ihe Only Paper Published In Polk County. fvr.ftelfca AND TTHElYON BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 22 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1918. $2.00 A YEAR i 1 "TELL MOTHERS OVER THER E WE . ARE TAKING CARE OF THEIR BOYS. 3) Such is the Message Sent from France by a Plucky Little Red Cross Nurse to Her Mother, in America. Capt. Lubeck Tells of Preparations for Present Big Drive. Henry Reich Jr. Writes from Training Camp. , EVERYBODY SHOULD ATTEND. 1 READ THESE, THEN GO BUY ANOTHER LIBERTY BOND "Tell those mothers over there we 1 are taking care of their boys." This is the wonderful message sent all American mothers with anxious hearts who may be counted among our read ers. The message is a real one from the front. It comes from a brave soul who went forth to , dare and do. She tells the story in a frank and un assuming .way to, her mother, but the letter of Polly Ellis, who left New Or leans with Base Hospital Unit No. 24 is not the kind girls write home every day. Miss Ellis is a daughter of Mrs. Elies, who is visiting Mrs. Copeland, just now: It follows: "August 5, 1918. "Mother, o' Mine Have been trying to write you but have been kept frightfully ; busy nursing in boots and slicker. Of course, you know that we are at the iront and living in lents. It is not so bad even at that. We are bombed nearly every night. .Several nights ago Fritz paid us ' a visit seven times. Imagine! Just as we would start to make the boys a lit tle comfortable, you'd hear, the cry, 'Lights out and then every one would be as still as a mouse until we were able to light up again. Well, all night these poor chaps suffered anguish, for just as we'd go to get a hypo-ready, along would come that awful cry, 'lights out.' However, for the past few nights everything has been sub lime, for Fritz, neyer comes round in rainy weather. 'The next - time you see the beautiful moon, do not go into testacies over it, but think of the souls who are trembling in fear over here, whose very lives are in danger. "During a recent raid I went in my tent and walked right on a man. He shouted, 'For God's sake, watch out, don't walk on me.' I replied: Who is there?' He said, 'O, is that you, nurse? .With that he grabbed1 me and pulled me flat on the ground, for there is a regulation that everybody- ill ! 11 L JVLU XXSA1X UVlllg J shrapnel but the nurses will not ad here to this. Anyway it was one of the caotains. and we stayed there to gether while this. Boche flew back and forth over this tent. Can you imag ine beine in total darkness with hun dreds of wounded men absolutely helpless, and a Hun flying above, all round you dropping bombs. Oh, God, it is awful. Not so much for your self but for the helpless patients. "If you could only fight back, but in these air raids you are so utterly helpless. Somehow I do not feal any danger for myself. If it is my time to go well, I kept my faith. You only have one time to go, and one life to live, and if you do your bit for suf fering humanity you can go forward to face your Maker feeling that all will be well; but down in my heart I feel, little mother o' mine, that God will bring me back safe to you in His own cood time. I could not tell you about where I am as such details of the frightfulness if I did not know so well what a wonderful little woman war! We may all be' home by Christ mas, so prepare -the fatted goose. "Believe me, Mother o' Mine, your heart aches when you see those poor chaps. One poor lad was shot through and through the chest. How I cried over him, and begged the cap tain to do something for him, when I felt in my heart, there was nothing to be done. You can just make them comfortable, and leave the rest to God, for Certainly many d? them are be yond human skill. This lad was a little more than a child with his life before him. He had a loving mother and father and a blue-eyed sweet heart, of whom: he talked in his de lirium. I felt that he simply could not die, that God in His infinite mer cy and goodness would not let him go. I prayed as J never prayed before for that , boy's life, and toward morning he really was better. Captain Crosby 01 .Mississippi, who by the way, is a prince, said to me: Well nurse that shows what a woman's tears will do. Captain Crosby is perfectly ador able to these boys. He goes through the wards making, them comfortable, and has spoiled them so that they will inquire, 'Nurse, when is the captain coming round. I want him to fix my leg' and so on. Of course, there are other good men, but I see more of Captain Crosby" . because he is the night director and, I am on night duty. "I love these fi ghting menr yet .the ambulance and Medical uorps men are great. They are as gentle as wo men with, the wounded, and the wo men I have met are glorious. These nurses stand up under fire as well as any man m khaki. 