I j TRYON Ir at thl school Lot of hats at less hodes. ' :mi .T B. Hester Natives in Atlantaj these Is" how to meet the Bol- sheviki. The two great explosions in house Saturday country within the past few days haithefriyitir us'If theyand the I-jWVgg; could; be , rounded up anu prupeny pumsnea than cost at Mrs. is the Ga. guest 01 . TM jtlrnm si. tiB QnTlVpH Miss Emma i-a.j;iiv .-' i Tryon for the wfnter. n H. Holmes made a short fsit to Asheville, Wednesday. the - world would breathe easeirs One . of the things ! brought out at the Chamber of Commerc meeting Wednesday night was the wretched condition of our school house and all, or at least as many of-tho citizens of the town as coil no so, would meet 15 now $15 to $20 kit Mrs. Rhodes . morning and proceed to give the scnooi nuusc ooi- i wuoie sne-oang a gooa cleaning. rakes and shovels and an ample sup ply of "elbow grease" tcT handle such implements, and see what can be 35, now $15 to $2(f at- Mrs. iWlill you be at th4 rdav morning: .. I . . - . rnats that formerly soia av i iJ:i ' tw? aone to improve the looks of tinners. , - - rr'u l l Qnil till if ll tUt v- r w m . - Ljttr..ii' .rtv ' relatives. Ane oy scouts are included in the lich., are sue. - - . invitation. Be there. - - ; A 1 800 WOMEN NEEDED BY SALVATION ARMY Commander Evangeline Boolh Says -War Relief Work Must Be Extended. "'. ' T' ' -- ,-'?' ' ; -1 - V it--.- r- -sfc-' -j-i- -m -ttje . 1 '- SUGAR SHOWED . OUR; BAGKB0E4E m -j Ant steelman, made a ;"T Asheville. last Tues- Miss Marv Lindsely Mt for Atlanta k Saturday to resume her studies k needs a Vhere :' Saturday elp. NEW TYPE. i r -w -cinxr nnH Mrs. Lu- trrafews in Asheville, " ----- his week. . . ; Mr v Y WilKirs visitea ms pr nts at Cowpens, S..C, the fore -part f the week. . ; . . , Mr C W. Balleriger madea .busi ness trip to Charlotte, the fore part of he week. "' : , - I Mrs L. V. Brown and little daugh er visited ' Spartanburg - relatives uesday. ; . Mr and Mrs. -NeJson ' Jackson re- nmoH tn their home in Columbia, b v. Monday. 1919 is to be the banner year, for Mimtf. What are you doing to lelp the cause?,... : : T. T. BaHenger, ifter a short busi- Dfi: st.rv in Trvon. returned to At- " - -.r J -ill-A.. We have replaced all tha type in our . job deDartment with new. al so good J adding several new type faces that and we aia not nave. We now have one of the most com plete job departments of any small plant in Western North Carolina We' appreciate favors shown us in that department, and hope to be continued with same. OAK HALL ARRIVALS. i- Among the late arrivals at Oak Hall are: Mr. and MJrs. A. L. White, Glen Cove L. I.; Mr. Wm. Thomas, Charleston, S. C; Mrs. E. W. .Wood, Livingston Manor, N. Y.; Mrs. A. B. Cheswright, Livingston Manor, N. Y.; Miss Sarah Purdy, Tryon: Mrs. Rich ard Kirchrier and son, Tryon; Mrs. E. B. Clark and son, Brooklyn. POLK COUNTY . FAIR ASSOCIATION. anta, Ga., Monday fy Hester have reentered the Univer- . . ... , , , of jrr!nllirnK-Q. sity at Chapel Hill, j The directors of !the Bank of Tryon at their meeting thjis, week declared a dividend of 8 per cent: j Mrs. BT.F. Copeland .will, leave for New Orleans shortly, where ship .will n ffw weeks! wifh friends. T .. : I cj o - i Mr; andiMrs. MJ L. Taft will -leave I are requested to attend for New .Orleans Tampa, Key West, and other: southern points, shortly. : Tea win be served at tne Mountain Weather permitting, the annual he Polk C sociation will be held at Columbus, Saturday, January 25th, at two .o'clock. The election of officers will take place at this time, and other impor tant matters .will , come before the meeting. Everybody in Polk county Having the good ; of the Fair at heart American. Willingness to Give Up Luxury Dtimpnstrated Na tion's War Conscience. Industrieson Wednesday and Satur day afternoons, f 09m 3:30 to 6 o'clock I -Sunday school at the Baptist church next Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preach- W. T. LINDSEY, President.. B. F. COPELAND, Secretary. ' T-f-O CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Commander Evangeline