TRYON POLK COUNTY NEWS. T&YON, N. 0. Mis Aimidav W peW.v Turner, U Kavlaml was in , i - o jno went lo opal- of Saluda, ', ... ,.,nrl t.n- business hoville Thursday. ' ' . ,o, tw attended to ster Aovillp. Satur ' (,lVC 1 II - 1.1s.'- ' Try 'o1"' -.ttprs in ..'mis P'"1 . . o n Mr. 1- h- r i Williams, here tms l-pfk- , vnrnivrd bv rela 'v . i - 1 ' 1 1 1 l V - ' Word arrival "overseas t l it" - five: of ' the sale fS r navidon. DiP'1 ;i ...l stable manure are Kerosene ; , demand with kvv '7 Ax . K.tP.- of Montgomery, "i... Viic wife in gUCSt Oi reiaucs 0!H the change is one of the Mr 1 1 o s-k" I.'"" .U.I Is here- U ?l ' .l- Hoor trade in farm Wha, bne'oitizen recently had to ,n,llUiu cheek for 35 cents. iira "' , ...... f Mnnriav and The cool - -a - r - T;Us(iay i , t your 0d U " cl . l if thi-m ud and get reaay winter. . i i 'i n 1 1 for i it. u'turmg social ior uie Wlv i -,t Airs. Holden's, e ; ' oft.M-noon. and an outfit for fUt and made up. .jm,.k irone forth for maga i ami hooks for the soldiers. -nts-,an . t..L- nn this matter that tne " it h loaning mauci. ii 1 1 hear 'music swell me last Sunday nigni . it wa :it Sunset Camp singing d Banner 7 at tne day." Let and ilied w Did VOU breeze rnf en' 't star Spangle km! o a perieei . ; C"" . ... 11.. t lottpr from "the tront,' recently ,sed through the postoffice cen 'rl,. K. Grav." That is ex- P I... ti,., fnrt that pverv officer f'111 i' ;...s.r ormv is nlloWPfl to ' in tne .Amtuian ...j .s, nso.r his own man. . can sing or recite the -C.. -.4- r 1.4" 4" y-fc Hov many know tne nrst ... .1,-, net v Hnw mnnv Know verse oi uu- i. . - even the chorus exacuy woru ioi word? How many should? How ir.anv will ? .T T. Waldron. of White Oak living in timbered sections will have w to ourn wood. So be disappointed. don't cen? How many finish '. u in town L uesday. we says mat tne fine rains of Sunday and Monday extended all over his section and did much good, and especially to cotton, wien was being badly damaged by the red spicier. , The new plate glass front in Wil kns' store room adds very material ly to the beauty, of. that establish ment. The interior is also being treated to a coat of white paint. When completed it will be one of the handsomest store rooms in this sec tion. One of the busiest individuals in Trvon just now is Town . Manager Blake. With the improved water works system, road working and all the other things to look after gives him plenty to do. But he is the fel low who knows how to handle the job. The. high price of wood is driving manv to the use of oil cooking stoves One agreeing to deliver it, which he failed to do. When asked about it, he ex plained: "Why another feller who lived nearer' n you offered me 50 cents more, and of course I had to let him have it." Mr. Geo. R. Cobb is in receipt of A Tryon musical tW -VPQV-rtl -s. 8!!? r4?mily ngrf "Queerest r -JC - nee" vexed at their stupiditynn.not recognizing so famil iar a song; she turned in the song book to "Home, Sweet Home," which wJ, Rarest Spot in Earth to Me. When the same little girl was out riding they ..began "The Star Spangled Banner." She rose imme diately, and holding to the driver stooa upon the carnae-P ph oo i as the song went on. Last week was a tough one for the Dean family, of Spartanburg, occu pying the Bell house. Young Mr Dean hiked from Landrum on the hot test day of the week and was so had. ly overcome by the heat that on his arrival nere he was badly dazedand almost semi-conscious. On Sunday Mrs. Dean slipped in the bath tub and barely escaped a fracture of the riDs. iney nave the sympathy of tneir mends and neighbors, and luck ily are improving. Postmaster Steams requests that when writing to a soldier in France that you address the letter with pen and ink and never with a lead pencil. Letters come into the Tryon post office that are almost impossible to read, and by the time they reach New York they cannot be read. Therefore some are never delivered, while others are otten delayed. Also be sure to put the full number of the regiment to wnicn tne soldier is attached. Tryon is to have day electric cur rent again. Beginning oh thp first day of September the local company will secure current from the Blue T " 1 1 T i t iuage people, it is sure good news to users of j)ower in this section. We have not learned whether the dam over Green river is far enough along to generate current, or whether the Blue Ridge company will secure tern porary "juice" from the Southern Power Company at Spartanburg. Mr. W. H. Steams has retired from the hotel business. It will be with genuine regret that many winter vis itors to Tryon will learn of this de cision. Mr. Stearns has been ac tively engaged in the hotel business since 1895, with but one break during that time, of three years. He enter tained many