FOLK OOUNTY ITBWa 4CBY0N, U. C. nr nniini r Tlinn nC-UUUDLL IIILI1I FOOD PEOPLE 1ST EFFORT. DM ES ADMINISTRATOR PAGE Food Requirements of Allies 50 More This Year Than Last Failure to Win in 1919 Will Cost One Million Extra Lives and the Issue is Gleraly Drawn, "Sacrifice at Home or on the Battlefield" The Humanitarian Impulse Mr. Pago Explains Situation. The gigantic task before the FVxxl Administration and the American peo ple in the matter of saying foodstuffs was explained by State Food Adminis trator Henry A. Page today upon his return from Washington where he, with Executive Secretary John Paul Lucas, attended a conference of all Food Administrators with Mr. Hoover and his staff. The purpose of this conference was to discuss in Retail and determine upon details of policy dur ing the present fiscal year. What the Food Administration and the American people are up against may readily be seen from the state ment that the Food Administration has promised to send to the Allies during the present fiscal year 15 mil lion tons of foodstuffs as against the 10 million tons saverd and shipped to them by the most strenuous effort during the last fiscal year; and in ad dition to this increase of 50 per cent In exports, to lay up a reserve of wheat and other foodstuffs as insur ance against a short crop next year ... ... t a. which, witnout sucn insurance, nugm. well prove disastrous for the Allied cause. Must Strip to the Bone. "This whole nation must strip to the - jj 1 . VtA irlirAn A UJkljp 1L VIII aiiuiwi kl LW ui h ' " fair chance to win this war next year," declared Mr. Page. "The view is frankly expressed in Government circles at Washington that our failure to win the war in 191 will cost the lives of a million addition American soldiers. "The whole thing resolves itself Into the question, 'Are the American people at home going to make sacti ficea to make probable the winning of the war next year, or shall our armies 1 A ..(Uln. .nit MnnAll A YT1 OVl. 'avt lllve a mil null l cu uiuuuu iiw can boys because they do not get the backing at home which they must have from this very minute if they are to win. "The food products are pretty well balanced. We are not going to have any spectacular drives on meat sav ing, wheat saving or fat saving, but we must have a terrific drive on the earing on all foodstuffs. We must actually get down to bed rock and live by this motto: fBuy Less, "Eat .Less, ' p, , -Waste Nothing," While the producers must add to that motto the further injunction: "Produce More." Must Taste of Real Sacrifice. '"Our people have not realized yet what real war strain is. Before this war ends they must taste of real sac rifice. They must have a war con sciousness that will make them direct the course of their, affairs in such direction as will aid in the winning of the war. Every individual must con sider the effect of every action upon the course of the war. In no other way can we win without useless sac rifice or lives and the continuation of the appalling suffering in our Allied oountrles and in the countries of 'friendly neutrals. "One very great incentive to the quickest possible winning of the war Is the condition of 180 million neut rals, extending from Roumanla on the eouth and including Poland, Norway, Sweden and Holland. In some of those countries there is the" most acute suffering. Hundreds of thou sands of those people can see abso lutely nothing ahead except slow starvation. It is our humane duty, In addition to our duty to our own sold iers and Allies, to win this war just as quickly as possible so that we may ;relieve these people. We can do noth- ing ior tnem as long as tne war lasts and all of our exports are required for our Allies. Non-Easentlals Must Go. "Not only in foodstuffs must the American people economize; we must economize in labor particularly and in 'other, things that are large factors in the war situation. It Is expected that we will have between two and three vsainions additional men in France arly aext summer, with a million or Intnm nndar arm a In r mr in this country. At the same time we must i very greatly increase the number of workmen in shipyards, munition plants and other war industries. All of this means that there is to be an unprece dented drain upon the labor of the country. Non-essential industries must go. Women must take the place of men in some industries that are es sential. In France 95 per cent of agri cultural work Is being done by women and children and the other 5 per cent Hby old men and wounded men. We 'hall not approach any such condition as this, but patriotic women must volunteer for such positions as they '.can Oil and mem just be relieved wherever possible for the harder man ' wei labor required in agriculture and the essential industries. 