.1- 1) 1 1 f i 3 Hi! ? M 1 -7 ; f ! It ; - It si ! I i .5 i It'-1 If 3 II i' H 4 !: AM i i ; I: j ; . 1. fi ! " I'll 1 . : ) " i u vi 1 ! ! u i i I . . 'i - i-il v. r I- ! 1 i POLK COUNT? 1HSWS, TRYON, N. C. IMPORTANT IJEI'JS THE W OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THIS AND OTHER NATIONS FOR 8EVEN DAYS GIVEN THE NEWS 0T THE SOUTH Whirl Is Taking Place In The South land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs European The world's total losses of merchant tonnage from the beginning of the war to the eria of October, 1118, by enemy action and marine risk was 15,053,786 gross tons, according to official an nouncement by the British adniiralty. The entire Turkish fleet is now in the hands of the allies, the British admiralty announces. The warships after surrendering were interned in .the Golden Horn at Constantinople. The former German cruiser Goeben was among the surrendered vessels. The hew Turkish government is proceeding against the young Turk party of Enver Pasha. In reviewing the question of wheth er GermanjHis able to pay war dam ages and the war expenditures incur red by the allies, the London Daily Mail declares that the estimated al lied expenditures of twenty-five bil lion dollars are less than one-seventh of the main German assets in sight. The newspaper says that a moder ate estimate of the value of German mineral deposits Is 191,000,000,000 pounds sterling. In addition the Ger mans own their own railroads, for estst mines and large areas of land. All the nations represented at the Inter-allled conference here may be regarded as in agreement with the policy of Lloyd-George as to compell ing Germany to pay to the limit of her capacity. The allied representa tives are also agreed on the proposi tion of bringing to trial those respon sible for outrages on humanity dur ing the war. The reply of Admiral Beatty, com mander of the British grand fleet, to a request by Germany for mitigation of naval terms of the armistice, re fuses any concession, regarding mer chant shipping or fishing in the North sea. Incidents of serious gravity occur red within the last few days in a prison camp in Saxon, where allied prisoners are confined, the Echo de Paris declares. The allied govern ments are reported to have decided to act energetically in that connec tion. Speaking at Bootle, England, An drew Bonar Law, the chancellor of the exchequer, confirmed the state ment that the British government had decided to press the allies as. strong ly as possible that the surrender of former Emperor William should be demanded, and that he should stand his trial. Translators in twenty-three lan guages, Including Chinese, Arabic, Turkish and some not even so well known, have been called for by Brig Gen. William W. Harts, who is di recting the equipment of the Amer ican peace delegates, says a Paris dispatch. Messages directing the disposition of official business have begun to reach the white house from President Wilson at sea aboard the transport George Washington. It is understood that all the wireless dispatches so far have dealt only with routine business. Cotton has taken an upward .turn, and all the authorities are agreed that Southern farmers should hold cotton for some time yet. The high water mark in the rausterf ing-out process at Camp Wheeler, Ga., was reached recently when ,600 were sent home in one day. Bound on a mission the principal objects of which are the -abolition of militarism in any form and the attain ment of world peace, Woodrow Wil son, first president of the United States to visit Europe while in of fice, is speeding across the Atlantic toward France to attend the greatest International conference in history. Ten men were killed and twenty three injured at Pompton Lakes, N. J., by four explosions which destroyed the detonator assembling building of the DuPont cap works and shook the countryside for miles around. More than five thousand soldiers arriving in New York from England on the transports Lapland and Mln nekahda shared as a part of their home-coming reception the tremen dous ovation given President Wilson as he sailed for France on the George V ashington. Complaint in an injunction suit against Postmaster General Burleson was filed in New York by the Com mercial Cable company seeking to pre vent the postmaster general from as suming control of the company's ma rine cable system. The week of December 15 has been designated by the war department commission' on training camp activi ties as a time for special letters to be written by mothers, fathers, sis ters, wives and sweethearts of the men now overseas. American builders may accept con tracts for steel or wood ships to be built for private American interests without making application to the shipping board for permit. Similarly wood ships also may be built for for eign account. This has been announc by the shipping board. Joseph V. Stilson, secretary of Kova, a Lithuanian language newspaper, was sentenced In the federal court at Phil adelphia to serve three years in the Atlanta, Ga., penitentiary. He was found guilty of conspiracy to violate the espionage act and with obstruct ing recruiting. I The decision of the war labor board announced in Washington Fri day, granting in part the demands of the Atlanta union street carmen for , higher wages, and the reinstatement of men discharged, but giving the company the right to prohibit the wearing of the union button while on duty, was received by the workers with disappointment and dissatisfac tion. President Arkwright of the com pany says the increase in wages will wreck the company. I i .