jl . . , - ,-.., .i-.... i. i.- L...... ,. ; r- - ir-'T JO . ' - . .. ' - AN ORDINANCE . i i.M0. 'L I. . ; . "7 ' !. ! .'liJ-iH'- I ff. ;V -.a-.V V-y-:;.- -t TU FOLK CQUHTY HEVJS anHTRYQH BEE PublisneaYeixFriay atfr- TRYOM, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Entered as second-class matter April 23, 1915 mt th post office at Tryon, North Carolina, un der the act of March 3. 1879 B. F. COPELAND, C. BUSH, Editor Business Manager i t Subscription $2.00 per "Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS B ' solutions of Respect, Church or Lodge where an admission fee is charged, or for rain, will be charged; fire vents per line. regular advertising Notices financia rates of 1 THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. S25 West 19th Street New York City, is our sole and exclusive f oreign Advertising Agent. l i . ,, - "Long May It Wave." I- TRYON Spartan- rReily were Commerce MrsJ E. A. Kettle 'went to Spartan burg, Monaay. v; Mrs. Earl Uradv was m burg, Wednesday. Mrs." Power and Miss O in Spartanburg, Monday. Attend thfi Chamber of meeting next Tuesday night. Don't fore-et that the Chamber of Commerce meets next Tuesday night. Mrs. Lubeck and Miss Loraine Stone were in Spartanburg, Tuesday. -Mrs. J. H. Griffith ; and daughter, Miss Jane, were m SpartaAburg Mon day. - 1 Miss Effie Holden arrived m Tryon, Bunnday, on ;her annual visit to rela tives here." Mr: and Mrs. O. A. Buckius have returned from a visit to relatives at Orlando, Fla. , , - Miss Converse went to Spartanburg Mnndnv tn visit friends for a two weeks' period. Mr. Gerald Stone, with t A. at Fort Meyer, Va., is short furlough. Mountain Industries Tea Room will be open every week dayfrom 3:30 un til 6 o'clock p. m Mrs. J. B. Reid and daughter, M.iss Beatrice, left. Tuesday, for a visit to relatives at Gastoma. Mr. Howard Strong, of lis. Minn., is visiting m he Y. M. C. home on a guest of his aunt, Mrs fctk-ong Mrs. W. S. Lipscomn Minneapo- Tryon, the and little Consarri tha anyway. I pesky old ground hog, .1 Senator Overman and Secretary Baker are in a warm , dispute ; juat I now,'- Baker seems' tp -be able to get in a"mesV almost any time!. .. He.js, entirely too small for his job. f i- : . . ' ' " . . . It has. takenj a vast amount of mon ey, many thousands of lives to anni hilate Prussian militarism, but it has shown the world that no one country can, by intrigue and vast armies con trol the universe. child of Gaffney, S. C., spent several days in Tryon, guests of Mrs. J. W. Kennedy. fi- The presence of the ladies is espec ially requested at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce next Tuesday night. d enw Lient. Raymond " Emei-son came down to Tryon with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Emerson, but he returned to Con cord on Tuesday. Mrs. Kennedy spent the nesdav. in Spartanburg. -; far with Mrs. W S. L,ipscomb, wno left for her home in Gaffney, that day r Mr.Griffith began his Voluntary ser vices at the public school wth a class in evil eovemmerc -vh?ch mt day, Wed- going tnat he, makes of ;the greatest, an wvest.f, i?.Ir. andHlAiiWiir. Ltte! wo sons arrived in -Tryon f vGrn' PUvInileld, v.. Thefarmers hene the idea! of Polk county termined to better. their, "condition, are de- of a Polk County Board of Trade. The age of has arrived, and ; any county or section that does not woric what it co-operation community, in harmony i$ not achieving should.