jrwpcsi 203JL COUUTY 1111X70. TOYQH, THE POLK COUNTY HEWS aniURYOH BEE I Consolidated Nov. 195 I Published every Friday at TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Entered a Becpi-d-clas. matter April 28. 1915 t the po.t office at Tryon. North Carolina, un 4r the act of March 3. lb9 B. F. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES. CARDS OF THANKS, B.tolations of Re-pect,Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financial sain, will be charged regular advertising rates of fly cents per line. THE AMERICAN. PRESS ASSOCIATION. 226 West 9th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." Secretary Roosevelt says the Ma rines are the idols of the French. It isn't necessary to say they are not of the Germans. w. s. s. "Peace, Peace, there is no peace," and can there be none until the Ger man and Austrian criminals meet the conditions of an unconditional surren der. W. S. S. Look out for the pacifist who en treats charity and mercy for Germany and her allies. They should be shown the same mercy they have shown poor Belgium and Serbia. W. S. S- Austria and Germany can have peace any time they want it, and Iriwir rP till tx11 iita tVo" 4- iyv o A.UV W A Utl Y .H UVll 1 1C l IV A HIO. President Wilson, Lloyd George have . "Q 4ar " V ty o vflnziQ rrl 1 tt W. S. S. The Germans hope that the Ameri can army will restrain from celebrat ing the birth-day of any more of their generals, if they celebrate in the same manner as they did Gen. Pershing's. W. S. Hindenburg denies that he is dead, but he doesn't express any satisfac tion in the fact. Syracuse Post. But since the trouncing given him by the allies, really, we suspect that he wish es he was dead. w. s. s The Good Book says a person is forgiven when they repent of their sins. That is the time for us to for give Germany. But it will take gen erations yet unborn to do the repent ing act. Certainly not the present ones will. W. S. S Austria has the nerve to speak of the "milk of human kindness." By the hellishness of that nation of per verts, along with her cohorts, the German murderers, has the "milk of human kindness" curdled withing the bosom of all humanity. " o. , o. The Allies having taken Lassigny, Noyon, Chaumes, Bapume, Soissons and Perrone, there seems to be noth ing left for the Germans to take ex cept Chloroform. Trouble is the al lies won't allow the Germans to 5tand still long enough to take chloroform. W. S, S The Kaiser and the German nation will always believe that 13 is unlucky for them. For on that day the great American offensive in Lorraine was launched against them, and the story has been so often told that ev erybody is now pretty well conver sant with it. w. s. s. Sit steady in the boat and do not be deceived by any such "peace" over tures as those made by Austria. She, as well as her master, Germany, would most assuredly be satisfied with peace terms that would leave them m possession of the territory stoien oy them during the present war. W. S. S. The Asheville Times of last Tues aay published a poem entitled "Give the Sailor His Due," and credited to iviaunce J. Harmon. This poem i: taken almost. l T "PlViYYl -v Tn l m ax win J U KJ- lished m the NEWS on January 25th, and entitled "Sonir of fhp t?piA written by one of the boys encamped nea.r here at that time, but whose name was withriplH nt .; - VOnnn , - -v- ""J ICVJUML nut that is about as near up to date tne Asnevme papers usually are. w. s. s. To the democrats who are here to day, I want to say: show me a demo rwnt-l J: J . T ., . "aut canuiuate wno since this war Degan has not done his full duty ine government and the nation, and even if he was nominated by every ;yoter in his district, I would see him i Hell before I would vote for him. hat -is the language used by Gover- W 4M U Alr-XL - 1 - i . , - , 111 an address. at Marshal "T r'- "" aPPiy tne same ruie w ,.ne Kepublicans, Governor and we will say Amen. w. s. S. The American does not love fight il iaa 01 DlOOa. B Ut the American can fight and can fight .i T c 1S not a man of b ond. Ft along with the Briton and the French man. The Ameri ran hoc V.J rations of military training but he hTs had generations oideyeTopment." He is strong because he is right, ine American is brave because he is clean of heart. Almost two million of the American "first families" are fight ing in Europe. In a few hours the American first army, trained and brave, drove from the line that the Hun had occupied unmolested for four years the German army. Steadily onward marched the American host. They laughed and they whistled and they fought. Wonderment was fol lowed by fear and the German retrat bcame almost a Hun rout. Asheville Times. W S S THE TASK CONFRONTING US. From all sections of the United States comes "the same loud and pro longed cry need of farm labor. Down east and out west in many lo calities, society women have forsaken their little pink tea affairs, donned the overall, and taken the place of some brave man who has gone to the front in order that the society leader may have society left after the war is over. We were very much depressed last week, on reading a letter written by an expert, who says that never in the history of our country, has the Amer ican woman shown the extravagance that is being shown by her at the present time. We have watched wo man in this crisis pretty closely, and in most cases she has come to the front nobly, and is certainly doing her part in helping to win this struggle. To the younglady who is so fond of new dress, and showing herself off in her "glad