PrtTfc criBrft $Y HEWS. fllYON, H, 0. n in it n it 4 'J 1 35 ; 'I 1 ?! it a f I'. ' r i I; i ! ' i -THE POLK COUHTY HEWS anHTRYOH BEE V gonsolidatedNov. I9r5 " Published every Friday at TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Iftsn matter April 28, 1915 at the post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un der be act of March 3. 1&79 B. F. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH, ' - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Evolutions of Respect. Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financia ain, will be chargedlregular advertising rates of fiv cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West 89th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Ldng May It Wave." Don't stop saving food. w. s. s. The value of food stuff can be measured in but one way in the preservation of human life." YV. S. S. Do you want to preserve the child life of Europe ? Then you will have to save milk so that it can be export ed to them. W. 5. S- Next week is the last week of the War Saving drive. If you haven't re deemed the pledges made some time ago do it now, and then pledge some more. w. s. s. Already our boys are starting home. Have you done all you should to make them proud of you when they get-here? How about those War Savings Stamps? W. S. fe The Clown Prince is now residing in a modest cottage among fishermen, on an island belonging to Holland. It is needless to say that the fishermen are not pleased with the idea. W. S. S The new nations which peace will bring into existence owe their birth to the United States. Are we to grant this boon only to let them die of starvation? We hardly think so. w. s. s. Illinois re-elected Billy Mason for congressman, at the recent election. The Republicans of the "Sucker State" certainly have done nothingj for which they can boast, in that ac tion. W. S.S. Already political slate makers have "brought out Gen. Pershing for the Republican nomination for President in 1920. Gen. Pershing has npt been heard from on the proposition, how ever. . w. s. s. Just because the armistice has been signed does not release as from doing our duty. We have agreed to buy $168,000 worth of War Savings Stamps in Polk "county. If you have not bought your share do so at once. w. s. s. Peace brings with it several big problems, the biggest of which is the feeding of the hungry of Europe. As usual, the United States is called on to do this immense undertaking. But we will do it, and that successfully. . W. S. S Just who will attend the peace con ference as United States delegates has not been decided, but we hoDp Mr. Wilson will lay aside politics in this matter and select the ablest men for the place, and no one party has monopoly on brains in this country. w. s. s lo the everlasting disgrace everlasting if such a thine: werp nnssiMo nf nn J - ' www WiV XJL X-J I I Hohenzollern, he fled from Germany alone, leaving his wife to the mercies of th.?. .To think that this old reprobate escaped at all is enough to make one believe that the war has not been an entire success, a,f ter all. W. S. S President Wilson has given the peo ple to understand that as- he will make his residence at the U. S. Em bassy while in France, that he will, technically, be in United States terri tory. So Tom,Marshall will not even be acting president, after all. One more reason for the people to give vnanKs on Thanksgiving day. - 1 1 ' p -g. HEALTH IS WEALTH -U 'iiiM X n.rf JfJL STATE BtoAOfegys wanoM om wUM-immi ficw-i or iwi il iiswc f mwww wu. m mmwii m tnaja COLUMM CM MT MML W I llflTITT S 01 l V M MM NtM MCMXM AT MUMM AA00jA A Humidor For Your Sleeping Cave - i V 1 Have you stuffiness of the nostrils? Do you "take cold" every time any one sneezes at you? Is your ttiroat sensi tive? Have you a dry, in-Rating cough at times? Do you snore? Are you a mouth breather when asleep? Do you -wake with a dry, mouth? Have you twenty dollars but thie isn't a matt-order diagnosis blank, come to think of it. Keep the twenty or buy a bond with it. What you need is a humidor to humidify your bedroom, and you can make one yourseit which will do the business a whole lot bet ter than any apparatus you can buy. Ttrouble te, you're a moOlyooddfe and you dont know it. At least you didn't until you read this. You have the great delusion which all molly coddles have aH the time. You imag ine that the way to keep warm is to . STOP BEING A MOLLYCODDLE. Sleeping In a Sealed-Up Room is Just One Way of Shortening, Your Life and Making Your Lessened Years Considerably More Miserable. keep warm. Well, you're wrong. The way to keep warm is to keep cool. Hlppokrates says eo. I say so. Hip pokrates and I agree pretty well on most subjects. Hipprokates said 2200 years ago: "Cool water warms, and warm water cools." People who take morning sponge, plunge or show er b4hs know that Hippokrates and I are right about that. The cool bath warms you up, stimulates your circu lation, increase your metabolism, makas you burn fuel faster. The