POLK COUNTY NEWS. TBYON, N. 0. IRRECONCILABLE! By GERTRUDE ATHERTON, Author of "The Californlans," "The Conqueror," "The Bell in the Fog," Etc. A few days ago an American whose Joyalty has been undeviating from- the beginning of the war said to me: "If ' the Germans win I.shall become an immediate convert to their Kultur, arguing that since they had won against such fear ful odds, and with practically the whole world lined up against them, their theory of life and con duct must be right and ours wrong." Gertrude Atherton. The in c I d e n t would not be worth mentioning If it were not for the reflection that the American race worships Success. For generations It has toadied to wealth, no matter how Ill-gotten, and every man who achieves power, by whatever devious ways, is ecretly envied and openly courted The majority of Americans are easy going, indifferent, unideallstlc and not VerV Clever. TTlPV nro ler nfoncolv " " "'" l-AiJV- J personal and only ask to be let alone. It is possible that the mass, there fore, unless it has a real awakening, would, provided the Germans, In the remote event of victory, were adroit enough to leave them a large amount or individual liberty, shrug their shoul ders and say: "Well, guess they must be right or they couldn't win out Nothing to dp but come round. Times cnange anyhow." "Abominable Prfospect" This is an abominable prospect, but it is to be faced. Our world, over here In the event of German domination would be divided into two classes- mean converts and proud Irreconcila bles for even In this new and com posite country there are enough men ana "women with high Ideals and in violate souls to despise a race with out a gleam of spirituality, of sports mansnip, or decency and rood man ners, in whom cunning has taken the piace or intelligence, and that wins only by driving Its millions of cowed ... suDorainates to mathematical slnmrh ter. One cannot even resDect such a xs euougn 10 nate it. it Is as If one naa Deen attacked by a herd of wild animals from the jungle. Those that escape being devoured- may at least withdraw as far as possible, not re mould themselves into a semblance of wild beasts with a lust for human flesh "Cock-Surenesa a Bluff." ! I have not tbe faintest notion that tne Germans will win. All the proba Diiitles are against it Moreover, if one projects his mind forward it Is in conceivable that history can read that way. The general conditions of the world are not what they were in the Fifth Century that is to say, unless the idea grew Insidiously that it was (the destiny of the Germanic race to , win and rule the earth : : that it was the destiny of Earth to re- verc to tne Fifth Century and begin over agaln. It is incredible thnt mr.h a thought should take possession of any eaucated man's mind, but the irouDie is tnat our famous fund nffwl ,sive) cock-sureness is only a.bluff.- As a race we are not really sure of our- beives. vve prove that by blindly ac cepting the European-made reputation u iiesuanng to create and come out ooiaiy ror our own. Thosp of nc tv,o think and have the power to visualize me iuiure must be on the alert every moment to counteract this of an uncrystalllzed race to accept the fill a -M . . outss 01 vngnx. as a matter of course and unconsciously adapt Itself to thp inevitable." We must be known as .,uie iukuuonciLABLES, and If we iue a aennite uncompromising stand there will be only ne result th of real courage who might otherwise ; uok upon a new future "phllosoDhirni : I it" iIIT x. . uot oniy wake up under the .direct example, but will be ashamed lu ub reckoned as mere numbers in the great mass of h 1 There is no such Insidious lowering of j morale threatened as this, because it ;iS,7 OE merman, Pacifist or Socialist origin. It is born weakness and national snobbery. The iiC7 T 1 De a vast mass of inertia, ; only- a party of sleepless Irrecon- j v-i.uuies win combat and diminish It 1 .1 What did IOU do to win the war? When our brave boys come back and ask you this question, what will be your answer? Can you say that you did EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING EVERYTHING possible for you to do? That you saved and served and sacrificed to the utmost? I tnJrV? 01 that the men I fD batt,e 1,ne ere defend- Y0UR Liberty and YOUR m try, you loyally stood behind J ipeith Word and deed? F NOT, WHY NOT? Think it over. - National Security Ltflue, i " Weit44th St., N. Y. C. ,; v4M BBfe-v AM We Are ft ra M.I nnhi t i HTA?7TrtND SSnnpov TrpH Tires are nnm thi -E standard brand tires on the market made witlx fhand- 1 'T 5 Jl i h CV some aiscK x reau ana rcea oiaes. 