1 "The 'Work or Fight' order of Gen eral Crowder applied to the new draft Is going to work vonders but. in this country we must depend upon the vol untary, patriotic effort and . co-opera- .U v i t j j w irj oto. j luuiTiaaai man: woman and child. Official! nd Allies Have Confidence. "Mr. Hoover and all members of the Administration and of the Gov ffnmaat at Washington and our Allies are confldenet that the American peo ple will not fail in this matter. It is a source of constant -wonder to the English, French, and Italians that we have been able to accomplish through intelligent, voluntary co-operation the savings in foodstuffs that were abso lutely necessary to keep those nations in the war. "We shall not have the direct ap peals of 'meatless days' and 'wheatless meals,' et cetera, from now on, but I am confident, speaking for North Caro linians, that our people have acquired such a war consciousness that they need only to be told what is necessary for the winning of the war. The few food slackers, labor slackers, and other kinds of slackers among us must be made to feel the withering scorn and burning contempt of patriotic and J decent people, so that they will not . dare endager the success of the war ' through their disloyalty and failure to j do something like their duty. j ur 1 1 . -..-1. desire to share in the sacrifices that have been made and are being made by our Allies. Our paople do not need to suffer to the same extent as our Allies have, but it shall be their priv ilege, as well as their duty, to cut out non-essentials in every thing, espec ially in those articles that must be transported, so that they may not add to the strain upon our resources and upon our railroads. Sugar Still Scarce, "The sugar situation is unchanged. The October allotment will be the same as the September allotment, and it is not likely that there will be any change in the sugar ration until next summer. It is hoped by that time we will build up a sufficient reserve to take care of the canning situation for the next season. There are going to be further restrictions on the use of sugar for the less essentials. The Flour Program. ."It is very probable that within a short period practically all the flour sold throughout this country will be ready-mixed, so that the housewife will not be inconvenienced to the ex tent of having to mix her 20 per cent of corn meal or other substitutes with flour. Until the mixed flours are ob tainable it is very earnestly desired that every patriotic American house wife will not make any bread, cake or other wheat product without incor porating with it one pound of corn meal or other cereal substitute for each four pounds of flour. Necessar ily tms mixing will have to to be done in the home until the mills are prepar- ed to turn out mixed flour in large quantities. "All in all. instead of letting up be cause of good crops, we must look ahead and tighten up in all things so that this war may be won quickly and decisively and all the horror in neutral as well as belligerent Europe may be ended." Y. I t-L FOR RUSSIA Raleigh. "The cottonseed industry, from producer to refiner, has been sta bilized on a basis much higher than any one could have hoped for a few weeks ago," today stated John Paul Lucas, Executive Secretary of the Food Administration, upon his return from Washington where he, with State Food Administrator Henry A. Page, attended a conference of all State Food Administrators with Mr. Hoover. The price of cotton seed has been stabilized at a slightly higher average figure than the figure received for them by farmers last year. The price of oil has been stabilized at the same figure, thanks to the Food Adminis tration's influence with the refiners and compound lard manufacturers through its control of export sales of their products. The price of hulls will be $20 per ton. The price of meal will be a little higher at the mill than it was last year unless the War Industries Board can be Influenced to increase the price of linters from the present figure of $4.67 per hundred. If the price of linters is increased, the price of meal will be dereased. The price of cottonseed was fixed at the figure suggested by the produc ers of cottonseed as represented by the Commissioners of Agriculture and farmers' organizations throughout th South. This basis was approved and recommended by the Food Adminis trators of the cotton-producing States and accepted by Mr. Hoover and the Cottonseed Division. The price foi seed will range from $64 to $73 per ton, depending upon oil and protein content. The whole South is being divided into zones, according to the oil and protein content in the respective zones. North Carolina will be divid ed into two zones. Zone No. 1 showed last year an average oil content oi 307 1-3 pounds per ton, and tne price of seed in this zone will be 470 per ton. The content of oil in zone No. X was last year 320 pounds per ton, and the price of seed in this zone will be $73 per ton. Zone No. 1 embraces all of that territory east of the eastern boundaries of Robeson, Hoke, Harnett, Wake, Franklin and Warren counties, and zone No. 2 the counties named and all counties west of them. American