CHAPTER XXIV Continued. 23 Jost as he finished speaking, the wel come pup-pup" of a machine gun In their rear rang out, and the front line f the onrushing Germans seemed to neft away. They wavered, but once again came rushing onward. Down their second line. The machine was taking an awful toll of lives. again they tried to advance, but machine gun mowed them down. Dropping their rifles and bombs, they and fled in a wild rush back to trench, amid the cheers of "D" They were forming again another attempt, when in the rear D company came a mighty cheer. ammunition had arrived and with It battalion of Scotch to re-enforce them. They were saved. The unknown aarTiine gunner had come to the rescue fta the nick of time. With the re-enforcements it was an task to take the third German After the attack was over, the cap- i and three of his noncon missioned wended their way back to the position where the machine gun had tfone Its deadly work. He wanted to thank the gunner In the name of D company for his magnificent deed. Tbey arrived at the gun, and an awful sight met their eyes. Lloyd had reached the front line trench, after his company had left it. A strange company was nimbly crawling p the trench ladders. They were re- fakements going over. They were Seotties, and they made a magnificent sight is their brightly colored kilt's and hare knees. Jumping over the trench, Lloyd raced : "No Man's Land," unheeding the rf bullets, leaping over dark forms the grotmd, some of which lay still, while others called out to him as he mpeeded past. He rme to the German front line, tat ft was deserted, except for heaps " ead and wounded a grim tribute t the work of his company, good, old ! company. Leaping trenches, and casing for breath, Lloyd could see right ahead of him his company in a tfead-ended sap of a communication trench, and across the open, away In trtmt of them, a mass of Germans pre facing for a charge. Why didn't D company fire on them? Why were they o strangely silent? What were they waiting for? Then he knew their am amnftion was exhausted. But what was that on his right? A Baehfne.gun. . Why didn't it open fire and save them? He would make that gim's crew do their duty. Rushing wrer to the gun he saw why It had not wpened fire. Scattered around its base lay six still forms. They had brought their gun to consolidate the captured position, but a German machine gun had decreed they would never fire again. TJoyd rushed to the gun and, grasp ing the traversing handles, trained It an the Germans. He pressed the thumb piece, but only a sharp click was the result The gun was unloaded. Then he realized his helplessness. He did not know how to load the gun. Oh, why hadn't he attended the machine Cm course in England? He'd been offered the chance, but with a blush of shame he remembered that he had been afraid. The nickname of the machine gunners had frightened him. They were called the "Suicide club." Now, because of this fear, his company would be destroyed, the men. of D com pany wo'Ud have to die, because he, Albert Lloyd, had been afraid of a name. In his shame he cried like a baby. Aryway he could die with them and, rising to his feet, he stumbled . vcj tfce body of one Of the gunners, who emitted a faint moan. A gleam af hope flashed through him. Perhaps Oris man could tell him how to load !!he gun. Stooping over the body he Xtstitj shok it and the -soldier opened Ms eyes. Seeing Lloyd, he closed them again and, in faint voice, said : vr5Vsl sa?1 '.!!tr Jk&i t;s- V vtr T In Charga. s MP BE TOP ANAMEHCW50IMR WHO VENT MAOHNE OIHHER.JERYIHC IN FRANCE ' 1517 BY "Get away, you blighter, leave me alone. I dont want any coward around me." The words cut Lloyd like a knife, but he was desperate. Taking the re volver out of the holster of the dying man he pressed the cold muzzle to the soldier's head and replied: "Yes, It is Lloyd, the coward of Company D, but so help me God, If you don't tell me how to load that gun I'll put a bullet through your brain !" A sunny smile came over the coun tenance of the dying man and he said in a faint whisper : "Good old boy ! I knew you wouldn't disgrace our company -" Lloyd interposed: "For God's sake, If you want to save that company you are so prond of, tell me how to load that d d gun !" As if reciting a lesson In school, the soldier replied in a weak, singsong voice: "Insert tag end of belt In feed block, with left hand pull belt left front. Pull crank handle back on roll er, let go, and repeat