A - V -4 J i OLKL G QITN TY he Onfy Paper Published n Polk County. A live; Clean For the Home AND THE TRYON BEE ""NEWS Newspaper -a- VOL. XXIV NO. 29 THE .-WAR WDRK DRIVE' Once More Tryon Does Herself Proud in War Work. Tr--n. a t'nia!, has again lived up -to jti reiU.'i.Ucr: as a town composed of tru-. ! : -' P"0: Tryon township's pro;. o: uif w a: gik runuwas V e not only raised that amour. t 1 over it, folio v nig i.s the amounts but WIT- r-i:!' ( V. . ' v... Co!-- $773 15 ... 94.3i' 1 00.? ... 35.00 ...6G.C0 1 06J165 The War Work Drive. ig is the report of the War to dai f going to pre?s T 1 -. - V, : Cchrr C.e.-i $1067.65 Oak 100 .... 30.25 r 250.00 ; Citekl :..... : i4S.OO :i rep-i's that if given until Sun :: v. i. ,o ever te top with her tiLe-ra Lreek contribution a lolijv.s: Lajfii&ll 72.20; men i $13 1 -: . pe i rrieavri 'Polk fpunty- short of it K which doubtless .will be - quota D-Z -W. s. s. THANKSGIVING SERVICES. A Thanksgiving Service wiU be held e hem at J in the Congregational church o'clock Sabbath mornin g. .PatriotiQ i . . . -i i -.ii-r - hyms will be sung, ana addesses wilt De made by the clergy in the church as follows: THANKSGIVING FOR: 1 Gods gifts through Nature and Man's toil; daily bread for all people. Rev. C. V. Riggs, formerly a Mission- ary in Turkey. 2 The Tncrease of National unity for promoting the religious life of the world: Rev. J. B. Black, Author, and- formerly a Pastor in the west. 3 The Advance of-freedom in all matters of faith and worship; Rev. Mar cus L. Taft. D. D. formerly a Mission ary in China. 4. The Growth of World-wide Po litical Freedom and Enlightenment se cured by the allies through war and the great victory. Rev, Joseph L. Daniels, D. D., L. L. D., Pastor Emeretus. 5. The great progress of missions at home and abroad. Rev. F. Barrows Mak epeace, Pastor. The public is cordially invited to this Victory T hanksgiving Service, W. S. vS- T.ie Rsi Cross in 1833. The Rev. T. H. Just ce says that i 1803 altaojh there were nored cross0 on :it sleeves o: tnei; h Jin J- pua drese evrr h-ivt of til?- wjmen 10 the Soul he;- '-s o.Vn "cross uncomo'a'.niijr' Wiifn h was ight years old he knev. a voan lady of nineteen who cut Seoce fr -a th hack- dved it with hark ' Si''-?'.33 ef trers. and 'the roots oi shrubs, carded iO.' Tih) Z'x: lnvu wh'n tr i:?h -ii sn"t'h a b -jv.r. Th;n ironed it, cut it and sewed it into coati and pants for the soldiers Miii "the bfoiad loaves and cakes she baked aid sent to the soldier boys by th e who came home on furlough. h'was the foundition of a life of self--d io.il and service for God and huTian-ly- The young wojian was his sisttr Woo d.ed ahouttwo mo nibs ago. -' - The Lan'er Ciuo had its Erst season's meeclng Thursday afternoon, with read ing and music from Mrs. Corwin ar.d Miss Mirtha Jackson.. The Club vih contuue meeting monthly only instead of fortnightly as formerly. Mrs. W. B. Stone has been elected president for the present year. ,; NEW HOPE. Glory-to God; the war is over. Soon our loved ones will be coming home, and while the fighting has ceas ed let's everyone be as saving as we can with what we have, for there are thousands of little children who would like to have the crumbs that fall from our tables. Jf Corn is real good in this section. JUr. Broadus Scoggins, of Inman, S C, visited his father Sunday. We have had several cases of fiu in this section. Two deaths so far. Mr. Brant Hudgins' wife, died a few miles from here Wednesday. 