Bis ASTQ ADMIT CAMP POLK TANK WARFARE BLOODTHIRSTY AND RESULT OF WAR MAKES THAT ARM UNNECESSARY. DISPATCHES FROM RALEIGH Doing and Happening That Mark the Progress of North Carolina Peo ple, Gathered Around the State Capital- Raleigh. Special from Washington. Secre tary of Wnr Newton D. Baker an nounced unequivocally that Camp polk, Raleigh's tank school, would be abandoned There were no life-saying strings o -he statement of the secre tary of war to bolster up the sanguine individuals where "hope springs eter nal in tne human breast," when war nurtured 'iiterprises succumb to a natural death. The abolishment of Camp Folk will be complete, and the statement of Secretary Baker was ut tered with a finality that there would ie no mistaking of his intentions. Senator Simmons had a second con ference with the secretary of war, but the visit was to no avail. In fact, as related in this correspondence on Sun day, the war department had already formulated plans for uprooting the promising war time youngster at Ra leigh. The camp has not had a shad ow of a chance to outlive the world Var. Tank camp warfare is blood thirsty, and the complete consuest of Germany should forever banish from the earth another conflict of like pro portions. Moreover, the Raleigh-camp has not set well with a great body of Raleigh citizens, according to news that comes to Washington. A monster petition has just been filed with the office of Senator Simmons urging that the amp be annihilated. Naval Air Station Permanent. Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels in a letter to Gov..T. W. Bickett makes known the intention of the Navy Department to establish as permanent the naval air station re cently located at Camp Glenn, near Jlorehead City. The property will either be acquired or leased for a con siderable term of years. "As it is the policy of the depart ment to establish permanent stations only upon property which it owns or holds under a long term lease," writes Secretary Daniels to Governor Bick ett, "it seems proper at this time to refer to your letter of August 23, 1918, In which you tendered the "full and tree use of Camp Glenn to the Navy Department." - In view of the above, it is requested that the department be advised wheth er there are any objections to proceed ing with negotiations, through the proper enanneis, leading to the pur chase or lease of the above named property." lifts Ban on Tanning Extracts. Complaints from F. R. Hewitt, of Asheville, to the effect that the Octo ber order of the War Industries Board restricting the market for tanning ex tracts to the nearest buyer worked a hardship on western North Caolina tanners have resulted in the abolish ment of the restrictions. T. C. Pow H, of the United States Railroad Ad ministration, has written Senator Sim mons that these regulations have been lifted and railroal cars can now be used for shipments to any points. Buy 250 Breeding Ewes. V. George Evans, sheep field man iorjthe Agricultural Extension Service, is Shipping 250 head of breeding ewes frdb New Mexico to Spruce Pine in Michell county. Two hundred of tnese go to farmers in the county, hile 50 go out to the sheep experi mental farm near Spruce Pine. The Experiment Station now has a total of 175 breeding ewes on this farm, and under the direction of W. R. Rad ford, as superintendent, is gaining fRie important tacts about sheep and vol production. Var Restrictions Removed. It till he most interesting and grat- n"s to life insurance policy- told Wers thrmiP-hniit-Wnrtti rnrnHna. gaid James R. Young, state Insurance commissioner, that the insurance com panies Of Iho onnnUir hara o'HYllf all w J a V v wvv agreed to ignore the "special war w uiiciCS IUUSC luaiuvu ho "risked the great adventure" by joining tv. rt i a i lorces during tt -o (.m: uuvernmeni s uguuug e war with Germany and not for war tfOr , , j . .11 at hav, boen paid. ut Out of Business. State I insurance Commissioner -ames R Young cancelled the license "e Swiss National Insurance Com- irith fr lhe violation the Trading 11 the .Knpmy Act of Congress, s action was taken following notice car? the T'nited States Treasury. De- Hstedent that the comPany had been Pan as an enemy insurance com com' The federal ordr Against thw Chany waa effecve afc noon "No iZ 18 and at that time all Amer Property and assets of the com. y were taken over by government. Peace Leaau. ti.? !i?.m d naa toeen a1" ' S !,a?,diRaleigh Place of oIK0"0 of e North Carolina branch of the League to En force Peace. This announcement was made fronr national headquarters of the league, after consultation with Governor-Bickett