flie Only Paper Published n Polh County. A Live, Ood for the Hens. AND THE TRYON BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 17 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1918. $1.50 A YEAR SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER, more vigorously and more aggressive ly than ever before because of the tremendous call upon the newspapers to do their share. This' I greatly increased strain upon the en- ,uuidiiie oi every man m newspaper printing woric. tu MV Will be Forced to Snsnnr1 ' In many parts of the country. news Many Will De rorcea to auspend .papers are seriouslv suffer-i fmn, (these conditions, and the "local busi- Unleis Shown More Con sideration. Till: LOAD A HEAVY ONE. Within six months after the war was doelared by the United States thv average country newspaper ceased to bo a paying proposition. The ;.EVS is no exception to that class. The management has battled along tremendous handicaps; short ness men m every community could laigeiy strengtnen the work of the papers for the war and at the same time benefit the community and their individual interests by a spirit of hearty co-operation with their local newspapers, recognizing that the newspapers are an absolute war es sential. w. s. s SALUDA. FROM OUR FRIENDS OVER THE GOUNTY TRYON ROUTE 1. Some Items of General Interest Gathered Bjr Our Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County MOUNTAIN VIEW. under niro ot labor; decrease 01 patronage,! Lieut. J. K. Thompson, of Camn ami immense increased demands for 'Jackson, spent last week-end at the 1 . . - . . j l space -in our luiuhhis waauui any iwans. thought of remuneration on the part Mr. and Mrs. Pavne. of nhnrlestnn S. C, arrived at the Oaks on Sunday last. Dr. and Mrs. Young, of Clinton. S. C ,. spent last week-end at Breeze Point. S. C., remuneration on of those asking tor that free space. . We '.have cheerfully done whatever we could to further the work of all war agencies, our hearts being in the work as much as that of any other individuals or corporations. True, ( Mr. O'Danniel, of Clinton. we Know uuu jui case is no exception spent iasi weeK-ena witn ms Wlie in to the rule, but that does not in any j Saluda. R;n-e lessen our "burden. The NEWS) Mrs. Wilson Betha and children are is, and has been for some time, run at ; spending a few weeks at Iona Lodge. :i W .j: . if t r t i - a nnamiai iu. nc die eiiueavurmg j. v. joeene arm son, 01 lOiam- iflihVia Mill c-;,- to give the people of Polk county a bia, S. C, are spending several weeks ! TT ' , . P J g' good, readable and newsy paper, hut at Mrs. H. P. Locke's. Lieut. Beene oureiTorts do not seem to be appreci- ! spent the week-end with his family nted. We shall continue to do our 'here. Rev. Tom Ruppe filled his regular1 appointment at Mountain View Sun-: day, also baptized five new members at the river: Mrs. J. K. Corn, MrsJ1 tally Halford, Barret McCrain, Gladys and Anna Bell Jackson. Misses Carrie and Nora Jackson, Eloise and Vesta Garren, Alma Corn and Mr. Hobart Jackson, of Hender sonville, visited here last week-end. Mr. S. K. McMurray and Roy, made a business trip to Hendersonville, last week. Miss Orissa Sherman returned home, to Hendersonville, Monday. Prof. Cobb visited the school at Sand Hill, last week. : Mr. Grayson Mills, of Montana, is visiting his sisters, ' Mrs. S. B. Mc Craw and Mary Mills. Miss Alice Mc Crain spent Thurs day night at the home of Miss Esther best just as long as we can shoulder the loss, but do not know how much longer that may be. It vou are interested in Polk coun- Miss Hess Finger, of Charleston, S. C, spent two weeks of her vacation at Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Romanstein. of Clin- ly having a newspaper, then it is up ton, S. C, were guests at Iona Lodge to you to help make it at least sell- for a few weeks, returning home last supporting. livery tamily m Polk county should be receiving a copy of tiie NEWS, and it is a duty you owe your paper to help build up its list until it is a paying proposition. The Asheville Times of last Satur day, writing upon the same subject, says: ...