I -1 Uilv Paper ' - 1 " .;- ti - : TS'-LJ r'l 1 1 r H ft it-.: m county- -' AND Trie TltV0ll BEE 4 , "V VOL. XXIV NO. 31 TRYON, N C. FRIDAY; DECEMBER 6- 1918; $2.00 A YEARI .... '-ZZ -Z''r'S --SZ 'ti?ir'5'5K ZCrV'22ZJ?rrSZ& I . 1 , : , r- : : cADDO AT OUTS WITHPRES1DEHT? Lretary Quits Because He Dis- agrees Witn wnici u vwcm ment Ownership. UCH IS LATE REPORT. providence, K. I., Nov. 27. The 1,91 reason xiv ',7 , , , al ... ,J i-tvi 4-Via rnhinet is That fee resiKii11 11 . Be colleagues on uovernineiu uwuer t. -r .ni),rii'! Thp Providence SllD 01 1 14" 7 for the with py. ...... n TrAHnn frnm t.Vi Cabinet is not, as stateu iur puuut fonsumption, the fact that the Secre tary of the Treasury found it impos sLu in live in Washington on his offi- Li eaiarv. but that he found himdfelf L total disagreement with . what he LnoiHors the President's set .purpose In iniDose Government ownership or Government control of all public util- fr;oa in this country. Hie was deter Inined to remain no longer a member ,f a cabinet wnicn was iasi arming nto that policy. "It is true that Mr. MaAdoo could ot live in v asmngton on nis salary s Secretary of the Treasury, but it is tqually true that he never has been ble to do this since he first went to jVashington. It never has been pos ible for him even to maintain has ome there, outside of other expenses, n $12,000 a year. "Mr. McAdoo never has been a pub ic ownership man. He always has inceijely believed that, the Govern ed should not bring into its own IniT tmiViUp ntilif-iec thnt. nnl, bo run as well, or better, under private con trol His recent experience as Direc tor General of the Railroads . had not only strengthened him in his belief, but brought him into continuous and acrimouious discussion with President Wilson and some of his. fellow Cabi net members on the subject of the fu ture of the railroads. "He has insisted , from , the . start that the roads be returned their owners at the earliest possible mo ment after the close of the war, con sistent with the public safety and on the stipulation of certain changes re sardine co-operation of movement and reduction of unnecessary compe tion. His ideas have been bitterly opposed. With the signing of the ar mistice and the bringing up of the en tire question of transportation read justment, the situation became so acute that he was compelled to make a choice between resigning as a mem ber of the President's official family or remaining in office arid helping to formulate a policy entirely distaste ful to him. "When the President eave his sane tion to the taking over of the cables by Secretary Burleson, Mr. McAdoo vigorously opposed this move as one disastrous alike to the political for Junes of the administration and to the interests of the United States. The Journal is in possession of the fac that he presented these ideas to the President without anv mincing o words at the time he wrote his letter of resignation. At least two other, members of the Cabint are in the same frame of mind as Mr. McAdoo, and men within ad ministration circles are well aware that in this attitude the insurgents are supported bv E. M. House, who reached the parting of the ways with Mr. Burleson several months ago. "If Mr McAdoo has ambitions in the direction of the Presidential nomi nation in 1920, he will not only hot be supported by the friends of the pres ent administration, but will be stren uously opposed by them. They al ready are beginning to suggest that the Secretary of the Treasury "has seen fit to dissociate himself with President Wilson because of these ambitions. Men who are closest to -N-t McAdoo however believe that he has no desire for the presidency, and that the only reason for his present 8P:is his determination not to put himself in a false ligrht before those who have been his associates for yars in his commercial enterprises, "u wen know his attitude on Gov eroment ownership, and who would resent his further connection with an ministration which has started dlng that