and Clarence Poe. cha rman of the North Carolina Con vention Committee. -Governor Bickett has promised to appoint county dele gates amT it is expected thr he - will be one of the speakers. "The principal speaker from outside the State will be James W. Gerard, formerly Ambassa dor to Germany. Mrs. Bickett Attends. Richmond (Speciar) More than 150 social leaders of southern cities gath ered for raising finances for the Y. W. C. A. This was one of the' first 11 field conferences to be. held in this country. Among those present were: Mrs. T. W. Bickett, of Raleigh; Miss Mary Graham, president of Peace in stitute, Raleigh, and Mrs. Godhart, of Atlanta. Plans were discussed look ing to stablizing the association's finances. Baptist Convention Postponed. Dr. Livingston Johnson, editor of the Biblical. Recorder, was notified from. Greens-boro that owing to the prevalence of Spanish influenza in that cijff the holding of the Baptist State Convention-there would have to be postponed. The convention was to have opened December 3 in the First Baptist church. Many families who had planned to entertain the delegates have been stricken with the disease and could only with great difficulty aad hardship take care of their guests, and 'the physicians of the city advised that for delegates to come to Greens boro at this time might mean the carrying of the disease to portions ot the state which have not yet been vis ited by it: Dr. Johnson was commun icated with over the telephone by Mr. J. B. Stroud, chairman of the enter tainment committee. Single Stalk Cotton Culture. In an experiment conducted in four North Carolina counties, the profit ableness of single stalk culture of cot ton was determined by the United States Department of Agriculture. Nine experiments were conducted in Edgecombe, Duplin, Sampson, and f raven. There were three experi ments in Edgecombe county, one each at Whitakers, Battleboro and Conetoe. The merits of single stalk culture over .the old-time methods varied from three to twenty-six per cent. In one instance, where three pickings were made, single stalk culture yielded more seed cotton at each picking than the old method. Among the farmers who negotiated the experiment were W. K. Benson, of Battleboro; L. L. Draughton, of Whitakers; W. R. Fel ton, of Contoe; H. D. Sloan, of Samp son; W. I. Wright, of Sampson; L. M. Sanderson, of Warsaw; J. L. Roper, of Riverdale; B. C. Peterson, of Vancc boro. To Confer With Livestock Men. Leaving for northern points, R. S. Curtis, animal husbandmen of the North Carolina experiment station, has gone on an important trip in the in terest of live stock work in North Car olina. One day will be spent at Washing ton, D. C, conferring with the depart ment of agriculture officials. Ftom here he will go to Baltimore, where a conference will be held with some of the leading live stock dealers in re gard to proposed, marketing work in this State with beef cattle. Mr. Curtis and Mr. Charles S. Jones, of the office of markets, have arranged to push the work of marketing beef cattle in the State, and will endeavor to gain the co-operation of the commission men at some of the northern markets. $3,000,000 Power Company. A three million dollar power com pany with offices at Lexington, was chartered by the Secretary of State to do business in North Carolina. The power company is tLe Georgia, Ala bama Power Company, of Lexington, with $3,000,000 authorized capital and $850,000 subscribed. The other corporations chartered were: Bank of Tod1, of Todd, in Ashe county, with 25,000 authorized cap ital. Vein Mountain Product Company of Marion, to conduct mining operations, with $25,000 authorized capital. Baptist Fund Moves Along. Dr. W. R. Cullom, manager of the Baptist campaign for a million dollars for education, returned from a strenu ous Sunday spent In the interest of the fund in eastern North Carolina. He spoke four times, first at Menala in the morning; .Union in the afternoon- Chowan College early in the evening, and the Gaptist church al Murfreesboro, later. Dr. Cullom was speaking in the Chowan Association, the largest Baptist Association in the world, which has pledged $127,000 to the million dollar fund. Deputy Commissioner Resigns. Eugene E. Gray, Jr., deputy insur ance commissioner, has resigned his position in the Stato Insurance depart ment and on December 1 will leave for New York where he becomes connect ed with the Great American Insurance MrPGnSy has been1 appointed special agent for the Great American in Vir gfnia North and South Ctfprrt, ably making his headquarters for the dl friS to Raleigh. He wi I remain to New