POLK no? jym sr -ivt rwr fht Only Paper Alj?e,Cta for tt2 fa fobbed in Polk County- AND THE TRVpjM ; EC . t VOL. XXIV NO. 21 FRYON, N: C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER ?7i 1918- $2.00 A YEAR OUR FRIEIIDS OVER THE COUNTY , U.a of Jnrl lntrat Gatlr4 By Oof Corrpoad.mU Fi it i r FROM " ! 1 t -rf -t- ' wit Hie Preiiilenl: Sisvs Mini FnurHi librtv loan. SALUDA. m; Sallie Carew returned to her last Tuesdav after IjSding the summer with Miss Annie v,'i" in R. Thompson and Mrs J. B. CiUlipher spent Tuesday in Hender- Hrf Bertelon, of Charleston, S. C, ; the truest of Mrs. Henry B. Lane. Mr Wncis White, of Camp Jack i ' C. spent last week-end with Whe , Mrs. S. G. White. nived in the city after spending sev ln monihs in Johnson City. Tenn. Mrs S. S. Oehler and little grand son Oehier spent Tuesday in Hender- SMissf Fannie Roach, of Charleston, c C has returned to her home after spending several months as the guest 0f Mrs. Henry B. Lane. . . Mr Frank Bishop, of the Signal Corps,' Camp Jackson, spent last ueek-ond in the city with relatives. Mr. Oscar Sowers, of Camp Jack son, S. C, visited his family here last i Mr. Eugene H. Scaife, of Clinton, S C., spent a few days here last week as the guest of Mr. E. B. Thompson. Mrs. b. 1. Jtiazara spent Auesaay m MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Mr. P. D. Williams has purchased a new auto. Miss Annie Wilson spent Saturday night with Miss Lizzie Williams. Mr. Martin Gilbert made a busi ness trip to Spartanburg, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson were visitors at "Mr. Norhan's Sunday, and were served with plenty of melons. Mr. Wheeler Odel was seen in this section, Sunday. A large crowd attended prayer meeting Sunday afternoon. Mrs. N. W. Gibbs visited Mrs. G. L. Whiteside, Sunday. Mr. F. R. Coggins left last week for Spartanburg. Little Martha Jackson visited Miss Arkansas Jackson, Sunday. Mr. BilJ Jackson has left for over seas. We wish him much success. w. s. s HILLCREST. Mrs. Emma Boyd has returned from Asheville, and is visiting Mrs. J. T. Camp. Private Vete Mclntvre. of Camn Jackson, spent the week-end at home. " jDrcnnvi11p XTAIr spent 'Several aays JeMd"SGav nf-of St. George is spend- in AjUflh, to week. -urs' . ' . Miss Maurfo Cnvo maAo a flSr. im? several weess m we aiy. . r -fz. , , r nig . -j.j I triD to Green Kiver nlanfat nnn JMUVMVlltVt( Mr Christopher Gadsden and fam ily, of Charleston, S. C, have return ed to their home. Miss Isabel DeSesseur, of Charles ton, S. C, is a guest of Mrs. Howard P Locke. Miss Mayhurst Hinton has return ed to her home in Wilmington, N. C, after spending the summer as a guest of Mrs. H. P. Locke. Miss Fannie Hagner, who wjas the guest of Mrs. H. P. Locke has gone to Tallahassee, Florida. Mr. Waites Waring and family who have been occupying Mrs. Locke's cot tage, have returned to their home in Charleston. The friends of Miss Argie Thomp son will regret to learn that she . is ill in New York with - pneumonia. - Mrs. Howard Locke and Miss Isabel DeSesseur spent Wednesday in Ashe ville. At the last meeting pf the Saluda Branch of the Red Cross a committee was appointed to collect old clothes for the benefit of the Belgian refu gees. The committee composed of Mrs. Frank B. Stevens, Mrs. G. R. Little, 31iss Henrietta Leland and Miss Lucile Hazard. Mrs. Moise and children have re turned to their home in Sumter after being here all summer. Mr. and Mrs, A. DeVere Turner spent Tuesday in flenderdsonville. Miss Mary Funk left here a few weeks ago for Asheville to enter the Meriwether Training School for Nurses. Mr. Waters, of Columbia, S. Mr. J..M. Brian, has. returned after spending several days with his son. TT 1 v w nowarq, at uamp Jackson. Miss Millie McKinlev and her sis ter, who is visiting her, Mrs. Irving nannon, spent inursday in Ruther-fordton. Miss Nora Welborri is at home after spending several months in Saluda. Miss Lucy Abrams