Cyjy OFJRIOUS BREEDS I . ic Early, and Be, Kand0 2?. , M,ated Is Not Dfftt. nere " 3 cult to Fatten. , bv t10 United States Depart- l.n WCM boys PKPnnt of Agnruiture.j The common classification of breeds Lilt v - lno In Vi o (ran. 1.,1inT to tneir imiv-ca -" -,1 scheim1 oi JJVtheni into three principal classes, king fret 1 hrPPrt thnr nnfflOSC Dn.-eim ready Jind persistent ej re not as Splendid White Wyandotte. producers as the laying breeds; and not as meaty ana as easy to ratten as the meat breeds, yet combine in t ; i 1 -T 1 ,1 Olie lnulMUUHi iuwi verjf guuu iniug capacity with very good table quality. The Leghorn, Minorca, Andalusian, Ancona and Campino are well-known breeds of the laying class ; the Brahma, Porkin? aril Cornish of the meat class; the Plymouth Rock, Wyandotte, Rhode Island' .Red" and Orpington of the gi-ne.ral-i'tirpose class. - The liiT'ls mentioned as of the lay ing class-with the exception of the Minorca, are relatively small, very 'ener;:otie and lively, mature early, and are easily kpt in good laying condi tion. The Minorca Is of larger size and modi lied somewhat in the other particulars mentioned, yet has more the character of the laying class than i of any other. In tho meat breeds, there Is not the same uniformity of type that is found in the laying breeds. The three men tioned differ decidedly. The Brahma is most popular because it is at the same time the largest and the most ragged in constitution. The Dorking excels in o unlit v of meat, but Is een- ' V erally considered somewhat lacking In hardiness. The Cornish Is rather hard-nnated, but, being very short feathered, has its special place as a large nuat-producing fowl In Souther ly sections where the more heavily feathered Rrahina does not stand the summer well. Among the popular breeds of the general-purpose class there are also differences in type, adapting breeds tc different uses. The Plymouth Rock Is generally regarded as the type meet ing the widest range of requirements In the general-purpose class. The Wyandotte Is a little smaller and earlier maturing, but still very well ineated and easy to fatten. The Rhode Island Red has nearly the same standards of weight as thf Wyandotte, but is a more active bird. not putting on fat so readily. Conse quently it approaches the laying type and is popular with those who want eggs and meat but want eggs most. "rpmgton is at the other ex treme in the general-purpose class be- "j a n.avier, meatier fowl than the ymomh Rock. au-n a hst of breeds affords so wide a range 0f choice that poultry keep ers can always select a standard breed ueuei adapted to their locality and their -ir purpose than anv nonstandard ct.i. " t ""' can procure and having jne further advantage of producing io type. DRY LITTER FOR SCRATCHING -p Materia! Is Practically Use- ... ess Clean Out and Renew It at Frequent Intervals. prepared hy the United States Depart mtnt of Agriculture.) ' 'row and similar material gathers 'Oixturo and when the litter become! w,vs,i 0 De nmp it is prac Yy y useieSS for fowlg tQ scratch In fw tht ir Krain feed. Scratching litter In the poultry house Is essential, but fS 1 he cleaned out and renewed "c4entjy Best Pullets to Keep. 0 . 7 me Pullets which mature . v My an(1 start laying first. Those d.J :s!art ,ayinS when less than 200 hJ.i' , " or nearest that age, are the cZ ayers if ey have had the best Nece j iui Lirae riocKS. ,1S pretty generally sin n!?bator and brooder are neces- . "nere large flocks of poultry are : i IN THE MOVIES. i . "Cluck, cluck," said Master White Chicken, MI know-something, I know something. Yes, cluck, cluck, I most certainly know something." "Well, well, cluck, cluck," said Miss White Chicken, "that's very nice in- aeea. xou think you are a mighty fine cnicKen i suppose. You'll strut around as though yon were as big as a rooster, uracious, I do hate to see little so conceited 1" "I'm not a little boy. Tm a chicken, cluck, cluck, and It shows you don't know very much not even to know that" "Of course I know you're a chicken. But you're not a grown-up chicken and you're not a Miss Chicken as I am. Therefore you are a little boy If I wish to call you one 1" "Dear me, dear me," said Master White Chicken, "you are very stub born." "Maybe, cluck, cluck," said Miss White Chicken. "Well, all the same," said Master White Chicken, "I know something." "I don't see any reason for being so proud of yourself because you know something," said Miss Chicken. "I know a number of things, and I don't act as If I were the most wonderful chicken on the whole farm. I know too much for that." "What, pray tell, do you know?" ask ed Master White Chicken. know what is good to eat I know enough to dislike the water. I know my mother and I know the farmer and his children. I know good worms. I know lots of things not just one." "Yes," said Master White Chicken, "you know all those things and perhaps a few more. I know all of those things too. But you don't know anything spe cial you don't know anything magni ficent I Nothing at all. Poor Miss White Chicken.' Well If you know something that is so magnificent, why don't you tell It to me, instead of bragging and boasting and telling me I don't know anything! That's no way to do ! Tell me ! Cluck, cluck. Tell me what you know that' Is so wonderful and fine." MI will 'said Master White Chicken. "Do you remember a while ego when some men came here to talk to the farmer and with them they brought queer looking black Instruments?" 