pQLK Bm O AMD H H The Only Paper Published n Polk County. A Live, Geb," tapper; -for the HocV. AND THE iTFTYONBE VOL. XXIV NO. 13 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUStl ms, $1.50 A YEAR 1' SALUDA. Mr- rnhihil'lil' stx'iul J. P. Edwards and family, of the summer, . , . -i ... A Pornonror rT RrA. . j ' 'wore the guests of Miss Ara Snkford, last Sunday. : " ' wJj,s jane Thompson has returnee from the Meriwether Hospital, Ashe illo. much improved in health. Mis Minnie Morris of Asheville, h's returned after, a visit of several Seeks to Mrs. Henry Ward. Mr Fred Oehler is the guest of Mrs S. S. Ohler. - . ' mW Hankie of Charleston is tne euest of-Mrs. H. B. Lane , Mrs Fogle of Denmark, S. C, is the truest of Mrs. J. B. Cullipher foi a ftnv weeks. - ' i Mrs. S. Frady and little son, Sher man have returned to their homein Spartanburg, after spending several i-eeks here. Mr. H. W. Ackerman, of Spartan burg,' was a visitor hre with his $am- "Miss Martha Wright spent the day. in Asheville recently. Mrs. William W. Taylor ,of George town S. C, is spending the summer here at Iona Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Simp Tanner and family, of Charlotte N. C, have open ed up their home for the summer. Miss Elizabeth Teague, of Aiken, S. C., has arrived to spend the sum mer with her parents Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Teague. Mrs. Emmons Welch, of Charleston S. C., has arrived here and will spend the summer with Dr. and Mrs. B. H. league. Miss Victoria Fogle, of Denmark, S. C, was a recent visitor to Mrs. J. B. Cullipher in Saluda. Dr. and Mrs. Moore of St George, S. C, have opened their home for the summer. Miss Dennis of ' Darlington, S. C, is expected this week to spend .the summer with them. ' Mrs. ;S. Coward, of Spartanburg, arrived last week and is occupying rooms at Ryder Hall, Saluda Semina ry. - - Misses Rebecca Shad and Brinston, .of Columbia, S.Cn have oie up for the Summer. ..cm.;'-.'- . -w ' Miss Mae Mills was niw&iceL.t- lief this week. mSK Miss i Beatrice Cagle, oflDarlington, b. C, has returned homefafter spend ing some time here. - :Si -;.V R6land Ruff, aged lSyears, was drowned near Saluda, Saturday. His body was recovered "Sunday and brought to Columbus.' for burial. He was the only son of Mr. and, Mrs. J. B. Ruff, living near Columbus. Mr. Marion Mills -spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.: and Mrs. N. T. Mills. . - v ; Mr. tV. H. Hill spent Sunday in Co lumbus with his family. . Mrs. N. T. Mills and Mrs. H. H. Ed wards attended the; canning demon straion at Tryon, Monday. We are glad that the ladies of Polk county will have another opportunity of hearing Mrs. M. TVT.- Henley, District Home Agent, at the Farmers'Insti tute, at Columbus; .August 8th. Of course we all knowVnow to can but her way is the beiter'way. r len lamuies m Columbus enter tained the threshers,-' We" want cred it for helping to feed the world if w-e do live in "town." Don't fail to prepare something ex tra good for the Polk County Fair. w. s. s. TRYON ROUTE I. ' made a call at J. T. Edwards Sun- trressin nicelv with Mr. V. Hvder as day. He enjoyed his stay, and came teacher. near staying. r The friends and relatives of Mr. HIT ' T", 1. . .... Tl . . . . a i i . miss uorcas r,nwarns is viRirino i Jim rnrntirn irava . him . a tnrnnao Some Items of Gsnsral Interest Gathered By Our CorrespondenU From