7 s r fOWN m CO-OPERATE:) TO FIGHT FIRE Officials and Citizens Should Work To- gether to Reduce Waste Largely ; Caused by Carelessness. Celi-interest should prompt every ! property owner and tenant to ccj-oper-late with the officials of the fire depart jment and of the flreprevention bu Ireau. I Chief Loucks and Jacob H. Hil I kene, director ojf the fire-prevention ! bureau, have instituted a. system to I "flight fires before they begin.' Y iSemi- mpnthly Inspections are made in 'every part of the city land property owners are warned to clean tip rnbbish and to take "precautions! against fire, where such appear to. be needed. ) f I The comparative figures on fire j waste in the United States and in Eu jropean countries! have been presented (to .American newspaper readers! many j times. The per capita loss iji this country is ten to, twenty, times as great as in some parts of the Old World, i Much of that, toi be sure, is due to the difference in materials and methods of constructing buildings. But a very large1 ; percentage may be charged to Qur American carelessness. Aj large , proportion of our nre waste is pre ventable and the Indianapolis officials are Wording: toi eliminate that ele jment ? . j t .. j j; Fire waste is a burden to everybody and all should be active in helping to reduce it: The insurance rates of a iciftr .or a nation are based on the jlpsses the companies pay. The j small jer the risk the lower the rates will be, The companies receive from policy holders the money that Is paid but on ;nre losses, xne way ip wnicn to get - a lower insurance rates is to Keep aown all interested in that losses. We are make the inspection system of the city thoroughly effective. Indianapolis Star . , . , HAVE MORE THAN CASH VALUE I General Cultivation of Back-Yard Gar- i dent Means Improvement In the Keh bjp a Community. ; It may seem !a bit previous to men tion it, but donf't neglect your garden .this year. See i you can't prove peace better fhan.warL even in the back yard. War gardens were worth several hundred million dollars to ther mak ers last year, in cash saved alone. hey were worth yet more to the nation, for the food thus raised at home released jrallroad equipment for (other uses. They were worth most of all In health,' education, better habits and saner grasp of life. - . !- All these items will be worth Just as (much this year as last. Food prices are 1 I1 - a .!... - L . Bure to remain; mgn ror a consiaerabie tifiie. Railroad eauiDment 'will be scanty , enough If we release every pos- JaibleHt of It for service to the Indus tries which must have it. And of course there isfno need to enlarge unon rthe5 perennial! benefits of healthful work, or the Superior taste of home grown, vegetables. Han' -your peace garden how. EFFECTIVE "CAMOUFLAGE,, f tt" 5 vrw ' y " v . v An Unsightly Wall Adjoining Church n . H i.. . n . -A.' MS I I mm .... 4: rrujjcn, Dwuiinca By a i re II IS Vines and SHrubs. -Popular Mechanics Magazine. i Destruction of; Rata in r.iiac . ; - - ' - ; w m wi w The routing of rats from j cities has become both an economic and a sani- itary, necessity. Facing the possibility mri ciY A ami n r monic plague varid the enormous ex penditures necessitated by such an outbreak," it : is the part "of wisdom f oi any city to protect itself j from the calamity. It is not for the; individual householder; or citizen to decide whether he will Interest himself in the subject.: It is a matter for muni- ,jclpal?legislati6n, and It is the duty oi tne .cnizen to support the ordinances and vo' co-operate with the authorities to the best of his ability, in order thai tle city: may be a clean and safe placi in which toflivew -'V' J-S . L. r ; Fire Preventien. Fire prevention is the next form ol public thrift this country must develop Ourreturning soldiers can bring bacl word that j in the last pre-war year 1913, our per capita fire loss was mor than fcrur,timei that of France anc aor than six timea hi- DogtonHtrald. ' Ififf 400 LOCfltlOTlVES SEtJT TO FRflriOE Dispatched Intact, Ready for Steam; by the Army Trans port Service. 1,200 SHIPPED IN SECTIONS Record of 12 Days Made From Shops in This Country to Lines Front Great Work .Now Revealed. at the It Washington. Shipment of American- built steam locomotives, each weighing 73 tons, and assembled all except the smokestack and the tender, so that they could move away under their own steam within a few hours after their arrival in France, was among the accomplishments of the United States army transport force under stress of war, and has since been continued. More than 400 of these lolcomotives were so shipped from New! York in a few. months, it was learned here with the lifting of the war censorship regulations, and these-were in addi tion to 1,200 which were shipped ,in sections, nine to a locomotive, packed in cases. The ships usedto transport the locomotives complete rere of a special type with three , holds, each hold measuring 60 by 102 feot, entered by hatches 39 feet wide aid 42 feet long. ! ' Into each of the three halds were placed 12 