VOL. XXIV NO. 39 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY JANUARY 31, 1919. $2.00 A YEAR GOOD ROADS FOR POLK COUNTY. r Bill Before Legislature Provides Funds For Building Roads During. Ten Years. e , ENTIRE STATE PROFITS. Wilmington N. C, Jan. 28, 1919. Editor Polk County News, Tryon, N. C. Dear Sir: Thebill J for the construction - of STATE HIGHWAYS and for estab lishing fund to meet, "the Federal Aid Allotment proposed unaer me Bankhead bill hasbeen worked out by Senator Scales of Guilford county and Senator Stevens of Buncombe. It is expected that" the f Federal Aid allot ment to Nortlr Carolina will be $2, 280,000 a year for ten years, which is to be met on the dollar for dollar ba sis by the State, and to be spent on 9tate Highways connecting county cot wih county seat and with Other principal towns.- Under this arrange- mene your county would receive $116,000 of Federcd funds and $116, nno of State funds during a ten-year period, to be spent on hard surfaced win Hs connecting your ': county seat with (the county seats of adjoining counties, making a total" of $232,000 during the ten-year period, to be spent by the State and Federal Gov ernments on inter-county roads or State Highways. - The Scales-Stevens bill calls for an increased license fee on automobiles, trucks etc., this fund to be supplemen ted bv an appropriation from the State Treasury (if there are any sur plus funds available) or a bond issue as needed to meet the Federal ; Aid Allotment. As the motor-driven ve hicles are the ones which will use the State Highways . mainly, this tax is undoubtedly an acceptable provision to the automobilist and Owners of Trucks. In fact, 1 the automobile : in dustry is dependent on through roads for its prosperity. -By having a con crete or other hard surfaced sysem of roads, the autonjobUist '3'0J2iin(ilr than save his tax in the expense of one tire and such roads . would . un doubtedly save him the equivalent of many tires, much, gasoline and. re pairs during the year. , ," , This bill will be considered by the legislature either this week or next. Its passage means everything to the f uure of Norh Carolina, as well as o those who own automobiles, motor trucks, and other vehicles of like na ture. ' 1 This bill is of even more value to the rural counties and smaller coun ties than it is to the larger and richer counties which are- able to build their ovn roads. I consider it a very vital matter to your county to be able to secure the State and Federal, fund. None-of th e Federal fund will be col lected from your county and you will undoubtedly get more from the State fund than your county would be re sponsible for paying. r " ; I sincerely hope that you can bring this matter before the people -of your county and that you will personally interest your progressive citizens in writing to their Representatives in the General Assembly, so asto make 'Iheia realize that" the people of North Carolina are behind this project which means so much to our State s develop ment. I believe the majority of the members in the General Assembly favor it. but when they feel that the folks at home are behind them they will favor it more vigorously. Very trulv yours, W. A. McGIRT, President. TAKE OUT LAZY HENS FROM WINTER FLOCK. West Raleigh, N. C, Jan. SUA sctw to bed " is a rule max; won t ior hens,' not n tne pouitryman is iwsmg ior high egg production, mc arly-to-roost and late-to-rise hen is - -ie that should find it's way to the roasting pan, eays Dr. B. F. Kaupp, Poultry Investigator . for the - North . Carolina Experiment Station.. "All feed is to hich priced to feed to boarder hens," says Dr. Kaupp.. Our hi rkuYi ic fn fin1 fVit. hoarder and cull her- nnt M fVt flock. "S,VV- -uc A nnf lav and are likely to give disease to healthy iicns, so they should be removed. . "Hens that show age,, or that are unaer-sized will not lay enough eggs to pay for their keep. They should removed. " . f ; . "Cull out all birds with large, coarse heads the crowing hen, the fat, hard-fleshed birds. These will make good meat, hut thev lav only a few - j r - w eggs. . - ,f v - "Hens that are high producers are distinctly feminine. They, are fine- honed, with -soft, pliable skin ; their pelvic bones at .each side of the yent are straight and pliable; far enough apart to allow an peer to tass tnrougn asilv. The hierh nroduction .hen has to have great food capacity, she must be strong and active, always scratch ing, up early, and late, and .always busy and happy. ' "Hens of this sort are of the right type to return a fair profit if they are given a fair chance in feed and quar ters." SALUDA. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lane have re turned from their visit to Sumter. S. C.-and Columbia, bringine with them a friend, Miss Caroline Thomas, for a 2 j-i ii. . . . - i i sojourn wiui mem in saiuda. Miss Ora Laneford is visitiner with friends in Brevard, N. C, and expect ed to De away two weeks. A party of young folks, chaneroned by Mrs. B. I. Hazard and Miss Hal- lie Singleton, spent a very enjoyable week-end camping trip, at a deserted cabin about nye miles from Saluda, m the Green river section. The "mem bers of the party were as follows: The chaperons mentioned above, the host, Mr. Herman Owens, who plan ned the picnic;- Misses Minnie and Hazel Culhpher and Lila Mae.Guice; Messrs. Hugh and Roy Ward and Do- ran Fisher. The party left Saluda Friday afternoon, packed in two wa gons, with all the necessities and good things to eat, which go to make a suc cess oi such an v undertaking. The five mile drive ended at the cottage in wVnVl fViOir u'Prn f ". Iniirra - am) I wnere a Dig nre ma pig- stove gave them a warm welcome and made them comfortable; "The wagons were soon unloaded and preparation for supper begun; which being cooked by Miss Minnie Cullipher and many able as sistants, resulted in a delicious : repast much appreciated by the hungry and jolly crowd. Mr. Roy Ward killed a fine rabbit which was added to the feast, making a dish fit toset before a king. The time was spent in ramb ling through the mountains, taking pictures, playing games and singing. Mr. Doran Fisher contributed many songs to the accompaniment of the ukalele. Sunday afternoon the party was returned safely to Saluda, Mr. .Hugh Ward being the driver who skil fully steered the mules over many rough and rocky places without an ac cident. The trip will long be remem bered by all who participated, and the days,: if not all "perfect days" will be so regarded bv the young folks. A vote of thanks is due Mr. Owens for the plan so successfully carried out,, and to Mr. P. H. Bailey who so kindly loaned his teams for the occasionana to all others who contributed to the pleasure and success of the expedition Mr.. Rufus Staton is back from the "war" and is looking fine. v Miss Jane-Thompson is slowly , re covering' from a .bad operation r per- iormeiirsteimec:ago. ?r?T"--?, Mrs. Culhpher and daughter Miss Minnie, were in Hendersonville a day last week, : shopping. Mr. Herschel Thompson has return ed to his duties in the U. S. Navy. Mr. Julian Ravenel and family like Saluda so well they have concluded to remain for an indefinite pariod. - Mr. J. K. Davis has returned from long visit to friends and relatives in the eastern part of the state. J COLUMBUS. Mr. Monroe Henderson is on the sick list this week. Miss Odessa Mills spent last week with her parents. - Her friend, Miss One Nix accompanied her. Mr. Robert mil is m Kutheriordton this week on business. . Miss Eva Gibbs, of Landrum, S. C, visited Stearns High School, Monday. Little Hoyt McMurray is very" ill. Mr. Archie " Feagan re-entered Stearns High School, Monday, after being absent so long on account of ill ness. ' Mr. N. T. Mills spent a few days last week in Spartanburg. Mesdames Newman and Cloud spent Sunday with Mrs. Ben Green. Mrs. E. B. Cloud is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Walker, of Greens Creek. ' Mrs. Hosea Arledge is visiting her father; Mr. L. .,Tallant this week. Mr. W. B. Feagan spent Thursday of last week with Mr. H. H. Edwards. . Miss Emma McNitch was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Jack, Sunday. l Mr. if . M. Burgess was appointed, ! Monday, to finish the unexpired term I t t t J AT m A Tl Z J oi tne laie a. u rionan, as ivegisier Rev. Jones, of Trvon. will Breach at iua Ronf a-. .Vinrrh nf Co nmhtis. Sun aYt at'ii a. m. ABOLENE. We have several cases of flu in our neighborhood, but all seem to be improving. ; , ; Mr. R. C. Hayes has returned home after being in France' ten months, and has many wonderful sto ries to tell of the battles and the won- Mr: Oland'Wilkins is home from Fruitland Institute on account of the school closing down from the flu... Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Tate "spent Sat nrdav with the latter's mother, Mrs. Miller. ; Mrs. E. C. Davidson and babies Thursdav nieht at Mr. J. H. Davis' ' Misses Callie and Zermpn Calvert, of Fin cerville. spent j Tuesday with Mr. V. C. Calvert. Mrs. M. F. Wilkins and son, Oland, motored to Hillcrest, Friday. Mrs. Marv Lancaster spent Sunday ... Mrc W f! Davidson. with Mrs. E. C. Davidson. y Mr. and Mrs. J. D: : Ridings spent Sunday at . Mr. J. M. Davis'. Rev. J. Tate conducted prayer ser vices at- Mrs Hayes' Sunday- after noon.' r ' - ," 5 We are sorrv to " learn that the school at Green River is on the point of closing: on account of the nuv m OUR Some Items of General Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various -. . Sectin of Polk County " GREENS CREEK HIGH SCHQQL. Names of students of- the Greens Creek High School who got on the "Honor Roll" for , the second month of this term: ' - ;-' : The first grade, from! 90 to 95, or distinguished, Printer, Pearl Giles; first grade, Tench White, Florence Belscher, Jethrow Peeler, Donald Spurlin and Aileen Barnett. . . Second grade: Shirley Humphries, Buna Giles, Mary Jones, Walter She han. . - Those 95 or more, or highly distin guished, primers, Violet- Horn, Helen Feagan, Thelma Jones First readers, Curtis Feagan, Sadie JH??11' Jack McDade and Madge W mtC V dy Shields, Excel! Horn and Stella White. Evelyn Perser; teacher. v Third grade, Odessa Giles. if ourth erade, jorrie worn, jviona adley, teacher. - ; Seventh grade, Isham Henderson. Eighth grade, Maggie Sue .Morris Wofford Humphries and Lemuel Morn K. O. Husky, teachr. ' ' - -O : - SILVER CREEK. - Private" Henry Thompson, .who has been in France for several months re turned to his home last week. He tells of some Very thrillim experien ces while in France and Belgium. Mr.;Reece Arledge who has been sick with the flu for the past two weeks, at Spartanburg hospital, re turned home last Friday. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. -W. Bradley were visitors at Mountain View Farm last Sunday. . I Mrs. Herbert Arledge is very ill. Miss Esther 5ibbs is teaching a very successfuL school at Silver Creek. Mr. Bynum Hill spent Saturday night with Jeter Bradley. Mr. Walter Green spent the week end with relatives near Saluda. Miss Grace Arledge spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Jesse Splawn. ' Call : around v at Miss Esther Gibbs' Schoolpii Jday afternoon, and . see, what she is teaching. T ; -o NEW HOPE. It sterns as if spring 'was already here, i '- ' ; Ouri new preacher, Key. Mr. Shel ton, filled his regular appointment at New Hope Sunday, and; preached a new year's sermon to quite a large crowd. - , Wp have a few cases of flu in this vicinity, j. ' Mr. Homer Hollifield spent a few hours with Mr. Martin Thompson Wednesday night.- Mr. Thompson is nursing a bad wound received while helping Mr. Burton Cantrell to take a. bale of cotton out of the press. It suddenly came loose, and an iron bolt pierced Mr. Thompson foot. Mr. I Lee Cudd who is hf-the Ruther- fordton hospital with a broken leg, is getting along nicely. Messrs. W. E. and A. B., McGuinn, brothers, who are in France, are re ported as getting along all right . These boys were both fine young men. While not well otr m 'this world s goods they were good hearted, honest and kind. "May God spare their lives and allow them to. return safely. Miss Delia Thompson of Poors Ford spent a few hours with Mc. Thompson Sunday. . , lhe school at Jew nope is pro gressing satisfactorily, with Miss Mil- he Rogers as teacher. Lot of our fanners are hauling their guano now so that it will be out of their way .when the busy spring time comes. . " What has become of Poplar Grove ? o TRYON ROUTE 1. Mrs. L. 