1 met a Miss Watkins of New York, an ambulance driver, (Wonder if she is any kin of yours? I hope so, as I know no girl I admire more.) Ihis woman is as plucky as they make men or women She goes right up to the front and brings in the wounded. She was the first woman in Chateau Thierry after the Germans evacuated it. . "Have met nearly all the war cor respondents while here which was s treat to me. Incidentally, met Floyd Gibbons of the Chicago Tribune, who lost an eye at Chateau Thiery. He is a glorious fellow, possessed of one of the sweetest personalities I ever en countered. I dressed his eye each day while we were at a certain dressing station. He has left for the States and will make a lecture tour. I think New Orleans is on his list, and if he does speak there by all means hear him, as he is one of the best informed men of the day on the war situation. Have not had any mail m a long time. Write. 1 suppose we move so much the mail could not keep pace with us. . "Tell the mothers over there we are taking care of their boys! "With a heart full of love tor you, 1 always the same. POLLY. , W. S 3. PREPARING FOR BATTLE. Beginning next Wednesday, Oct; 9, and lasting three days, is the Polk County Fair. Everything has -been done that could be done in this time of hurry, worrya nd trouble, tolnake the Fair a success. Premiums have been offered on a long list of articles, and the premiums are liberal, i In some cases articles deserving t of premiums have been overlooked, but just remember that this is only the second Fair, and make due allowances for that. Then, if you have an arti cle worthy of exhibition bring it along anyway, and it, will be judged, and a premium awarded it anyway. Lack of space forbids us saying much that we would like to say : re garding the Fair, but everybody is so busily engrossed in the Fourth Liber ty Loan Drive, and so many demands are made upon us for space for that cause that we are compelled to shut everything else off short. But no ex- ra urging should be necessarv. Ev erybody knows that next week is Fair week, and as many should attend as possible. . Mr. E. W. Dedmond, superintendent of the mineral and wood department makes a special appeal to the people of Polk county for specimens for ex hibition in his department. This de partment is a new department, but should be one of the best. There are many minerals in Polk county, and who knows but that some very useful as well as valuable mineral may Jte unearthed on account of the Fair hav rag this department. Bring along anything, that looks like it was a mineral. Also bring specimens of timbers and show what we have left in that line. W. S. S.r- Little Mattie Green spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. J. T. Waldrop. Mr. G, R. Philips spent Sunday with G. Thompson. Messrs. Luther and Elijah Philips went to Columbia, Sunday, to see heir brother, Oscar, Sorry he is in he asylum. Miss Sue Gibbs and Mr. Reece Ar- edge were on Pearidge, Sunday. w. s. s COLUMBUS. Polk County is provider of herGov- ernor since having heard him. Sure ly there was but -one kind of people before him when he had finished his excellent address, and that was Amer icans, and more determined to be loy al Americains. We challenge anv state to produce a more patriotic gov ernor than our own. No doubt many of our people are planning for their JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. Mr. L. H. Cloud, postmaster at Co lumbus, plans to have a model "col ony house or runners, where "boys who are fattening cockerels for the Fair, and those who are making trap nests, coops and leed hoppers, may exhibit. . Those exhibiting early or late pota toes for the $2.00 State prize should bring a half bushel smooth tubers, of medium size, with a short report. ) there is just time enough to earn a setting of 15 eggs by fattening five or ten cockerels. Be surjefctf&igh feeds each week. ' The Juniors who have been working a war garden should not overlook the $2.00 prize, No. 405 B, for the best exhibit. Mr. Corbin has received a supply of entry tags from Secretary Copeland Each Junior is urged to read the list carefully and see if a half dozen en tries can not be made as easily as one Send in your exhibits Oct. 9 with tag attached, and the committee wil enter and place them. W. S. S. THE GOVERNOR' VISIT TO POLK COUNTY F FROM OUR FRIENDS OVER