i boy:-:. ihe mam mom. POT,K COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N. C, DMPGIC DOTS (Conducted by National Council of the Boy Scouts of America.) ... , RULES ON SCOUT UNIFORMS The Boy Scouts of America uniform may be worn by any boy scout twelve years of age or over who Is regularly enrolled with the national council, all associate scouts, pioneer scouts, veter an scouts, and all boy scouts who have been granted a certificate of service, provided they are in good standing with the local scout authorities in their respective communities, and all adult officials and members in good standing of the Boy Scouts of America. It may be worn at troop meetings and socials, hikes, camps, educational trips," rallies, demonstrations and sim ilar events, church or chapel services; when taking formal tests ; when ap pearing before a court of honor for ex amination or awards ; when ordered up on official duties, in such capacities as civic guides or messengers, flag rais ing exercises, scout headquarters' or derlies, first aid workers, etc j During the period of the war, all scout and scout officials should wear their uniforms, whenever practicable, in order that they may be easily called for any service for, which the scout movement gives training. 1 It should not be worn when solicit ing funds or engaged in" any selling campaign; when engaged in any dis tinctive political endeavor ; when ap pearing upon the stage professionally ; when taking part in parades .other than for the purpose of rendering services as a scout. j When a boy ceases to be a scout through failure to register or-through suspension or expulsion from j the troop, he has no right to wear the uniform. . . - THE POULTRY SHOW. ' The two roosters were crowing for all "they were worth,- said Daddy, "and the noise in the building was very great, I cai assure you,", said i Daddy. ' J ', 'Were the roost ers in a build ing, ..Daddy?" asked Nancy. "It must have been at a poul try! show," said Nick. "That's right," said Daddy. "I was going to tell you about a, poul try : show which was held lately. The Roosters Were Saying Their How - Do - You-Dos. TOM SAWYER A GOOD SCOUT. "Welcome to the Sea Scouts of America and good luck to you," Is the greeting from their brother scouts in Great Britain, says General Baden Powell in a letter. "Over here the Sea Scout branch is an Immensely popular one with j the boys. For no ' boy who is a boy; can resist the call of the sea. "You fellows In the United States, even in cases where you are living hun dreds of miles inland f rom..lhe coast, are especially well off in having splen did rivers and lakes on which to prac tice. (Mark Twain hasjfshown us the wonderful possibilities? for sea scout ing on your great waterways, andTom Sawyer was a top-hole sea scout of the inland. j. "James A. Wilder's program of sea scouting Is going to have, a "big boom, and you who become sea scouts under it are going to have the time of your lives, not only In the enjoyment of picking up the work but also in! the valuable service you can give to your country as soon as you are efficient. "Over here in Britain the war! has given our scouts their opportunity in ( many directions and they have not been slow to seize It RUSSIAN SCOUTS SEND CABLE That the allied armies operating in Russia are restoring conditions of liv ing to the normal is evidenced by a cablegram just received at the nation al headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America, 200 Fifth avenue, New York city, from Archangel, Russia! It says: "The First Archangel ; Boy ' Scouts union sends greetings to their Ameri can colleagues . i - , One of the first things the German generals did in their Invasion of Poland jvas to order the disbandment of j the boy sqpnt organizations, and ; the cable ' gram Would seem to indicate that; the bolsheviki rule had been effective in similarlv discouraging the work of the boy scout brotherhood in all parts of Russia. ' ' ' . ' ' THE MOTTO OF ONE SCOUT. A New Brunswick, N. J., scout thus emphasizes the twelve points qf the scout law: TRUSTY Tommy was a scout, I LOYAL tofcis mother, HELPFUL to the folks, about, FRIENDLY to his brother. COURTEOUS to the girls tieTknew, KIND unto his rabbits, OBEDIENT to his father too; CHEERFUL in his habits, THRIFTY, saving for a need, BRAVTC nnA tint n faker ! CLEAN in thought and word: and deed, REVERENT to his Maker: "Everything imaginable "was there, eggs, chickens, hens, roosters, hen coops, chicken feed, ducks, pheas ants, turkeys, geese, pigeons and even gold fish. So that it was quite v a poultry show with some other things at the show besides poultry. : f "The roosters were saying their