York for two months before AO tiYely beginmin hik new work. POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON. N. C. ESS!! REPORTS SHOW INVESTMENTS OF $3,586,273 WITH ANNUAL PAY ROLL OF $3,771,915. HORSE POWER USED. 10,694 Etnpl oyes Number 6,933 and Reports Show a Steadily Increasing Sum fn Wages Paid Raleigh North Carolina's furniture Jianufacturlng industry, as summariz ed in a forthcoming report by Com missioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman, makes a most gratifying showing, with 89 factories reporting, comparing with 96 for 916,- this in spite of very adverse conditions for this line of industry during the war. The commissioner says there is every indication that the industry will speedily quicken activities with relief from war time restrictions and re newals of supplies and labor. The report shows $3,586,273 'capital, an increase of $282,930; $4,052,000 tch tal value of plants, an increase of $363,000; $17,760,442, total value of plants, an increase of 4,340,000 and $3,771,915 total payroll, an increase of $1,349,570. The factories use 10,694 horsepower. Employes number 6,005 men, 603 women and 325 children. Re ports show general increase in Wages. Poultry Show May be Free. Charlotte If Mecklenburg Poultry Club can obtain Auditorium with out rental charges no entrance fee will be charged for the annual poultry show to be held January 6-9 and which is expected to be the largest show ever held in Charlotte, between 1,200 and 1,500 birds being anticipated. Final arrangements for holding the show were made at a meeting of th6 club at the Mecklenburg Hotel. Many special prizes will be offered at the January show, the prizes pos sibly exceeding in number those of fered at any previous show. here. Cash prizes will range from $2 to $10. When th epremium list has been pub lished, the special prizes and the cash prizes listed are expected to be means of persuading many fanciers to exhibit their birds here, aside from the likelihood that competition will be such that will satisfy the desire of poultrymen who contend that they have the best In their breed. Held on Charge of Murder. Winston-Salem. Ernest Cromer, a young married man, was held without bond for the grand jury of the supe rior court after a preliminary hearing In' the city court on the charge of the murder of Robert Young in this city during the disorder on November 17. Young was killed by a shot from a pistol, fired while he was operating a firehose nozzle from which water was thrown in an effort to disperse a mob which had gathered to attack the municipal building with rocks and guns. Several witnesses were examined and Cromer was identified as the man seen firing his pistol toward Young. Itwas shown that five shots were fired and that it was the third one that killed Young. Theevidence was too clearly against the prisoner to admit of any question a3 to the of fense being bailable or not. Many Injured in Wreck. Fayetteville. Fifty-five persons were injured, none fatally, when a broken rail wrecked the Atlantic Coast Line passenger train, Charles ton to Fayettevflle, at Latta. Practi cally every passenger and member of the crew received injuries, the ma the more seriously injured, were the more serously njured, were brought here. Two of the passenger cars left the track when the accident occurred. .The exact cause of the derailment is not known at this hour, but it Is un derstood to have been a broken rail. Solicitor Shaw Commended. Kinston. Resolutions commenda tory Of Col. Henry E. Shaw, about to retire as solicitor4 of the sixth judicial district, were passed at a recent meeting of the Duplin county bar at Kenansville. A number of addresses were made by attorneys and others Colonel Shaw will give up the solid-" torship shortly to his nephew, James A. Powers. Colonel Shaw resides at Liberty Hill, near this city. He is a native of Duplin county. Lenoir, Dup lin, Onslow and Sampson counties comprise the district. Delegation Goes to Washington. Charlotte. A delegation of Char lotte men, together with delegations from Wilmington and points on the route of the proposed Charlotte-to-Wilmington highway, will go to Wash ington to attend the hearing before a committee of the senate and house, Friday, December 13, on the Chamberlain-Dent bill which will carry an appropriation of $100,000,000 for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of national and state highways and for the building of new high wava. 