THE .CHUT Some Items of Genaral Interest Gathered By Our Correspondeats Fn Sectinsi of Polk Cmmtj exhibits at the "air, beginning Wednesday, Oct. 9th. s 1I7 l iIj:. . -n I vv e uupe tne xaaies win maite a spec ial effort to help with exhibits in the Women s Department, that we may not only have quality, but quantity. J hose having put up in half gallon ;0ur burg Saturday, Mr. Parsley being LYNN. Please excuse us for not reporting for two or three weeks. We have had a little touch of Spanish hen-fiew-end-ways, or grippe. Our boys keep going to camp. Jethr ro Thompson and Wilkie Capps have gone from Lynn since our last report, and both have been home on short leaves of absence. The Tryon 'Hosiery Co., shut down mill last Saturday to give all an op portunity to go to Columbus and hear Gov. Bickett speak. All who went claim to be well paid for their going. , Several of our men have gone to Spartanburg and elsewhere to work at the camps, and some have gone to work m the munition plants. Mrs. John Rhodes has purchased a Ford touring car. Some of the Spmdale people were in am, TVio followinc arp extracts from a ... 1 "- o . ... . , . you are. I appreciate now you letter of Capt Lubeck, written to ms about this war, and I know you would rather have me here, where I can reallv do something for these suffer ing lads, than know that I was tucked away in some corner absolutely safe and away from all danger, yet doag iner this ioh for which I am fitted. "The other day I ran into Dr. Wil liams. He was an interne while I was in training and later at the Pres bvterian Hosmtal. Well, he invited four of the other girls and myself to wife, in Tryon, under date of Sept. 11, 191R "T too hate to think of the months . . , , 1 to come, long, long montns, ana now, when -the cold weather is coming on to in anH raw riavs. mud and slop, 1 certainly do wish I was back with my three Hrls. I crot some hard candy at the Y. M. C. A. the other night ana went home to read. Goodness how 1 wished we were all back in the nouse in Geneva with a wood tire- going Mr. Ballenger's introduction of his friend, the Governor, was a model o what an introduction should be, bu seldom is. The dinner provided was another model, and the band of thirty soldiers while not equal to an orches tra, still did well, but in one particu lar the affair was a failure,, and that was the singing. "Silence" said a visitor, "discordant silence," added her neighbor. After the thirty years war which ended in 1648 Germany had no music, no art, hardly any civilization. They became the best trained people in mu sic' in the world. Haven't we as good voices, haven't we as good under standings as the Germans? Why do we fail, flatly, when we try to sing our national songs? An attempt was made to improve in Community Singing by meeting at the Lanier Library at five o clock on Sunday afternoon to sing, but so far very few have attended. Do you pre fer discordant ?nence to The btar Snunsled Banner sung by proud American voices, or will you do what you can to improve the national music ? w. s. s MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. jars bring them in, and we will ask the' judges to consider them. Mrs. Elizabeth Feagans, Mr. Wal ter Feagans, Mr. Belton Feagans, of Greens Creek,, spent Sunday with Mr. J. A. and O. L. Feagans. The many friends of Mrs. E. B. Cloudr will be glad to know that she was successfully operated upon at the Rutherfordton hospital, and. that she is doing nicely. Ihe revival held m Columbus by the RevJ. B. Arledge is being very well attended. Christian workers from several sections of Polk county are assisting, and we feel that not only Columbus will be a better place to live in, but other sections as well, as a re sult of this meeting. Misses Margaret and Bertha Can- trell spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Oma Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. J as. Smith and twin babies were at church here, Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Elliott received a letter from their son, Frank, saying he has been in the front line trenches, 'and says that things are not quiet there. Also that he has been receiv ing the POLK COUNTY NEWS. We wish our people would send -in more news to their, correspondnts that our boys might read more about all of the people back home. Mr. Robert Hill, of Rutherfordton, visited his family last week. Many of our people went to Tryon, Monday afternoon to hear the talk by a returned Soldier, at the school auditorium. A committee has been appointed by the Betterment Club to furnish a rest room at the Fair for the ladies