" - . ' - - . . r . - - . - . . - 4 " - . . . " ' - 'i',.,, r;, Tlift flnfv PpnPL Polk County. ! Fnr lS II 3 " ' AND THE TRYON BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 38 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1919- $2.00 A YEAH V : TAKES A III A T Members of the Legislature are Given Ride in One of the . Big War Machines. Vlbl 1 1U LAWir rULN, Editor Polk County-NEWS, Tryon, N. C. V ' :- Dear Sir: V .. Being mindful of mv friends in the good county of Polk and wishing to communicate with them I shall ask for a space in your paper, for same; . As a servant of the people and a member of the honorable body of vthe General Assembly of North Carolina, I am watching and acting to the very best of my ability the interest of the people of our State and county and as 1 go along in this capacity I am. tak ing advantage of the religious and so rial features offered by the city of Raleigh. It is needless for me to say that I am a Sunday school and church going man as many of my - friends will know, and when I say that I am attending two Sundays schools and hearing three sermons each Sunday you no doubt wonder' how I; am able to do this. Sunday p school : and ni-eachihg in. the morning. . Sunday l school and preaching in the afternoon I and preaching at night. The after s.l noon service at the State-prison is esf- J necially interesting although, it gives one a ieeung oi:sa.uiiess wiien - you e l - I 1 I . look into the faces of the prisoners and have certain ones 'pointed out to j'ou who are bearing the burden of life's sentences. As I studied the fa- ces.of those who are so unfortunate I wonder what it means to those people to have no hope in this world and - probably none in the world to come. Our hearts go out to them: ;- From this I will turn to the mon ster tanks at Camp Polk -and go "over the top.". Many legislators, in cluding myself,' ride the tanks ; and drop down embankmen-ofHtwenty to thirty feet. Practirfally every mem- . her of the North Carolina General As sembly now knows "how it '''"''feels' '.to ride m a tank and doubtless it will be hardship - and almost usless expendi remembered a long, time as we were ture, there will be little of it done in given a re -uiauon treatment oy arop- ping down an embankment of some twenty or thirty feet. The Lieut. Col. commander of the post at camp Polk invited the legisla tors to. visit the encampment. The occasion being arranged through, Mr, Lang, of the War .Camp" Community Service. Both :. -officers and . . men at the tank camp evinced the greatest pleasure in showing us just how a tank works. ; ; ; As the members, many, of whom were accompanied -Jby their wives or other members of rtheir family, arriv ed, they were escorted to the Y. M. C. -A building where ' Mr. Lang was -master of ceremonies -and Colonel Raney introduced Captain Fraser who made an instructive talk on the place that the camp took in the late war and also explained how it originated. We then proceeded to the mess hall of the camp where .we had an oppor tunity of inspecting tlie various kinds of machine guns used in the war. Their use was explained to us. After inspecting the small or "baby tanks", the big show was put on and - the real fun of the day began. The big tanks were put into " action and '"members of the party invited for a ride. The tanks were placed directly across the old race track with their hoses pointing ' out into space. The distance to the bottom of the embank ment looked perilously far and dan gerous and most of the. visitors doubt ed the ability of the monster machine to negotiate it. . - . . ' We held on. Not willing, however, to be backed down on a proposition that we were assured by those in charge that we were' perfectly safe, a -few of us climbed aboard. Some 'ere piled inside and the bravest of the crowd placed on top. We were told to hold on and this we did with 6th hands. The engine then was Started. The monster began to move, balancing itself for a moment over the chasm. She suddenly dropped down arid.for'a few. seconds lay bolt up right on the embankment, then she flattened herself out on the ground oeiow. Nobodv was hurt and we aoove. - ; r Across ditches, over logs and trees,. in the cullies, throuch deen holes, uo a steep hill, turning and twisting the monster moved with its load of human freight being presently followed by a second one. Seeing that the thing could really be done no trouble was . fcad in getting others to ride. " Many of the fair women stepped over hot Pipes to reach a point of vantage and when onr Krtwe cftm httAr hnmt from j w VVlttV UWWAk W -.