THE POLK COUNTY HEWS anH TRYOH BEE I Consolidated Nov. Publisbedl TfiYON, NOP everyvrnuay ai , NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Entered at second-class matter April 28. 1915 at th pot office at Tryon, North Carolina, un to tti act of March S. Ib79 B. RCOPELAND. - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year 03ITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Resolutions of Respect, Church or Lodjre Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financia gain, will be charsrldjresular advertising rates of five cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West 39th Street, New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising' Agent. "Long May It Wave." By saving food save human life. W. S. Do you want to save the life of the children of Europe ? Then save food. V .. w.!s. S. s. j . , Ifi you haven't boiight your allot ment of War Savings Stamps, why not.? W. 8. S Between a food profiteer and a Bol sheviki there's not much room left for choice. w. s. s. Don't you want our boys brought home? If jou uo buy War Savings Stamps to help do it. W. S. S President Wilson is in Europe, but Teddy and Congress are still with us, so there's ho reason for a dull mo ment. W. S. S. Bill Hohenzollern says he did not start the war. We suppose some German will rise up and claim there has been no war. w. s. s A crowd of Luxemburg tore down' some stores because the shop keeper had overcharged the Ameri cans, i fetter import a few thousand of them to the United States. t i jyy. s. s.-- Dicf Bill take 'the late King of Greece with him? Seems to us that Bill agreed to restore the throne oi Greece to his brother-in-law. But lost thrones are common in Europe just now. W. S. State Food Administrator Page says the food profiteers will not be al lowed to escape punishment by Red Cross donations in the future. Then why not make a donation of them to the penitentiary. w. s. s. It is predicted that eggs will be selling for one dollar per dozen by February first. Well, we don't care. Ham has been too high for our pocket book for many months, and what are e?gs without ham? W. SL H.voull not be to North Carolina's creiit to fall cwn or buying her share of War Savings Stamps. We have done so extraordinarily well on everything else, let's not leave un undone this one thing. w. S. s.- Democratic newspapers keep ham mering at the unfitness of Postmastr General Burleson for the position. There are many men in the United States who could do worse, but we are from Missouri. W. S. S. Monday's dispatches tell us that our boys have crossed the Rhine and are on German soil. That was their in tention when they left the United States, and they would have been a sadly disappointed crowd unless they had. Hope they reach Berlin before ordered home. W. S. S Both Republican and Democratis U. S. Senators are heaving-bricks at the President's head, because he didn't appoint one on the peace com mission. As much scrapping as they have Jone in the United States Sen ate for thepast year ..we presume the Prsident hiwily thought that a good plaqe to look for peace conferees. . hp American should delude himself into thinking that we have nothing to fear from Bolshevikism in the United states. Demonstrations in New York and San Francisco show what they Vownlf t7?ys -t0v. keeP that elennt plen?v oftesh 5ur People S J0d and at reasonable -TRYON-GRADED SCHOOLS. At . a meeting of theTryon Graded t-i-i' n...:r.nTawi .cffifiirriav af- lernoon, Mrf Marriott's t resignation 01 memDersmp on- aauuui r -health was laid on the table. ull pay was voted to the teachers for the five weeks when school was closed by 4.1. - v.oo1fVi anthnrities on ac- uie pu"- . -r i'nflnon7a nmvinea tne CUUIIt Ul U1C t teachers would prolong the regular term two weeks. A holiday vacation of one week was ordered. , The chairman of the commission, Mr. Gash, was empowered to get out warrants for the arrest of Ward, Owens and Ray Jackson, for sim- 1 i r,r- TlldV ttVti aOMlSed Of entering the school premises Sunday a 'tpmoon, the 23rd, upsetting a row 01 tiesks. scattering uvu. "y, over the rooms, writing on the walls and piIi- up