-. w. tmm. :.v..-a.-.-.. v.w.-.-oi'j'.'.'.v.'.'.'tw-.:.--. mmmmmmm mm mm St Wm 1 OHHttHHi mmmmmmmm mm 1 Mm v i iUMrnnr m in iim i mi 1 British mine sweepers clearing .the North sea of German mines. 2 American soldiers who were wound ed In the St. Mihiel salient, photographed on their arrival in New York. 3 Dr. Joseph Pernikoff, representa tive of the all-Russian government, who has just come to the United States. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS President Sails for France, But Does Not Jell Specifically What He Plans to Do. WILL BE WARMLY WELCOMED Trial of Former Kaiser for Murder Seems Assured Llebknecht and Spartacua Group Fighting Ebert't Government for Control In Germany. Domestic The report is that the epidemic of Influenza persists, but that deaths are much less numerous. Between three hundred thousand and three hundred and fifty thousand deaths from influenza and pneumonia have occurred among the civilian pop ulation of the United States since Sep tember 15, according to estimates of the public health service. Representative Carter Glass of Vir ginia, chairman of the house banking and currency committee, is under stood to have been offered the post of secretary of the treasury by Preeident Wilson. President Wilson has accepted the resignation of Bernard M. Baruch as chairman of the war industries board, effecth January 1, and has agreed that the war industries board cease to exist as a government agency on that date. Judge John T. Pendleton of the civ il division of the superior court of Fulton county, says Atlanta outranks Reno in the matter of divorce. He says people flock to Atlanta from every p art of the United States to secure divorces. He deplores the lack of suitable laws to protect the marriage JVOW. Trading In the stockk markets dur ing the .week ending December 7 was the dullest for many weeks, being lim itfcd to specialties, notably tobaccos at extreme advance of 1 to 5 points. The practice of tying military pris oners to the bars of cells and all other methods of severe corporal punish ment has been ordered abolished by the war department. The purpose of the "Letters-From Home week" is to apply the "home touch" to a broad-gauged military pro gram for maintaining the morale of the men who find themselves idle af ter weeks of strenuous fighting. The war department hopes; through these letters, to keep the men contented, "straight" and ambitious to live up to the high ideals of American man hood. permission has been granted - the coffee exchanges to reopen wmever iney aesire. However, the food ml tolnlstration will continue its control tTer coaeflL Washington The United States government la still standing aloof from the contro versy in Europe over the possible ex tradition of the former German em peror for trial. Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm has renounced his right to the Ger man throne. This information comes by way of Switzerland and is sent out by the Wolff news bureau. Secretary Baker has informed the house appropriations committee that the war department's disbursements to date in the United States total $9,159,000,000, and those in Franco $1,168,090,000. Appointment or a European com mission representative of American business to go tb France and be avail able for any aid it might be able to give the peace delegates from the United States in considering economic problems that might enter into the peace negotiations, has been decided upon by the reconstruction congress of the industrial war service committees. This action was taken at the closing session in Atlatnic City, N. J. Britain will demand from Germany forty billion dollars for Great Brit ain and her dominions and reparation for the war, according to the London Daily Mail. An appeal to the workers of the country not to engage in a nation wide strike as a protest in the case' of Thomas J. Mooney, convicted of murder in connection with the prepar- i edness day bomb explosion in San 1 Francisco, has been issued by Secre tary of Labor Wilson. The army program of eighty divi sions in France by June 80, 1918, was embarked upon with complete confi dence that Germany could and would be defeated during 1919 if the project was carried out, General March, chief of staff, declares in his annual report to Secretary Baker, made public in Washington. That conviction was based on a comprehensive study of the whole, war situation ordered by Gen eral March immediately after he as sumed his duties at the head of the army last March; The British foreign minister, Bal four, says a League of Nations is. a necessity, but United States Senator Borah say that if the United States knows what is best for her she will steer clear of entangling alliances. The peace congress will begin early in January.' "The final action is expect ed to be taken in May.1 Secretary Baker lias informed the senate finance' committee that through' contract cancellation the war depart' ment expects to save approximately $ -of the $24,281,000,000 voted by conifeia for th army dor 1 inc the war. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. With the cheers of thousands of civilians and returning soldiers ring ing In his ears. President Wilson sailed away for Europe on December 4, on his mission of world peace-making. As the good ship George Washington made Its way out of New York harbor all the shore batteries and war vessels Joined In the presidential salute and off quarantine the steamship met its conwy, the battleship Pennsylvania and five destroyers. It was a pleasant coincidence that the presidential party met several transports thronged with American troops Just sent home from England and France. Mr. Wilson, It was expected, would land at Brest about December 12 and proceed at once to Paris, where the residence of Prince Murat has been prepared for him. The other delegates and most of the rest of the large' party will be housed In the Hotel Crlllon. The president Is assured of a warm and even enthusi&Ulc welcome in France, Great Britain and Italy. His arrival In Europe will be scarcely less welcome to the people of what were the central empires. The governments of those states, distracted and dishev elled, look to Mr. Wilson to mollify the entente powers and obtain for them less rigorous peace terms than the crimes of the Teutons have de served. Whether he, will be able to accomplish this, or even will attempt It, remains to be seen. The president has not taken Into his confidence the con gress or the people of America, pos sibly because he could not guess, prior to conferences with the representatives of the entente nations, how far he might dare to go in the way of human ltarianism. They are willing and eager to confer with him on all matters and doubtless will defer to his Judgment in many things, but they have their own very certain Ideas as to the treat ment that should be accorded the Ger man nation and people. One of these ideas is that the ex- kalser must be put on trial for murder and, if found guilty the "If" might as well be "when" must be adequately punished. The best legal authorities of England and France agree that Wil liam can be extradited from Holland, and there Is no doubt that in any event enough pressure could be brought to induce the Dutch to give him up. From the beginning of the war the English and French have de termined that William should ultimate ly be brought to Justice personally, and there Is ample reason for the de pression from which the deposed ruler is said to be suffering at Ameroneen. The former crown prince, who, by the way, says he has not yet renounced his rights to the throne, may also be put on trial. He, In his Dutch retreat, has been telling how he and his father were forced into all their outrageous actions by the military clique and Bethmann-Holweg. He also tri in I shift to others the blame for the ter- rinc defeats his army sustained. Another fixed intMnn , tente powers Is to compel irmaifiMtto pay to trte limit of her capacity? Her ability to make financial reparation for the damage her armies have done is undoubted. The measures to be adont. L ed by the allies are yet unsettled. Ger many s state-owned mineral, coal and potash deposits and railways alone are worth vastly more than the claims of the allies will amount to, .and It is not unlikely that those will be seized. In money the country la almost as rich M It was before the war. This question of reparation brings up the matter of a commercial boycott.. Many authorities assert that the only way Germany can pay will be by ob taining raw materials from the coun tries she has been fighting and selling her products In their markets. Very likely the peace conference will declare against the boycott Idea, but It will not be so easy to persuade the peoples of the allied nations to buy German made goods. Most of them would pre fer to see Germany reduced to the po sition she has earned for herself, to have such money as can be taken from her, and to let the rest of the financial reparation go by the board. Austria, too, is making the loud wall for raw materials and markets. Dr. Franz Klein, who will represent at the peace conference the so-called Austrian re public, provided he Is admitted, Is re lying especially on America to be "fair" and to solve the troubles of the late empire so that all the republics can live In peace and prosperity. Some Job I 'JBl Conditions In Germany are almost as uncertain as In Russia after the fall of Kerensky. Just who or what comprises the government It is hard to say. Premier Ebert and his moderate socialist colleagues are still the nomi nal rulers of Prussia, but Dr. Karl Llebknecht and his Spartacus group of socialists the German equivalent of the bolshevlkl are vigorously fighting to get the upper hand. They