POLK OOUNTY HEWS. TRYON, U. G. French SugarTlltlls Deslrg EVERY STOCKMAN SHOULD SAVE EWE LAMBS Wake Up, Polk Cou ntyi DID YOU KNOW IT? Prance must Import sugar today, most ef it from this side of the ocean, because the largest portion of French sugar beet land Is In German hands. As a result, the French people have been placed on. a sugar ration of about 18 pounds a year for domestic use; a pound and a half a month. This photograph rhows how the German troops destroyed French sugar mills. Thanks to the French rationing sys tem the annual consumption has been cut to 600,000 tons, according to re ports reaching the United States Food Administratis. Before the war France had an average sugar crop of about 750,000 tons of sugar and had some left over for export. Fill HEALTH IS WEALTH E Health-: t STATE BCHRD HYOILNL a Quoetlon on Health. Hygiene and Sanitation of general interest to our readers wiU be answered in these columns or by mail if addressed to this office or to th Stat Board of Health at Raleigrh and accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelope. Ho diagnosis or treatment of individual causes will be attempted. The Doctor In The Small i Town "We have only three doctors here that one could consult, and none of them understand such cases." This sentence, or something like it, appears rather frequently in letters coming from readers who reside in the country or small Tillages. If there is any difference ki the pro fessional ability of the doetor in the email town and the doctor in the city, I have never been able to detect it. In fact, speaking as a city doctor, my impression is that the doctor in the small Tillage averages a few points higher than his city colleague in abil ity, no matter whether the city man Is a hospital or dispensary staff man or not. The sixe of a city does not de termine the professional ability of its doctors. I need not mention stereo typed illustrations of this fact. They are so common that mention is un necessary. A doctor In a small village may have the same schooling, the same medical society affiliations, the same text books the same medical journals, in fact- every means his city colleagues enjoy in keeping abreast of medical progress. One can find fearful moss Ibacks doing a large and lucrative practice (business would be the right Iword) In the city. Personality, affabil ity, social activity, financial backing ,& great many factors besides medical 'proficiency may build up and hold a paying practice. j I know many villages and small towns where the emtire medical pro fession is united in scientific work, jmarchin? in the van of medicine, fully (posted on the very best and latest iprogress of the art. And I doubt H TWO PC A3 tN A TOt. 0 ft -0 TWEEDL5DEE AND TWEEDLEDUM The woods are full of country doctors who can give cards and spades to our city brethren. The woods are full of country doctors who can give cards and spades to our city brethren when it comes tc making a scientific diagnosis or ap plying the very best of treatment. Don't be deceived by appearance. If you are, first thing you know some suave quack will have you in hi? clutches, of material prosperity. lavmgiiiriavesihipping S TV VUS AMERICA GETS HALF A MILLION TONS Ml flSsfiW) Or SUGAR A YEAR-. . JKa HAWAIIAN SU&AR. ATA rAMERICAN families would have less sugar than the n ,'Cpje- War torn ance? if we depended entirely on our home-grown sugar stocks. to our wly 75Jper C?nt of our suar is shipped n?' Wlfr2duce about 1.000,000 tons of sugar Son TfJL lmPorts from abroad amount to over 3,000, 000 tons a year m normal times. ' familv to SSfJ States 00d Administration asks each pereiioJ - hLTt f uar to two. pounds per month per person tor household use. The military situation Ho "I AmvVo7Nrilablip be PlacedTtTetoposa6! Ewe Lambs Selected for Breeding Purposes From Edgscombe Test Farm. there is a single large city In America where twenty-five per cent of the phy sician? are not hopelessly behind J times, though perhaps apparently pros perous, perhaps actually prosperous in a business sense. A man may study In the country as well as in the city. The country doc tor may visit the elinics for special work just as readily as the city doe tor. Do not let the glamor of the city blind you to the facts. The man do ing a hard country practice may not have the exterior trim of a city phy sician, but under his old mud-flecked clothes beats a heart as true as any, and after all, it may be thftt his rough exterior is but a mark of the rugged honesty and high-mindedness within. R. S. Curtis, Animal Husbandman, Ani mal Industry Division, West Raleigh. There has doubtless been a time in the history of the world when the sheep industry of the United States was in such a deplorable condition, and never a time when the production of wool and mutton were as impor tant. There is today a world shortage of 53,000,000 sheep, and this condition has arisen during one of. the most critical stages in the history of this country. Before the declaration of war there was a material shortage in meat products and the emergency which has arisen makes the condition the more critical. We, will not only need all of the meat products which can be prc duced from lamb and mutton, but the needs of the government In supplying the soldiers with clothing is going to make unusual inroads into the supply of wool at hand. Wool at the present time is selling as high as 80 cents per pound In the grease, and the chances are favorable that it will go still high er. Under present conditions this means that the wool clip from an av erage breed sheep is worth around $5. There is no other farm animal which produces such a by-product and still leaves the animal for reproductive purposes to replenish the breeding stock. The census taken of livestock in North Carolina in 1900 showed that we had 300,000 sheep, and the censu3 taken in 1910 showed a sheep popula tion of only 200,000 or a decrease of 33 1-3 per cent. Such a condition is critical, as it not only-means that we are helping to deplete the supply of meat and wool, but we are taking from the farms an animal which, when properly handled, will return the largest percentage on the money in vested of any farm animal. The slogan qf every stockman should be to save the ewe lambs suit able for breeding purposes. It is a crime to allow them to go to the shambles. This is so fully realized that prominent livestock and kindred