Booth, lead er of the Salvation Army in the Unit ed" States, has been suddenly called upon to furnish 800 additional far work women for France. The request is contained in a report just, receiled by her from Col. William A. Barter Of the Salvationist forces, whom she sent to France over a year ago to fes tablish hutment and general war re ief work with the American troops. "We will do all w can to fill tills demand," said Commander Booth wl en discussing the approaching Uni ed War I Work Campaign, "and the m ed itself should impress the Amerii an public all the more with the absolite necessity for sustaining and enlarg ng the war relief work of the seven or ganizations, besides the noble Bed Cross, now merged for a drive for funds. Each Is a vital cog in a vlist machine for human relief, and each! is lndispensiDie, serving its particular elements in its own way. . I "The Salvation Army was born In hardship, reared in privation and trained to . every phase of human tais- ery and how to cope with It. Perhips that accounts in some degree for the success our .work has attained auditor which We are thankful. ; "We are of the common people, dnd we toil on a practical basis. We learn ed the lesson of how to do it fn tbe Boer war, when we stood at the fade of Britain's troops and weathered It out to the end. We have been tised by fire, and the mothers and. fatlfera of America, as In other countries, tifust the Salvation Army to do the tling they would like to do for their mef if they but had the chance. . "With 1,210 trained workers', at front.-operating from 420 huts dugouts, the Salvation Army Is do has done and will continue to do best for the cause of humanity; Liberty." STAND mm THE ALLIES. By Reducing Consumption Pcopld of -t the United. States Averted a Faminett Home In Splta of jow Supplies. ing service at 11 tor, I Can you'hand'e rake? o'clock by the pas- , The above title was given the or ganization . perfected on Wedensday ii.c:ht, which will take the place of the Md Board of Trade. It seems the at tendance at the Board of Trade meet ings has never been enough to do much good, hence the new organiza- a shovel, v hoe . or Then brink it with you Satur day morning, at tbe school house, and jmuch goo W it. '.;.-Vf 'f-4.7i-: --y--vil-'W.- iV.J tion.;v ... Mrs." Robert Gaines and little h1" - Ai:u"' .jamMw-sp . -wXriiaii,p.r; woman is eligible for member- 9. , , .!,. . .Airrn . I shin itr tno npw honv. arm tnpr is to saiuraay alter a yisii wnn iryon rei- 1 r . . . ; auiiiiooivu icw) livi cviijr viu.o One of our colored, friends Walter fw .fi--, nf Mr a t. wjii oo p-oc M lis, of, Mill Sm;ikig,ame in Monday ident. Mr. E. E. Missild'ine Vice Pres, wwz- -S subsc5tptlon t0 the ident; Miss Emma, McFarland, Secre-j NtiWb. . . tary- .Treasurer. Messrs. B. F. Cope Mr. J. N. Jackson 'eft, Tuesday for land, Rev. Mr. J. H. Griffith and Mr. a1 busineis trip to, St., Louis,. Chicago, W. T. Lindsey were chosen as an in Cincinnaft, ' Buffalo, and other north- itation committee, ern points. ' 'q ' V' : S: .' .1. ' , It is 'proposed to hold the regular Miss Eva Missildine, after spending meetings of afternoons instead of the holidays w thj home "folks, return- nights as formerly, so that the ladies pd to her studies, at Spartanburg, of the town may be enabled to at- t t 1 . Ai- Monday, Mr. aiijl Mrs. Henry Rankin ad ppn Henry, lyr., aftr!a short isit idj rela tives here, returned to their home in Gastonia', ' Mr. and Mrs. Gray Gorham, of Ashevilfe, are v spending the week in Tiyon. ?Mr. Gorr.am is city editor of Sthe Asheville Times. Mr. H; P. Crwith, of Saluda, was in Tryon, Monday, enroute to Colum bus, to attend the meeting, of the Beard 'cf County,, Commissioners. tend, and their presence is urgen requested. ,1. o TRYON'S SCHOOL. Mr. Editor: ; ; Who are the school committee and what are they-elected for? All this cold weather there has . practically been no heat in the school building, and yet hundreds of dollars have been expended since the , erection of that You, missed something hy "not meet-' building for heating apparatuses.! ing