- W6;have.mpfe respect for the Amer ican 'Federation of .Labor than 1 ever ' before. - Members of that order refus ed to attend the international v labor , conference at Berne, Switzerland, be cause it looked entirely too much as thoueh it had been "Made in Ger many.; Traitors to yet ascertain Stateswill tneT United that the climate over hereiis ift agreeable - to them, - and there 'is only one country at . ent time whereT they are Russia it is j going to be some job to get them over there. tsut as the pres- vfelcome KT T ir.l - - - I. . . Thai many friends here are jfUid to wel come them;?yiv5 to Tryori. . Mr. and Mrs. : Wra. Voorhees,' of In diana, are guests of friends in" Tryon. rhey are on a prospecting visit. Hope they find spmething to suit, and will tecome permanent Tryonites. Quite an enjoyable time was had at he Lanier Libraryclub rooms Jasl -donday night. An impromptu dan e And reception was given the visiting golf professionals, Messrs. Boyd an Anderson, and a royal good time is reported by those present. The. next meeting of the Lanier Club will be o n Thursday afternoon, February 13, at which tme the Ulub .nil be addressed by Mrs.jj. L. Wash burn on the League of Nations. It is earnestly requested that jas many at tend as can, as Mrs. Washburn has devoted considerable study to this question, and it will be wbrth hearing. We are requested to annpunce that che Chamber .off Commerce of Tryon .Jill meet in Missildine Hall Tuesday night,- Feb. 11, . at 8 o'ci-i. Re? member that every citizen loi Tryon is 'a member of this body. ' It is or ganized to work for the benefit of the entire , town. -Ladies especially are invited to be ' present at the next .neeting. , - While the pea.ce arbitrators at Ver sailles are'."d(jiing all in theirj power to bring about 'peace and establish a league of nations, the Bolsheviki, I. W. W. and other treasonable organi zations,, are eloing all in theij power to overthrow every civilized government on the face of the earth. t-o r- The House of North Caro,;nji legis lature has hassed a stronar doe law, whereby the owners of dogs will be compelled to keep them up at night, and not allow t;hem to roam at. large killing, sheeband destroying property. We are glad to see that th6 law mak ers of Nortlh Carolina are onto their job. ;-..;.;- , -o At last -the United States Govern ment is to tiake steps toward crushing out anarclry and. Bolsheyijsm which are synonimous terms within the borders of bur country. This-should have been done lone ago before these vipers werej permitted to spread their damnable doctrine broadcast over our land. ' We have received sa.fixl so'diers etters for publication d-i ring the iast v'eek, but they are so nuTieus that .e simply have pt the space-to re produce them in our limited space. Again, be sure that ' th-j Ii-iters seni is are more than ;w-e personal let ters to home folks. FUness they con-1 days after its last publication. -am sumetiung or ijaes country wnere ;hey are located, anTwhat they have een there , the letters uoild be en joy- id only by thevJmm-j'tiaJe falhily tc vhom they are addressei To provide for the Issuance of Fund .ing Bonds for the. Town of Saluda, ..and for the Payment of the Princi pal and Interest Thereof. WHEREAS, The Town, of Saluda is indebted to S. H. Slaughter and Carolina State Bank in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, as evidenced by promissory notes of said Town, which said 'indebtedness was incurred for necessary expenses of said Town and the notes issued for same on the 13th day of December 1913, and on the 26 days of June, 1915 and. 1916 And whereas, there are no funds available to pay said indebtedness and it is necessary mat oonas oi xne saia Town be issued for the payment, the said indebtedness, being now due and demand having been made for pay ment of the same. Now, therefore, the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Saluda do ordain. , Section 1. That for the purpose'of providing funds for the payment of the outstanding indebtedness of the Town of Saluda, as set forthin the preamble above, negotiable serial cou pon bonds of the town of Saluda, to be designated as Funding Bonds, be is sued in a sum not to exceed Three Thousand