant post Mr. Claud fc vacatl0n 0r is "-J-";" nan" . S. (J., I'nngie xani- the Jones cot- '! Whitney. Ave. l ... i.i. i?vnv"has p-one to vis- m; 10 ei M J I" Searles at her suramei in Cotait, Mass " Fi-k. of Adram, Mich., fo; t'imo'a Rr.est at Miss Ravenel s. ;v,ietl home this wcck. ,-eant Ralph Jackson came Yom camp Jackson for the" week 1 , with home lolks. Unr tea. ioo(i lea, it-i uuua., v. 1 iirniTC nn. fcnccial parties servecroi t.e. Mountain Industr ies. i n -1 .-, i i tr.-.r.r. nvnvpd trnm r or Mr. ueram Ti ,.-frvor nnrl Will StlPTlf Mr. W-.H ....unrinp- L-icrht Smith, for the summer seasor Mrs. Lanham, Tiller, of Spartanburg, the bungalow of Mr. a of tele- thc of Spartanburg. n Trvon for the summer and has rented tne log caoin in iui. Uu-iffht bniun. m,. r Y. Kalleneer was called tc .ill' ,-' - - , . X,oy Ohio, buinlay last, uy .,..0:11 finnouncing t'ne death mother of Mrs. Ballenger. Female nurse or attendant lor a -omnium for Nervous and Menta1 di-eass. Salary $24.00 a. month witl board and laundry. Address S. Lord st.imfonl. Conn. The front window ledges of the Tiyon merchants are just wide enoughto let those so inclined sit down on them. A goodly number ac cept this broad invitation. The contingent of soldiers called for August 5th will be sent toCamp Wadswoith, Spartanburg. This will make the first Folk county boys to be sent to Spartanburg. Mrs. Arthur Jones is expected foi a summer visit soon. Her son, Ar thur js, like Julian Hester, preparing aUthe Boston School of Technology, for service in naval aviation. We have a. quantity of bulletins or canning: and preserving, also contain ing many war time recipes which art for free distribution and may be had by calling at the NEWS office. Mrs. Freeman Miss -Marioja. .free man and Miss Freeman left this weeK for their summer residence in New Jersey. Miss Marion and Miss Janet intend fitting themselves as nurses. The quality of grapes which made Tiyon famous have made their ap pearance in a small way on the loca. market and a little ,later on will bt moving; in large quantities. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hudson" anc daughter, of Spartanburg, were ir Trvon., yesterday. They are spend ing the summer in Saluda, and wert making arrangements to spend next winter in Tryon. Edwin Lindsey has been ordered tc Plattsburg X. Y., to attend a course at the officers' training camp at thai place. He will also be detailed as one of the military instructors at the University of North Carolina. A Tryon kid who is taught Bible texts asked his mother the other day "Do I have to mind aunty when yov" are away?" "Certainly," she tolc1 him. "Not my will but thine be done," retorted the youngster. The Hod Cross Tryon branch fee that in the summer absence of Miss! Freeman and Miss Bray they wil miss two good workers. Luckily Rec Cross work can be done anywhere for the benefit of the soldiers every where. A Tryonite in the dining car from Columbia steak fare. He at once remembered that ii was his meatless day. He suspectt that the manager is one of Hoover: Secret agents. Miss Hallie Hester will shortly be in her summer vacation with he: tamily here. She has achieved & decided success in her work in Wash lrigton, receiving " very substantia recognition and commendation fron her superiors. Vv'averly Hester left this week foi a two months' training at the officers training camp at Plattsburg. N. Y.,' ir preparation for military instructor (t the students at the University of Noun Larohna where Hester begins second term this fall. -th roasting ears, watermelons fanialoupees grapes peaches toma toes and many other varieties of, "'"its and vegetables on the local market, there is nothing nreventine Cj K from living like a -prince, if the Drice." r,.u-H. Wakefield, M. D. of v ai ' tte, will be in Mill Springs,or jJnlay, Aug. 5th one day. The Dr. ' mits h,s practice to the medical -anc u'Kica treatment of eye, ear nose, tuoat diseases, and fitting glasses. yfrUr famly physician if you n saHv consult Dr. Wakefield An oblong "il OO x i. hlro witvr ih f a. a on ' . "ame oi uie maner cut V" one Mule of it, and it might serve w. i. t't;mptery every purpose of a """O Stone. PYoonf 4-l,- 44- outl the sugar restriction law said that his iamny was entitled to 21 pounds, but they'd set out to get along with ten or twelve. A patriotism worth the while of any citizen without regard to race, color or previous condition of any Kina.; v : - v v Dr. Woodson, in resnonsp tn sire for more active servirp ,ic kt. ordered to Camp Funston, Kansas. wnere Gen. Wood is in command When he was (only an army doctor, Dr. Woodson was on dutv with and got on friendly terms. Dr. Wood son s son, James, is on engineer ser vice in r ranee. We acknowledge receipt of an in! vitation to attend the Good Roads convention at Wriehtsvillp on August 7,8 and 9 , in which it states 'You ought to come in your auto'.Owing to the high cost of gasoline, together with the fact thut vve do not own