Vexious relatives near Imnan, S. C. j birthday dinner Sunday, he being 82 Oh say, Mr. Editor, did you join the host of sditors on their annual :hike;' to the mountain citv? Lf so. please tell us a bit of the address of Mr. George Creei, the chairman of tne committee on public information ot the United States. Miss Myrtle Pack Jbegan teaching scnooi at Ked Wountainv Monday morning. We wish .for her much success with this, her "first, school. Misses Jessie" arid Jennie Wolf, of t letcner were pleasant little visitors of theiraunt, Mrs. S. B. Edwards, last week. " Miss Mabelle Gilbert, oi Melvin Hill, spent the weelcrendr with Miss uessie Hamilton Miss Hola Mull" and s bibv. Sonnv. spent Saturday night with. her aunt, Mrs., E. BrEdwards. " . ;v Miss Claro Edwards entertained Misses Pearl and;FieEdwarasrSkt- Mrs. B. R. Rouauie has returned urday night. If it hadn't rained she to her home m Columbia after a visit would have been challenged with i to Mrs. B. I. Hazard. surprise birthday party. Mrs. Everette Taylor and little. Messrs Marvin and Walter' Ed daughter Sarah have returnd to their wards. Flovd Tonev and Roscoe Hal home in Spartanburg after spending are at work on the power line near several weeKs here. Miss Sallie Carew, of Charleston, is spending the summer with Miss An nie Waring. Mrs. Gadston of Charleston, S: C. was a recent visitor to Miss Hattie .Howe, who here. RO OVER TRE MOT Sectiens of Polk County, I' HILLCREST. Mrs. Robert Abram's was taken Xo the Rutherfbrdton hospital, Thurs day where she will undergo an opera- ion tor appendicitis. Miss Milla McKennev has returned from Saluda. r Rev, Archibold. an evangelist from Akron, Ohio, is visiting Mr. Howard Brian. xv. Mr. T. A. Camp and Miss Elizabeth Camp have raturned to Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cox and family arrived at Cedar Hill plantation, Sat urday night. I Mr. VVylie Bridges is at home again after an extended western trip;, , Mr. Jb eagan motored to Columbia, Friday. ,V." A severe electrical storm, accom panied by a tremendous downpourof ram, visited this section Saturdays. af ternoon. Roads and fields were bad ly washd, a hog belonging to -onedf Mr. t. h,. Gray's renters was killed by lightmng,- and several roofs wereun jured. Mrs. Emma Bovd and Miss Pris- cilla Camp spent the day in Ruther- Lfordton, Thursday. Mr. Elias Cantrell's family and their guest, Miss Margaret Rhodes, have returned from ' fhmney Rock, where they have been for the past week. " -. w ;i - ' . . I f Don't fail to preparii something ex- FISHTOP.1 to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Edwards and years old. A large crowd wag nres- children yisited at E. C. Lynch's, Sun- ent and all enjoyed the day. day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brisco spent Mr. Dave'Elhott visited relatives in Saturday night at Mr. P. G. Brisco's.' this section last week. Miss Tva Gosnell spent Sunday iast Misses Mossie and Dorcas Edwards with Miss Bessie Thompson. spent-Thursday night with Miss Ra- Gam GosnelLand wife were guests chelFlynn near Chimney Rock. - , of M. C. Gosnell, Saturday night. Mr. tJob .Lynch was in this section Memorial service will be held at the Sunday. ; Byrs graveyard Sunday, August 4th. Rev. Barber will begin a revival Everybody is invited, and bring well meeting at Lebanon, Sunday next, hlld baskets. Fine season? continue", and crops are looking