how-do-you-dos to each other and talk ing about their various homes and The kinds of food they liked best. The Mrs. Hens were chatting and cluck ing and cackling, too. ! "The geese were shrieking in their loud, shrill voices, the j turkeys were gobbling, the pigeons were cooing in their lovely, soft voices and the ducks were quack-quacking. . ! "They were all talking over the news in the poultry world. They were talking about food and farmyards and fun. "Mr. Black Throated Golden Pheas ant was talking to Mr. Hybrid Gold en Pheasant. Their red and orange head feathers, turned back and made them look very smart. They wore green overcoats and touches, of red. Their . tails were long. Mr. Black Throated Pheasant and Mr. Hybrid Golden Pheasant were arguing about whether, it was ;more j attractive to have tail feathers of golden with red and white stripes and spots or golden with brown spots. Their tails were ! very long and they liked to have them look very fine. "Mrs. . Gray Speckled Hen 'was fast asleep, rnd so she didn't say a word. Many of them were taking naps and some slept with their heads under their wings, and some with their heads tucked back on their bodies. This was a favorite way for theducks to sleep. And even with all the noise in -that building, many, many creatures napped and dreamed all sorts of dreams. "Some were talking about a special kind of wire for a chicken coop which their young chickens had. And Mrs. Proud Hen said that she laid the kind of eggs which hatched, turned into fine chicks and that her chicks always grew. " .' .- "Mrs. Sicilian Butter-Cup, a hen which had won two prizes, and was reddish brown in color with a red head a very peeullarlooking head, es pecially on one side which appeared spiked, said: 'Don't be conceited, Mrs. Proud Hen. As yet you haven't won a prize. : "'Well, I have,' said Hen, who wore a brown speckled dress , and a yellow collar. 'Listen ' to the hens boasting crowed Mr. Black and White Tailed Rooster. His suit was; of red and hisN collar of brown, white his brother wore a red collar. " 'And look at those ray hens un der that canopy or awning over yon der,' said the cockerels and pullets to gether. They wore brown and their tails were green. "'Quack, r quack, said Mrs. Duck, sticking her head out bars. 'Have you seen my neigh bor as she sleeps? She is standing on one fdbt and hers head Is in her wing. Look at her. Look here, quack, quack. I'm" giving . you the news.' "Oh, said Mrs. Green' Headed Duck, pulling her gray wings so they looked their best, 'no one at the poultry show but themselves. 1 p ,g t mi 1 o ,,n ,, gmmmmb ,,, 1 View of Treves, t?' . IT is an odd coincidence that the most modern occurrence in Prus sia its occupation by American troops should begin with its old est city, observes a writer in the Kan sas City Times. Treves, or Trier, as the Germans call it, into which the Yanks marched recently, is older than history, which begins for it half a cen tury before the birth of Christ. -Then, as the capital of the Celtic Treviri, one of the most powerful Belgian tribes, it was captured by the Romans under Julius Caesar. It was, made a Roman colony under the name of Au gusta Trevirorum and was strongly fortified. By 14. B. C. It had become1 the most important northern outpost of the Roman empire. It was an Im perial residence early In the Christian era and the administrative center from which Gaul, Britain and Spain were ruled. The poet Ausonius described it as "Rome beyond the Alps." Constan tine the Great lived there about twenty-five ' years. He and his successors beautified it: with public works and magnificent private! villas dotted the hillside all around, j Some of the fitfest Roman 'relics north of the Alps re main to this day in Treves. From the earliest times Treves, he cause of its strategic position and the rich country surrounding it, was an object of warfare, v The Franks par ticularly desired It and they made many expeditions against it. They continued their attacks after the Ro man occupation. Three times they sacked it and held it for short periods. About the middle of the fifth century they gained permanent possession and made it their capital. The Franklsh kings gradually transferred their pow- in 1794 captured it again and abolished the archf ishopric; The congress i of Vienna h 1814-1815 gave it back to Prussia, fit . figured several times In the war Just closed, being bombarded by allied ferial forces The modern city of Treves occupies almost tbe exact site of the ancient town. It 1 nestles picturesquely In the valley offflie Moselle river and is sur rounded hills covered with the vine yards f rofol which comes the famous Moselle vflne.