f, M C, A. APPEALS FOR MAN POWER CHALLENGE TO PATRIOTISM THAT FEW WHO READ WILL FAIL TO HEED. DISPATCHES Jfl RALEIGH Doings and Happenings That Mark the Progress" of North Carolina Peo ple, Gathertd Around the State Capltai. Raleigh Htro is a message that should go tiirea to the hearts of the people of North Carolina; one that challenges their patriotism in a manner they cannot fail to heed," J. T. Mangum, state recruiting secretary for the army Y. M. C. A,, said. Mr. Man gum is from the headquarters of the southeastern department at Atlanta. The telegram was as follows: 'Rapidly expanding program war department makes imperative we pro vide increased leadership home camps. Recruit now to January 1, 25 men each moath from your state to work in home camps. An immediate and wholehearted response to this appeal alone will save home work from paralyzing handicap. In his conversation, Mr. Mangum stated that the need for overseas sec retaries Is as great now as ever, as each departing transport means that more "Y" secretaries are needed at the front. But while the need "over there" is imperative it is no less so over here" he said. Of the 4,000 secretaries already in France, Italy and the other battlefronts, he said, a large percentage were recruited from the -home camps. This, taken togeth er with the fact that the war de partment is constantly expanding its equipment for the training of soldiers in this country, makes necessary a large response from the men for work in the camps. "The army Y. M. C. A. gives some valuable training to the men who en list for service," said Mr. Mangum. "At Blue Ridgee a training school for war secretaries is constantly in progress. The Blue Ridge school has one of the finest and most complete equipments in the United States. The -next school there begins August 29, continues through September 25 and so on. September Sugar Allotment. The sugar allotment for September will be the same as it was for August, two pounds a person, it was learned from the food administration. Retail ers of this state will receive their authority before September 1 to buy stated quantities of this commodity for the needs of their trade. North Carolina's allotment of sugar for September for all purposes is 5 518,000 pounds. This includes a slight addi tional allotment for canning and pre serving which Is being apportioned to the various counties by the food administration offices at Raleigh upon recommendation of the county food administrators. Bee Industry Growing. Recognizing that each grain of sugar saved is a bullet shot at the ' Hun. North Carolina farmers are be coming more and more interested in fugar substitutes such as sorghum syrup and honey. Beekeeping is stead ily growing in value and importance in the Btate and the keepers are more and more demanding accurate infor mation in regard to the industry. Mr P. L. Sams, specialist in beekeeping for the agricultural extension service, states that many meetings are now bsing held over the state where good crowds are in attendance. New Enterprises. A ..charter is Issued for the Up church Milling and Storage Co., of Radford, capital $100,000 authorized aad $25,475 subscribed by T. B. Up church and others. Another charter is for the Lucas & Lewis Co. of New Bern, capital $150,000 authorized and $70,000 sub scribed by W. J. Lucas and others for a wholesale aand retail grocery and supply business. More Than 200 Fairs. With a total of 202 fairs making ap- pH.;ation to date for state aid, the fair S(-aon of 1918 gives promise of being f? of the largest yet had in the state and presjimablv the south. To date 2f negro fairs, 138 community fairs " county fairs, 8 district fairs and state fair, or a total of 202 have I,(,n registered with the fair com m;t:rp of the agricultural extension service. Mr. S. G. Rubinow, chair rci of the committee, states that a found fifty more are expected ' to r"m in within the next day or two. A Spry Old Veteran. J,,hn r. Mangum, well-known Confed p.r;..,e veteran in charge of the agricul tural department buildings here, is the proud head of a family with four gen 'nuions represented in the home. Tire is his son. John Mangum; his 8;;'fidon, Ipgle.hardt Mangum. who ' -w has "a little son. John Mangum, ?i at makes the fourth generation Joi C. Mangum is 73 