Well. Jasper Henderson f; visited Govan Constant. Sundav. ' 3 f We want good attendance and a good meeting. Mr. J. B. Ownby, wife and daugh ter, Miss Ellen Edwards and - little Ernest and Walter Smith, from Campobello, S. C, are visiting friends and relatives here. Lynn Newman Spent Friday night sister called to see Mr. Sam Ownby, I at Mr. John Foy's. at Camp" Sevier, last -Tuesday,, but Don't fail tq prepare something ex- Harrison Bradlev. ijf Mill SDriner. was an aviator in this section "a few sad news rang in their ears after ar- tra good for the Polk County Fair, days since. 1; r : riving.. The boy was at the hospital W. S. S 1 t Mrtf rSfv, of o,,,i; i,i-af4,--r wim measles l ctiiir mcic vvcio a giaijUiOiitimouvc .v ii". r . r l. iii"J-1 7" i 1 1 1 We hope he will soon i Don't fail to prepare something ex- MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. the singing at Mountain yalley church fi,P tienmeS e SiinHav anH wasiH W all. Eitrht tra &ood for County Fair. or ten churches , we; -e represented. Some of the boys said tit was an all day dinner with sihging on the grounds. ' .. " r i We are expecting a? thresher in this week if the weathers is .favorable. The honey , continCes to shower down in this section jnd people who jay. The Sand Hill school, Miss Esther Gibbs teacher, organized a literary society last Friday with the following, officers: Roy McMurray, president; Alice McCrain, vice president; Gladys Several from here went to Big JacKson, secretary; . Keagan JacKson, Level, Sunday and report a good Heasurei 5, ,Allce. acK.son' chaplain; time. j Esther uidds, critic; Arthur JacKson, Miss Maggie Jackson visited her Hller; Alice Mccrain, .Lincoln Mc- sister. Mrs. Beltbn Jackson ThUrs- Murray and Aliee Jackson program ! committee. are not supplied wit& ibees and fix tures are thelosers. Ji . . v Don't fail to prepaj something ex tra good for the PolkJ County Fair. x t t m m- t w m Misspa Clnm Fpatrjin Twv. ni: nonor roil ior weeK encung Tiday, ton Oma Gibbs and Maggie Jackson July 6th second grade, EumcMc made a trip to Red Mountain Sun- Murray; third grade, Arthur Jack day evening. son and Maude McMurray;fourth Misses Lizzie Williams. Grace Paue' oarreti.TOuram ana ineopm- Gibbs. Annie Wilson and Mave Lvnch Las. JacKson; rntn grade, Keagan ROLL OF HONOR J Contributors to Expense Fund, Third Liberty Loan. were callers at Dr. J. M. Gilbert's Sunday. All enjoyed the good music -and a social hour in the grape vine- Mr. A. A. Edwards and family, of Route, I visited Mr. and Mrs. "C. E. Lynch; Sunday. V.-. i ,'v Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Bennett visited Mr. and Mrs. Posey Wilson; Sunday. Jackson and Lincoln McMurray; sixth grade, Alice Jackson, Alice McCrain arid Roy McMurray.' ' "'"--W. 5. S. " COMMITTED SUICIDE. - Hillcrest, July. 29, 1918. The community . was shocked-and grieved by. the sad death of Mr. Ir -Misses Maetrie Jackson arid -Oma vmf Hannon, who during an attack BURGESS; FrM b CONSTANT, C. C. a PITMAN, A. L. Saluda Mrs. M. N. Hall lost a fine cow las week. Was killed by lightning. J. P. McGraw has beat the record. Made a flying trip to Knoxville, Tenn. has opened her house m tweney-four hours on the special, CANNON, W. A. RIPPY, T. A. Mrs. A. E. Ellington, of Montana. Miss Elsie Edwards was a pleas- lias returned to Spartanburg with, her ant guest at Walnut Grove, Satur nine son, VVendel after spending .sev- aay nignt. eral weeks here. Private Francis White, of Camp Jackson, spent ST-ten day furlongh with his mother, Mrs.' S. G. White recently. Mr. Frady, of Spartanburg, spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. Kink and Miss Pearon, of Laurens S. C, are in the city for a while. . . " Miss Welch, of Charleston, S. C, is a guest at the Melrose Inn. Arrivals at Mrs. H. P. Locke's res idence: Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gadsden and children of Charlston, S. C; Mrs.