is visitine her sister, Mrs. Powell, at Mill Spring. Mr. M. Georgion and Miss Eliza Abrams were married at HUkrest In stitute, Sunday afternoon, at 5 o'clock by Rev. G. E. Kidd. Mr. Georgion, a native of France, has lived among us many years, and is esteemed by all. The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Abrams is a gene&l favorite in our neighborhood. Their . many friends wish them a long and happy! liiet WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. spent last week-end with relatives here 'Mr. Ernest Leland has returned to Clemson college after spending the summer here with relatives. W. S. 3 SUNNY VIEW. Mr. Lewis Hipp and family spent bunday with his parents at Saluda. Messrs. John Fisher, Garrett and Bud Rollins caught a huge wild cat last week, it was caught by a toe in a trap, and may be seen at Mr. Wash Fishers. Dr. J. L. Gilbert visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Louis and Miss Alice Arledge were in Saluda, Saturday, having1 dental work done. Miss Dorothy Salley left for Char- CJlotte, Friday, after an extended visit. , Mr. J. E. Ivey, of West Raleigh, made a splendid talk at Sunny View, Sept. 19, on the importance of raising pure bred poultry. The attendance was good, dinner was served on the school eround. Mr. Dewitt Helton who has been at tamp Jackson, is now in New Jersey. Mrs. Maie Cncrsrins snent last Mr. John . Edwards carried a load of produce to Spartanburg, last week. Mr. Matt Jbarly is contemplating I moving here, soon. Who should greet us early last Sat urday morning, but Jack Frost? Mrs. H. L. Arledge attended church at Columbus, Sunday. Mr. Joe Tallant came again Satur day evening. W S. S-COLUMBUS. Rev. T. H. Posey, of Ward, S. C.,, former teacher and pastor of this mace, spent several days with Mr. L. Thursday night with Miss Anna Wil- H. Cloud and family, last week. son, MlSSPtJ fllaro fniirran anil Ufatrcrio Jackson were guests of Misses Maie and Alice Wilson, of route 1. ' last Saturday night. we were glad to have Mr. J. R. ns and Mr. A. F. Corbin at our meeting here last Thursday. Rev, J. B. Arledge is conducting re vival services at the Baptist church, this week. Betterment Club meets Monday, at 4 p. m. All members are urged to be present to make final plans for the Fair. TVio -Tiinir'r Tied C.mss mpmhers nrp Miss Bertha Dalton, teacher at Sun- busy, getting up their quota of palate jy View school, spent the week-end at depressors Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Wilson attend- services at Big Level, Sunday. ed It we were pleased to see the older People bring their old blue back spelling books and come to our school to s.Pe11- 1 tel1 yn we had ut, spelling. ur scnooi closes Oct. 4. for one -"Villa. We barely escaped frost at the au- Mattia x:iu it. 4. -e liffi Y "imams was tne gucsu w uie Bessie Helton, Sunday last. " t ?rrs. A- J- Dimsdale visited Mrs. S. - "eiton, Saturday last. Reside Valley next Sunday, to the tum"af! equmox. gemonal services in honor of their Cotton pickirp dm "?ys who are "over there" firfitine mg are the orders of i nuf,. i - . . o o ty oatties for you and me. W. 8. S PEA RIDGE. -r- i-w t ri. e.u -r tt:h nev. Jj. otrmirneia, 01 iviars niuj visited friends here, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walker, of Greens Creek, visited their daughter,; Mrs. E. B. Cloud, last Sunday. Miss Minnie Arldge was shopping in Tryon, Monday. Mr. Heber Carson visited friends in Columbus, Sunday. w s s. MELVIN BILL. Miss Li? rvn ftnlk Llzzie Dalton has gone to therfordton for medical treatment. JPent Sunday with Miss Lizzie Dal John Foy spent Sunday night d molasses mak- P A 1 Jl ing are tne orocrs ox tne aay. Mr. Arthur Waldrop has received nitice to start for the military train ing comp, next Friday. The last registrants have begun to receive their questionnaires. Mr. T. J. Waldrop is up from Poma. .: r . , .... ... .... - " Jy PlSt' ' -T; ... ' W ton Mrs with n flPr mnfl.A. If XT ... "ivwiici, mrs. iewuiaii. are croA 1 Hffa T Mi. uicuiwi uMuueui. Mr. 1. J. waiarop is up lru ent ossie n P.orcas. Edwards lda Si a visiting his family. A number of Melvin Hillites at tended religious services at Brooklyn, S. ' Sunday night. Messrs. G. C. Feagan and Philip Henderson are the first in this place to have a bale 9f cotton ginned. In the Sunday school class taught by Mrs. Stacy was a bright girl who recited 8, awces of scripture at one time. Several pe-sons from here attend ed court at volumous, last weeic. Hope she TJU.