POUT OOUHTY THYOII, II. 0. TRYON v V Bacon spent Monday in Mrs. u' .y P'jn Spartanburg, -Monday. 'f 1 lVfe. ,-.-oi Trvon news wilt be Ad?ll'TCn ist naire of the paper. tut " - Sunday school bunday 10 o'clock. All are invit- E. McDonald, of New Power at, Speed arrived from F Mist f I .ncr at La. -W&.r - ..iHno- Mrs. York city is Fvoraima- . r I IT JH&. , t j iQCf wppIt. and is at cmith ienu . - Se at Hillacres. The Misses Day and Mrs. Durant, nberlin, unio, are occupying iuis. iongs apartments for the winter - . Prpston and Miss Helen t.i tnn of Minneapolis, Minn., are Jrith the Misses Pettigrew, for the winter- thjin one dinner was disar- -need in Tryon, last Sunday, by too P o cprmon in one of the colored w a churches. and llS. w. vv. r anneswcR., 01 Vt.. are occupying Mr. Mr. Dorset over, it and here I am back again but. m spite of higher prices, at the same wages l got when I quit. Perhaps this will partly console my readers for their disappointment, when thev thought tfd' been- safely interned 'abroad. v: . v- ;; - -. If Tryon talkabouts can dp trusted and they can't Tryon is certainly uiy wwn, juagea oy ine auegea efforts to moisten it. There are sto ries of moonshine handed out on moonless nights, from mysterious au tos and "hickory" wagons that creep silently in, halt, and lonely figures talk in low whispers in their vicinity. "iii naiua uus luyunsnme, it is saia, may be seen staggering about the streets and rolling , home, whereMt is put or rolls into its little bed and sleeps itself off. , If this gossip is4rue and it probab ly isn't, the Detroit colonists who have no use for" prohibition, may get what it is harder than before to get in micnigan, now a dry state. Several hundred gallons of beer and liquors in the possession of the owner of the De troit German newspaper were recent ly siezed and confiscated. They had to be released because the court ruled oococcsaccsacssacseocssoccsocssacccocccacs: NOTICE! ; : plight Smith's log bungalow, at Hoi- that the law does not include private iv ove " J. L. Washburn and daughter, i(ss "Mildred, have arrived from Du ll th Minn- are occupyin their home near the old Mimosa site, -gabbath services at the Congrega rhurch: Sunday school at 10 a. nublic worship at 11 a. m., sermon -hv the pastor, ruuuc mviwju. . ir 1 Miss Helen Kenwon-ny is nome on a leave of absence from Army Hospi tal No. 9 to care for her mother jvno sustained a severe injury three weeks ago. Mr John Bushnell, of Saluda, has mrrchased the "bfg Clara Bell house' which should be known as TMatucket, and is -getting in good shape for rent ing. Mr. and Mrs. Venwfr have a fasci nating photograph of three genera tions of "James Vernor" all three looking both like themselves and each other; an attractive iamuy trinity. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb and Mrs, Cobb werein town Monday. Mr. Cobb says that the influenza has interfered greatly with the attendance at Stearns High School as well as all schools over the entire county. Mrs. Katherine Edwards is in Try on on furlough, visiting her sister, Mrs. F. P. Bacon. Mrs. Edwards is a volunteer nurse at one of the army hospitals in New Jersey. She fears she may be mustered out soon. At a meeting of tlie Tryon Golf Club, held a few days ago, Mr. R. G. Kirchner was elected president, and Mr. Eugene Brownlee secretary-treasurer. The links have been put in ex- cllent shape, and contests are held al most daily. Mr. and Mrs. .Merrick and infant have returned and aretaying at the family residence on Godshaw Hill. Owing to . the. closing -out Pt Govern ment work Mr. Merrick has ceased connection with the DuPont Powder Co., at Nashville, Tenn. . Mr. A. T. Hart has sold his farm near Columbus, to his son-in-law, Mr. G. L. Orr, and will go to Philadelphia and other eastern points for an in definite stay. Mr. Orr is a former resident of the state of Oklahoma, and we are glad to have him locate with us. Mr. Hart's many friends will hate to see him leave us. Mr. R. A. Leonard informs us that the golf links are now in condition for playing. That the golf club has tak en in several new members of late, and the outlook for : a busv; season on the links is bright. The club is going to buy several more head of sheep to pasture the grqunds during the sum mer season. Tryon Council No. 143, Junior Or der, is in receipt of a letter from James M. Hall of the M. D. 