THE POLK COUHTY HEWS anrf TRYOH BEE K Consolidated Nov; I91 5 - Published every Friday at TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 A'-rlnaa matter April 28. 1916 t thTpost office at Tryon. North Carolina, un der the act of March 3. 1879 'nv V rrtnn A Kir KHitnr 13; riArca-AViit - C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $0 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Reiolutiont of Respect.Church or Lodffe Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financial sain, will be charged regular advertising rates of five cents per lirie. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West 9th Street New Tork City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." . Only five months left in .which to buy War Savings Stamps. w. s. s. Another stupendous failure for the Clown Prince. Verdun has been re peated for him. w. s. s. The Y. M. C. A. will soon be asking the' American people for a few mil lions. They will get it too. w. s. s. While not throwing bombs' at the Huns the French and Americans throw boquets at one another. W. s. s. Turkey is threatening to take her doll rags and go home. We hope not for the allies want nothing to do with her. w. s. s American troops in France will number two millions. We would like to know what the Kaiser thinks about it. w. s. S- Old Bill Hohenzollern is having a hard time explaining to the German people why the third offensive 'failed to offend. w. s. s. It is .announced that the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive will, start the last of September. Everybody get ready for it. w. s. s . American troops defeat the crack Qerman regiments the press reports tell ms. Sure thing. Nothing does an American boy more good than to crack the head of a square head. w. s. s. The Huns have been forced further back than they were when the third offensive started. Reminds us of the saying that "every time he took a step forward he slipped back two." W. S. sV- The fact that the German comman der selected the best fighters in his army to oppose American troops tells more plainly than words that they have learned to respect and fear the fighting American lads. Well they may. i w. s. s Late reports tell us that the Ger man army is halting in its retreat, and the greatest battle of the war is liable to take place at most any time. So be it. The Huns will find that Gen.Foch has prepared for just such an emergency. W. S. S North Carolina has cause to be proud of such officials as Gov. Bicket, Secretary Daniels and her two United States Senators. Now if we could trade Claude Kitchen off for a 'yaller' dog and then shoot the dog, the State would be better off. W. S. S. President Wilson wrote to Demo crats m a Texas congressional district and asked that they defeat the pres ent incumbent for a renomination, and that gentleman at once resigned. Couldnt Woodrow be induced to send such a letter to the constituents of Claude Kitchen. W. S. S Just see what can be done by a lit tle self denial. Herbert Hoover has taken the hotels, eating houses and dining cars off wheatless days, and tells what stupendous amounts of wheat have been saved by the self deniaL of patrons ' of these establish ments. And how sweet wheat bread will taste to these people for thev have earned the right to eat it. " w. S. S America is . threatened with a su gar famine. The Food Administra. SS? fif -pliced the American people upon their honor in this matter. If as abldl Stlictly b the rules tLl li1OWn by the Administration fJK'M they won't do it and act thinly? matte there is bu e thi fS . do' and that is to go to the card system. This would be very well t0 thT Administration as well as the people. If you know of anybodywho is violating thf sugar rulings it! is your duty to Report such facts to County, Food Administrator Bacon at once, and he will take great pleasure in attending' to such cases? CROIX DE GUERRE GIVEN TO Y. M. C. A. WORKER Taking his Croix de Guerre 4rom his own breast, a French .army cap tain by orders of his general, pinned U ok the coat of Edwin Ely, of No. 73 West Eighty-eighth street, New . York, according to a cablegram just received from overseas. Mr. Ely is a Y? M. C. A. secretary of a Foyer du Soldat. Ely was later Invited to dinner by the Commanding General. When-he entered all the officers stood a salute until he was seated at the side'of the General. The General made an ad dress thanking Ely and the Y. M. C. A for their work in France and ex pressed regret that he was not. able, to confer an official, decoration. The "Y" MenTreTo Be Found Where Battle Is Hot "If you want to know what the Y. M. C. A. means to the soldiers, go where the fighting is hot," is the regular reply of the American soldiers In France, according to a cablegram re ceived recently by the National War Work Council teliing pf more secret taries who have been under liquid fire attacks, as well as gas and shell fire. The American Expeditionary of ficers have sent scores of letters to the Paris headquarters of the "Y" praising the work of the Red Triangle workers, declaring them