Y. M. C. A. Workers Teach Returned Russian Soldiers Useful Trades With the Government at Washington prepared to lend economic and philanthropic support to Russia, the National War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A. is actively recruiting to reinforce the Red Triangle workers already manning huts over there. Agricultural experts, physical direc tors and regular Y. M. C. A. secretaries as well as other men familiar with welfare work in communities are bsing sought. A further consideration of a definite policy toward Russia has servqd virtually as a "go-ahead" order to the association. The Y. M. C. A., through all uncertainties of the past few months, has kept 100 of its secretaries in Russia. These men have been kept busy day and night in an effort to bild up the morale of the citizens and soldiers of the unfortunate coun try. The secretaries today are in all parts of Russia. In the dark days of Russia the American secretaries "stood by" all over that country to serve the people in every way possible. Thousands of invalid prisoners were tatfen care of as they returned from Germany. Most all the men were broken in health. They died, almost without exception, vdth curses against Germany. But greater even than their hatred was their wonder, that their countrymen could have made "peace" with such an enemy. "The Y. M. C. A. leaders In R-ssia," said Dr. W. W. Alexander, dire( tor of the War Personnel Board of the Southeastern Department, National War Work Council, "have never doubted the essential soundness of the Russian people. Despite all difficulties and inevitable losses and discour-. agements, the Y. M. C. A. has remained in Russia, seeking to serve and' watching for a better day. The day is now evidently coming." Fifteen new secretaries, with ability to contribute some constructive element to the Russian life of the future are being searched for throughout the Southeastern Department. Some agriculturists are wanted, some business men, but the call comes stronger for men skilled in rural Y. M. C. A. and Community work. All are to go with the purpose of helping Russia help herself. Mil I in Mcnc cm nirnp IIIILLIUHO Ur OULUILIM SWARM Y.M. C. A. HUTS Annual Report of Southeastern De partment Reveals 38,866,980 Boys In Camps Crowded Buildings American Woman Furthest Front (By Delayed Cable from Chateau Thierry Front With American Forces In France.) Mrs. Clara Simmons, Grafron, Mass., woman Y. M. C. A. work er furthest front, placidly runs canteen while shells drop in adjoining; field. Makes hot chocolate and distributes cookies to men going into ac tion. Military poltceman killed by shell near her hut Husband with Y ) M. C. A. forces in Vladivostok, Russia. SOUTHEASTERN SOLDIER PLEASES KING AT ROYALTY PANCAKE FEAST IN LONDON Y. M. C. A. EAGLE HUT 08i Vi-plUi &MJ& nil! wfotMH , a . King George and Queen Mary saw how American corn-cakes were made and also sampled them. Not only that, but they saw how American fighters conquer the delicacy. Here you see royalty emerging from their first encounter with the favorite American breakfast delight. It would al most seem they were viewing the Marines and Sailors 'as though wondering If this is the food on which they grow so husky. King George missed the best part of the recent pancake treat at Lon don Eagle Hut he didn't turn 'em personally. Everyone else is doing it now, putting an extra edge on their appetites by manipulating the flipper. The six Y. M. C. A. cake-baker3 were on the verge of prostration after serving 6,124 American soldiers and sailors with pancakes In the first fif teen days' rush on this pet edible, when a hut secretary had a happy thought. He Induced the pancake fiends not only to bake their own, but also to demonstrate with the batter and turner for their hungry buddies. The idea went big, especially as the "Y" retails two man's size cakes 'with appropriate maple syrup both for sixpence. A Tennessee boy made a big hit with King George when the latter strode into the room where the royalty was assembled. "They tell me the king- Is here," remarked the Tennesseean, "and I want to shake hands with the head ef this beautiful country." The king gave the Tennessee boy a hearty handshake and inquired as to the state in America from which he came. I, GEORGIA MAN GASSED AT FRONT (By Delayed Cable from Chat,, th- . . . In France fThQ va r, , n J Wlta American Forces , he Rev Daniel R Kennedy,Jr.. formerly of Savannah Ga. ?2r -.