'A FOR RADIO STATION Work ot Construction Will Perhaps Begin in the Early Part of ' ' : the Coming Year. Monroe. Preparations for actual construction work on the largest ra dio station in the world at Bakers, four miles from here, go on apace. In the past few days representatives of a number of northern engineering com panies "have visited Monroe and the site to investigate conditions, before placing their bids for the construc tion of the twemty 500-foot Lowells' to be erected. Bids will be received by the govern ment for the work until December 2, -and the successful contractor an nounced after they have been opened and gone over thoroughly. It i3 thought that actual construction of the station will begin by ) the latter part of December or the first of Jan uary. - One of the contractors who visited Monroe o look over the site, after go ing over the plans, gave it as a rough estimate that 400 cars of material, such as lime, cement, brick steel, will be required in the construction of each tower. As is shown by plans at the Monroe chamber of commerce of fices, 20 towers are to be erected: Thus it can be seen that around 8,000 cars of material will be required. The average box car is about 38 feet long. Buying Land for Camp Site. Fayetteville. Judge H. G. Connor, of Raleigh, presiding judge of the Fed eral Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, and District Attorney J. O. Carr, of Wilmington, spent a day in going over the land situation in connection with Camp Bragg with G. H. Wood, first assistant to Major Holden, chief of the Land Unit at Washington. Judge Connor and Mr. Carr met Mr. Wood here and went at once to the camp site, accompanied by C. E. Pilat, planning engineer. No statement was given out for pub lication, but it is understood that there are no new developments in the situa tion as regards the acquirement of the land for the camp. The purchasing of the land is going ahead. None of the camp area is being leased, purchase by the government being made in each instance in which land has been taken over. Wilmington's Anxiety Allayed. Wilmington. Skittish feeling that the advent of peace may mean the exit of some of Wilmington's shipyard prospects, following the announcement at the Liberty concrete yard, that or ders had been received to eliminate the provisions for six big concrete tankers, and build just two 3,500-ton cargo ships, have been somewhat al layed by the declaration, apparently from official sources, that come what may in the way of government work, the Liberty concrete yard is here to stay, and that it will build for pri vate contracts should government work be eventually stopped. There has been no diminution of energy at the Carolina 5 steel yard where four 9,500-ton cargo ships are being constructed. Schools Close Till New Year. Albemarle. All public schools in Albemarle have been closed until af ter Christmas, due to the still some what prevalent epidemic ' of Spanish influenza, in town. The schools had been closed for several weeks wtih teachers waiting for the board of health to raise the quarantine. Monday the schools all opened up, only to be almost immediately closed again and now the school board thinks it best, while conditions are at present not alarming, to keep the children out un til after the Christmas holidays. A rather remarkable fact in this connec tion is that, so far, not a single case of the disease has developed among the students of the Albemarle Nor mal and Industrial Institute. Salisbury Does Well. Salisbury. Figures have been giv en out by the united war work cam paign committee in this county and the district of which Rowan was a part. They show that the city of Salisbury raised $10,308.21, and the county $19,297.48. In the district, Stanly, Iredell and Alexander over subscribed. The district raised $61,912.48. Fayetteville Autoist Killed. Fayetteville. Boyd Hill, 23 years old, was instantly killed, by Atlantic Coast Line passenger train No. 52, here, when the engine of his motor truck stopped on the track in front of the approaching train. The trag edy occurred in the immediate vicin ity of Mr. Hall's home in the north west suburb of the city. At the time of the accident, he was driving a truck for a local furniture house. A coroner's jury is investigating the cir cumstances. Mr. Hill leaves a wife. Tented Shows Barred. Wilmington. The city council hav ing "passed the buck" ltf "taking no action on whether a carnival sponsor ed by local labor unions should come to' town, the health board has decreed that no sort of a combination, tented show shall come here during the time that influenza exists "anywhere In the land in serious degree. The chamber of commerce, Rotary club and several: women's organiza tions demanded that the carnival be barred. Labor men demanded that it be allowed to eomt. TtitBIDS IMTE0VED UNlrOUI nTEMATIOJTAl (By REV. P. 3. FITZWATER, D. D., Teacher of English . Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, ' 1913, Western Newspaper - . Union.) . . . v . " .- LESSON FOR DECEMBER 8 JOSEPH MADE RULER OF EGYPT. . LESSON ..TEXT-Genesls 4144. ' . GOLDEN TEXT He that l faithful in a very little la faithful also in much. Luke 16:10. - DEVOTIONAL READING Psalms 4S. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Genesis 89: CL Thirteen long years have passed since his brethren sold him. They have been years of fiery testing for Joseph, but his faith Is triumphant. There is a mighty contrast between Joseph in the pit at Dothan- and Jo seph as prime "minister of Egypt. I. Joseph Made Prime Minister of Egypt (w. 38-44). L The Occasion (w. 14:ii2). It Is the interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams. In his dreams Pharaoh saw seven fat klne coming out of the river, followed by eeven lean ones, which de voured the-Tat' ones. This dream was followed by another In which he saw seven ears of corn come up on one stalk, rank and good, only to be de voured by seven thin ones. These dreams produced uneasiness In Phara oh's mind. Being thus troubled over them he sent for the magicians and wise men of Egypt to interpret them to him. Upon their failure to interpret them, the chief butler calls to mind the prisoner who had Interpreted his dreams two years before. Pharaoh hastily brings Joseph from prison and places his dreams before him. Joseph disclaimed wisdom for himself, but confidently asserted his faith In -the wisdom of God. God Is pleased with those who will thus lean upon him In the crucial hour, and will never disap point them (James 1:5). Little did Joseph's brethren, the Ishmaelltes who carried him Into Egypt, or Potiphar whose slave he became, realize whal the future would bring to him. His years of suffering and waiting were part of God's plan for his discipline and education. It is God's law for those who would reign, that they suf fer. "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him" (2 Timothy 2:12). Joseph's exaltation from the state of humility is a fine illustration of Christ's humility and exaltation (Phil ipplans 2:9, 10). II. Joseph's Naturalization (v. 45). As soon as Pharaoh thus exalted him he changed his name to Zapnath-paa-neah, an Egyptian word haying vary ing designations; as "Salvation of the world," "The prince of life of the world," "The revealer of secrets," "The food of life," etc. No doubt it was Pharaoh's purpose to designate him as the preserver of life, the re vealer o secrets, the interpreter of dreams, and the author of the plan by which Egypt was saved from the awful famine. He thus was naturalized, and his civil status rendered compatible with his official rank. Then Asenath, the daughter of the priest, was given him to wife. Intermarriage with this caste completed his naturalization by elevating him to secial position. Jo seph's elevation was to save the world from famine. Christ's eleva tion was to save the world from spir itual death. All unknown to his breth ren, the Jews, Christ Is now at the Tight hand of the Father, the Savior of the world from Its famine of death. As Joseph received a Gentile bride in the time of his rejection and exalta tion, so Christ is now receiving a Gen tile bride (Romans 11:25). III. Joseph's Wise Administration (vv. 46-49). He first made a careful survey of the land, then organized his forces and looked after 'the details of tfhe work. He did not use bis power and position for himself, but to save others. He did not idle his time away, for he knew that only seven short f years remained In which to work. The Loom of Life. It is a solemn thought that every one of us carries about with him a mystical loom, and we are always weaving weave, weave, weave this robe which we wear, every thought s thread of the warp, every action a thread of the weft. We weave it, and we dye it, and we cut it, and we flitch it, and then we put it on and wear it; and it sticks to us. Like a snail that crawls about your garden patches and makes its shell by a pro cess of secretion from out of Its own substance, so you and I are making that mysterious solemd thing, we call character, moment by moment. It Is our own self modified by our actions. Character Is the precipitate from the stream of conduct which, like the Nile delta, gradually rises solid and firm above the parent river, and confines Its flow. Alexander Maclaren. Look Where You Are Going. We instinctively distrust the driver of an automobile who turns around