path. - r. McAdoo's future lies in ""the commercial world. His withdrawal fom public life at this time is proof mat he does not intend to sacrifice the eminence and respect of commercial jnd financial leaders who naturally "ne mto close contact with him m n,s future business career." TIME TO LOOK AT THE CONDITION. Tryon, as a winter- resort stands in a fair way to lose out. The time was when Mimosa, the Log Cabin Inn tnu an me boarding houses were fill ed to overflowing every winter sea son. Such has not been the case ior the past two winters. Mimosa and Log Cabin Inn are both hotels and boarding houses left were not taxed to take care of the crowds. A town or community is like an in dividual it cannot stand still. You must either advance or retreat. A town In order to be, a resort must keep its claims and advantages con santly befort the people. This ffry on is not doing. Hendersonville last year had issued a very pretty piece of literature, setting forth the claims of that town as a summer resort. Asheville, annually, spends thousands of dollars in the use of printing inks and newspaper space. Tryon must do the same if we are to hold our own. Another thing that is working against us is the lack of any kind of amusement for our. visitors when they arrive here. Consequently many come, stay but a short while, and leave, saying the town, is too quiet. We are going to speak plainly on this question, and we suspect, will tread on somebody's toes, and perhaps offend some. But if we stir the peo ple up so that something will be done to benefit the town then wewill not have labored in vain. . At present there is absolutely not an amusement of any kind. Not even movie" to while away the lone winter evenings. We, at home, may not miss these things, but "the stran ger within our gates" does and he does not hesitate to say so. In the past the Lanier Club has been of un told benefit to the town in entertain ing, but that organization seems to have become inoculated with the same trouble as the remainder of us. and announces that it will hold monthly meetings instead of fort nightly as heretofore. That is a mistake, and one which we hopethe club will remedy. In the past recep tions and entertainments have been given by this body which were highly enjoyed by everybody, and. they serve as an oasis in a dry desert. If we expect to remain a resort town something must be dons to at tract, young - people, y They are the life of any community, and if you hold no inducements for them they are not going to come. Look at the list of visitors we have had for the past several seasons, and you will find that it is limited almost solely to elderly people.. Elderly people can find quietude and rest nywhere, but young people can not find pleasure and life in a town given over to the olderv class. You must attract the i young people 11 you want your town to keep going. I he old ones will die out after awhile, and if you have not done something to attract the young er class, then your town dies with the older persons. Don't think that the scenery, atmosphere and good water will do it all. These things can be found at almost any resort. It requires- a contented and happy person to assure the future of a resort. FRO OUR coin Some Items of Gsnsral Interest Gathered jK Oaf Correspondents From Various Sectins of Polkf Coniitjrr. V LANDRUM ROUTE 4. The farmers in this serti very busy, sowing their small grain: The box supper at Greens Creek; Thanksgiving night was, quite a suc cess, the amount raised was ' $75.85. The v only had 9 boxes. Mr. Kenneth Branscom has return ed to Landrum to take up his work again. He was, called home on ac count of his father's illness. Lemuel Horn, who has been work ing at Spartanburg, made a wise choice, and returned to his home to go to school at 1 Greens Creek.