H it ! .a f 1 I H '.! i 1 ! i 5 I' 'v !., ! J I: v v 'I if I i i - n u BRIBE . OF BATTLE in CHAPTER XI Continued. . . Ada Kenson turned and ran toward Xjrk with a scream. She did not rec ocaize him, Mark could see that Tbt discipline of a lifetime held Hark steady. He stood confronting Jjellerman, but did not raise a hand cn to guard himself. Kellerman jSared at him in speechless fury. And ifitn then It seemed a little singular fl Mark that Hartley disappeared, so swiftly and silently that neither the ansa nor the woman knew he had been tfljwe. Then Kellerman turet into hysterical Jkvgfcter. the spy from the , war.depart-. jurat," he cried. "The fellow . we xttbed out of the army for treachery, aorsqaerading here In uniform. A i&ak wall and a firing squad for you ftcaaarrew, my manl" Ada Kenson sprang between them. B doesn't mean that !" she cried, jraog into Mark's face dubiously. recognized Mark now, but Mark mid see that the recognition meant &HIto her; probably he had been only m trivial incident In her career. "Lis tea t me!" she whispered In Mark's met. "He has been drinking. It will ike all right. Just go back and keep 404a to yourself. You'll get a fifty (Mhr bill by the next post, and ten 'flnary month afterward, so long as you Saeft see anything. Understand? He 'Jasat responsible " Mark turned away In disgust, but he -imagined thewarped mind that caught 8 this Lope of secrecy. He went back Into the kitchen. The jcc&Eers were still there, one or two 33ed him; the incident had occupied vatij ten minutes. Annette made a Ktle mouth at him from the doorway. X4 Hark was searching In the room Jar Hartley. Tonr friend went home, I think, -miosieur le soldat," said Annette In SZsrk strode out of the Inn without wsrd. Hartley's disappearance did .wfl disturb him. Hartley was strange; Se felt that he had relied too much m Hartley. It was for him to act. He wwtld so to the Major in charge of the Jnejital, tell his story, and do the only 33xuz possible. He had no doubt any aacger that Kellerman and the Kenson msoan were partners In a far-reaching rwHSpfraey against his country, though 3 tad never before allowed himself la accept the obvious deductions from $1 Washington episode. His mind aofiraf slowly. His purpose had been redeem himself, he had thought aicrfley obsessed; now he meant to re xral everything. -Sad suddenly, out of the mist of .yeEESfc. he recalled Colonel Howard's tary of Hampton. Kellerman had 3s the chief agent in Hampton's Szzjjc fall. Suppose Hampton had 3en innocent! Suppose that Elea asrTs father had been a brave and loyal nam. whose hideous ruin and abom- 3ash3e death mlht be posthumously iduficated? - Hie Wood rushv?d to his head at the iftoHght of it. The burden of the atnowiedge of her father's shame, and its probable effect on her If ever 3fie learned had weighed heavily upon SSmtifs heart since that night in the JtnXAn Cuba. Then the Blood receded, leaving him as old as a stone. For he recalled &8a Kenson's words to Kellerman. So fSa hunter was hard upon the quarry perhaps he had already snared her. USesnor had liked Kellerman. He 3areed back his thoughts, strode Undght to barracks and turned In. CHAPTER XII. And he slept, though he had not ex pected to close his eyes that night. Se slept as soundly as his comrades, awakening, as was his habit, a few atonutes before reveille, with a mind aSapalarly clarified by sleep. He would xsk to parade before his commanding officer in the morning and state the tSastx. leaving the rest to fate. He was not destined to, for the same corporal who had put him on duty dur ane Ms previous afternoon "off" called 45a five minutes before parade. , "Too can leave them buttons, Wes aaa." he said with a grin. "You won't need to polish 'em where you're going. "She sergeant major wants you at wee." Hark hurried to the office, to find the ogeant major In company with one tae senior captains; then he remem ld that rumors of the preceding waring had sent the Major away with tfae Inspecting General. His interview mwt be postponed, then. "Weston, you'd better get your Breakfast at once," said the sergeant sKBjor. "And have your kit packed in Sweaty minutes. You and Hartley are up to the front." senior captain temporarily com- sanSng the detachment unbent from fl official air which he was trying SeniWy hard to assume. were specially asked for from aeadqnarters,- he said, "with another i. ana rm sending Hartley be- c our ixiena. Tnev want two men for the stretcher bearers "7. wen be sorry to lose yov4 Vestas A Romance of the American Army Fighting on the Battlefields of Franco By VICTOR ROUSSEA0 (Copyright, by W. G. Chapman.) Mark saluted and went out Just as Hartley appeared at the door. The sergeant major enlightened Hartley briefly. "You must have some pull at head quarters, Weston," he said. "Do you know Major Kellerman?" "A little, sir," answered Mark grimly. "Well, he seems to know all about you, and he told the O. C. over the tel ephone that he must have you. He'll be your O. C. now. for a while, so things ought to run smoothly for you." "He's not a doctor, sir." "No, but the stretcher bearers aren't a medical corps; they're attached to the th." Mark hurried away. In the barrack room, at breakfast, the two were the subject of mingled jests and congratu lations. The stretcher bearers, form ing, as It were, the