years old. re TJiarkably spry for his age and Having a ar record most creditable with c,mpany B, 44th regiment. Paying Allotments and Allowance. If allotment checks Sent, to ralativco of soldiers and sailors are late or of reduced amount, don't worry. Don't write to Washington either, because tiers win hinder rather than help. nave patience, and if necessary apply to the Red Cross Home Service Sec tions. This is'the request of t.h RnrMn nf War Risk Insurance, which hereafter win handle only those allotments which carry family allowances, and only in amounts (either $15 or $15 ana $5) necessary to support the gov ernment allowances. All other allot ments will be paid in separate checks by ther service departments War, wavy. Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. An allotment is part of a soldier's pay deducted for a beneficiary or set. of beneficiaries. An allowance is aif amount paid by the government to the family of a man in service. Al lowances range from" $5 to $50, ac cording to the number and personnel of the family. For example, a sol d.er's motherless child receives from -w v A vVVA VO LI the Bureau of War Risk Insurance a $5 allowance in addition to the allot ment; a wife without children receives a $15 government allowance plus the $15 allotment; a wife with two chil dren receives $32.50 allowance plus the $15 allotment. The recent changes in the allotment-allowance system are essentially two. (1) The enlisted man, formerly required to allot a certain proportion of his pay, must now allot a 'flat $15 u nis uepenaents are all in Class A or all in Class B; if he has depends ents in both classes, he must allot $15 i plus $5. Class A dependents includes ! wives and children- all other h.n.fl. ' claries ar in Plaa w t9 Aiintn,ont. i 1 ftf hi . P All0tmen 8 i ln.exce3Lof.there(luIred amounts ; 15. or 15 plus $5, as the case may be) must be voluntarily made by the th.Jh th Jprvt IncrtonT Ai Uith.e.fe:Vlfe de.Partment8- A1- lotments which do not carry family allowances allotments to friends or cousins, for example are also paid through the service departments. Vol untary allotments, including excess al- otments to wives and other depend ents, were formerly paid through the War Risk Bureau; they are now paid through the War Department. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard,, If the allotment sent by the War Risk Bureau is smaller than last month, the difference will probably be made up by a separate check through another department. If not, t Is because the soldier or sailor has neglected to make the voluntary al- i otment. Men in service nave Deen . supplied with the necessary applica- j )n blanks. The family of a married sergeant ; who makes $48 will now receive from i the Wir Risk Bureau (1) the allot- j ment, fixed at $15, (2) the government t family allowance, the amount depend- . ing on the make-up of the family. If ! the sergeant wishes to allot $10 more than the required $15. he makes ap- plication to his own service depart- i ment. in mis case me extra iv .. . . . . .. pam oy a seyaiaie cuec iuiuu6u iaC service department. The change of system may delay some checks and may cause temporary anxiety. But its result will be to olmnlifv Annrmmislv the work of the War Risk Bureau and to speed the delivery of allotment-allowance checks during the remainder of the War. Recent N. C. Casualties. Casualties among North Carolina troops overseas, as shown by late re ports are as follows: " Killed in action:' Corps. J. B. Farm er, Wilson; John R. Massey, Prince ton; Private J. S. Whitson, Rosemary. Died of wounds: Privates Geo. Har rell, Hobgood; A. T. Carpening, Le noir. Died of disease or accident: Jos. It. Lawrence, Como. Severely wounded: Lieut. H. L. Lewis, Charlotte; Corps. M. L. White, Stocksville; D. R. Roark, Ashland; Carl M. Lewis. Whiteville; R. L. With erington, Kinston. Prisoner or missing: Lieut. Paul Montague, Winston-Salem. unarxers mn "..n,..,,. The Hanover E londed warehouse r.JZZ,?, Com ed with $50,000 capital authorized and $5,000 subscribed. The Cockey Bros. Co., of Wilmlng i ..1 nhoriararl mlth 0(() C.an tal by T Cockey, Do' d: hockey and others. Farrpers Warned Against Fire. With the advent of the harvesting .. ... , season when farmers all tnrougn North Carolina gather their