'Mr."'i,ude Blanton passc-d'through lre Sunday. Mr. M. C. Thompson made 103 blshls of corn on about 10 acres of common up land. W. S.' S TRYON ROUTE 1. . School ,began Monday at For Mcvmtam. Miss Lr ptha Br.vhcr a? teacher. May the hard of C-v. hv, ivcr to train, strengthen and ecu'p vlv;3 sccend line of defense for future duty and victory. , ' At last, all bridges are passable on WhUe Oak. Mr. Wm. Mills is "moving on the farm of the Edwards heirs. Mr. J. J. Ruppe's family with the flu. :s sick We arc scrry to learn of the clralh of two more of our gallant solders, Zi'xi -Wilson and Lix'i James 'Butlor. r - ovv' !l now !1ard ;t to t :v? .r!emy who have c - e ::'r e. y-'?d Folk r-uiuty b: I say unto you love vta-v i ri v , bless tWem that curse you, do gxxi to -hem that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. Are. we oooymg th:s Scripture if we do not be a good Sa- Uriranothe,Xlil'nded ,ajKL starving. enemy? , V. s, S.- FISHTOP. Too much , rain aid warm weather for corn, cotton, pn ates, ci(:'. T. E. Pace,. Cur;i i Newman ad C. C. Jonrn have finished haulinrt the ir :ar.ncd goods to Sf.luda. Th?y ?li;p '.: a car load to i'-'n(ler.Cuvii! ' hear. Th'-r.? ha;v been rrorc ti'uek ma do in ;h:s re-rtion than la' or can bo pro ur k1 r.t iWty rr:ce to harvor-'t piv p-'r'.y. -a:: r. .t::e:-.-d ai to bavo .;o has h Ci" it nrrv'uoe . i i h ' . v: :n ic;e Eve i put en e ; ' 1 i i . . :S in e"v. A ii to oo r e. to ririLi or e: hie. ill Uv: the : in' the Soul! W. S !":i!e,. vce will be Eur EW3, the r.' S. By publishing tho many notices that are being sentt by differen Government departme-nts to the country papers, the publishers arc giving the public information-vhich the Government desires thorn to receive in the only possible way it can be given witkout putting the Government to an enormous ex pense. The publisher receives noth ing but gratitute from the Govern ment for his sen-ices, and that is all he expects from the Government. But the publisher has aright to ex pect the support of his community the same as a soldier at the front ex pects and deserves it. High Government oflirials, from the President of the United States down to the officers of the State, have expressed their thanks, to the country publisher. ((The country publishers are doing more to win this war than any o'her class of of men,) is a statement often made by high officials. Almost every reader of the country paper and every' advertiser is doing all he can for the boys at the front. We are sorry to say there are a few people who don't appreciate the ser vice rendered by our soldiers. Almost every reader of the coun try paper and every advertiser is do ing something to support the coutry paper. But again, we are sorry to say there are also a few who don't appre ciate the service rer.dert d. Renwick (la.) Times. TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1918. - - ... , . i ; . ,; . FROM OUR FRIENDS Some Items of General Interest Gathered By Oar Corral ondeots From Various S6cUu of Polk County f COLUMBUS. Messrs C. D. Elliott and C. C. West left Sunday to , attend the Charlotte court. Mrs. W. H. Watson retained to Co lumbus after an extended visit at Green river. Mrs. M. F. Wiikins - and son, Oien, visited in- Columbiu, Tuesday. Miss Minnie Anedge left Tuesday for Kendersonville, where she 'will spend some time with her sister. Mesdames Landes, Smith and Mc Farland went to Rutherfordton one day last week to have dental work done. , ' Dr. Pratt filled his regular appoint ment here Sunday. The Stearns High School gave a minstrel show at the auditorium Fri day night to a good sized audience. who enjoyed the first good laugh since our boys left for "over there." The proceeds were given to ee United War Work fund as a giftnP8 congregation are hoping that he from the Stearns High School. Rey.'MU returned to Saluda, as his sar Griffith, of Tryon, county chairman est Christian character and zeal for for War Work