'L. Pack died of pneumonia following influenza, Saturday morn ing at 5 4 o'clock. Funeral services were held in the Hamilton cemetery, where the body was laid to rest. Seven brothers and sisters,, nine child ren and her aged father, a Confeder ate soldier, survive her. May the al mighty in His goodness console them in this dark hour of their tribulation. Glad to note some on the route are able to attend church again. On ac count of the flu we can hardly find out how we will like our new preacher, Rev. E. L. Shelton. Mr. J. D. Carpenter was in Spar tanburg rbr a few days recently. Mrs.'Lydia Foster of Campobello, and her soldier boy, are visiting Miss Myrtle Pack this week. - ; Are" we going to mind Mr.- Sams about : the - grass ;' and pastures ? If not he ought to get a stick after us, or make us. stand in the fence corner and xhew!our cud. (of tobacco.) 5- . Glad Tto1 know, one Polk county mother, - Mrs. James Thompson, was made glad by the return of her soldier boy from overseas. , ; -. )''' '" ' '""''-'J MELVIN HILUr . Mr. Wilbur Steadman and Miss Lil lie Sparks were married last Sunday. Their many friends wish them much success and happiness in, life. , Mr.-S. S. fXawter and daughter, Gladys, 'have - been qmte sick of infl enza f or the last few nays. " - , M--. v.iW; tspc a few ravs at Sandy iPlains last weex, with her FRw-MniiGouim mother, Mrs. Saifders, who is quite sick. . - . Miss Violet Tonev of Sandv nlains. was in Melvin Hill j last Sunday. Mr. J3ud Hmes l and family, who have' had the flu,1 are, improving. We wish to" correct a mistake which appeared in the NEWS some time back in reference to" Mr. - Robert Wstbrooilrwho wasr reported insane. He was(only.afflrcted with something npvvnt, ' Hicrkctmn W aro sor- like nervoys. indigestion. We are sor ry for the- mistake and hasten, to cor- l-ect same. Mr, James Waldrop has returned home fiom Unioh'IS. C where he has been since Christmas. Mr." Howell Cantrell I who accidently was shot some wejeks ago, , is so much improved that he will be able to be sent home' from hospital" soon. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. On account o, the bad weather our Sunday ischool was small on last Sun day. Hope we will have a.better turn out next Sunday, r - . " Mrs-Kansas McGuinn, of Asheville, N. C, .visited relatives in this section last week; also ori route 1. " Mr. T.sF. Mills made ; a ' business trip to Colunibusi last Friday. We are glad to. note that Mrs. Bel- tnn JaclrsoTi is iTYihrnviTcr ' Misses Maggie tand Kansas Jackson spent Saturday night with Misses Mamie 'and Alice; Wilson, on route 1. Little j Myrtle I Bradley spent Satur day night with .Mrs. Coggin. Mr...l-N. Wusoa received a slight hurt from a fall one day last week. Mrs.NJessie Green from route 1, vis ited her .daughter, Mrs. Lillie Jones, near Tryon, ond day last week. Mr. T; F. Mills', spent several hours with NE. Williams, last Sunday. Several m thi& section enjoyed a ivcly fox chaselon last Monday morn- MILL SPRING. Rev: sWton filled his regular ap pointment : at the M." E. church Sun.- un account ot sicKness in tne iam- il ninT TVnr'ntkn liTthird 7 to preach for us on last third bunday, i r n nr -. ' T T : 1 . ...nk1. at White Oak. H Glad to know- that two of our boys are back from France, Messrs. Henry and Graver Thompson. We feel that hev deserve more praise - than we can express. They have iaced the en emy bravely, and willingly , offered their lives for 1 us. Let us pursue them amd sacrifice our food and prove our Amiencahisni by eating less. We as Americans, have pledged twenty million ! tons of ffoodstuff, and let us not be pareless" and extravagant in the master of food. The whole world is like one vas iamuy seated at a ta ble in a common home. There is a certain ; quantity j of food, and if one takes more than his share, some one else, will have o go without. So let's not deprive th4 allies of their propor