POLK COUNTY NEWS. TBYON, N. 0. s , . : .... ... 1 -, ..... . THE POLK COUNTY MEWS anHTRYON BEE Consolidated Nov..-, 1915 Published every iJt'Y " - TRYOrl, NORTHk:AE0LiNL E . j, Telephone 99 I Entered aa second-class matter April 28, 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina, un der the act of March 3. 1879 B. F. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Resolutions of Re6pect.Church or Lodjre Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financia Kain, will be charsed'refirular advertising rates of five cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West 39th Street, New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." AH the heroes of this war did not wear khaki. w. s. s Bill Hohenzollern is' threatening tore turn to Germany. Here's hoping he attempts it. w. s. s. The American army is invading. Ger many peaceable this time 'tijjrte. But it would have taken place anyway. w. s. s. It's a toss-up as to who has violated the most antiquated precepts Wilson or Roosevelt and still the country survive-. w. s. s. It is to be hoped that the German language will be driven from every ichool room in America. Teach Eng lish. w. s. S, Every vocation, profession or calling brought forth its heroes during this war, and there's glory enough to give each one his part. W. S. S. The fighting qualities of the Ameri can boy are inherited from he mothers. They displayed as much determination in their work as did ihe boy in the uni form. w. s. s When President Wilson sits at the peace table he will easily be the most distinguished personage there. But to think of Tom Marshall in the While House. w. s. s. Give the fighters a'l the credit they J are entitled to, but don't forget that without the help and self-deniaj of the civilian population of the United States we would not have won the war. Yf. S. S Too much praise cannot be given the noble women of the United States for the part they played in this war. It is no discomfort for them to abandon the cozy drawing room for work in the hos pital or sick room. W. S. S. Bill Hohenzollern said that an Amer ican army could not get to Fiance; that u one cua get mere it would not know how to fight; but if it did know it wouldn't do it. bonder what R I thinks about it now? . w. s. s. Mr. Roosevelt says "Wherever the tree falls, there let it lie," and will not bring the body of his son Quentin, who was killed, in France, to America. He and Mrs. Roosevelt will visit the grave and erect a small stone above the brave young lad, W. S. b Once more has the world been shown what true DemocraryeTican Demb-ciacy-means. We went into this thing to preserve democracy tor the world, and did it from an .unselfish motive. No wonder our stand has drawif ie atten tion and admiration of the world: f ih God We Trust" is our motto, and He has never yet deserted America. Let us pray that our conduct may be such tbat He never will. r UL STATE BOATO OFpM'II 1 umoNi oh Mourn. MvoutNe - OCU-N. On MM-JT .f.'ZSL7 M e--M- . ' ! Twenty fetes For Effiqency . How to keep well is a proMwn which seldom bothers a busy man or woman until tie health is lost Then it assumes a si goal importance. Jrery one knows that health is essential to thorough business efficiency. A sick man or -woman lacks "punch." It therefore pays to keep well. It is just like saving money. Few of us realize the value of a savings ac count when we are enjoying success, and have ready money coming in regularly; yet we all know that thia LOOKS It pos4ticy -Zim Not at All. Try These Movements Fifteen Minutes .flghtnd Morning, am Renew, Yor Youth. Get Your Blood Going a,nd" Give Nature a Chance. is just the time when it is wise to make small and regular deposit against the rainy day. 'Supposing you are enjoying fairly good health, or even feel that yoor health is not quite as nearly perfect as v you could wish, here is a plan whereby the devotioa of ten minutes night and morning to a sort of sinking fund will help to maintain your efficiency long after the other fellow's has petered out. Talke these exercises undressed. 1. Stand rigidly erect and endeavor to contract every muscle in the body for a few seconds while you hold your breath with the chest full of air. Erect posture means toeiag straight ahead, aodo sen drawn wtlL in and up, shoulders well down and back, chin pulled in, crown of head reach ing for imaginary ceiling. 