105th En gineers, in whjch he says "I was not able to be with my regiment from June 21st to October 6th, but I am glad to say that I was with my regi ment when thev broke the famous Hindenburg line."' Miss Mary LeDuc, a former resi dent, nf Trunn nn7 rpsi'rfinc in Cali fornia, has left for an extended visit to Washington, Florida and returning will spend some time in Tryon. Out of a family of six who lived among us many years Miss Mary is the only one left, and the old residents will have a hearty welcome for her when she re- In the interest of the enlistment canipsign inaugurated by the Baptist State Sundav School Board, a Sunday school rally will be held at Lynn hapel, Sunday evening, at 7:30. Rev. E. J. Jones will speak on the sub ject "The Sunday Schools of Today, ana What They Stand 'or." invita tions are extended to all interested in Sunday school work. His friends find Mr. Eugene Brown lee's flrmi-Yit Viio rrPTit month's A ambulance and hospital work in Italy very interesting and even thrilling, for there was plenty of danger as well as hard work and exposure in bring- ; . . i - tt.. m the wounded irom tne nun shelled battle fields. He learned to admire and love the brave uncom plaining, cheerful Italian soldiers. TRYON WALKABOUTS AND TALKABOUTS. a mi m property. ine stun has been smug gled into Detroit in the guise of ap ples, flour, pork and other commodi ties. One fellow took advantage pf this to seH as whiskey, three barrels of wate.r and was arrested for obtain ing money under false pretenses. One thirsty soul got into a vacant house, found a barrel of hard cider and drank himself to death in two weeks: Those of our visiting Detroit ers may be able to give points on the traffic to our. native talent. TO TAX PAYERS; f The State and County taxes for the year 1918 are ,! duVand the books are in my hands for collection. ;! All tax payers are earnestly requested to meet me ! on the following dates at places named and pay ! their 'taxes: , J Branscomb's store, Monday, Dec. 16th. 1918. 1 Melvin Hill, La wter's store, Tuesday Dec. 17th. John W. McFarland's, Wednesday, Dec. 18th. John A. Shields' store, Thursday, Dec. 19th. Pearidge, Mrs. Taylor's store, Friday, Dec. 20th. "r:il o : t -i. ci. j t ri j x i.uui opruig, .us wis soure, oaxuraay, uec. ist. g Last Call. As the law provides that levy upon property for .ijnpaid taxes shall be made after November 1st, please settle your taxes and save this unpleasant diit.v. pportainilLy y W. C. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector. The Food Administration urges people not to slaughter lamb, calves, "broilers" on the ground that the young animals should be allowed to mature and produce more meat them selves, and breed progeny that will produce it, to say nothing of milk, butter, cheese and eggs. Disregard ing this advice an unlanterned auto the other night went bang into a calf over at Lynn, and made veal of it be (fore it could say "Jack Robinson," or even "Hi there !"As a penalty for dis obeying the, food Bureau one passen ger got a twisted wrist, another was badly bruised, a third found himself holding up the car by the front axle on his chest. He was saved from be ing crushed to death only by toppling the car down the bank. A Detroit friend tells me that 50 children are killed there by autos every year. Old Herod would find himself outof a job in that city. Dr. Palmer expects to resume his practice here. Whether two practic ing and one retired physician are more than a- town of this size needs is a question not easily settled. There are probably no statistics on the sub ject. It must -depend somewhat on the state of health in the town. Up north there w(as a small . town with two- doctors. -There was -more than enough parctice for one but not enough for two. Both were very pop ular with their patients. None who had called in one would ever call in the other; yet neither doctor made more than a bare living. The town was divided into two equal factions, each of which tried to make as much business as possible for its favorite. They said one womanwould call in her doctor when she found a fresh freckle, and another would prick her fincrer when she wanted to be mani cured, so as to have her doctor do it. It was finally settled by one side tak ing up : a subscription and buying the other- doctor out. ADAM JAY WALKER. -T The Government Wants us to save on