grain and other crops Into their barns in prepa ration for its use for feed and food purposes, so tremendously important in these war times, the farmers are being especially warned by Insur ance Commissioner James R. Young fire marshal for the state, against stor ing any gasoline or other articles about the barn that might start fire and not to use the barn as a garage fcr an automopne. Pressing Call for Labor. Due to a shortage of labor and dif ficulty in securing necessary road ma terials, the state highway commis- 1 a it-n svf it fit sion is having a naru time -present. The commission, however, is contriving to Kesp up i - load, that is. it is ; eping " promised federal aid money Mned up for the benefit of the state. The rest ta up to the counties The Wgfcway commission has secured the approval needed for securing the federal aia to Keep up its euu a kv tne siaie. xrit wiioi has already been received money QVERSUBSGR I TO JEWISH RELIEF DUMBER OF CITIES AND TOWN 8 . GOING "OVER THE TOP" IN RIGHT ROYAL MANNER. ONE SUBSCRIPTION OF $500 Qoldsboro Contributes $1 Per Capita; Ashevllle Oversubscribes; Fair mont $200 More Than Asked. The continued liberal response of ! -ne ltlzens of Raleigh to the Jewish j War Relief Fund assures , oversub- a BcrlDtion of Raleigh's quota of $5,000. ! The ladies of the city have thor- oughly organized themselves into can- I vassing committees, and will cover the j entire city. i Reports from over the state indl- cate that .some of the towns went "over the top", notably Goldsboro with subscriptions nearly -double its allot- ment. Ashevllle oversubscribed and Fairmont, a little town in Robeson county, gave $200 above what it was asked 'f0r uuiuaumu . A r . . " "i 7 V. . K k , mQuai contributors, tne ubfriPtkn George W. Watts, of "urnam- 01 18 the largest single subscription so far recorded in the drJve- , , Jersey Breeding County. Se7 cattle have heen brought into Mecklenburg county this summer to i give basis for the declaration that the county in reality has entered upon the business of Jersey breeding. s.Md C. E. Miller, county demonstration agent. Just last week-34 head of pure-bred Jersey cattle, purchased at a Grassy Creek, N. C, farm by the members of the Mecklenburg County Jersey Broeders' Association wore dftstriT uted. One of these cows was sold for $270 and $250 was paid for a nine months' old bull calf. Eight head aver aged $180. and thirteen were sold for, prices averaging $160. A new block of the association has been formed, said Mr. Miller. Th j--n hn11 wil1 h(xa, fMa . ... formed aroun(1 tha her(1 of w pak.r Ponr hlnMra w(Jro fnrrnaA iQat spring, and are headed by Tulls pur- chased from a Pennsylvania farm. The herd brought into the county last week Includes two register of merit cows, one with a three-vear-old record of 516 pounds of butter fat. and one with a four-year-old record of 584 pounds of butter fat. At the president of the Jewish Relief Corn present price of "country butter," mittee of North Carolina, in a note to these cows are capable of producing . . . . annually butter valued at ?25S and respectively, inese are tne oniy cows of the herd which have been .placed on text. Ten of the heifers ; were sired by a bull whose dam made 1.031 pounds of butter in one year, ; said Mr. Miller Under City Manager Plan. Greensboro. Since the directors of the chamber of commerce have indorsed the city ma.nager plan of government for Greensboro, consider able discussion of the matter has been provoked. Sentiment is believ ed to incline 1n favor of the cham ber's recommendatfv An amend mnt to the city charter will prob ably be suggested scon after the holi days and be voted upon. If the, new plan of government is adorrted the officers to be elected next May will be these of the manager plan. Station Matter Dropped. Kinston. The chamber of com merce here has formally dropped the Kinston union passenger station mat ter until the railroad administration makes an appropriation for building purposes. The station's erection was held up for years by the inability of together"' The site fori the depot was cleared many months! ago. Business interests of the city hope to have the station provided for among the earliest improvements for kb the administration appropri. ates. Will Not Open on Schedule. Elon