-Waites Waring, Charles ton, S. C; Mrs. James Adger, Sa vannah, Ga.; Mrs. Clark of Charles ton; Mrs. E. D. Rodman, Charleston; Mrs. C. C. Clark; Mrs. H. G. McGin nis and daughter, Miss Aneda, Cocao, Ha.; Mrs. Macosta and daughter,, of Columbia, S. C; Misses Elizabeth H niton and Mary Burt of Wilmingtbn V C; Mrs. Berkley, of New Orleans, l a.; Prof. George Burrage, former Principal of Saluda Seminary is" ex acted here the last of , the week from "emorest, Ga. Arrivals at Esseola V;y Hand, Columbia, S Mr. W7alter Searcy happened to the. sad experience;" of seeing his friend, Roland Ruff, dwowned, near Saluda, Saturday afternoon. Those who were hot at Bethlehem, Sunday, were , deprived of a most thrilling sermon delivered by Rv J. M. Barber. Oh pshaw, Mill spring writer you know I am a vegetarian. Why should I wprry ? How be it with you? Go to church, Sunday at White Ok. Let's all be at the farmer's meet ing at Columbus August 8th. Don't forget your note book. Rah rah, for our soldiers. Our boys will win. We know victory can not be denied such material. Don't fail to prepare something ex tra good for the Polk County Fair. w. s. s. MRS. MARY J. H1GGINS AV nn: Mrs. Har- C; Mrs. J. S. BARBER, REV. J: M. GIBBS, J. II. CULLIPHER, J. B. HEARON, J. M. ROBERTSON FRED SONNER, Q. C. & CO. 1 fi i S St L. 9 COLUMBUS. CLOUD, EDGAR CLOUD, L. H. SMITH, J. T. LYNN. HOOD, P. N. SWANN, FRED E. SWANN, W. F. " MILL SPRING. EGERTON W. G. JACKSON, FRANK WALDROP, J. T. SALUDA. CAMPBELL, MRS JLIA K JONES WALTER J SALLY, DR. E. M. l WILCOX, MISS L. C GREENS CREEK. v 1 GEORGON, M. TRYON. Gibbs attended preaching servicer at f. teraTsaSS t00k own Big Level Sunday - e p hfe, Fnday July 260i. ; -r--.Ttfsrfe. .TQcAnI;Ti His , wife had recently undergone a , m iisoaixaaae a; nymg trip rto itock i xi V - "rssia--"- v yv xrXri Ar v t r T,' -. : 1 that .anxietx. on her. account, and ft- I . . i . . i " r . I MOnAlOl TTA-HTT lAimAil Uin A1l'lAMa Mr. Hobert Whiteside, who jhas, I uocvi m9 viCM been, visiting relatives in Henrietta, acHv , , , . .... hi. id. xidiuiuii cuiu iier j,wu ciiuurvxt were at her father's, Mr. P. McKenny i where she is convalescing. A CHAT wiTH FARMERS. 4 has returned home Mr. G. L. Taylor who has been in Spartanburg for some time has re turned home. Hello, Campobello .readers why don't you come around , this way ? lhree cheers for our Sammies who are making it hot for the square heads. Don't fail to prepare something ex tra good for the Polk County Fair. . W. S. S. LOOK OUT, FISHTOP. " The main cropping season for the current year is almost spent. What ever the crop is to be will depend more now on the nature of. the reason than further human effort. But while this is true, eternal vigilance should be the watch-word on every farm, to see to it that horses, cattle, hogs, etc., shall not be permitted to raid corn will I fields and other crops and destroy -I 9 8 fc 4 M 