last supports of the Infantry, shared with them the ETeat nroDortion of casualties. Keller- man's scheme was perfectly clear to Mark. He was In a wretched state of mind when the car steamed Into the depot at the end of the narrow-gauge line. He descended Into a city, a nushroom city of the supply and transportation department. A sergeant and corporal, with nine or ten men of the stretcher bearers' company, were waiting for the two. The little troop was returning to the trenches after five days of relief at a rest camp. "You're the two men from the base hospital?" asked the sergeant. "All right! Fall In. Right turn! Quick march !" They moved away down a slope and began to pick their way along the be ginning of a maze of trenches. The roar of guns, which had never ceased by night or day, and had long ceased to be noticeable, was louder now. Suddenly the sergeant stopped. "There was ten of you," he said to the corporal. "All here," responded the corporal. The sergeant turned to Mark. "Where's your mate?" he asked. Mark, who had been plodding along under the Impression that Hartley was following, turned round, to find that he was the last of the party. Hartley was nowhere to be seen. The sergeant ran back a few paces, to return breathless and red In the face. "He's gone, the silly fool!" he spluttered. "Must have taken the wrong turn at the bend. Go back and get him !" But Hartley was not at the bend. The sergeant joined Mark, Incredulous. They scrambled up the bank and scanned the level road. There was "no pedestrian In sight. "He's taken the wrong turn some where," Insisted the sergeant. "Come along with me! We've got to find him!" They began doubling back, shout ing, until they reached the end of the trench system. Still Hartley could not be found. ."If he ain't on hand I'll be broke," the sergeant grumbled. "And I'll break "I've No Doubt You Misunderstood Me," Said Kellerman. his head for him. You medical corps chaps are like a bunch of babies. Ought to have a nurse and baby carriage for each of you." Reluctantly he abandoned the search and they rejoined the others. . The ser geant, In an ugly mood, ordered them sharply onward, but could not resist casting occasional looks back to see if the missing man was coming. How ever, at last he resigned himself to what seemed inevitable. The trench widened into a deep, wide, parallel one extending in zigzags to rijht ajid left of them. A large dugout, made shell-proof; or, as nearly -as possible so, by a roof of heavy beams, sandbags and corrugated steel, bor,e the Red Cross upon - the door. Inside' a num ber of stretcher bearers were lounging. The sergeant halted his men and stepped Into a smaller dugout beside It In a minute he came out and beck oned to Mark to follow him. Mark entered, to .find himself in the pres ence! of the captain commanding the" stretcher bearers' company, and Kel lerman. He saluted and stood to at tention, watchjng Kellerman's I eyes wander over him appralslngly. "Orderly, Where's the man who came with you?" inquired the Captain briskly. "He disappeared on the way up, sir," answered Mark. "What do you mean by disappeared? Did you see him go back? Or was he with you one minute and gone the next?" "I thought he was behind me, sir. I didn't see him go, or know anything about It." The Captain, who had been holding the receiver of his telephone, and evi dently waiting for his connection, got it. Mark heard him sending out a gen eral notice of the absent man. He gave his number, and the name "Har ley." No doubt he had mistaken it as he received it by telephone from the hos pital that morning. "You'll parade before me tomorrow morning," said Captain Keyes to the sergeant. "Till then you are under open arrest." The sergeant saluted. "Right turn J" he said to Mark. "Walt a minute," Interposed Keller man. "I'd like to have a few words with this man, Captain Keyes." "By all means, sir," replied the Cap tain, rising. He strolled, humming, to the door of the dugout, leaving Kellerman and Mark together. "So you've enlisted under the name Weston?" inquired Kellerman. "That Is my name, sir." "It was a shock to me yesterday, Wallace. I never expected It. Your disappearance stirred . Washington a good deal. The war office would have exonerated you." In spite of his loathing of the man, Mark felt his heart begin to hammer with hope. He looked at Kellerman with pathos In his eyes; he could not hide his feelings ; he was groping amid the ruins of his world and trying to reconstruct them. "I've no doubt you misunderstood me," said Kellerman. "My association with the Kenson woman was a part of my official duties the most distasteful part, bufi one that had to be carried out You and I were the victims of -an acute piece of trickery. That fan was wired." - "From your room, sir," said Mark. "From my room," answered Keller man. "And, no doubt, by the Kenson woman's agent, that spy who called to eee you at the war office the same morning. Colonel Howard knows afl about It. He means to stand by you. He heard you had" enlisted, but he did not know you were In the medical corps, nor under an alias. He is at' the base now, Wallace. When he comes up next week I shall make it my busi ness to see him about you." "No, sir," gasped Mark. Kit doesn't matter now." "It matters to me, if not to yourself, Wallace. I cannot rid myself of the sense of partial responsibility. And as for what happened last night, you took me off my guard. 