-l. i iiinno ,o : Will 0r0 "'ipruvmg, r- wu recover. Mrs. Celia Dalton and little Robert Joe, went to Rutherfordton, Sun- balh0is ia ?otton Picking time. A few ffl i week g PUt 9n th market Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign to be Opened With an . All-Day Meetrog, EVERODY IN COUNTY SHOULD ATTEND. Don't fall to hear the speech of Governor Bickett at Columbus, to morrow, Saturday, Sept. 28th. It is to be an. old-time, old-fashioned Polk County affair, Everybody go, take a basket fujl of "eats," spread, them on the ground and have one. big, good pic nic dinner. Get ac quainted with your neighbor Let there.be no strangers at this meeting. If you see anybody that you do not know, just go up to them and make yourself "known. Everybody in Polk county should .know everybody else in Polk county. Set aside this -day and time to do hat very thing. Governor4 Bickett is coming to preach nothing but Americanism, pure and undefiled to us. He is go ing to tell you why we are in this war why we should win it, and what we must do in order to do that. Gov ernor Bickett is a finished orator, but what is better, his whole heart is wrappd Up in the cause he is advo cating. He has had invitations from several western states to make war speeches, but he is first going to ad dress his own people. Be sure and hear him. A military band from Camp Wads- worth, 30 strong, will furnish music for the occasion. w. s. S- POLfc COUNTY FAIR. Octobr 9, 10 and 11 is the date se lected for the Polk County Fair, and that time is rapidly approaching. Ev ery effort has been put forth this year to make the Fair a success. Liberal premiums are offered on almost ev erything, the- farm, forest or quarry . in Polkl county can produce- It is nowuirto the people to seject the best specimens of everything and bring it for exhibition. Experienced judges will be supplied by the North Carolina State Board of Agriculture, so that there can. and . will be no favoritism - shown, but. ev erything will be judged upon its real merits. We hope that everybody will take something that you consider worthy of exhibition, whether the premium list provides for it or not, take it to the Fair. Superintendent Dedmond is doing ' aU in, his power to make a ereditabje showing in his department, that of mineral,; forest, and, quarry, and- he :earnestly requests that every one hav ing any kind.' of mineral specimen Secured in Polk county, should take it to the Fair. Also asks all saw mill and lumber men to take specimens pf timber and lumber. Let us show the world what Polk county, has in the way of minerals and woods. It is unnecessary to urge the good women to take specimens of their handiwork, for they always come up with their part of the work. But this year be sure and take anything that pertains to food conservation, and show your neighbor what you are doing to help win the war. W. S. S . j JUNIOR DEPARTMEANT. Thi Spaet Contributed to Winning the Wn fey The Polk County News MOUNTAIN VIEW. Rev. J. T. Ruppe filled his regular appointment at Mountain View, Sat urday and Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler, of Green Hill, N. C, visited the former's nait, Mrs. H. H. McCram. Saturday and Sunday. Misses Tempie Burgess. Milly Ann and Eva Hill, Messrs. Fred Com, Dewey Halford, Geter Bradley, Andy Corn, Floyd Walker and, .Gray Hill