campaign also made an excellent tjilk. We trust Colum bus will be honored many times by having this broad-minded gentleman speak to us. No. 4. Battle Hymn of Julia Ward How. 1. Mini eyes have ieert the glo tj 2. I hare seen Him in the wtch-fire 3. He has sounded forth the trumpet 4, In the beou-ty of the lil-iea, b r r r- ' S ! f r & , zfr-J j ii . v : r : : ' ' r m . i tu3ppu.p 7T 77. r CL F w b ' trampling out the vint-ago where the grapes of wrath are stored, He hath loosed tht build - ed Him an al - tar in the eT-'ning dews and damps; I can read His sift ing out the hearts of men be - fore His judg-ment seat; Oh, be swift, my glo - ry in His bo eom that tran3-fig-ure6 you and me; As He died to fate-ful lightening of His er-ri - ble swift sword; Hia truth is marching on. righteous sentence by the dim and gl&r - ing lamp; His day is marching on. soul, to an swer Him! be ju - bi Unt, my feet; Our God is marching on. make men ho ly, let us die to make men free; While God is marching on. fx ia, -ui. i--- i- 5 I D. S. after Repeat.rj w h 1 i Glo - ry! glo - ry, hal le la - J A-Sne" PEARIDGE. Willie Turner and wife made a trip to Rutherfordton, Saturday. Mr. John Sweezy spent the week end at W. R. Turner's. Miss Mollie Dalton returned to 3revard Institute, Monday. Mrs. James Philips and Miss Li Hie Carswell were happily, married, Sun day. Miss Bessie Thompson spent Sun day at J B. Dalton's. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Noland,, of Asheville, spent Thursday night at E. G. Thompson's. Miss Annie Philips has returned home from Gaffney, S. O. Mrs. J, Prichard and Mrs. Bob Con ner made a trip to Rutherfordton, Monday. w. s. s- ; SILVER CREEK. All honor to our brave boys who so gallantly helped to make peace. All honor -to our President helping to bring -it abut. Above all let us f thank God that he has blessed us in the struggle. Though we feel that OVER THF. COUNTY .. r 7 . - ' " . our enemies have violated all the laws of -God and humanity, also the rules of civilized warfare, let us be careful not to be actuated by a spirit of re venge and guard against the spirit we detest in those we have been fighvmg. We4feel 3i'.fe the ter m$ imposed upon ourfnemies will' be hard for them, but they are surely just. Miss Mary ' n and Jeter Bradley spentthwe k-end at Walker, N. C. Jr, ,Arledge spent- Sunday nightiwitiinis daughter, Mrs. Harriet Splawn.? Mr. Walter Green went to Saluda on ; business last Saturday. Hello, Mill Spring correspondent. The war has ended. w. s. s SALUDA. (The J Rev. Mr; Folger is attending tle Western North Carolina Confer ence held in Charlotte thjs week.. the spiritual welfare of the church is much appreciated by all who know him. The Methodist aid society gave a supper last Friday night, from which the Republic. MIod, "Gtory Haltetojati. .IS- K .at . tht com ing of the Lord; He la of haa dred circ-Ung camps; They bare thai ahall aer-er call re treat; Ho U ChtUi was bSrn cross the sea; With a v 5 jh! Glo-ry! glo - ry, hal - le - lu - jah! they realized about $30.00. The sup per was fine and much enjoyed by oil who participated. Miss Irene Salley, not improving as. much or as rapidly as was hoped and desired, by her relatives and friends, has been taken by Dr. Salley her cousin," to a sanitarium in Asheville for further treatment. Mrs. Campbll and Mrs. Killian are visitiner relatives and friends in Greenville, S. C. iuiss nowe ana ivnss w armg iw e TT - J Hi ITT ' T returned to their homes in Charles ton, after their usual summer sojourn in Saluda. Mrs. W. S. Harris, a sister of Mrs. Q. C. Sonner, and little son, who have been visiting here, have gone to Char Jeston, the old home of their child hood, for a stay of