- (By U Porter Moore.) Atlanta, Ga., August 25. An attend ance of nearly twenty times the pop ulation of Atlanta swarmed happily in Y. M. C. A. huts in the seven states of the Southeastern camps dur ing the fiscal year July 1, 1917, to July 1, 1918, according to the annual re port just issued here. In other words, soldiers in the South eastern cantonments to the number of 38,866,880 men wrote letters in the " Y" army and navy huts, read litera ture there and joined in the religious services and entertainments fheld in the Red Triangle buildings which dot military reservations in Georgia, Ala bama, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Mis sissippi and Florida. It is easy to imagine the mountains of stationery the Y. M. C. A. provided i in the camps of the Southeast when It Is stated that soldiers wrote 32, 889,002 letters in the "Y" huts. The Red Triangle workers also made out $2,463,744 worth of money orders for the soldiers, most of the amount be ing sent home to relatives. Educational Work Featured The -Y" also provided 4,005 educa tional lectures with a soldier attend ance of 1,291,243. The educational classes of various kinds aggregated 64,813 and the attendance was 978, 045. Books circulated by the Y.' M. C. A. numbered 764,710 and educational clubs formed among the men were 64$. PhysicaP activities when figured in statistics amounted to an amazing amount. It is estimated 3,683,350 par ticipated in the various physical ac tivities suoh as baseball, track and field meets, baseball, etc. The, spectators, the majority of them soldiers, at these physical activities, 4 are estimated for tp.e year at 5,646, 318. . ' The resume of religious activities hows that 3,464,451! persons attended 16,468 religious meetings under "YV auspices in the Southeast, that 21,288 Bible classes were formed among the soldiery with attendances ranging at 395,348, that 223,232 Scriptures were distributed, that "Y" workers had 157, 533 personal Christian interviews with soldiers, that the boys made 43,093 Christian decisions and that 72,693 signed the religious war roll. The attendance at the social events of the Y. M. C. A. was phenomenal during the year 3,713,609 attending 8,190 entertainments.. The attendance at the "Y" movie shows was estimated at 4,678,530 for 8,222 performances. fan find t? investing subscript;-- tH Per. All the 2 your nswMvJN sotice of s7Tr . ine Mayor and i ft UF &0 sioners of the Tclr of? ceive sealed bids fS ioi Ias unt . Qa MV. lit 1 I . iav IL. - The NEWS is $2 peri year Thousand jal Coupon Bonds VC( rears'- to fe All bids diA JohnPace, Ma . certified check forffi This5lh;i LAD SAi.p By virtue nf ne bv a do,,.;; , pr v-vi r- ill ThA n in the special JT.; Hughes, ( fceasprl Q rator( Koberts et a authorized lumbus. T r n ,s of sale MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ml sail to the hiehest lJSr.301 situated in the town f IT ounty of Polk and State 7? Carolina -imt . , e ): Aaioinmp- nt nf i front and one hundred 3J irht fept f pm v.-; i ,.a H Cksh 'nS Plat Tems of p This the 30th dav of Aumi NOTICE. State of Xorth Carolina County of Polk .In the Supeiior Court, Befe ierK. S. M. Turner and J. H. Turner, tiffs, vs. Emilv Turnv pL Turner, and Walter Turned lenuanis. The defendant. WaltPr above named, will take action entitled as abnvp hi commenced in the Superior Crl foiK county, .North Carolina, for purpose of dividing tho lt James Turner, deceased, amot? tenants in common, and heirs at. of James Turner, deceased; art said defendant Walter Turner further take noticp that hp is w ed to appear before J. P. kk Cierk oi the Superior Court of 1 Countv Xorth Carolina., at Wsc in Columbus, on Monday, October 1 iih, 1918, and answer or demur tt: petition in said action, or pic will apply to the court lor the; demanded in said complaint. This the 2nd dav of Sept, 1911 J. P. ARLEDGE, Clerk of Superior Court for Poll WHY PAY TRIBUTE? To StocK Insurance Coipi When you can protect yourself from loss by to tuc uiu iciiciuitJOLciLe iviutuai oi lNorLn Carolina, ai cent, less than siock companies will write you for. Call on or wriie Geo. A. Gash A Tryon, N. 25 d REAL ESTATE, LOANS ANO III! City and Farrn Property Bought and Sold. Furnished and w fumkhed houses for rent. Property taken care of and ra eolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out looking for a place. Qur auto is at your service free. Notary Public- JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, N. c FAHY An Ambition and a Record THE needs of the South are identical with the needs of the Southern Railway i the growth end success of on: meao the upbuilding of the other. ' The Southern Railway asks no favor! no special ?rivilere not accorded to others. The ambition of the Southern Railway Company is to tee tbat unity ofinterest that is born of co-operation betweeu the public and the railroads; to perfected that fair and frank policy in the manaee ment of railroads which invites the confidence of governmental agencies; to realize that liberality of treatment which will enabl: It to obtain the additional capital ftceded for ue acquisition of better nd enlirged facilities incident to the demand for increased and better ser ice; and. finally To take its niche In the body politic of the South alongside of other great industries, with no more, hut with equal liberties, equal tights and equal opportunities. - " The Southern Serves the South." lord I r" 3. w tae price necessary

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