-j ' Very seldom do the people of "a communitv stop long enouerh to think I Wednesday. Mr. J. Adger, of Charleston, S. C, ! after spending a short vecation with his family at the residence of Mrs. H. P. Locke, has returned home. Miss Meig, of Columbia, S. C, has returned to Camp Wads worth, Spar tanburg, where she is engaged in gov ernment work. I Miss Messenger, of Columbia, S. C, o? the work which is being done for nas returned to Camp Jackson where the -unlift of the communitv and state she is engaged in library work. Miss bv the weekly newspaper. Making no 1 Weyth, of Columbia, S. C, has re no pretense tobeing a medium , turned to Spartanburg where she is through which the general world .engaged in government work. w news is to be" distributed 'Bu -almisf1Mr-"Oscar3aTvin--of illistoh; SV; entirely given to the advancement of c motored up to Saluda with a party local and county development, in sea- of twenty. From here they go on a son and out of season the local news- tour of the mountains of Western paper worker plods i along, entirely North Carolina. Mrs. Carvin and too often without a word of encour- children will remain at Fairview until agement and without adequate finan- ,lhe return of the party. g:i1 remuneration. The average news-I The Progressive War Savings So papcr published once a week in a ciety mct at Ryder Hall, the residence count v seat of small community is the of Mrs- Frank B. Stevens, who opened Least' of burden for every movement the meeting by a short talk explain and cheerfully carries the load and mS the object of the society. Mrs. accepts the responsibility. jMcCrary sang in a very charming There is the usual complaint and manner, A Waltz Song.' The en the usual criticism, there is some- core was "The End of a Hoover Day. times a community spirit of co-opera- Mrs- Walter Jones accompanied her tion but not always. Those men and j0n the Pian0- .Miss Rosa Box gave women who toil and serve are doing j a very instructive talk on the ways of the biggest work for the community, !savln& by displaying a table cover the state and the nation, of any class. made from a ,are meaL baS' A so ls return for expended labor is re- a garment made from flour sacks, ceK-pl and in far too many cases the jVhich showed skill and good work floral offerings are not sppii until after jmanship. Mr. Dennis, of Darlington, ------o r -i ii Honor roll for Sand Hill school for week ending Friday, August 23: First grade, Anne McCrain; second grade, Broadus McCrain; fourth grade, Bar-; ret McCrain. MILL SPRING. The revivaL services at' the Baptist church closed Sunday. Six additions to the churchy The Misses Norris, Withersnoon. Sue Johnson, Eva Clark, Melva Lewis, Lethea Barber, Messrs. Claude Lewis, Gordon Johnson, and MrsT. M. John son were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. J. H. Gibbs, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Marion Whitesides and family on Saturday, 24th, a boy. 0 TO SUNDAY JOY RIDING. We are glad to know some of our home boys "over there" are enjoying reading tne JSlrJWS. We only wish we were able to pen something worth while, and be of help to them. Pro tect them by Thy might, Great God, Our King. Mr. Tom Holbert leaves for. camp this morning. Quite a few of our boys and girls entered Stearns High School this morning. We feel it our duty to give this school our sympathy and support, and we should be thankful for the na- tient, worthv and honorable nrincinal. A message from Washington puts splendid laculty, of which this school an ena to an joy riding m Worth uar- rTYYYi Q trk flia oitiTtmc "DvTI- n ' 1 1T1R fYn Simlav Riit foTO Q nfnmrt. ty . .biles will be allowed to run on that Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Holbert, ipy7 aa .tney "' very "por- Government Orders Autos to Stop Pleasure Riding on Sunday. GASOLINE NEEDED BY U. S. ARMY. visited at