an auto will prevent us from accepting the invitation. His many friends here will regret to hear that Captain. Sharp has been retired from duty on account of nealth conditions. Already hindered i:or this reason from active service at the front which he craved, he never theless was very efficient on this side jf the water. To .be cut off even irom that is a loss to the country. Richard Carroll's address to the people of both colors will be given from a platform, erected with ivirs. Brownlee's permission, on the grounds at Oak Hall. The general testimony is that his oratory is pa thetic, humorous, patriotic,vpictures .me and controlled by common sense, vhich is not so common in orators. Quite a number of negro prisoners passed through lryon on No. 10, Monday, under heavy guard.. They lad assaulted acaptain and lieutenant it Jfisgah F.orest, and were being nlrM O 1 f a . x . ,n.eii opariauuurg ior trial. It is ikely that they receive very severe ounisnment,,' as Uncle Sam does not overlook an ofFense of this nature. Mr. J. H. Gibbs, of Mill Spring, vas in Tryon, Saturday, to meet iome members of his family who iad been attending a W . O. W. pov vow m Hendersonville. Mr. Gibbs jays there will be more canning done in his section of the county, this year than ever before, and that the crops of all kinds of vegetables are plentiful. urged to dry everything that can pos sibly be dried. Severe punishment is m store for those who store sugar for hoarding. 4? W. S. S FOUND Ladies Coat. Dy giving description and navinw fnr this advertisement. WILLIAM DURHAM. w. s. s. "PLATTSBURGS" FOR SCHOOLTEACHERS To Be Held by National Security League Throughout Country During Coming Summer. We!H ave the Righil Prices AND : 1 i Kind of M a tr-iafs to do your building. Fjill stock Doors, Windows, SidlngjFloorlng Ceiling, Shingles, Lothg Interior Finish and Moulding, Rbiigh and Dressd Lumber. CarrIebmplete STOCK OP Fife EDS HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA, N. C.U The Asheville Citizen had emite a vrite-up on the possibilities of Polk county as a sheep raising county. Some State experts have just made a survey of the county and say that as soon as the people wake up to the advantages possessed by our county .n that line .we, may expect to see our mountain sides covered with large .locks of sheep. We hope to see .he hastening of that time. An Intruder on the railroad track ast week was run over by a train and lead badly crushed. The clothing .ery hard looking, was not torn or iven touched ;but strange to say it gave no clue to the sex. No inquest ,.vas heleLbut the corpse was taken away and perhaps buried. 'The" victim oeloneed to a well known hard shell ."amily Its first name was Mud, the ast, ras turtle. "Vitalizing the Stud of Agricul ture" is the title of a variable little pamphlet which has just been issued .rom the State College. The author s Prof. C. B. Williams' Dean of Agr culture' and his purpose is to give lelpful suggsestions to teachers in ur elementary scchools who are con ducting classes in agriculture. Teachers and any others who desire copies can get them by writing to the Registrar's Office at West Raleigh. More than one Tryonite is, and for ;ome time has been,; ready to buy his r her next winter's coal this sum- ner, according to tne government s njuhction, but there seems no coal to uy. Mr. Missildine's inquiries from ime to time get no answer. Mr. lindsey was recently notified that a ;ar was on its way, but it seems to e "a long, long way;" and a car of :oal will last about as long, a Tryon te says, as an iceberg will last in the jlace where the Huns are going to by -he thousands. "Teachers' Plattsbures." at which 800,000 public school teachers will be J siren practical training iu patriotic- education, will be held during the com ing summer in practically every state in th6 Union by the National Security League. The scheme of this elaborate new division of the League's Patriot ism Through Education campaign ' is conceived on the same basic idea along which the League has been working for some time, concentrating on the teachers of the youth of the land and thereby reaching the children througtt the teachers and the people through their children. The objects of the League's cam paign are two-fold active combating of German propaganda and awaken ing a more responsible American citi zenship. At Summer Schools. The Security League will conduct these "Teachers' Plattsburgs" through the medium of the summer schools for teachers that are held throughout the country every year. It has not yet been determined how many center's will be used. The matter is . being taken up with all of the 700 summer schools of the country and probably between 50 and 75 of the training camps will be established, the schools selected being chosen after careful in vestigation as to attendance, breadth of influence and convenience of loca tion. The training camps will be conduct ed by leading educators whose