1S. A The worn hands which asked for little service from others are at rest; the kind heart which gave so much svmnat.hv. demanding verv little for vnanoue, jn. C: Mrs. F. KOse- herse f. is no longer snaKen Dy mor( Greenville. S. C Miss Eleanor earth's disturbances. Even those h'tnkm, Gastonia, N. C; Mrs. Ray, who feel her loss every moment of m nviilo, s. C; Dr. Robert Love the day and who long for her pres- anl children, Troy, S: C; Mr. and ence every evening should be able to w. T. R, Watson, Marion. S. C: sav with Browning: irs. t, L). Merritt. Savannah. Ga "Rpioice she was allied To that which doth provide And not partake, effect and not re ceive. Nearer we hold of God . Who gives than of his tribes that take." Perhaps on this earth, there is no more truly successful person, no more triumphant exit from this scene of 1 . VjIIKAU r I. I lilt! LIia.Il Uiai UX t n Vlliuu ,.v.. Iwi :, Vom'-.o t T'.. i- I : n;fV.Ail L-inrlKr nnfipnt. toil. She -"i"' v. mail, ui iivua suciii i in in.iixui j t r"-' - lIK'-worV r,A i.u - -11 i 1 t -11 fViof cVia Vioth aPPintr -- -.v vnu m uie .cicy wuin reia-i vvno gives an wi nc n.w, 0 lUfs. I nr. imaMincoH hu tVip intrud ing shadow of self what is in reality the better part. Such a woman was this one, our friend and neighbor. J. S. H. w. s. s POLK COUNTRY RED CROSS. Dial. Aucusta Ha Mrs T. A. "Salignant and children, Savannah', Va;; Ils; Salignarit; Miss Marvin -'n, .Macon, Ga.; Mrs. W. E. Mar jn. Oijando, Fla.; Mrs. J. M. Walker, , ...rw.u, . - ivirs. w. ivi. onev wo daughter, Savannah. Ga.: Mrs. H. 1 ..lcGec, Chester, S. C; Mr. and rs.-LeSesseur, Savannah, Ga.; Miss Marion .rL-r .Mi won t fail fo prepare something ex x'a good for the Polk County Fair. -w. s. COLUMBUS. vi& Lient A. Y. where Iip u r, fow a U1KS in voinmDus ior a Fla SS' coming from Jacksonville, ti PpH Cross headauarters at Atlanta cotton "'"g school. He left for. Wash- UH rthr sunrilies. .and & delay the i C-' vhere'he will enter making allotments caused by change same branch of the service. of Hi rations for gauze dressings. Inis li m nie Arledge, Elnora This change is expected to make a i . Margaret Kucker and Mr.lw9f savinc in matenais. for uk&c onH ed,ge Wre guests' last week- causes work rooms in many large C n. ""use partv. crivftTi 'hv. Mrs. I if;e irp rlospd. JOtlce OL ..xnese v'."Stic. at. PnB, oji?. ' ;.- v in i ; x - y- necessary ciosinga " - Z c !,'eumoncl is visiting at papers from. Asnevuie,- ana wiaijco-. ton. 'IVnitUITg "U eowiujj Miss Li 7) J. Kj Mndav af mMTin?' opened- school, uing. . A good supply of refugee -.. y, at Mt. Lehanon L.! v,o,m Wn received f.-'by.. air r- jr iiicnio iiuiv . - . , sPHnR tl i lIs barber, of Mijl Lindsey the past yn:fr.FWvyorl hyterian ;J ,d scrviCos at the Pres- will be sentout a-SQ.on as orders are ' Udn church Xn-A' ; :-..... vaArtriaimi' ? gar- Mrs: ALLEN, S. LEE BLACK, REV. J. F. BLAKE, M. G. BACON, F. P. BALLENGER, T. T. DENNIS, J. A. EARLY, J. M. GREEN, J. T. HOLMES, G. H. HOLDEN, MRS. E. G. HILL, A. L. JACKSON, JAMES VON KAHLDEN, B. C. ' LYON, MRS. ELVIRA LITTLE, W. F. MARRIOTT, W. H. MISSILDINE, E. E. ORR, JOHN & CO. POLK COUNTY NEWS RAVNEL, MISS A. S. STEARNS, W. H. SMITH, DWIGHT WILKINS, W. Y. WOOD,FRANK BUCKIUS, A. O. BELL, G. E. BLAND,. V. A. BALLENGER, C. W.I i COR WIN, CECIL I i EMBURY, MISS LUCY GAINES, W. J. ! GRADY, DR. EARkJ ': HOLDEN, E. G. I 1 HOBBS, C. H. I I JACKSON & JACKgOf