tion. "Do your best." MissSue Gibbs and brother, Hubert visited relatives, at Gowansvile, S. C. j- m i ' i on j " Saturday anasunaay. . , A crowd of httle folks took a little mountain strori, Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. H. Giibs lost a nne milk cow last Wednesdarhight. Hubert- ro!ter,oi amp Sevier, Greenville, visfted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R:;Foster, a few days last week. 1 - . - -. ' Miss! Clara Edwards visited Miss Letha Barber ja few days recently, i MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mr. and Mrs!1 H; H. McCrain made a business tfiip ifp,. Rutherfordton, last week. 1 K,r ,, t Miss I Emma McCrain visited her m i w - - - j 1 niece, 3-iice mcvrain, last weeK. . Born to Mr.: and-Mrs. Oscar Mc Crain, a baby .girl, a-few days ago. v Miss ! Selma.yackson, who had a se vere fall a 'fewweeks ago, is reported to be improving: . - Rev. J. B. Ruppe filled his regular appointment ; at;i Mountain VieWj Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. laylor Jackson went to L.an- drum on a business trip last week. We feel very Uonely since oift school i j ,.i - "4i A- . e i-L . I.. had to close . ohflaccount of the flu. o- SUNNY VIEW. Several from! here went to a Big good Level, Sundayi and reported time. . ! .' - : ? N Private Reuben R. Wilson, who is in the 42nd (Rainbow) division, is now stationed in Germany near Berlin and reports! that hi is getting along nicely now, but thathis division had been some fighting! crowd. He also re ports that hef Sj now receiving the Polk .County sTews, and that he sure was glad to receive it, . 1 Misses Grace and. Oma Gibbs were the guests of Miss Annie .Wilson, Sunday.-' ::':f - .-'.v-::' ;:- v' " Mar. arid Mrsl U. S. Gibbs spent Sunday! with Mr. and Mrs. G L. Tay-Ior.-- " - -I'm ; - ...j-iiv-f'i : - -:v Miss j Annie;3Wilsonvas guest of her cousin;iMiss Bernice Jojttpn route 1,. Saturday nighV W are glad to know some, of the Polk county boys have ; landed safely home from. Frances while it makes us sad to hear tiem tell how some of our loved one't were killed on the bat tle fiend. . if , -" " - - V , : , .V . : : ; r;:": i ; ". ' 'vr. :--''. ' Mesrs. Wheeler Odell and Frank Mills passed through this section Sun day. - - . . . . .. . l Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Whiteside visit ed the latter's, mother, Mrs. W. W. Cjribbs, bunday. J Aunt .Amelia Whiteside has, recov ered from ; the flu and no new cases are reported. - , A crowd of, boys enjoyed ;a fox chase here, Monday morning. ;il Let's continue .to send the Polk County News to our brave lads "over there." . ... v-;. THINKS UNCLE SAM' "IT Firiererville. S. C. R. 1. Jan. 21 1919. kfr . . Hurrah for, the good old U,- S.; hur rah for uncle; Sam, we are welcoming you on his .another, new year.! This is your 444th year, , being that. ; old next Fourth of July. ': Uncle Sam is a great giant " that towers like Saul above his brethren. There are not men - enough r in . the great' world to pull the .grand sold eagle from his perch or tear.ohe star from- our, flag. ;i. America, is johe of ; the few immortal, things not bom ; to die lhe eagle screams louder .poday than ever before, oecause he has! buried his talons in Germany's breast, and com mands her to return home; and leave war and bloodshed and heart-aches forevermore.; The Kaiser, . ther, old consciousless cut-throat and unscrup ulous, a thief of, all ages is out,: but not. captured. I down: and -i Shall the submit to great , armies of the allies any country . shielding t us Dioody, murderer who has caused so much suffering and sorrow and woe? The cause of the heart-aches and woes of mothers? Think ; of the soldiers' bones, which If .'gathered together would build a, monumentl five .times higher, than the , famous ;Washington monument. , . . ! '. ; I Today man feels that he "is facng an age of peace, a time when the work- mgman can see that he has a country : of the brave and free But onward and upward will the Americaii-f eagle , soar to bathe in thegreatj white light of peace, . Our sdldier boys in - France, have gone through the picked, arihies of Germany .like a flash of lightning, through . the. skies. , The same ' patri otic blood of '76; ; ..at old Valley Forge and ther blood bathed crest ; of , Cow pens and Gettysburg" was' the cloud by day and the fire by nighf; Behihd the, starg.. andstripes jKereL. iniion and nan oi neans oi,oaK.