4T remember," said Miss White Chicken. "What of It? They didn't do anything to us they didn't even give us any food." "Food, food," said Master White Chicken, turning up his little beak as With a Very Haughty Expression. best he could, with a very haughty ex pression, "can't you think of anything else but food, food. Cluck, cluck, it is too dreadful." "Well, If I'm wrong, explain to me," said Miss White Chicken. "Those men had cameras and with cameras they take pictures," said Mas ter White Chicken. "But those men took special plctures the kind they call moving pictures children speak of them as the movies. They took photographs of us and now they're showing them all over the country. They're throwing these pictures on screens and people sit in rows and rows of seats and gaze up on a stage at something like a big white sheet upon which pre the pictures of us as we move about. The pictures actually move and they're of us '. Now isn't that something to know?" "It Is," said Miss White Chicken, in a hushed and proud voice. They show a model, perfect farm which Is the one upon which wo live and they show how chickens should be treated as we're treatedand how handsome we are ! There are different scenes about us. We walk up through the yard from all the hen coops and we are seen eating and strolling about." "Oh," said Miss White Chicken, "that is wonderful ! I've always longed to be in the mo les. They say that so many great ladles are in the movies and that they g.-t so rich ana so ram QUS.". "Now. now. Miss White Chicken, a step at a time;' said Master White Chicken. "You're not a lady, but a Miss Chicken, but you have acted for the movies and so you're famous; we all are. And we're rich as we live on n model, nerfect farm !" And there was great rejoicing when all the hens, roosters nad chickens heard the good news I Wasted Energy. Aunt Emllle Alan, isn't that your mother calling you? Small Alan-Yes, ma'am. Aunt Emllle Then why don't you answer her? . -Small Alan What's the uset Pa iln't home. IrffP Where Last Eg Mseds West I 'TI3L VT-ilkJm -If View of Saloniki Harbor. ALONIKI is one of those extraor dinary spots where East meets West, where man's latest Inven tions are seen side by side with the simple implements of centuries ago, a land of many people and quaint customs. War has brought Saloniki Into the limelight, and In years to come many of those who soldiered there will feel that they have added a strange experience to their lives. It has al ways been the fashion to criticize mil itary administration; still, however slow war office machinery may be, It usually gets you somewhere In the end. It may not, of course, be the place you particularly wanted ; but you get there just the same and make the best of It, write a British officer In the Christian Dcieuce Aionitor. l never mougni oi going to Saloniki, but one fine morning orders came for my dispatch, and In due course to the Orient I came. Of the country I was bound for I knew little or nothing. It was a part of the Levant, most of the European powers had a post office there, and I had heard something of the wily Le vantine and his ways, that was all. I was quickly to absorb a good deal more Information, for the moment you land in Saloniki It thrusts Itself upon you with a joyous shout and many smells. Pearl of th Orient. It was midday when we entered the harbor, perhaps one of the finest in the world, and, taking Into account Its I natural possibilities, little wonder that Saloniki is the Pearl of the Orient The first Impression Is good, nothing could : be finer or more picturesque than the general appearance of the town. Countless minarets rise above the houses, and an occasional group of tall, stately poplars give the neces sary tone of green to relieve the white mass of buildings. The town slopes up from the sea front, the old citadel in the Turkish quarter behind making a good background and helping to re mind one that this, until recently, was a part or the Ottoman empire. Be hind the town again stretch the seem ingly endless ranges of hills, tier on tier, devoid of trees and with signs of habitation few and far between. The harbor itself Is a fine picture and affords an excellent setting to the whole panoramic effect. Few types of craft are not represented there, from the modern battleship flying the tri color of