- The newer section con tains bro streets and modern build ings. The; streets in the old part are narrow- ajd crooked. The Porta Ni gra, an Jnormous fortified gateway, was built i by the Romans. In the southeastern part of the city is the palace of fthe Roman kings, now a pic turesque fnass of ruins. In the south western section are the Roman baths, a vast ariimpressive ruin, and a short distance sway is a Roman amphithea ter built a Emperor Trajan's time. fr amus Church and Relics. ' One of he most interesting buildings Is the cathedral-, one of the oldest churches in. Europe. It stands on the site of achurch used In the time .of Constantine. It bears the marks of repeated. Restorations as the result of wars and .the ravages of time. Among the holy relics it contains are an j al leged nail; from the cross and the fa mous seamless "Holy Coat," said to have been worn by the Savior. Both are held in great ; veneration and are declared tq have figured in many miraculous-healings. A provincial mu seum contains many antiquities and a number" of rare books are in the mu nicipal library, including the illuminat ed Codex Egbert!, dating from the close Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self- . control, 1 " " .-'-These three alone lead , life L to ? sov- - ereign power, - Tennyson.. ' MORE SWEETS. . We are so ' hungry for sweets that at this season when, sugar is again plentiful- the desire to make home-made candies must be' gratified. Maple Creams. Take four cupfuls "of maple sugar, one cupful of wa ter, one-fourth of a ' tea spoonful of cream of tar tar, 'added when the mix ture begins to boil. Stir until the su gar Is dissolved then remove the spoon and let. it boil- without stirring. ' If grains form on the sides' of the kettle push them down with a bit of cloth on a fork, or just covering the kettle tightly for a minute or two WhT keep them dissolved. Test in' cold water, and when the soft ball stage s reach ed pour onto a marble slab or lightly buttered platter. Let' cool until the finger can dent 'it, then stir I from the outside to the center, working "and kneading it until smooth and creamy. Put into a bowl,; cover with a damp cloth and let stand for a day or two to ripen. When ready to be used, mold into small balls, flavor with mapleine if desired and press a, nut on top of each. . , -: ;;; ' Honey Caramels. Take two cupfuls of strained honey and one square of chocolate ; boil until it4 makes a firm ball when dropped into, cold water. Take from the -fire and stir until It be-" gins to thicken, then add vanilla and chopped nuts. Pour Into a shallow pan and mark off In squares when cool. : Nut Maple Roll. Roll fondant Into long rolls an inch in diameter and cov er with nuts.. Cut in slicps and wrap In waxed paper. A most delicious roll is first dipped in a caramel,, then roll ed In chopped nuts. Parisian Sweets. Take a pound each of dates and figs, a cupful of wal nuts, and a cupful of raisins. ' Put the fruit through the meat chopper and cut the . nuts fine with a knife ; mix into a roll; add a fourth of a teaspoon ful of salt and wrap each roll ih, waxed, paper. These may be dipped in melt ed fondant,, then in chocolate, making a very elegant confection. Orange marmalade mixed with a lit tle confectioner's sugar to stilfen, then dipped', in white sugar fondant flav ored with orange or with orange juice, makes another tasty tid-bit PRhVENTION IS ALWAYS BEST Timely Measures Properly Applied GS fer Surest Means of Control Kill- Ina Often Advisable. t ,r ? I r There is no duty we so much under rate as beift happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world,; which remain unknown even to ourselves. R. I Stevenson. Mrs. Yellow It Is ohsrved that father for consideration, but after xomes in the rab- t SCOUTS 'AID THE HOSPITALS. The Spanish influenza struck New Bedford, Mass with the suddenness of a bolt fronfthe clear skyj The dis ease spread ; like wildfire, and S the chairman of : the emergency medical .relief committee appealed to the boy scouts for assistance. ' . Eight emergency . hospitals In that city and three in Falrhaven were open ed to take 1 care., of the. influenza patients The headquarters of six of the scout troops were taken, as emer- cency hospitals. through ; the l ' Sj y I & W " if H ft I .,mmrm..mm.Z minrr. Vj, m iSf They 'That's right, crowed the i white roosters with the fuzzy whose eyes could hardly . be ' seen be cause they were almost covered up rih whit, fpnthers. 'We all like our- selves the best, and we all try to win prizes. "And the black and white roosters with black apd white called the Houdan Fam all lbve ourselves most, but we do love to see what is going on in this poultry show where there are so many other creatures (Copyright. 