- Clint Greenway made a fl vine trio : to Spartanburg, Saturday. Miss Alice 'Can trell visited1 Carrie Greenway, Sunday; Mr. R. J. Abrams and family visit ed at Mr. J. T. Greenway's Sunday; Mr: Decatur Panther received a message, "Saturday, that his son, Gearge Panther, died of influenza, in France. w. s. s MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. It "is;' mistake-about .M rv T. N; Wil son getting a telegISm that his soft Mrs: A J, Dimsdale- visited Mrs; S. J. ttislton,. Sunday. , , w Ziba, had Wen , captured. ; He has : re ceived, but, one 'message, and that told of His being killed in action on Sept. 29. r ,- : r. MiiBil Stepp left for his home in Virginia, Saturday: Private Ralph Jackson, who is in France, reports that all the soldiers had l a great rejoicing", when they heard. the peace cry. ' 4 . - w s S PEA' RIDGE. Cross affairs arid all were "adnioriish- ed to aid in Universal Membership, not 'only, in . renewing one's own';mem- bership,,but vm : enlisting as many more as possible, ;' . ,. . ' . Emma. ,w. Turner, Sec. ;. HILLCREST. v Miss Myrtle Taylor spent Sunday, night with Miss Minnie , Brisco.-, Mr. A.,A."Edwards spent Saturday night with Mr.-E.' G. Thompson. : Willie" Turner and wife . visited Mr. Terrell-Williams Saturday and Sun day;, . h: : . - - r: i . ' Mr. and -Mrs." M, Richards, Mr. and Mrs. ; Erwin .Richards, (from- Gaff- j ney, Si vC. motored up o E. G. I Thompson s, Sunday. Mrs. J. W; Clarice, who has been visiting Mrs. C. E. Grav; has return ed to Rutherfordton. -V Miss Nellie Brian-": spent t- Thanks giving with Miss-Mila McKinney. Miss' Alma High , returned to her home in Spartanburg ... county for the inanKsgiving noiiday Uur community has been saddened by the news of the loss of another of ourboys in France,' Mr; Decatur Pan he having been notified that his son George, died of influenza during the atter jart of October. private "Cap ' Uwenby spent the week-end at home, returning to Camp Sunday, afternoon. December first was made notable bv a licht snowfall 1 here was a 1 hanksgivmg service at Sandy Plains, on the 28th, in spite of ram and mud; ' 'S 'AY MILL SPRING. Visitors at. Mrs. V. Tavlor's. Rundav Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, from wrp ftilfrh Moore and wife. Oliver Route i, spent Saturday night with jaylorUTtdwife Forest Glass and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson. wife and Miss Minnie . Brisco ' z&r?' Mr. J. C. Whiteside and family, are MissSiettieiDaVis and sister-spent moving to Pearidge, where they will Sunday with -Miss Bessie Thompson, spend the winter. Bobbie Gault . and J family were Mrs. Elmina Whiteside spent Sun- quests f John Fd v. Saturday' nieht; day last with Mrs. N. E. Williams. A crowd enjoyed a cotton picking Saturday night, at W. D. Helton's. They were served with plenty of nice pples. Mr. H. M. Gilbert made a business trip to Asheville one day, last week. .Sunday school has been changed back to , the same old time 10 a. mi We were glad to have Mr. Corbin with us Sunday. Misses Annie Wilson and Lizzie Villiams were visitors at Mr. T. N. Wilson s, Sunday last. Mr. James Brown will preach at Cooper Gap, Sunday, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Ballenger and several others from Tryon are expected to be there. Mr. Gaston Mills, from Columbus, spent Several -hours at the iiome of Mr.T. N. Wilson, Sunday.. .Mr. J. B. Wilson and several others from this, section made a business trip to Columbus Monday last. Mr. B. McGuinn is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. .Whiteside visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Pink Williams, Sun day last. Misses Mollie and Sophia Corn spent several hours with Mrs. A. M. Lynch. w. s. s. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. - E .G. Thompson made a business trip to : Greens Creek, Saturday. . The' teacher arrived " at :Pearidge, Sunday to " begin school, Monday: Johnie "Thompson has moved -his family to Mrs: C. P. Jones', near Gray's: chapel. ; James Phillips and wife- spent sev eral days in .Gaffney, S. C, last , week, visiting relatives. MissAnnie Phillips is in Gaffney, S. C.v!very ill with flu. - Mr. F. M. Burgess spent Saturday night at J. B. Dalton's. . r7: ' W. S. S ; 1 SALUDA. c ?