France, to the quaint, gaudily painted vessel, rigged with a single tri angular shaped sail, high out of the water at the prow and stern, a relic of the days when the hardy Phoenician mariner made Saloniki his port of call There are British, American, Italian and Russian traders lying side by side, and a little way out a white hospital ship, which, In more peaceful times, flew the house flag of the Union Castle line. Picture all this under a tur quoise sky, and the result is not un pleasing. The military landing officer: Is soon on board and after a few words with the O. C. troops, we commence the dls embarkation ceremony. Yes, the best Impression of Saloniki Is to be had from the deck of a transport and for choice the boat should be outward bound. Groups Talk on Street. As we land we get a closer and bet ter view of the nearest buildings and the strange crowds of people. At Salo niki the quayside belongs to every body; just as the boats of all nations come to anchor In her harbor, so do men of every race, caste and station come to rest on the waterside. Along the front are shops of all kinds, one or two of the chief hotels, and the conti nental style of cafe is present in force. The shops are mostly of the' open kind ; that Is, you are expected to do business through an open window A Fetching Colored Leghorn Hat A fetching cream-colored Leghorn hat with a crown of black oilcloth was imitation quill trimmed solely with an of black oilcloth. A trimming like this could be easily Imitated by a clever home milliner. Black oilcloth adapts Itself to almost the same ef fects that the varnished and glazed ribbons known as cire ribbons do. Artificial Silk. Undergarments and sport are made of artificial silk. blouses S while you stand on the pavement. You will, of course, be In the war jof all pe destrians, especially as thttre will be sure to be one or two Interested spec tators of your deal; but then, to stop the traffic, either on the Ring's high way or on the sidewalk, b quite per missible In Saloniki. ' ? Two friends meet In the Street, they stop, exchange salutations, ! an ani mated conversation ensues They take up a great deal. of room;j but every one respects the unwritten law of the Orient and our two worthies continue their discourse, heedless ctf time and place, as only your true (frlental can be. This sort of thing woud;be entire ly out of place In a western laud. Should we attempt It, ourjj fellow men would resent It, and we should become exceedingly unpopular. this may seem rather a small matet; to dwell upon; but It Is really onefol those pe culiarities which make a great Impres sion on the new arrival. in course of time we grow accustome fto It, and usually find ourselves respecting the law of the East. j As we pass from the landing stage on our road to the base I damps it Is borne home to us that th inhabitants j are of many and varied faces, and if iunner prooi were wanuEjg;tne ciamor of many tongues would it; once con firm It. Bearded, sun-tanned fishermen, fine fellows, who would itdd luster to any stage production fj "Slnbad,' spruce, well-dressed cleic? and mer chants and hosts of ragged, nonde script rascals mingle together on all sides. Turkish women vijith yashmak A and quaint trouserings, fall complete, move side by side with -Greek ladies, arrayed in the very latest vogue, and heedless of the passing fMong strides a tall Greek priest, umb'tela in hand, with his flowing black robes and his ample locks crowned .bf the quaint headdress of his creed hat unlike an inverted tall hat J Crowds of soldiers of course are there, khaki-clad . English jj and Serbs, Frenchmen, prominent jnlj their new blue uniforms, sage-coatelj Italians and Russians In their tightly 'bblted blouse tunics. Add to all this jmjotley crowd swarms of partially 4ajd children, whose never ceasing oy" Is "penny, Johnny," and you haveGspme Idea of what a Saloniki crowd is like. Include the noise, smell and Indescribable dirt and you have Saloniki complete Familiar Traffic !,Officer. The roadway Is packVtjjwlth traffic, too. Slow moving bulRicjs carts hold up the flying motor lorsles and the horse and mule transport jj of the allies comes and goes In1 never-ending stream. Leaving the firjgjlsh quay, we come to a large open space, the junc tion of four of the principal thorough fares, and here the pres is worse than ever. This is, Piccadilly circus, for wherever the English soldier goes he dearly loves to christen places after familiar spots in the h1me country. It may be a communication trench or It may be a road or streetc It is all one to him and a name it has. In the middle of all this Is a tall kha'dfclad military policeman. With a wifve of his arm he holds up the stream' of traffic to al low our column to .B.ass. There Is something very familiar in that majes tic action, it Is done so. Viaturally, there Is no shadow of doubt In his expres sion as to the