College. Definite word has hfftn. receivpd from Adiutant General "" ; ; " . Willi itcicuuc tu tiic caiou- lishment of a students' army training corps here this fall. " In view of this fact, and because of the young men of the college and three faculty members are at Plattsburg Barracks now, and win hA ther until September 1G. the ! opening of the college has been post- pened until September 19. This is j Korpauge. recently torpeuoea 011 me the first time in Elon's history when Virginia- Qapes, and the Naul ship the doors did not-open on the day an- j ya;d seriously threatened. Three thou 1 - Automobile Victim Buried. Gastonia. Accompanied by three of the seven children injured in an automobile accident at Grover la which the father.. Charles C. Holler, was killed, the body of the dead man was shipped to Conover, Catawba county, for burial. The other four 1 children are still confined to the City lmprov5n The twC . gerlously Wn Ratle n &nd Charline u belleYed that tneir chancea for r no verv ar Improving. Bin ROUTE IS DECIDED Final Decision Has Been Reached as to Route of the Bankhead National Highway. Charlotte. The Raleigh-Richmond RflTlVriQQ1 Vl (vVi iTra r fnom Aflnnfn Washington was decided upon at a meeting of board of directors of the Bankhead National Highway associa tion. , Secretary J. A. Rountree, of Birm ingham, and Col. Rountree, of Birm ingham, and Col. Benhan Cameron, of Durham, N. 'C, were designated a committee to prepare arguments for submission to Congress in an effort to obtain the designation of the route as a military road. The map of the route selected shows that the road will pass through the following named tbwn3 and cities between Atlanta and Washinet.nn: Stone Mountain, Lawrenceville, Au- burn, Winder. Stratham. Bosrart. Ath - ' ens, Royston, Hartwell, all in Geor- gia; Anderson, Williamston, Pied- mnot, Greenville. Greer. Spartanbure Drayton, Gaffney, Blacksburg. all in South Carolina; Gastonia. Charlotte. Newell, Concord. Kannapolis, James- town, High Point, Greensboro, Gib- ; sonville, Burlington, Graham, - Me- 1 bans Hillsboro, Durham, Cary, Ral- ! elgh, Neuse, Franklinton, Oxford, Sou- ' dan. all in North Carolina: Clarks- i v.'lle, Baskerville, Boydton, South 1 I Hill. Skelton, Grandy. Lawrenceville. ' "mnciu, umwiuuie, retersDurg. men- ' ulumuu s Olor. Asmana, uu- ver, Mantlco, Partlow, Mount Pleas- ant, Spotsylvania, Fredericksburg, Dumfrees, Occoquan, Accotink, Alex- andria. all in Virginia. pAtaraW A": V , 7' highway through Virginia which would give roads greater value as a military highway by passing through camp c'-.'.es. To Use All Tar Heel Pine. Washington. The war department i preparing to build an extensive ar- tillery plant at Fayetteville, and use approximately 55,000,000 feet of North Carolina pine lumber in its construo- tlon. As has been stated before six artillery brigades of 3.300 men will be trained at Fayetteville and the in- d '.rations are that heavy artillery is to be used. It is held here that Fay- etteville is an ideal place for an artil lery camp, as the lands are sandy and rolling. The price to be paid by the , rovernment for the purchase of the site is not over $10 an acre. &.id inn - M acres between Fayetteville and ! Manchester may be taken over. Some mighty good fox hunting territory is King to be ruined, For Jewish Relief. Hickory. By request of Mr. Lionel, Judee b Council a ramnaizn will be 1-- - made to organize the neighboring communities and endeavor to raise i,000, that being the local quota. The fate of the three mniion jeWs in Eu-. rope who are starving has aroused the sympathies of the people and the appeal w ll not be in vain. The locaj churches have stated their willingness to collect a separate offering for this cause. Gouaing Wouldn't-be Soldiers. Durham. Protest against several urhrm magistrates and notary pub lics, who it is alleged have charged exorbitant prices to registrants want ing affidavits filled out for dependen cy, farm and other deferred classifica the Durham county legal advisory beard. Mr. Braroham has written a letter to Governor Bickett, telling him c! the e"exorbitant charges" and has asked that the registrants be relieved of this expanse In making public his protest, the Durham attorney, has the affidavits of ssveral men, who he says will swear that they have been charged from 75 cents to $2 for affidavits . . Gastonia. Charles C. Holler, aged i(. , . , . f hi ,,hlldren ,re in the city hospital here suffering from injuries, as the resuit of an auto accident, which occurred at a grade crossing at Grover, 20 miles west of Gastonia, when a Southern freight train struck the car in which they were riding. Spontaneous Combustion. Wilmington. Fire originating from ! 