organizations are making every effort possible to divert the female breeding stock to the farms. For example, the Philadelphia Wool and Textile Asso ciation is transporting large numbers of western sheep into the east for the purpose of re-establishing the sheep industry on the eastern farms, where at one time this industry flourished. If one-half of the farms fn North Carolina maintained twenty head of breeding sheep this would mean a sheep population of four million head, or approximately twelve times the number which we now have. It is a conservative estimate to state that there is sufficient waste land on half of the farms of this State to. carry this number of sheep. The amount of feed which it would require to keep this number of sheep would scarcely be appreciable. On the Iredell test farm in this State twenty head Ct shtep have been maintained for sev eral years. The wool from these twenty breeding ewes has just been sold for $5.C0 per head, which is- more than smff iciet to pay for the cost of keep, leaving- the fambs clear profit. When the good pasture is available the wool will pay for the cost of that permanent pastures can not be provided in all sections of the States is not an obstacle to sheep production since temporary pastures are very much better and there is no section of the State where such cannot be grown. The chief reason for using I temporary pastures is to retard the development of stonaach worms which is one of the two chief troubles in lamb production. The other obstacle, or at least what is commoaly supposed to be an obsta cle, is the dog. This can be controlled by the use of corrals where sheep are kept at ntght. There is really more in the fear of the dog than the actual damage which is sustained. The writei is of the opinion that if farmers in terested in sheep wait until adequate dqg laws are passed that the sheep in dustry will lag hopelessly. Before a dog law can be passed it will be nec essary to have a. large number of in terested stockmen bring pressure to bear on their legislators. If an at tempt is made to pass a dog law there is really no argument at the present time, since there are not enough sheep owned by a sufficiently large number of stockmen to back up the issue Even though we had a law at ths present time sheep should be corralled at night, since there will always ba some dOgs which may prey on the un protected flock. Conservation of the breeding animals is the one point which needs prompt attention, and the dog and intestinal worm problem! should not stand out as barriers when an industry is facing extinction. A War Time Sweeteners MERICA has several excellent war time sweet eners that flvill be used largely during the shortage in the sugar supply. They are maple sugar, syrups, honey and molasses and may be used in preparing des serts and other dishes requiring sweetening. When a cup of syrup or honey is used to replace a cup of sugar the liquid in the reqipes should be decreased one-fourth. One-third of a cupful of sugar is equivalent to One-third of a onn nf Vinnow oKnnf x-. half xup of syrup and about one-half cup of com sugar One-fourth of a cup of sugar is equal to about one-half cup of syrup or one-third cup of corn sugar. One table spoon of sugar is equal to one tablespoon of honey, about one and one-half tablespoons of syrup and one and one third tablespoons of corn sugar. m Sugar may be saved by the use of raisins, dates, firs dried pears and fruit pastes used on the breakfast cereals' i. j. marmalades, butters and jellies should be used to wake the place of the ordinary sweetening, at a meal and not as accessories to it. Fruits may be preserved without sugar. It may be added when sugar is more plentiful Preserving demands this year a thin syrup instead of a heavy syrup. r If sugar is used' one-half of the amount may be replaced by another sweetener. p dLeu Drying is a means of preserving (without sugar) sd ples, cherries, strawberries and black caps P . When ready to use they may have added the needed sugar m the form of a syrup. When sugar is more plentiful fruit juices may be made iito jellies or may be used m fruit juices with or without sugar, as beverages, fruit gelatins and frozen desserts. 6 ' iru11 Fresh fruits supply the place of sugar in the diet. Thev should be used freely. Desserts where -sugar is scarce may be made of gelatins, junkets, oustards, puddings and XATtvi KoVi n rl in Any mirvto takfi n. Thrift. Stamn for nhano-P r.. o . UI " . " ai Savings Qfa I . fiaii ifs. John Orr k Co. Phone No. 14 i Tryori, N. C. MOTOR COM Germany will not win if you do your duty. You should not only buy every dollar's worth of War Savings Stamps possible, but should have your chil dren buy, and should ask all with whom you come in contact to buy. This space contributed to winning of the war by THE TRYON MOTOR CO AGENTS FOR TO-flE WEBER WAGON, Compa WHY PAY TRIBUTE? To StocK Insurance When von cnr nmtppf . J y VUIUV1J. X I Will IVGO UJ llll -1 the old relidbleState Mutual of North Carolina, at25pe cent, less man stock companies will write you for. Call on or write Geo. Ao Gash, Agl Tryon, N. G s An Ambition and a Record 'T'HE needs of the South are identical with the needs of the Southern Railway: the growth and success of om: means the upbuilding of the other. The Southern Railway asks no favorr no special irivilrre not accorded to others. The ambition of the Southern Railway Company is to see that nnity of ir.trrcst that is born of co-operation between the public anJ the railroads; to sec perfected that fair and f rani: policv in the inanafe ment of railroads which invites the confidence of fovernunmtal feiicies; to realize tint liberality of treafnent which will embl: it to obtain the ad-iinonal capital needed for me acquisition of better and enlarjcd facilities incident to the demand for increased and better service; and. finally To take its niche in the body politic of the South alonrside of other treat industries, with no more, but with equal liberties, equal rights and equal opportunities. " The Southern Serves the South." -.nalini BUY WAR SAVINGS RTAI mTATr inum in nm LolAlt, LOflflS AND mmm City ; and Farm Property. Bought and Sold. Finished and u turnished houses for rent. Property taken care of and ren collected. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out lorktf8 for a place. Our auto is at your service free. r And put Polk County "Over the Top'