TRYON Mayor Missildine made , a business trip to Asheville, Tuesday. v-, Sheriff Frank Jackson called iWf&s' Thursday, and left his orde f&r1 Ej)ijxrUl ed stationery. i v.;:;; Look up that old hoe and rake and clean them up and get ready to start your "Liberty garden." '. We are glad to note that Mr. Geo. B. Cobb. is able to be on the streets again, after an aggravated attack of sciatica.- . f Mr, D. E.. Connor, gave the NEW.S a very pleasant call, Thursday, and renewed his allegiance to same for another year; tv - Mr. E. B. Edwards, of Mill Spring, made the NEWS a call Monday and renewed the subscription of J. S. Ed wards, of Slaton, Texas. t v , The. high price of furs may be seen when 130,000 raccoon hides sold at .auction in St:1 Louis, Monday for $410,000, while 300,000 opossum hides brought $335,000. ! ' The Asheville Citizen says "that y War-Time Conservation Has Chang ed appetites." It was not so 1 much that cause in Polk county as it Was congestion of the pocketbook. ; It has now been discovered . that whale and beaver flesh make good eating. Also musk-rat and raccoon are consdered great delicacies in dif ferent parts of the world. ; The last outbreak of influenza, is on the wane. No deaths occurred from it, and air who were attacked are on 'the high road to recovery. LetV hope this will be the last outbreak. j';; Lost, strayed or stolen; One John Barleycorn. When last, heard of he was headed west. nursnprl hv fho 1 leg islatures of thirty two. states, and his reurn is not expected soon. No re ward. . '. ' ' "" . ;. V The U. S. War Department seems to be playing the old-fashioned game of "hide and seek" with the 30th di vision. One day the -boys of that di vision are ready to sail, the next they are not. )"'.' T- TT O. I r-r rvev. n. vjnmm. xvector ai tioiv Cross Episcopal church will, I begin ning February 2nd, the first Sunday in that month begin holding night ser vices at that church. A move! in the ,ngnt direction. The .Mexican Congress threatens to reform the constitution of that for saken country." If some scheme could be devised for reforming Congress, then some real reform' would have" been accomplished. " ' Miss Cushing sister of Mr; D. E. Connor, of Valhalla, was giveii a sur prise birthday party, ? Wednesday evening. Quite 'a number of the neighbors gathered in, and. the even ing was spent in a manner: most en joyable. 'and entertaining to all pres- t ' ;. It will be good news ; to the people . of this section to know that the pro ject of rebuilding . the. highway , from the Spartanburg to" the Henderson county lines 'has been approved, and that work will start as soon as" weath er and laborconiUtions-permit . The County Commissioners, last Monday, appointed Mr. F. M. Burgess to fill out the unexpired term of the late A. L. Pitman, as Register of Deeds. Mr. Burgess is no stranger to the people of Polk county, as he held the position of Register of Deeds for many years. were thrown into confusion by the headlines in the Asheville Citizen, Tuesday, morning which read. "Britt Wins." ;jA. careful reading, however, showed it was tf'rankie Britt, the .prize fighter, and not James J. Britt, the political fighter. : Valhalla Tea House open every day. Tea, coffee, chocolate with whipped cream, sandwiches cakes, cookies, doughnuts, etc., always on hand.'SaIr' ads, creamed chicken suppers, lunches and other meals served on order. Home made candy r a specialty; Fan cy work. Orders taken for cakes 37-3t ; v -v; . v.j.:;:- - The dog law proposition will con sume quite a good deal of the atten tion of the North Cardlira legislature this week. -, We hope that a good law will be drafted, passed, and then EN FORCED. Representative Swann writes -uji that he expects to support wnat he considers tne strongest meas ures . ... -. . '-. Among our new subscribers this week is the name of Mr. DiW." Gallo way. Mr. Galloway has : purchased land at the foot of the mountain and expects to build a residence there at an early date. He is a graduate of law and is contemplating practicing that profession. We are glad to wel come such teot)le ' as citizens, and hope he will have no; cause to, regret .his decision. . I One of the most sensible acts of the present legislature was in passing the resolution whereby all property in . North Carolina: will be assessed at its s full value, instead of the present sys tem. That will not raise the taxes of a single person who -gives a fair val uation of their property now,; but will have a tendency to uncover much that is either not given in now, or else at a mere pittance of its real val ue.'. -. . . ';. . "' ' ..;.'.