pails and refuse m the hallway. The school building has suffered from several damages and depredations like this, and the com missioners decided that it was high lime to treat it as a serious offense against the law and taxpayers THE LANIER CLVtH. The Lanier Club which has been al mn5f mprcrprl with the Red Cross dur ing the war, now that the. war is over, came forth bright and ready for a useful winter. AT tc Sfrtnp in a Graceful and witty M. Jm v v w q address made her entry as president. rr Danipls with that wonderful way he has of sharing and making inter esting his intimate knowledge of literature read from the dia logue of Crito with Socrates the night before the philosopher dranK tne poi enn intrndnrinp- his readine1 bv com paring the Greek attitude of mind with that of the Germans; in oom the man being but a pawn of the state. Mrs. Corwin rendered several of Whitrnmh Rilev's Doems in a very acceptable manner and Miss Jackson sang two songs ootn 01 wnicn gae pleasure. There was a eood attendance and several strangers became Tryonites in consequence 01 tneir oecoming ac quainted with members of the Club.. w. s. s. JEVER. hon't trifle vithaKc61 Unit's dangerous. , Ybu can't afford feo-isfe, IriOuenza. Keep aHvaya at hand; box of CASCARAM QUININE Standard celd remedy for 23 years la tablet form safe, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold in 24 hours relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. f Having Qualified asdministratoK Bol tne estate ua . - iceasld, late of POlkoUnty, this is to Enotiffc allftjrsoin against said estate to pres"" iv... the undersigned administrator, with in twelve months , from date or this 11 Via nlpadpH in bar oif payr nent. All persons indebted .to the estate will please maxe imiiKUHw: payment. shields, 'Admr. Walter Jones, Attorney. W. s. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Get the Genuine and Avoid Waste Economy n Every Cake Classified Advertisements. BOAR FOR SALE. Jever get all achy An sore, an' Have your chest hurt, An' just feel it In all your bones Except your wish Bone, that you vv ere goin to Have the "Flu" an' thing Pneumonia an' ever' Just after vou Had read about "The great prescription' Which used to be Called "Old Crow," Or something like that An' you know there Was a little Left over when The bone dry law Went into effect An' you know just Where you had it, An' think you Can go an' put Your hand right On it? An' all the Why home, , You get achicr An' achier all over, Till you are in 'Nawful misery by The time you get In, an' the wife Hears your groans An' asks "what's The matter:" An you tell her An' she wants You to get rij In bed An' drink a hot lemonade an' Send for the doctor But you insist On fixin' the Furnace first An' go down stairs An' hunt, an' hunt An' hunt An' you can't find Even a cork! Then you go Upstairs, an' the wife Says: 'Look1 pale," An' you say you Feel pale, An' then she Asks why you Didn't fix the furnace Ah' you grunt, ' An she asks "Have you lost something?" An you groan Ant she kinda Smiles, an' brings That old Brown Betsy out An' you smell 01' Doctor Crow's Prescription, an' You know its all Right, but a little I Too much for one' An' not enough For two an' You split the Difference by gulping Once an' chokin' twice An' then you Roll over an' Sleep like a child An' dream of Doctor Crow An' pink J i Then you get up in , The njornin' as good As new,, . ; . -7 An' go to work An' say you Aint afraid of the "Flu" Nor nothin', You know what I mean Jever? Augusta Chronicle. at Broken-nose Berkshire. Will sell $pr market price of pork, to any far mer in Polk countv who will aerree to keep him for breeding purposes. u. J. 1-iL.rMun, Tryon u. 1. Buy your nursery stock of E. J. Bradley, Saluda, agent for the old reliable nursery company, of Pomna, N. C. He can save vou monev and assist vou in vour selection of trees best adaptedt 0 your soil. We Have the Right Prices AND ' , Kind of Materials to do your s building- Full stoqk Doors, Windows, Siding, flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Moulding, Rough and Dressd Lumber. Carry complete STOCK QP FEEDS HEARON tlUMBER COj ' f SALUDA, N. C. WE SOLICIT Your orders for 'Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can save you money. See us for lath, brick, doors and sash. J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. WALTER JONES. ATTORNEY AT LAW Offle up 8talrs In Jno. L. Jaoksn C Bld'g. SAVE FUEL. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage dat ed 9th March. 1915, executed t?y San ford Liles and wife Queen Liles to E. D. Ezell will sell at the court house door at Columbus, N. C, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1918 at 2 o'clock P. M., the following real estate, to-wit: A tract of ten acres of land described as follows: Part of Pat. No. 1013, on the wa ters of Mill Creek, beginning on a black gum, Head's corner, aml run ning thence south 80 east 65 l-3poles to a stone in Mose Shields' line Bar nett's corner; thence with Shieds line south 46 w 18 poles to a sourwood his corner; thence with his line south 6V2 west 24 poles to a stone, his corner; thence with his line south 49 Ys west 19 poles to a stake, his comer; thence with his Jjne south 26 west 9 2-3 poles to a stake, Head's corner; thence with. Head's lirie north 68 poles to a stake in Cantrell's line; thence with his line north 30 east 231toles to a SDanish oak. his cor ner: thence with his "line north 10 east 3IV2 poles to containing 10 acres. Sale will be made aforesaid mortgage. Terms: Cash on dav of sale. F. D. E7o. .Moilgatjee M. Georgion, Assignee. MORTGAGE SALE. the beginning, to satisfy the A furnace at bargain. Burfp both woo'd and coal. In guaranteed excellent condition. Much less than half price. Will heat half a dozen ordinary sized rooms. Can be seen at FRANK WOOD'S SHOP. Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home By virtue of the power of sale cou- f ainpfl in a rprtin mnrfr crn ita . . ttn.i dated 25th of March, 1914, and le- corcted in book 01 mortgages iNo. 9 at Dace 585. of - the vpr.ii ls nf PnlV county and executed by Joel 'Shcvfey "and wife Maggie Shorfey, to secui;c fhe payinbnt o"tithe purchase 311 ir? of lan(is horeinattor decrioil, default having been made in tho payment of both principal and inf-r.' "of said jiuiuiaot; jji 11 ui:vjt", i win SO 11 lO the highest biHrtov, lor ensh, nt rhe t l " i . . . t-ourt nousc aoor in tniiira.nis on tne 9CAhr riAY OP nPPPMRPP 1Q1C at 12 o'rlnrlc AT., nil tho fnUnwinar rlo- scribed piece, parcel or tract of land, to-wit: Tipinp- a mrf nf nr trmt Vn 1 Ci9 A the waters of Little Cove Creek and adjoining the lands of J. E. Thomp son, Eli Bradley and others. Begin- ning on a nicKory, j. inompsons corner on the east side of the Little Cove creek ajid runs- South 68 west with Thompson's line, crossing the creek 62 poles to a stake, . B. O, Cor ner; thence south 6 east crossing Spring Branch 56 poles to a stake and stone; thence south 52 west 88 poles to two dead pines and a stone on top of a ridge; thence north 38 west 164 poles to a W. O. on top of a ridge, Bradley's corner; thence north 18 east with Bradley's line passing just south of a large rock 124 poles to a poplar and dogwood, corner thence south - 4 east 60 poles to a sdurWOod on Ihp Imvor cirln nf nn - - - ktjiwv V-l. Mil told toad; thence north 84 deg. east 43 pwito iu siiit itt ix uiuii; inonce.o. 65 E. crossing a branch to a cucum ber on the barrk of Little Cove Creek; th-CrflpUhexreek S. 25 east 734 poles to a large rock corner of a 92 acre tract; thence north 50 east cross ing the creek SO poles to a stone; thence south 25 east 79 poles to a stone; thence north 85 west crossing the creek 33 noles tn n ctmi in tv. bottom; thence south 25 east 28 poles to tne beginning, containing 216 and one-half acres, more or less. Said sale being made to pay the debt, interest and costs of sale secur ed by saidabove mentioned mortgage from Joel Sherfey and wife to J. H. Johnson. This the 20th dav of Nov. 1918. MRS. J. H. JOHNSON, Administratrix of the estate of J. H. Johnson. -E. W. Ewbank, AAttomey. NOTICE OF SALE. Price $ 5.00 30 Days free Trial Guaranteed or 10 Years IRYON ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY N6TICE. Having lately been appointed aai administrator