1 n . spomiuieuus cumuustiuu m tai ui flai anvnn onrooH tn trio V R Jnspv " ' euano plant, located on the northwest . river, wiping it out completely and 1 entailing a loss of $100,000. Eight I freight cars were burned, the rosin ; drawn from the masts of the schooner ' Cc-mack. sister ship of the Ill-fated sand tons or guano were aesiroyeu. Type-setting Machine. The Cade Manufacturing Co., a con cern organized to manufacture the type-en tting machine invented by the late Dr. Bay!us Cade, has purchased a building at Greensboro which will be converted into a factory with a ca pacity of about 1,000 of these ma chines per year. The corporation is hartered with an authorized capital 'oek' of $1,500 000, over $300,000 of which is subscribed. The president of the company U E ii. IImrick. a Shelby banker. GERMANY'S U IILA REKE1ENIS WANY ADDITIONAL TOWNS ARE TAKEN BY FIELD MARSHAL HAIG'S MEN IN NORTH. BAPA1E IS IN GREAT PERIL More Than 17,000 Prisoners, Large Number of Guns, and Immense Amount of Supplies Captured. Notwithstanding the fact that th Germans have brought up s-trong re- inforcements on both wings of the bat- tie front, the British and French torces everywhere have beaten off the enemy and continued their victorious progress. Many additional towns have been captured by Field Marshal Hate's men in the north, while the French have successfully overcome obstacles Placed in their way and reached ter- ritory north of Soissons which add3 further to the danger of the Germans in the Noyon sector and to their line running eastward from Soissons to naar- Knf.,r ho-i-.f nn;Ma au aiong tne rront irom Arras to the Somme, the Germans are gradual- ly being driven back to the old Hin-1 uenburg line by the British. Along ' the Somme the enemy is being harass ed well to the east of Bray, while farther north strong counter attacks have been repulsed and the towns of Mametz, the Mametz wood, Martin Puich, Le Sars and Le Barque have been captured. J It is around Bapaume that the Ger ! mans are keeping up their strongest efforts to hold back the tide that is surging against them but the British are continuing: to make slight gains daily in the process of surrounding the town, which seemingly soon must be evacuated. Since August 21st the British have taken more than 17,000 prisoners and large numbers of guns and great quantities of supplies have fallen into their hands. 18,000 KILOS EXPLOSIVES DROPPED ON ENEMY LINES Paris. The Frenh have continued their progress east of Bagneux, be tween the Ailette and the Aisne, ac cording to the war office announce ment. They repulsed counter-attacks west of Crecy-au-Mont. Four hundred additional prisoners have been taken. The text of the statement says: "Both artilleries were active in the neighborhood of Lassigny. "Between the Ailette and the Aisne we made new progress east of Bag- mo.. "- o neux and repulsed enemy counter-at- tpir Wpt nf rwrmi.Mnnr. We aptured 400 prisoners. ; "Aviation: It was impossible to carry out any bombing operations during the day. During the night the weather improved and our bombing machines immediately took the air. Eighteen; thousand, four hundred kilos of explosives were dropped behind the battle front and on stations, which : were damaged. AMERICAN BOMBING AIRPLANES DROPPINB BOMBS ON CONFLANS American Forces on the Lorraine Front. American bombing airplanes dropped 38 bombs on Conflans, a town on the Verdun-Metz railroad. Ten di rect hits were obtained. Three aerial combats were report ed in the Woevre region. Lieuten ant Jones attacked and apparently de stroyed an Albatross biplane over Marre .northwest of Verdun. Lieut. Hugh Bridgman,. while on a recon naissance patrol, atacked two Fokkera which disappeared. BRITISH PATROLS SAID TO BE ENTERING BAPAUME London. Reconnoitering patrols of British troops are entering Bapaume. 