Mr. W. G. Egerton's, Sunday. Misses Eula . Jackson, Sue Gibbs, Melfers Ernest and Hubert Gibbs, en tered Stearns .High School. Quite a crowd gathered at the home of Mr. J. H. Gibbs, last Thursday in honor of Miss Sue's birthday. Mr. W. G. Wilson and son, of Co lumbia, are visiting relatives here now. Miss Essie Edwards spent Sunday with Miss Annie Lee Gibbs. - Mr. Frank Taylor left Sunday for Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster are visit ing in Greenville. Mr. F. B. Nance was very badly hurt Saturday, accidentally, a t saw mill. Doctor found him better than ,tant business. pet- The order croes into The message reads: "The fuel administration Wednes day called upon the public in, states east of the Mississippi river to cease he expected this morning he stated. using of all classes of automo- n i i r 1 1 m r I v i it Hfiim s; r f n rnp r cirm ii . - iDiies wirn a lew named exceptions, pathy and anxiety by flocking to his 'motorcycles and motorboats on Sun- cays until further notice, as a gaso- bedside, Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Edwards visited relatives in Henderson county, the past week. me conservation measure. Only vol untary compliance with the letter and spirit of the request,, will prevent Mr. W. U. Edwards is experiment- jthe issuance of a mandatory order ing with alfalfa. Let's watch it grow prohibiting theuse of gasoline on Sun and thrive, and next year perhaps we ays, it was declared at the fuel ad will want to do likewise, liinistration. Automobiles for . hire We farmers' meeting attendants lare included in the curtailment pro- extend our thanks to Miss Baker for .s J.1 T7I A J : l J- -vrt5 1 f T ! tne rooa Aominibtrauon umciai uni- SONGS YOU SHOLD KNOW. THE REDWHITE AND BLUE 'JO" has been reached. S. C. then gave a most able and in- subject Little being Miss of terestine: talk, the Tiivr.lv ini cox ,'fo 'bavincr and service. makfr. but in addition to respect and Rorothy ,?teY,en.s read a Poemf 0ne the occasional werd of approval and Iore DoU m, a. most Phasing encouragement, there should be the maPnle4r; , A"er havi"? spent, -a veiJ most liberal sunport. No merchant delightxul afternoon the meeting ad- can attord to fail in his use ot the J"";1 ,,r., o n j i Mrs. Wilcox of Florence, S. C J. 1 I ( 1 : I 1 i I W I I It I llll IIS Mil 111 II IIIM I - and ' noiiic 1 UIIUIO C411V4 UUv VliV i" - ., m r H r i i T 1 gie jjrder for job printing should be . , sent -5iv nnLe ft,P u rintino lved here to spend the remainder Slacke rs in that resDect. But we do believe that in every community the business men should recognize the peat burden which is resting upon ihe newspapers and by co-operation, "vri; ther this be in suggestions for the d:!iission of war work or whether it !' through active co-operation in in-ci'f-asi'xl advertising and increased cir culation, lessen the burdens on their i'x-al publishers. The war is throwing a tremendous burden upon the newspapers of the ''''ntiy. Many of them are laboring under financial difficulties which les sen the mental and physical power of t''ir publishers to do as much as they would like to do in behalf of the war. i he newspapers are the spokesmen of tl" nation. They must voice its thoutrht in hrhnlf nf war nnr! acainst a piTmature peace. They must give he news from the battlefield and the !ng list of casualties which will fjtx-adily increase from day to day. Ihey must spend more for telegraph tolls than they have ever done in the past. Their paper bill. is doubled, and m some cases more than doubled. All ether expenses connected with their "?rk have increased. And yet day alU j day these papers must go on as the v-ry pulse of the nation, strained sometimes almost to the point of "'faking because of the burdens winch they face in lessened supply of m n and increased expenses. We know the difficulties of carrying on work under the lessened supply of labor, for with a large proportion of owi" young men out of our business oihee now in the Armv and the Navy, with a shortage of printers which wakes printing a difficulty such as to unng gray hairs to the' managers of a'l printing work, and even for work tne circulation and business, depart nents. And yet' the work must go on j 1 1 concern is unable to do the work. iuV 1C & , J The Manufacturers Record states! Ihe Saluda Seminary will open on the ca.