several-weeks. ;Miss Lila May Guice is attending; college in Due West, S. C, her par emts having decided not to return to Jacksonville this Trtern In the mention of the-organization: of the Red Cross here by Mrs. Julia Campbell the statement that Mrs.AH. P. Corwith, was elected first clwurman tvifl j j. I j j jjy l. s k k. j i 2 JUjrain. Fine, j i h k -Tt- of this branch was omitted, bu the fact remains .and her services in that capacity was most satisfactory to all -and it was with great regret that her resignation from that position was finally accepted. Miss Mary Coates is spending some time with friends. in Asheville. Dr. and Mrs. Bushnell were in Try on Tuesday afternoon. Coh Slaughter spent the day in Spartanburg, Tuesday. Mrs. Read and daughter, Grace, and Miss Hazel Cullipher spent Tues day in Asheville. Mr. Ben Pace the telegraph opera tor at Melrose, accepted the same po sition at Tuxedo and moved his fam ily and furniture there one day last week, but not liking the Tplace as much as he thought he would, moved back the next day and resumed his duties at Melrose. Mr. Bob Summey has bought the Burgess house and moved his family in town. W. S. S PEA RIDGE. This part of the U. S. is rejoicing over the good war news. Thanksgiv ing should be spent on our knees thanking God for such a victory. This is com shucking week; lots of fun and chicken pie. Mr. J. B. Dalton entertained 75 people around his corn pile, Monday. Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards and Mr. John Burgess spent 'Monday night at'j. B. Dalton's. ' Misses Mollie and Nellie Dalton were guests of Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards, Sunday. Mr. William Norton and family, of Spartanburg, spent Sunday with Mr. P. M. Gosnell. Miss Lizzie -Dalton is getting along nicely since she came home from Rutherfordton. w. s. s. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Mr. A. F. Corbin left from route one to route two, Sunday", afternoon. He will begin teaching the old people and in the meantime be missed around this vicinity. Miss Fannie Lynch, of Rutherford ton, visited at Mr. Gilbert's Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Ralph Edwards spent Saturday night with . Mr. Tolbert Odel. Mr. Jim Egerton was in this sec tion Sunday. Mr. A. F. Corbin has been, and is now, very busy in the y. M. C. A. campaign. He hound several Victory Girls at A. A. Edwards'. We hope that next Sunday will be a suitable day for the speaking at Sunny View, which was to have been last Sunday.' We are very anxious to attend. W. s. s. SUNNY VIEW. Rev. C. G. Walker delivered a splendid sermon at Cooper Gap, Sun day. Mr. J. L. Jackson Tias received word that his son has been wounded and is now in the hospital. Mr. A. F. Corbin will spend a few weeks at Mr. T. N. Wilsdh's. Rev. C. G. Walker spent Saturday night at Mr. T. N. Wilson's. Wcrds fail to convey my feelings of sorrow on hearing of the death of my dear brother, Ziba. A precious cue from us-is gone, u voice WjoveJ is stilled, a place is vacant in our home which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled the boon His love has given. And though the body slumbers the o, the soul is safe in Heaven. Miss Bertha Dalton was a visitor at Mr. Ti N. Wilsons, Sunday. Supt E.. W. S. Cobb visited our school a few days ago. Mr. A. F. Corbm and several ohers will hold a meeting here on next Sun day p. m. Everybody is invited to at tend. Say Mill Spring Route 1. we sent an Xmas box over there. Did you? Mr. Birch Jackson made a flying .trip to Spartanbuig, S. C, Monday. Mrr Squire Brown has purchased an auto. Omaccount of rain, Mr. J. R. Sams faikft-to'get here Saturday with his clover and grass $ee:U. Hurrah' for