-"! V:- ;'A meeting of good roads advocates f and roaa commissioners from the " twenty-two counties" of .Western North Cadolina, will be held in Bilt more, : tomorrow, ' Saturday, morning, beginning at 9:30 o'clock. It is hop ed to have as many interested parties attend as possible. The main propo sition coming before the body will be for proper provision to bo made in or ?ler to secure Federal aid for road : uilding. - :: : .;; ";' dent Wilson down, stands pledged , to nublicitv. The Progressive F rmer of last week savs the farmer ?h mid de- - mand publicity of tKs legislature, ; 5tnH mrsoa no on.tasure of PUDllC ity the publication of T the 4 assessors !. .i;of MT'.m - S'urn nn's bill is right in line-with the ideas of the day, and should receive ' the unanimous ' support of 1 every member of the pres ent body. It is a -measure for the i benefit of the whole people regardless of polftiCarfaith. : - : : Brother Coneland of the Polk Coun ty News is now inthe middle of a big excitement about the condition of the Tryon Public School. : It seems that the Tryon tax levy for school purpos es is only 33. 1-3 cents. Only, an igno ramus would be unable to foresee the condition which " prevails in Trycn now. And only a blind coward would be unwilling or afraid to do just whati me emwi uj. me xryun ixews is uoing He Js telling'em. about it. fAny fun f avdrbale. publicity" which Tryon is receiving in consequence will be of small -importance if it results in giv ing Tryon youngsters a fairer start in the busines of making a living.-r-HendersonvilleHustler BAPTIST CHUxiCH. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preac ing at 11 o'clock by the pastor. FREE GARDEN SEED. - Congressman Zebulon Weaver has sent the NEWS 300 packets of garden seeds for free distribution. They con sist of beet, carrot, lettuce, radish and watermelon. ' - v: - -r These seed are to be given away ab solutely free of charge to : all who grow gardens in Polk county. As the supply is limited be sure and come and get your packageobefore they are all: gone. ff: - ;V The Government, on the package, very wisely says: "Don't waste this seed. Because of the necessity for maximum production of food crops, it is important that the supply of veg etable seed be utilized to the best ad vantage." , . . , GOOD-ROADS FOR POLK COUNTY Elsewhere we publish a. letter from the State President of the Good Roads Asociation. It relates . to proposed legislation now before the legislature of this State. Read the article care fully, then sit 'down and write Senator Cloud .and Representative Swann to do all in their power; for the passage of , the. measure. ' ; - . The sum of $232,000 spent on good roads in Polk county during the next ten years would help out very mater ially. By 'the way, this will be one of the most important questions before the county meeting at Columbus, next Monday. There are going to be so manjj important questions . come : up that no one can afford not toattend this meeting. - : o ' HISTQRY OF, THE SCHOOL BELL. Atlanta, Ga.j Jan. 25th, 1919. Editor Polk County News, w Tiyon, N. C. I X S Dear Editor? ": ! - in your, last issue you expressed a wish for the facts in reference to the history of the school bell. The bell was used on ,a small: steamer running from Charleston S. j C, ; to nearby points. Mr. R. N. .Adam, now living in' Spartanburg, gave the bell to the Tryon Public School, the first public school -Tryon had. The union church was used as a school room for a num ber of years. Mr. Adam lived tit that time where Mr. ?Scri yens now lives. Mr Adamiwasvyery; much interested iff schools Hd churches. T ; Hope you may continue your inter est in the schools. I always enjoy the NEWS. Sincerely yours T. T. BALLENGER. WHAT TO-DO WITH YOUR STRAW. The Misouri Experiment : Station has discovered t,hat for winter feed ing of either work or growing horses, and we suppore it Vould apply to cat tle as well, is to feed them straw dur ing the winter. By actual test it has been found that horses do just as well when fed straw as when fedihay, and straw on the market' brings about one-half the price of hay. It is given as a reason that straw is coarser and more bulky, and horses eat less, and that straw on account of this bulky and coarse nature produces more heat during its passage through the diges tive tract. ' I Every farmer should take notice of this fact and take care of every ounce of his -wheat, rye and oats straw, and during this winter use it for horse roughage instead of expensive hay. POULTRY -MEETING. The attendance at the meeting of the Tryon Township j Poultry Associa tion last Saturday - was very encour- ajrincr. No doubt but that the idea was" prevalent that Tryon had placed a ban on all public meetings had a tendency to prevent many from at tending. , ' ' . . ! .. -. - " Talks of a helptul and practicas na ture were made and