warn bath, on the other hand, re lazes, slows down metabolism, tends B HEALTH IS WEALTH Health STATE BOARD MIIIIUIII OH MtAlTM. I OUWM OH WH MAM. W AM SAWTTA PL mo to rma V nviLori mm I M iimple Chronic Rhinitis Children and young adults are so jeneraHy subject to more or less narked chronic inflammation of the ining of the nose that this very fact iccounts for the great delusion that !xposure to cold, drafts, dampness, vet feet and so forth causes "colds." I an individual has a- chronic low jrade inflammation in the lining of he nose (vulgarly known as nasal ;atarrh, though the word is meaning ess), any temporary disturbance of toe circulation is likely to increase :he discomfort in the nose temporar ily, and the thoughtless victim jumps o the conclusion that he has "taken 2ld." Unfortunately this notion is jvholly imaginary, for a normal indi vidual suffers no illness from such :emporary.eircu5atory disturbances as ire produced by drafts, change of (veather, dampness, wet feet or chill ing of the body. Indeed, one of the familiar symptoms of chronic rhinitis is just this sensitiveness of the patl 3nt to slight aiterattonsk of environ ment. And as we""have already stated, chronic rhinitis is so very prevalent (at least one-third of all roung people Irving sedentary indoor life have it), that the catching cold phobia prevails in direct ratio with the popular catarrh cure. Chief among the causes of chronic rhinitis is the low cost of fuel. It is an ii wind that blows no good. The war has brought certain, blessings to the people, such as the final proof that severe exposure in the trenches does not, after all, cause pneumonia or rheumatism. If every well-to-do family in America and that includes the intelligent working people. were compelled to get along this winter on one-third less (fuel .than last winter, it would be a "Messing in disguise, for countless disabilities and fatalities from respiratory disease would surely be prevented. Ah- heated above 68 degrees Fah renheit by. artificial means is bad air. Impure ah vitiated, afar, according to every scientific test . we hare today, and It produces chronic congestion of the lining of the air passages, which ultimately amounts to rhinitis, bronchitis, or, if you will insist upon the meaningless term, catarrh. The relation between the skin cir to make joa chflly, at least does not warm you up like a cool shower does Oh, you cant get away from mj friend Hippokrates! He and I har studied this thing all out. Just sub stitute air for water,' and the resuft are qualitatively the same, not quan titatirely. It takes much cooler ah and much warmer air to produce sim ilar reactions. Bat the air will do 9 just as water does. Now, I feel sure that the moUiesl mollycoddle that reads this column realises that "colds" and so-c alloc "catarrhal troubles' are strictly an4 characteristically indoor ailments anl not ailments of people who Jive mud in the open.' Why? Because it is tot warm indoors most of the winter Huh. It often gets up to 80 or 85 de grees F. hereabouts fn the, summer time outdoors! True, hut look at the humidity. Old General Humidity it famous for his' mid-summer drives You cant leave the General out oi this question. But in the winter tim the General digs In. At any rate he is conspicuous by his inactivity m doors. Heat the nice fresh wintei air up to 66 degrees indoors in the winter and you make it dryer than the driest Sahara Desert climate, by ao tual test. An excessively dry climate is nc place for a person with chronic nosa throat or chest trouble to sleej nights. Open up all three bedroom win dows, as high as the lower sash will go, and put in screens made of un bleached Piquot or Black Rock mus lin. That puts Gen. Humidity right back on the job. It keeps out rain, snow, wind, drafts and dust, but 11 lets in the fresh, moist night air Damp night air. That is fine for sick ly people. In olden times they used to say just dam night air. They were mollycoddles, the old folks. With these Todd sxreens in the bedroom windows your indoor air wil have about the same humidity as the outdoor air, and it doesn't cost a eent to keep the humidor working all night A FACT WORTH KNOWING. Scientific observation has showx that carbohydrate food starches sugars, glucose, etc., as in bread fruits, vegetables, cereals, syrups ii rather more sustaining for hard wort than is protein food. There is nc waste of energy in useless ' heat pro traction from carbohydrates. Thii fact is worth keeping In mind these days when conservation of meat ia t patriotic matter and the utilization, ol garden truck, corn products and the various other substitutes for! wheat ii a patriotic duty. - " S: - HYGIENE OF wi mi to ova marim mu Aaaawtaco m TWt fOAM MKALTK AT AACCIAM AMD AOC4MI MMATMSA1T or KMmUAi MUNI Wil t ATTl culation and the circulation in the lin ing of the breathing tube is an inti mate one. Every victim ot simple rhinitis knows this from personal ex perience; when the blood is temporar i driven out of the