I lls IN I 3i "inc J. N. JACKSON JACKSON BUILDING, Second Floor, (Cur rr iez: Jf:bZ I J I II I I II II I I ILJ I I I II I POLK COUNTY UEWfl. TOYON, IT. 0. - - I On September 28th our government will again as every patriotic American to subscribe to Liberty Bonds. All of us realize that a war of this magnitude re quires immense sums of money and our Government expects us all to do our full duty. The response of the people to the three previous loans was both spontan eous and complete. So thoroughly did the masses respond to our country's call that one can only conclude that each subscriber felt it a personal privilege to help. We are again offered this privilege and as Polk county heretofore has been one of the first counties of our State to fill her quota, there is little doubt that We will again show our patriotism by quickly oversubscribing our quota of this issue of bonds, no matter what it may be. It is estimated that there are now owned by the people of Polk County about One Hundred Thousand Dollars worth of bonds and, as we are not a rich county, it follows naturally that there is a limit to our purchasing power. For the purpose of helping to make this Fourth Liberty Loan a success in so far as Polk county is concerned, we, the undersigned, will buy for cash all of the first, second or third Liberty Bonds now in the hands of the people of Polk county and will pay the full market price as shown by the sales day by day on the New York Stock Exchange. This offer is made for the purpose of enabling present holders of Liberty Bonds to make further subscriptions, as we realize that many of them have all of their available funds invested, but would gladly subscribe to this fourth loan if their money was available. While we do not make a further subscription a condition of our purchase of any bonds that may be offered, yet we are making this offer only for the pur pose of HELPING THE LOAN and prefer NOT to buy any bonds from any per son who only wants to get the cash for other purposes. We leave the matter of further subscriptions to the judgment, patriotism and con science of the seller. - We have been liberal subscribers to all three previous issues of Liberty Bonds and it is our purpose to make further subscriptions to the forthcoming Fourth Liberty Loan. The market for different issues of Liberty Bonds vary according to their conditions. The first issue, or 3 1-2 per cent bonds are now worth a good premium above their cost, the other issues are worth less because of being- liable for surtaxes, but they are all the best security in the world and we believe they will all be worth a premium after the cost of this war shall have been overcome by the thrift and saving of the whole people' We will be prepared any day after September 11th to buy and pay for your bonds. You need not wait until the 23th5 "which isthe opening date for the Fourth Loan. JACK SON & JACK SON fll1 Joy I t J - in NELSON JACKSON, Jr. 1 TRYON, N. C.