tourists while proprietor of the old Mimosa, and this hotel was well and favorably known over a wide section of the country. He has closed Pine Hill and it is not yet known whether it will be operated next sea son or not. Tryonites are often told by Ashe villians that no climatic mishaps ever come to that favored city. But Sun day an out-and-out cloud burst with much thunder and lightning, tore up things, flooded cellars and washed away pavements and sidewalks. In spite of the downpour a house burned to the ground, the firemen having to wade up to their knees to get at it, and were then unable to save it. There can be no doubt about this, for the Asheville papers actually admit it. It's only a specimen of what their "ideal climate" can do when it starts in to do anything. The storm of Saturday afternoon was brighter and louder than Tryon often knows. The unterrined were umch delisrhted with it or at least they greatly admired the display of ORGANIZATION FOR WR I The Patriotic League, Composed ot Girlt, to be Organ ized in Tryon. ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY NIGHT WeHave the Right Prices AND Kind of Materials to do your building. Full stock Doors, WindowsSiding, Flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Moulding, Rough and Dressd Lumber- Carry complete All over the country, at this time, girls are doing a big share not a bit in helping win the war. They have realized that individual effort is almost lost, in the neatness of the task to. be accomplished. Organiza tions of all kinds have been formed to concentrate this effort into a great power. Among the girls, even the young girls, the Patriotic League has become a great factor not only in the inspiration of the great need of pa triotism at this time, but in carrying out a real planned program of war activities. In almost every city of our country the Patriotic League has accomplish ed an astonishing amount of efficient war work, and the girls themselves, have set the high standard of charac ter, desired at all times necessary now by living up to the pledge. "I will express my partiotism by doing better than ever before what ever work I have to do; by rendering whatever special service I can to my community and countrv: bv li to the highest standards of character and honor, and helping others to do the same." The girls of Tryon and Lynn are organizing their Patriotic League. On Saturday night at 8:30, in the Tryon school house, they will have the first meeting of the League. Every girl is urged to come, be cause it is in the heart of each one to do all in her power for her country, andt his is her opportunity. But the program will be of such in terest that no one, old or young, can anora to miss it. Dr. Ayers, of the.Y. M. C. A. unit in Camp Wadsworth, will give a pa triotic address. Those who have heard him can not adequately express cneir entnusiasm lor his stirring mes sage. the gnis will give a pageant. "The Heroines of History." JNo patriotic meeting is complete without community singinsr. so everv one will have his share in making the evening a success. Because the League must buv ma terials to make war orphan garments and other supplies, an admission must be charged adults 25 cents; children, 10 cents. Everyone is expected Pie .se come. W. S. S. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS SALES. HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA, N. C. WE SOLICIT Your orders lot flooring, calling, siding, finish, mouldings, framing. We manufacture this and can save you monej. See us for lath, bnck, doors and sash. TRYON LUMBER CO- i WALTER JONES. , ATTORNEY AT LAW Offlee up Stairs In J no. L. Jaeksen Ce Bld'g. Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home dealer recently sold a load, gorgeous lightning, and the thunde : - . . 1 - n.iJJnk 4- KAvn s"v?rt -(Alio AOl fTTi C One could easily fancy the town was being bombarded by Hunnish areo- nlanes. Fortunately there were no casualties and little damage. A tree near Mrs. Leconte s was split m two and her frightened horse broke out of the stable and took to the road, borne a letter from his son, Charlie, stating hens and chickens had the hysterics, that he is at a Dort of embarkation awaiting transportation to France: He was pleased to learn that he had a cousin in the same branch of service as ho, and hunted him up. That' will mean the shortening of many long days after they arrive "over there. County Food Administrator, F. P Bacon savs that Tryon .has a large supply of sugar on hancf just now and that if everybody will abide by tne new rulings there will be no shortage with anybody. So far, he ys. the neonle erenerallv show a (li.