co-operation will be enlisted by the League. The actual Instruction will be under the direction of Dr. Robert M. McEl roy, educational director of the League, and the members of the "Na tional Patriotic Education Faculty" which he has organized. The League already has over 1,000 experienced pa triotic speakers on Its Speakers' Bu reau list. A great many of these men and women will be detailed to the "Teachers' Plattsburgs" and their number will be augmented by volun teers from the principal colleges and universities of the country, whose aca demic duties have prevented them from taking active part In the patri otic education work outside their im mediate field, but who will be free during the summer months. War Spirit The teachers will be given a series of vital interpretations of the war by men and women who have given care ful study to the situation. In addition to this instilling of the war spirit in the teachers, the training camps will also afford them practical instruction in the best methods of imparting to the youth of the land the two war principles on which the Security League's Patriotism Through Educa tion campaign Is based the menace of Germany to America, and the neces sity of individual service on the part of every man, woman and child in the country in order to prevent defeat. A preliminary letter has been sent by Doctor McElroy to the directors pf all the summer schools of the couotry. W. S. S. WE SOLICIT if Your orders tor floorli.j ceiling. siding, finish, mouldings j framing. v -j i We manufacture tills and can save you money. See us for Uth, brick, doors and Bash. I ! TRYON LUMBER-CO, WALTER JONE5. -! ATTORNEY AT AW Office up Stairs Jjnj Jno. L. Jacksen Co Bld'o. Is There An Electric Flat Iron il i' In Your Houiie Price $ AM .;- H'l 30 Days Free Trial Guaranteed F or 10 Yearst IRVON ELECTRIC SERVICE: vvuii nil i 3 GEO. A. GfVSH JUSTICE OF THfe PEACE .8 .9 -AND-fj. NOTARY PtJBLlC. Collections a specialty, Deeds and Mortgages, "preparer!, apd Contracts written atf reasonable prices. -ft TRYON, .C. FOR SALE or t LEASE! RIXHAfEN 5 On Tryon MoUTitian Suitable for smalKfirst class hotel, or for gentleman's residence. A fim) orchard, vineyard, small fruits, as paragus, etc,f Address, RIXHAVEN f-pDGE Stearns, Ni C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tryonites both resident and tran iient should, and do, appreciate cour ,esy and accommodotion from officials ailroad and telegraphic, with whom her mnf intn pontart. The Tndia- bia, the other day, noticed that iapolis News says that the prejudice . , , rnv .4?? m w was marked $2.50 on the bill o inst railroad andi other corpora- Time to DUy Thriff btampS. ions is partly due to the past indis position to serve the public in a cor lial and willing temper. It thinks of ate these corporations are realizing voim v j pa;i Having qualified as administrator of the hi-r omnlnvpPS t.O Show It. Ixail- PS - . .. xad mene generally courteous . now d t md do their best : to make travel a P . o easure. The ticket agent is usually . fom -s date rlum, but even he is on-tthe upgrade. otnerwise wi ?lead bar of statute And We recently sent out statements to all persons indebted to said estate are re- ;hose in arrears on subscription, quested to immediately make payment of The responses have been fairly liber- same to the undersigned administrator, this il. Not very long since we adopted jsth day of July, 1918. he nav-in-advance system, and are WALTER POWELL, Adminsstrator. getting to that system as rapidly as 11 4-pd Dossible. The united Mates go vex n- C00OOOOOOOOCflLC50COOOO I Registered f Jfersey o Service Boar e 99 "Tryon Prince J. F. BLACK, 'Hillcrt?t Vineyard oT,t will nnt. a ow us to sena. our nunr tn subscribers who are m ar rears. We have given all T J , 1 . n nav utj. iexi- weov we lUiy you one 1 nave a cnance will take )ff the names of all those who failed ;o respond to the notices. 11 you want the NEWS you must pay for it, 30 if you do not want to be ehsap pointed better send in-, your ceck. The date after your name shows to vhen your subscription is paid, so .here is no reason for not, knowing vhen your subscription expires North Carolina In the Superior Court. Polk County. David Newman vs. Notice. Ola Newman J The defendant above named will take uotice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Polk county, North Carolina, to obtain a dissolution from the bonds of, matrimony Of NOTICE OF LADt ENTRY. ?1 f State of North Carolina, County of Polk. J Too A. L. Eittman, Entry Taker Polk County. : ii f Take notice that LHjsimes Leonard, the undersigned, oftj fPolk - county, North Carolina, havil entered and laid claim to, and dos! hereby enter and lay claim to -tljft jfollowing de scribed piece or parjHj of land in Tryon Township, Pok. county and State of North Carolina containing cake of soap, bigger'n a on exhibition at a Trvon excent that, it wrmlrl not soan V10 first down-pour. Both as J and tombstone it would wash. inoft?uturday afternoon and even siwL he s.hoPP'ng - throngs on the longed " 1 uii existing between plaintiff and defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice I WOT,f r,rres mirR or less. The j- v. Qtato Fr.nd Ad- that she is required to appear at the !erm of 1 1 j beinff vacant and subject to According to the State ood Ad . 