- ar we will be able to tell them just irow it teels to go over the top. , . While the big fellows were puffing at about 7 miles an hour, a baby tank koi ;into action and plunged down- tne ernbankment and ran around the rg one, being able to travel at a greater speed. -vAfter having had this experience, I don't wonder at the Ger mans being almost ; frightened to death oh sight of them.. - - I would not forget to mention the iact that I ' was in the ? house : where Andrew Johnson was born in 1808, Demg pusnea xor wine at hub ment I will not undertake a general i j... i! .j. j..-- ... description of this house and its,con- tents, but will merely say that it con tains many things of interest. With very best wishes, I am Yours very sincerely, , " W. F. SWANN. -o- JUST A WORD ABOUT FENCES. Last week we had a little discus sion about permanent pastures and this week we want to say something to the farmers about fences. Now, under our North Carolina rnnfHt.irttis wnere uie stock law, so called, pre- , vans, is luipussiuie to get Desv re- suits from pastures without the aid of the fence. We used to fence the crops and let what stock we had run at large When we adopted the stock law we thought we would never need any more fences, and converted all the old rail fences : into stove . wood and kindling, i This was an entirely wrong iaea. More fencing than be fore should have been, the slogan; to fence more live stock from the grow ing crops. Go to, Kentucky,. Indiana; Iowa, Wisconsin and all live ". stock states and you will find every square rod of land on the farm : fenced,- so that every square rod of land on the farm may be utilized at some season the year by the hogs, sheep and cattle kept on the farm. Now somebody is 'ready to cry out the? great expense of fencing." Grant that it does' take some money;! but not near so much as some people think. It puts the farm in a position to be- come not only a real pront out a real pleasure also. The expense: of fencing is Hot so. great after all. Let the Polk county farmers who have neither' pastures nor fence begin by preparing a small piece of land in the pruper. piace un uie xarin xcv; pasture 1 il i J" i i and sow the proper seed at the proper time, m the proper way. Then next year fence this part of his farm. Then the next year, adjoining ' this piece, prepare and sow another piece, then- succeeding year, break this, fence, andva little extra wire, posts and labor .will enclose , this with the first lot. So by continuing enlarge ment, after awhile the whole farm will be fenced.' Then line fences be tween farms I will only cost half: as farmers learn the value of-co-opera tion. ' ' . " ' ' v The matter of fencing on the farm is xonlya .matter-of how the'farmei looks at it.- While he looks at it as a Polkcounty when farmers, come to re alize that pastures and fences are the best and most paying assets on the farm, which they- are, then! farmers will invest their time and their good cash in them. I know that! farmers pf Polk county had their attention so called to the fact that grasses and clovers will grow in the county where people so desire, that many this year will embark in a grass sowing cam paign. Next year follow this up with fencing campaign then we will get ready for a bull and cattle and sheep campaign. V f i This i& my business in Polk county, and I mean to stay until the job is ac complished, so if you want to getrid of me, get busy and make and fence your pastures, purchase pure bred, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry, and then I'll bid you an affectionate good bye and go ; somewhere else, where people don't know how to accomplish these things for their own good, and I am at every man's service who will call on me. r A postal card will take me to any farm, provided it gives in structions that I may find it. Respectfully, J. R. SAMS County Agent. ATTENTION BOYS. Do you want to enroll j with the United States Boys Working Reserve and wear the official : uniform ? Do you want to Kelp show a city boy how to drive a team of mules, to plow to put in crops, on your father's farm ? Do you intend some day to learn to keep farm accounts and go into partnership with your- father? Then send your name in this week. Enrollment began all over the coun try, r January 20th. The j United States Employment Service has open ed a special bureau for boys 16 td 20 years inclusive; has ipublished '"30 lessons in farm craft," which the 'city boys, will all -study; has. 1 approved a neat khaki uniform and arm brassard, which mav be r purchased i by those pledging to work at least six weeks, chf hours a dav. to help feed the I American rjipeiu wuuat y rui Two hundred thousand city boys loined last vear. ! This year Jboys al- I ready on the farm are -also urged to join. ; The department offers special honor badges; the Fair -offers special premiums for the best reports of the summer work, and the directors will, individually ' raise the capital for a certain number of boys recommended by County Agent Sams, who can show I ntnTahlft hone of orofit in pigs or i