with the Chamber of Commerce The teachers are justly indignant and last Wednesday night. Make it a have sent the children home, the point to bp present at the next one. are so cold. they are also so iLLfiM? damp that the pupils can not write on vr'tiy." in will ue swiu yi .. M.l.k-'I- J iiic uiat&uuarus. , xiici- is auppuacu to be a ' janitor but he goes to build the fire (when he does go) at the same tim 'the .children go to school, between half past eight and nine. Talk about spending money to ad vertise tTryon. It is advertised all the fend ng, its and PROVED SPIRIT OF BEMOCRAi Voluntary Basis of Food Saving , Showed Heart of Americ Beat True for Freedom. The fact tfat the people of the Cnited Stategwere able to reduce by more than onp-half million tons their July, August, September and October consumption ftf sugar proves conclu sively that tirjiir war conscience was thoroughly affakened an,d that the country as a hole stood ready, to fol low the injunMibns of the Government. Our normalconsumption of sugar in the four-monb period beginning with July has beeRl.400,000 tons per month, a total of lffiOO.OOO for the quarter ear. 1 ; In July, wHen our sugar stringency began to rean its height, consunjtion was , reducedfto. 260,000 tons. In 'Au gust only 32?,000 tons went Into dis tribution andD in September only 279, 900 tons. Inl October the distribution fell to 230,001; tons. If the genfral public" had failed to observe the injunctions of the Food Administration this country would have been ijj the throes of a sugar famine befogs the end of August. Our visible supples were so low as to bring great anxlet;f to those familiar with the sugar siiatlon. They feared that it would beR absolutely Impossible to reduce con saaption to a point where sugar woul(3no longer be a mere lux ury In the .erican-'diet , ' FfjW accomplishments of the Food Administratfen will stand forth so pre- domlnantly s this reduced consump-; tlon of suga, By it we have been able to bridge oVr the period of stringency until the het4r beet and Louisiana can sugar cropsvcre in sight. i- -: 1 1 Now the jfation is in a position so that if we hoose we may return to our normalj?home use of sugar, and Europe, wit the release of ships to 0 far afield, vn maintain its recent re stricted raraons. If, however, those sac-the the benefit' of the FJed Cross at -nub lie auction on Saturday, January-2&, at noon. , Season for quail closes January 15. But the chicken ' season is " always open, and Tryon has-about as fine col lection of "chickens" as you want to meet with. . f .-:". . 1 ' nations am to increase their use of , Mrs. ' W. E. Hahkin : and : daughter I right enough. As - one man said : will leaye for New Orleains, in a few "Tryon is famous for having thepoo-- uayH, wnere tney; win spend, tne re mainder of th winter with relatives f here. Mr. Rankin will ioin them est school in the State" If there was a school here which later on. was looked after like schools in other There will be a public sale of I. C. I towns, Tryon would have a lot of wm- ammais at Camp Sevier on Jan. 14, 1915. 57 Cav. horses, . 136 Art. nqpses, 73 draft muleg, 1 pack mule. Michael. J. Sulliyan,, 1st Lieut, Q. M. C, Quartermaster. : The Tryon' Grfde'd School B: ard re quests that pa.tents , not.. . let 'their children go to , school so early m the mommg; Let -them arrive there between 8:30 and -9 o'clock. By staying Away a Uttliaterivcs more t.me to heat thfe building. ter guests with children who' could go to school, and one family with two or three children will spend a lot more money in the community than a fam ily of grown-ups. 1 !i INDIGNANT PATRON. -o NOTICE OF SALE. : t O By virtue of and pursuant to an or der of the Clerk of the Superior Court -A J ' 4.1 1 a ' I- 1 01 -'oik county raaue in uie cwai hi La mencai Library Association proceeding entitled "W: H. Newman has made an urgent appeal to the La- s Rruton." the undrsined Com- ier Ubrary forjgif-t of books for the m- ,0pr will ' at -ubiic flUction to thehighest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Polk county ! on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, ( it beitjg the first Monday ' in Febru ary) v at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described tract or parcel of land sit uate 'in the county of Polk, State of use of wounded soldiers! request isma dei that all Amencan and free from A special books be French, or any other foreign language. 