JACKSON, JOHN L i LYNCH, CHAS. J. j ! LEONARD, JAMES 2 i MARRIOTT, C. P." 1 MELTON, J. B. it McFARLAND, MISS;- EMMA Our Fishtop correspondent have to look out or he will lose his them in the immature state. reputation as , a ' snake artist. We Then the period for improving thi clip the following from the last issue pasture is now on. If you have no of the Marion Progress. Rad it pasture get busy and make one. No carefully; brother Fishtop, and see if farm can afford to be without the you can't dig up some better snaked pasture, and a good one. If you have story than that. If you don't you are a pasture now is the best time of the lable to lose your reputation with year to improve it. Cut all bushes . our other correspondents, especially briars and weeds and give the grass f .v Lynn: cnance. sow more grass-seea m tn Rev. J. H. Gillespie, of Stroudtown, 1 permanent pasture; add Jiunius to the returning during the week from a soil of your pastures im evefv "way ' trip in Broad River township, describ-I you can, as land void of humus will' ed his trip to a rattlesnake den as f ol- I not grow grass. lows: Then a little later comes the Polk "On July 6th I stopped at the home County Fair. Just a 4ittle while and o iMr. sam wneeions on tne neaa uci. ym xutn ana iitttwiu oe nere. waters of Flat Creek in McDowell Every Polk county farmer and busi- bunty tend was invited to go with ness man should literally stretch him- him to a rattlesnake den. I accepted self to make this the greatest event the invitation and we started off, he that has ever happened in Polk coun- with a single barrel shot gun and a ty. We need a greater and better good supply of cartridges. After Polk county spirit, and nothing will gaining the crest of a high ridge do more to bring it about than a leading to High Windy or High Top rousing Fair. Not a fair to exhibit we soon came to the den and he call- curiosities, but a real, sure enough ed out: "Watch out;;I see them!" and Fair, an exhibit of Polk county prod then came, "Bang!" He kept up the ucts from every community and every firing till he had killed six rattlers farm community m Polk county, and and a pilate, dragging them out with 1 to this end it is desirable that every a stick. Some were black and some iarmer m tne county should become a were yellow. We did not count the member of the Polk County Fair As- 3L- r PITKIN, MISS LO.U.JSA PEOPLES BANK &1TRUST CO. RION, J. H. H - CTftVP! W R It TRYON LUMBER Cp. WILLIAMS) A. H. flj ! WILSON, R. L. 41 YALE, MISS CHARLOTTE H MILL SPRING. Ppv. J. M. Barber filled his regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday. , . .. , My,-aren't we having some nxm. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Barber attend ed preaching 'at the'. -Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brisco and son, George, spent the week-end at Mr. Jr. G. Brisco's. ;. ' . 4, . . ... . Mr 'Siiel Winters is visiting his sis ter, Mrs. J. M. Barber, at this writ ing. ' 5 : .