those who were present were the gainers. it- a. nA. ' r.iT 1 i- . O i iNexi oaiuruay reuiuaiy xt, u & o'clock p. m., there will be another meeting at Missildine Hall and it is hoped that everybody who was there last Saturday will be present, and what is better, make themselves: 4 committee of one to bring another. Manv Dractical Questions will cornel ud. and plans toward a more definite; working of the Association will be presented, and a start will be made toward a more permanent objective. . Be sure and come and bring some body with you, ' . BETTER MAIL! FACILITIES. There has been some agitation of late looking to the extension of ser vice on Tryon Route 1. We hardly think this-is advisable. That route is now really tod long, considering the state of the roads in Polk county for a great portion of j the time. But what is really needed, and what could probably be secured! would be another rural route out of Tryon, to be as Route No. 2. This route would go nut through the Pacolet valley on th ."mountain and back the road hotwppn Trvon and Saluda. -There are many families in this territory now without free delivery arid are en Titled to it. We believe if the people living along that , route will get up the proper petition thatr" Postmaster. Stearns, of . Tryon will sanction i this "route, and thert an' inspector will; be sent and look over the proposed route, and we "hardly think there -would be anv doubt about his allowing it. , , This would be a good matter for the Tryon Chamber of Commerce to take up. . arid; get behind. If ; there is any one-thlfisr that draws people, and trade Jtc-a Wn it ii -good .mails f acil- ARMENIAN-SYRIAN RELIEF. ) THeollowipg, telegram which is self explanatory, was receiv:ed, by Mr; B.. F. Copeland, Tuesday, As soon as fuller' particulars are learned the. peo ple of Polk ' county will be notified. "It is needless to say, however, that the need of this relief is 'great, or presi dent Wilson- who is in Europe arid has familiarized himself with the situa tion, would nat make this appeal :, to' the American, people. By the aid of the American troops these people have been liberated from the yoke of the oppressor, but what would it benefit them if we liberate them onlto let them die of hunger? It is estimated that more than .one half the adults have been massacred bythMjkish. troops. The remain deWjnibsSy women and children, are helpl absolutely at the mercy 6f th them vilized world. Will we save we allow them to perish? some o ks, "When will these ap- peals f onev cease I ' Ciort knows. for mn oes not. But don't think that this will bethe last appeal, for. 'twill Wot be. But do as you have done kf the past, heed the call for helpygo down in your pockets and subscribe rolk county's quota of four hundred dollars: Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 27 1919. Mr. B. F. Copeland, Tryon, N. C' Just accepted chairmanship Armenian-Syrian relief " campaign. Two hundred thousand dollars North Caro lina's quota. President Wilson re quests national campaign -for thirty millions. Neediest war sufferers. No ojther mean's of relief. Appointing you county chairman. All existing war agencies authorized to co-operate Urgency demands acceptance by wire. Organization and publicity material will be mai$$d at . once. Campaign last week in ..February. Time short. Emergency great. Please' accept. Polk county's quota four hundred. Y J. Y. JOYNER. THINKS WE ARE ASLEEP. The following extract is from a let ter of a gentleman, who with his good wife have .been Tryon visitors for many years. He tells why he must forego his return to our town. In this connection we do not want to be looked upon as a "knocker" but we have always gone upon the theory that if there was anything wrong with our town, and it is possible for us to find it out it is much better to tell it than it is to ' conceal it. In other words it is a good thing " to be be able to see ourselves as others see us. ' 1 - -; "The South is rapidly, waking up to its fine opportunities. A place must not only invite, but prove to be ' in viting. It must promise, and likewise fulfill the promise. If must put up good roads for the car owners. An other essntial is hotels Qjf a class that mean something besides price. As a rule the people who travel are never. so much concerned about the price as they are in what they are to ' get ' in exchange for that price. "Many, many times have I thought about the matter, I have simply been amazed at the utter lack of the "get-up-and-get" spirit in-your beautiful town. No place in North Carolina has so many advantages and attractions in, natural scenery, general location, etc., as Tryon. God has done every thing excepting what He expects men can ana win do. , fcit i