w X JL poultry. va-;.V ; Wftw'would vou like to own-a cure hrfA ROw a model hog lot 50 rods of af as 1-3 cents ioer rod, seed f or pasture feed for fattening a litter f AnA then capture the county and state prizes fair times tv. Twnn Township Poultry As sociation will meet; January 25th. All bo vs k welcome. . . . , The Fair Association wiu meet at it-i u,,a -Vio First: Mondav." Feb. brdt and will consider entries. illl II lllllfl' bil.U . . tv, pni .k i. nun 1 I'.v. i n a - . , , B frt nnifftmn tn furnish nfomation as to uniforms to iau wismnj FR0L1 OUR FRIENDS i Some items of General Interest Gathered Sections of SALUDA, The ;Methodist .. chTurch is the proud possessor of, a new flue, which being on the side of the building, does not obstruct the view as did the one m the center; ' ' '4'-'; v .. "-.--..' ' : . 'h: The M. E. Sunday school has start-. ed a circulating library, and have just received seventy-two new books for it, which is a very good beginning. A -party of surveyors have been taking, the profile of Saluda mountain in preparation for the extension of the two safety switches which" have been found too short ; for the long trains Which sometimes have to take refugeon one of them. ' '. Mr. H; B. Lane is m Sumter, S. C; on business leaving his daughter Miss Louise Lane in charge of the bank, who seems to be discharging the du-; ties of a cashier to the satisfaction of all concerned. Dr. J. C. Bushnell ; has gone to Washington, D. C.j for a trip, taking advantage of the present fine weath er.- i-i : , : Mr. Herschel . Thompson, of the? U S. Nayy, is at; home on a furlough. Mrs. Kmlaw of Charleston. S. C is occupying the Lane cottage for the year, for tlie Joeneht of the health of one of her children. Miss - Lucile Hazard, of the Mission hospital,' Asheville but formerly of Saluda Jias. successfully passed her probationary period there, and been admitted as a regular student for the whole course of study. J The firm of H.. Pace &. Son has moved into the building next the Car olina State Bank, formerly occupied by Leland & Guice. - The cement walls of the -new- semi nary building are-slowly but surely rising from the, ruins of the pld one, and will be used for class rooms. - Mr. Mack Pace's family are all sick-with the flu, as -every bad cold "is now called. " ' T ; ' Mrs. Cummins and family have gone further south for the balance; of: the .vmtcpwAMSIt - COLUMBUS, -There was a larger attendance at Stearns High School this week than we have had. since the appearance of the flu. ':. The funeral of Mr. A. L. Pitman was held at Mill Spring Thursday. The Masonic order of Landrum, of which he was a member, had charge of the services. Mr. Pitman was one of Polk's -best farmers, and a man who will be missed in his church. The Commissioners will meet next Monday to appoint Register, of Deeds to succeed the late A. L. Pitman. Senator E. B. Cloud has receved a front seat for Polk county in having been named on half a dozen commit tees. Most of our people have recovered from the flu, except Mrs. A. L. ' Pit man, Who is still very sick. Born to Mr. and Mrs.. Virgil :Mc- Curry, a son. . Mrs. Carnegie cut her hand badly while opening a glass jar. Mr. Monroe Henderson cut his hand severing part of two, fingers, while at work at a saw mill. The seventeenth anniversary of Miss Ada Tallant was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hutch- erson, Thursday evening, January 16, 1919. .Many interesting games were played after which refreshments were served. Everyone present reported a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Twitty Thompson and Miss Viola Rhodes, of Lynn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Z. V. Thompson, who have recently , moved to Columbus. ' ...' ' ' LYNN. ) ' - V :. ' No services in our little village last Sunday on account of the illness of Rev. MMr. Griffith who was-to preach for us, and was quarantined by Board of Health. I Hosiery Mill and school both un der a few days - suspension on ac count of the flu. While we do . not have any at present, , it's, close by. Our neighbors, Columbus and lryon both have a few cases. - v v One of our townsmen, Mr. T.-. A. Rippy now with-the Royster Guano Co. Coliimbia, ran up to visit his fam ily, returning on Monday. C - Mr. John I . .Panther, who has been at City Point, Va., for several months, has returned home. He was ' employ ed on the police force. W. JH. Cannon who is located at Spartanburg, with Wilson & Co. vis ited home folks last week-end;. Mr. Charles Eaton arid bride of Landrum visited mends and relatives lin Lynn, last week-end. Several ox , our citizens are. leaving our burg this week. Mr. M. L. Hen drix and family going, to Spindale N. C; Mr. .H. Hr Thompson and family left last week for the'same place. Mrs. 'Lane and family -go" to Spartan burg, this week. Horace trie little .