rags," we say, DON'T. It is no time for showy dress. Hunt up last year's wardrobe and tee if you haven't dresses that will do for this coming winter, and wear them. Hags, at no time are a badge of honor, but in the present case, made-over and old, clean and neat dresses are badges of honor. Te last draft is going to take pret ty much all our man power. It is go ing to be up to the women, children and eld men left behind, to win this war. Just as sure as God reigns in Heaven, the person who pitches in and helps to gather the crops, save on their dress, and in every other way practice economy, just that sure are ou doing as much as the brave boys ,ho are in the trenches, to win thi rar. One cannot exist without the other. The :-,oldi-, n.usv go out an . I the furhlm, but it is up o you rnc tc lhat thfv vrceiv nltn- at l tv to tat and wear, i.u. onlv wav n which it cun I q iou. 's Ly loe piac- oc of e :! my on (ho iva; t of thoo crraininic of home. The United States Government is egging that everybody cut down on I i k i ne consumption or wool. uy aear :oung society buu how selfish ;-ou ire. Going ao. it in the hod of sum .er w'ih woolen sv.raUris or.. ITow .'ouM u feel ;'" you know thai your o.er wcuui i u atilr to Krcuvi' an overcoat the coming winter be cause you had used the wool that hould go into it to make vou a sweater for August wear. If you want to do the right thing you will go to work and ravel" out the one von have made and knit it up in socks for the soldier bovs. If it is "loud" in color it will be warm tust the same. -r1 a Mothers, tor God s sake teach voiir girls the seriousness of the condition confronting us. Instead of fine dress and expensive lingerie, our rirls mav be called upon at an earlv d.ate to don men's attire and fro into thp fiplH nn.i help produce food crops. It will be iio disgrace. No man who will nllnw his women to go into the fields in or dinary times and do farm work is worthy of the name of man, but these are not ordinary times. America is struggling for . an existence. Don't worry. If the Hun wins this v.-m- vm. will be taxed so heavily that not d'ur ng the rest of your natural life-time .vill you be able to wear woolen sweaters during the middle of sum ner, but will be pxtrpmelv lnL-,r f. afford calico dresses. For God's sake, wompn nf AmnnVo wake up to the seriousness of the ondition which confronts us. GOVERNOR BOCIKETT Will address the people of Polk County, at COLUMBUS SATURDAY, SEPT. 28th. The entire day will be given over to patriotic speaking and good music Bring well filled baskets and let's all eat together GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prices. ' TRYON, K C. Wtt SOLICIT Your orders for noorln. callln. idins, finish, mouldings, framing. We manufacture tills and can save rou mn7- Se ui for lath, brick, doors and sash. TRYON LUMBER CO, ear! AIR RAIDERS : THE SEARCHLI Allies Find Powerful and Far Reaching Illumination an Im portant Factor. USEFUL IN SPOTTING TANKS PItk Up Hun Bombing Planes at a Distance and Keep Them Con - stantly In View Equipped With Sound Detectors. New York. Last fall, when the Ans trians were driving the Italian sol diers from their hard-woa mountain fortresses, the defeated army had one weapon which it constantly used to harass and impede the foe. This was the electric searchlight, a newcomer on the field of battle. Powerful lights were trained every night upon the advancing Austrians whenever they came to a river cross ing or whenever they were obliged to halt for another reason. This ham pered and irritated the enemy ex ceedingly. It was not only , that se rious danger attended any disclosure of their operations. They suffered also from nerves when the long feel ers of light brushed over their faces and hands and revealed every detail of the work upon which they were engaged. The use of searchlights by our own expeditionary forces is becoming an important branch of the engineer ing service. Not long ago congress voted an appropriation of $1,000,000 for searchlights of both the field type and the anti-aircraft type. The lights commonly used are 36-Inch lights, hav ing a eandlepower of 1,000,000,000, and a maximum range of approximately iO.OOO yards, or nearly six miles, First Use In Warfare. When searchlights wore first intro duced in warfare It was expected that they would be primarily service able in battlefield illumination. The scheme was to throw light upon the opposing battle line and show ad vancing companies of infantry the kind of ground over which they had to go. Another plan was to have rows of searchlights' parallel with the trenches and sweep the terrain be fore them, lighting up the barbed wire entanglements laid by the 4 foe and exposing parties of enemy sol diers at work repairing them. How ever, neither of these uses turned out to be especially significant. The dif ficulty was that, as soon as the lights wre in operation, they were easily picked off by the enemy's guns. In the same manner, they could not be placed along the line of trenches More recent experiments have de-ra-onstated that there is a real useful ness for field searchlights. They are now being employed to spot the en emy's tank advances. Instead of be ing hauled by horses, like the first field searchlights, the newer ines are mounted on motor trucks. They are flashed for only, a minute or two at a time, and are Instantly shifted to an other vantage point. This affords them a greater measure of self-protection. The antiaircraft searchlight is the most valuable type of light now used by our soldiers, It is