are especlaly strong in Berlin, which Is In a state of great disorder. It Is reported that Llebknecht has 15,000 men well armed and is planning a ter rorist revolution. He reviles Ebert for asking food from America, for, since this Is conditioned on the maintenance of order, It Is "yielding to a capitalist effort to beat bolshevik alms." Lleb knecht's organ, the Red Flag, demands the dismissal of officers and the choosing by soldiers of their leaders ; the Immediate arming of the revolu tionary workmen and the disarming of all other organizations ; the destruc tion of capitalism, the annulment of war loans and the socialization of all business. The soldiers' and workmen's coun cils of Germany have demanded that the ex-kalser be tried by a German tribunal, which would probably be the best he could hope for. fe In many parts of Germany there Is 6wift reaction against the bolshevik movement, and it threatens to grow Into a counter-revolution, with the pos sible restoration of the monarchy. This Is fostered by many officers and supported by certain units of the army. That it will go far seems quite unlikely. The soldiers and workmen generally, however, seem disposed to support the Ebert government rather than the Spartacus group. The leaders of the Bavarian repub lic have Induced the Berllners to de mand the resignation of Doctor Solf, whose retention as foreign secretary has been one of the puzzles to outsid ers, an to exclude Mathlas Erzberger from the peace negotiations. to The late leaders of Germany and Austria are quarreling among them selves concerning who was responsible for starting the war, and the present leaders are demanding that this ques tion be settled by an inquiry and the guilty ones punished. How much chance there is of a fair investigation is revealed by the fact, Just brought to light, that the German foreign office burned all the documents in the ar chives that might place the responsibil ity for the war on the German govern ment. It Is interesting tp note that Doctor Solf has proposed that a neu tral commission inquire into' the ori gin of the war. fe The allied armies of occupation con tinue their march into German terri tory and are meeting with no resist ance and little trouble of any kind. The .Germans aae not keeping up ' to schedule in complying with the armis tice terms, but say this Is Impossible in some instances. For Instance, ther cannot gather the required number of locometives, and thfe airplanes called fur are being given lkp where, they are Instead of being collected and surren dered in a bunch. The last of the Hun submarines have been turned over to the allied fleet and the Germany navy whose personnel wm denounced bj Admiral Beatty as beneath contempt, is now no more. General Dickman's American army has Its headquarters at Treves, and from It reports come that flatly con tradict the idea that the Germans are short of food and clothing. The peo ple in the occupied districts are studi ously Indifferent to the Invaders or openly eager to keep up their trade. The French and British have been moving forward in their zones with little Incident. Among the loot already recovered from the Germans is the '$60,000,000 taken from the Russian treasury. The Huns also have returned a rich art r collection that was stolen from St Quentin, and other paintings taken from Valenciennes. ' fa The all-Russian government at Omsk appears to be gaining In stability, but the bolshevlkl have not let up In their trouble-making. An Irruption of Reds Into Esthonla has alarmed the govern ment there, murdering, burning and plundering being unhindered. Livo nia also has been invaded by them. A call for help by sea was sent out, and a few days ago a British fleet ar rived at Llbau. The vessels probably will proceed o Revel and land men to stop the slaughter. The bolshevik au thorities in western Russia have turn ed back 1,500,000 Russian soldiers who have been prisoners In Germany, and It was reported that the men had seiz ed four ships at Danzig which the British Red Cross had obtained from Germany for the housing of prisoners. The Ukrainians and the Poles de cline to stop fighting. They are chas ing each other back and forth In terri tory which both claim, and It Is diffi cult to say which has the advantage. Recently the Poles occupied Brest Lltovsk, the town where Germany ne gotiated the peace treaties with Rus sia and the Ukraine. Before President Wilson left the country he delivered his address to congress reassembled for the short session. He paid glowing tribute to the forces of America, military and civilian, which helped win the war, and said he was going across to Interpret his Ideas of world peace because he considered that was his bounden duty. But he did not give any specific infor mation as to his plans, nor did he so much as mention his colleagues on the peace delegation. In dealing with do mestic matters, the president said he was convinced it would be wrong to turn the railroads back to private own ership under present conditions, but that unless congress solved the ques tion In the near future he would relin quish the roads. Other matters that he asked congress to act upon quickly were the revenue bill, the navy build ing plan and woman suffrage. Secre tary Daniels' plan for the navy is for steady and rapid increase of the fleet for which he asks about $434,000,000. The estimates submitted to congress by Secretary Baker provide for a regu lar army of approximately 500,000, but certain items are Included that leave the question of the strength of the army open until after the conclusion of peace. 