I - I!: Vwr-'j,- til'.-'-;- POLK COUNTY ffEWa tSYON, N. 0. 12 I! if ! 1 I. ! 1 I r hi U i. it i i, fill ill! -i'.r; ill ill Tll POLKQUHTY HEWS anif TRYQH BEE . Con$olidaled Nov. IQI5 . isbed every Ft Jay at'fe ' r :' TAVdNr'NdRTH1 CAROLINA Telephone 99 Entered a second-class matter April 28, 1915 at the post office at Try on. North Carolina.' un der tfce act of March 3, 1&79 B. F. COPELAND. - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per V ear OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, R solutions of Reipect, Church or Lodge Notices' where an admission fee is charged, or for financia vain, will be charared.rejfular advertising rates of five cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 125 West 39th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." : "Nobody Knows How Dry I Am" will be a more popular song than ev er. - o : Western North Carolina," and for that matter, the entire State has re ceived a blow in the loss of Hdn.Thos Settle, which occurred - at , Asheyille recently. Mr. Settle was one of the "big men" of the State and one whom we could illy afford to lose. o- -.! , From the requests for copies of .Mr. Swamps publicity measure from all parts of the state it is plainly to be seen that it is receiving much atten tion. It is one of the most important bills that will be introduced during this session of the legislature. -o - The publicity measure of Hon. W. P. Swann received the unanimous en dorsement of the Western North Car olina Press Asociation, and the . Sec retary, Mass Beatrice Cobb, - of the Morganton News-Herald was, in struct to notify Mr. Swann of the ac tion of the Association. ' : o : . Vice President Marshall says that certain leaders of the Bolsheviki in the United States should be hanged. That's, true Mr. Marshall, and it should be done before they are allow ed to run at large too long and spread their infamous doctrines over - too much terriaory. - ',. ' . 0 ' The object of the short ballot is not to take power away from the people but a means to make their power more effective. Raleigh News - and Observer. Any measure that sim plifies voting and adds secrecy to it should become a law. Add publicity and ballot reform and the product is a better and more enlightened citizen ship. . The Hendersonville Hustler under the management of Mr. Charles N. Wrenshall shows great improvement. The make-up is pleasing to the eye", while the columns are filled with good newsy matter, and the editorial column is breezy and refreshing. Mr. Wrenshall is no novice at the game, and we are glad to have him join the western JNorth L-aroIma press gang. : 1 .. l- -o Ye editor had the pleasure of at tending the session of the' Western North Carolina Pres Asociation at Hendersonville, last Friday. The at tendance was not large, but the inter- est was there, and many important matters were brought before the body and" everybody ;- present expresed tnemselves as feeling that it was one of the most important sesions held. lhe next meeting will be at Asheville on Friday, March 21st. . bomebody complains that national prohibition means that it is proposed ' - that a fiat of law shall control the habits of 100,000,000 people. ! That is not the way of it at all. It is a great majority of the 100.000.000 pie saying that the habits of a minor , ity shall not cripple and shackle the nation. The great maioritv i of the - hundred million people in this country haven't contracted the liquor habit xvaieign ixews ana UDserver. Hendersonville is trvW tr the location of the Georgia Military Academy, now at College Park, near Atlanta. We hope our neighbor suc ceeds. There are a great many more institutions tnat snould move to Wes tern North Carolina, fnr fv, another section of the' United States inai is so iavorably situated or has ov moujr uauurai aavaniages as we ' i -y,.Yw. w yu, neignrjor. t armer is a great problem in food Situation," says Mr. Herbert Hoover. He isw problem, but is a savior,' and -,vypa dorffc have to .worry about him. -i !a5J do in 1919 just as he did in 1918, raise enough food to feed ine worm. . Tfte "problem'? is to pre venc pronteenng in ..food after the warmer raises it. v A food profiteer s - " should be, placed in the same class witn a uoisnevist and declared a mers ace to the nation, receiving th pun- oiuucui uu acn a person. HOWHUtlSJEPT Vivid Account by Australian Pre mier of Methods All Over - . the World. IT STILL HAS ITS POWER An Octopus, Whose Tentacles Extend