-pxMtion to want to do right. in the time of Job the trust ot a hypocrite was as weak as' a spider's o; but the spider webs just now in this vicinity are more reliable. Some oi th and when they could, got under cover. Rut nature, at its worse, is not as cruel, and ruthless as the Hun. In the absence of a Tryon family during the recent hot spell their res idence was visited for the enjoyment .-vf tViP hrpp7.p almost alwavs to be found here. The piazza was after ward found strewn with watermelon rinds and other luncheon garbage, and was said to look worse than some nic Dens. There was also rea- r- ..... .j i son to believe that these uninviten rrnests visited the cellar and helped -a 1 A 1 themselves to canned goods recently stored there. The owners ot the house know but will not tell who it was that acted like a gang of Hunnish people Report of sales of War Savings Stamps by Merchants of Tryon to date. L. R. Williams $ 9.25 Carolina Hardware Co 110.00 John L. Jackson 00.00 John Orr & Co 27.50 E. E. Missildine. 25.00 Tandy Belue no report Joe Gurley 96.00 The Ballenger Co. v. 850.80 Total $1,093.45 W. S. S. The long-haired corn doctor, Var- daman, of Mississippi, went down in defeat last Tuesday. Pat Harrison. the bright, patriotic Congressman from the Gulf Coast district defeated both Vardaman and Noel in the first primary. Vardaman got what was coming to him. He has been akicker and opponent of almost every war measure coming before the United States Senate. He was bitterly op posed to the United States declaring war against Germany. The people of the United States are in no mood to put up with the foolishness of such men. There are several others doom ed to defeat when their term expires. Price $ 5.00 30 Days free Trial Guaranteed or 10 Years 1RY0N ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty, Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prices. TRYON, N. C. V('?Hn white across the dark web. Ban on Baseball Pools. Albanv. N. Y. The operation of baseball pools, prevalent throughout the country, has heen held to be book- making by the appellate division of the supreme court, third department of New York state. NORTH CAROLINA, Polk County. In the Superior Court. J. G. Hughes, Administrator of M. E. Hughes deceased. vs. Benjamin Roberts, Robert Roberts, John Roberts and another, former ly known as Margaret Skinner, heirs at law of M. E. Hughes. The defendants above named will TVio mnnv friends of Lieut. Jas. B. take notice that an action entitled as rnoiond will hp e-lad to learn of the above has been commenced in the Su- yOUng Officer S gOOO lUCK. Ill a Illci pctiui vuun ui i uiis. tuuni, iui nit: Wpdnesdav I sale of land to make assets: and t.hp nprs tr sine it hut the!.0 r 'i . v.: t-ov. coM AafarAi-nc will -fni-flinv foL- -r ... ""'a " . . I ua nn.ncPC nrflPrS SeilL ivvu vai- I oaiu uvivuuauto "i J-muiii banc ukj- - r m which it was handled qa-ibs of which read: tice that they are required to appear M have made the Cherry Sisters nVtinn of thp Commander in before clerk of the Superior Court K"-en with envy. , . .,n onrJ fhn Navv. the I'Oth Mrl -c c r : ,i ViQ TTnifpH States. VOU OH' RTV,.,.,. ,.r o -i 1 v.-. ivfo fr cprvp llTltl , 0- ma very pusiuvc i are iieieu -iJj-"-'Jivv-" " " Z-L I) a in in ti,,.;,. i" v.; 1 e v, -Aafa ac n member of the A ll'Von w. !..-: i ii.. j: I t. ' i T7i ; nf ol Pno vrl uuh ecma viP-nr frnm a re- soldiers. They hint that it i ilJ'J 1 4-U,r ttrAiiM no TVnh Clir. f spiders evidently keep posted am Know, uicy v.u;u o on tiio vr,,,- ut," fmnt nri7.pri as the family was., cut tms -ii- (li. , III L.11CT J-lVAAIrf I I" " . i Out near Calvin Cheek's, and down in .-ia-a'day of all kinds of surprises and tampobello it is reported that "We unexpected, unsuspected Denavior in vin the War' can be seen wo- supposeaiy nice pcuiu. w. s. s FOR SALE or LEASE! RIXHAVEN LODGE On Tryon Mountian Suitable for small first class hotel, or for gentleman's residence. A fine orchard, vineyard, small fruits, as paragus, etc, Address, RIXHAVEN LODGE Stearns, N. C. you should have been to the community -singing last Sunday and mat crowd attempt to -sing UixU." it was not to be expected Mi we ex-ankees and carpetbag- Ws woirhl know how to sing that mg very well, but we did expect .southoi AN HONORABLE PROMOTION. ooodooooooeoooeoeoooooeeoe Registered Jersey Service Boar g "Tryon Prince" 1 J. F. BLACK, Hillcrett Vineyard I NOTICE OF LAND ENTRY. mai-k vigor a straneer in town, ex- connection . with the ex- 1 he- embarrassed visitor. -. i . uncial .".e not retractincr his oninion. anol- ihJ'l for 0XPrpssing it so freely in H"-.M nCe ot the relative. InZ c. y"ono Patriotic League girls ti. v ;V?rtanburg are camping at 1. V (' A n nr oi ,,. , w- vamp, unny Oiupt; r ,.ne .week. They are busy - r- "ivuii va iiikji sj ii" Polk county on Saturday the 31st day of August, 1918,cat his office in Co lumbus, Polk county, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiff will "You will therefore hold yourself, apply to the .court lor the relief de- m readiness to repun, up r- '""ir- nnri. 7" v tT fViP Commander of saia JLWX3, vvr v.." . , T K,.owi of nnmma university, JJCi.L Vj CV - - York City." -W. s. s This 29th day of July 1918. J. P. ARLEDGE, Clerk of the Superior Court. SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE 1 'Ton. as in ; ... . P aying tennis, horse back rid S ,,ir'K all the stunts which .,their.camP life a happy M;. unn they go back to work. Hvlin V r' Miss Murray and Miss The Baptist Sunday School Board, . . .xl. of Nashville. Tenn., co-operatmg wiw all the State Boards, is putting on the biggest enterprise in our history for larger and better Sunday bcnoois. IV is a part of our Teacher 1 raining WF. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C i. Cn.. r, .. " One Of tnese o"nu Lin, Cy 1:uel Administrator, W. T. tutes will be held at ivmi not u, , ,v,ses everybody who has Sept. 3rd and 4th, iyi. ' I II H I 11 ' r tA I n m h t-HAIM I j M 111 ITHfl 111 I V.I V - VJ a 1 Hpiy of e. J . . . j T.r t A mk iirnan. iu aiv 1 . lor tne winter, it Marion, ana xvev. . - o- die p-mrir. u- i. ... ..I i :st.c will Viocrin at 11 ine uay ' " -n ufl It will Martin be of is goiruM0lig to. be disappointed as it impossible to secure o'clock, and a modest lunch will te Prim. i :,wuKn to mmistrator says that neonle ' learn-and lift. People nf A - ine demands of the provided. FupIaj1...1!118 city. The National Everybody come and listen and DR. B.H. TEAGUE . DENTIST SALUDA, N.C. During July, August and Sep- To A. L. Pitman, Entry Taker of folic County: s Take notice that I, James Leonard, the undersigned, of Tollc county, North Carolina, have entered and laid claim to, and do hereby enter and lay claim to the following . described piece or parcel of land in Tryon Township, Polk County, State of North , Carolina, containing about thirty-five acres, more or less, the said land being vacant and subject to entry under the laws of the State of North Carolina. The said piece or tract of land is described as follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Cobb, Wil son and John Hobenight on the east John Church and Mrs. Page and John Hobenight on the south, lorn Mil's and othos on the west, Mr. Wilson ar.d others' on the north, containing thirty- five acres more or less. Entered this 12th day of August, 1918. JAMES LEONARD, A. L. Pitman, Claimant. Entry taker. Filed at 2 p. m., August 12th, 1918 TMink it Over! You live in this county you believe in it you love it because it's yonr county. Are you willing for it to be listed as a SLACKER County? No! You are not. Then let's get right down to brass tacks and put it on the honor roll. Its quota in War Sav ings has not been reached; therefore we know you will pledge your full part to help remedy this con dition. There will be a wind-up war savings drive in this county during September. Canvassers, acting under authority of the Uni ted States Government will call upon you. You must pledge to buy Qvery single War Savings Stamp you can to help save your county and your boys. Any further information will be cheerfully given you by Mr. B. L. Ballenger, County Chairman of Polk County War Savings Association. This Space Contributed by THE BALLENGER CO. We Want Ot On 0(t? This bank is here for the purpose of helping out every worthy enterprise in Polk county both old established or contemplated. If you have an enterprise that you want to push come to us and give us the data and we will help you with it if it is feasible. Our success is measured by the prosperity of our county and we want everything to go with a whoop. If you have any idea for the furthering of your business or for the benefit of Polk county in generol we would like to hear it and to help push it. PEOPLES BANK h TRUST CO. G. H. HOLMES President J. T, WALDROP Vice-Pre. TRYON, N. C. W. F. LITTLE Cashier GAIRAGE Having bought the garage recently owned and operated by C. W. Ballenger, this is to notify the public that I will continue to do business at the same place and respectfully solicit a continuance of your patronage. As yo a Know, we have one of the best mechanics in the state, and prices are reasonable. We also sell Goodyear tires and tubes and the very best of oils, greases and auto dressing. P. G. MORRIS GARAGE. This Bank is for People who Want to Improve their financial Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual ,com petency. . We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C SOKNKR Preaidtnt Vice PreatdtsU H. B. LANE Cubier FOR SALE. Wo To Loimdlsey REAL ESTATE TRYON, N. G. tember, A young milk cow. Has been milk ing two weeks. Apply G. H. HOLMES. - .

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