motion. Gun Is now loaded. To fire, raise automatic safety latch, and press thumbplece. Gun Is now firing. If gun stops, ascer tain position of crank handle " But Lloyd waited for no more. With wild Joy at his heart, he took a belt from one of the ammunition boxes ly ing beside the gun, and followed the dying man's Instructions. Then he pressed the thumbplece and a burst of fire rewarded his efforts. The gun was working. Training it on the Germans he shout ed for joy as their front rank went down. Traversing the gun back and forth along the mass of Germans, he saw them break and run back to the cover of their trench, leaving their dead and wounded behind. He had saved his company, he, Lloyd, the coward, had "done his bit." Releasing the thumb piece, he looked at the watch on his wrist. He was still alive at "3:38." "Ping!" a bullet sang through the air, and Lloyd fell forward across the gun. A thin trickle of blood ran down his face from a little, black round hole In his forehead. "The sentence of the court had been "duly carried out." The captain slowly raised the limp form drooping over the gun and, wip ing the blood from the white face, rec ognized It as Lloyd, the coward of D company. Reverently covering the face with his handkerchief he turned to his "noncoms" and, in a voice husky with emotions, addressed them: "Boys, it's Lloyd, the deserter. He has redeemed himself, died the death of a hero died that his mates might live." That afternoon a solemn procession wended its way toward the cemetery. In the front a stretcher was carried by two sergeants. Across the stretcher the Union Jack was carefully spread. Behind the stretcher came a captain and forty-three men, all that were left of D company. Arriving at the cemetery, they halt ed in front of an open grave. All about them wooden crosses were broken and trampled Into the ground. A grizzled old sergeant, noting this destruction, muttered under his breath: "Curse the cowardly blighter who wrecked those crosses ! If I could only get these .two hands around his neck his trip West would be short." -The corpse on the stretcher seemed to move, or it might have been the wind blowing the folds of the Union Jack. CHAPTER XXV. Preparing for the Big Push. Rejoining Atwell after the execution I had a hard time trying to keep my secret from him. I think I must have lost at least ten pounds worrying over the affair. Beginning at seven In the evening It was our duty to patrol all communlca- -i -ft r Hon and front-line trendies, nicking note of unusual occurrences, aiid ar resting anyone who should, to us,' ap pear to be acting In a suspicious; fan ner. We slept during the day.. 1 1 j Behind the lines there was- gref Ac tivity, supplies and ammunition pour ing In, and long columns of troops Con stantly passing. We were ' prepkfi&g for the big offensive, the foreriiiiner of the battle of the Somme or. "Big Push." :- t j The never-ending stream, of tfien, supplies, ammunition and guns pour ing into the front lines made a migjity spectacle, one that cannot be de scribed. It has to be witnessed -wjfth your own eyes to appreciate its vi&f ness. V ! At our part of the line the Influx of supplies never ended. It looked Uke a huge snake slowly crawling forward, never a hitch or break, a wonderful tribute to the sy.em and efficiency tPf Great Britain's "contemptible army" of five millions of men. f ' i Huge flfteen-lncb guns snaked aloitg,' foot by foot, by powerful steam trac tors. Then a long line of "four poftj five" batteries, each gun drawn' by horses, then a couple of "nine polt two" howitzers pulled by Immense ; caterpillar engines. I When one of these caterpillars woulpl pass me with its mighty monster ip tow, a flush of pride would mount t) my face, because I could plainly rea on the hanrfe plate, "Made In U. S. A., ' and I would remember that If I wore name plate It would also read, "Fron the U. S. A." Then I would stop titfj think how thin and straggly that! mighty stream would be If all f he' "Made In Ut S. A." parts of It were withdrawn. j Then would come hundreds of HnH bers and "G. S." wagons drawn by sleek, well-fed mules, ridden by sleeps well-fed men, ever smiling, although! grimy with sweat and covered with th fine, white dust of the marvelously well-made French roads. f What a discouraging report the GeH man airmen must have taken back to their division commanders, and fills stream Is slowly but surely getting big-! ger and bigger every day, and the pace? is