and their children. Betterment Club meets Saturday at 4 p. m. All members are earnest ly requested to attend, to perfect plans for the Fair. Mr. John Burgess was home from Davidson College, for Governor's day. W. S. SUNNY VIEW. one of the visitors. Mr. Harrison Cannon, Jr., who holds a position with Swift & Co., of Greenville, S. C, visited home folks last Sunday. W. T. Hammett ran down to see home folks last Sunday. Mr. Grey Thompson reports that he has killed about 48 snakes in his corn field on the mountain this sea son. They were of all sizes and kinds. Two big rattlers made good their escape. Come again, Mr. Fish top. Get ready. All roads will be going to the Fair next week. It is to be hoped that the weather and roads will be as good as they are at this writing. Mrs. John Rhodes is preparing to have her house painted. Paint is a good investment; hides lots of defects and preserves the property. A tent meeting is in progress in our little village. Just now Mr. Rol lins, of Campobello is conducting it, and it is to be hoped that much good may result therefrom. Don't forget the Fair next jveek. The Fair will be just as good as the people make it. Edgar Covil, a son of Mr. M. H. Covil, while doing some dray work & few days ago dropped a match, caught fire in a wagon where some oil had been spilled, and then in spite of his efforts to extinguish it, caught his overall, and before he could realize he officers captured some illicit . distiller ies in the rattlesnake section ofi Polk and Henderson counties, last -week. Perhaps j they thought no moreraedi cine for 'rattlesnake bites would be needed this year. Mrs. Posey Henderson, visited Miss Flora Bradley, Sunday eve. E. J. Bradley .was summoned do at tend court at Hendersonville, this week. Posey Henderson is going to Spar tanburg with another load of apples this week. Jasper Bishop was in Saluda, Sat urday. ! Corn is reported as not being as good as I it seemed before the fodder was pulled. Several squirrel hunters kept the sanctity !of the Sabbath broken all day Sunday, j by the noise of their guns. There is large game, in France, and those hunters should be sent? there. We hear many, people say that T. C. Laughter's cotton is not - only the best they have seen this, summer, but is the best they.ave seen anywhere. w. s. S- MELVIN HILL, Mr. Roy Smith, of Georgia, and Miss Bessie Toney, of Sandy; Plains, were married a short distance -from here, last Thursday evening. As Mr. Smith iis expecting to go into training soon the wedding was a very quiet one, but their many friends wish, them mifch happiness, nevertheless. Mr. Arthur Waldrdop arid Miss Lil lie Tate, of Chesnee, were quietly married last Tuesday evening. Mr. Waldrop started for the training camp the following Friday. Mrs.jEmma Shehan, of. Clifton, vis ited her sister, Mrs. Waldrop, last week-end. She has lately received a letter from her son, Archie, .to the ef fact that he had - landed safely in France, and enjoyed the voyage across immensely. Mrs;. Mary Morris is visiting -relatives at Clifton,' this week. Mr.i itowiana reagan- is home on furlough from Camp -Hancock,. Ga. ;l4aui4m8peiita few days of their honeymoon ;with.4he tat ter's aunt and unele, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy. , Eld. W. A. Reed was over in Ruth- was badly burned on, the leg, and at lJZ 8 ' ttl'uruay nvi f ! T") IT ic nrkf nKln Antxr AT1 I V ' . wHuu ncius ait; wiuie auu every dinner at an old chateau where he. is Piaying cards in front of the fire, stationed with an Ambulance Corps, Well, anvwav the cut elass and linen looked good to us after eating from tin Dlates and bare tables. You see the ooor French neoDle flee from crunching on hard candy, the way we used to, and the old patnepnone go- -r 1 i 1 1 nknninrann mn 1 nvpn 1 lira ii 1 a. uiivuvj,iik over here' that sounds as good as the Pathe. The Y. M. and K. J. ana sai- their homes, leaving everything as it Vation Army have phonographs for burg, last week stands. This is an - experience uc .can never foreet, groping p round tVe dark, reaching round, for your oo.d. and eatinsr it in pitch darkness We i?ave regular dav and night forces ,-nv themselve but w hen a rush of . wounded comes, those things. , wny an nanas iau to. "We are closer than any unrses have yet been to the front. There was Home debate as' to whether or not we hut we all beecred so hard and the doctors needed us so badly that finally we were allowed to do so. as the line advances, so ao we. Misses Letha Barber and Clara Ed wards attended services at Lebanon Sunday 'morning, and were guests of Miss Eliza White. Mr. Ernest Gibbs was a caller m this section. Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Powell a babv boy. Mr. Tolbert made a trip to Spartan, fh men. an d of course the records Mr. Bert Edwards visited in ooutn The bovs eo in Carolina. Saturday and Sundav, nnH sit there for hours, listening w jyir. ana Mvirs. j. 1. Mwaros mwc a nlH stale records and apparently en- Dusmess trjp 10 jvutnenoraum, The . officers don t dav last week. UV . LJltJV. . . I . . i . Tho hest. we eret is Mr. Garner SkinDer was m tnis , 1 4- Ciin4oite in Tne I eortinn Hnrtav a, uuuu . . , , 1 I . 1 1 r ,,ov0 where evervbodv. "iroes ana iviisses Alice ana mamie all. now, name We all call the J 4- French frogs Thev 'don't seem to mma tne Rut now that the gang is all going forward for the big push, I o-ness we won't get a band concert vf Rnndav. and I really hate to ' 1 , w J . ' . uj iavA - little mere . of shrapnei 4.i,;i, f the slaughter for tne next pkked up from one of the recent raids month. Men mean nothing now, and and shall have a ring maae 01 it iui here jn the omce, oniy a snurt wajro , Vic front, we are expecting daily that we shall be blown off the map. By the time this letter reaches vrii if I vr rer tn pans. ! almost forcrot to tell VOU that fif teen of our nursea were detached from sent to Wilson were guests of Miss Bernice Wilson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Shehan, of cam pobello, visited at .A. A. Edwards , Tuesday. Mr. Bert Edwards has purchased a mule and buggy. Look out girls. W. S. & PEA RIDGE ' Rev. Wright filled his regular ap pointment at Cane Creek Sunday. He delivered a good sermon. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Taylor visited Mrs. U. S. Gibbs, Sunday. Most of the Sunny View school at tended memorial services at White side Valley, Sunday. Among the in teresting: features of the program was an address made by Judge Justice, of Rutherfordton. Miss Bertha Dalton went to her home church, Saturday to assist in decoration and musical program for memorial services which were held in honor of the eleven boys who are "over there." Misses Lizzie Williams and Anme Wilson,, Messrs. Ralph Edwards and Frank Mills enjoyed a trip to Chim ney Rock last week. Quite a number of men here have received their questionnaires. We hope peace will come before they are needed in actual services. Miss Kansas Jackson and little Clio Feagan called to see little Mar tha Jackson, Sunday. Miss Lizzie Wilson spent Monday night with Miss Anna Wilson. Several from here went to. Colum bus, Saturday to hear the Governor. All report a nice time. Mr. Hobart Whiteside is now in Camp Stuart, Va. Mr. Reuben R. Wilson has landed in England. He reports a nice trip across the sea. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson attended services-at Cane Creek, Sunday. Miss Mafircrie Jackson spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Belton Jackson. Messrs. Terrell Taylor and Willie Mills, of Noodlesville passed through this section Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Dimsdale visited her daughter Mrs. F. R. Coggms, Sunday last. Mrs. N. E. Williams and family vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett, Sunday evening. Miss Clara Feaeran was a pleasant caller at Mr. N. D. Helton's, Friday afternoon. ' Oh, yes, Mountain View, we are ahead of you for we have organized this writing is not able or duty. damage to wagon. Why not have a POLK COUNTY NEWS correspondents' convention at the rair next week, and have a few minutes" talk on boosting the county paper ? We suggest that if this sug gestion meets with the approval that ye editor will give notice of the time and place of same. All manufacturing enterprises of the county should have a display of their products at the Fair next week. At this writing, if all signs and re ports are true, a wedding is close at hand in this village. W. S. s. MILL SPRING. bodyjhas a job now. Mr. Joe Hendersony of 'Mill ; Creek, attended Sunday school here, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Heber Carson visited his Mrs. Etta Branscom, last week, j W.'S. 8 TRYON ROUTE 1. aunt, Most of the people from here went to Columbus Saturday, to hear "Our Governor." Every one reports a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. J. . H. Gibbs attended a "Fifth Sunday" meeting near Ruther fordton, SundayS Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dicus and fam ily are visiting Mrs. L. C. Gibbs at this writing.! ' and Mrs. Drew Good bye, Summer, hello to Fall.. Many on the route flockd'to hear the! great speech given by our Gover nor Saturday. All