peace! Our boys who have escaped death will ' soon come marching home. $2.00 A YEAR MILL PRING ROUTE 2. The fanners have been very busy sowing grain for the pas', week. Mr. G. P. McGuinn made a business trip to Asheville last woek. Mr. M. H. Gilbert was a visitor at Mr. Landrum Jackson's. Mrs. M. L. Laughter .visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bradley, last week. Miss Ruth Bryan was the guest of Miss Minnie Ruppe Sunday last. Mr. Pink Jackson, from Sandy Plains, visited his father one day last week. Messrs. Frank and Willie Mills were the guests of Mr. Noah Lyn;h, Sunday. Misses Grace and Oina Gibbs will soon leave for Mill Sp'ing, where they will enter school. The Sunny View school closes Sat urday night, the 23rd. They are planning for a nice time. Everybody is invited. w. s. s POLK COUNTY RED CROSS. The time for sending Christmas boxes to the soldiers has been extend ed to November the thirtieth. Boxes can be sent to nurses, Y. M. C. A. workers, etc. Also they can be sent to men whose labels have not arrived by November twenty-first. The near est relative must sign a paper show ing the relationship and promising that bnly one box will be sent to each man. Full particulars concerning this can 'be had of Mrs. G. H. Holmes, Tryon, or Mrs. Julia Campbell, Salu da. Those mailing boxes to Tryon and Saluda for shipment are reminded that the name of the sender must be on each package. Where there is no way of telling who sends the boxes they are shipped unmarked from the Polk County Chapter, as regulations require the name of sender . on the outside of each package. Our fine stock of things for the Red Cross linen shower has boon ack nowledged from headquarters as en tirely up to standard. These articles were sent in from all parts of the county, as also are knitted articles for our soldiers. Although the armistice has been signed, the work of recon struction will employ our soldiers and the Red Cross for many months and even years. So the Red Cro.-s mem bership must not be allowed to de crease. " Postmaster W. H. Stearns has been appointed chairman of the Christmas Roll Call to be held in December. He is planning interesting things and ex pects big results. w. s. s. RESOLUTIONS. Resolved: Whereas it has pleased the Almigthy God to remove' from our midst our beloved and highly esteem ed brother, W. J. Shields, wo, the members of Tryon Council No. 1 !2, Jr. O. th A. M., feel our great loss in the death of Brother Shields, and do extend our heart felt sympathy to the bereaved family. We also- rnret verv much that on account ox the rul ing of the health officers, not to be able to attend his funeral as a Coun cil, r Fred E. Swann, W:'e W. Ballard, H. T. Camp. Committee. W. s. s. FAIR PRICE LIST FOR THE WEEK. The following fair price list has been announced through the office of County Food Administrator,- K i Bacon: Flour. Der 12 pound bag .bo Corn meal, per pound 0t Victory Bread, per 16 oz. loaf. . .10 Oatmeal or rolled oats, per lb.. li Rice, per lb 1& Hominy or grits, per lb 3 1-3 Sugar, per lb 11 Beans, white, per lb 20 Potatoes, Irish, per peck o() Raisins, seeded, 16 oz.' package. 20 Prunes, per lb 20 Onions, per b .05 Tomatoes, . No. 2 can 15 Corn, No. 2 can 2U Peas, No 2 can .zu Salmon, pink, can .25 Evaporated milk, 6 oz can .7Ya Evaporated milk, 16 oz can. . . r .15 Eggs, per doz 50 Cheese, per pound 45 Lard, pure leaf, bulk, lb. 35 Lard substitute, bulk, pound.. .30 Lard substitute, in tin, lb 31 M Bacon, breakfast, per lb. iS Pork chops, lb 40 Ham,. smoked, lb .50 Round steak, lb .35 Sweet potatoes, pk 50 Cabbage, lb 05 Fat back, lb. 30 I! J -fit i n f li if . 4 , 4 ... ft

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