always the same. No slower, noj faster, but ever onward, ever, forward!? Three weeks before the big push of July 1 as the battle of the Somme has been called started, exact duplicates of the German trenches were dug about thirty kilos behind our lines. The layout of the trenches was taken from airplane photographs submitted by the Royal flying corps. The trench es were correct to the foot ; they showed dugouts, saps, barbed wire de fenses and danger spots. Battalions that were to go over In the first waves were sent back for three days to study ihese trenches, en gage in practice attacks and have night maneuvers. Each man was required to make a map of the trenches and fa miliarize himself with the names and location of the parts his battalion was to attack. In the American army noncommis sioned officers are put through a course of map making or road sketching, and during my six years service In the United States cavalry I had plenty of practice In this work, therefore map ping these trenches was a compara tively easy task for me. Each man had to submit his map to the company J commander to be passed upon, and I was lucky enough to have mine select ed as being sufficiently authentic to use in the attack. No photographs or maps are allowed to leave France, but in this case it ap-' pealed to me as a valuable souvenir of the great war and I managed to smug gle It through. At this time it carries no military Importance as the British lines, I am happy to say, have since been advanced beyond this point, so in having it in my possession I am not breaking any regulation or cautions of the British army. The whole attack was rehearsed and rehearsed until we heartily cursed the one who had conceived the idea. The trenches were named according to a system which made it very simple for Tommy to find, even In the dark, any point In the German lines. These Imitation trenches, or trench models, were well guarded from obser vatlon by numerous allied planes which constantly circled above them. No German airplane could approach within observation distance. A re stricted area was maintained and no civilian was allowed within three miles, so we felt sure that we had great surprise in store for Fritz. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Isinglass From Fish Sounds. Isinglass is made from the sounds or swimming bladders of fish. One ton of hake, says the Popular Science Monthly, will yield from 40 to 50 pounds of sounds. These are dried, soaked, cut in pieces, rolled into Isheets and cut into ribbons. The rib bons are dried and wound on wooden spools. One ounce of Isinglass will clarify from 200 to 500 gallons of wine and one pound will clarify from 100 to 500 barrels of beer. It Is used for making cement for mending glass and pottery and for adhesive plaster and enters Into the manufacture of many textiles and waterproof fabrics. Tea Plant Purposely Dwarfed. In Its wild state the tea plant grows to a height of from ten to twenty feet ; In cultivating It Its size is kept down to about three feet for convenience In picking. The tea of Japan Is mostly of the green variety. Considerable black tea Is exported, but Is grown mainly on the Island of Formosa. The eed Is usually planted In terraces that extend from the bases of hills to their very crests, like giant steps that con form with the general contour of the hillsides. During picking time one may see large groups of tea-pickers (most ij women) gradually working theh way downward from the ton of a biu -IMPKOVED UNIFORM INTERHATIORAV LESSON (y REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of cmcago.) (Copyright, 1918, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR JULY 28 OBEYING GOD. LESSON TEXTS Matthew 4:18-22; John 14:22-24; James 1:22-27. GOLDEN TEXT If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments. John 14:15. DEVOTIONAL READING John 15:8-17. PRIMARY TOPIC Loving1 God and do ing his will. LESSON MATERIAL Matthew 4:18-22; James 1:22-27. INTERMEDIATE, SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC Obedience: To whom? Why? How? ADDITIONAL MATERIAL I Chron icles 16:15; Psalms 103:17-18; Matthew 5:19; John 15:12-14; I John 2:3-6, 17. Obedience is a vital part of our re ligion. The obedience of the Chris-' tian is not legal but filial. Eternal life is not secured through obedience, but obedience is the tangible evidence that one possesses It. I. The Call of the First Disciples (Matt 4:18-22). 