All Over the World and Worked . Unceasingly for Commercial Benefit of Germany, j New York. Attention has been called a number of times to th man ner in which the Germans -managed to dominate In the control and price of nonferrousy metals. One branch of their organization was taken oyer by A. Mitchell Palmer, the alien property custodian. This concerned itself with Handling thel metals In this country. But, the ramifications of the German octopus were never as; graphically de scribed as in an address made by W. .M. Hughes, the Australian prime min ister, at the Mansion house, London, pome time ago while the war was still on. - ' ' .. ; , He took as his text what he called the great fina of Mertons, as the Brit ish end of the German trust was des ignated, He said it was "a living out ward and visible sign of the rottenness within," and an agent of the enemy. Then he went on to say : I "It is the English branch of one of the greatest companies the world has ever seen; It is a combination, an oc topus whose tentacles extended before, I the war all over the world, and whose heart was at Frankfort-on-Main. It is an organization that had a strangle hold on the whole of the, world, that affected not only Its commercial and industrial life, but affected also the political life ; which worked unceasing- y for -the commercial benefit of Ger many,' which gathered huge profits for the' befcefir of Germany.' Served Germany Welt. "It was a most powerful and a most serviceable instrument in the German policy of penetration. It served the power of the kaiser .better than a dozen legions on the field, and it is now here today, as it has been, with ts ramifications in our midst. It still nas its power, the profits are being gathered in this firm,' which for three years after the war was the London agent, the English agent, of the Ameri can Metal company, of which I shall speak in a moment. "This was the firm from which Brit ain bought for 12 months after the war the metals necessary lor carrying on the war. This firm was founded by Wilhelm Merton "of Frankfort, and from the day of its establishment it has spread its tentacles out, and, the firm has-grown every passing day. It is called Metallgesellschaft, the Amer ican Metal company, the Australian Metal company, the African Metal company j Schweizerische Gesellschaf t In Switzerland ; it has a dual name which is sometimes French and some- imes something else ; but it is always German in essence. ; It pushed out its tentacles over Europe from place to place. . ' ' ' ' It pushed . another tentacle across :he ocean to Australia, calling itself the Australian Metal company; it .called itself the Australian Metal comDanv. 3U it was fiot Australian.; It was a company held by Germany; it had German directors, and very naturally, as was their custom, they covered themselves in their methods and de vices with the cloak of naturalization. Bit -by bit they beslabbered and en tangled the great metal industries of Australia In a grip until they had them body and soul, and so it was that when the war broke out there was this great metal Industry, the Beer Sondheimer In one shape or another, the Metallge sellschaft, and the Metallurgische Ge sellschaf t, the whole controlling the channels from which the metal came, determining how it should be produced and what prices it should be sold at all over the world.. What they did, in Australia they did elsewhere. i In the United States. "In America they pushed out an other tentacle; there was. a company called the American Metal company. It was a company in which", out of 70, 000 called-up shares, 34,000, or 49 per cent, were held by the Metallgesell schaft at Frankfort, 27 per cent by Mertons of this place and the remain ing 18 per cent were held mostly by hyphenated Germans, a few being held by bona fide Americans who were put .right in the front of the shop window to deceive the credulous. Now I abso lutely acquit here the English share holders, the innocent shareholders in Mertons, of all blame. They went into this in a bona fide way, they did not realize what were the designs of these people ; but I am directing my remarks here against the firm, against the Metallurgische Gesellschaf t, against the great German octopus which , dom inated the world, which stayed here for four years after the war. It is diflicult to understand how they should haveiremalned here. It is not suflaclent to deny them a license they ought not to be allowed to trade at all. Their company should be wound up and they should disappear f rdm the commercial life of the country." . . Catch Mighty Whale. Vancouver, B. C The largest whale caughtthls season In the north Pacific measured 89 f eet in length 1 7 and PREACHES : FROM HIS dtll . - .ir.'rif. 