5 Leave Tour boolcfs at Tryon. the Lanier Library, The first V? Tryn, did so "on last Monday night. North. Carolina, and in the town of was from Dick Ballenger, in Tfyon and described as follows, to wit France! to his broth.- r, Mr. C. W. Bal- Begrihin' at "a" -take on the north jfgerjn Tryon. vlt-wa&in jgood, con-,, side of the road or street, known as dition, there beinij no bullet hole iii'it Trade Street in the town of Tryon, 10 tsll whether 'thft war at was a cood i narlv onnosite the Chanel s: tSnce norjth , 34 feet along a fence vi wegt side of . Orchard lot 3.74 chains to a stake at fence corner; thence along the Speculation line north 3? west 1 chain; thence south 34 west parallel with first line .3.25 chains to a stake oh Trade' Street ; thence south 60 east along north side of said street 75 1 A ' , X cnains 10 piace 01. Degranmg, contain ing by estimation 31-100' of an acre. Known as the Ben Bruton Homestead. This SI .day of December, 1918. WALTER JONES, Comm-as.oncr. German n account of havircr to move I am compjifd to sell my; chickens. Have l;?f pullets iand young r hens which sell for $1.00 each u taken at once. Also, have' three Rhode v Island ea cockerels' which I will sell at a bargain. I B. F. COPELAND. , . Ane peace conference has a much i bigger job on it nds thaw the ay- questions are to be solved, and not the To the voluntary service and sacri fice of the American people mus be attributed the continued . health, strength and morale of the Allied ar mies and the civil populace. Upon this spirit of service and rifice will depend Europe's fate in months to come. In the past year we have . carried out an export progf am, the magnitude of . which is almost be yond comprehension. But with! the new demands that have come; with the liberation of nations freed from German oppression, j our exports must be almost doubled. Instead of 11,820, 000 tons, we must ship twenty miflion tons of food, to Europe In the coming year as much as can be pulhe through our ports, j If the Allies had not been fee by America, it would have been in pos sible for them to maintain their de .fense against Germany. Meeting this world need on a pi relj voluntary basis, the American people have conclusively proved that de noe racy Is a success ana that in tims of need it will rise to Its own defense. If there were no i other accomplish ment to its credit the very fact that it has shown the strength of democracy has lit itself more than justified I the existence of the Food Administration in the eyes of the world. Less than four months after United States declared war the United States Food Administrator expressed his determination to meet Ameri food problem on a basis of voluntary action and reiterated his confidence that awakened democracy would prove Irresistible. j "Many thinking Americans," said Mr. Hoover, "and the whole World havfc been watching anxiously the last four months in the -fear that dsmo cratlc America could not organis e to meet autocratic Germany. Germany has been confident1 that it could nit be done. Contrary proof is immediately at our door, and pur people havje al ready demonstrated their abilitjy to mobilize, organize, endure and prepare voluntarily and efl-clently in many di rections and upon the mere word of inspiration aside from the remarkable assemblage of our Army and finances." The history of the Food Administra tion has clearly shown that the trust of those who put their faith In demoo racy has not been misplaced. ' sugar very . (Considerably it must be by our continued sharing with them through; Inciting our own consump tion. : .