1918, Western Newspaper Union.) " Resentlnd Interference - The girl who is' very other people should ; hnsiness is frequently terference because her in t ease- Those who are in the fight can takjj without; losing their Companion. Were Arguing. white heads, fuzzy heads, ly, said, We particular that mind their own sensitive to in- conscience is are sure they good advice tempers. Girla er to Metz, however, and Treves be came the seat of a powerful religious empire. . I Treves had a bishop at a very early date. Four great saints of the fourth century are connected with the city. It Was the scene of the first banish ment of St. Athanasius; St. Ambrose was ' born there ; St. Jerome., first be came seriously Interested In religion while studying there7 and St. Martin of Tours went there in 385 to plead with the tyrant Maximus for the lives of the heretic Priscillian and his followers. The great bishop, St. NIcetius, built a splendid castle for himself at Treves In the sixth century. The see became an archbishopric soon after the begin ning 6f the ninth cntury and its tem poral power was founded in 898, when Radbod acquired the rights of . the counts of Treves. Throughout, the middle ages the city, abounded in re ligious foundations and " was" a great seat of monastic learning. . 7 - ' Changed Hands Many Times. . " With the transfer of the : Franklsh capital to Metz began a long era of changes for Treves. The city passed ; to Lorraine in' 843 and to the east Franklsh kingdom in 870. It was sack ed by the Northmen in 881 after It had become a permanent part of what is now Prussia. It became" a free city ard the close of the sixteenth cen n? The French heldjt briefly three . - ; -he seventeenth : century' and 'American Troops in Tnves. of the t oth century, and the Faust and Guteerg Bible of 1450. The manufacturing interests of the city inck;de tanneries, iron foundries, dye . worf:s, ' furniture and piano fac tories ansT glass painting works. An extensive -trade in wine, fruit and wood was carried on before the war. There are many; lead, copper and tin mines In the vicinfity. The population before 1914 was About 65,000. i plot the Wrong Leg. This little story without a claimant has comefup from Florida : An ehferly Hoosler who has been spending! some time in Florida has been giving his leisure to fishing. There is a fine $ake near where he has been sojourning and every day he was seen in silent iSneditation, for he Is a think er, castiite his line Into the clear wa iter, appently- with success. ; This Hoosler s known for his kindness and consideration of the feelings of others, - -y- Z' v -- ' I One da while absorbed in his fish ing an ligator slipped 4up to him, snapped lff one of his legs, and was making off with it. "Here r cried the fishermanj :'come back. . You've made a mlstak ?. You've taken 1 the wrong iebt , : 'M " ' ' " ' ' " 1 ; : Ci - And so he had. s The fisherman wore an artiflcjai leg,and this it - was that the alligator had taken. Indianapolis News.' 'fr - ; ' " y m , ' ; . . . THE HOUSEWIFE'S PROBLEMS. 5 We hear much of the servant prob lem these days and it is truly a hard one io soiye; me mistress problem Is just as difficult. It is worthy of; note 'that a good mistress usual ly finds a good -servant ; they stick, as does the bar of steel to the magnet which attracts it Fully 80 per cent, and some statis tics say 90 per cent, of the homes of America, are servantless, and the housewife is more exercised as to how' to make ends meet than to worry over a servant that she cannot ; afford to keep. Let the fortunate 10 to 20 per cent attend to the servant problem and the rest learn better how to work without one. :" f There can be no business on earth more Important or more elevating than that f making a good comfortable home with what one can afford of time, strength and money. "Be it : ever so humble, ; there's ho place like home.' Do ypu feel It, sing it and speak of it even after the shortest ab sence?: If .not there is something the matter with you or with the home. Everything worth while is sometimes hard, "and even the artist, sculptor, musician or writer feels that his work Is drudgery at times, so the housewife has no monopoly on hard ;Work. Em erson says : "It is the" office and right of the Intellect to make, and not take Its estimates-" So If there lack sweet ness and joy In the daily tasks It is largely our own estimate, and we have only to change bur yiewppint to see the pleasure we are" missing.. To feed a family with intelligence in these days (not to consider economy, which Is of itself a problem) is surely a, task wor thy