1. By whom Jesus Christ (v. 18). Jesus Is the Son of God. Since he is equal with God, he has the right to call. Those who hear his call should i render Instant and hearty obedience. I 2. The circumstances of their call i(v. 18). j The call came to them while they were busy with their business Inter ests. God always calls men who are vitally engaged in some business, not ihose in Idleness. 3. The nature of (v. 19). It was a definite, call. In that defi nite men were called into a definite service. j (1) To follow Christ. We must fol- llfrw Christ before we can serve him. Qnly Christians can do Christian work. SWe should ionow mm to De HKe mm, lln, order to win others to him. 1(2) To win men for him "Fishers of men." Christ calls men Into work ht the same character as that In which ihey were engaged. They had been fishing for fish; now they are to be fibers of men. When Christ calls ynfn he does not call them to a lower ejpvice. This is a fine case of promo tlon. Men catch fish to kill and feed jip)n them, but Christ's disciples catch tan to make them alive and feed tHem. 1 4. Response to Christ's call (vr. 20 (1) They left their business Inter ests Immediately. (2) They not only left their bnsl- i v. nfss, but James and John left their fa ther also. Following Jesus sometimes Toeans turning one's back upon busi ness Interests and dearest friends ana relations. Regardless of what It ecstSt the true disciple will ren 3er Instant obedience to the call Df; Christ, because he has a right to fal ; us, and we can trust his wisdom tbrnbt call until he has need. '' jit The Motive for Obedience (John U122-24). f4e grand motive actuating ohdl en(je Is love to Christ. The proof that we$ (fo love him Is that we obey him. Ev$4 when we may not be conscious of ?juiiusual outgoings of the affection, tlw$ conclusive evidence that we loye is Ithat we obey. Keeping his com ma;idments means such a regard for thei; that we highly treasure them as sonfjethlng precious. The reward for suctji j obedience Is to have Christ's prafrer for us to God to send his Holy Splint upon us (John 14:16, 17). Then, too,L.the Father will love us, and he and'the Son will take up their abode wltf us. This abode is not temporary buHpermanent. lij.sThe Kind of Obedience That Counts (James 1:22-27). UiThe obedience of deeds (w. 22- 24),f:i . Hearing God's Word will do no good nnleysi it is accompanied with obedfr encetk S Hearing and not doing is as futllt- ;as beholding, one's face In a looking glass and forgetting what man ner ijf tnan he Is. Calling Christ Lord, and ot doing what he says, will avail nothiSi (Matt. 7:21, 22). To pretend to kjow God and not keep his co'm man$lnients is to He (1 John 2:4). 2. fhe obedience of perseverance (v. 2?i)i WeP should not only look Into God's Word' and admire its perfections, but steadfastly and persistently do the thing!" Required. Only those who thus persevere shall be blessed in their deeds; 3. T,hp obedience of speech (v. 26). The;! -one who has genuine religion twill control his tongue. Just as the pnysic)an ofttimes can diagnose the physic condition of the patient by an examiijfftlon of the tongue, so the moral faid spiritual condition of the Individual can be determined by the speech: ei the individual. The one who doesj not control his tongue proves that hti religion is empty and void. 4. Ti e, obedience of kindness (v. 27). Thos$ Jwho have received the kind ness ol 5od will manifest that kind ness Ihjthelr lives. This kindness will expressijiiself in ministering to the f a therless and widows. 5. Th! fobedlence of purity of life (27)41 ' .The lifiw of God enjoins upon his children" hot only purity of life, but ibstlnenpe from all appearance of evil, rhe onefjwhd has been made a partak er of th Divine nature keeps himself from th $lns of the world. It means tils separation from the things of the -orld wMlch camrot For the Garden ' -. ' w---oir-jv I'll rW, 0r' I For tne garuen party and all the rest of summertime's engaging oppor tunities for living outdoors some clev er hats and bags to match have been made. They all take cognizance of the fact that everywhere the lady goes her knlttlng-bag goes, too, and It is getting to be as much an affair of In terest and Importance as the hat it matches. With the Introduction of mil linery braids and laces in its construc tion, we have summer knitting bags different from anything that has gone before. Knitting Is becoming a sort of national pastime the tired busi ness woman and the woman of leisure If there are such