to be indis pensable. More than a thousand "Y" secre taries are in advanced positions and dugouts under constant shell fire. There are no quitters and they -refuse to be relieved, saying that where the troops go the Y. M. C. A. will stick. Classified Advertisements. WANTED. Gasoline Iron. Phone 87 or see Mrs. Herry Acker. Female nurse or attendant for a sanitarium for Nervous and Mental diseass. Salary $24.00 a month with board and laundry. Address S. Lord' Stamford. Conn. W. H. Wakefield, M. D. . of Charlotte, will be in Mill Springs,on Monday, Aug. 5th. one day. The Dr. limits his practice to the medical and surgical treatment of eye, ear nose, throat diseases, and fitting glasses. Ask your family physician if you can safely consult Dr. Wakefield. FOR $ALE. Two fresh milk cows. Apply to G. H. Holmes. Tea Room Mountain Industries, Saturdays, 4 to 6 p. m. Hot tea, iced tea, lemonade, cake. Special parties served on 24 hours no tice. Mountain Industries. HEALTH IS WEALTH Born Tailoring Satisfies iinmiii The Born woolen display permits unre stricted clioice Born garments are correctly faskioned, faultlessly fitted and skillfully tailored-- And Born prices allow a substantial saving on your clotnes till for tne year. (J?efenf Born DeaUr) mi he ALTB 0 1A1 C dUafO' " mfftr i tlT -u. MAOIn will ANfwnn in turn IIWOH. ON I.AUTH HVWSN AN. J?!?T&.j"2Kln HEALTH AT WALBIOM AND ACCO-PANWS) Acid Foods There are many self-styled - "too ipecialists'Vwho, for a handsome price; 7111 undertake to teach any creduloiia victim by mail what he should i pt ihould hot eat and why. One ofJtM favorite fancies of these keen chara4 tans is that people with rheumatismf-4 whatever that is should not eat acid- fruits. -' ' f j i Indeed, most everybody but a doctor parbors some such notion as that, ft; seems that, many years ago a theory that "rheumatism" was somehow cas4 ed by uric or other acids gained ci) iiderable popularity with physicians,! and that notion still prevails amtrig the laity. Now it has been establish-! ed long since that uric acid does notj rause ioint disease: not even go furthermore, physiologists know thitj into carbonic acid gas, which com bines with soda, potash and lime -in the blood or tissues, producing; car bonates of sodium, potassium and cal cium, and these are alkaline. Sdnm of the fruit acid (citric, mallic, oxalic, or whatever it may be) unites direct ly with sodium or potassium to form citrate or xnallate or oxalate of soclium, and these, too, are alkaline salts, t When it is necessary for a physfcian to neutralize aij excessively acid blood, or to increase an insufficient Alkalin ity of the blood, he fias no better rem edy for the purpose than citrate of sodium. Foods which contain natural fruit Or vegetable acids are not 'only unoty Jectionable in the diet of a person sub Ject to joint trouble of any knd, gen erally speaking, but they are often ad visable additions to the diet, because the alakline; salts formed from fruit 1 FRIENC3 OF YOURS, Our Grocery Department l of stanle and fancv m-r- I very attractive prices. Date of opening of the other de. nartmentf; will Via ----- w.iiiuuiiCtCl m an eany date. WILKINS & CO. acias aerivea irom rruits or vege tables do not increase the acidity 6t the blood, or, more correctly speaking do not decrease the alkalinity of thjq I blood, of course never becomes acid tiv life. Everyt physician of experi-encfef knows that lemon juice, for exampll is one of the best remedies we hav3e for diminishing excessive acidity oft the urine In acute fevers and other!; conditions accompanied by concentrat-f ed, irritating, highly acid kidney ,excrt4 tion. ; - ) If at first It seems a paradox thaii such an acid as the citric acid of lemf ons or oranges should render the blooTJ more alkaline and the urine less acid. n understanding of the fale of suclj fruit acids will clear up the paradox!. When, you drink lemonade or eat aij orange or a grapefruit or tomatoes of ipples, the acids are partly oxidiza ; acids in the process of digestion and assimilatioend to increase the alim ination of poisons or toxic matter from the blood, and sometimes this elimination of toxins aids materially in a cure. At times certain individuals suffer some immediate digestive discomfort after eating acid fruits. That, how ever, is not due to any change of the alkalinity of the blood. . The sort of foods that actually tend to diminish the alkalinity of the blood and' increase the acidity of the urined are the nitrogenous or protein foods lean meats, whito of egg, sometimes cheese of fish. So If you think "acid foods" at all, don't think of the wholesome, health ful, bloodcleansing fruits and fresh vegetables. Think of beef, mutton, chicken, eggs and fish. I f If I II If s. HEALTH IS WEALTH rG" HEAUHCjfGIENE bufM STATE BOARDS OF COLUMN. TMA,;LH,rH.VIrTAT,ON F 0NL jT"T OU .