in tis car to talk to somebody on the back seat We have reason to distrust him, and to resent his attitude, for many a life : has been sacrificed to .that weak ness on the part of motorists. The most careful driver may have an. acci dent sometime, but the one who does not look where be ts going Is sure to jet himself or others Into trouble. Girl's Companion. I FSSiiW littlGOOOS . t paw THE PRICE vOF VICTORY NOT VEWGEANCE, RETRIBUTION, BUT PREVENTION. THE LAW PLAINLY UI3 DOWN Intimation Given That the Man, or Men Who Cauesd the War Must Meet Merited Punishment. London. David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, in a speech at New Castle, said the victory of the entente allies had been due to the ceaseless valor of their men and that It would be a lesson to anybody who in the future thought that they, as the Prussian war lords hoped, "could over look' this little island in their reckon ing' "We are now approaching the peace conference," the premier continued. "The price of victory Is not vengeance or retribution. It is prevention. First of all what about those people whom we have received without question for years to our shores; to whom we give equal rights with our own sons and daughters, and who abused that hos pitality to betray the land. The second question was the ques tion of indemnities, the premier add ed. In every court of justice through out the world the party which lost has had to bear the cost of the litigation. When Germany defeated France she established the principle. , "But I must use one word ot warn ing," said Mr. Lloyd George. Ger many is not to be allowed to pay the indemnity by dumping cheap goods upon us. That is the only limit in principle we are laying down. She must not be alowed to pay for her wanton damage and devastation by dumping cheap goods and wrecking our industries. "There is a third and last point. Is no one to be made responsible for the war? Somebody has been respon sible for a war that has taken the lives of millions of the best ybung men of Europe. Is not anyone to be made responsible for that? If not, all I can say is that if that is the case, there is one justice for the poor wretched criminal and another for kings and emperors." A NUMBER OF TENT CAMPS SAFE FOR SEVERAL MONTHS Washington. The 16 so-called tent camps originally constructed as train ing centers for national guard divi sions will be abandoned as soon as practicable, General March, chief of staff, announced in a war department circular. The only exception will be the base hospitals at the camps, which the cir cular directs to be maintained. The camps are Camp Greene, Char lotte, N. C; Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. C; Hancock, Augusta, Ga.; Mc- Clellan, Annlston, Ala.; Sevier, Green ville, S. C; Wheeler, Macon, Ga.; MacATthur, Waco, Texas; Logan. Houston, Texas; Cody, Deming, N. M.; Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Bowie, Ft. Worth, Texas; Sheridan, Montgomery, Ala.; Shelby, Hattiesburg, Miss.; Beauregard, Alexandria, La.; Kearny, Linda Vista, Cal.; Fremont, Palo Al to, Cal. EX-SECRETARIES BRYAN AND M'ADOO MEET AT ASHEVILLE Asheville. Despite the fact that William Jennings Bryan does not smoke, he was wearing a smoking jacket when Secretary W. G. McAdoo, of the United States treasury, called on him. Mr. McAdoo and Mr. Bryan felici tated each other, and Mr. Bryon jok ingly remarked, that in spite of their former titles, each has one now that no one can take from them, that of "ex-secretary." Mr. McAdoo stopped over to inspect this city, with a view to spending his vacation here when he gets free from his political job. ULTIMATE FUTURE OF CAMP GREENE DEPENDS UPON EVENTS Washington. Camp Greene is to be used for many months for the de mobilization of army forces. Its fu ture depends on future plans. This was stated by government officials. Secretary Baker announoed as , a "policy that all teat camps will be abandoned as soon as practicable. No moro tents nor supplies will be sent to these camps, ncr will any further improvements be made other than those necessary for care of garrisons. CHARLESTON, S. C TO BE A PORT OI? DEBARKATION Washington. Boston, New York, Newport News, Va and Charleston. S. C, are the ports the war depart ment now plans to use for the return ot the army. Even wtlh this wide dis tribution of the strain on port facili ties and transportation, and with Ger man ships now Idle employed on the task, careful estimates show that the -lajtt of the army oild not possibly reach, the United States in less than elfht: months.- '.IT 9.

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