POLK COUNTY ITETOL TEYON; N. C. ONCE RESIDENTS OF MOIL t Girl Whose Bddy Found Dead at Cape May Spent Short Time Here in 1914. MURDER OR SUICIDE? few Postmaster Wt. H. Stearns a days ago received the following) let tor from Mr. E. Ci Cole, of Cape May, ww Jersey, Prosecutor of the Pleas for Cape May County: VV To P. M., Tryon, N. C. " , The generally accepted belief a postmaster in aiy locality is the us- Ut P8.11S8P UVi4t.UMUJ.Ul J.O AIUU5 IBU y must De my omy poor one) for thus trespassing on your attention p a THIKS WE ARE ASLEEP; Last week we published an article under the above caption, written by a gentleman who has been a winter vis itor to Tryon for many yearsj A- ;4 ..we said in our . comments that this was' not our views, but that jwe gave in merely to show how : we looked to outsiders, t hoping that our people would take it in the spirit, in which it was intended. If there is nof grounds for the complaint, then nobody is hurt. If such conditions actually ex ist, then the gentleman is doling us a favor in pointing them out. But in some things we do riot agree with the writer of the letter. In oth ers there is no gainsaying that he is not correct. - We do deny the charge that we are JACK30NT-TINDEIX; Married at the residence of the bride's sister Mrs. H.' Ti ;M6sley, in Corryton, Term., Dec. 22nd, Miss Net tie Jackson to Mr. S. F. Tindell. Miss Jackson is a former Polk county girl, being raised near Mill Spring. Mr. Tindell is the only son of Mr. S. -A. Tindell, of Corryton, Tenn., where the ceremony occurred. Hev. S. A. Turner solemnized the ceremony. 1' : v NOTICE OF SALE. -Irr witness whereof ,we.have here- unto set" our hands and affixed the "cor porate seal of said ConlpaKyythis 31st day- of f January; 1919. - . ' John'Li7Jackson, 'vo !" ' " - ' "N. B.. Jackson, -ii.n 1 s Attest:' N. B.' Jackson, Secretary, r: NOTICE. that matter that may by may not in-est vou to the point ojf replying to this. On Nov. 7th iast, past, there: met her death on the-jbeach at Cape May Point, Delaware Bay Shore, Cape Mav County, a wen aressea, weii pre served woman, probably 38 to 42 bag m ; a was asleep months During , the ; past Tryon has done wonders in twelve and it showed that we have 100 per cent pure water. some lines. The town has laicU and Eaid -for new concrete sidewalks; uilt and installed crreat SmDrove- ments in bur water works system, un til now we have as good as any town m the state. Town Manager M. G. Blake showecLus an analysis of the water as madeg3y the State Chemists, almost and Mr. siders to come in and do that which practically no change from that an alysis for many months. The soldiers who encapmed near Tryon during their training period most assuredly do not think the town asleep. Many things were done for their amusement and comfbrt, and they left here loud Sri their praises of Tryon. The New York Sun gave us an extendea write-up and gave us great praise. Tryon ! was the first town in this part of the stato to open soldiers' club and reading room. Next the good ladies of the town con ceived the idea of a. free bath room for the soldiers, and with the aid of the enterprising men of the town was made a reality the first night. Again, when word came that the soldier boys were, suffering for the lack of suitable hosiery it was Tryon ladies who went to tneir renei ana sent tnem enougn to take care of their actual needs. The enterprising ladies of Tryon on of its nature The undersigned ; administrator of the estate of W H. Shields, deceased, will sell at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, at the late resi dence of said deceased in Tryon town ship, Polk county, on Thursday, the 27th day of February 1919, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. the personal prop erty belonging to the estate of said deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, farming imple ments, automobile, bees, live stock and various other articles of personal property. - ' ' This February 3rd, 1919. 