Dollars, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent per annum, and maturing within the maximum period of ten years. Section 2. That the shortest per iod in which the debt can be finally paid without making it unduly bur densome on the tax payers of the municipality is ten years. Section 3. That in each year while any of said bonds shall be out standing, a tax shall be levied and collected in accordance with law to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same shall fall due. Section 4. That a statement of tt el debt of the Town of Saluda has beem filed with the Clerk of said Town, pursuant to the Municipal Finance, Act of 1917, and is now open to jip spection. ' !:'' Section 5. That the average as sesed valuation of property subject to taxation bv thevTown,of Saluda for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, being the years 1916, i 1917 and 1918, as shown by statement filed with said Clerk, is $280,276.33. 'Section 6. That the amount of said municipal debt of said munici pality, authorized or to be. authorised as shown by said statement is $24, -00.00. v, s ISecticn 7.' That the bonds when is sued shall be signed by the Mayor and Clerk of said Town and shall be issued in such denominations as the Board of Commissioners shall by resolution provide. ! Section 8. That this ordinance shall be passed at. thre. separate readings, on three separate days, and shall be in effect upon its passage, and shall not be submitted to the vot- i try ers oz ine . x own. - - . I, G. R. Little, propose the adoption of the foreeoinir ordinance, this the 7th day of January, 1919. j!P G. R. Little,. Commissioner. , lhe foregoing ordinance was pio- posed by G. R. Little on the 7th , day of January, 1919,. at'a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Saluda on said date, present, M. A. Pace, Mayor, and G. R. Little, J. O. Hooper R. F. Robertson and P. H. Ward, Commissioners, and unani mously adopted by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Saluda at three separate readings, the first on the 7th day of January, 1919, the sec ond on the 8th day of January, 1919, and the third on the 16th !day of Jan uary, 1919, the following voting in the affirmative, G. P Little, J. Hooper, R. s F. Rob r.i.cii and P. 11. Ward; in the negative, none: Notice of the passage of-this ordi nance having- been pMhlUhei in the Polk County News four success! vi weeks, beginning with th.V issue pub lished the 7th day of February, 1919. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of this oid:nance must be commenced within thirtv nanisK- Iniiuenza be, prevented jcasler tliaii ; it can-t:e cured. Q ::. At th"" first sign of a shiver pjf sneeze, take. - QUININE Standard cold remedy.fcr 20 years m. tablet fm--afc, ure, no opiateS7-breal up a cold ini 24 hours-xcUeves grip m 3 days. Moucy back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. KUl'a picture. At All Drug Stores. FOR T I EX I! Ar.NIVERSARY WOOD'S :Seei Catalog Gives the fullest and most up-to-date information, not only about Seeds that can be planted to advantage, but also about crops that prom ise to give the largest profits duringtthe coming year. OUa 40 YEARS' EXPS!?!EWCE, crsd an equipment that Iq unsur passed lathis country, give us un equalled advantages fop supplying ': : , THE C EST O F ... Farmlnd Garden Seeds write f6r Catalog and Prices o GRAS: and CLOVER SED$, SEEp OATS, SEED CORN anl SEED POTATOES. Catalog-JKallsd Fraa on Raquest. T. M Wood Sons, Richmond, va. SEEDSBlEn, - Forpho Best o Gardens, PLANT WOOD'S SEEDS. it Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding; Finish, "Mouldings, ' Framing. we manufacture this and can " save ybu mone. See us for lath, brjck, doors andlsash. '." ; ' T. GR IEN LUMBER COMPANY WALTER JONES. ATTORNEY AT LAW Offleo up Stairs In ' Jno. Li Jackson C, Bid'g. Approved:: IAS. A. PACE