signal being instantly obeyed. Our soldier policeman Is in his element, his presenf; lob Is not new, it Is child's play for hijaj this handling of a few lorries and ajjswarm of noisy Orientals after the traffic in Piccadilly over the sea or it jtaiy have been the Marble arch forj his name and number wlil be.foune fn the roll of honor of the London police, force. He has done a bit of soldiering since he left England and now'bie is once again the guardian of the ptfbUc a power to b reckoned with. Wipe Sink WCth Paper. Use paper to wipe $ut your sink and ! spider before washing it. It prevents patches of grease get'ng into the pips whlrh mnkps so nsicn iroume. ;.i glass stoppers stick, try! greasing them. : Trimming Surmnr Frocks. Tucks are the nrsj xiioice in trim ming for the light summer frocks. Hlgh-Heelell Shoes. , There are as manyhigh-heeled shoe worn as there are lcvones. Ike mam GBIC When we look Into the long avenue of the future an see the good t nere Is for each of us to do, we realize after all what a beautiful thing it is to work and to live and be happy. Stevenson. MEALS FOR THE DAY. In these days of conservation of wheat, the breakfast helps one meal to pass with little com ment or a great deal of planning. We have any number of breakfast foods that will supply a fair meal with top milk. A good dish of well cooked oatmeal with top milk or thin cream will be all the children will care for. The older members of the family will prob ably like muffins or griddle cakes with a cupful of coffee. Most delicious, fluffy corn flour cakes can be made by using one beaten egg, a half-tea-spoonful of salt,-a cupful of sour milk ; the richer the better, and a half-tea-spoonful of soda ; stir in enough corn flour to make it of the consistency liked for cakes. The thinner they will cook and turn well the more delicate is the texture of the cake. Serve these with maple sirup or corn sirup and the family will ask for them again and again. Fried cornmeal mush is another good and substantial breakfast dish "which will stay by" until another meal. Bits of meat, chopped dried fruit like dates and figs or nuts are all good to add to it and increase the food value of the dish. Vegetables, because of their bulk, are most necessary and should form a large part of the food of the entire family after it is out of themilk stage. Vegetables are rich in mineral salts and vegetable acids as well as-, the wonderful and little known, growth determinants. "An onion a day keeps the doctor away." If the women who are an ounce overweight would cut out one meal a day or eat very lightly at luncheon and not gormandize at dinner, they would feel better, be hap pier and able to accomplish ! more work and at the same time be: doing something to help win the war by con serving food. Children should. not be stinted, as they need food for growth; but the average man or woman; might easily cut down the food from one quarter to a half and gain In physical as well as mental power by so doing. It is not well to Serve cornmeal at noon or -night if it has been served in any form at breakfast, unless the fam ily is especially fond of it. Cottage Cheese Club Sandwich. Toast three slices of bread on one side, butter and cut In halves diagonally; spread thickly on the untoasted side with cottage cheese; add water cress, salad dressing, and the other half of toast. Garnish with cresV or parsley. For a hot night nothing is so good as a slice or two of cucumber with a good salad dressing used as a sand wich filling. Oh! man Is ne'er contented with his lot, the saes say; ! In summer's heat we long for March, in winter time for May. ; COOKING IN CAMP. For the housewife dependent upon her modern equipment to aid in mak ing housework a pleasure, the sim pie outfit' of the real camper would find her helpless We need to get away from all the conveniences that make life enjoy able to really ap preciate our blessings, while the nov elty for the time being of going with out and using our own ingenuity, is a source of pleasure. The camp cook who can j produce a good meal with the background of a hunk of bacon, a frying pan and a sack of meal, is worth further ac quaintance. He builds his fire, mak ing a stove of stones, on which he places his frying pan ; then with a little salt pork or bacon soon sizzling in it he lays in his fresbly caught fish all rolled in seasoned meal, and a crisp, delicious hit satisfies the appetite of a hungry camper. Fish, fresh from the ruining brook, broiled before a fire while held by two sticks, will give the uninitiated the taste of a savory dish which civiliza tion never can produce. The delicious mushrooms growing in such abundance in the woods and fields will make a full meal when well, prepared. One must have enough knowledge to distinguish the good from the poisonous varieties. There is an endless variety of good foods which may be prepared in the woods. A fowl