- son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Newman,, who has had the pnoumoniaj is very much, better,', in fact he has -about recovered. It seems to us " that some plan might be' devised i-.whereby the much needed road running from the bridge down east- side of- theriver could be finished- OVER : THE G0UI1TY By Our Correspondents From Various Polk County" - 1 4 Why don't Tishtop tell us about the raccoons 'possums; wnangdoodies, etc. now that Mr. Rattlesnake sleeps. Mr. N, W.-Randle has a son visiting him who lives in' Ohio. Says this cli mate is much btter than up there. . t r Last .Saturday was a fine day, , Sun day a spring day.' and ; Monday just as good, - but we looked for a change Tuesday. . - " ' We do n6t iquite .understand why our school was ; elosed down al so the hosieryf mill, arid while - we do not have a single case of . flu in our town, our neighborsVipolumbus; and Tryon both have flu aid : their schools and mills ; are open j and running. Where do we come in f Explanations are. in order; ; With the fyery ? small salary our teachers get they should have all the advantages" given them possible. . ' p. Or 'Spring weather seems to be here TWvr."-L'i:lM : '' " ''"'-- ' c I Henderson vi sited in the Ruppe section: of ihebve, Sunday. ; . . T. W. and J.' B. Bradley and Posey Henderson exchanged visits Sunday. Mr. Sams the demonstrator, was m this section- Iastv week, - v ; . A goodly number of the oveites at tended -the opening sale . of . Hannoij, Pace &iSon, Satiij-day. , ;. v j Govan Constant is touildmg a road through C; G Jpnes' place to the pub lic road. - v.f '""i We are needing the extending of the cove road to Mills Gap road, in Cooper? Gap: tovnslup, down on north side-oiriverM: -; : .- . - 1 MEETS WITH! GENERAL APPRO V- The: idea of ;lVpolk County Board of Tradej as advocated by County Agent Samsm the aEWS of last .week, seems ; to - meet i with the approval of everybody whpf has given the matter any thought, fj- , . f-The plan is. ivot a new one, neither is it a Msionar one. Right in 'North tion, and it. ha.s done wonders for the section of country in. which it is lo cated. It is incorporated, , under the name; of The:JSand Hill Board of Trade. .' ' wp' ' ' ;'. While reading:; "The Foes Within Our" Own Household," written by the late Theodoref Roosevelt we find this organization mentioned and its work ings explained,' and according to Mr. Roosevelt the fSand Hills Board of Trade is a model that any farming section can wfelV afford to take as a pattern. ; .. ;'' tlS' ' " " -'. The farmers, in that section were up against very similar problems con fronting the fanners of Polk county, and realized that: something had to be done if they ever succeeded in getting anywhere. The f Board of Trade plan was suggested nd carried but. Of course a great?' manr-mistakes ,were made! before the organization was on a satisfactory! working basis.' In7 or der to avoid these same -troubles a let ter has been -addressedxtb. the Sand Hills ! Board of Trade asking that , as much! infonrialibn as possible be sent us. With that ; information it ought not to be such! a" difficult problem to get an organisation perfected on a sound working basis at the start. , 11 rJ i ..r?1. -C Jl wej nope ey.ittimei, pivicooiuiwn or business rftkn in Polk county who possibly can, fill be present at the meeting in Columbus, Monday Feb. 3rd. POOR'S FORD. Mri C. L. -Thompson was a Finger- ville,lS. C. visitox, Saturday, on busi ness.!' r Wi. . .',;'. '" Mri John Eplee visited Mr. Moncie Thompson, Saturday. -- M4 Marliri Thompson spent Satur day night -wiMrj J. L. xtead. - Mri Sam Cfawford was a caller on the route, Sunday. Mr, C. L. Thompson visited his son, John 5 Thompson; Sunday. ' Mri Frank'tEplee was a visitor at Mr. John Thompson's, Sunday. I Mri B. C. ffhompson was a visitor at Mr. J. M. Crawford's, Sunday. Mri HoraceThompson spent Satur day riight witli Mr.- Don Smalley. Mr L. C. "li6mpsori : intends to - fin ish gatherings his corn this .week, if the weather will ; let him. He has a .bad way of crossing the river, i ,-mr': in J t 1 - XT': - jyir; Hia. Jjiis came nome xruiu i'iu gerviile, S.. Cl! where he has been at worki He returned Monday. . , : j , fV. c V ProhibitionAmerica is ' a reality. It -was frankty predicted at' the time Congress passed the measure that it would take fvfe 'or six years if enough States . couldtibe induced to pass the measure to firing about - prohibition, but from all; lections of '". the--United States" the reWt has been the same. When such sfetes as . Louisiana Illi nois California, and Idaho ratified the measure it needed .no prophet ; to tell that whiskey Ij'Was a, gone coon-skin." Well we always -did likewater any- The world's! news has become a lit tle stale to the yellow journal 2nd now ;we are .;1tld by them that war is likely to breaJc out again 5 at almost anv time. We don't believe it. Uncle Sam1 has tooKmany of his troops left over there fo'i anybody to., want anjr mors war. .MR SWANN'S PUBLICITY BILL.. HonJ W. F. Swan. . representative from Polk county," on Tuesday, intro duced a Publicity Bill m the House of Representatives, at Raleigh. We publish it in full elsewhere, in this is- sue. We want ; every i person who reads this bill to write. Mr. - JSwan and urge him to push the measure. 