TRYQN- ; ,v,v is liable to be called at -pr-- n the next ten days, and on' Vnlotfichod-to some base hospi- POLK COUNTY MEWS. TllYONN; ta '.,v,.rlv Hester writes of his V' 1 -1 ; Plattsburg, N. I. camp, rriw1.'11 onH well. He eot his clir1u1' ' ithout delay and began ?raininp ditto. . mv a quantity of bulletins on v uul preserving, also contain-canwm-. tjme recjpeswhich are i.nfr?i "'distribution and may be had alHn at the NEWS office. -n ;,1(v the terrible electrical storm Momlav night the Methodist v n Landrum was struck, i r out overv window in the WS: fn?Vell'is badly damaging l0th end walls. f.oAvgo Warner has returned from a montn s sojourn ai o this Try on sector of the he sky. Everybody who k to Try on comes back "for s always on hand, ready Word was received in Tryon Wed hv that Capt Bassey had been killed "in battle in France. Capt. u.ev and Mrs. Roach, widow of f'pnnch. were married only about the; ntro. Mrs. Bassey has manv friends in Tryon whose sympa thy pos out to her in her fresh bereavement. it U nearlv a month since his fam- jlv heard from Jonn ray. ne is De to belong: to the Second Army Corps, which is a reserve and sup .ivt for the First Corps that has been co-successful at the front in the cam- mi cm of this past month. He may therefore be in an engagement ,at any moment. -UV were in error in or last issue in -stating that the colored pople Avrmlrl hold a fair at Columbus on An-mst 12th. Thev will hold a meet intr at Columbus on that date to de HnV when and where their fair will be held. It is hoped that as many of Mr for Skvkmd 'Land of mines nac .mo.r 11 Those who attended the demonstra- m tV """s ana vegetables by i, V ue m neniey, m Tryon, last Monday were well repaid for their time and trouble. She soon convinc ed thIaW present that she thor oughly understood; her subject, and much of great value was shown those present. There was quite a" goodly x yicaeiiL, ana an spoke in highest terms ,of what -had been shown thent. - Mrs". Ha w tw the . Institute; -at Columbus, on ThUrs- "CAno requests thatthose V r. iu'on,ins along plenty of matnaliupon which to work. All wishing to ;be shown how to can beets and- squashes are requested "to cook these two vegetables before bringing them-to Columbus. -A. sunset ..rainbow Sunday evening attracted the admiration of hundreds of spectators. ;It was short but its colors were, extraordinary for intens ity and distinction. The prism was thenjn all its glory. Everyone pre dicted the end of a rainy fortnight, but the downpour of Simriav nH Monday nights prove that all signa may .iaii in wet as well as dry weath er in a wet as well as dry state. like North Carolina. St. Swithin's day falls on July 15th, and there is a tra dition that if it rains on that day it is one of forty rainy days in succession. This year there'll b a chance to prove the truth of it. Likewise that the dog days will be either all wet or all ary. As a matter of fact only the weather bureau records could settle the question. Kev. Robert Davis, resident and general lecturer of the Anti-Saloon League of. North Carolina, delivered an .address at the BaDtist church Sun day morning. There are a National Constitution and a State Constitution. he said, based on certain principles. mere ,was also a Bible Constitution and any . constitution should conform to the principles of the Bible Consti tution, or they would fail. The lia uor traffic, and the consequences of uquur uniiKing were evn, ana tnere fore contrary to' the Bible constitu tion. Like every other wronc' and covered was covert wiU U,,; rm. -i . "lv" ui uiscoi was taken-home and bur ied at Columbus on Sunday. ' vciyuoay wno-knew Roland Ruff spoke kindly of him and said that he was a young man of excellent habits and had the respect ' tef everybody who knew him. - .-- A FINANCIAL REPORT TRYON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. ' Receipts Balance June 30 1917.....;.. 192.18 Local Tax 1916. . . . . .. . . . . .. .442.05 Local tax, 11917, , . . . . . . .... 2406.33 b rom county fund. . . . 'C. . . 725.00 Borrowed money 1300.00 bale of stone... 10.00 Total fund $5075.56 . . Expenditures balanes of white teachers . .$1940.00 Salaries of colored teachers. 225.00 Repairs (white) ... 76.97 Fuel and janitors 103.42 Supplies 15.33 Interest and sinking fund... 600.00 Census 745 Legal advice ; 10.00 Copies of legislation.. 4.10 Borrowed money repaid 1577.23 Int. on borrowed money 55.57 , Total $4,615.16 Balance June 30, 1918 460.40 Total fund $5075.56 NORTH-CAROLINA, ; Polk County. - 1 In the Superior Court. J. G. Hughes, Administrator of M. E. Hughes deceased. vs. Benjamin Roberts, Robert Roberts, jonn Koberts and another, former ly known as Margaret Skinner, heir& at law of M. E; Hughes. The defendants above named will take Notice that an action enjtitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Polk county for the sale of land to make assets; and the said defendants will further take no tice that they are required to appear the colored citizens oi . -roiK - county evil it should -he- cnntl pmnnH hv law before ; clerk of the Rimo-riAi rMivf - - I J ' M ' Jwi -;n nttpnrl n5 nossihlv can. 1 nr. A v,r-;4-,,; A., : t -l.