2. Rise as high as you can on tip toes and reach as high as you can, first with one arm, . then with the other, and then with both. Make a mark showing your highest reach, and strive day by day to better your , reach. - 3. Lie flat on back, palms down. ' Lift first one leg slowly to vertical and slowly dawn. Then the other ; Once only," at first, and gradually in- : crease the number of times as you 1 I become accustomed to unwonted exer cise. Now turn over and 4. Lie on abdomen, elbows flexed and palms on floor. Push yourself up ; to arm's length, keeping the whois body rigid, and let yourself slowly down to floor again, just once. This : may be gradually Increased to as many as a dozen or twenty times aa "you become hardened and fit. After ' a month you may begin trying to ele vate the body in the same way on on 'bani which is very difficult but ac Qfulred'by perseverance. 5. Get up o feet and try how high you' bin; kick, wijth eachieg, marking your bigh point and striding daily to beat it. . . K i'k.l1fcrect Hands tretce ; Mrf bov head. Now-bend far forward. keeping knees stiff, and try as nearly 'as you oan to toucb, the floor. Then up agaia. Now bed far to the right and trr to touch the floor with both hands directly behind both heels, thi time, of K)urse, bending the knes m TMeee o ALCMM AND ACCOM Ml U '.. ;T e IMWVtOUAb iu ee nwia much as you like. Repeat on the left Day by day-; increase1 these move rants. A dozen times would be am pie for any of these movement-, aftei BOeral weeks of regular training. M 7. Erect. Hands on hips. Now squat as law as you can and spring right' up again without sitting on the heels a moment. Three times at first, increased day by day, till twenty-five to. fifty movements maye done with out excessive fatigue or next-day muscle stiffness. 8. Turn a few sonlersaults on the floor, or if you are not equal to this, lie on back; draw' up legs and arms in monkey fashion and juggle a good heajry pfllow for a few momonta. All this exercise need take no more than ten minutes. FoUow it faithfully HARD, . ' night and morning for a month ant you will, scarcely know the old body it will look so much better and feel sj much better. Meat And Heat The popular delusion that meat k more sustaining for one doing hart work than vegetables or cereals fe hard to down. There are two reason) why the average man harbors this de lusion. First, because meat is an ap petizing food; the odor of meat cook ing or cooked and the flavor both con duce to hearty eatng alas, too heart eating for the physical welfare of sed entary persons. And second, the ex tractive of meat, the essence you get in meat broth or soup, are stimulat ing, andythe sftaation is com'moh ly misaken for actual energy Several years ago H6race Fletcher the advocate of prolonged mastica tion and vegetarianism, then aboui 59 years old, visited the Yale gym nasium and surprised everybody bj far outlasting the best young athlete in tests of physical endurance ath letes highly trained, whereas Fletcher had not framed at all. The hardest work of the world H done by people who live on a tfiel without meat the coolies who coal steamships in the Orient. Meat eating is largely habit. Th stimulation produced by fresh meat is very agreeable, and as difficult to do without, once, you have acquired the babit, as is, the effect of tobacco or aiOOftOI. Not that we onnHamn mvn heating. A certaia rount of freslrT meat irx the,, diet. .seems essential for growing children and may be more or less eaentialifFiiiotftcultsr " . Meat (protera'roducea "-Nggat deal of heat which i-thsy4eman. not conveUititporklfng br iftie, tlonal energyThiseat'tffydelftp impair the; f comfort and lrlieiieTf1 of the individualrin veryayM V,tfier.' It makes him suffer frdm''fhe'bJeat whea tho wis who" eUmtaatea me$ turn the diet on very w&nn days finds himseif able to keep cool and enjoy lite. - -- Mlnl ! Plenty of exercise, fresh air, neglect or otherwise, a cold on re . . s, CASCARA ij Ne Standard coli.rtrrcdy C vr 2 "5 years-!