Clerk. M. A. PACE. Mavor. -o- NOTICE OF ALE. The direjet cost of the fwar is now estimated to be two hundred billions of dollars. The cost is- enormous. A British , authority commenting upon it says:n "I out of the ruins of the last fpur year here arises a inew, bright . er and happier world, then the bil lions that have been l ; i The bil have been spent spent in vam."j , r O r will not Under and by virtue of the power i sale contained in that certain mort gage deed executed by Morris Robert ion on September 7th, 1916 to Geo. A. Smith, in the sum of $840.00 to se cure the balance of the purchase mqn .y due on the lands hereinafter de scribed, and of record in Book No. 11, page 167 of the records for mort gage deeds for Polk county, N. C, xnd default having been, made in the ayment of the principal and a part of the interest due thereon, the un iersigned I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court nouse door pi North Carolina, on FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following de scribed parcel and trapt of land con veyed in saicmortgage, to wit: Beginning at a stake on the Cleve land Road and runnirig thence south 39 deg.v 52 min. east, 73 ft. to a stake; thence south 61 deg. 25 min. ast, 67.8 ft. to a stake: tnenr 4f? fi to a stake, northwest corner-of lot Pacific Deepest Ocean. It Is believed that the Pacific is fully a mile deeper tnan any other ocean. Classified Advertisements. Millinery s Dress Making All Vork Guaranteed : irt floor Wilkins' store . MRS! E. - RHODES. Si Is There An ' Electric. Flat Iron rln Your Home to abolish canital nunish- ment in North Carolina was defeated in the jSenate, Tuesday. Senator Stevens, qf Buncombe county express ed the views held by j millions of America just at this time, when he or Kent: One live room cottage on Whitney avenue. Apply to Skm f. Hill, Pisgah Foret, N. C. 3614t I have buyers for a few small iki proved farms hear Columbus. Wiite me what you have price and terms. G. W. Justice, Hendersonville, N. C. Lost: Package containing 6 tubes of yellow and green paints of especial value to ownpr. FitiHpr nlpaso lpavr Polk county, I the paints if still in good condition with the Tryon postmaster and re ceive $2.00 reward. No questions asked. .: - '39-2t; For Sale: 'Carolina Harmony" a Music book, for which-we have flat tering testimonials from music teach ers who use it for pupils ready to play, simple pieces; and from, boards of education, Superintenaents and teachers of public schools. It ron-l of the Geo. A. Smith second subdi- r3 more than 100 songs for public '.:;J .V ' ' ' ' " J ; '; ; . " - . vision in the town of Tryon, thence ,9 ucg. lain, east 144.5 feet to a 'Stake, southwest corner of lot No. 2; thence north 69 degrees ""uies wesc i4u- feet to .y, X a u uck. o' mun. sam. , ijus is no ume ior sucn legis- west 194 ft. to the plabe of beginnine lation, when the . growing menace of Bein? lot No 1 of T a -Bolshevism is swinging: its erhesonie SennnA Sn - l wuuuivioivu ii , w; eastern schools, patriotic and Sunday school songs and scripture anthems. Send for testimonials; or send twelve 3c stamps for sample copy. .Leonard i ano, Organ and Phonograph Agency, J. S. Leonard, Mgr., Salisbury, N. C. 1 . . -O . ! NOTICE. part of Tyon. N. C. nap made by Wm, EJ r, in : ?ebru; Geo. as shown on Strong, Civil phadow across the worldJ :araotfiu interest ,is aroused . - " " j-v t.ii i. it" .u i ; mc h AKM.r.. rz-t-T- tntn tli Tieacfi delpcrafps' ' q'' vcnToo l - v, ieo. a. fenuth,:Mortirazee. fobsterj Jays' t'Mandatary-person to Ge,0 A- Gash, Assigiee of - rhom a mandate Is given; Also man- ' tlatofy."'