from "J.: D. Rock feller up" weighed well what he had to j say, but some with tear-dimmed eyes weren't quite J. D's. rival, only wished they could buy Liberty Bonds and help the boys on to Berlin. Mr. Ray Edwards left, Friday, for tamp. IMiss Leatha Barber was the pleas ant guest of Miss Clara Edwards for a rf ew days. j Miss Nellie Champion was the guest fo Miss Octa Pack, who will be off to school at Saluda, tms week. ! As students of the - poultry school at Columbus, if we will follow the rules and instructions given b Prof. Mr. and Mrs. Drew Helton were made happv last Sunday night by the Ivy, we will soon have pure bred poul- arrival of a little girl, Ethel. try throughout the state, and hens Miss Esther Gibbs visited Stearns I will be digging with both feet and a snelliner match for the old folks Mr Mk v. fl Thnmnenn snent I Come .around some rriday and see Base Hosnital Unit 24. and Evacuation Hospital No. 6, where we are .at present. vou history will be made of the hard firht of the war. The prepara tions are tremendous. No one knows These lads are wonderful! Be proua how mucn tnere is to oe uuu vi. a Tiiaw ar n,..uosfnl rarrvmff ..out oi certain .uui t vj ix axe ail f&xx.vx . i - . so brave and so loyal, absolutely fear less, and they are going to win tWs (Continued on page 4) last week at Gaffney. S. C. Mr. andMrs. M. C. Gosnell spent last week-end in Spartanburg. Mr. J. B.! Dalton and son, Otis, wenc to Rutherfordton. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walker spent Sunday with W. G. Splawn. High School, Monday, also attended the speaking at Tryon by an Ameri can soldier from Connecticut, who had been gassed in battle. Mr. Claude Lewis has returned J 1 1 Ml home, alter spending a tew days in he A. & M. college, at West Raleigh, Miss Esther Gibbs has closed her school for a few days and is visiting at home. Mr. Andy Gibbs visited Mr. J. H. Cocherum, Sunday. Mr. Clarence Gibbs who is working at Gaffney, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. L. C. Gibbs. Misses Mabelle Pack and Carrie Barber were guests of Miss Annie Ed wards, Sunday. Messrs. Frank Edwards and Floyd Toney spent Saturday night with Mr. Reece Arledge. Leader for Christian Endeavor next Sunday, Miss Esther Gibbs. Mr.' and Mrs. Jesse Splawn spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Miss Grace Arledge who is attend ing Stearns High School, spent Sun day at home. Quite a number from here attended the revival service at Columbus, last Sunday night. Just think, the Fair is right here filling shells like high-igeared muni tion plants. Mrs. J. W. Jack entertained an old friend immensely by having .her little ones write, arithmetic stories at her school room just before the poultry school opened last Friday. ' Mr. Taylor Whitesides killed a mad dog, Sunday. We must not forget ta give the mil itary band, soldier boys, our united thanks and regards for- the -splendid music given by them at Columbus, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F.. Nance-and fam ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nance, Sunday. w. s. s SALUDA ROUTE 1. Miss Inez Sentell, of Haywood. N. C, is down visiting Miss Laura Rus sell for a few days. i Messrs. Willie arid Lafayette Hart,1 from Greenville, S. C.f spent ithe night', with. their uncle. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry Pace, last -week. Born to Mr. and "Mrs. Amos Gosnell, a son, last Sunday morning. Look out, Uermans. Miss Angie Stanton-spent: the even- Wre hope that Mill Spring will be well ing with Miss Nellie -Ward. -last Sun- representea, doui witn people ana 1 aay. them comine with their blue back spelline book and hear them spell in- . . . 11 "j 1 j i.r -1 trans-mag-ni-n-can-uu-uaii-uan-sxu-ai-i-ty. The young people of Sunny View enjoyed a number of social events last week. with exhibits. We hope that each one will make a great contribution to the Fourth Lite erty Loan. Remember we are only loaning this money to help the boys who are giving their lives for our own liberty. - I FISHTOP. Mr. Luther. Stanton' was in Saluda. last week, on business. ..' Mr. J ethro Pace - spent t one night witn iur. wcnara.i'ace,' last week. Mr. . BurreL Turner. of fTiflrerville. a. C., made a business visit rto J. Henry Pace, last Tuesday.. ' ' Mr. J. M. Pace and familv snent tho day with Mr. Louis i Davis, last Sun day. - T-. W. Bradley sung for the Sunset ' Messrs. J. B. GosneUrand Snnrceon View class Sunday night. Ward spent the "day with Mr. Richard we hear it rumored that revenue ace, Sunday;,. . , . ; 1

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