surface vessels, by cold or dampness or draft or what not, it collects in the deeper vessels, and if those of the nasal lining hap pen to have lost their elasticity or tone through prolonged abuse and coddling, they become engorged or as; WHY DONT YOU QUIT? Look at the Soldiers Who Sleep Out Doors. Stuffiness, Snuff iness, Run ning at the Nose, Sneezing, Just Signs That Yob Need Fresh Air. choked with too much . blood,,, which they have not the power to drive outv Stuffiness, snufDness, running , at the nose, sneefc ing, fuWness,- perhaps flight headache and physical depression are the customary expressions of such en-; gorgement, A credulous person calls it a (fresh cold." but.frtehow he for gets hie ,-coid" agaii .. as. soon as the usualy external environment is re stored a very different history from that of a genuine coryra or ether acnU respiratory .infection, which sticks on the job for a few days at least, good and hard. 'plenty of exercise, fresher. regular liOuvs----xa au-u'Kf in scription you need to- avoid; Influenza unless through nT!ect or otluu-wbe,. a cold gets you. Then take at once CASCARA R QUiNINt Standard co'i rem'y f - r yeara-in tablet form--aiV, .cic.n. cpu.t rcu. njva cold in 24 houri relieves 3 u-.. J; larkifi- '"-'! The c-5nvsn- box has a Rfi top Get the Genuine and Avoid Waste Economy in Every Cake Classified Advertisements. BOAR FOR SALE. Broken-nose Berkshire Will sell for market price of pork, to any far mer in Tolk county who will agree to keep him for breeding purposes. C. J. LLNCH, Tryon R. 1. Buy your nursery stock of E. J. Bradley, Saluda, agent for the old reliable nursery company, of Pomna, N. C. He can save you money and assist you in your selection of trees best adaptedt o your soil. We Have the Right Prices AND Kind of Materials to do your building. Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding, flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and'Moulding, Rou&h and Dressd Lumber- Carry complete STOCK OP FEEDS HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA, N. C. WE SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can save you money. See us for lath, brick, doors, and sash. J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. WALTER JONES. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office up Stales In h. Jno. L. Jackasn BId'a. M FUEL A furnace at a bargain. Burns both wood and coal. In guaranteed excellent condition. Much less thail half price. Will heat half a dozen ordinary sized rooms. Can be seen at FRANK WOOD'S SHOP. Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home Price $ 5.00 30 Days free Trial Guaranteed or 10 Years . 1RY0N ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY ineryg Ail Work Guaranteed Firat floor Wilkins' tpre MRS..' E. RHODES. The NEWS is ill Dress Mm 3 oer vear emse In our large stock will find almost everything: vou nepH in M You won't find anything at "less fh . , cause we can't sell it that way. But you mjinv rare values in Honest Onnrk An fed vou will find is that every article von Km, every cent you pay. - goods and prices with here to serve you honestly and faithfully, a1(j this basis solicit your trade. OO OGOOOOOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOCOl; Hi A Thrift Stamp O stand up when the is played. 0 o CD o An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now:to start that account. Come in and let's talk it over. o o o Q BANK OF TRYON o W. T. LINDSEY Pre. o GOOOOOOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOO0C3t if Dollar Raise Dollars the same way you raise wheat use horse sense anything planted in the proper soil will grow Dollars will grow if planted in this Bank. we pay 4per cent on your sayings account This is the seed time for vour dollar harvest crop begin your planting now at BAN IK of SALUDA Capital $10,000.00 Saluda, N. C. HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Pres. PRESTON I VSBM REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND t j City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Furnished furnished houses for rent. Property taken care of and ren eolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out lootosg for a place.. Our auto is at your ser vioe free. Notary ru JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, N-J; Eat Our ou'll need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite, good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of A Fiiic Tenderloin Steak - An Extra Porterhouse bteak A Luscious Round Steak A Nutritious Roast A Dish of Pork Chops If you havnBt any teeth melt in your mouth. Eat our meats. Also want to buy good beef cattle, and chickens, for which I will pay the rat est MARKET PRICE. A of General Merchnr, v We ask you to compare those of any other hou? W atkins & Co, Tryon, N. C. gives you the right to V Star Spangled Banner J. B. HESTER Cashier. 7 Raising that will fair' we have sausage Good for your stomach 14 WIMJAM3 n U J IMHUL M v

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