or- wild game of any kind, dressed and covered with a paste of barley flour and water to keep in the juices nnd flavors, may be buried in hot ashes and roasted to toothsome de liciousness. Remove the paste, and any ashes clinging to it will come off with It. The seasoning, of course, must all be done before it goes into the ashes. If one is not able to go for an out ing, unhampered with weight and ready to enjoy even the discomforts of simple foods prepared in the open, he would better stay atlioaie, for such are not agreeable companions. The broad est, most helpful people are they who never lose the childlike enjoyment of simple pleasures. vrdJL Tvu. MORE HORSES NOW ON FARES Increase In Number of Animals withstanding Large Use of Motor Vehicles. (Prepared by the United States ment or agriculture.) Substitutions for the horse have far failed to diminish his number farms, where he is mostly bred. railroad did not verify the comBoa prophecy of the house's gloomy future nearly a century ago, and many yean elapsed before the heyday of the cycle arrived with its expected menace to the horse. That machine of pie ure and toll diverted attention the first real antagonist of the horse, thn electric street railway, and this was a formidable one. Street-car serv ice could not have been developed fey horses to the extent that It has beea carried by electricity, yet there was am enormous displacement of horses when they no longer jiUlled street cars. It is roughly estimated that 2,000,000 horses would be required to move the street cars now in city service, and that farmers would need to keep m stock of perhaps 3,000,000 horses to produce this supply. Yet, horses kept on increasing. Apparently the most effective foe tf the horse has appeared in the last tea years in the motor vehicle, although its importance in this respect is pop ularly exaggerated. According to sta tistics collected by the United States department of agriculture, the total state registrations of motor cars woe 48,000 in 1906, about 500,000 la 13MI over 1,000,000 in 1012, over ,400,000 is 1915 and 3,512,996 in 1916. Automobiles do; not merely displace horses but many! are used by men is occupations dependent on either horses or automobiles for personal movement, such as real estate agents, buildont and some merchants and manufactu rers, and there Is also the large public automobile passenger service in cities and, again, the large number of auto mobiles owned by farmers In place of driving horses. ' With motor trucks and commercial vehicles the case is different Here Is clearly a complete substitution of fuel power for horse power. It is the opin ion that every motor truck on the av erage displaces three horses. The stale records often merge the reglstraiiom of motor trucks and commercial re hicles with that of automobiles, but to the extent that the separation ts made, it is known that 118,682 of the former were registered in, 1916. Prob ably the displacement of horses by mo tor trucks andg commercial vehicles American-Bred Percheron Mare, the Type That Is Always in Demand. represents a stock on farms of a few million horses, and to these most be added the stock eliminated by the au tomobile. Last of all, the farm tractor has ap peared, with conjectural possibilities, but as yet with no .perceptible dis placement of horses. Unusual and large demands far horses for war purposes have bees, made since the autumn of 1914. Dhp ing the ten years preceding, from 13r 000 to 40,000 horses were exported nually, while the Imports were 5,000 to 33,000, so that the net exports were no appreciable draft on domes tic production. In the first year of the war 289,340 horses were exported, la the second 357,553, and in the third 278,674 horses, and within less than a year the needs of the army of this country have called for i large number of horses. Notwithstanding the various forces that have been working against fa crease of horses at their breeding places, or rather, in common expects. tlon, to reduce their numbers at a strong ra,te, the fact is that horses a farms Increased at the average yearfj rate of 183,000 since 1900 and mora than that since 1910, or 216,000 per year. Per capita c the popnflatinm, farm horses tended to Increase roaa 0.19 of 1 horse In 1850 to 0.24 inl and 1900, after which the deellae las been to 0.20 in 191S. or saBl-Abore 1850. At the same tivie, ln&msever, tj means of machinery the farm hone has constantly gained as a producer. Strange though it mity seem, die av erage price of a hora st fhe fans, all ages and conditions included, is less than it was four years argo, and even eight years ago; Since 1S3T horse prices at the fawn for January 1 had risen from $3L5x to $11L48 by 1911, the highest average to the de partment of agriculture's record of 3 years, but a decline followed to$lCLQ In 1916 and then a gal to $10123 Is. 1918. apparently caused by the ! i - ..' "' ii "