-' Misses. Letha Barber, Bessie Ham ilton, Sue 'Gibbs Pearl and Elsie Edwards,- Messrs; Ernest Gibbs, Bona and Reece Arledge, -spent "a.few plasant haurs .at ,Oak Grove Sunday -;Mrs. J.vHCocheriim "andrs. J. G. Bennett ard visiting -the fomer;! daughter, Mrs. Dock BrackweInear Gramlin, at this writing. x , . Miss Carrie Barber spent last Sat- young which were numerous. W. S. S WALKER. M. Morgan cancer sociation. By sending the sum of $1.00 to the chairman of the Board of Directors, or the Secretary of the As siation, Mr. B. F. Copeland Tryon; N. C, and by the way the good la dies of the county are just as eligible nrdav nif?ht with M'ss Mabel Pack. Mr! G. C. and Gorge Brisco made a business trip to Rutherfordton Moa day. A , ' ... . ., Mrs .Tp.hnie Lee launders is visit ing her aunt, Mrs, Jfesbit Walker this wpp.k. ' L !: --' -Much success lq te NEWS, also to the soldiers... '-HI .. ' Don't fail to preifore something ex tra good. for. the Po)k County Fair. " , MlLLSPlP ;r Th6!reviVaVme'etifig closed at Rock Springs ' Suhday. : trherer' were". : ten joined the churchy fiind were happily baptised Sunday oxningi . m ' the presence of a large congregation, -- 3ert Edwards, ajfd - ;Tolbert : Odel have ..secured posjtiims at. Spartan burg ' .- I .i:'--"-" W 'Misg 'Mary Wil Flynn was the ue'stv'd'f 'Miss Mqssae; Edwards Wed; nesday night. 1 ' " ' " -.-Mr William Jaeson, of Route 2, We learn that W. M. Morgan is ... i - r ml getting aiong nne. ine cancer un for membership as the men, feo we his face is getting about well,, so he hope they wiU gend in their member.i uunKb. . . ship fee of $10o and be enrolld. TerTellAStP- ane ,fa,mily JlsQlted We will also have a campaign for Mrs. N. A. Price, Saturday and Sun- sowing winter legumes and cover ady; . . . c ,a. crops, rye, vetch, crimson clover bur The singing in the cove, Sunday, dover etc We aU now thafc was up to date. We had a fine sing- the war is on and what ifc means A11 ing. a fine dinner, and everybody the foregoing projects mean, if faith seemed to enjoy it. Messrs. Bradley, funy 'carried out, the earlier termina Pace and Davis were the leaders. finn of fv:s Hrpafnl ronfliVt nA r. T. R. Stepp is hauling tan bark for turn 0f the boys we all love and ad- R. C. Jackson, this week. We learn that one hundred of the boys left Henderson ville last week for the camps. We have heard of war, read of. war now the time nas come for us to get busy. Lets ev erybody help a little, if it is nothing but buy a, stamp or two. Don't fail to prepare something ex tra good for the Polk County Fair. W. S. . S 1 . f . PEA BIDGH mire so dearly. Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, County Agent. w. s. s FROM STATE. COLLEGE. " Dr. Riddick has . not filled up the college quota for Platsburg. . Under a recent order the college, can send fifty-five of its students and "two teachers... ? Men who go receive all expensest'aidanny' pay for- the time. JfU Students x;He college "wishing to go Mr. James "Thompson spent Hie; should wrifetor telegraph the college week with lHr.- Ben Green, near Com at once. TKe final: gate for reporting lum'bus. ; - v " " at camp is Aug. 101.-, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. 'Edwards spent Some of the iState papers -, nava Sunday last with Mr; E. C. Thomp- been giving figures 'as to the number son:. -.j. - ' . . ' . . ' 01 men wmcn xne;ajnereni couegea r The feoy Scouts -from Rutherford- have in the service of ui: 'country, ton hked Jto Pia Ridge last weekend State College has 952ftnetts,wbo are spent several days, : r-;:"r r , known to be in the pa" ifflss'' Bessie Thompson, and sister pers give 'only 700. That figure, is spent Thursday"' with Miss Minnie probably about nght for-thfiinumber TBrisSCdf - of State. -uoiiege. men; wiiojarvsr-i Singing scnooi at reunugu is fiv eo v.j.i V 6