were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. M. A. Jackson, Sunday. Miss Glenna Jackson is suending a i few days, with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eh Jackson. ; Mrs. Blanche McMurraMs spend- ; ing a few days with her grandparents Mr. and, Mrs. G. H. Arledge. Miss Leona Sherman returned to her home, in, Hendersonville. last Tuesday, after spending a few weeks with herN grandparents, MrT and" Mrs. Eli Jackson. ' - . Sand Hill school literary- society elected the following new- officers ; last Friday: Alice' McCram. presidents Ragan Jackson, vice president; Alice Jackson, secretary; Roy McMurray, chaplain; Maude McMurray, teller; Esther Gibbs, critic; Roy McMurray, Gladys Jackson and Barrett McCrain, program committee. Roll of honor for Sand Hill school for week ending Sept, 30: First grade Annie McCrain; second grade Broad us McCrain; fourth grade, Barrett McCrain. t ' W;S.--& 4 risnrop. v r T. W. Bradley sang for the Moun-i tain Valley church, Sunday.. The two Misses Constant, of Wal ker, visited in this section, Sunday. MrXT. E. Pacer areceived., telegram: last week, announcing the death o his son, John, who ds at Boston, Mass. which was a . great shock to the community, and especially to his mother, who suffered until Monday morning, when she started to 'thei burying, and received a letter from John, stating he had been sick, but was now about well; and that it was another John Pace who had died, that was another great shock to the mother, and like Jacob of fjM she At the poultry meeting .at S muy View school, several boys showed in terest in the farm shop division, where premiums are offered for feed hopper, trap nest, coop and axe han dle for class C, those under 18 years.. The girls were more interested in the Domestic Science division where prizes are offered for graham bread and cotton seed flour muffins, cotton seed flour muffins and corn bread. The crraham flour is ground from wheat at the corn mill, and the sitt ings fed to chickens. The postmasters- at Columbus and Mill Spring have each received a six . pound sack of cotton seed flour from Schulenbure. Texas, to be .listributed I by the cupful to those girls who w?ll Instead of 50 per cent. . cotton seed flour, only 20 per cent, need now be I iised. for Victory Bread. That is, on said "It's enough. My son is yet cup cotton seed flour to four cups al3Ve graham flour, corn flour, or any oth- Many of the boys are receiving er flour.' Only girls under 15 years their questionnaires around Snuda, are eligible in this division class A - but nobody here but Posey Eenderson 2 prizes, and class B, 2 prizes, has receive them. , Plans are maturing for a, Patriotic E J. BJdley and. Ernest Laughter SOng service during the Fair. Mr. hauled another load. of melons to Sa- Corbin is trying to secure proper mu- luda. yesteiday. L sic in shaped notes, to be published 'Your cor responaent &ttenaii u' " r in ine ruuii. wumn nung. at Columbu.s last week, and saw W. S. S- . . tome imprwrement.- sini:e no wab ia . SDL.VER CREEK. Tit5 there. Tho most notice ible was a f-T f.ne s school il a-BBSd ' Miss Arkansas Arledge, of, Ashe-f-1gfcIt: tllSnSS viUe, spent the weeWd with, her -a bee tree- in Jronoi the post- Barente.,Mr-and Mra.E. A. Arledge. 3 rr??Syirttffl MrTwkty Thompson, of, Lynn,f ' S athM1 Dwey McMurray 'spent W Attending 2, meeting-at Cofbus, this week. : SmS.Aoi -' with Miss. A'rkiansas Arledge.- ' Secretary IVIcAdoo hit the najl Miss -Mary Ann Bradley has accept- fequarely on the head when he said, on d a position in C. E. Justice's store, being asked to give one good reason . Miss Grape Arledge ntered Steams for su?oscribing to the. Fourth Liherty High School, at Columbus Monday. Loan, 'Pershing? and our heroes m " Mr. and Mrs, - Jesse Splawn -". spent France," A . JL.. Sunday in this section; ! 1 - I r. U 4 Si's i JItvl . , ; 't . f

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