11 1171 AT- 1 J years Old.' w newer uy murucr uf cnJride has not ben determined, t Her identity was a mystery till within the past few days, wnen Dy nnaing a-urp theretofore undisclosed, Cape May hotel," her said identity solved beyona a aouot. y j Her diary running over several vears lies before me, and some pas sages therein are j the cause of j this note. The woman and her father were long residents in J a town in Southern Alabama- and later it ap- npars they lived for a time in a cot- tqo-p in vour vicinity , ( a picture of ,,-vVVi I allow d to be published in the newspapers when.! seeking . to .establish aforesaid.) The name of thi' lat ter supposed to bd Jennie-. W. Doughty father, Walter uougnty. I regret to find that I have not' left a card picture .of the bungalow! re- ferrea to, uu. u uwapcx ized first serve to i " 1. and erected their own club rooms, and " "rTH today the Lanier Club is one of our be tne iatner Vwu . uuw "Sff objects of pride. Many other things -WALfe Uiht,! whiclsW that le cara raicture 01 - tuc wv- i - - . - i. tj Notice to Ed'Engle and G. E. Coop er and all other persons is hereby giveny that at a delinquent tax sale for the year 1917 the undersigned pur chased nine acres-of land in Saluda" township, Polkh county, N. C, listed for axes in the" name of Ed Ingle and G. R. Cooper far the year 1917. Notice is further given that unless redemp tion is made of Isaid real estate on or before the 6th day of May 1919.1 will Polk bounty, $fj C. on the 6th day of May, 19918, the undersigned This February 4th, 1919. , . OD GILBERT, Purchaser. No -o- IfOTICE. D. A. SHIELDS, Administrator. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. Resolution and Certificate of Direc tors of the Jno. L. Jackson Company. ! is that taee. and in her trunK .1 iounq tne original mm irom wmcn me car1 was printed; not only fixing her identity, but showing a sentimenal attachment to the p ace. J lours triuy. Prosecutor Pleas. of auto roads is being threshed out at the present time, and it will not be long until we have as good hard roads as any other part of , the country. As to the charge of having folks who have nothing to invest, we plead guilty. Tryon is sadly in need of capitalists. Wle have not aj wealthy class. We realize that we have many inducements, and 'that probably no other section has so many natural channels of investment as has Tryon and Polk county. ; We are now in the midst paign to help - ourselves. day a meeting was held in TVip hune-alow was. immediately rec ognized as one -belonging td - r. J. Foster Searles ahd when that gentle man was interviewed he remembered tiP Douffhtv's Very - well. lie' sai d tiov nrcunied hid bunealow f rom May 20, 1914 to Auug. 20, 1914.1 They went back to Alibarna v from ' Tryon, U lAinm eft VmromiTipd for a ".tu:-' TL,r Tiy. rotnriiPH , to Ito the shame of every me perfect their deal forthehodsdinTiy on. and in fact nothing more was ever heard from them "until" Mr. Stearns received- the r above letter from Mr. Cole. The young" woman, Miss Dotyf was alwava looked uDon as being albit pe- r nUar hv those I who came in contact with her in Tryon, and this may ex nlain some of her actions later orr. The location of the principal oiliee in this state is at Trade Street in the town of Tryon, county of Polk.: The name of theagent. the'.ein and in charge thereof, upon whom process against this corporation may be serv ed, is Jno. L. Jackson. . We, the undersigned,! being a ma jority of the Board of; Directors of the Jno. L. Jackson Company, do hereby certify that at a . meeting of said Board called for that purpose, and held on the 31st day of January, 1919 A. D., said Board by a majority of the whole Board did adopt the following resolution: . i RESOLVED, That in the judgment of this Board it is advisable and most for the benefit ef the Jno. L. Jackson Company, that the same should be forthwith dissolved; and to that end it is ordered that a meeting of the stockholders be held on Wednesday, the fifth day of March, A. D. 1919, at the office of the company, in the town 01 iryon, to take- action upon this resolution; and further, that the Sec retary fortnwith give notice of said meeting-and of the adoption .of this resolution within ten davs from this date by publishing the said resolution with a notice of its adoption, in the jfoik bounty News, a newspaper pub lished in the town of Tryon, for .at least iour weeks, once a week, succes sively and by mailing a written or printed copy of the same to each and every stockholder of this Company in ine unnea states. i itice is herMby sriven to the Green Tlivpir Power CSrt. ivrt nil nt.her -npr- i sons that at a" delinquent tax sale, in Polk;! county, N. C, the undersigned purchased lOOacres of land in Saluda township in sid county, listed for taxes in the name of the Green River Power Co. Notice is further given that unless redemption is made of said real estate on or before the 6th day of May, 19, I will apply to the shentr ot Polli county Tor a deed to said real estatk v inis tne 4tnoay 01 i eoruary, iiy. JOSEPH LEE Purchaser. !! o NOTICE. To Jane Adams and all other per sons j that at f a delinquent tax sale made on the (th day of May, 1918, the undersigned purchased one lot in the TTown of Saluda, N. C, listed for taxesj in the name of Jane Adams for the year 1917: , Notice is further giv en that unless redemption is made of said real estate on or before the 6th day of May, 1919, will apply to the sheriff of Polk: county for a deed -to said real estate. This February 4th, 1919. J. L. HART, Purchaser. 