151 The American troops already are coming back from Europe, the first to arrive, except for the wounded, being the aviation units that were training In- England. lea As was expected, the president ap pointed Congressman Carter Glass of Virginia to succeed Mr. McAdoo as. secretary of the treasury. He has been chairman of the house committee on banking and currency and his selection for the cabinet position meets with general approval. Sa While the rest of the world Is tun ing to the ways of peace, Chile and Peru are preparing far war. The an dent; quarrel over the provinces of Tacna and Arica has been revived, th people have been insulting and provok ing each other and the situation is crit ical. The armies of the two countries have been ordered to mobilize, atid unless wiser 'Counsels prevail hostili ties will ffoilewv before long. The United States has no intention of In- ' tervenlng in the squabble, but ft numi her of our warships have been dis patched to Valparaiso I lean Interests. 1 EXPANOE WORK ON SEA n,w ...... A' BTHna,. U INTERNA. tiai, . U. S. Committed uSef T. to the BuilHi 5 tVastington.-Wi'h a UdUl achievements 0f t- 'M m ire war. Secrpt upies. in his annual ZlM nt recommenda-inn , M naval expansion to ffiee ,k ConM cf peace for national and - v 1 1 uw ... work on the sea Through nearly all of Ui o.5e& uie secrets rv " phrases of the naw ... . ln M f the doing of th;T: lntt -ible throne -o" teamwork iu tne miehtv transporting 2,000,000 mlT? VUw V.11V, 1 W . I I Q TV . 1 v I accomplish :h.p thresh eDem7S:a devotes a errand k.. ' 'ktl - cuapter m , I rine brigade, whi.s ... knows blocked th w dJ6! ranee on Paris, and Tt M man retreat that ended with S ? Inasmuch as the United States rile richest of the great nation 1 has suffered in ' m the allied powers, it will h..1?C this country to make a contrib to the navy to preserve the peZ the world commensurate wl.v wealth, its commerce its .;.. ."! expanding merchant marin J ubuip m me council of free m nlft Tf ia tbnmt ... , . ."cioic, our auty n0T , w ciilci upon any aei and ambitious naval program, b a go forward steadilv unon the u, '.. naval increase to which the - VWUIlII committed itself bv the adonfi years ago of the first far-, constructive naval program in the his tory or the republic. "I have recommended to this Cot gress the adoption of another three year program substantially like tia one auinonzfiQ in isio. Mr. Daniels shows that the n $600,000,000. three-vear buildine m' 0 f i cram he has nroDosed will nrovidp i additional naval ships, 10 of to dreadnaughts and six battlecruisea and the others to be in such distribu tion of approved types as the depart ment may deem best. CLEMENCEAU MAY BE LEADER OF FRENCH PEACE COMMISSION Paris. Premier Clemenmu may act as president of the French dele gation to the peace conference. It is reported that the presence of Presi dent Wilson, as head of the America delegation, has led to this decision oa the part of the French premier. It i said that he may select as his collabo rators, Captain Andre Tardieu. head of the general commission for France American war matters, and high coi missioner to the United States; Jul Cambon, general secretary to the m istry of foreign affairs and former &a bassador to tie United States, Mar shal Foch and the French mmisten of the navy and labor, Georges W gues and M. ColHard, respectively. TOO QUICK EXPANSION WILL PROVE HAZARDOUS TO BANK Washington.-ln cautioning W against seeking great business ex skm and profit making '07 war, the federal service boara. these activities "must for some n to come be subordinated to tw eral welfare. "Some banks e . ment said, recently had draw heavily on the reserve banks ; io counts to cover promotion or u expansion which really were sential to the communis ' . . .,. i9ns. W1 Conservation of tan restriction to neces u urce Wl " .mrses. pessary eiuw L1"u" w . L.nnir resold must continue, the board dec NINE FRENCH PR'fft' SHOT IN PRUSSIAN Paris. Nine French Pfot nhot by the Germans, ana prisoners seriously woundea prison camp in ngen6fhlador at Baxony, the Spanish am q Berln reports. The prisoners did not m the ic3 the severity of this act of It was decided. t s ia1 The French governm eni . cated, is resolved to a tion for this act of tne BATTALION OF AMEBjCAtZ INFANTRY GO TO American battalion of the TW T left Treves by train for . premtture occupation 0 aI1 due to the request of the thorties, -who are ot conditions after the the German forces. . meri ctfj .- This ie the first time ;f.or have utilized railway t" advance into the territory the Germans hat W1

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