4 If there is a state in the United States that deserves better" and more publicity laws, that state is ! North Carolina. - One of 'the best examples of a lack of such taw was seen v in our last election. ;There'were several amendments to be voted upon nd riot one person out of ten r knew what those amendments! were whether they were . good or bad and whether they were deserving of j the support of the voters or not, "Ignorance of law ex cuses , no one." Yet, each and every session of the legislature . of North Carolina passes laws.a nd there is no way of learning what these laws are, j ana it is a very easy matter ior sucn laws to be violated and ignorantly so on the - partv of j the offender. Mr. Swann's, bill provides for the publica tion of a condensed form of every law passed by, the legislature. Mr. Citi zen, don't you think .that youj are en titled to this information ? : The Corporation Commission is constantly making new rulings and issuing orders that the public should know all about. " This - bill provides that this body, shall have published all ; such general orders. Don't you think Mr. Taxpayer that- you ! are en--titled to all such) information? ' Mr. Swann's bill also provides for the publication. I once every four years, of the assessors real estate list, complete, in every county. .. Not long since in conversation with : a gen tlemanwho hasj' done considerable listing in Polk county, he told us of two instances which are typical of the conditions in eveiy county jn the state, une was wnere he ? listed a farmer . with 680 acres? of -land, -and formerly this man had been listed with but 68 acres, and was : paying taxes on that - amount. Another, case was where a land owner was ap proached by a -gentleman who desired to purchase the timber.- on that' man's land. He asked the land owner how many, acres of timber; land ,he" had. daR-nettkbeireplyW do ,you want to know that f or ? -Do you want to buy; the land or" are you listing for assessment?" When - told that he wanted to buy ' the land . he said, "Then I have 1,300 acres ; but if you were listing IT' wanted' it to stand like it i$' on the books now 350 acres." Polk county is not the only, county that js infested with professional; tax dodgers.! They live and thrive : all oyer North : Carolina. All kinds . of measures have been passed j in an endeavor to make them pay taxes on what they own; Other states have tried) the plan of publishing the asses sor's lists, and the result has been that the! counties have received thous ands of dollars more An taxes because Mr. Dodger could not dodge any long er when his name appeared lin. cold type. The same holds good in per sonal property. j ! The bill is full of good ideas, and we believe you jwill think so after you read it. No state or community has anything to lose in the riiatter of pub licity." But on i the other . hand too much publicity, of the proper kind cannot be had. The people are ( en titled to know what is going on ' and what is being done with their, money. Why, right here in I Polk county not a- single road (commissioner has had his report published since we have been publishing the NEWS, while the state law plainly says he m u or do so. But the trouble is the penalty for refusing to do iso is not heavy enough The people of Polk county are entitled to know, what the road commissioners are doing witty their money,; but not, a single one of -them seems to j care a Continental" about,:it . but ! on "the other hind they are determined that you: SHALL NOT KNOW what they are doirig-with your money, j But we are going to pay our respects to these gentlemen very shortly. - j "Read iMr. Swann's bill and let him know that you are in sympathy with the measure. TO REBUILD LOG CABIN INN. We had a, pleasant call, j Tuesday from Dr. B. Reed, of Chicago, one of the owners of Log Cabin Inn prop the : conversation Dr. erty. During Reed informed us that Log Cabin Inn would be rebuilt. He said ' that - it would have been done before now, but that thej war upset their plans to such an extent that ,the project had been postponed until after the country was once more upon a peace basis. Build ingmaterial cannot be - secured : at present,! and evn if it could prices are prohibitive Labor can not be obtain ed yet so the whole plan is set aside until a more favorable time. v It is indeed! good hews to leairn that Log Cabin; Inn will be' rebuilt. It was always a favorite resort, ' and has been sadly missed since ' its " destruc tion. i , , " I . , , : j Mr. John T. Smith, of Columbus has been secured, to take care of the property. . , . Mrs. Reed accompanied the Doctor, and will remain for some time longer, while .the c Doctor Juur returned to Chicago,- but expects to make us an other visit later on. NOT MR OF PIlRff POLITICS. Present Legislature FaetQ-F With Questions of vthe Greatest Moment. NEW ELECTION LAWS.