11 be frank with you. It was my duty to interest the Kenson woman. I succeeded too well. She followed me here. I couldn't bring myself to denounce her. For that I have placed my" own position In Jeopardy. When you appeared I did not know what to do or say." "You found a course of action," an swered Mark, torn between the desire to return blow for blow and to do jus tice to Kellerman, whose story left him doubtful and wondering. "Will you accept my frank apol ogy?" asked Kellerman, extending his hand." Mark took it. "I will, Major Keller man," he answered. And he made his "way to the door of the' dugout, with a feeling of warmth In his heart such as he had not known for many a month. He believed Kel lerman and yet . . . but he fought down his instinct and still believed him. CHAPTER XIII. No word had come of any project of attack on the morrow morning, in this the sergeant's prediction had prbbably proved false; yet the feeling in the air of something impending seemed to have communicated itself to the ene my's lines. A wiring party and a listening post party were out from the American trenches, and Mark was on duty with three others of the stretcher bearers' company, ready for a call. A corporal was at the dugout door. Stretcher bearers!" he whispered. The four men were on their feet Immediately, two stretchers ready. "A man MnJetween the lineu," cald tihtf corporal. nbii'Fe got to bring Mm m. li can see mm irom w jtr hole." ' , ; v ' Mark stepped upon the sentry s plat form arid saw, Indistinct ia the dark ness, a huddled form about half-way to the German trenches. - Then he heard Kellerman's voice at his side. "A man of the th got hit," he said. Brlng him In, Weston. Make a quick Job of it Corporal Balnes, you'll take charge. You two will be ready to" take out your stretcher in case anything happens," he added to the two others. The corporal led the way, crouching, toward the gap in the wires. They passed two lines, traversed a diagonal lane, and emerged beyond the third into the open. The body of the wo'und- ed man, which had disappeared, came into light, a black patch under the stars. "Get down !" whispered the corporal. They flung themselves to the ground, and proceeded to wriggle forward, un der his directions, pushing the stretch er as noiselessly as possible across the rough ground. Suddenly the man with Mark uttered an exclamation. "What the devil's he sent us on this job for?" he demanded truculently. "Shut up, you fool I" whispered the corporal hoarsely. "That ain't the man. He's been there these past three days. Dutch man he Is; every listening post party knows him. What's the good of bring ing him- In? He ain't got no head to him." "What you talking about?" snarled the corporal. "That's the man the Ma- Fought Amid a Hailstorm of Bullets. Jor said, and there ain't no other in sight. Tcht !" They flattened themselves as a rocket burst into the air above the Germaji lines. Then the machine guns burst forth. "Rat-tat-tat-tat 1" sang the bullets over head. They swished through the grass and pattered on the ground. No answer -came from the section of the Ameri can line immediately behind the de fenders, but on each side there came answering volleys, making the air an inferno of crackling death. Then, gradually, the alarm subsided. The rocket showers died down. "Now, boys I" whispered the corpo ral. They crawled onward. The huddled form came Into clear view. The body seemed to be already blending with the earth, melting Into formlessness; and there was no need to wonder whether this was of a dead or wounded man. The corporal swore. "I told you so!" mumbled Mark's companion. "I told you so. What's he sent us here for, the fool?" His words ended In a gurgle. From behind the shelter of the corpse leaped five men. Noiselessly they flung them selves upon the party of three. Mark felt a pistol at his temple. "Surrender!" hissed a voice in his ear. In a flash he realized the -trap. The three were unarmed, noncombatants ; it was a counter-raid -and Kellerman had known that the enemy were abroad that night and suspected their rendez vous. He saw his two companions being dragged, unresisting, toward the Ger man lines. Three men were with them; besides his immediate antago nist there was only one other figure in the Immediate vicinity, and that ono had half turned away. And the thought of the Infernal trap goaded Mark to madness. As his cap tor, never suspecting resistance on his part, let the muzzle of the pistol droop, Mark drew back his hand and struck upward with all his might He felt the burn of the powder as the discharged bullet sped "under his chin, he heard the startled cry of the Germans ; and then a furious outburst of machine-gun fire came from the trenches opposite. Two Very lights went up, revealing the two struggling men to the sentries on either side." Mark saw a powerful man, a ser geant, he thought, with close-cropped yellow hair and the body of a Her cules. The man dashed at him, strik ing madly with his bare fists. The two fought amid a hailstorm of bullets. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Pennsylvania's mineral resources yielded an output valued at nearly Sa.OOO.0O0LOOO last year. ' ALL LUMBERMEN KNOW There is one man who is known to every lumbetinan In; the country. He is George Wi Hotchklss of Evanstoh, 111. The lumbermen ought to know him by this time, Inasmuch as he is the oldest living lumberman in point of years in . the business. He was born In 1 1831 in New Haven, Conn. Therefore he is eighty-seven years old and proud of It. He is the first man in America to publish a lumber Journal the Lumberman's Gazette, somewhere in Michigan. In 1877 he 'came to Chicago and has been in busi ness here ever since. He is now sec retary emeritus of the Illinois Lum ber and Material Dealers' association. He goes to his work every day. Mr. Hotchklss has other holds on fame. He is one ef the" last of the Forty-niners. He started for C'fornia at seventeen. He went by &ea and he was 154 days on the way. Then he has an abundant mop of e-" - j j "u"6' liiciii. nMi your hiiir d'liU water, he says, and yon may have one like it at eighty-s v n. His bodily activity Is another thing. Water is the of thl bath following 15 minutes of exercise every morning on arising tKK Mr. Hotchklss is, among other things, a reminder 0f the growth of the city in which he has done business for more than 40 When he was born Chicago had a hundred or so inhabitants Thus i38"1 lifetime of one man still hearty and vigorous the frontier villa? Fort Dearborn has grown to be the fourth city of the world-nrohahw i?!? third. i'ruDaDiyitsthe EDUCATION plan and will also finance it. The American Library association will provide the text books. One million stu dents, four million text books and several thousands of administrative teach ers are items that indicate the size and scope of this vast project. Training schools for trades and also professional schools will be established as the need for them Is made known to the administrators abroad. Teachers and instructors will be 'chosen from the rank? of the specialized men in the army. FROM NEWSBOY TO GOVERNOR From newsboy of the lower East side of New York city to governor elect of the Empire state is the record of the onward march on the political road of Alfred E. Smith. And it has taken him only 45 years to do it. "The only genuine Tammany man who can get the anti-Tammany vote." That was the opinion expressed in Democratic circles in New Yorkjwhen the Saratoga convention unanimously chose him as its candidate, against Governor Whitman. Apparently, the opinion was correct. He has always been a Tammany man and owes it everything he lias had in the way of political preferment And he beat Whitman. Mr. Smith has been prominent in Democratic politics In New York for about 15 years. He was "discovered" in the old Fourth ward by "Big Tom" Foley. He entered politics in 1903, when he was first electpd tn tUp sembly. After serving several terms he was chosen minority leader. He be came speaker, and in his last term was majority leader. Following his sevlce at Albany, Mr. Smith was elected slier iff of York county by a plurality of -17,000. As sheriff he abolished useless positions. He was the last Incumbent of that office on a fee basis of compensation. In the last municipal election Mr. Smith was chosen president of the board of aldermen, which position makes him acting mayor when Mr. Hylan is absent from the city and which gives him three votes in the board oi estimate. WHEN THE BOYS COME BACK " Am mMM- the same spirit or Araei lt they have acquired while fighting for their country. A new race of me . were, is coming back to America and they will want to be welcome' a understanding dn our part of the seriousness of the business in n iQt have been, engaged and an appreciation of the sacrifices they bve m the country they love so well lllli HIM "1 j-V 'IMHirlMMM iimnni ooli OF THE SOLDIER John Erskine, professor of English at Columbia university, has been In trusted by the Y. M. C. A. with the task of establishing an educational war project of tremendous size and of far-reaching importance to the United States. The purpose of this project is primarily to offr opportunities of education to our solders during over seas service In order that they may'1 return home even better citizens than they were when they left. Many thousands of our soldiers will presum ably do overseas duty for some time, no matter whether peace or war con ditions prevail in Europe. The Y. M. C. A. sent Anson Phelps Stokes abroad to make a survey of the educational need of American sol diers. ' The present plan was then evolved to meet the conditions shown by his report. The Y. M. C. A will undertake the actual operation of the . fc- Mrs. Mary Hatch Willard. chair man of the executive committee America's allied co-operatic coni tee, has returned from Europe. -visited the French and Italian fr Mrs. Willard. who was decoiai the WllU ir.j.m jiti Ii.r re it 1 i : .f win lueaaiiie a nouut-ui . ,.t. among the troops, spo aks in emu astic terms of the morale iiuong American soldiers auroa cer who had ; in the Cta- She quoted a French i.j TnoriVftn-: in U'c . ont'an'I hoLi teau-Thlerry engagemc 1-1 -U ctniT fO II- . "The Americans are fine so fearless and brave, and every o them seems to be a hero." t "We must prepare no. Willard says, "to receive 01 : r heroes. They will want soim,tdeS. sides brass bands and great P They will want to be "mch plpf 1

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