(TdoIate for last week;) ": occupying thetiottage -opposite -S- Mr. H. ' B. Lane's, for a few months be fore croine south this winter. This cottaee is now owned by Mr. E. W Thompson, who is a special agent in European countries for the Agricul tural Department of the U. S. Gov ernment, and is now in Copenhagen Holland. The different agencies of the Uni ted Wkr Work m Saluda have sue ceeded in raising two hundred and fif ty dollars of its quota, in money and nlederes. The importance of this work does not seem to appeal to the people as it did before the armistice was signed. A card from Mr. Ben Boone written Oct. 11th, was receive in Saluda yes terday, says hei s well and glad of it, arid would not miss, what is going on at the front arid all aJout him, for anything. Mir. C.impbMl art', her sister, Mrs.. Killian, ha e returned frohi Green ville, S. C. und their riece Miss Julia Spratt who Lcs been spending some time in A? he v.; He has. stopped off to mak3 them r, visit before returning to her heme in Chester, S. C. Mr.' and Mrs. .tiogers have closed their cottage and gone south for the whiter. Mrs. Rogers will go directly to her old home on James Island, fa mous for the long staple sea island cotton grown there. Mr. Rogers will stop off for awhile at Camden for a r little erolf exercise. Mrs. Coates and family have gone to St. Petersburg. Fla., for the winter Mrs. Ed. Guice has gone to Due West, S. C, to visit her daughter who is attetnding female college there, and who has been sick with the flu but is now better. The work on the new seminary buildine here proceeds slowly but surely. Mr. Louis Wilcox is at Holly Hil vistiting his sister, Miss Clifford Wil cox and convalescing from the flu. Mrs. Marvin and grandchildren Sunny have been spending the summer and autumn at tiolly tlili, but nave now gone to join her daughter, Mrsy Whit ney, in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney were both quite ill in1 New York with flu, but are now better and will soon be on" their way to Cuba, their winter home where Mr. Whit ney is extensively engaged in the su gar business. WAR-REUEEf OBSERVED' 111'JRll.r ''V "v Splendid Pregram by- Hdrttiv Talent, at School HoUse , . Last Tuesday Nights FOOD CONSERVATION MEETING.- We have seen this thing happen in other resort towns in which we have lived, and the symptoms are Very fa miliar to us. Even Mobile and other Gulf resorts learned their lesson along this line years ago, 'and though it was a costly lesson, yet it is one they have not forgotten. They rem edied the condition by the organiza tion of what is known as "Tourists Clubs." A suitable room is rented, conveniently located, a host or hostess is there every day, daily newspapers from several of the leading cities are to be found on the tobies, and an at- mosnhprp of cheerfulness abounds. A visitors' register is kept, wnerem ev eryone registers and. you can tell at a glance who is in town, and where they can be found. In addition to this, an entertainment or reception 01 some kind is given at least once ev ery week, and the home folks and the visitors become known to one another. it noes away wnu uic ,uiu"ivivii sT 1 T wvj-k appearance 01 your town, xi yuu care nothing tor your visitors except their dollars, for pity's sake don't show too plainly. Make them think they are welcome visitors in our town whether they are or not. Wo hone our people will look this thing square in the face and remedy it before it is too late. w. s. s. DEATH OF MR. LEE SUMMEY. Oh, the 'beautiful snow," make u realize that Christmas is not far off. Rev. Ht L. Powell preached at Leb anon, Sunday. The sermon was well worth going to hear. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Womack visit ed the latter's parents,' at Thermal City, Saturday and Sunday. M r. Clarence Elliott" was the guest of his father, W. E. Elliott, Sunday. Mr. C. L. Thompson, of Fingerville, passed through this section, Sunday, accompanied by Mr. Virgil Skipper Miss Sarah Gilbert was called to the bedside of her sick sister, Mrs. H. McCrain, last week. ' We hope she will speedily recover. Messrs. Clarence Newman, Jacob Pritchard, John K. Griffin, attended services at Lebanon Sunday. Mr. A. A. Edwards made a business trip to Columbus last Saturday. Mr. A. F. Corbin made a short call at A. A. Edwards' Saturday evening. Mr. Roland Ruppe visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Womack, Sunday.: , Mr. A. A. Edwards is fixing to start off with his eleventh bale of cotton, and has two more to be picked out Misses Mbssie and Dorcas Edwards and Bessie Thompson went to Lan drum on a shopping 4 expedition, the first of the week. W. S. 5- SUNNY VIEW. W. S. S. A flat inn ..n4- 11 onn nnn bushels of wheat when there were on- J 10,000,000 in sight can certainly flo wonders. That is what the United states did last vear. We also in- J.sefl exportation of canned M1' rom 4,000,000 pounds to 300,- j-.vvu pounds. Now let's increase ""'k shipments wius save children. Lee Summey ' died, - on Sunday morning, inov. a, ai iub numc lada, after an illness 01 aoouu weeks. Pneumonia following an at tack of influenza being the cause 01 his death. t Gn.nmAV was ' bom in Piney Grove, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. n- n Siiwmw. ana was o& ycaio v V. 1'. Jt - - e He leaves besides nas pareui Ufo r.A two children, several sis ters and bi others, all of near Saluda. v,,,,,.- about Saluda knew and liked him for his always pleasant manner, and readiness to do a good f..n for. ;mvone. He was a young rhl v vrtod habits, hon- 4. i UovH workmer. and will be an distinct loss to the community as well to 500.000.000 the lives of thousands of- ag js parents and family who .may tnat-he has been an honor to WCll Jin n noarc! Via has been the A Or lUUi' vw.i . a C(nto r""', -J ., . . j m on at OverbrooK ur tain v1: J,ounai tfteou.tlo?.K. 13 . ce,r OTii wrSini will be hard to eiwmy ior JViethocust preacn- ciwru ww .. r- 1 s fill ith thijkens selline at thirty-five cer There was a meeting : at View, on last Sunday, and several contributed to the war campaign. Rev. James Brown Will -preach at Cooper Gap, Sunday. Everybody is invited- to attend: ' Mrs. Zira Smith, of Campobello, S. C, is visitmg her father Mr. ' j. 1 Jackson. . Miss-Mattie Williams visited Ar kansas Jackson Sunday. MrsTO.lL. Wilson and daughter, Miss Bernice, visited the formers mother, Mrs. S. J. Helton, Sunday. Mr. Ernest Gibbs, ot Mill spring, was in this section, Sunday; Mr. A. F.' Corbin is now at Mr. J. L. Jackson's. Several from here went to a corn shucking' at Mr. T. N. Wilson's, Tues day. AM report a nice time; MrrJ.. L. Jackson has ' received a lotArtfrom his son Bill." who- is in France, saying that he was in the hospital with measles. Misses Lizzie Williams, Bertha Dal ton and Maggie Jackson spent Satur day night with Annie Wilson. School is to begin again,' here, -Dec. 9. Mrs? J311a Gibbs visited 'Mrs. G. L. Taylor, Sunlay last. t . : Mr. . and Mrs. G; S. Whiteside visit ed Mr. and Mrs. N W: Gibbs, Sunday? Mrs. Lela Gibbs is very ill at this writingi- - Our school has opened. We wish Miss Dalton - much success inner work. , Charles III; infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dicus, died last Monday. extend: to the. bejaed iajnilygtrar eepest sympathy; . .- ' " . ' Miss Annie Lee Gibbs and Mr. Joe Walker are home from Nacoocha, Ga. hurttil school reopens. Miss Gladys Gibbs is expected home this week; Mr. Sam Cocheram left last Sun day for Georgia. Little Horace Bnsco, from Hope well, Va,, is visiting his grandparents. Those who went to the cotton pick ing at Mr.