-i- . P-JL- Minf,. o4- i j nui x rf cuiioLH-uukn. me. mean wri ue. WIHftye the jlght Prices Kind of Materials to do your -buildjng, Fuji stock Doors, fndoijl Ceiling, Shinglesjioths, Interior finish andMouiafep:, Rough and Dressd Lumber. Sarry complete HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUpAfK. C, mmm WE SOLICIT Your orders lot y ; Iloorlns, celling, siding, finish, moldings, framing. W manufacture -Ibis and can save ton money. See for lath brwk, doors and s&sh. 1 1 - TRYON LUMBER CO, WALTER iJONES. -' j ATTORNEVfAT LAW rh Off It up itairs In Jno. L. JtefcseiirCe Bid's. Is Tliere Elecfric i; Flat Ijron In YouHHome Mr. Hoover sends his thanks clear from London to the people of Tryon, as well as their hundred million fel low citizens, for observing his re quest about abstaining from wheat eat in jr.. It being harvest time the only restriction now is government flour. The wheatless days he says have enabled this country to feed its allies. In short the wheatless days have not been fruitless. Folks in this vicinity Monday night might almost as well have been at the front, or in Paris or London dur ing an air raid. The vivid lightning might well have been a flare or a bursting bomb; the thunder, the boom of the big guns, the crack of the guns on tank or areoplane. A real big battle couldn't have been much more flashing or noisy. It was a the calm, but a -frfghtfum fofe yei .beenM to g om At as a war measure, as a waste, of food and fuel, the President, in -the exer cise of his constitutional power shoul close the breweries as well as the distilleries. We received an invitation from Mr. James Jackson, Wednesday to take a look over his place. We accepted the invitation, and ' were astonished at the. Variety of products that Mr. Jascson is growing on hi s land. He has quite a good many Niagara grape vines, and while he has only half a crop this year it does not detract from the quality, and we proceeded to fill up on that luscious fruit. He also has some fine peaches and a va riety of garden vegetables. But in one spot we imagined that we had been transported suddenly to western Kentucky, for we saw some of the finest dark tobacco growing that it the nervous Tho light from a brief but brilliant fire to the northeast of Tryon 10 o'clock Sunday night gave those who saw it a guessing contest as .to its whatness and whereness. These var ied from a barn to a big brush heap, the Tryon Graded School, The Lynn hosiery mill the Columbus court house and a possible residence the further side of Pacolet. It turned out to be a residence building owned by a Mr. Smith, near Lynn. In spite of the unusual cold snaps last winter which cut back so many trees, the Tryon peach crop this season has been one of its best. They seldom look so handsome or taste so luscious. But for the lack of spray ing facilities they, would" have been even more abundant. A good many were lost by insect and blight. 'Not withstanding, Tryon paches are be ginning to blush at finding them selves famous as its grapes are. They are already appearing on the market. One of our exchanges of last week gives an account of a locomotive or a passenger train on the Murphy branch running into a Ford, with the result that every step on one whole side of the train was torn off, while all the damage done the Fordtobrek one spoke in a front wheel. We fail-' ed to learn whether the party who wrote the story is in the pay of the fl'hertising department of the Fdrd company or not. If he isn't-he shoule be, . Recruits have quite got ovr the indifference they ' at first felt about Uncle Sam's call to the colors. They've found out that he means busin'ess, and when he says "come" they'd better "cometh" with out delay. A- youth from the back country who started to take the 'troop train here Friday, arrived an hour oi more late, out of breath and well splashed with mud. His wagon had broken down, and he pushed ahead or. foot. Mr. Stone told him not to wor ry as he would make it all right with Lncle Sam. In spito of threats of rain, the Hon. Richard Carroll, the colored orator. 