our most ef fective defense against the low-flying night-bombing plane of the Germans. Antiaircraft guns have proved almost hopelessly inadequate in coping with night air raids, and If it were not for the long pointing fingers of the search light the foe would be able to effect some very deadly work in night at tacks upon supply depots and ammuni tion dumps. The method is to pick up a hostile bombing plane when it Is about five miles away from its objective. For this purpose the searchlights are lo cated at points likely to be attacked. They are sunk in holes in the ground and are heavily sandbagged. Both the light and the men working it are given considerable protection. Fitted With Sound Receivers. To detect the approach of airplanes the searchlight apparatus is furnished wth sound receivers. Without these -receivers the outfit is practically use less. The receiver can be swung around to catch the sound vibrations, and they are remarkably accurate in discovering the position of the plane. Usually it can be located within a few degrees The light is not turned on at all until the airplane Is practically lo cated. Then it is suddenly flashed on the craft. Once a bombing plane Is found it is hard for it to get away from the inexorable pencil of light. Bomb ing planes are not like battle planes; they must fly in comparatively straight lines and are not free to twist and turn so as to wriggle out of range of the light. The first thing an aviator does when he finds himself in the spotlight is to rise. That is just what the operator of the searchlight walits him to do. The higher he goes the less accurate his aim becomes and the smaller grows the chance that he can hurl bis bombs at a desired point. Furthermore, he Is dazzled by the light and his sense of security is completely destroyed. Some times he can be found out by one of the antiaircraft guns, or pursued by one of our own'alrplanes. Even if the searchlight crew does nothing more than to frighten an airman and drive him away It has performed. ft defensive act wMth may save quantities of stores and ammunition, to say nothing of lives. Classified Advertisements. 7t "wapJtedT female nurse or attendant for a sanitarium for Nervous and Mental diseass. Salary $24.00 a month with board and laundry, . Address S. Lord Stamford. Conn. FOR SALE. Two fresh milk cows. Apply to G. H. Holmes. Tea Room Mountain Industries, Saturdays, 4 to 6 p. m. Hot tea, iced tea, lemonade, cake. Special parties served on 24 hours no tice. Mountain Industries. FOR SALE 25 acres of standing timber, two miles from Tryon. On shares or by the. cord. -GRANT C. MILLER, Valhalla. For Sale 1 thoroughbred Jersey cow. Lindsey Smith, Columbus, N. C. Buy your nursery stock of E. J. Bradley, Saluda, agent for the old reliable nursery company, of Pomna, N. C. He can save you money and assist you in your selection of trees best adaptedt o your soil. W F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. DR. B.H. TEAGUE DENTIST SALUDA, N. C. During. July, August and Sep tember, Wood's Seeds Mn---HHHHH-V Crimson Clover Increases crop produc tion, improves the land and makes an excellent grazing and forage crop. WOOD'S FALL CATALOG ' t '' Just Issued Tells All About Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Fulghum Oats, Abbruzzi Rye and all other Farm and Garden Seeds FOR FALL SOWING, Catalog mailed free. Write for it, and prices of any Seeds re quired. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen - Richmond, Va. The Born Guaranty Your complete sat isr action is a con dition of the sale, when you buy Born Tailoring. If any garment we malca for you does not please you in every detail of the fit, materials and worlc-xnansluf-pf It does not represent excellent value m your estimation Tken we say return it to us; and we will replace it with a satisfactory garment, or return your money. Could any guaranty he more just and liberal? ftmtidtit Born Deaitx BALLENGER CO. P a lnf rfoper i raiui of your children you can teach them to accumulate a fortune. 25c today invested in War Savings Stamps for a period of 10 years equals $1,500. Start the boy right and he will get the habit. WILKINS OOCOCOCOCOOOOOgOOOOOOOOCOC) o . . I o A Thrift Stamn S ar O stand up when the is played. o o o An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now to start that account. Come in and let's talk it over. o o o o o o o o o BANK OF TRYON o o W. T. LINDSEY Pres OOCCCOCOOCOO8OOCOOOOOC0C0CJ EMC I OF Of course you know how Opportunity always comes to the prosperous man. Ever notice the EVIDENCESof Prosperity? If you have, you have observed that an unfailing evi dence of Prosperity is A Bank Account with a sound bank like the Bank of Saluda. Your money is absolutely safe, and you can get it at any time. We will gladly extend any accommodation consistent with sound banking to our depositors. IBANIK of SALUDA Capital $10,000.00 Saluda, N. C. HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN 6. CANNON, V-Pres. PRESTON H. BAIIEY, Cask. The Government Wants us to save on meat, flour and sugar, using more of the vegetables. Are we doing it? The Govern ment now says buy more War Savings and ; Thrift Stamps. Have we all done our part? We have the best of vegetables and canned goods, also the W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps. Buyofus. Let us help you to BE PATRIOTIC. John Onr & Co- Phone No. 14 Tryon, N. O " I Buy War Savings Stamps CO. 5l IU A Star Spangled Banner i i s I J. B. HESTER Cashier. & PROSPRIIl! m

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