-W. B. Edwards last Sat urday night report a njee time, espec ially the ones who were too late to help pick any cotton. But they en joyed the very: interesting games and refreshments to the fullest extent. Mr. Ragan Bradley of Camp Se vier, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lewis Melva and Claude, attended preaching at Colum bus, Sunday. - ' s ' Some of' the very patriotic women and girls met at Mrs, J - M J Lewisr jJatrSatury;an4ade sbiiikjferUie Ked cross. - T The quilt which was started last Summer for the Red Cross, is not quite finished. Every one who prom ised to make some squares please send them in. The many friends of Rev. J. M. Barber hate to give him up, but we extend a hearty welcome to his suc cessor, Rev. Mr. Shelton. There is a Red Cross box being got ten up by Mrs. J. M. Lew5k. Let's every one erive something if it is nothing but a pocket handkerchief, Three of Mr. Nesbit Walker s child ren have the flu. w. s. s. COLUMBUS. Mr. Leroy McFarland, who has been guard at the American Interna tional Shipbuilding Co., of Hog Is land, Pa., is now at home. Mr and Mrs. Joe Hodge and Mrs. Oliver Hill, of Rutherfordton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Feagan. Sunday. Mr. Gordon Johnson who is in mil itary training at Lenoir College spent Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. T. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris, of Su perior, Wis., are guests ot Mr. ana Mrs. McMurray. We are glad to know that Mr. Ar chie Feagan is better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Mills are visit ing relatives in Spartanburg. We are glad to know that Mrs. Ma jor Hutchinson and little daughter, Coy, are recovering from the flu. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lewis, of Mill Spring, were in town, Sunday. Mr. E. W. Dedmond has moved his office from the court house to the C C. Hampton building. Mr. Justice, of Hendersonville, was m town, Sunday. The newlv elected officers. Frank Jackson, sheriff; A. L. Pitman, reg ister of deeds; J. P. Arledge, clerk of Superior court; Dr. Earle Grady, cor oner: Lafayette Thompson, Charles Davenport and G. A. Painter, com missioners, were inducted into office, Monday. w. s. S FISHTOP. Mrs. G. H. Holmes. Mrs. Theodosia Jones Kennedy and MrsB.' Fr Cope lazxd Were appointed as -a committee by Mrs. W. B. Stone, President of the i-.anier Club, to arrange meetings to carry out the World Relief Week pro gram of the' U. S. Food Administra tion. Mrs." Holmes acted. aschairman . and called a meeting of the committee for last Saturday; A meeting was s arranged for, at the school building, m Tryon, for .Tuesdays night. - Uwing to the absence of MaVdt Missildine, Mr. F. P. Bacon,'.' county ' food administrator presided; After calling the meeting to order; Mrj;Ba con read a letter from Mrr Herbert-" Hoover telling the people of Che grav- ' lty of the food situation, ana 'asking; -their assistance in helping to carryiV' out the plans of the U. S.- Food Ad ministration. Mr. B. F. Copeland was then called upon to tell of the re cent food meeting at Raleigh ' which he 'did in a short and. informal talk Next came -Mrs.- FP.acdri J a r " splendid talk telling: of the duty of-alt. Americans to aid in this work; how the 'ideals of Americanism were to be tried as never before; Of the' necessity - of preserving-child life in the strlcl, en countries if we were to preserve the -future citizenship of those people. Th talk was listened to with great" in- terest by the audience, and4he iadyv, received well merited applause on fin- i ishing. Mr. Eugene Brownlee, who has just returned from Italy, was then called upon' and told ot' some of : his - , experiences with the Italian ' army; all so told of the suffering Vf the people -tft? of that country on account of lack of proper kind of food. Mr. Brownlee received the closest attentions and his talk made-' a deep- lmprssitfn'upoft ; -those who .v heard him. Mr. ' Geo. f- H.Vr -Holmes wasi then, asked to read as pledge which the Food Administra tion was; asking the American people toTtake4.upon t reading Mr.r Holrries askeoV-all th&Be - -present who would subscribe to the"1" pledge to stand up. 55 responded. Mr A. L. Hill was asked to say a few words in behalf of the W. S. S. cam- . paign, and he requested that all who : had not redeemed the pledges made some time ago, to do so at once. He" said that where pledges to the amount of '$139,000 had been made, only $9,000 of that amount had been-fulfilled. He also made some' timely fre 1 Xl -T - . 