were younger and seeking business opportunities I would ask for nothing7 better more al luring, more certain ihiencouraging results than the inducements, held out by Tryon. Your town people seem deaf and dumb. You lack either the folks who have something to invest, or having it, are without, any public spirit. Yet what am I doing but tell ing you something that, you already know; Unconsciously almost the words have been written for there was no intention to present them when I took up the tools." ' A PLEA FOR FENCES. We have had a short talk on per' nanent pastures and on fences but little was said relative to the kind and quality of fences needed in Polk coun ty: At present there is very little fenced land comparatively in the county and most of that could scarce ly be called a fence logs poles and brush are largely used which are the host expensive fences in use,' for two reasons. 1st Because of the ereat amount of labor to make and keep ; repaired i T 1 .... . . 1 his kind of fence. 1st. Because of the great -destruction of crops caused by stock 7 break ing through this kind of fence, or rather lack of fence. ' : Then there is the old kind of rail fence; but pf course it is needless to mention it, as the scarcity of -rail timber and high price of labor knocks that out on the first round. Then what kind of fence is cheapest and consequently best to build ? Should I be called upon to answer this ques tion I would say - get good ; locust ;posts if you have to go to the moun tains and buy them, and set them well in the ground and put good galvaniz ed wire on them to -turn stock. By this I mean horses and cattle arid es pecially cattle that I now have mostly in mind. Hogs and sheep need ;the same kind of. posts but woven wire. Now I know that many farmers will cry out that I suggest impracti cal things along the line of farming well. J Why not hold up high ideals ? I am saying what is best and cheap est in the long run. I have inot men-, tioned the cheapest and best for the long run, for that would . be concrete' posts, but I did not want to knock all the . breathe put at one blow Now I have given yu ;my opinion" about what is: really cheapest and .best. If this ideal; is too high, then begin with chestnut posts where this 't kind " o f timber grows. next best is; oak",", o good, size .aftpr being split' out.-an burned tothin ; coal all over. I admit "that the white man who puts them ii the ground will not-be white when his job is finished, but it will pay. and it willsnot make a permanent black man of him. If you can't approach ' that ess and or wi near to tjie ideal get pin-poles:- oak. poles,-sp'u& wood poles or anyold thing but get smething for posss, and then nail iwirerails poles or anything that Will hold 4 cow. But byh means do w!a little patch of,, gassbig spring and thenduring the.r.nexj year bupd either a good fence or a poor one, ist as . you lip Best, bu remember the good oneiis always best aTTd' cheapest in the , long run 'and: you will "have , the feeling of. eternal pride that you have quit tethering the' poor milk cow. by the head,! which is far more expensive than fence. , ' i Why not everybody' get busy and sow! somef grass, make some pastures, then fence1 them- and put some sure enough' cattle to grazing them, and' be a prosperous and happy comty. A few ar? getting up steam, so the Stand-patter had better look out lest he gets run over. ' -J :f Respectfully,- : J. R. SAMS County Agent. H '. o - - FORTIETH O ANNIVERSARY Catalog Gives! the fullest and most up-todate information, not only about Seeds that can be planted to advantage, but also about crops that prom ise to give the largest profits during the coming year. , OUR! 40 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, and art equipment that Is unsur passed JnJthis country, give us un equalled advantages for supplying T HE BEST OF Fariarid Garden Seeds WrlU jf op Catalog and Prices of GRA3S and CLOVER SEEDS, . SEED OATS, SEED CORN 4nd SEED POTATOES. Catalog Mailed Free on Request." T. -M Wood & Sons, SEEE&MEN, - Richmond, Va. Fo the Best of Gardens, PLANT WOOD'S SEEDS. SNOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of; the power of sale con tained ig thatl pertain Mortgage Deed executeej by jif H. Metcalf and Mamie Metcalf his wife, to EdmondA. Em bury orif the 6th day of September, 1915, tofsecure a debt of $250.00 and interest;aid; mortgage being , of rec ordin thf office of the Register of Deeds for Polk County, in book of mortgages No. 10 at page 396, de fault having been made in the pay ment offthe debt and interest therein providetl the; .undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cashiatthevcourt, house door of Polk county, on ' MONDAY MARCH 3rd 1919 at 12 o&lock