1- , h w sam ana d Xjf c4tp of ninistrator Page, Mortn Carolina "--- T . ot' k .,r enny uuu iuc Vf. " r:nV have eaten and drunk so much un orth (jaroima said ? piece, paitei ui tOlKS nave eaten tiiu uiunn. , t. house of said countv in Colum- K o. 1 1 ,ac1uA oc -follows. :itied to, : " ------- . iract ux ia.au 10 ucov? mvu , i s, N. C, and answer or demur to the it Ag, complaint in said action, or the plaintin will apply to the court for the relief de manded iu said complaint. This 15th day of July, I918. J. P. ARLEDGE, - ...... Clerk Superior Court. n.r "V ua tnem look as if they be- '-U a IOWn envoval ite for Cam0Uflage. its electric HorMinc and itam it has a metropolitan V. . . 1 1 fi jujils and tountam it has, - 01 . I 1 1 I 1 I 1 w than they're entit tJimr will n ot eret their three pounds each month unless great care s used in distnoutmg aim conaumnig t Many merchants will within 60 days have none to sell. Certificates have been issued for nearly ' double oTiortinnment for July.- No lur cher sales of 25 pourids for preserv ing purposes will be allowed. County nf-j Ajwtmtnr Racon has noti- fied the people here that he can allow only five pounds at a time for pre ' t tannine' Dumoses. and it may be that this amount will be cut in half betore long, anu puaoxuxjr DR. B.H. TEAGUE DENTIST SALUDA, N. C. FOR A young milk cow Has been milk discontinued" entirely, in the mean- n . , , A11tnlRf onrl Sph- :.C Iai,0 AvW l.r,. . i 1 . I li UTil-hAlir 1 JL K. J AAJ A A VS V mmm - r- 1 III' bHU VY XWO A. Trvon ' -ame , lored citizen of time people are urgeu w-"- - - 0," H. HOLMES. i.uiureu citizen ox l wine mcuiv -o- - ii,r 1 . with a clear understanding of I the use of sugar, and are especially tember, HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES are often hard to find if you have to go to one place for one thing, and to a different place for something else. In our basement and on the second floors you will find most of the necessities for the kitchen and house furnishing. If it is there the price is LESS THAN THEY ARE WORTH on today's market, for we bought early and are sharing the benefit with you. Make comparisons with other towns and see. WE HAVE A LIMITED QUANTITY of Overalls, work shirts, dress shirts negligee shirts ginghams, madras, etc., that we are selling for less than we can replace them for. If you want your share come for them, . The wholesalers are getting more, for all these items than we are asking you to pay ' us. For in stance, Overalls are worth, wholesale, $2.25. We are selling for $2.00; Ginghams are worth, wholesale 32 cents.; we are selling a limited quantity for 25 cts The best grade of outings are worth, wholesale, 35 cents; we will sell for the present, at 30 cents. Why not buy your fall outings now and save money? Farm Wagons, a car load, at today's wholesale price. THE BALLENGER CO. FOR EVERYTHING NG. . We Want flit Oirt Dt? This bank is here for the purpose of helping out every worthy enterprise in Polk county both old established or contemplated. If you have an enterprise that you want to push come to us and give us the data and we will help you with it if it is feasible. Our success is measured by the prosperity of our county and we want everything to go with a whoop. If you have any idea for the furthering of your business or for the benefit of Polk county in generol we would like to hear it and to help push it. . PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. G. H. HOLMES President J. T. WALDROP Vice-Prei. TRYON, N. C. W. F. LITTLE Cashier GAU5AG.C crht trip cram recently owned and operated by C. W. Ballenger, this is to notify the public that I will continue to do Dusiness at tne same place and respectfully solicit a continuance oi your, patronage. Asyo i inow, we have one of the best mechanics in the 3t ite, and prices are reasonaDie. we also sell Goodyear tires and tubes and the very best of oils, greases and auto dressing. P. G. MORRIS GARAGE. This Bank is for People who Want to Improve their financial Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checking account is most conven ent in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, HtE. President y ooooooooeeoooooooooooooooooooosoooooeoooooooosocspl Adjoining the.lancMf of (JobD on tne ooct. Tnhn TTnhpnir.hi and Mr. Ja cobs on the South, JJrs. . Page and John Church and oM Howards Gap road on the East ani ,Mrs. Wilson on tfte north. , I i nn Entered this ?8tn ay oi June, wio JAMES LEONARD, Claimant. A. L. Pittman EnttT taker. Filed at -4:3 p. m.,une 28, 1918. Faricy :Pesi!clies Per IBushcl, $2.00 Per Peck, SO Cts ; :liv:wyr.jLiNDS TRYON, N. C. M m : it -3 -