1acvd a good sized audience both white and black, on the Oak Hall grounds Friday evening. They all ab'reed that they were rewarded for the risk they ran of a soaking. He an entertaining rather than an elo quent speaker; a comedian quite as ueh as an orator; not eriven to high yghts or hifalutin; a portly rathr l lan a stately presence. He said many good things and we regret, that ' naven t room this week to repro "ucp some of the many good things The editor rereivpH nntire and yiy pretty commission with-a nice Jld seal on it from Gov; Bickett, ' uesday, notifying him that he had f;ei appointed, as a , member of the a uor committee of. Polk county. ;; "ent yet learned what our da- .u,s are. Some sav that it is to do o work ourselves, some 'say that 1 ! to put the gang at work that is inrTseien ornamenting the iron rail "t at the .station at train time, while ""otner party said confidentiallv that wnvif f J? see that Senator Ballenger Jrv, ls own garden instead of by i , as at present. We have made doniwim,nds to accept the honor and the present, high-price of "f obaccfi, and which will no doubt prevail for sever al yars to come it might be a. profit able crop for Polk county farmers to experiment with. A great many reports have been received of the , damage done the wheat this year by the Hessian fly. This is one more crime to lay against Germany, as it is said it was brought to this country during the revolution ary days by the hired Hessians. It s very remarkable tnat almost an the pests with which we are today battling against in this country are h foreign extraction and not a native product. The State Board of Agn- - . . m . t VT .1 liltnre in sneakme ot tne nessian fly says it is strongly urged that all idle wheat stubble land be plowed deeply before the end of August so that the flies cannot develop, inese flies will emerge in the fall and lay their eggs upon whatever wheat is up at that time, therefore, much can be done to lessen the fall brood by plow ing under the old stubble to a depth of four to six inches. Also not to plant wheat until late in the fall. In Polk county from October 15th to October 25th. yy g PATRIOTIC GATHERING. Polk county on Saturdav the 31st dav of August, 1918, at his office in Co lumbus, Polk county, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said petition. This 29th day of July 19181 J. P. ARLEDGE, ; Clerk of the Superior Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Joseph Faulkner, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to report all claims against said es tate within twelve months from this date, otherwise .will plead bar of statute. And all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to immediately make payment of sam.e to the undersigned administrator, this ijihxlay of fuly, 19 1 8. WALTER POWELL, Adminsstrator. u 4t-pd. Price I 4.50 ' f.jf. 30 Da yslfee Trial - Guaranteed or 10 Years IRYON ELECIftIC SERVICE COMPANY . , . GEO. AJGASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND MnTADV Dl IRI 1 t ; mM 1 : ; vs. Notice. Collections a srrecialtv. Deeds (JlaJNewtnan I ... j . J- l. .1 " .1 The defendant above named will take ana mortgages, prepared, ana notice that an action entitled as above has Contracts writterA at reasonable been commenced in the superior court of rolk county, North Carolina, to obtain a dissolution from the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant; and the-said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the supenoi court or said county to be held on the second Monday in September, iqi8, at the cou.t-house of said county in Colum bus, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This 15th day of July, 1918. J. P. ARLEDGE, Clerk Superior Court North Carolina Polk County. David Newman In the Superior Court. prices. TRYOg N, c. TTrntino- with Great Britain in cele brating her fourth anniversary of en tering upon the world-war, special services will be held in the Congre gational church next Sunday, August 4th, 1918 at 11 a. m., for asking God's blessing in bringing victory to a just cause. Various speakers, including Sena tor T. T. Ballenger and Gerald Stone. W. S. S. . 1 SHOOTING NEAR SALUDA. Mr- Turner was shot and seriously wounded by Richard Gilbert, about half a mile from Saluda, last Thurs day. . , Vvnm tVi bpst information we nave been able to procure it appears that Mrsi Turner was watKing aown rMiKU. nH with two buckets of swill in her hands which she was taking to some hogs. She met Gilbert who opened fire with a shot gun loaded with buckshot. She was seriously wounded, out late reports say that she may recover Gilbert was turned over to Sheritt Robertson by his father and locked up in the county jail at Columbus. We hear that Gilbert claims that the woman had made threats agamst his life and that he fired in self de- fenSe' -W.S.S.