-jr. ! .. AMERICAJi SPIRIT i 1 :relied on to win. v' In the 'liht of succeeding events it Is Interesting; to recall the confidence with which; the United States Food Administrator viewed the gloomy out look ln;Julif of 1917, when this coun try had be$b in the war for less than four mpntjs and the Germans were steadily sending the western front nearer- andnearer to Paris. ' "Even though the situation in , Eu rope may Ipe! glQomy today," he de clared In' a j public statement, "no American f hb has knowledge, of the results already obtained in every di rection neijd have one atom of fear that democracy will, not defend itself lu these United States." : f the ; " ; o Be ''." . r '" ' ' ' ' ; ' L- ; J ". '- f - t-. - o- . - "No if it is cold if you are warmly dressed. We have the underwear, suits and overcoats and . heavy caps and gloves. Some of our suits are at lower prieesi We have an assoriment of ladies' shoes in small sizes we are selling at reduction. Good values $3.50 for $2.59 $2.50 for $1.59 We Kave lot of enamelware and crockery at before the war prices and a few -special pieces of furniture. $1.25 Work Shirts... . . ..... . .V. ; . .... . . . .89c $2.50 Derails for:. ;. . . . . . . ... ..... .:. . . . . $t.89 3oc and 35c Ginghams. . .-. . . . .... .25c Flour, per barrel, . . . . . . . . . . . ... .$12.00 C. S. Meal, Shorts ancfother feed stuffs at lowest "prices. i THE BALLENGER CO. For Everything iiig loney Is a Habit . When o nee established will make saving easier than spending. Regularity is what counts in sav- II ing. , Deposit a stipulated sum every weekjor month and watch it grow.' In time you will have a sum sufficient to realize that cherished ambition. 4 per cent. Interest Compounded Semiannually PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. TRYON, N. C. 3T The POLK COUNTY NEWS--$2.00 per year and "worth the money A paper morally clean enough for every mem ber. of the family to read NOTIETO DELINQUENT TAX k: PAYERS, r "'9, Notice" ite hereby snvei to the par ties givem betow &tA all p(irons who may be c&nceeuo.d as mortgagees that the undersigned liurchasei at a de linquent fax sale at' Columbus, Polk county, li C, on the 6th day of May, 1918, Tanj listed and described as fol lows: 0$e lot less one foot on the back in te Town of Tryon, N. C, listed in 1ie nameof Georgia Williams for the' yf ar 1917 one lot in the Town of Tryon&Tryon township, less l.foot on back feted in the name of Mrs. R. E. McKel, taxed for the year 1917; one townlot m the town of Tryon, Tryon -toinship, listed in the name of Richard Jackson taxed lor .the year 1917; thffty-one acres-- in Columbus townshiWfPolk county. N C. listed in the namlof J. F. Page taxed for the, year 19f ; eighty-five , acres of land in WhitJ Oak township, listed in4 the name of -Wade Head heirs, taxed for the veaR 1917: ? forty-nine acres of land in Cooper Gap township, Polk county. M. C. listed m the name T. M . Thompson, taxed for . the , year 1917. fv-iv i NoticeH is further given that appli cation- wIl be made to the sheriif of Polk' city, N; C , by the undesign ed for (feds for said propert alter the 6th -ay of May, 19 n t - W. S. Com; Purchrir. . This, lnuary 6th, 1919,. t. TJijslBank is for Peope who Want to Improve their financial Condition. r Will you let us serve you? A checking account is most convenient. in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. v j -,-''.. 15AVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER H. B. LANE -T-I T 7: Tk " "j A. 1 - Fine . 1 .entucKv norse at a "':" . f - - ' ' ' ' argam. . I Wi, L0 NOSEY, Tryoo. FOR SALE AT A BARIA If taken at once. Cash or reasosble :'; '.: 'iJl'r terms.1 ' - ' .i 'r'-A Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot on Trade street. GEO. A. GASH, Agtl MAS MP We are offering A SPECIAL CHRIST with a discount of $ 0.00 on the cost of our V regular Full Commercial ' Course. One of these Scholarships Would be a gift of inestimable value. If yoiV are interested for yourself oir for someone else, call or write and let us give you details in regards to courses and rates. , . EMANtlEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 15 Haywood Su ASHEV13JLE, U. C. 3K II 1 -mm