-. tbfet ia 24 hcui-i relieves c, J c ;.ys. .y s-, Vit ;- f-:l -.. lire ci -'Ti bc hes r. - - tot Get the Genuine Economy in Every Cake Classified Advertisements. BOAR FOR SALE. Broken-nose Berkshire. Will sell for market price of pork, to any far mer in Polk county who will -agree to keep him for breeding purposes. C. J. LLNCH, Tryon R. 1. Buy your nursery stock of E. J. Bradley, Saluda, agent for the old reliable nursery company, of Pomna, N. C. He can save you money and assist you in your selection of trees best adaptedt o your soil. We Have the Right Prices AND Kind of Materials to do your building. Full stock , i poors, Windows, Siding, Flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Mould) ngEpi?iiand Dressd Lumber- rOarpy complete STOCK Oir ',iEi-is HEARON LUlV1BRC'"; SALUDA- N. C. a -sm v ? NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in that certain mortgage deed executed by F. M. Griffin and S. L. Griffin, his wife, to E. A. Arledre on ;thc 6th day of July, 1912 and record ed in the orhce of Kegister of Deeds or folk county, in Book No. 7 at ?acre 591. default haviner been made in ine payment oi vne aeDt ana inter est thereon set forth, the undersigned A 1 J .J il' I t. t 1 ' 1 ' kwill sell at public auction to tho high est bidder, ior cash, at the court house door of Poll: county, at Colum bus, N. C, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1918, at twelve o'clock noon, the following described tract of land conveyed by .said mortgage, to-wit: Situate, lying and being in' ' the county of Polk and State 'of "North Carolina,, adjoining the laTvlrls-oT'V':"M':' Justice and tht? Bcfrtk proS place--r.nd including where ThomftlPwGiferi' formerly lived, on Hie waters' of Als ton's crook, beginning ata ,We and pointers on ridge above nMrlk'hoal, and runs S. 50 W. 81 pofeTto!? stone kjiiiu iw inters j tnen.ee 5 1 o :WS 4 poles to a P. O. m head "of Flat Hol low; thence N 80 W. 3G poles to a hickory, .corn?: of Bunk Sprouse's, place: thence with line of same N. 45 rS. (Va 2) 100- nolr i.n a tno .-mW nomters in said line: ther.r X. AU F, r'l 07 h'ii poles to the beginning, contain ing ov acres. This 23rd day of October, 1918. E. A. Arledge, Mortgagee. W. P. Wingo and Sallie Hawkins, Assignee of Mnrto-.-ifrpo "Walter Jones, Attorney. b-4t A furnace at a bargain. Burns both wood and coal. In guaranteed excellent condition. Much less than half price. Will heat half a dozen FRANK WOOD'S SHOP. Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home ft- GMaxjinteea or .- WON ELECTRIC SERVICE r uvik v.ft ik-'-m mnrv.M P' 19k. IlkU I Jl X SAVE FUEL. COMPANY y Proper J4 raimui t of your children you can teach them to accumulate a fortune. 25c today invested in War Savings Stamps for a period of 10 years equals $1,500. Start the boy right and he will get the habit. WILK MS OO OOOOOOOOOOOO8OOOOOOOOC0C0 q A Thrift Stamp O stand up when the is played. O q one of the progressive and substantial O citizens of your community. No better O time than now to start that account. Come in and let's o o BANK OP TiRYON T. LINDSEY Pre J. B. HESTER Cashier. o w. G ooooooooooooscocooooooococ: Kl9hMHKMHl .Dollar Raising Raise Dollars tlie same way you raise wheat use horse sense anything planted in the proper .. soil will grow Dollars will grow if planted in this Bank. " we pay 4 per cent on your sayings account. This is the seed time for your dollar harvest crop--begin your planting now at BANK of SALUDA Capital $10,000.00 Saluda, N. C. HENRY P. CORWIIH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Pres. PRESTON K. BAILEY, Cash. !UlMlfJ,l REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND Uty and Farm Property Bought and Sold Furnished and un furnished houses for rent. Property taken care of and rents eolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out looking for a place. Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, IN. C Eat You'll need neither a haVhat nor a stick of dynamite. A good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of A Fine Tenderloin Steak i , An Extra Porterhouse Steak A Luscious Round Steak A Nutritious Roast A Dish of Pork Chops If you havn"t any teeth we have sausage that will melt in your mouth. . - ... ' Eat our meats. Good for your stomach. rvf..v Also, want to buv. . i . . . t- mm . - ' jad chickens, for which will pay the wgn esTMARKET PRICE. A; & CO. gives you the right to q Star Spangled Banner 0 0 ft talk it over. NSUHANGE Our Meats! fairly o-onrl beef cattle, hog o- - - - : - 1 1 H. WILLIAMS. I" " .fr-