locomotives 36 to a ship.' A bed or flooring on which they rest ed for the voyage required more "than 3,000 ""tons of steel rails. The lo comotives 7 when in position were braced with heavy wooden teams and the space between the bolHirs to "the level of the top of the stdam dome packed solid with highly compresfsed baled hay. V . ., Compressed Hay Under Flooring. On. this hay another flooring j was laid, and on this floor was placed the tendersthe smokestacks, with more baledrhay or other light cargo, packed In the space where coal " is to be carried. On top of the tenders' was packed still more cargo to the deck level, and during the "rush days the above-deck space filled with crated airplanes. When" completely loaded with the 36 locomotives and other cargo each vessel was carrying a dead weight of; 14,000 tons In Addition to ship machinery, bunker coal end crew supplies. ? The loading of the locomotives Is an interesting sight. Steel railroad barges carrying 14 of the steel' monsters are made .fast alongside a 100-ton capacity floating derrick barge, In turn made fast to the ship. An ordinary slirig of steel wire is placed around the fort" ward end of the boilers, another undex the supports to the cab, I the signal given and the locomotive lifted 40 oi 50 feet in the air, swunj; over and gently loaded into the ship's hold. The whole operation required but 20 min utes, and It was accomplished uwlt$ the same ease and the same lack of excitement as prevailed cm board 8 steamship at an adjoining dock whlclr was taking on board 500-pound bale! of cotton. ; - The Idea of shipping locomotive? complete was conceived when armjf transport officers were Informed thai England was shipping them across th channel ready to move away on ar rival. ' j "America Can Do It" f "If England can do it, s can Amerfe lea," an officer said, and way commandeered a fleet Ing vessels which were he straight- of ore-carry 1 constructed with hatches large enough to permlf 1 the handling of such freight. When the movement was at its was record- height the following time ed for the movement of a locomotive from its builders to Its base of action behind the battle lines : J5hops to New Jersey terminals, 24 hours; from rail to barges, 6 hours; from terminals to ship side, 6 hours; barg$ to ship, 2Q! minutes; New York to -France, i9' days ; ship to army rail lines and hooked up to a transport train bound for the front, 6 hours;; a total at less than 12 days. . ? ) -Handling of 73-ton locomotives as if they, were but one-tenth of their weight is only a small part of the tre mendous work " that has been under way at army transport piers since the United States transport service at tained full swing. Maj. Dan O'Brien, majrine director, an officer who, has won his rank by more than 20 years service in every port of the United States, Cuba, Mexico 4 and ; the Philippines, : where transport facilities of the army were centered, is the man whj handled the locomotives. i Thievea Return Iowa City, la.HWhen Loot Mrs. Wolfe bi this city went down town recently she left her door" unlocked. Robbers broke in and stole a sapphire ring. a watcn, a necklace and a purse con taining $75. - i-V Next day the thieved returned" thf stolen property, leaving steps. v " - - it on her fronl Calls "Spade a Spade." , Toungstown, O. The Manonin county ,War; Savings stamp committed comes out in plain language and calli a "spade a spade in talking of. those who fail to meet their stamp pledgee; 4?nTy i'e reutInS to " eed the armj v uiyauun- au jburopo, ina an? .V:" 5 A : ' -1. 3 v t V ... J-T ' . ,-.ij:".w- r'.-itn fr -.k'l ,j. IS ill Norfolk, Va. - Baltimore, Md. Toledo, q. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C Columbia, S. C. Spartanbyirg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. . --'- s . ; . r-t. Irrnce eTr ,?, ,v::;.;.,v V, 1M t. . The policy of the FordfMbtor Company. to sell its cars for the lowest possible price, consistent ith dependable quality, is to ..well.knqwn to require comment - Therefore, because of pres ent conditions, there can beiho change in the price on Ford cars. , . ' f ' - -' :, ' - ' -' . Coupe Sedan " ! i. . . ... . -"."-'uytw.i ,. POLEt COUNTY ' Mil ir YA llic 1 Y ?lj SS''- p. "." in 1 TRADE HARK; REGISTERED. ' -" ' 1 - - ' - COMMANDS DEFERENCE Mr DESERVES PREFERENCE - It THE UNiVERSAL CAR ii i n n it' r- .isjfM i. -Mif,i,iV,7ri'r...l., TUgTj a: il y ,fS'" .-:.. ' ii:if. , . . t - W .. - . -.,11 ' (hII. ; '"0 , Runabout Touring -Car .. . t '-i t, $500 525 650 775 550 .a -1 r;r ,f.t- Truck Chassis 1 c-V These prices F. O. B. Detroit Trybn, North Carolina 9 1 r ""m n z NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX : ' , FAYERS. - J of Notice is herebv ihvpti frt!fii'.L ties named below and all' persons that may be concerned as mortgagees that tketun Wsigned purchased at a de linquent tax sale in Columbiis, Polk county, N. C, on the 6th dayof Mafv 1918 ,land listed and described as n lwo:s f. 1 lot less 1 foot '.on' the back in the town of Saluda, N. C, listed fin the name of M. A. Damon, taxed for the year 1917; 1 town lot in Tryon Tryon township, less 1 1 foot ron back of said lot, listed in the name of Mrs M.