- America-; was POWethat COufd Successful ;w w qj nt ly end that terror and curse of . the world, the Kaiser..; . '!" '.n But it is oyer now, and the1 heroes; are . sailing homeward, the boys who have made America the United States of the World, with: no j North, no SOuth, but , only one , broad,c glorious land of liberty, belting the earjth. The boys for; once and always have ended the career of the war dogj whose .only ambition was, to trail across France fertile fields, . through the English Channel across England 'then across the mighty deep to this wonderful land oi ours transternne us irom a land of Beulah into a : dessert, strewn with human bones and sodden with blood; and tears. - But the! war I drum beats no more, ahd .the bttleflag is unfurled, no . longer. We mourn ; for the boys "who, bled and died and! were left upon some .battle field of France, who have answered the last roll call. We remember these brave young he roes who swung into battle line a band of brothers,- who f cir : America dared all facing one and oily one des tiny, -and that the highest! goal of hu man endeavorLiberty "Those , brave , boys who suffered untold . privations, Died and died ior tne ireedom oi tne world, will surely be rewarded beyond earth's camp ground. v j - God bless our soldier boys. C. WILBUR McGINNIS. ' . u V- n t- '- ' o-: -i ' - Y: NEWS FROM THE LEGISLATURE. Editor Polk County News,- Tryon, N. C. Dear Sir: " . - 1 i room After being confined to my with : cold and influenza find myself, getting restless -and wanting - to get out and mix with t-the bjusy world again. .Fortunately, we had' a physi cian in the house, Dr. Bryant, repre-j sentative Of Yadkin county..' He pull ed me over all right. I am now al-j most myself again. I - j - ' " A ' r I had made the . acquaintance -.sOi two young soldiers of . the Medical corps of Camp . Polk. Thy hearing that I was sick came - to. my room and very kindly offered -to. get leave of absence and nurse . jne both . day and night. This service 1 declined, as my case was not a dangerous one. , Mr. Editor I want to' thank you for publishing j and paying yor. -respects to my bill; I apreciate your opinion. This bill is full: of, righteousness.. 1 contend that the tax payerfe p ; jthis state- have the right to know -where their money , goes-. With , this bill en acted mto law pur tax rate would soon be cut down and at - Ithe , same time we would 1 be ' building up our treasuries. It would enable us to get money from the tax dodgers that , we have been missing so long ; - - : j . Un regard to, the, amendments voteid on at the. last general electionf I find that the majority of , ttie voters voted for. the six months school 'amendment, DeUeving that the state was in posi tion, to supplement the "I necessary money without additional cost .to the tax. payers. Not : so. This .. general assembly will have to provide the nec esary machinery for this : 'additional two months school,- y Also many people I voted for the homestead amendment, taking it just BE AT COLUMBUS NEXT LIOIIY. Good Roads; County Fair; 'Board of Trade,' are Some of ; : - Big Questions. i t'- EVERYBODY BE THERE. The., attention of the. farmers and business men of Polk county is' again called to the - meeting at Columbus next Monday Feb. 3rd, for the pur pose of organizing 'al Polk County Board of Trade,; and to. reorganize the Polk County ; Fair Association. ;This is a matter of fundamental im- portance to the farmers bf Polk coun ty. They shouldattend this, meeting in 'Droves from .veyeTy ,Township. When, we say farmers Ve mean every man, woman and child, in Polk county who produces -cotton, 7-jcotiu wheat, - -'truck, fruit of any kind and -all kind?, live stocK and anytmng that ' grows out of the soil orjeonsumes that which comes from