0 - EXECUTOR': NOTICE TO CRED- ITORS. -1 LAZIER CLUB DANCES - In order to a'lford those who enioy dancing, the right kind of ' amusement in that line the Lanier Club' has agreed to stand soonsor for a series of dances during the season. The first wad criven a week ago, ,and was, as to j be expected a perfect success. The mext will De given on Thursdav pveniner next. Good music has been secured, and everything will he drme tn aiH I vou in soeriding a pleasant evening. a The-rkih desicTiates certain mem- hers to art. as f chanerones at each dance, so that Lio improper, conduct will be permitted. The Lanier : Club does this just Jn order to give our young people . good clean amusement, and if you dance, you should atxena GOLF AT THE COUNTRY CLUB. of a cam- Last Mon- Columbus , anfLbe Jt every mercnant m Tryon, not a single one attended that meeting. The old saying, 'fGod helps those who help themselves, f is very true and until we take advantage of what we have and show a spirit of co-operation we cannot expect out- sideras to come in and do that which we refuse to do ourselves. In another column I we publish an article, and while it is lenethy we want every citizen of Tryon to read it. 11 it . 11 ' IT J J 'ill- lS is taKen irom t,ne nenoersonviiie Times, and shows that the citizens of that town are under tne same iaise ideas as Tryon. The tourist trade is a good thing but there is; a trade which is with us twelve months in the year but it is one of which Tryon gets but little. If we went to the same lengths to develop and entourage the country trade as we do the tourist trade our stores would sion double their trade. Farmers complain, that they find no market in Tryon for their Droducts. This charge was made openly in the meeting, by a farmer, and others coincided with him. What Tryon needs is for some firm to ar range to buy any and all kinds of pro duce that the farmers bring to town, and pay cash for it if they desire cash. We should get awy from the idea of buying only for ouf local mar ket.' We are constantly advising our output of t a same time the hand- Having qualified as executor of the estate of Jams Staley, deceased,-late of Polk couhiy, North Carolina, this is to I notify aflpersons having- claims; against the estate of said deceased. to exhibit them to the undersigned, on-or before the 15th day of March, 1920, or this notice Ifnll be pleaded in baf of their recovery!' All personsf indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 3lit day of January, 1919. J WILLIAM A. CARSON, Administrator of Jams Stalay. Power fit- ' - : The most practical iiit ever in- vented. Can be attac make of machine, and uled to saw to any Two interestin ft four-ball matches were nlnveH nVpr the links of the Tryon Country Club, Monday. Tom Boyd and. Carl- Anderson, pro fessionals f rorfiv New- York, defeated Robert A Leonard, prof essional, Try nr. ia 't tr1 xrollov" QTnat.eiirJDavton. Ohio, in the mbrning game, 2 up and county does not appear at all. Why ? x to Diav.-m an exnioiuon Eaiuc. . i utuoc -y farmers to increase the their farms and at the making no provision for ling of that increased output. These are Questions of vital impor tance. to not only . Tryon, but to all of Polk county, i We have betore us tne report of the cotton ginned in .North Carolina, and in that report Polk lie play- Tn tViA aftrTiinon came the iview York professionals played J. E. Kel- lev and naiid Ford of Tryon defeat Jng them 1 upj. . ' ' ' -A larfre era llerv followed t era over the course, and from the re marks made bjy the .gallery it is evi dent that there will be many new golfers in TiyOn, : -: . L; . ;: ; The visi tine orof essionals Pc- inounced the course to be ideally locat edLand one of the most picturesque they have ever piaysd over. (Tryon is oroud of the? fart that the !9-hole course is the loncest in the South, be ini? varii in lencrht. tin t time there will ho An i hol course with a --' ifv w v r . lirst-clasR rlnn house. V . The t Q-hole course winds over hill and (dale, with two clear mountain brocks running through the course, forminc