- H. Gilbert, taxed for the year 1917; IJot less 11 feet in the town 'of Columbus Columbus township, N. C listed in the name of Maggie Geddise taxed for, the year 1917; 1 acres of a 2 acre tract - in- Tryon township N. -C, listed in the name of Robert Booker Est., taxed for the year 1917 : Notice is further given that appli cation will be made to the sheriff I of Polk county by the undersigned for deeds for said property after the 6th day of May,. 1918. i . I L. L. ,TALLANT, Purchaser! This, January 3rd, 1919. i North Carolina, Polk County. To A.iL. Pitman; Entry Taker for Polk County: The undersfgned, J. T. Henderson, of Polk county, North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the foil, .owing de scribed piece or parcel of land in Co lumbus township,-. Polk county, North Carolina, the same being vacant nd unappropriated land and subject to entry, viz : Adjoining the lands of Tom Clark T. P. Rice and.G. P. Ham rick, and containing 50 acres more or less.- .-. x. --.; -r -j Entered this 30th day of December 1918. ! J. T. HENDERSON, A. L. Pitman, Eintry Taker Claimant NOTICE OF SALE. - Pursuant to the power of sal a tained in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted; by: George Aj Gash to Milner Waters on the 1st day of November,. 1915. and of record in tb nffi Register of Deeds for Polk County in Book No. 11 at paco 53. defaulf hav ing been made iri the payment of the debt and interest - thr-Pin of -fftiv. the undersigned willj sell at! public aucuon xo tne Highest bidder, for cash at the: court house door of Polk coun ty onMondav' the 3rd dav nf Febru ary; 1919, at 12 o'clock noon,: the fol lowing described tract nr nnrrpl nf land conveyed and described in:. said mortgage, to wit: Lying and being in Tryon towrishiD Polk rountv Stat of North Carolina and described, as follows, to wit: -- y :. 1". Beginning. at a stone at. the South west, corner of a tract of land former ly owned by W, A. Hipp, ; and -.runs thence With-thA linft of sairl trii nt land north six degrees west. ne hun dred and five feet to a stake ; , thence north 64 deg.j east 15? feet to a stake;" thence south! 33 dec.; east 103 feet fa a stake ": thence south 64 deg. west iy7 feet to the place of beginning containing $096 -square f eet more or less. . I :" j--; . -vv This -2nd day of January, 1919.1 -1 MILNER WATERSiMortearee. J. J. Cantrell owner of debt land Assignee! of mortcacp. Walter -Jones, Attorney." NOTICE OF SALE.' -o- Bv virtue of and ufsilaTif. fr nri nrz. der of the Clerk pf the Superior.Cpurt: of Polk county made in ( the special proceeding, entitled "W. , H. Newman ys. Beri.Bruton," the undrsighed Com missioner, will sell, at; public auctidn to- ine nignest Didder, for. cash; . atj the vuuu xxuutse uooc ox y.sr oik -.county, on MUJNUAX, HiJJtJUUAKY ,3rd, 1M9 (it beiher the first Mondav in FMfru- ary) at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described tract or warcpl of land : sit uate in the county of Polk, State of North Carolina, and in the town of Tryon and. described as follows, to wit ' Beinninsf at a' stake nn iho north side of the road' or street, known as Trade Street in the town of ; Tryon, neany opposite the Uhapel; tjnee north 34 feet along a fence ouiwest side of Orchard lot 3.74 chains to a stake, at fence corner; . thence - along the Speculation line north 8? west 1 chain; thence south 34 west parallel with first line' 3.25 chains to a ktake on Trade Street : thence south 60 east along north side of said street 7c cnams to place of beginning, contain ing by , estimation 31-100 of an acre. Known as the Ben Bmton Homestead. This 31 day of December, 191?. WALTER JONES, Commissioner. . . . -O- 7 NOTIE TO DELINQUENT TAX 1 AlKKS. - Notice is her 3b V aivet to" th nar- ties given bel)v ar.vl all penohh. w ho may pe conceenr -a as -mortgagees ; that ;ne unaersignea purchased at a ce incruent - tax sale at CoiumhnsJ Polk county; C, on the 5th day of May,, lows : Une lot less one foot on the back in the Town of 1 Tryon, N. C.. listed in the nameof Georina Williams. for the vear 1917: one lot. in fhiTown. of Tryon.' Trvori townshin ;Tprs 1 foot'. on back listed in the name of Mrs. R. E. McNeill, taxed for th veart 1 917 r one town Uot" in the town " of Tryon, liyon lownsnip, listed in the name of Richard Jackson tared for thhvear 1917;; tiiirty-dne acres.: in Columbus wwnsnipj f oik county, :N. u., listed in the name of J. F. Page taxed for the year 1917.; eighty-five acres of sland in -White Oak townshin. lifted in the namu of Wade Head heirs, taxed l: for tne year iy 17; forty-nine C acres of land in Cr oner Can townshin': Polk county, N, unlisted in the name of i . m. inompsonr , taxed for. the jyear inn. -: "-t'T' . xx-; :: - Notice, is f iirthpr ?mvi "' tnat ! annfi- cation will be made to the sherin of Polk county, N. C. , by the 'indei sign ed for deeds for said proprtj after we tui aty or m&7, 1VJ9. . - E. W. S. COHH, Purch.ifj 5 inis, January ctii, ii9.