- "A .free election and a fair, count'.' is what. every American- citizen- is w taught to believe in. But We do not always practice ; what we 4 preach, iU r that i respect. Nobody will deny th I fact that in those states where th t -two leading political parties are even- r ly divided there is c more. progressT more development and a greater in-i crease in wealth and population. ' t -The present legislature is goipg . to ; tackle the proposition of a neelec- ' tion law. It should receive: the tmann imous vote of the entire . menibership Of that body and not be made a:polit- 1 icai issue. ; jn orth Carolina - has - . tirely too much ; politics f or i its t o W t good, now, without injecting any xsqrf ' into it. Some Democrats dn North Carolina j. are opposed to a new election law be- ,V cause the Republicans are asking fori one. In an editorial.- on - the sam. question, the Raleigh Times, Demo cratic, last Thursday says: "For - who are the Republicans- tf -North. Carolina that -s Democracy ( should be fearful cr' even mmdf u pf f them? Their greatest kick 1 we- be-il lieye is that they cannot elec theiyc candidates. If the Australian ballot i - will help their feelings, we move-that fhfV Ha orivctn fViA ' A nofvilian' 'kolln'f In fact, there should be special con-"-sideration r shown Republican efforts . to improve conditions: in North Caro- If they head toward honest elec-J . tions, a ballot that is the Voter's own; ' -a square deal for every candidate ,en- ' ' veiitig a priraajcy or an election, tney -should be m6t more than half way by -the Democrats. a :- - i "North Carolina Democracy has ; been slow' to recognize and .admiti its t debt to - the minority party. - How minority l COulH Th n.4nn't.fM8 nf fi-ffxr vVioitoa-nl ; candi- date-did iiot-the. rush somebody toivote 'agarnst,---it" iitf-; a well known law of North: Carolina - human nature- that we rarely, f ever,V , vote for anything,? but always against- somethirig or somebody,and a pre text for Pharasaical comparison I Just as h- South Carolina saved i ttie. -,: State entire so long from-the bottasiv. of the list in educational matters' the North Carolina Republicans have sav--ed their - Democratic - fellow.rcitizen-i' from being the worst reactionaries in the Nation. - - ' -r. : The debt is 'large and growing. It: ought to be paid in part by sl, ready ; acceptance of any election -ref oms V. desired by the under dog.; ; Give Re-U publicanism theunder-hold so to speak v and then show who's Uie best-man." ' FARM DATA IN SEASON; Influenza is still abroad in the land; better stay as close as possible, - - Look up seed catalogues , and por-V. . chase all field and garden seed .whersv you are not fortunate-enough. to hay? saved, them from your own fields and gardens. See that your stables and stalls arfe well-litered with dry straw or leaves -gathered, when dry, from - the farm, wood lots. -y . Do not let one ounce of barn , lot manure or that from .the hog pen or poultry house gor to waste. Manure, is f the farmers "gold dust. , . , 1 : Cut and split wood while land is too . .. . wet to plow; which will save Vtim U when land is dry. - ' ' , . - ' '' . . ' v r .Keep plow going" when land good condition,!: ' is an Look after those defectiye terraces till you can get your land'rin - clover and grass sods ; ; then ' you will v not need the terraces. .' Prepare to grow poultry, pigs and sheep. 1 o : --..v-..:-'-,;--- Prussian Military 8yststn During the Franco-German war, ISTOf:!'' , 71, the armies of the various Gerciaj : 1 states, though they were not Prussian; v. while in the Geld were commanded by "r the Prussian king and his general safi r.t After that war there was'ao didculty ..' in making Prussian control permanent One after another the various states y resigned direction of their varmles the king of Prussia, and for all prac- tloal, purposes the German - ansyJbt; came one. 'Almost immediately 'after- - the close of the Franco-Germanvwar 'm movement was begun to extend ths-.lP ' , perial army, and the Prussian military-! ; system' was introduced throughe't pe.-:r empirV ' ' The . gentlemen; who were formerly s, conspicuois ' in their:-' long ; -white aprons dealingQut rot-gut, and ether r:' "pizen'.can now discard their f ?rcns, . don overalls and go to work at honest -employment. t - . " " '14 i!f w