'zi A T Clergyman Refuses to Obey Order to : Croser-Church - During "Flu" EpI liemicand Is -Arrested. li r i OU . ) . . -. , - ) -'-iffj i .- t. - is ' ... " ,.. ' Harrison,. O. Because the ciy au thorities would . not 'vorder the safoons to close, Rev. George Cocks would not close his church, although the board of 1 health had prohibited public meetings because of the epidemic of influenza. Sixteen members agreed with him and all 17 were arrested. Undaunted, the minister sent 'word to the other members of his congrega tion and held his evening services in his cell, "preaching through its open window to about 500 assembled out side the city jail. THIRTEEN IS LUCKY TO HIM Mystic Number Figures Largely In . Career of Sergeant In the -Aircraft Service. Camp Devens, Mass. Sergt. James B. Harmeson of ' aircraft acceptance park No. 1 came to the camp personnel office and asked to be discharged on Friday, the ,13th. He gave these rea sons: That he enlisted December 13, 1917, at Chicago; that the last two fig ures in his army serial number make 18; that he was number 13 on the pay roll of the' Chicago Telephone com pany, and that he believed 13 was his lucky number. He received his dis charge. MRS. MEDILLM'CORMSCK Mrs. Medill JflcCormlck, wife of the Illinois senator-elect, is chairman of the Republican woman's national committee, an organization which will co-operate with the Republican na tional committee. The woman's orgam ization has opened handsome offices In a fashionable section in Washington, and Mrs. McCormick spends . a large part of hr time there. This Is a new photograph.- Mrs.. McCormick is a daughter of the late Mark Hanna. Insignia of 'Army Officers." An officer of the rank of general Is al lowed to choose his own Insignia of rank. Some recently appointed chose four stars on the shoulder. We have, therefore,, thjs rule, to indicate the dif ferent grades of general officers: One star, -brigadier general; three stars, lieutenant general; four stars, general. The Inspired Compositor. ; ,4The doctor felt the patient's purse ind declared that therwas no hope." Boston Evening Transcript. - Classified Advertisements. For Rent: One five room cottage on Whitney avenue. Apply to Sam P. Hill, .Pisgah Forest, N. C. 3614t I have buyers for a'few small im proved . farms near Columbus. Write me what you have price. and terms. G. W. Justice, Hendersonville, N. C. Lost Package containing 6 tubes of yellow and green paints of especial value to owner. Finder please leave the paints if still in good condition with the Tryon postmaster and re ceive $2.00 reward. No questions asked. 39-2t For Sale: "Carolina Harmony" a Music book, for which we have, flat tering testimonials from music teach ers who use it for pupils ready to play simple pieces; and from boards of education, Suprintenaents and teachers of public schools. It .con tains more than 100 songs' for public schools, patriotic and Sunday school songs and scripture anthems. . Send for testimonials, or send twelve 3c stamps for sample copy. Leonard n ano, (Jrgan and Phonograph Agency, J. S. Leonard, Mgr., Salisbury, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CRED ITORS. Having 'qualified as executor of the estate jof James Staley, deceased, late of Polk county, -North Carolina, this is to, notify all persons having claims agamKt,the estate of said deceased. toJ exhibit them to the undersigned, on ot before the 15th day-of .March, 1920, or thisj notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. U .',;,'; 'J-n-':: C,;: . rv -.All -persons indebted .fo said estate win please make immediate payment. This; the 31st day of January, 1919. f WILUAJV1 A. CARSON, ' , ' Administrator of James Staley. j ' . Ldoli out fbr.Span-., ish Influenza. At f5he first sign-of:: a cdld take ; V '" ii CASqARA- f QUININE-. I 8tndrd cold remedy for 20 ycar-r-ia tablet r I fora safe, surer ntt opiate breads up a cold in 24 hot relieves grip in 3 day. Money t back if it foil. ; The genuine box haa a Red top i with Mp; ySiil'a pict-are. At All Dru StortM- WE SOLICIT i Your sorders for. Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, pinish, . Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can save you mojey. See us for lath, brick, doors and sash: - J. T. GHEEN LUMBER COMPANY. XV W: WALTER JONES. lATTORNEY AT LAW Office' up Stairs In ' Jno.t.. Jackscn C- Bld'o. if'; i - . Mleryg Dress Making AllWork Guaranteed; irt? floor, Wilkins store Mki. E. RHODES. Is There" An Electric Flat Iron ytr- Ik i ' if . In Your Heme Price $ S.50- . -'JVfe Guaranteed or 3? 10 Years ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY fit. w GEO A. GASH jusiricE of the peace Jlv, .- AND 'Lr-:. ; : NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgagees prepared, and Contracts written at- reasonable pricey.; .f -:v TRYON, N. C. We Haye the Right i Prices -and- X' r Kind! of MateriaSs to do .your building. Full stock Doors, Windows, Silling, flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Mouldinp:, Rough and DresJii Lumber. Carry complete STpCK O P FEEDS HEARON LUMBER CO: SALUDA, N. C. NOTICE TO DECJNQUENT TAX -Wr : ' PAYERS. . I'-if:.:- ::- r-. Notice is hereby given to the par ties given below and all persons who may b interested as mortgagees that the undersigned purchased at a ' de linquent tax sale at Columbus, f Polk county) N. C, on the 6th day of May, 1918, land listed and described as fol lows: 2 town lots in Tryon, Tryon township, less 1 foot on back, listed in name of S. B. Wilkins f or theyear 1917;:, 150 acres in Saluda " township, listed in the name of J. E. Pearson, for the year 1917 1 town lot, less 1 foot on back, in town of Tryon, Tryon township, listed in the name of J. E. Pearson, forthe year 1917: 1 town lot less. Iffoot on back, in Mill. Spring, WhitfeLOak township, ' listed in the namejrbf Champion, for the year 1917 99 acres .in Saluda township liste$ in the name -of D. M. , Rollins for,te year m i;town: lo less'' l foot n back, in Trvon. Trvori tovn- ship,f isUd'in. the: name of jj; HMet1 calf or.;.the yeard1917 22 acres -In 41 iijrujj vuwiiaiu U5W3U m tne name or Alex B. Emery.;f or; thel1 year 191T. J Noic6 is further veh that 4 appH-; catioi will;be,ade to the sheriff of plkrcpttnt5r,-sKf;;Q:; by the undersign ed for deeds for said property, after the.ath day of May, 1919. ' -j - Jf IX CARPENTER. Pprchaser. ; TM January 17, 1919, S- . - - T ;c-..,-; In our large stock of General Mercrrandise you will find almosteverything you need in .your home. You won't find anything" at "less than cost," be cause we can't sell it that way. 'But you will find many rare values in Honest Goods. . Another thing you will find is that every article) you buy is worth every cent lyou pay. We ask you to compare our goods and prices with those of any other house, and We will cheerM are here to serve you honestly and faithfully, and on . : this basis solicit your trade. W: QOOOOObObOOOO3OO0OOOO0CO00 o o q a i nrirt otamp gives you tne rignt to q O stand ud when the Stai" SDansrled Banner O g is played An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now to start that account. Come in and let's talk it over. ANI& i QP TTRYON I 0 A m W. T. LINDSEY Pres J. B. HESTER Cashier. ; U - :- ! -I, .::;'.:.::l,v : 0 OOOOCOOOCOCO3OOOOCOC6COCO00 loll Raise Dollars the same way you raise wheat use horse sense any thing planted in the proper soil will grow Dollars will grow if planted in Bank. on wcpay4nerccnt This is the seed time for your dollar-harvest cropbegin your planting now at I B I olf Capital $1 0,000.00 ! HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B ttNNON, V-Prcs. PRESTON H. BAILEY, Cash. 1 I III ir mil -T- --' n...tT.-. ... ., ... .. , .--a t ESTATE 3 LI City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Furnished and un furnished houses for rent. Property taken care of and rents eolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire yours ef out looking for a place. Our auto is at your service free. " Notary Public. , ' JAMES LEONARD, Tryoni N. ! C. Eat Our Meats! You'll need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. A good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of A Fine Tenderloin Steak' An Extra Porterhouse Steak A Luscious Round Steak A Nutritious Roast A Dish of Pork Chops ' If you havn't any teeth we melt in your mouth. - Eat our meats. ; ; Good for voqr stomach. - .''1. jAlso wantfo aricl chickehsf orJKcK I will pay the,;high est MARKET IRICE. : - V , .-I.'i ..'St & Go. Tryon, N. G. 0 0 3C your sayings AND INSURANCE have sausage that will fairly . . . ' . ti . f i" ; ' r '7. account MM. WILLIAMS. t

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