-,e verv plainly in the last issue October 1st. of that periodical when it says: l and Mrs. Wilder and son Mrs. The great majority of American hame and grandson of Sumter, S. papers are whole-souledlv - working the guests of Mrs. Leighton 4.1 - ii.i j? i Canns. jw tne war. ioi manv oi nieiii uie i , months with relatives in Minnesota some time ago. She is now visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank B. Stevens. MVa Cw fVmplrmnV of Clinton. S. luiJt w ... .... j " ' w , C, is spending a few weeks here with her children. Mrs. J. D. Moore, of Columbia, S. f!. is a cuest of Miss Annie Waring. Arrivals at Melrose Inn: Mrs. T. W. Wilson and Mrs. Horace Guyton, Pinopolis, S. C; Mrs. 0. L. Keith, Columbia, S. C. t t Arrivals at the Esseola: Mrs. R. B. Colwell and Mrs. S. Colwell, Chester, S. C; Miss E. P. Harrison, Green wood, S. C; Mrs. W. R. Johnson, Ma rion, S. C. . Arrivals at the Iceland House: mis. Sidney Miller and Miss Laurence Mil ler. TreMnton, S. C; Miss Lucy New- son Jacksonville, Fla. w. s. s. RECEPTION TO RECRUITS. Monday last, twenty-four of Polk county's loyal young men, tnose wno have reached the age of 21 since June 5, 1917, gathered in Tryon, pre paratory to entraining ior vm Jackson. They were given a recep tion at Missildme Hall. Aaarebs.es, were delivered by Col. Earle, U- b. Army; Lieut. J. B. Copeland, U. S. Navy; Senator T. T. Ballenger; Drr M L Taft, President of Polk County Red Cross, and Mr. G. H. Bell, presid ing officer of the Junior Order, under whom the reception was tendered, and of which order several of the depart ing voung men were members. Not a long face, or sad expression was visible upon, the faces of that bunch of determined Americans, but tte old familiar "Do or Die" resolve was plainly in evidence- Good luck to you boys, and may the Great .God watch over you. O Columbia, the;genn of the ocean, The home of the brave and free, The shrine of-oftcn p&triprs dvotion, A world offers homage to thee. Thy mandates make heroes assemble, "When Liberty's form stands in view; Thy banners make tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white and blue. When borne by the red, white and blue. When borne by the red, white and blue. Thy banners make tyranny tremble When borne by the red, white and blue. When war winged its wide desolation, And threatened the land to deform, The ark then of freedom's foundation, Columbia, rode safe through the storm: With the garlands of victory around her, When so proudly she bore her brave crew, With her flag proudly floating before her, The boast of the red, white and blue; The boast of the red, white and blue; The boast of the" red, white and blue; With her flag proudly floating before her, The boast of the red, white and blue. The star-spangled banner bring hither, O'er Columbia's true sons let it wave, May the wreaths they have won never withei Nor its stars cease to shine on the brave; May thy service, united ne'er sever, But hold to their colors so true; The army any navy forever, Three cheers for the red, white and blue! Three chsers for the red, white and blue! Three cheers for the red, white and blue! The army and navy forever, Three cheers for the rod, white and blue. form dress patterns which she so kindly sent us. Success to the NEWS, even if she has to Hooverize. Hurry up and out, Fair Book. W. S. S. LYNN. Exceptions Noted Motor vehicles to which the restric ions do not apply were announced as , employed in actual transportation of ireignt. Vehicles of physicians used in per formance of professional duties. Ambulances, fire apparatus, police patrol wagons, undertakers" wagons and conveyances used for funerals. t. ti II . j ,l Railway