of tne estate of - Johifl .Tr1 CVCMeui persons navmg claims against said estate are -hereby refcueijted to present said claims duly swofcfcto, to the undersigned within tverv months i from the 4th day of Novitober, 118, otherwise will be Pa"ed Jy statute. Also" all persons indebted to said, estate are requested to make immediate settlement with said administratrix. This 18th day of November 1918. LYDA ARLEDGE, -;' ;' ? Aiaistratrix. Pursuant to th pewor of sale con tained in that ccntain mortgage deed executed by L. B. Tn'bblo and Dinah Tnbble, his v:fr, r, J. V. Kennedy on the 12th day of D3!v-n- 1916, and of record in offLe of Remitter bf Deeds for Polk county, in Book No. 11 at page 238, default having been made in the payment of the debt and interest thecm provided for, the un dersigned ,': 11- sell at i public auction to the higlic:3t bidder for cash at the court house door in Polk county on MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon the following describ ed land and provisos conveyed by said mortgage, and -Jesci ibod' as fol lows, to wit: Situate in the county of Polk, State of North Carolina and in the town of Tryon; beginning ;jt a stake" at the Northwesterly edge of the George weaver Road, at a point whee -i line running south 71 deg. 30 "mm. West 226 feet from the Southeast corner of the B. C. Livingston subdi vision of the town of Trvon would intersect said point, and running thence North 57 deg. :jo min. East 48 feet to a stake, corner of V.t 11 C. in said subdivision; thence North 1 deg 5-J?71; 70 feet with the line of Said lot 11 C. tr n etlri. fV., 4.1. 88 deg 15 mm. West JOl feet to a ..ou W wo a staKe, corner of lot ?v, anl 3? sa?(lisubdi vision-- thence South 59 deg. East 73 feet to ,he beginning, containing one-fourth of an acre,-more or less. T4i 13th;,day f November, 1918. f : . Theodosia Jones Kennedy, Executrix of J. W, Kennedy, mJ'." gagee. ' .. a- ' Bank of Tryon, deft 69 mortSaee and owner of Walter Jones, Attorney, ese In our large stock of General Merchant will find almost everything you need in youh You won't find anything at uless than cost "T cause we canTsell it that way. But you will fi many rare values in Honest Goods. Another tl you will find is that every article you buy is cycij uwupj. Tvcaorv uu io comparer) goods and prices with those of any other house I we will cheerfully abide by your finding. q here to serve you honestly and faithfully, ai,re this basis solicit your trade. " ' on Wilkins & Co. Tryon, N. C. go oo oooooooooosaoooooaococo O x TL fi Ctn : ii i . A q n iiiiiii KjLLLiy givca you uie rignt to A Q stand up when the Star Spangled Banner 0 g is played. An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now to start that account. Come in and let's talk it over. v 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o U W. T. LINDSEY Pres J. B. HESTER Cashier. n oooooooooooosooooooooooooco 0 0 BANK OF TRYON 9 ii ui .Dollar Raising Raise Dollars the same way you raise wheat use horse sense any thing planted in the proper soil will grow Dollars will grow if planted in this Bank. we pay 4 per cent on your sayings account This is the seed time for your dollar harvest crop--begin your planting now at BAN IK of SALUDA Capital $10,000.00 Saluda, N. C. HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Prcs. PRESTON H. BAILEY, Cash. UK REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND HIS s City and Farm Property Bou$zht and Sold. Furnished and un furnished houses for rent. Property taken care of and rents eolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out looking for a place. Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, N. C. You'll need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite, good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of A Fine Tenderloin Steak An Extra Porterhouse Steak A Luscious Round Steak A Nutritious Roast A Dish of Pork Chops A If yhi havn"t any teeth we have sausage that will fairly r 1 melt tin youf mouthi. Eat our meats. GooAJor vour stomach. AIo want to buy good beef cattle, nogs and chickens, for which" I will pay the high est MARKET PRICE. A. H. WILLIAMS.