- DROWNED NEAR SALUDA. Roland Ruff,' residing near Colum bus, was drowned in Green River, near Saluda, last Saturday afternoon. In- company with two companions voung Ruff went in bathing in the riverfnear the dam which he was helping to construct! He was only a short distance from the shore when he sank. One of the companions near grabbed him when , he came up and attempted to pull-him to safety, ,0Mfl.tii do so. He soon 1- j? o-nH Jnsr. time, msj compSrdThaTsand seemed to wash out' from under them, and that it was almost impossible to stand. A terrible whirlpool seemed to catch young Ruff and whirled him W F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. fOR SALE or LEASE! RIXHAVEN LODGE On Tryon Mountian - Suitable for small first class hotel, or f pi gentleman's residence. A fine orchard, vineyard, small fruits, as paragus, J2tc Address, RIXHAVpN LODGE Stearns, N. C. DR. B.H. TEAGUE SALUDA, N.C. During July, August and September, Registered Jersey Service Boar "Tryoril Prince J. F. BLACK, flillcrest Vineyard HOUSEHOLD NKKSITIES are often hard to findif you haVsJp go to one. place ' lor one thing, and to a dirtereiltplaoa for something s else. In our basement and on trie second floors you will find most of the necessities for the kitchen and house furnishing. If it is there the price is LESS THAN THEY ARE WORTH on today's market, for we bought early and are sharing the benefit with you. Make comparisons with other towns and see. WE HAVE A LIMITED QUANTITY of Overalls, work shirts, dress, shirts, negligee shirts ginghams, madras, etc., that we are selling for less than we can replace them for. If you want your , share come for them. The wholesalers are getting more for all these items than we are asking you to pay us. For in stance, Overalls are worth, wholesale, $2.25. We are selling for $2.00; Ginghams are worth, wholesale 32 cents.; we are selling a limited quantity for. 25 cts The best grade of outings are worth, wholesale, 35 cents; we will sell for the present, at 30 cents.. Why not buy your fall outings now and save money? Farm Wagons, a car load, at today's wholesale price. THE BALLENGER CO." IFOR EVERYTB-iiNG. Wc Vant flt Oo Q(L? This bank is here for the purpose of helping out every worthy enterprise 'in Polk county j both old; established or contemplated. . If you have an enterprise that you want to push come to us and give us the- data and we will help you with it if it is feasible. Our success is measured by the prosperity of our county and we want everything to go with a whoop. If you have any idea for the furthering of your business or for the benefit of Polk county in generol we would like to hear it and to help push it. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. G. H. HOLMES President J. T. WALDROP Vice-Pre. TRYON, N. C. W. F. LITTLE Cashier GAIRAGE Having bought the garage recently owned and bperated by C. W. Ballenger, this is to notify the public that I will continue to do business at the same place and respectfully solicit a continuance of your patronage. As yoi know we have one of the best mechanics in the state, and prices are reasonable. We also sell Goodyear tires and tubes and the very best r of oils, greases and auto dressing. j " ! P. G. MORRIS GARAGE. NOTICE OF It AND ENTRY. 11 WOOD'S SEEDS. The Importance of Sowing ALFALFA Farmers everywhere should make preparations to sow ALFALFA lib erally this Fall. Sown early It will yield full crops and make un der favorable conditions, four or five cuttings of splendid nutritious hay the following season. It Is especially desirable at this time for farmers to sow all the for age crops possible to make hay. and feed so as to save grain for human consumption. Wood's Trade Mark Brand AL FALFA SEED Is American-Grown and "of high tested germination and purity. ? ... Write for prices, and , WOOD'S FALL CATALOG, which gives full Information about ALFALFA, CRIM SON CLOVER and all Seeds for Fall Sowing. Mailed free upon request. T.W.WOOD & SONS BXEBSIVDSK Sldunond, Va. State of North Carolina, Countv of Polk. T A.-L. Pittmah,: Entry Taker of Polk County, r Take notice that I, James Leonard, the undersigned,' of Polk county, North Carolina. - have entered and laid claim to, &M does hereby enter and lay claim to; xne iouowmg in scribed piece or parcel ot land m Trvon TownshiDi I Polk county and State of North-paronna containing about twenty acitels more or less. The .11 ii t-A. .4- 3 i;. sam iana Deine vscam, nu suujclv w entrv under the l&ws of the State of North Carolina, Saia piece, parcel ur fwet nf lonrl i'c psrrihpd as follows. P luuu w ' to-Wit. J -i- Adioininer the linds of Cobb on the east, John Hobentcht and Mr. Ja cobs on the South. Mrs. Page and John Church an old Howards Gap road on the East and Mrs. Wilson on the north. i Jl Entered this 25f;h .day of June, iyi JAMES LEONARD, Claimant. A.JL. Pittman Eitry taker. Filed at 4:3 p. m., June 28, This Bank is for People who Want to Improve their financial Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C SONNER H. B. LANE PreMdent vice f resiaenw uier FOtSALE. A voune milk.edw. Has been tank ing two weeks. 3 Apply ? ii lCL H, HOL.MES. Ffasicy Peaches Per BusBieB, $2,00 Per . Peck, 50 W. T. LINDSEY, V i TRYON, N.-C.

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