1 'A A mains upon me xuoq situauonM Some excellent music was rendered -by the school children who had been- ' preparing for the occasion under the direction of Miss Buchanan. It was a splendid meeting, and the talks were timely, and much valuable information was divulged. The clos est attention was given all the talk-; rs, and a deep impression as to-the lecessity of further food conserva tion was made. Robert Parker, of Tryon, was in this section one day last week. We ate the last good watermelon, Sunday. Let s all save all we possibly can, by denying ourselves many good things we would like to have, and send all the food we can ' possibly1 spare, to the perishing ones overseas. w. s. s POOR'S FORD. Mrs. Julia Campbell, chairman of the Food Conservation committee of Saluda, N. C, called a meeting of the women of this .place on Tuesday, af ternoon. Dec. 3rd. The spacious pars ibr of Esseola was well filled. After reading of the appeal of Mr. Hoover, and the pledge asked for by him, ine women decided unanimously, by a standing vote , that " they would take this pledge, and do their best m the future as thev have done in the past, to help suff erine humanity. After singing the Star Spangled Banner, the meeting adjourned. As this was the recrular meeting of the civic leacme. the meeting was called to or der to consider the election of officers, and sevral municipal affairs. The following officers were elected for the, ensuing " vear: President, Mrs. Camobell: 'Vice "president ' Mrs: Cor with; secretary, Miss. Box; treasurer, Mrs. Salley. ' A short time : was then given to the consideration of Red A nice little snow on the mountain, Sunday night. R. C. Jackson ands on, Grayson, re- Jackson and son, Grayson re- home Saturday from the R. C turned Shoals. Miss her Clara Feagan begun school here, last Tuesday. The flu has invaded the territory adjoining us. and the singing class has dismissed again. I What shall we do with Kaiser Bill? Kill him, or dehorn him, just as we do other beast that show a disposition to gore everything they see? And what shall we do with the deserter and slacker who failed to respond to his" country's call, thereby ; favoring the .t Kaiser brute? Send' them to Germany ? - We are sorry to hear of the death of Miss Winifred Henderson,- who was born and raised here," -and- was well known over, the county as a good school teacher and amiable wo man, whom it was a pleasure to know. She died in Henderson county, . last Friday, of the influenza. We are having some cold weather in this section. A small sleet Sunday night. Mr. Bud Liles was badly hurt while working dt his shingle mill, having - two ribs broken. We are glad to 'say , that he is getting along nicely. Mr. Moncie 1 hompson1 visited " Mri M. C. Thompson, Sunday... Mr. J. M. Crawford and family spent Friday night with Mr T. C. Matchell. Mr. Ed. Liles killed a nice hog, Sat urday. Mr. Sam Crawford and family; who,:' have been very sick with the fluy are , up again. Mr. L. C. Thompson and son took dinner with Mr. W. C. Eplee,. Sunday. Mr. J. W. Thompson made a busi ness trip to Tryon, Monday. Mr. J. H. Crawford spent' Monday in Rutherfordton. Mr. Sam Crawford spent Sunday v night with. Mr. J. W. Thompsons Mr. J. M. Crawford and family were visitors with Mrs. Rem'ThonnJ-' son, Monday. Mr. L. C. Thompson visited with Mrs. Addie Skipper, at Uree.N." -C7, Route 2, Sunday, Mr. Frank? Eplee spent last week ; with Mrs. Mentie Crawford his sister P4OLK COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION A meeting of the citizens of Polk county is hereby called to take place in Columbus, N. C, on Saturday De cember 21' 1918," at 2'- oclock,.p. m.j for the purpose of electing officers for 1919, and for the transaction-of any- other business that may come before the Asociation. p .: W. T. LINDSE.Y, Pres. B. F. COPELAND, Sec i'J