any more--declare It restful to the nerves. Anyway,, It Is essential and must be attended to. The novel bag shown in the picture Is merely a tube-shaped affair covered with ribbon, lace and a fancy millinery braid a companion piece to the frilly midsummer hat that Inspired It. It Is capacious and very chic designed for the woman who Is able to indulge In little fancies and not recommended for Slip-Over and The slip-over blouse and others that have the appearance of slip-overs but fasten on the shoulder, have been steadily Increasing In popularity and their chances for becoming a feature In fall styles are excellent. So far the slip-overs have been developed in georgette crepe almost to the exclu sion of other materials, but it is cer tain that they will be made in more substantial silks for fall. Some of them have a short peplum and are belted down with narrow belts of silk or patent leather, but these are few In comparison with the number that are made regulation blouse length that is, disappearing under the skirt at the waistline. For georgette slip-overs, small pat terns in brilliant bead embroidery are so effective that nothing has supplant ed them for decorative purposes. Bright colors, as emerald green, blue, gold and rose, are chosen for many of the blouses with peplums. They hang fairly straight and are belted in. Their lines and beadwork" are reminiscent of American Indian art and they continue to be at once, simple and very dressy. With a blouse of this kind and a silk or satin skirt, one may dress up to the requirements of almost any wartime function. The blouse shown In the picture Is one of those that has the appearance of a slip-over, but open on one shoul der to allow! It to slip over the head. It hardly needs description, since it Is plain, except for three single box plaits In the georgette at the front and back. Between the plaits at the front there are two conventional flow r motifs outlined In colored silks. Four small crocheted buttons are set along the shoulders. The second blouse Is a model that has proved successful made of silk l 1 .... cllUU t-lSf. UHMV a IV plenty gf pretty bags that are nmiv simnlvmJ .-i .-.r.. n ,.1 '1-1 ui iiiau'rnus nmr mv the year round. ThK 'as'innhle j particular bar suyge.sts ujs or ii-m,' materials one may have on haml f..r millinery li often discarded bt'f.irv it shows shs ! of wear. . , uui umi- muni uinerenct 1 X 1 1 I wnui nais and nau :uv made nf so long as they are pretty and cleverly made. What is cwWvA the 'VniicA vogue" has introduced cnlioo. pnjhani, cotton crepe, percalo and other cottons into the making of .xtm hats for mid summer. They might, all be classed as garden hats but, like sport hats, they go everywhere. And everywhere Is just the place to find knitting hags anyone who can use a needle can own one of these matched sets. Silk cords and tassels, narrow silk fringes and narrow lin gerie laces the old-fashioned ric-rac braid and hand-crorheted edges are all appropriately used with these smart inexpensive, wartime novelties. Other Blouses and of the sheer c.tM!. ms voile, batiste, organdie, with a - -birr fr"flt. collar and cuffs of crosv rucked white organdie set in. In the ph-tun it '3 made of cross-bar voile in ehina !i'"e with white organdie. (7) Embroidery Now the Thing. That beaded trimming is rapidly giv ing way to embroidery seems to be 8 fashion tendency beyond dilute. K Is said that one reason why the metal lic bead effect became so popular In Paris and later in America a season or so ago was because it' was possible to make use of metal filings and srapln from munitions works for niueh.of this trimming. But for some reason very little, metal trimming is coming int0 this country now and beads are s'urce' Embroidery is entirely wirhin tn bounds of things available.. - Hence t e new dresses will show emoroider rather than beads. It has i -en sa that .there is an end to s,K'le; Oriental and ecclesiastical embroider ies, that is, bright colors "ive beert overdone, and most of th-- ?iua dresses showing embroidery wdl worked in threads of the same color in some simple one-tone contrast. Organdie Frocks. Organdie frocks, though a bit uto the picture when we look at the c k Ing, long-lined frocks of medlej tendency, or even the starchless tru of Empire origin, are charming for young girl in their crlspness and rr ness. With a wide, beribboned garde party hat they are bewitchlngly yom ful

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