m:mv iiatuxll haz ards Tha Kpw Yorkera made a few . suggestions regarding changes on the m folk county for cotton. Tryon snouia have a cotton gm and grist mill, iney could be combined under one manage ment. Such ! an institution would be worth more to Tryon J in twelve months than the tourist Ifrade in five years. . Let us not discourage tne tourist business. Rather Jet us do all l i r,,4- A m our .uower to increuse iu uuu uu not overlook or neglect the great op- wood, grind grain or fefed. Price is such that any automobile owner, can afford one. To see a practical tion, see it at Morris w emonstra- THE J5ALLENGER GO. Garg Tryon trade and the farming portunities for increased benents.oy encouragm industry of Polk countyt As regards the hotel complaint Mr. Eugene Brownlee, of Oak Hall, tells us that he has more guests than at any time, during his business career in Tryon, so it is eviaet tnat tnere are lots of people-who are not dissat isfied with the hotel conditions, nne Will is under the administration of neonle who have had many years' ex-. X .... - .1,1 1 J 1 perience m tne resort notei traae, ana nil who hav expressed an opinion to course which will be followed out by us about these people say they are u i i ' unHv fhn rliref- I n Vifol thnt ia firsr.-r ass rn L, 1 1 1 II II M 1 11111 II I I I 1. 1."-.-- U11UI.1 iA4.e . I I II II II I Ml' X llUL,i".lMV W " ub's professional, Mr. tion of the Leonard. i- A ris-ftfftri netahlifihed .4r k?VA. w record for the-.9-hole cqurse jEf ARTIST CHUiCH in mg &t 11 o'clock by the pastor. a ?hew of 39. every respect. ! Are we asleep? In many ' things not in many things yes MR. STRONG TO TALK. o'clOCK. rreac- Mr! Howard Strong of Minneapolis, will address the Chamber of Mm merce at the , meeting of that body Tipvt Tup'sdav evening. Persistent. , .1 . Mr. Stroncr is Secretary of the LadyWftat caused . you to become chamber of Commerce Association of nhmtMon mTim. He aaviseu me iu ne worvxi kuib , v ..- " - - . " : . . I A ; 1 . take long walks after meais ana rve ters riwK Some mat- to the prosperity of ' ' Ml ; .... A-U. a .ryrT " J! vand a large attendance is requested.' An Event of Grea Trade at home and thus help your town to grow and improve. Phone No. 1 4 Tryoini, N. C. WANTED Citizens Lumber Go. wants for portable saw mill near Dawkiiis, S. C, a sawyer, two log cutters, two ; saw mill hands. Good camp and long job. Apply, W. T. CULBREATH, Dawkins, S. C. I Saving Money Is a Habit 1 i - ... . w Wheii onc'e established will make saving easier than spending. Regularity is what counts in sav- , ingy Deposit a stipulated sum every week'or month and watch it grow. In time you will have a sum ; sufficient to realize that cherished ambition, v . 4 per cent. Interest Compounded Semiannually PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. TRYON, N. C. it-.-- Want This Batik is for Pebpe who to ; Improve their financial Condition. wit 'U- fntt 'w. Will ypu let us. serve you? A checking account is moat convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road, to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. f CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNIR H. B. LANE President Viae PrendcaU Cashieir rBM SALES Fine Kentucky Bargain. Horse at Vane to Thrifty Shoppers 1 u Will be at Gllazener's. I wish to inform my many friends and customers that I have purchased the entire stock of The J. O. Williams Dry Gctods Co., andwilljpffer, same below" manufacturers' cost. Combined with my big stock of sea-sonablejiigh-grade merchandise. This sale is not only one ' week; r- It will last until every dollar's worthis sold, v Wisp buyers will take advantage of this offer. . We have pleased others and 'cajfrplease you. FOR SALE AT A Bffil If taken at once. Cash or reasosble terms. Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot j on Trade street. ; GEO. A. GASH, Agt. . Gfazener Cuts the Price and Sells the Goods. HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. s-'.:y.T; We are offering . , - i . . ' - - i - - - - - - A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SHI!1 '- til ran Willi B U19VUUUI Vl - J i VtUU UU U1C Ul ,t VUI . IbgUiai Ull vwuiuiuvmu Course. . One of these Scholarships would be a gift of inestimable If you are interested for yourself of for someone else, call or write and let us give you details ,in regards to courses and rates. - ' . " . EMAN,UEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 15 Haywood St . ASHEV1LLE, N. C. - -0 j. I 0

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