equipment using gasoline. JRev. Mr. Pratt preached in the pii. nnu0 nifljrfr:. chapel last Sunday evening, filling his phone and public eervice companies, regular appointment. . j Motor vehieles on errands of,nec- The filling in front of the new essity in rural communities . where church improves the appearance very transportation by steam or electricity much. is not available. With a long pull, a strong pull and The action was taken by the fuel a pull all together, the new church will administration, it" was stated, to meet a tnreatenea snortage oi gasoime ior shipment overseas ) soon be a realization. C. C Jones, of Fishtop, L. H. Jones of Burton, S. C, visited in Lynn last Sunday.. .-- Mr. M. H. Covill is quite indisposed confined to his room with tonsilitis COLUMBUS The Stearns High School opened His many friends will be glad to know J?oors Aug, 26th with Prof. E W. of his quick recovery. W. F. Swann returned to his work with N. S. Trakos & Co., Spartan burg, after a two weeks spent with his family here The good old summer time is still with us, but the autumn and winter are nearing. Are you ready for S. Cobb as principal; Miss Rosa Bai hy, Woodleaf, N. C, assistant prin- ipal; Mrs. T. N. Johnson, grammar rhonlr Mrs. .T. W. .Tapir -nri-marv? vacation !jIiss Elizabeth Spivey, of Indiana, do- riestic science and music. Among the out of town students rom over the county are Bessie and Paul Hamilton, Sue, Ernest Hubert court, the Fair, and to subscribe for 'and Gordon Gibbs. Sallie and Mamie your own county paper, the POLK 'Jackson, Adaline, Collet Owens,' Eula COUNTY NEWS? I Jackson, Elsie and Bryson Edwards, Mrs. t. A. Rippy went to Asheville ue and Gordon. Johnson of Arden, N. ifor an operation for tonsilitis. We ,C, Laura and Hugh Jack, Loren To- ?arn that, t.hfi operation was success- iey, ray itanaaii, race iioiDeix, ful, and that she is doing fine. Will Pauline,-Ernest and George Rhodes, return home in a few days. Several children from this village started to school at Columbus, Mon day. Mr. Lewis Underwood wTas taken quite sick at his place of business, one day last week, and was carried home. At this writing he is still quite sick. His many friends will be glad of a speedy recovery. Wilky Capps and Jethro Thompson &ii0i U1"1UU anu T wQ loft w Mnrsv IIrs- A- G- Hughes, has gone to New- Cloyd Hooker, wife and Master Jack, their boy, of Jelico, Tenn., are White Owens. Mrs. Bailey, mother of Miss Rosa IJailey, will spend the winter here vith her daughter. Mr. and Mrs T. N. Mills spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Splawn, t Mill Spring. Jlr. J. A. Mills, of Laurens, S. C, vis ited his brother, N. T. Mills, Monday. First Lieut. B. H. Hyde, a former resident of Columbus, and brother of visiting relatives in Lynn. Miss Evlyn Johnson and sister, oi Horseshoe, N. C, are visiting their sister, Mrs. John Rhodes, this week. Miss Huvena Fowler, Glannin Hol bert and Herman Rippy, are in high school at Boiling Springs, N. C. WS. s. ' MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. HILLCREST. Miss Sara Dickerson, of Ruther fordton, is visiting Mrs. C. E. Gray. Mrs. Boatwright and Miss Boat wright, of Wilmington, spent the week-end with Mrs. T. C. Coxe, at Cedar Hill plantation. Mrs. Rowan has returned to her home in Virginia. The friends of Lewis F. Camp, who was wounded in France, last June, will be interested to know he is in the Naval hospital, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Hugh Fraser, of Georgetown, S. C, is visiting Mr. Clarke Gray. Mr. Will E. Cantrell and Miss Mar garet Rhodes were married Sunday morning, adding anotner to our of surprise marriages. Messrs. Gray Flynn, and W. S. Mc Dowell spent the week-end at home. Mr. Broadus Flynn has gone to camp. Mrs. Milnor Jones, of. Seattle, Washy, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Camp. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Abrams visited their, daughter, Mrs. Powell, of Mill Spring. ' The series of meetings held by Rev. Geo. Archibald, which have attracted wide notice, and large crowds, came to an end Sunday night. Mrs. E. K. Sofsky spent the week end at Hillcrest. w. s. s. WALKER. Mr. called has been McKinley McCraw to camp. Miss Eugenia Fowler, of Brickton, N. C., visited relatives in this section, last week. Miss Adern Morgan is visiting rel atives in Asheville. T. E. Stenp and M. H. Hyder. motor ed to W. P. Stepp's, near Fingerville, S. C, last week. port News, Va,, and will soon sail for France. Mr. Ralph McFarland, from Camp Jackson, visited his mother, Mrs. An gie McFarland, Sunday. Mrs. Eli Shields and daughter, Corinne, of Chesnee, S. C, were in Columbus for a few hours Tuesday. Mrs. Angie McFarland has gone to Chesnee, S. C, to visit friends. Mr. John Carnegie, of Rutherford- ton, is spending a few days with his mother. Mr. H. W. Hill, of Rutherfordton, spent a few days with his family last week. Mr. J. W. Jack moved his family to Columbus last week. w. s. s TRIBUTE TO THE PRESIDENT. Messrs. Landrum, Butler, Joe and Miss Arkansas Jackson visited rela tives at Camp Wadsworth, Saturday. Mrs. Walker Arledge, teacher oi Red Mountain school, called on Miss Clara Feagan, teacher of Sunny View Sunday afternoon. The members of Cooper Gap church will hold prayer meeting services ev- MrE. M. Walker, of Terre Haute. ery Saturday at 4 p. m.. The purpose ;Ind ? has shown the editor a dipping ot these meetings is to oner prayeis, of a ghort speech delivered recently in psneriallv for the soldier bovs. Ev erybody invited to come and take part in these meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Landrum Jackson called at the home of Mr. H. K. Corn, Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Geo. Ruff, W. D. Helton, Misses Lizzie Williams, Maggie Jack son and Annie Wilson accompanied our soldiers to Tryon, Monday. Friday was clean-up day at Sunny View school. At seven o clock pupils and teachers began work on the grounds. After several hours of hard work the premises looked very much improved. On Saturday night following a box supper was given for the purpose of raising money to paint the house. Miss Bertha Dalton re ceived the highest number of votes for the prettiest girl's cake. $18.00 1 .ocmAo-f Mnvrrn R5IVS hp killed aS large a rattle snake a few days ago 1 were realized from the sale of boxes as he ever saw. I had rather be a soldier than a squirrel in the mountains. It is one gun after another almost all the time. Some people hunt when they get their work done, but I never get my work finished. Mrs. Ida Jackson visited Mrs. T. R. Stepp, Sunday. Mr. Dewitt Helton was called to the colors, Monday, August 26th. His friends, gave him a surprise party Sunday night, as the last respect, be fore he left for Camp Jackson. Mrs. O. L. Wilson and daughter Miss Bernice, visited the former's mother, Mrs. S J.' Helton, Sunday. his home city by the Hon. John T. Beasley that so well expresses the feelings of a united country for its chief that we have asked his permis ion to reprint the speech. Mr. Beasley spoke briefly as fol lows: "It is the glory and strength of true democracy that in all crises of our history some man comes from the i people, equipped and fitted to grasp th .tie problems that confront the people ana soive tnem lorr tne perpetuity oi democracy and humanity7 When the world was trembling under such a bad as has never been known and a ower undertook to put democracy under foot and forever set up in this world a despotic form of government, vherein the people of the government snouid nave no choice as to the form or kind of governments; and after the1 great and mighty democracies of Eu rope had fought until they were upon the brink of destruction the Almighty looked across the. "seas to this democ racy to find a great and mighty lead er, and again we " reverently thank God for Woodrow Wilson 1 I have small patience with the man who would attempt to detract " support from Woodrow Wilson;" I

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