1 It is reported that British outposts have reached tha fringe of Bullecourt, which lies seven miles northeast of Bapaume, and captured High Wood, east of Albert. RECENT VICTORIES DEFINITELY SETTLE FORTUNE OF WAR Pars. Premier Clemenceau tele graphed the presidents of the general councils that they could rely upon the government and Marshal Foch and his magnificent staaff and the allied mili tary commanders to turn the present succses of the allied arms into a com plete and decisive collapse of the enemy. "The splendid victories of recent weeks," said M. Clemenceau, "has def initely settled the fortune of war." LEGION OF HONOR IS AWARDED 55 AMERICANS With the American Army in France Fifty-five officers non-commissioned qfficers and men of a certain Ameri can division were awarded the legion of honor, the military medal, the war cross or distinguished service cross at the most brilliant decoration cre mony the American army ahs held ia France. Similar decorations have been warded 72 others who were unable to be present. scorns (Conducted by National Council of the Boy Scouts of America.) HEROISM OF SCOUT RESCUERS While several boys were in swim ming in the Tennessee river near Knoxville, two of the number became imperiled and cried for help. John and Tauxe Yule, both of whom are boy scouts, quickly responded to the cries. John Yule succeeded in reaching one boy and bringing him to the shore. Tauxe Yule went to Louis Hassell's assistance. He states that they went down twice, but he was able to bring ine terror-stricken iaa to tne suriace ln botn instances, and believed they were safewhen young Hassell, again frightened, threw his lower limbs about llls rescuer anu they went to the bottom. The splendid heroism and hazarding of their own lives, as exemplified by the Yule brothers, was commended and they did everything possible to save their friend, himself a much-beloved boy. Scout Executive J. M. Gorje says that Tauxe Yule would undoubtedly have saved Hassell if the drowning boy had not secured a scissors lock, a I 11111 C, Utl LfVXWAC lUUUftUl IJWO.ilWi when the rescuer had the life-saving arm lock, Tauxe Yule is an accomplished swimmer and only a week before h.id saved a boy from drowning in the Tennessee river. USING A FIELD TELEPHONE. This Boy Scout Is on Park Conserva tion Work and Is Holding Down His Post Well. THOUSAND IN SCOUT CAMPS. Thousands of Boy Scouts of Amer ica are enjoying their wonderful camps all over the country. For the time they will forget all about cities, sidewalks and civilization In the joys of swimming, boating, mountain-climbing and athletics of all kinds. Instruc tion in scouting will be mingled with these sports. At all of these camps, the scouts are having a good time, while gaining in health., self-reliance and ever.vthi.12r that helps them to be prepared for the unselfish patriotic service which is the heroic dream of every true scout in khaki. SCOUTS FEED THE SOLDIERS. Surplus vegetables from the many war gardens in Kingsville, Tex., are gathered, picked and shipped to the mess officers at the army camp by the boy scouts of that city. The army officials are very apprecia tive of the movement. The garden owners are glad to contribute vege tables, and the scouts are glad to as semble them. In some instances they gather them from the gardens, ice them if neces sary, ; pack them in hampers and bushel crates and express them. The government pays the transportation charges and provides new hampers. SCOUTS AND TORN FLAGS. Pawtucket (R. I.) scouts are endeav oring to secure the removal of United States flags which have been flown until they were badly tattered, and in doing so have come up against the problem of what to do with these yornout flags. They have asked for suggestions. One official is working out a symbolic ceremony to be used. BOY SCOUT DOINGS. While on a hike, scouts of West Union, la., discovered a 40-foot wood n bridge afire, and with their cooking utensils they all turned in and put the flre out. The scouts of Troop No. 7 of Manor vllle. Pa., assisted ln putting the ro:id (a mile In length) through the bor ough ln good shape bj using a road ftcraper drawn by a tractor and cover ing the uneven places with ashes deliv ered on a siding by the railroad co n Rany free.

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