1 u j Others, imitating Diamond in color combinatiQn'have failed to pass the strenuous tests of quality demanded by actual service. They imitated color ony Diamond qtiality they could not duplicate. rl! Thus always with imitations! j Motorists who drove on Diamonds in 1917 and previ ous years demand Diamond mileage again in such jfium berc that our factories are taxed to capacity. - I For "Better Than Average Mileage at Less Than Average. Cost, see a Diamond Distributor, H i The Superior quality of Diamond Inner ( Incorporated ) AKRON i - 1 udes has never been imitated 'IwriW the diamond Rubber Co. Mflis 1 -wr m ill ii 1 1 III i n til i itrmnTTOVru.. " i Von Carry out MrHoover's request for ONE iipatt ONE WHEATLESS DAY each week, and call' att AKd articles: " " . dUentl(n to SUcll FOR WHEATLESS DAYS: Corn Flakes P0Sf T Rolled Oats, Yam Nuts, Yellow Meal, White Meal P ?tkl and Corn Starch. ea1, Puffe Ric( FOR MEATLESS DAYS: Fish FloL Herring Roe, Shad, Crab Meat, Salmon, Tuna Herring. klPPered John Orr Co. Phone No. 14 Tryon, N. C. Local Distributors CAROLINA HARDWARE e&. Tryon, North Carolina III IM" i i 8 ! WHICH CAMP? America today la divided Into two camps Americans and Alien Enemy. Those who are not for America are against her enemies all. Those who are idle, selfish or eren indifferent are Aliens alien to American interest. Oftly the workers, "comrades in this great enterprise," bear the honored name Americans. The investigating committee, re ports that many of the great manu facturing firms of the United States have made enormous profits off the people during the present war by sharp and unfair methods ,such as in erasing their capital stock on parjer, paying apparently larger salaries to employees, tnat is officers, so that they would be entitled to a much" lar ger sum of money in order to come within the limit of per centage profit allowed by the government. The meat packers, as usual, and as was expected, were the biggest hogs, making about $110,000,000 in profits. Ol all the disloyal and mean skunks T M. onjejatth it is a person or firm who mak?j?s great wealth during such time as this off increased s prices in f oodjj. The firing squad wopld prove veryij popular with the people if a few suchii individuals were stood" up in front; cjf it and made to pay the penal ty oi! all other enemies to our coun try , ; -f; 1 - Blk;kberries will soon be ripe. Seems as' if the boys and girls might pick ithem and sell them and buy Thrift jStamns if they are not more profitably employed. EvkrV spendthrift adds to the war's ESS and Kerosene Engines In Stock from 1 1-2 to 15 Horse Power. The celebrated FAIRBANKS-MORSE Engines t Water and Light Systems and complete Line of Farm Machinery, Belting, Pul leys and Machinery Supplies. Write us if needing any thing in our line. We can make prompt delivery. Z3 e Ashevllle Incorporated .Booleify LUMMUS MACHINERY COMPANY No. 211 Magnolia Street Spartanburg, - - South C Offers new assortments of exceptional values tity of i i the big qual- The $75,000 Stock of the C. W. Brown sk Co. on the special Bargain fables at prices that are thelUnder of the buymg public. We must clear out this entire stock promptK ana our need is vour onnnrfi Red-Kid and White Reignskin rumps, values to $8. Only 40 pairs left. Get first pick $2.95 ' 8.50 Patent and . Vici Pumps all widths from AAA to E. This week $485 Misses Black English Walking Shoes. Valued to $8.50--Our prices this week. ....... $4.65 r?SIE?-.Men,s Women's Lnd SSHosiery- Reduced prices ' i Men's Black and Tar! Oxfords Valued at $9.00 will! go this 1 si 1 weeKior...... . - ci en - - . . . . & L .kvh S I- $5.00 Men's Whith. irk Palm Beach Oxfords. Spjecial. . .$2.45 Men's Tan Shoes ljoo values- I t ce oe .... ,gg .M l" II 111 ! II I I I I Attention Mr. Farmer! fORD CARS AND WfBER WAGONS h,vw f hin? madd of wood and iron is getting ' Pnn l l1 VlQe aU the time' We were fortunate enough to place an order about nine months ogo for rrTL l 'adf?ftlJeceIebrated Weber Wagon, all sizes, 4acie.by the International Harvester Co., at old prices, and can today sell you cheaper than we can now buy, even if we could get them at all. lCan SVe yU money vhiIe thy last, and will sell on easy terms. f J!Go!ft !u S?tting a few Frd Cars. Every thT p l0tS f hauliri ould have one of the new Ford Trucks. Call and talk it overwith us. THE TRYON MOTOR CO. i Armstrong, Laird cfiober and Ed win Clapp shoes needed introduction to the buying- public, ! 1 k- : '1, Such bargains go like hot cakes. It ly while a choice is left. is necessary to Jfmy prompt- '4 The Asheyilley Bootery, ihi. WHY PAY TRIBUTE? To StocK Insurance Companies, When S the old rliQKLxj7 f X.S yurseii trom loss by nre w lt ZL, Mutual of North Carolina, at 25 per - b companies will write you for. v"AA write Geo A. Gash, Agt. Tryon, N. C. i llDon't forget to buv Thrift stamps. II

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