the soil. Jhen bankers' and merchants and manufacturers as well as educators - and t professional men are interested either directly or indirectly in the products, of the' soil, and should attend this meeting. , . ; This idea of a . County Board , of Trade is not primarily for the; farmer. It is to organize everv ouncp ' of busi ness energy in. Polk, county for the de-1 velopment of Polk county, We. want a closer relation . between our fanners . . and business men. -We waiit "'.. our ' - banks and merchants of Polk, county , to get behind the agricultural '.inter-, ests of the county; the. iarmers" to, get Demno tne Danics,. ana merchants ;;,we , want the farmers to get behind - our county paper, and the paper behind the farmers. Let's ' all get together ' and boost in the same direction. V-The roads, schools, churches, all need boosting; county sanitetionK fleeds , boosting; we need better mail service; -more manufacturing plants U better : marketing facilities and systems.- So'! you see we need this movement, far mers, bankers,., manufacturers,, etjuca-. tors, preachers doctors, lawyers and -every other busines man calculated to build; Polk county.. : - , x ; CKespeUyfar. J. R.t. S AMS, County Asrent., - topposite to its;.- meaning. We can Very, readily isee the necesity..for.pub- " licity. It is impossible .for. a.,man 'to 4 . 'cast , his ballot intelligently .without t ; such publications. , If ,we expec;t V H'to., 'make progress -we must,; first make it', .. : possible f for .the voter to. inform him-' self, then we will be able to think and act broader and bigger . ' i : Some day we -will be brought face to face with the question of aflat tax . '. rate. -This means - tax .land and. not ; tax the-? improvements, l' Mr, Land ; owner who holds his land and does, . not improve it would -have two choices -one to -improve or to (i sell? to .the mati . that, would improve. This is a.;-big ; , question but it is Jike.r Woman's. i;Suf- " frage.. It is coming, so we : had just as well begin to inform ourselves." We expect, toget a. good strong" dog law. or in other words a human vand sheep husbandry protection law,' also we .are . watching and holding , our " breath in regard to .road laws. ' We -are. watching to see just ' what 'the -state; highway commission -has to . offer; In additioii to ' the . state wide .; law, Senator CloucT arid ' ,mysef ; will endeavor to" give Polk county: what ever in. our judgment the state ( wide law fails to give us. We want a bet ter system for working the roads, one that will give us value received for all , money appropriated for. the 'roads. . - Some other matters of. grave im portance are before: this General - As sembly, one i is theschool Jaw, There seems to be a great 4issatisf action in regard to the present law.-The whole machinery for raising revenue for the support of the' schools will have to.be reconstructed.- sX::'r::iQi -v " - Another is the election- law... Many democrats as well as republicans want a different and better law: Many are disgusted with the r. absentee , voting . law and want ; it repealed. v Its prj- . . mary purpose , is righteous; and J am not in favor of repealing, in quote, that is if it cait.be so hedged about so as - to prevent frauds, being; perpetrat ed. As to the primary law. Govenior Bickett m his message to the General Assembly recommended that it be ' strengthened or repealed. K. : X ' Mr. Editor, I think I vhave -written enough , for a man just getting over the flu. - With. best ..wishes.-1 am, - . . . Yours sincerely, . -, W. F. SWANN. . , 1 NOT SHAKESPEARE. - Mr." Editor:. This correction is , proffered; in be half -of accuracy,, nothing more, noth ing, less.-; One or- last week' - writers under the caption "The Graded; School Questioni'Vaays he' believes tit wasr Shakespeare who said, "A- little learn- . ing ;is a: dangerous thing' v. If ;your writer will consult Pope's ssay ? on ' Criticism, part 2, line 15 he will '.find that he is mistaken in .his- belief. - . ' - U NQ Me; ; Flying FUh. , ' Flying fish are chiefly found alcsj the trade path of the North Atlantic - 1 1