! In other words any nation Bank of Trypn, Owner of may Jke compelled to undertake the not& securd by said mort - government of any designated terri- gage. - t - . tory bymandate from, the remaining ' powers comprising the league of na- r Delicate Compliment, tions. . To ''.be more explicit. The.Uni- Charles received a wagon on his ' ted Stetg could be' compelled to-rule Mrthday and promptly broke, a wheeL any of , the late possessions of Ger- Bis father soon mended It "Pana .SJtethftotSuttiiKmi said, -you are smarter thaa yon Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed or I 10 Years IRVON ELECTRIC SERViCt COMPANY In our large stock of General Merchandise you will find almost every thing you need in your ; home. You won't find anything-, at "less than cost," be cause we can't sell it that way. . But you will find many rare values in Honest Goods. Another thing vou will find is that every article you. buy is worth every cent you pay. We ask you to compare our goods and prices with those of any other house, and we will cheerfully abide ;by your finding, here to serve you honestly afid faithfully, this basis solicit your trde. w we are nd on Go. limns Tryon N. Ci DO9OO0OOOOOO8OOCOCOCOCOCO A Thrift Stamp gives you the right to q stand up when the Star Spangled Banner O D I) 9 K is i played. An account at this bank one of the .progressive ' m - classes you as and substantial - n citizens b ybur cdmniunity. No better : ,tmi;6 thti now to start that account.; Come inland let's talk it over. . ' BANK Off TIRlTON W. T. LINDSEY Pres J, B. HESTER Cashier. Gooooodcobo8bococococococp J' inn niiim Dollstr . . - - . - 1 .-IT i . ."j GEO A GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE -AND- NOTARY PUBLIC Collections a' special ty . Deeds and Mortgages prepared. r and Contracts written at reasonable prices.; j TRYON, N. C. Raise Dollars the same way you raise wheat use, horse senseany thine: planted in the proper ' son win grow LoiiarS' win grow n pmnteu in - 1-U'?-TJL lJ'i-t t:;;yJ i" . . . it W iw4 per M foil yoursayings account. This is the seed time cropbegin your planting now at for your dollar harvest ALU OA Capital $1 0,000.00 SaBifldai N. C. - ' -I'"' ' ;--,..-. HENRY P.CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, Y-Pres. PRESTON H. BAILEY, Cash. uliYiirn"-- j REAL ESTATE, LOANS AHD Cky and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Furnished am furnished. houses for rent. Property, taken care of and rents eolleeted. Do not waste' your time and tire yoursdf out looking , for a place. Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. JAMES LEONARD Tryon, nc r To the citizens of Nofth Carolina and Polk countyXofiaii application for pardon. , .. , y Notice is nerebv tfr$n th'&r&Ml tion is beinsr circulatpll and thn-hr,I j Carotun for the pan Ion ! of .ndy Laugh'i'jr, who was opnv icted & fe the fall term, i9ll, of the Superior Court of Polk county of murder in the second degree and sentenced to twen ty years in the State's prison.' -i All persons opposing the granting of said pardon are requested to for ward their objection" to! Mi r: I without delay, i 1 his 7th day of Februarv, -1 . ; : MAGGIE BAV MUISRGER . We ftave the Right Prices AND. if ' . - Kind 4f. Ma teriaf js todoyour bvutdinjr.liFull stock DooiWind Ceilin;Shingles, Loths Interior Finisii and Mbuldinp:,: Rough and Dress(iXumbei Garry complete STOCK HEARON LUMBER CO. : SALUDA. N. C, at. Our- Meats! You'll need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite, good, ordinary -set of molars will easily dispose of A Fine Tenderloin Steak An Extra Porterhouse Steak A Luscious Round Steak A Nutritious Roast f A Dish of Pork Chops If you havn't any teeth we have sausage thaTwffl fairfy melt in your mouths ! , . -JfO-S H V'.'Tt?j':i ; v . 7 "Eat pur meats. . Good for tout stomach"-"'. !i A ri 1 Also want to buy good beef cattle, hogs and chickens, for which I winpay''.tIle''IIigh- est MARKET PRICE. lJ.'.;riV:.:..'""".- ' z -SM'H,:-WlL;LIAMS.' ' :

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