(AOCft. WILL .C AN.Wf0 IN TH.W v ...w.w.i. mm i hu. i .in i OT individual will mm attinvtis That Wicked Tasle lnatism. A bad taste in the mouth often pre- Parageusia as it is popularly call4 ed is a bad taste in the mouth. It is; generally attributed to some disturb- ance of the digestion, but in reality is as rarely due to digestive disturbance? as "stomach trouble" is due to the' "food disagreeing." Doctors know, that "stomach tr6uble," nine time "out of ten, is due to some organic or ; functional condition not dependent unJ on the diet; and that a bad taste in the! mouth is a symptom of many con ditions apart from dyspepsia. For instance, Dr. T. F. Rilly observ ed that many patients with hign blood pressure complained of a peculiar and persistent bad taste. It was about the only symptom complained of a: all in several cases. In the earlier stages of chronic Brlght's disease, which generally be gins insidiously and is therefore ne glected or misinterpreted by the pa tient, the patient often notices a bad taste . In the mouth upon rising in the morning, due, perhaps, to a compensa tory effort to eliminate toxic material In the- saliva. It is a familiar obser vation that, headache in the back- of the head or neck is felt early in the morning in certain cases of Brlght's disease, with or without the bad taste, and this, too, is probable toxic. Chronic trouble in the gall-sac (ln; flammation or gallstones) Is not rarely the explanation of a bitter taste which annoys the patient. Sometime? this taste is compared With that of musty eggs. In several Instances the pecu liar taste was noted by the patient week before the appearance of jaun dice. Infection of one of the nasal acces sory sinuses, with releitno of matter and occasional drainage into nose and throat, sometimes causes !an unpleas ant taste of which the patient is con scious, as well as an odor of whn may be only his friends are conscious. Decayed teeth are a frequent cause of bad taste. In pulmonary tubercurosls the pa tleftt often complains of a bad taste which Is noticed from about noon on ward. A sour taste is present in acute "rheumatic fever" Inflammatory rheu- !cdes by weeks the development of ftqabetes, cancer of stomach,- severe paemia, or ulcer in the duodenum. COCOCOOOQOOpOO8OOOO800j U 1 A Q . A Thrift Stamp gives you the right to 1 O stand up when the Star Spangled Banner y is played. J O An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now to start that account. -Come in and let's talk it over. o o o 0 . citizens of your community. No better ! Timn oV yirvtTT T--v nf nf 1 m. A llltlll llJW lU OL-aiL LllcXL- ClCCUUlJt. . ------ 1 y Lome m and let's talk it over. I Q U I u its AN KOF TRYO N o W. T. LINDSEY Prea J. B. HESTER Cashier. I i UOUOCOCOCOOOSCOOOOOOOOQQOC1 4 tThe relief of parageusia is there- jfojre a matter of determining what is wrong witn tne health. Chewing char Jscjal lozenges may temporarily over come an odor, and any cleansing induth wash, such as boric acid solu- jtin (a teaspobnful of the powder in a fialf pint of boiled water) may tempor arily diminish a foul taste, but th gymptom should be looked upon as a ganger signal which warrants at least a thorough physical examination by a I i V AM (Nil y ,,,.0515 2.A..i ,UL0SI5 ..,.- v 1 f( f':i yds BAD TASTES. 3C EVIDENCES Of PROSPERIH! Of course you know how Opportunity alvvajs domes to the prosperous man. Ever notice the EVIDENCES of Prosperity? . If you have, you have observed that an unfailing evi dence of Prosperity is A Bank Account with a sound bank like the Bank of Saluda. Your money is absolutely safe, and you can get it at any time. We will gladly extend any accommodation consistent with sound banking to our depositors. BANK of SALUDA Capital $10,000.00 SaSyda, C. HENRY P. CORITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Pres. PRESTON If. IWM Questions and Answers. rnttn tt A I a 4. A II 1 1 A. L. L. What Is the difference be- ween cotton batting and medicated jetton used by doctors and nurses? Aher: Cotton contains more or 'less Ti, auaui uf ni coiion, popularly call- $4 "medicated rotton i. ri 1 F ifeachftd. and otiii. i . . r.l -J, : . uv neat, nur oth. fWise, it is, cotton batting ' l' ! - n ConstiDation. iMr8. W. W. B. What Ik th remedy for habitual constipation? v;jW: ?ePends on the case of th SSSJhJ; fUfr of advlce- will be sent lope! stamped, addressed enve- Human and Bovine Tuberculosis. jA; B. Will you kindly inform me Whether there is any possibility of a huhian being's acquiring tuberculosis by drinking mllk from tubercular cows;? -'te?1"1 InL chiWhxd. at least that is a?JoAimon code of infeotion. perhaps the 2ffi cau" tubercSoiK Stands in the neck er "iorofula " Tit wap jformerly called, and consuiption A Price or Two! As we carry nothing but the best of all items in our line, we will simply quote a few prices that will be good for the next two weeks. Better act at once asthe prices are good for only two weeks. 2 cakes PalmoHvc, 2 cakes Rose Bath Soap for 25 cents One-half gallon Fairday Syrup for 40 cenns Fine Line Sunshine Biscuits . .wu.i,jr me ucci une of soiree in iowu. prices on all kieds of Groceries and Country "x0 auce. . H. PACE & SON, SALUDA, N. C, HON PHICE EST GOODS AT THE MOST REASONABLE i f vi,'v'i' ia iver years. ' V

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