meat, flour and sugar, using more of the vegetables. Are we doin it? The Govern ment now says buy more ' War Savings and Thrift Stamps. Have we all done our part? We have the best of vegetables and canned goods, also the W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps. Buy of us. Let us help you to ' BE PATRIOTIC. John Orr & Co. Phone No. 14 Tryon, N. C. We are of fering a nice assortment of Xmas goods this season. Toys, Dolls, Jewelry, Books- Ties, Mufflers. Handkerchiefs Toilet Articles, Knives, Fancy Shirts Shirtwaists, Pocket Books, Gloves, Books, Stationery, Fountain Pens, Card Cases, Silverware, Rings, Watches, Lavaliers, Furniture, Games, Trays, Baskets Bath Robes, Smoking Sets, Military Brushes Sweaters, and many items too numerous to mention that are suitable for practical Xmas gifts. We are making reductions on Coats and Coat Suits. Our line of dry goods, clothing, shoes and notions is complete. We are selling some staples much less than wholesale, namely: $1.25 Work Shirts... 89c $2.25 to $2.50 Overalls $1.89 Ginghams worth 30c and 35c 25c and 30c Flour, per barrel $12.40 THE BALLENGER CO. For Everything los 7 Millinery g Dress Making All Work Guaranteed First floor Wilkins store MRS. E. RHODES. GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages, prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable ! prices. TRYON, N. C. t Nest-Eggs Never Hatch But a nest-egg in a bank, hatches. A nest-egg of dollars hatch es out many nickles and dimes. These in turn become dollar nest eggs, and continue the hatching process. Get a Nest-Egg That WILL Hatch Set it to work hatching INTEREST. That's one part of the busi ness fo this bank paying interest on your nest-egg on time deposits. The man with a savings account has an interest in life. Ve invite you to let us help create that interest. PEOPLES BANK k TRUST CO. TRYON, N. C. t , We Have Moved. if there are any readers of the NEWS-BEE who don't mistake the space I waste for advertisements of niortgage foreclosures, and so skip em, I call their attention to the fact that I havpn't contributed a word for A month or so. The few who noticed it say they heaved a sigh of relief in stead of a brick. They were like the Jrfsh judge in court. All he wanted Tas silence arid mighif little of that, pome hoped I'd been drafted and was J , Prisoner in Germany. But this and Jhe end of the war was too much -good fuck to expect in the same month. A sympathetic friend told me that one reader, as soori as her copy came, and threw it in the fire. She said uea her scissors cut out my "stun she'd much rather read a hole in the Paper than my idiocies and monkey Jsms. Then she ought to pity me, the Printer and. the proof-reader who nave tn read 'em.- But this so hurt toy feelinma that T nn it. Tt's rather Our stock of Groceries in Jo the building next door to our old stand, formerly occupied by Gurley's hardware store, where we have a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at prices that will tickle your purse. 500 Packages Nogara Coffee, premium with each package. . You know what this coffee is. 600 cakes Soap, as long as they last, per cake 5 cents. 1,000 bottles Cherry Cola, as long as they last, 5c per bottle. This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their Financial Condition. . "Will you let us serve you? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account, CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER H. B. LANE President Vice Preaidests Cashier 0003 SALO Fine Kentucky Horse at a Bargain. W. T. LMNBSEY, Tryon. All our goods are fresh and the best on the market for the money. W will appreciate your trade and treat you rij oiht T. W. B allew , Tryon, N. G, FOR SALE AT A BARGAN If taken at once. Cash or reasosble terms. Two tenant houses," well built, in colored tenement district. Storehouse and lot on Trade street. GEO. A. GASH, Agt. i t MAKE YOUR DAY DREAMS COME TRUE Don't merely dream of the big things you are going to do TOMORRRW TODAY is the lime for action WAKE UP to your opportunities You have the tools of success Learn how to use them NOW IS THE TIME and this modern school is the PLACE. Here you will get a money making knowledge that you can acquire in no other woy. EMANUEll BU$INESS COLLEGE 15 Haywood St ' ASHEVILLE, N. C. ugh. on ner and others but X got I

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