the best effort of mind aid hand. In the accomplishment of dally work the best results are obtained by the women with system; not but that sys tems must be suspended at - times to attend to more important1 things, but work may, be turned off much quicker if a certain " order . is followed. We must be managers of .our work not let our work manage us. - The woma n who will wash ; on Monday, though -the heavens fall, is letting her work man- age her.v..l 7Clry:ilf;V -' 4 : i So far there is -no practical or pain less dishwasher that has. been found useful in the ordinary' home so this task so. distasteful; to , many, will still be found necessary as Jong as we con tinue to use dishes not made of paper Here .Emerson may" come -;to our aid and with thel right thought make : "drudgery' vinev-?W:-:-W' V:; V 9 (Plvpared by the United States Deport-' ment of Agriculture.) l'oultry raisers who wait until n ease appears in 'the fldck and; ttea' prepare to make' a-defensive atttcfe: are likely to be successful only ia race f.as es. . By far t the . .best plan, vis tat care for the flock in. such a way thsS. disease will not appear. The aha En controlling the diseases of poultry f they add, to learn . how i to prevccS . them rather than how to cure. ,:.; t.. To enlighten poultry' owners as the characteristics! of the more impg&t tant diseases in order that they; tnajr Intelligently use the most improves method's of combating thenr Farnwcs? AJUiicnii out,- iiuyuriauv l uutiry -Mjamr eases.": hna rfrpnt1v hppn nnhlliehmf 9rw- the department, j The causes, JKynt toms, from aspergillosis (brooder pocx-; monia) to worms, are given id tfcSs publication,; -. -..;' -t. '' - J-?; . r .11 : l x ! - - J - as an poanry is suscepunie io many diseases, some of which are highly In fectious and resist! all efforts of tixs ' ment, the bulletin suggests that n birds become sick it is often the plan to ktil them. The greater f&s . 1- 1 1 , A. . ' - J . 1. uuiuuer oi uirus Kept, upon any izxxs or plot of ground, and the mowi Cs are crowded together,1 the more' fosse tant are the measures for exdixdlBs eradicating, and preventing the descl. opment of the causes of diseasej ' ' When disease appears among : try the ! fowls should be removed; the poultry yard and a good coan of freshly slaked lime ' should bie' ag piled to the- entire surface; of ' C; ; ground, according to the bulletin. A ter a few days it should be plowed aaaS then cultivated three or four times aS, Intervals' of a week and finally sowe' with oats, rye or other grain, j Si fis best to leave the ground unoccupiicd Cry fowls until the winter has passed! At ter the fowls have been returiied &e' nrpmisps mnst he fremientlv rl&di and occasionally disinfected. The drinking troughs must be fountains and I aefl washed every with boiling water or ; other disiisfiaerr ant, and if any lice or mites are pmmA ; on the birds, or in. the house the roenfa and adjoining parts of the walls; be painted with a mixture of one- quart, and crude carbolic acid crude creosol, one teactrafoL i rrzzfftf Hil l 1 XtS i .:-!-!KW'C'.r.v.-Si ,..-:..-.-. I if , rim - i Dry, Well-Ventilated and Ufiktefl. ' t a . . i i .1111. . v .mm. nouses Kramoia nea in in fflsm J Flock. house may be whitewashed wtthBwaS-, ly slaked lime or eprayed with sene emulsion. "i In ; case oi an outbreak of a virulent disease U a well to add to each gallon of the si3s- wash six ounces of crude narholle mriSL,, Good disinfectants destroy the genzes of c ontagious diseases, the tulrwug parasites, such as lice and mitesj ssosdl in .some, cases the -eggs of psxaSe worms, ana should he used tregpnorj in and about the poultry house. PLAN FOR MARKETING ES5 Infertile Product Will Withstand . ditions Much Better Than Ft tile Ship Often, j ' s " : - ment of Agriculture . , : . it Market white-shelled ' and shelled eggs inseparate packages. v . ; "When selling eggs to the". cokzUz " merchant or cash buyer Insist t&ast XSas' .transaction be on the quality faisuc'; Ship or deliyer eggs at least tssi or three times weekly. " - 1 ; ; . j i Small or dirty eggs should fcs sas3 at homel - - V:' i :- When taking eggs to market Crey should be Sprotected ' fromJ, the rays. ,1;.- T V Infertile -eggs will withstand esss keting . conditions much better ff fertile eggs. v ' H . . - - ; , t. . . ' - r - ' r- Ju j::.'.';,'.".. i--. ...... v f ' 5 . - ' METHODS FOR FEEDING f3 ; : . ; . ?;, Hens Get Considerable ExercissCTa Fed or Cob Supply in Cry ; -LItter'Satlsfactory; p;; j Hens can he fed corn, on 'czfj c3 will secure condeble exerciss la picking it off, but. the cobs shosld tm picked out frequently. Feeding ciSeS corn in a deep, dry litter U'tlsa'ac Lsfactory way.