noon, the following de-l iscribed J-land and premises conveyed jfe saioiriortgage to-wit : . ; . i.. v Beginning; at a point on the; west-, em; margin, of fhe Valhalla road, the same bihg the southwest corner of Mrs. -L. Dowes residence lot; thence with the said M. L. Dowe's souther boundary line south 86 deg. 13' min.vest 186 feet to eastern line of roadway; thence in eastern line of roadway I south 51 deg. 52 min. east 90 feet;;?. thence and still in ; eastern line of f fad south 3 deg: 21 min east 25 feet;: thence north 86 deg. 39 min. east 17$ feet to corner of roadway; thence in margin of roadway norfh 53 deg. AO min. east 56 feet to western margin ';of Vjalhalla road; thence' in said margin of' Valhalla north 36 deg. 20 iiHn.; west" 100 feet to place of be ginning, containing 545-1000 of an acre, more or less, and otherwise known -as lot' No. 5 in S. D. Hadley's subdivision in . the' Town of Tryon, County Polk, State, of North Caro lina, if This f anuary 28, 1919. EDMUND A. EMBURY, Mortgagee. Walter fjones, Attorney. ;; ' 'i$ o - '.'-s- EXECUTRIX' NOTICE TO CRED ITORS. V Haviif g qualified as executrix of the estate tf. Fannie J. Ricks, deceased, late off! Polk county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims "against the estate of : said de ceased to exhibit tliem to the under signedv:Whose address is 208 Baldwin Avenues Charlotte, jn. KJ.f on or Deiore the. 15thJ day of February, lyzu, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of ! their recovery. ' All .'.J.U.J - J na-t-nlm. Ail uc l buna iuucuvcu vu sam somvc will please make immediate payment. This she 21st day of January, 1919. . J . MARY D. OSBORNE, v' Kxecutrix of Fannie J. Rickg. POLK COUNTY r FAIR ASSOCIATION. r. i ... Weater nermittine. the annual meeting f the Polk County Fair As sociatioi; will be held at Columbus, Mondav. February 3rd. at two o'clock.M - ' The lection of officers will take place at this time, and other impor tant matters will come before the meeting- Evervbodv in Polk, county having Sithe good of the Fair at heart are requested, to attend. . . - w. T. LINDSEY, President.. B. F. COPELAND, Secretary. NUOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX t PAYERS. " Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below and all persons that may be Concerned as mortgagees that the undersigned purchased at a de linquent' tax sale in Columbus Polk county N. C, on the 6th day of May, 1918. l&nd listed and desenbed as foj lows : M5 acresiless 1J15 of one acre, m WlUTe uaK rownsrap, - nstea in pne name o Coleman Brafllevs estate for the- ve?rv 1917 rrjji -. WdOD Sed -Notice Vis further given Uhat appli cation,; will be made t' the rsheriff of Polk cointy by . the- thidersigned for deeds fdr said property; after the 6th day of May 1919. .H J. BRADLEY, Purchaser. . This: January 20 1919. , k ' . - ' I . 1 :. i"Sf . EE vmjR Trade home and thus help your town to grow and improve. Jolhio Oitb: k Cp( Phone No. 14 Tryon, WANTED), Citizens Lumber Go. wants for portable saw mill near'Dawkins, S. C, a sawyer, two log cutters, two -saw mill hands. Good camp and long job. Apply,. W. T. CULBREATH, Dawkins,-S. C. Savin? Money nrWhen once established Will make saving easier than fepeningJ - Regularity is vvliat counts in t sav ing. Deoosit a stipulated , sum every week'or month and watch it grow. Jri time you,; will 'have a sum sufficient to realize that cherished ambition. ' , . 4 per cent. Interest Compounded Semiannually , ' ' " ' ' - ; '-- . . " ' " 7 " 51 ' -', ; . . PEOPLES BANK TRYON, N. C. This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their Financial Condition. "Wiiryoii let us serve you? A checking account is . most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. Av Savings. acc6unt is , the sure road to an eventual ' com petency. We solicit your account. ''-'''hrJ I CAROLINA STATE BANkI ft DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER H. B. LANE President row i Fine Kentucky Horse at a j Bargain. W. T. LDNOSEY, Tiryoro. SALE AT If taken at once; Gash or i reasosble terms. Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot' on Trade street. ' GEO. A. GASH, Agt. We are offering A SPECIAL ' with a discount of $10,00 on the cost of , ourLixegula . jiiUonerdid -r.-. 'Coursel One of these Scholarships would be a gift of mestiiriablevvalue.- ; If you are interested for yourself or for someone else, call oJt write aftd let us give you details in regards to courses and rates. ' t - '.EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE: 15HaywoodSt. . ' . ' ASHEVILLE, N. C :'' 111 is a Habit & TRUST CO, - vice rresiaenM jsDi;r 4 SAL i :: o ft n9 ii - V, BA A CHRISTMAS . SCIIOlilliSIIIP

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